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readr:Read Rectangular Text Data
The goal of 'readr' is to provide a fast and friendly way to read rectangular data (like 'csv', 'tsv', and 'fwf'). It is designed to flexibly parse many types of data found in the wild, while still cleanly failing when data unexpectedly changes.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 8 months ago.
1.0k stars 20.06 score 132k scripts 2.1k dependentstidyverse
vroom:Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
The goal of 'vroom' is to read and write data (like 'csv', 'tsv' and 'fwf') quickly. When reading it uses a quick initial indexing step, then reads the values lazily , so only the data you actually use needs to be read. The writer formats the data in parallel and writes to disk asynchronously from formatting.
Maintained by Jennifer Bryan. Last updated 7 months ago.
625 stars 17.82 score 4.5k scripts 2.1k dependentsgdemin
maditr:Fast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipes and 'data.table'
Provides pipe-style interface for 'data.table'. Package preserves all 'data.table' features without significant impact on performance. 'let' and 'take' functions are simplified interfaces for most common data manipulation tasks. For example, you can write 'take(mtcars, mean(mpg), by = am)' for aggregation or 'let(mtcars, hp_wt = hp/wt, hp_wt_mpg = hp_wt/mpg)' for modification. Use 'take_if/let_if' for conditional aggregation/modification. Additionally there are some conveniences such as automatic 'data.frame' conversion to 'data.table'.
Maintained by Gregory Demin. Last updated 5 months ago.
61 stars 8.98 score 248 scripts 7 dependentsgesistsa
minty:Minimal Type Guesser
Port the type guesser from 'readr' (so-called 'readr' first edition parsing engine, now superseded by 'vroom').
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 3 months ago.
5 stars 7.16 score 5 scripts 26 dependentsgisler
DTSg:A Class for Working with Time Series Data Based on 'data.table' and 'R6' with Largely Optional Reference Semantics
Basic time series functionalities such as listing of missing values, application of arbitrary aggregation as well as rolling (asymmetric) window functions and automatic detection of periodicity. As it is mainly based on 'data.table', it is fast and (in combination with the 'R6' package) offers reference semantics. In addition to its native R6 interface, it provides an S3 interface for those who prefer the latter. Finally yet importantly, its functional approach allows for incorporating functionalities from many other packages.
Maintained by Gerold Hepp. Last updated 6 days ago.
5 stars 6.03 score 24 scriptsbioc
plyxp:Data masks for SummarizedExperiment enabling dplyr-like manipulation
The package provides `rlang` data masks for the SummarizedExperiment class. The enables the evaluation of unquoted expression in different contexts of the SummarizedExperiment object with optional access to other contexts. The goal for `plyxp` is for evaluation to feel like a data.frame object without ever needing to unwind to a rectangular data.frame.
Maintained by Justin Landis. Last updated 12 days ago.
4 stars 5.88 score 6 scriptscmann3
eList:List Comprehension and Tools
Create list comprehensions (and other types of comprehension) similar to those in 'python', 'haskell', and other languages. List comprehension in 'R' converts a regular for() loop into a vectorized lapply() function. Support for looping with multiple variables, parallelization, and across non-standard objects included. Package also contains a variety of functions to help with list comprehension.
Maintained by Chris Mann. Last updated 4 years ago.
2 stars 4.48 score 9 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
RNAdecay:Maximum Likelihood Decay Modeling of RNA Degradation Data
RNA degradation is monitored through measurement of RNA abundance after inhibiting RNA synthesis. This package has functions and example scripts to facilitate (1) data normalization, (2) data modeling using constant decay rate or time-dependent decay rate models, (3) the evaluation of treatment or genotype effects, and (4) plotting of the data and models. Data Normalization: functions and scripts make easy the normalization to the initial (T0) RNA abundance, as well as a method to correct for artificial inflation of Reads per Million (RPM) abundance in global assessments as the total size of the RNA pool decreases. Modeling: Normalized data is then modeled using maximum likelihood to fit parameters. For making treatment or genotype comparisons (up to four), the modeling step models all possible treatment effects on each gene by repeating the modeling with constraints on the model parameters (i.e., the decay rate of treatments A and B are modeled once with them being equal and again allowing them to both vary independently). Model Selection: The AICc value is calculated for each model, and the model with the lowest AICc is chosen. Modeling results of selected models are then compiled into a single data frame. Graphical Plotting: functions are provided to easily visualize decay data model, or half-life distributions using ggplot2 package functions.
Maintained by Reed Sorenson. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.18 score 2 scripts