Showing 35 of total 35 results (show query)
greeks:Sensitivities of Prices of Financial Options and Implied Volatilities
Methods to calculate sensitivities of financial option prices for European, geometric and arithmetic Asian, and American options, with various payoff functions in the Black Scholes model, and in more general jump diffusion models. A shiny app to interactively plot the results is included. Furthermore, methods to compute implied volatilities are provided for a wide range of option types and custom payoff functions. Classical formulas are implemented for European options in the Black Scholes Model, as is presented in Hull, J. C. (2017), Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives. In the case of Asian options, Malliavin Monte Carlo Greeks are implemented, see Hudde, A. & Rüschendorf, L. (2023). European and Asian Greeks for exponential Lévy processes. <doi:10.1007/s11009-023-10014-5>. For American options, the Binomial Tree Method is implemented, as is presented in Hull, J. C. (2017).
Maintained by Anselm Hudde. Last updated 3 days ago.
83.9 match 7 stars 5.75 score 6 scriptsropensci
rperseus:Get Texts from the Perseus Digital Library
The Perseus Digital Library is a collection of classical texts. This package helps you get them. The available works can also be viewed here: <>.
Maintained by David Ranzolin. Last updated 2 years ago.
30.9 match 19 stars 3.74 score 29 scriptsvalentint
rrcov:Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point
Robust Location and Scatter Estimation and Robust Multivariate Analysis with High Breakdown Point: principal component analysis (Filzmoser and Todorov (2013), <doi:10.1016/j.ins.2012.10.017>), linear and quadratic discriminant analysis (Todorov and Pires (2007)), multivariate tests (Todorov and Filzmoser (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2009.08.015>), outlier detection (Todorov et al. (2010) <doi:10.1007/s11634-010-0075-2>). See also Todorov and Filzmoser (2009) <urn:isbn:978-3838108148>, Todorov and Filzmoser (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v032.i03> and Boudt et al. (2019) <doi:10.1007/s11222-019-09869-x>.
Maintained by Valentin Todorov. Last updated 7 months ago.
5.6 match 2 stars 10.57 score 484 scripts 96 dependentsropensci
hydroscoper:Interface to the Greek National Data Bank for Hydrometeorological Information
R interface to the Greek National Data Bank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information. It covers Hydroscope's data sources and provides functions to transliterate, translate and download them into tidy dataframes.
Maintained by Konstantinos Vantas. Last updated 8 months ago.
9.7 match 14 stars 4.97 score 33 scriptsropensci
charlatan:Make Fake Data
Make fake data that looks realistic, supporting addresses, person names, dates, times, colors, coordinates, currencies, digital object identifiers ('DOIs'), jobs, phone numbers, 'DNA' sequences, doubles and integers from distributions and within a range.
Maintained by Roel M. Hogervorst. Last updated 1 months ago.
4.1 match 296 stars 10.06 score 180 scripts 1 dependentsjpmonteagudo28
logos:Access to the Hebrew, Greek, and English Version of the Bible
Access to the Greek New Testament (27 books) and the Old Testament (39 books) and allow users to do textual analysis on the data. The New and Old Testament have been provided in their original languages, Greek and Hebrew, respectively. Additionally, the Revised American Standard Bible is also provided for users who'd rather use a word–for–word modern English translation.
Maintained by JP Monteagudo. Last updated 27 days ago.
7.2 match 3.70 scorermcd1024
derivmkts:Functions and R Code to Accompany Derivatives Markets
A set of pricing and expository functions that should be useful in teaching a course on financial derivatives.
Maintained by Robert McDonald. Last updated 3 years ago.
5.0 match 36 stars 5.13 score 75 scriptssantiagobarreda
phonTools:Tools for Phonetic and Acoustic Analyses
Contains tools for the organization, display, and analysis of the sorts of data frequently encountered in phonetics research and experimentation, including the easy creation of IPA vowel plots, and the creation and manipulation of WAVE audio files.
Maintained by Santiago Barreda. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.4 match 4 stars 6.21 score 157 scripts 7 dependentsxfim
ggmcmc:Tools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian Inference
Tools for assessing and diagnosing convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations, as well as for graphically display results from full MCMC analysis. The package also facilitates the graphical interpretation of models by providing flexible functions to plot the results against observed variables, and functions to work with hierarchical/multilevel batches of parameters (Fernández-i-Marín, 2016 <doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i09>).
Maintained by Xavier Fernández i Marín. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.5 match 112 stars 12.02 score 1.6k scripts 8 dependentsanuragagrawaal
roptions:Option Strategies and Valuation
Collection of tools to develop options strategies, value option contracts using the Black-Scholes-Merten option pricing model and calculate the option Greeks. Hull, John C. "Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives" (1997, ISBN:0-13-601589-1). Fischer Black, Myron Scholes (1973) "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities" <doi:10.1086/260062>.
Maintained by Anurag Agrawal. Last updated 5 years ago.
16.4 match 1.00 scorebergsmat
spork:Generalized Label Formatting
The 'spork' syntax describes label formatting concisely, supporting mixed nesting of subscripts and superscripts to arbitrary depth. It intends to be easy to read and write in plain text, and easy to convert to equivalent presentations in 'plotmath', 'latex', and 'html'. Greek symbols and a multiplication symbol are explicitly supported. See ?as_spork and ?as_previews.
Maintained by Tim Bergsma. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.8 match 2 stars 4.00 score 28 scripts 2 dependentsklauschn
ICtest:Estimating and Testing the Number of Interesting Components in Linear Dimension Reduction
For different linear dimension reduction methods like principal components analysis (PCA), independent components analysis (ICA) and supervised linear dimension reduction tests and estimates for the number of interesting components (ICs) are provided.
Maintained by Klaus Nordhausen. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.4 match 4.36 score 63 scripts 4 dependentsbioc
MetMashR:Metabolite Mashing with R
A package to merge, filter sort, organise and otherwise mash together metabolite annotation tables. Metabolite annotations can be imported from multiple sources (software) and combined using workflow steps based on S4 class templates derived from the `struct` package. Other modular workflow steps such as filtering, merging, splitting, normalisation and rest-api queries are included.
Maintained by Gavin Rhys Lloyd. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.3 match 2 stars 5.81 score 5 scriptss-mckay-curtis
mcmcplots:Create Plots from MCMC Output
Functions for convenient plotting and viewing of MCMC output.
Maintained by S. McKay Curtis. Last updated 7 years ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 6.53 score 880 scripts 4 dependentsleahfeuerstahler
flexmet:Flexible Latent Trait Metrics using the Filtered Monotonic Polynomial Item Response Model
Application of the filtered monotonic polynomial (FMP) item response model to flexibly fit item response models. The package includes tools that allow the item response model to be build on any monotonic transformation of the latent trait metric, as described by Feuerstahler (2019) <doi:10.1007/s11336-018-9642-9>.
Maintained by Leah Feuerstahler. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.4 match 1 stars 3.18 score 15 scriptstrenchproject
TrenchR:Tools for Microclimate and Biophysical Ecology
Tools for translating environmental change into organismal response. Microclimate models to vertically scale weather station data to organismal heights. The biophysical modeling tools include both general models for heat flows and specific models to predict body temperatures for a variety of ectothermic taxa. Additional functions model and temporally partition air and soil temperatures and solar radiation. Utility functions estimate the organismal and environmental parameters needed for biophysical ecology. 'TrenchR' focuses on relatively simple and modular functions so users can create transparent and flexible biophysical models. Many functions are derived from Gates (1980) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-6024-0> and Campbell and Norman (1988) <isbn:9780387949376>.
Maintained by Lauren Buckley. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.5 match 13 stars 6.89 score 43 scriptsnmfs-ost
asar:Build NOAA Stock Assessment Report
Build a full or update stock assessment report for any stock assessment model. Parameterization allows the user to call a template based on their regional science center, species, area, ect.
Maintained by Samantha Schiano. Last updated 7 days ago.
1.5 match 21 stars 6.87 score 3 scriptscran
optionstrat:Utilizes the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model to Perform Strategic Option Analysis and Plot Option Strategies
Utilizes the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model to calculate key option analytics and perform graphical analysis of various option strategies. Provides functions to calculate the option premium and option greeks of European-style options.
Maintained by John T. Buynak. Last updated 5 years ago.
4.5 match 2.00 scorehomerhanumat
tigerData:GC Statistics Datasets
A small, informal collection of datasets useful in undergraduate statistics courses.
Maintained by Homer White. Last updated 1 months ago.
4.0 match 2.18 score 6 scriptsmariushofert
qrmtools:Tools for Quantitative Risk Management
Functions and data sets for reproducing selected results from the book "Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools". Furthermore, new developments and auxiliary functions for Quantitative Risk Management practice.
Maintained by Marius Hofert. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.9 match 2 stars 4.15 score 237 scriptscran
SpatialAcc:Spatial Accessibility Measures
Provides a set of spatial accessibility measures from a set of locations (demand) to another set of locations (supply). It aims, among others, to support research on spatial accessibility to health care facilities. Includes the locations and some characteristics of major public hospitals in Greece.
Maintained by Stamatis Kalogirou. Last updated 12 months ago.
4.5 match 1.67 score 47 scriptsopenanalytics
inTextSummaryTable:Creation of in-Text Summary Table
Creation of tables of summary statistics or counts for clinical data (for 'TLFs'). These tables can be exported as in-text table (with the 'flextable' package) for a Clinical Study Report (Word format) or a 'topline' presentation (PowerPoint format), or as interactive table (with the 'DT' package) to an html document for clinical data review.
Maintained by Laure Cougnaud. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.3 match 1 stars 5.52 score 47 scriptsnalimilan
SnowballC:Snowball Stemmers Based on the C 'libstemmer' UTF-8 Library
An R interface to the C 'libstemmer' library that implements Porter's word stemming algorithm for collapsing words to a common root to aid comparison of vocabulary. Currently supported languages are Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Nepali, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil and Turkish.
Maintained by Milan Bouchet-Valat. Last updated 18 days ago.
0.5 match 27 stars 12.63 score 4.4k scripts 171 dependentsdkahle
unmconf:Modeling with Unmeasured Confounding
Tools for fitting and assessing Bayesian multilevel regression models that account for unmeasured confounders.
Maintained by David Kahle. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.0 match 2.00 scoreslequime
nosoi:A Forward Agent-Based Transmission Chain Simulator
The aim of 'nosoi' (pronounced is to provide a flexible agent-based stochastic transmission chain/epidemic simulator (Lequime et al. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11:1002-1007). It is named after the daimones of plague, sickness and disease that escaped Pandora's jar in the Greek mythology. 'nosoi' is able to take into account the influence of multiple variable on the transmission process (e.g. dual-host systems (such as arboviruses), within-host viral dynamics, transportation, population structure), alone or taken together, to create complex but relatively intuitive epidemiological simulations.
Maintained by Sebastian Lequime. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 8 stars 7.26 score 30 scriptsjrvarma
jrvFinance:Basic Finance; NPV/IRR/Annuities/Bond-Pricing; Black Scholes
Implements the basic financial analysis functions similar to (but not identical to) what is available in most spreadsheet software. This includes finding the IRR and NPV of regularly spaced cash flows and annuities. Bond pricing and YTM calculations are included. In addition, Black Scholes option pricing and Greeks are also provided.
Maintained by Jayanth Varma. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 11 stars 5.90 score 48 scripts 1 dependentscran
FinancialMath:Financial Mathematics for Actuaries
Contains financial math functions and introductory derivative functions included in the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society 'Financial Mathematics' exam, and some topics in the 'Models for Financial Economics' exam.
Maintained by Kameron Penn. Last updated 8 years ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 1.60 scorecran
OptionPricing:Option Pricing with Efficient Simulation Algorithms
Efficient Monte Carlo Algorithms for the price and the sensitivities of Asian and European Options under Geometric Brownian Motion.
Maintained by Wolfgang Hormann. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.7 match 2 stars 1.30 scorefatelarico
morestopwords:All Stop Words in One Place
A standalone package combining several stop-word lists for 65 languages with a median of 329 stop words for language and over 1,000 entries for English, Breton, Latin, Slovenian, and Ancient Greek! The user automatically gets access to all the unique stop words contained in: the 'StopwordISO' repository; python's 'Natural Language Toolkit'; the 'Snowball' stop-word list; the R package 'quanteda'; the 'marimo' repository; the 'Perseus' project; and A. Berra's list of stop words for Ancient Greek and Latin.
Maintained by Fabio Ashtar Telarico. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.8 match 2.70 scorepwbogaart
PantaRhei:Plots Sankey Diagrams
Sankey diagrams are a powerful and visually attractive way to visualize the flow of conservative substances through a system. They typically consists of a network of nodes, and fluxes between them, where the total balance in each internal node is 0, i.e. input equals output. Sankey diagrams are typically used to display energy systems, material flow accounts etc. Unlike so-called alluvial plots, Sankey diagrams also allow for cyclic flows: flows originating from a single node can, either direct or indirect, contribute to the input of that same node. This package, named after the Greek aphorism Panta Rhei (everything flows), provides functions to create publication-quality diagrams, using data in tables (or spread sheets) and a simple syntax.
Maintained by Patrick Bogaart. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 3 stars 3.18 score 9 scriptscran
syllogi:Collection of Data Sets for Teaching Purposes
Collection (syllogi in greek) of real and fictitious data sets for teaching purposes. The datasets were manually entered by the author from the respective references as listed in the individual dataset documentation. The fictions datasets are the creation of the author, that he has found useful for teaching statistics.
Maintained by Jared Studyvin. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 1.30 score