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ellipsis:Tools for Working with ...
The ellipsis is a powerful tool for extending functions. Unfortunately this power comes at a cost: misspelled arguments will be silently ignored. The ellipsis package provides a collection of functions to catch problems and alert the user.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 4 years ago.
60.8 match 141 stars 11.72 score 83 scripts 249 dependentsgesistsa
rio:A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O
Streamlined data import and export by making assumptions that the user is probably willing to make: 'import()' and 'export()' determine the data format from the file extension, reasonable defaults are used for data import and export, web-based import is natively supported (including from SSL/HTTPS), compressed files can be read directly, and fast import packages are used where appropriate. An additional convenience function, 'convert()', provides a simple method for converting between file types.
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 3 months ago.
5.0 match 605 stars 17.08 score 7.8k scripts 71 dependentsthomasp85
ggraph:An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks
The grammar of graphics as implemented in ggplot2 is a poor fit for graph and network visualizations due to its reliance on tabular data input. ggraph is an extension of the ggplot2 API tailored to graph visualizations and provides the same flexible approach to building up plots layer by layer.
Maintained by Thomas Lin Pedersen. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.0 match 1.1k stars 16.96 score 9.2k scripts 111 dependentsrstudio
reticulate:Interface to 'Python'
Interface to 'Python' modules, classes, and functions. When calling into 'Python', R data types are automatically converted to their equivalent 'Python' types. When values are returned from 'Python' to R they are converted back to R types. Compatible with all versions of 'Python' >= 2.7.
Maintained by Tomasz Kalinowski. Last updated 2 days ago.
2.0 match 1.7k stars 21.07 score 18k scripts 427 dependentseasystats
insight:Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
A tool to provide an easy, intuitive and consistent access to information contained in various R models, like model formulas, model terms, information about random effects, data that was used to fit the model or data from response variables. 'insight' mainly revolves around two types of functions: Functions that find (the names of) information, starting with 'find_', and functions that get the underlying data, starting with 'get_'. The package has a consistent syntax and works with many different model objects, where otherwise functions to access these information are missing.
Maintained by Daniel Lüdecke. Last updated 5 days ago.
1.7 match 412 stars 17.24 score 568 scripts 210 dependentscran
caroline:A Collection of Database, Data Structure, Visualization, and Utility Functions for R
The caroline R library contains dozens of functions useful for: database migration (dbWriteTable2), database style joins & aggregation (nerge, groupBy, & bestBy), data structure conversion (nv, tab2df), legend table making (sstable & leghead), automatic legend positioning for scatter and box plots (), plot annotation (labsegs & mvlabs), data visualization (pies, sparge, confound.grid & raPlot), character string manipulation (m & pad), file I/O (write.delim), batch scripting, data exploration, and more. The package's greatest contributions lie in the database style merge, aggregation and interface functions as well as in it's extensive use and propagation of row, column and vector names in most functions.
Maintained by David Schruth. Last updated 5 months ago.
3.9 match 3.29 score 108 scripts 3 dependentsskranz
restorepoint:Debugging with Restore Points
Debugging with restore points instead of break points. A restore point stores all local variables when called inside a function. The stored values can later be retrieved and evaluated in a modified R console that replicates the function's environment. To debug step by step, one can simply copy & paste the function body from the R script. Particularly convenient in combination with "RStudio". See the "Github" page inst/vignettes for a tutorial.
Maintained by Roman Zenka. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.7 match 16 stars 6.20 score 79 scripts 42 dependentsjmw86069
jamba:Just Analysis Methods Base
Just analysis methods ('jam') base functions focused on bioinformatics. Version- and gene-centric alphanumeric sort, unique name and version assignment, colorized console and 'HTML' output, color ramp and palette manipulation, 'Rmarkdown' cache import, styled 'Excel' worksheet import and export, interpolated raster output from smooth scatter and image plots, list to delimited vector, efficient list tools.
Maintained by James M. Ward. Last updated 9 days ago.
1.8 match 6 stars 5.43 scoreandreash0
leafdown:Provides Drill Down Functionality for 'leaflet' Choropleths
Provides drill down functionality for 'leaflet' choropleths in 'shiny' apps.
Maintained by Andreas Hofheinz. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.8 match 3.87 score 49 scriptsneonira
wyz.code.offensiveProgramming:Wizardry Code Offensive Programming
Allows to turn standard R code into offensive programming code. Provides code instrumentation to ease this change and tools to assist and accelerate code production and tuning while using offensive programming code technics. Should improve code robustness and quality. Function calls can be easily verified on-demand or in batch mode to assess parameter types and length conformities. Should improve coders productivity as offensive programming reduces the code size due to reduced number of controls all along the call chain. Should speed up processing as many checks will be reduced to one single check.
Maintained by Fabien Gelineau. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 2.95 score 4 scripts 3 dependentsmyko101
rando:Context Aware Random Numbers
Provides random number generating functions that are much more context aware than the built-in functions. The functions are also much safer, as they check for incompatible values, and more reproducible.
Maintained by Michael Barrowman. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.9 match 7 stars 3.54 score 6 scriptsyeyuan98
y3628:Base package for the y3628 data analysis suite
Base functionalities used by other packages in the y3628 suite of data analysis tools. These were initially written for various projects during my years at Michigan.
Maintained by Ye Yuan. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.8 match 2.62 score 2 dependentspoissonconsulting
err:Customizable Object Sensitive Messages
Messages should provide users with readable information about R objects without flooding their console. 'cc()' concatenates vector and data frame values into a grammatically correct string using commas, an ellipsis and conjunction. 'cn()' allows the user to define a string which varies based on a count. 'co()' combines the two to produce a customizable object aware string. The package further facilitates this process by providing five 'sprintf'-like types such as '%n' for the length of an object and '%o' for its name as well as wrappers for pasting objects and issuing errors, warnings and messages.
Maintained by Joe Thorley. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 4.80 score 50 scripts 2 dependents