flint:Fast Library for Number Theory
An R interface to 'FLINT' <https://flintlib.org/>, a C library for number theory. 'FLINT' extends GNU 'MPFR'
<https://www.mpfr.org/> and GNU 'MP' <https://gmplib.org/> with
support for operations on standard rings (the integers, the
integers modulo n, finite fields, the rational, p-adic, real,
and complex numbers) as well as matrices and polynomials over
rings. 'FLINT' implements midpoint-radius interval arithmetic,
also known as ball arithmetic, in the real and complex numbers,
enabling computation in arbitrary precision with rigorous
propagation of rounding errors; see Johansson (2017)
<doi:10.1109/TC.2017.2690633>. Finally, 'FLINT' provides ball
arithmetic implementations of many special mathematical
functions, with high coverage of reference works such as the
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
<https://dlmf.nist.gov/>. The R interface defines S4 classes,
generic functions, and methods for representation and basic
operations as well as plain R functions mirroring and
vectorizing entry points in the C library.