Showing 8 of total 8 results (show query)
chooseGCM:Selecting General Circulation Models for Species Distribution Modeling
Methods to help selecting General Circulation Models (GCMs) in the context of projecting models to future scenarios. It is provided clusterization algorithms, distance and correlation metrics, as well as a tailor-made algorithm to detect the optimum subset of GCMs that recreate the environment of all GCMs as proposed in Esser et al. (2025) <doi:10.1111/gcb.70008>.
Maintained by Luíz Esser. Last updated 20 days ago.
16.7 match 8 stars 6.23 score 5 scriptsbioc
flagme:Analysis of Metabolomics GC/MS Data
Fragment-level analysis of gas chromatography-massspectrometry metabolomics data.
Maintained by Mark Robinson. Last updated 5 months ago.
15.6 match 4.30 score 2 scriptsidslme
IDSL.NPA:Nominal Peak Analysis (NPA)
A pipeline to process nominal mass spectrometry data to create .msp files for untargeted analyses.
Maintained by Dinesh Barupal. Last updated 2 years ago.
11.0 match 1 stars 2.70 scoreguillaumeevin
QUALYPSO:Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections
These functions use data augmentation and Bayesian techniques for the assessment of single-member and incomplete ensembles of climate projections. It provides unbiased estimates of climate change responses of all simulation chains and of all uncertainty variables. It additionally propagates uncertainty due to missing information in the estimates. - Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie. (2019) <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
Maintained by Guillaume Evin. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.4 match 2 stars 3.41 score 26 scriptsrwehrens
ptw:Parametric Time Warping
Parametric Time Warping aligns patterns, i.e. it aims to put corresponding features at the same locations. The algorithm searches for an optimal polynomial describing the warping. It is possible to align one sample to a reference, several samples to the same reference, or several samples to several references. One can choose between calculating individual warpings, or one global warping for a set of samples and one reference. Two optimization criteria are implemented: RMS (Root Mean Square error) and WCC (Weighted Cross Correlation). Both warping of peak profiles and of peak lists are supported. A vignette for the latter is contained in the inst/doc directory of the source package - the vignette source can be found on the package github site.
Maintained by Ron Wehrens. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.7 match 8 stars 6.31 score 57 scripts 10 dependentsaariq
chemhelper:Helper Functions For Dealing With GCMS and LCMS data from IonAnalytics
Provides helper functions for parsing data exported from IonAnalytics, calculating retention indecies, and other miscelanous helper functions to assist in data wrangling.
Maintained by Eric Scott. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.9 match 4 stars 2.41 score 13 scriptsmitmat
eurocordexr:Makes it Easier to Work with Daily 'netCDF' from EURO-CORDEX RCMs
Daily 'netCDF' data from e.g. regional climate models (RCMs) are not trivial to work with. This package, which relies on 'data.table', makes it easier to deal with large data from RCMs, such as from EURO-CORDEX (<>, <>). It has functions to extract single grid cells from rotated pole grids as well as the whole array in long format. Can handle non-standard calendars (360, noleap) and interpolate them to a standard one. Potentially works with many CF-conform 'netCDF' files.
Maintained by Michael Matiu. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.7 match 3 stars 3.56 score 12 scriptsbioc
cosmiq:cosmiq - COmbining Single Masses Into Quantities
cosmiq is a tool for the preprocessing of liquid- or gas - chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS/GCMS) data with a focus on metabolomics or lipidomics applications. To improve the detection of low abundant signals, cosmiq generates master maps of the mZ/RT space from all acquired runs before a peak detection algorithm is applied. The result is a more robust identification and quantification of low-intensity MS signals compared to conventional approaches where peak picking is performed in each LCMS/GCMS file separately. The cosmiq package builds on the xcmsSet object structure and can be therefore integrated well with the package xcms as an alternative preprocessing step.
Maintained by David Fischer. Last updated 5 months ago.
0.8 match 4.48 score 2 scripts