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distinct:distinct: a method for differential analyses via hierarchical permutation tests

distinct is a statistical method to perform differential testing between two or more groups of distributions; differential testing is performed via hierarchical non-parametric permutation tests on the cumulative distribution functions (cdfs) of each sample. While most methods for differential expression target differences in the mean abundance between conditions, distinct, by comparing full cdfs, identifies, both, differential patterns involving changes in the mean, as well as more subtle variations that do not involve the mean (e.g., unimodal vs. bi-modal distributions with the same mean). distinct is a general and flexible tool: due to its fully non-parametric nature, which makes no assumptions on how the data was generated, it can be applied to a variety of datasets. It is particularly suitable to perform differential state analyses on single cell data (i.e., differential analyses within sub-populations of cells), such as single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and high-dimensional flow or mass cytometry (HDCyto) data. To use distinct one needs data from two or more groups of samples (i.e., experimental conditions), with at least 2 samples (i.e., biological replicates) per group.

Maintained by Simone Tiberi. Last updated 5 months ago.


3.4 match 11 stars 6.35 score 34 scripts 1 dependents



A quality control tool for flow cytometry data based on compositional data analysis.

Maintained by Kipper Fletez-Brant. Last updated 5 months ago.


4.0 match 4.56 score 18 scripts


flowTime:Annotation and analysis of biological dynamical systems using flow cytometry

This package facilitates analysis of both timecourse and steady state flow cytometry experiments. This package was originially developed for quantifying the function of gene regulatory networks in yeast (strain W303) expressing fluorescent reporter proteins using BD Accuri C6 and SORP cytometers. However, the functions are for the most part general and may be adapted for analysis of other organisms using other flow cytometers. Functions in this package facilitate the annotation of flow cytometry data with experimental metadata, as often required for publication and general ease-of-reuse. Functions for creating, saving and loading gate sets are also included. In the past, we have typically generated summary statistics for each flowset for each timepoint and then annotated and analyzed these summary statistics. This method loses a great deal of the power that comes from the large amounts of individual cell data generated in flow cytometry, by essentially collapsing this data into a bulk measurement after subsetting. In addition to these summary functions, this package also contains functions to facilitate annotation and analysis of steady-state or time-lapse data utilizing all of the data collected from the thousands of individual cells in each sample.

Maintained by R. Clay Wright. Last updated 5 months ago.


1.8 match 4.48 score 8 scripts