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dados:Translate Datasets to Portuguese
Este pacote traduz os seguintes conjuntos de dados: 'airlines', 'airports', 'ames_raw', 'AwardsManagers', 'babynames', 'Batting', 'diamonds', 'faithful', 'fueleconomy', 'Fielding', 'flights', 'gapminder', 'gss_cat', 'iris', 'Managers', 'mpg', 'mtcars', 'atmos', 'penguins', 'People, 'Pitching', 'pixarfilms','planes', 'presidential', 'table1', 'table2', 'table3', 'table4a', 'table4b', 'table5', 'vehicles', 'weather', 'who'. English: It provides a Portuguese translated version of the datasets listed above.
Maintained by Riva Quiroga. Last updated 7 months ago.
102.0 match 46 stars 7.13 score 266 scriptscran
MultivariateAnalysis:Pacote Para Analise Multivariada
Package with multivariate analysis methodologies for experiment evaluation. The package estimates dissimilarity measures, builds dendrograms, obtains MANOVA, principal components, canonical variables, etc. (Pacote com metodologias de analise multivariada para avaliação de experimentos. O pacote estima medidas de dissimilaridade, construi de dendogramas, obtem a MANOVA, componentes principais, variaveis canonicas, etc.)
Maintained by Alcinei Mistico Azevedo. Last updated 11 months ago.
101.5 match 2.95 scoreusaid-mozambique
sismar:Arrumar dados SISMA
Fornece um conjunto de funções para a criação de conjuntos de dados analíticos a partir de downloads do SISMA e DISA. Inclui funções que arrumam os ficheiros para um formato longo, removem variáveis desnecessárias, e criam colunas úteis para a análise.
Maintained by Joe Lara. Last updated 12 days ago.
30.9 match 2 stars 5.24 score 9 scriptscran multivariada (brazilian portuguese)
Analise multivariada, tendo funcoes que executam analise de correspondencia simples (CA) e multipla (MCA), analise de componentes principais (PCA), analise de correlacao canonica (CCA), analise fatorial (FA), escalonamento multidimensional (MDS), analise discriminante linear (LDA) e quadratica (QDA), analise de cluster hierarquico e nao hierarquico, regressao linear simples e multipla, analise de multiplos fatores (MFA) para dados quantitativos, qualitativos, de frequencia (MFACT) e dados mistos, biplot, scatter plot, projection pursuit (PP), grant tour e outras funcoes uteis para a analise multivariada.
Maintained by Paulo Cesar Ossani. Last updated 4 months ago.
28.4 match 2.17 score 37 scriptsabjur
abjData:Databases Used Routinely by the Brazilian Jurimetrics Association
The Brazilian Jurimetrics Association (ABJ in Portuguese, see <> for more information) is a non-profit organization which aims to investigate and promote the use of statistics and probability in the study of Law and its institutions. This package has a set of datasets commonly used in our book.
Maintained by Julio Trecenti. Last updated 2 years ago.
10.0 match 19 stars 5.32 score 55 scriptsbrunomioto
reservatoriosBR:Get Brazilian reservoirs data
Download all the historic data from Brazilian reservoir.
Maintained by Bruno Mioto. Last updated 3 years ago.
11.8 match 28 stars 3.15 score 8 scriptscran Para Analise De Experimentos Com Testemunhas Adicionais
Pacote para a analise de experimentos com um ou dois fatores com testemunhas adicionais conduzidos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado ou em blocos casualizados. "Package for the analysis of one or two-way experiments with additional controls conducted in a completely randomized design or in a randomized block design".
Maintained by Alcinei Mistico Azevedo. Last updated 3 years ago.
26.8 match 1.00 score 9 scriptsericbarba Experimental Designs (Portugues)
Pacote para análise de delineamentos experimentais (DIC, DBC e DQL), experimentos em esquema fatorial duplo (em DIC e DBC), experimentos em parcelas subdivididas (em DIC e DBC), experimentos em esquema fatorial duplo com um tratamento adicional (em DIC e DBC), experimentos em fatorial triplo (em DIC e DBC) e experimentos em esquema fatorial triplo com um tratamento adicional (em DIC e DBC), fazendo analise de variancia e comparacao de multiplas medias (para tratamentos qualitativos), ou ajustando modelos de regressao ate a terceira potencia (para tratamentos quantitativos); analise de residuos (Ferreira, Cavalcanti and Nogueira, 2014) <doi:10.4236/am.2014.519280>.
Maintained by Eric Batista Ferreira. Last updated 3 years ago.
7.5 match 3.52 score 232 scriptsbrunomssmelo
RcextTools:Analytical Procedures in Support of Brazilian Public Sector External Auditing
Set of analytical procedures based on advanced data analysis in support of Brazil's public sector external control activity.
Maintained by Bruno Melo. Last updated 8 years ago.
9.5 match 2.70 score 9 scriptsepe-gov-br
epe4md:EPE's 4MD model to forecast the adoption of Distributed Generation and Behind-the-meter energy storage
EPE's 4MD model to forecast the adoption of Distributed Generation and Behind-the-meter energy storage
Maintained by Gabriel Konzen. Last updated 6 days ago.
3.2 match 18 stars 5.56 score 5 scriptsrafapereirabr
aopdata:Data from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)'
Download data from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)'. The 'aopdata' package brings annual estimates of access to employment, health, education and social assistance services by transport mode, as well as data on the spatial distribution of population, jobs, health care, schools and social assistance facilities at a fine spatial resolution for all cities included in the project. More info on the 'AOP' website <>.
Maintained by Rafael H. M. Pereira. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.1 match 4.70 score 72 scriptspedrocava
basedosdados:'Base Dos Dados' R Client
An R interface to the 'Base dos Dados' API <>). Authenticate your project, query our tables, save data to disk and memory, all from R.
Maintained by Pedro Cavalcante. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.3 match 2.70 score 101 scriptsropensci
karel:Learning programming with Karel the robot
This is the R implementation of Karel the robot, a programming language created by Dr. R. E. Pattis at Stanford University in 1981. Karel is an useful tool to teach introductory concepts about general programming, such as algorithmic decomposition, conditional statements, loops, etc., in an interactive and fun way, by writing programs to make Karel the robot achieve certain tasks in the world she lives in. Originally based on Pascal, Karel was implemented in many languages through these decades, including 'Java', 'C++', 'Ruby' and 'Python'. This is the first package implementing Karel in R.
Maintained by Marcos Prunello. Last updated 8 months ago.
1.6 match 10 stars 6.87 score 31 scriptscran
ExpAnalysis3d:Pacote Para Analise De Experimentos Com Graficos De Superficie Resposta
Pacote para a analise de experimentos havendo duas variaveis explicativas quantitativas e uma variavel dependente quantitativa. Os experimentos podem ser sem repeticoes ou com delineamento estatistico. Sao ajustados 12 modelos de regressao multipla e plotados graficos de superficie resposta (Hair JF, 2016) <ISBN:13:978-0138132637>.(Package for the analysis of experiments having two explanatory quantitative variables and one quantitative dependent variable. The experiments can be without repetitions or with a statistical design. Twelve multiple regression models are fitted and response surface graphs are plotted (Hair JF, 2016) <ISBN:13:978-0138132637>).
Maintained by Alcinei Mistico Azevedo. Last updated 1 years ago.
10.1 match 1.00 scorecran
MultipleRegression:Multiple Regression Analysis
Tools to analysis of experiments having two or more quantitative explanatory variables and one quantitative dependent variable. Experiments can be without repetitions or with a statistical design (Hair JF, 2016) <ISBN: 13: 978-0138132637>. Pacote para uma analise de experimentos havendo duas ou mais variaveis explicativas quantitativas e uma variavel dependente quantitativa. Os experimentos podem ser sem repeticoes ou com delineamento estatistico (Hair JF, 2016) <ISBN: 13: 978-0138132637>.
Maintained by Alcinei Mistico Azevedo. Last updated 3 years ago.
6.8 match 1.00 scoremsperlin
GetDFPData2:Reading Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports from B3
Reads annual and quarterly financial reports from companies traded at B3, the Brazilian exchange <>. All data is downloaded and imported from CVM's public ftp site <>.
Maintained by Marcelo Perlin. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.8 match 40 stars 6.36 score 38 scripts 1 dependentsmsperlin
GetFREData:Reading FRE Corporate Data of Public Traded Companies from B3
Reads corporate data such as board composition and compensation for companies traded at B3, the Brazilian exchange <>. All data is downloaded and imported from the ftp site <>.
Maintained by Marcelo Perlin. Last updated 11 months ago.
0.8 match 5 stars 4.63 score 17 scriptscran
SplitSplitPlot:Analysis of Split-Split-Plot Experiments (Analise De Experimentos Em Parcela Subsubdividida)
Performs analysis of split-split plot experiments in both completely randomized and randomized complete block designs. With the results, you can obtain ANOVA, mean tests, and regression analysis (Este pacote faz a analise de experimentos em parcela subsubdivididas no delineamento inteiramente casualizado e delineamento em blocos casualizados. Com resultados e possível obter a ANOVA, testes de medias e análise de regressao) <>.
Maintained by Alcinei Mistico Azevedo. Last updated 10 months ago.
3.4 match 1.00 scorerobertmyles
cepR:Busca CEPs Brasileiros
Retorna detalhes de dados de CEPs brasileiros, bairros, logradouros e tal. (Returns info of Brazilian postal codes, city names, addresses and so on.)
Maintained by Robert Myles McDonnell. Last updated 4 years ago.
0.5 match 29 stars 4.64 score 10 scriptscran
gstsm:Generalized Spatial-Time Sequence Miner
Implementations of the algorithms present article Generalized Spatial-Time Sequence Miner, original title (Castro, Antonio; Borges, Heraldo ; Pacitti, Esther ; Porto, Fabio ; Coutinho, Rafaelli ; Ogasawara, Eduardo . Generalização de Mineração de Sequências Restritas no Espaço e no Tempo. In: XXXVI SBBD - Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2021 <doi:10.5753/sbbd.2021.17891>).
Maintained by Antonio Castro. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 1.70 score