Showing 4 of total 4 results (show query)
ibr:Iterative Bias Reduction
Multivariate smoothing using iterative bias reduction with kernel, thin plate splines, Duchon splines or low rank splines.
Maintained by "Pierre-Andre Cornillon". Last updated 2 years ago.
88.5 match 1.28 score 19 scriptsecologicaltools
IBRtools:Integrating Biomarker-Based Assessments and Radarchart Creation
Several functions to calculate two important indexes (IBR (Integrated Biomarker Response) and IBRv2 (Integrated Biological Response version 2)), it also calculates the standardized values for enzyme activity for each index, and it has a graphing function to perform radarplots that make great data visualization for this type of data. Beliaeff, B., & Burgeot, T. (2002). <>. Sanchez, W., Burgeot, T., & Porcher, J.-M. (2013).<doi:10.1007/s11356-012-1359-1>. Devin, S., Burgeot, T., Giambérini, L., Minguez, L., & Pain-Devin, S. (2014). <doi:10.1007/s11356-013-2169-9>. Minato N. (2022). <>.
Maintained by Anna Carolina Resende. Last updated 2 years ago.
24.8 match 3 stars 3.18 score 2 scriptsphamdn
mbRes:Exploration of Multiple Biomarker Responses using Effect Size
Summarize multiple biomarker responses of aquatic organisms to contaminants using Cliff’s delta, as described in Pham & Sokolova (2023) <doi:10.1002/ieam.4676>.
Maintained by Duy Nghia Pham. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 3.00 score 1 scriptspedrocabraacela
macrocol:Colombian Macro-Financial Time Series Generator
This repository aims to contribute to the econometric models' production with Colombian data, by providing a set of web-scrapping functions of some of the main macro-financial indicators. All the sources are public and free, but the advantage of these functions is that they directly download and harmonize the information in R's environment. No need to import or download additional files. You only need an internet connection!
Maintained by Pedro Alejandro Cabra-Acela. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.5 match 1.00 score