Showing 26 of total 26 results (show query)


knfi:Analysis of Korean National Forest Inventory Database

Understanding the current status of forest resources is essential for monitoring changes in forest ecosystems and generating related statistics. In South Korea, the National Forest Inventory (NFI) surveys over 4,500 sample plots nationwide every five years and records 70 items, including forest stand, forest resource, and forest vegetation surveys. Many researchers use NFI as the primary data for research, such as biomass estimation or analyzing the importance value of each species over time and space, depending on the research purpose. However, the large volume of accumulated forest survey data from across the country can make it challenging to manage and utilize such a vast dataset. To address this issue, we developed an R package that efficiently handles large-scale NFI data across time and space. The package offers a comprehensive workflow for NFI data analysis. It starts with data processing, where read_nfi() function reconstructs NFI data according to the researcher's needs while performing basic integrity checks for data quality.Following this, the package provides analytical tools that operate on the verified data. These include functions like summary_nfi() for summary statistics, diversity_nfi() for biodiversity analysis, iv_nfi() for calculating species importance value, and biomass_nfi() and cwd_biomass_nfi() for biomass estimation. Finally, for visualization, the tsvis_nfi() function generates graphs and maps, allowing users to visualize forest ecosystem changes across various spatial and temporal scales. This integrated approach and its specialized functions can enhance the efficiency of processing and analyzing NFI data, providing researchers with insights into forest ecosystems. The NFI Excel files (.xlsx) are not included in the R package and must be downloaded separately. Users can access these NFI Excel files by visiting the Korea Forest Service Forestry Statistics Platform <> to download the annual NFI Excel files, which are bundled in .zip archives. Please note that this website is only available in Korean, and direct download links can be found in the notes section of the read_nfi() function.

Maintained by Sinyoung Park. Last updated 4 months ago.


8.8 match 1 stars 4.48 score 2 scripts


theeuh:Write Spaces To Korean Sentences

Provides a function to write spaces to Korean sentences.

Maintained by Chanyub Park. Last updated 3 years ago.

5.6 match 2 stars 2.00 score


komment:Korean President's Speech Text

Korean president's speech text data from

Maintained by Chanyub Park. Last updated 3 years ago.

3.7 match 2 stars 2.00 score 6 scripts


micromapST:Linked Micromap Plots for U. S. and Other Geographic Areas

Provides the users with the ability to quickly create linked micromap plots for a collection of geographic areas. Linked micromap plots are visualizations of geo-referenced data that link statistical graphics to an organized series of small maps or graphic images. The Help description contains examples of how to use the 'micromapST' function. Contained in this package are border group datasets to support creating linked micromap plots for the 50 U.S. states and District of Columbia (51 areas), the U. S. 20 Seer Registries, the 105 counties in the state of Kansas, the 62 counties of New York, the 24 counties of Maryland, the 29 counties of Utah, the 32 administrative areas in China, the 218 administrative areas in the UK and Ireland (for testing only), the 25 districts in the city of Seoul South Korea, and the 52 counties on the Africa continent. A border group dataset contains the boundaries related to the data level areas, a second layer boundaries, a top or third layer boundary, a parameter list of run options, and a cross indexing table between area names, abbreviations, numeric identification and alias matching strings for the specific geographic area. By specifying a border group, the package create linked micromap plots for any geographic region. The user can create and provide their own border group dataset for any area beyond the areas contained within the package. In version 3.0.0, the 'BuildBorderGroup' function was upgraded to not use the retiring 'maptools', 'rgdal', and 'rgeos' packages. References: Carr and Pickle, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Visualizing Data Patterns with Micromaps, CRC Press, 2010. Pickle, Pearson, and Carr (2015), micromapST: Exploring and Communicating Geospatial Patterns in US State Data., Journal of Statistical Software, 63(3), 1-25., <>. Copyrighted 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025 by Carr, Pearson and Pickle.

Maintained by Jim Pearson. Last updated 1 months ago.

1.6 match 2.80 score 21 scripts


DNH4:Crawling for Daum News Text

Provides some utils to get Korean text sample from news articles in Daum which is popular news portal service in Korea.

Maintained by Chanyub Park. Last updated 3 months ago.

0.5 match 31 stars 4.49 score 6 scripts