Showing 62 of total 62 results (show query)
crs:Categorical Regression Splines
Regression splines that handle a mix of continuous and categorical (discrete) data often encountered in applied settings. I would like to gratefully acknowledge support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, <>), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC, <>), and the Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network (SHARCNET, <>). We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the GNU GSL authors. In particular, we adapt the GNU GSL B-spline routine gsl_bspline.c adding automated support for quantile knots (in addition to uniform knots), providing missing functionality for derivatives, and for extending the splines beyond their endpoints.
Maintained by Jeffrey S. Racine. Last updated 3 months ago.
65.2 match 17 stars 8.30 score 90 scripts 1 dependentsrspatial
terra:Spatial Data Analysis
Methods for spatial data analysis with vector (points, lines, polygons) and raster (grid) data. Methods for vector data include geometric operations such as intersect and buffer. Raster methods include local, focal, global, zonal and geometric operations. The predict and interpolate methods facilitate the use of regression type (interpolation, machine learning) models for spatial prediction, including with satellite remote sensing data. Processing of very large files is supported. See the manual and tutorials on <> to get started. 'terra' replaces the 'raster' package ('terra' can do more, and it is faster and easier to use).
Maintained by Robert J. Hijmans. Last updated 22 hours ago.
13.4 match 559 stars 17.64 score 17k scripts 851 dependentspaleolimbot
wk:Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
Provides a minimal R and C++ API for parsing well-known binary and well-known text representation of geometries to and from R-native formats. Well-known binary is compact and fast to parse; well-known text is human-readable and is useful for writing tests. These formats are useful in R only if the information they contain can be accessed in R, for which high-performance functions are provided here.
Maintained by Dewey Dunnington. Last updated 5 months ago.
13.8 match 47 stars 12.85 score 89 scripts 1.2k dependentsropensci
geojson:Classes for 'GeoJSON'
Classes for 'GeoJSON' to make working with 'GeoJSON' easier. Includes S3 classes for 'GeoJSON' classes with brief summary output, and a few methods such as extracting and adding bounding boxes, properties, and coordinate reference systems; working with newline delimited 'GeoJSON'; and serializing to/from 'Geobuf' binary 'GeoJSON' format.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 2 years ago.
15.2 match 32 stars 10.56 score 166 scripts 14 dependentsedzer
sp:Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
Classes and methods for spatial data; the classes document where the spatial location information resides, for 2D or 3D data. Utility functions are provided, e.g. for plotting data as maps, spatial selection, as well as methods for retrieving coordinates, for subsetting, print, summary, etc. From this version, 'rgdal', 'maptools', and 'rgeos' are no longer used at all, see <> for details.
Maintained by Edzer Pebesma. Last updated 2 months ago.
8.1 match 127 stars 18.63 score 35k scripts 1.3k dependentsrspatial
raster:Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling
Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of spatial data. This package has been superseded by the "terra" package <>.
Maintained by Robert J. Hijmans. Last updated 2 months ago.
8.1 match 164 stars 17.05 score 58k scripts 555 dependentsr-lidar
lidR:Airborne LiDAR Data Manipulation and Visualization for Forestry Applications
Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) interface for data manipulation and visualization. Read/write 'las' and 'laz' files, computation of metrics in area based approach, point filtering, artificial point reduction, classification from geographic data, normalization, individual tree segmentation and other manipulations.
Maintained by Jean-Romain Roussel. Last updated 1 months ago.
9.3 match 623 stars 14.47 score 844 scripts 8 dependentscran
drc:Analysis of Dose-Response Curves
Analysis of dose-response data is made available through a suite of flexible and versatile model fitting and after-fitting functions.
Maintained by Christian Ritz. Last updated 9 years ago.
15.8 match 8 stars 8.39 score 1.4k scripts 28 dependentsinlabru-org
fmesher:Triangle Meshes and Related Geometry Tools
Generate planar and spherical triangle meshes, compute finite element calculations for 1- and 2-dimensional flat and curved manifolds with associated basis function spaces, methods for lines and polygons, and transparent handling of coordinate reference systems and coordinate transformation, including 'sf' and 'sp' geometries. The core 'fmesher' library code was originally part of the 'INLA' package, and implements parts of "Triangulations and Applications" by Hjelle and Daehlen (2006) <doi:10.1007/3-540-33261-8>.
Maintained by Finn Lindgren. Last updated 2 days ago.
10.6 match 16 stars 11.18 score 261 scripts 26 dependentswalkerke
crsuggest:Obtain Suggested Coordinate Reference System Information for Spatial Data
Uses data from the 'EPSG' Registry to look up suitable coordinate reference system transformations for spatial datasets in R. Returns a data frame with 'CRS' codes that can be used for 'CRS' transformation and mapping projects. Please see the 'EPSG' Dataset Terms of Use at <> for more information.
Maintained by Kyle Walker. Last updated 3 years ago.
10.7 match 129 stars 6.39 score 127 scripts 1 dependentsropensci
stplanr:Sustainable Transport Planning
Tools for transport planning with an emphasis on spatial transport data and non-motorized modes. The package was originally developed to support the 'Propensity to Cycle Tool', a publicly available strategic cycle network planning tool (Lovelace et al. 2017) <doi:10.5198/jtlu.2016.862>, but has since been extended to support public transport routing and accessibility analysis (Moreno-Monroy et al. 2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.08.012> and routing with locally hosted routing engines such as 'OSRM' (Lowans et al. 2023) <doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117337>. The main functions are for creating and manipulating geographic "desire lines" from origin-destination (OD) data (building on the 'od' package); calculating routes on the transport network locally and via interfaces to routing services such as <> (Desjardins et al. 2021) <doi:10.1007/s11116-021-10197-1>; and calculating route segment attributes such as bearing. The package implements the 'travel flow aggregration' method described in Morgan and Lovelace (2020) <doi:10.1177/2399808320942779> and the 'OD jittering' method described in Lovelace et al. (2022) <doi:10.32866/001c.33873>. Further information on the package's aim and scope can be found in the vignettes and in a paper in the R Journal (Lovelace and Ellison 2018) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-053>, and in a paper outlining the landscape of open source software for geographic methods in transport planning (Lovelace, 2021) <doi:10.1007/s10109-020-00342-2>.
Maintained by Robin Lovelace. Last updated 7 months ago.
5.2 match 427 stars 12.31 score 684 scripts 3 dependentsjmsigner
amt:Animal Movement Tools
Manage and analyze animal movement data. The functionality of 'amt' includes methods to calculate home ranges, track statistics (e.g. step lengths, speed, or turning angles), prepare data for fitting habitat selection analyses, and simulation of space-use from fitted step-selection functions.
Maintained by Johannes Signer. Last updated 4 months ago.
5.5 match 41 stars 10.54 score 418 scriptsopendendro
dplR:Dendrochronology Program Library in R
Perform tree-ring analyses such as detrending, chronology building, and cross dating. Read and write standard file formats used in dendrochronology.
Maintained by Andy Bunn. Last updated 19 days ago.
4.3 match 39 stars 11.71 score 546 scripts 26 dependentsradiant-rstats
radiant.model:Model Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
The Radiant Model menu includes interfaces for linear and logistic regression, naive Bayes, neural networks, classification and regression trees, model evaluation, collaborative filtering, decision analysis, and simulation. The application extends the functionality in ''.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 5 months ago.
7.0 match 19 stars 6.18 score 80 scripts 2 dependentsrichdeto
geouy:Geographic Information of Uruguay
The toolbox have functions to load and process geographic information for Uruguay. And extra-function to get address coordinates and orthophotos through the uruguayan 'IDE' API <>.
Maintained by Richard Detomasi. Last updated 11 months ago.
6.8 match 14 stars 5.83 score 32 scripts 1 dependentscourtiol
IsoriX:Isoscape Computation and Inference of Spatial Origins using Mixed Models
Building isoscapes using mixed models and inferring the geographic origin of samples based on their isotopic ratios. This package is essentially a simplified interface to several other packages which implements a new statistical framework based on mixed models. It uses 'spaMM' for fitting and predicting isoscapes, and assigning an organism's origin depending on its isotopic ratio. 'IsoriX' also relies heavily on the package 'rasterVis' for plotting the maps produced with 'terra' using 'lattice'.
Maintained by Alexandre Courtiol. Last updated 6 months ago.
6.3 match 14 stars 5.59 score 56 scriptsr-tmap
tmap:Thematic Maps
Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions are visualized. This package offers a flexible, layer-based, and easy to use approach to create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.
Maintained by Martijn Tennekes. Last updated 5 days ago.
1.9 match 880 stars 16.73 score 13k scripts 24 dependentsgjwgit
rattle:Graphical User Interface for Data Science in R
The R Analytic Tool To Learn Easily (Rattle) provides a collection of utilities functions for the data scientist. A Gnome (RGtk2) based graphical interface is included with the aim to provide a simple and intuitive introduction to R for data science, allowing a user to quickly load data from a CSV file (or via ODBC), transform and explore the data, build and evaluate models, and export models as PMML (predictive modelling markup language) or as scores. A key aspect of the GUI is that all R commands are logged and commented through the log tab. This can be saved as a standalone R script file and as an aid for the user to learn R or to copy-and-paste directly into R itself. Note that RGtk2 and cairoDevice have been archived on CRAN. See <> for installation instructions.
Maintained by Graham Williams. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.3 match 16 stars 8.48 score 3.0k scripts 3 dependentsopengeos
whitebox:'WhiteboxTools' R Frontend
An R frontend for the 'WhiteboxTools' library, which is an advanced geospatial data analysis platform developed by Prof. John Lindsay at the University of Guelph's Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research Group. 'WhiteboxTools' can be used to perform common geographical information systems (GIS) analysis operations, such as cost-distance analysis, distance buffering, and raster reclassification. Remote sensing and image processing tasks include image enhancement (e.g. panchromatic sharpening, contrast adjustments), image mosaicing, numerous filtering operations, simple classification (k-means), and common image transformations. 'WhiteboxTools' also contains advanced tooling for spatial hydrological analysis (e.g. flow-accumulation, watershed delineation, stream network analysis, sink removal), terrain analysis (e.g. common terrain indices such as slope, curvatures, wetness index, hillshading; hypsometric analysis; multi-scale topographic position analysis), and LiDAR data processing. Suggested citation: Lindsay (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.07.003>.
Maintained by Andrew Brown. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.8 match 173 stars 9.65 score 203 scripts 2 dependentsdfsp-spirit
freesurferformats:Read and Write 'FreeSurfer' Neuroimaging File Formats
Provides functions to read and write neuroimaging data in various file formats, with a focus on 'FreeSurfer' <> formats. This includes, but is not limited to, the following file formats: 1) MGH/MGZ format files, which can contain multi-dimensional images or other data. Typically they contain time-series of three-dimensional brain scans acquired by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They can also contain vertex-wise measures of surface morphometry data. The MGH format is named after the Massachusetts General Hospital, and the MGZ format is a compressed version of the same format. 2) 'FreeSurfer' morphometry data files in binary 'curv' format. These contain vertex-wise surface measures, i.e., one scalar value for each vertex of a brain surface mesh. These are typically values like the cortical thickness or brain surface area at each vertex. 3) Annotation file format. This contains a brain surface parcellation derived from a cortical atlas. 4) Surface file format. Contains a brain surface mesh, given by a list of vertices and a list of faces.
Maintained by Tim Schäfer. Last updated 6 months ago.
3.2 match 23 stars 8.07 score 25 scripts 8 dependentsdieghernan
tidyterra:'tidyverse' Methods and 'ggplot2' Helpers for 'terra' Objects
Extension of the 'tidyverse' for 'SpatRaster' and 'SpatVector' objects of the 'terra' package. It includes also new 'geom_' functions that provide a convenient way of visualizing 'terra' objects with 'ggplot2'.
Maintained by Diego Hernangómez. Last updated 22 hours ago.
1.9 match 191 stars 13.62 score 1.9k scripts 25 dependentsadamlilith
fasterRaster:Faster Raster and Spatial Vector Processing Using 'GRASS GIS'
Processing of large-in-memory/large-on disk rasters and spatial vectors using 'GRASS GIS' <>. Most functions in the 'terra' package are recreated. Processing of medium-sized and smaller spatial objects will nearly always be faster using 'terra' or 'sf', but for large-in-memory/large-on-disk objects, 'fasterRaster' may be faster. To use most of the functions, you must have the stand-alone version (not the 'OSGeoW4' installer version) of 'GRASS GIS' 8.0 or higher.
Maintained by Adam B. Smith. Last updated 19 days ago.
3.3 match 58 stars 7.69 score 8 scriptsinbo
inborutils:Collection of Useful R Utilities
While working on research projects, typical small functionalities are useful across these projects. Instead of copy-pasting these functions in all individual project repositories/folders, this package collects these functions for reuse by ourself and - if useful - others as well.
Maintained by Hans Van Calster. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.9 match 10 stars 6.26 score 102 scriptsdfsp-spirit
fsbrain:Managing and Visualizing Brain Surface Data
Provides high-level access to neuroimaging data from standard software packages like 'FreeSurfer' <> on the level of subjects and groups. Load morphometry data, surfaces and brain parcellations based on atlases. Mask data using labels, load data for specific atlas regions only, and visualize data and statistical results directly in 'R'.
Maintained by Tim Schäfer. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.7 match 66 stars 6.47 score 15 scriptspredictiveecology
map:Defines a meta class of geographical objects, the 'map' class, and associated tools
The 'map' class is a collection of geospatial objects (e.g., from the 'sp', 'raster', 'sf', and 'terra' packages), with a number of metadata additions to enable powerful methods, e.g., for leaflet, reproducible GIS etc.
Maintained by Alex M Chubaty. Last updated 1 months ago.
5.3 match 2 stars 4.33 score 178 scripts 1 dependentsnepem-ufsc
pliman:Tools for Plant Image Analysis
Tools for both single and batch image manipulation and analysis (Olivoto, 2022 <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13803>) and phytopathometry (Olivoto et al., 2022 <doi:10.1007/S40858-021-00487-5>). The tools can be used for the quantification of leaf area, object counting, extraction of image indexes, shape measurement, object landmark identification, and Elliptical Fourier Analysis of object outlines (Claude (2008) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-77789-4>). The package also provides a comprehensive pipeline for generating shapefiles with complex layouts and supports high-throughput phenotyping of RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral orthomosaics. This functionality facilitates field phenotyping using UAV- or satellite-based imagery.
Maintained by Tiago Olivoto. Last updated 2 days ago.
3.4 match 10 stars 6.68 score 476 scriptsapache
apache.sedona:R Interface for Apache Sedona
R interface for 'Apache Sedona' based on 'sparklyr' (<>).
Maintained by Apache Sedona. Last updated 13 hours ago.
2.0 match 2.0k stars 10.72 score 105 scriptsjacobnabe
DEPONS2R:Read, Plot and Analyse Output from the DEPONS Model
Methods for analyzing population dynamics and movement tracks simulated using the DEPONS model <> (v.3.0), for manipulating input raster files, shipping routes and for analyzing sound propagated from ships.
Maintained by Jacob Nabe-Nielsen. Last updated 2 months ago.
6.3 match 2.85 score 4 scriptsropensci
tiler:Create Geographic and Non-Geographic Map Tiles
Creates geographic map tiles from geospatial map files or non-geographic map tiles from simple image files. This package provides a tile generator function for creating map tile sets for use with packages such as 'leaflet'. In addition to generating map tiles based on a common raster layer source, it also handles the non-geographic edge case, producing map tiles from arbitrary images. These map tiles, which have a non-geographic, simple coordinate reference system (CRS), can also be used with 'leaflet' when applying the simple CRS option. Map tiles can be created from an input file with any of the following extensions: tif, grd and nc for spatial maps and png, jpg and bmp for basic images. This package requires 'Python' and the 'gdal' library for 'Python'. 'Windows' users are recommended to install 'OSGeo4W' (<>) as an easy way to obtain the required 'gdal' support for 'Python'.
Maintained by Matthew Leonawicz. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.3 match 64 stars 7.78 score 39 scripts 2 dependentsmunterfi
eRTG3D:Empirically Informed Random Trajectory Generation in 3-D
Creates realistic random trajectories in a 3-D space between two given fix points, so-called conditional empirical random walks (CERWs). The trajectory generation is based on empirical distribution functions extracted from observed trajectories (training data) and thus reflects the geometrical movement characteristics of the mover. A digital elevation model (DEM), representing the Earth's surface, and a background layer of probabilities (e.g. food sources, uplift potential, waterbodies, etc.) can be used to influence the trajectories. Unterfinger M (2018). "3-D Trajectory Simulation in Movement Ecology: Conditional Empirical Random Walk". Master's thesis, University of Zurich. <>. Technitis G, Weibel R, Kranstauber B, Safi K (2016). "An algorithm for empirically informed random trajectory generation between two endpoints". GIScience 2016: Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 9, online. <doi:10.5167/uzh-130652>.
Maintained by Merlin Unterfinger. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.9 match 6 stars 5.71 score 19 scriptshypertidy
vapour:Access to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')
Provides low-level access to 'GDAL' functionality. 'GDAL' is the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' a translator for raster and vector geospatial data formats that presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats <>. This package is focussed on providing exactly and only what GDAL does, to enable developing further tools.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 9 months ago.
1.8 match 86 stars 9.31 score 63 scripts 5 dependentsangelospsy
condir:Computation of P Values and Bayes Factors for Conditioning Data
Set of functions for the easy analyses of conditioning data.
Maintained by Angelos-Miltiadis Krypotos. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.8 match 2 stars 4.34 score 11 scriptsmapme-initiative
mapme.biodiversity:Efficient Monitoring of Global Biodiversity Portfolios
Biodiversity areas, especially primary forest, serve a multitude of functions for local economy, regional functionality of the ecosystems as well as the global health of our planet. Recently, adverse changes in human land use practices and climatic responses to increased greenhouse gas emissions, put these biodiversity areas under a variety of different threats. The present package helps to analyse a number of biodiversity indicators based on freely available geographical datasets. It supports computational efficient routines that allow the analysis of potentially global biodiversity portfolios. The primary use case of the package is to support evidence based reporting of an organization's effort to protect biodiversity areas under threat and to identify regions were intervention is most duly needed.
Maintained by Darius A. Görgen. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.8 match 35 stars 9.24 score 287 scriptsbcgov
bcmaps:Map Layers and Spatial Utilities for British Columbia
Various layers of B.C., including administrative boundaries, natural resource management boundaries, census boundaries etc. All layers are available in BC Albers (<>) equal-area projection, which is the B.C. government standard. The layers are sourced from the British Columbia and Canadian government under open licenses, including B.C. Data Catalogue (<>), the Government of Canada Open Data Portal (<>), and Statistics Canada (<>).
Maintained by Andy Teucher. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.7 match 73 stars 8.65 score 254 scriptsr-lidar
lasR:Fast and Pipeable Airborne LiDAR Data Tools
Fast and pipeable airborne lidar processing tools. Read/write 'las' and 'laz' files, computation of metrics in area based approach, point filtering, normalization, individual tree segmentation and other manipulations in a powerful and versatile processing chain.
Maintained by Jean-Romain Roussel. Last updated 21 days ago.
2.0 match 17 stars 6.76 score 26 scriptscidree
rpostgis:R Interface to a 'PostGIS' Database
Provides an interface between R and 'PostGIS'-enabled 'PostgreSQL' databases to transparently transfer spatial data. Both vector (points, lines, polygons) and raster data are supported in read and write modes. Also provides convenience functions to execute common procedures in 'PostgreSQL/PostGIS'.
Maintained by Adrian Cidre Gonzalez. Last updated 3 months ago.
1.7 match 79 stars 7.67 score 244 scripts 2 dependentsr-arcgis
arcgisutils:ArcGIS Utility Functions
Developer oriented utility functions designed to be used as the building blocks of R packages that work with ArcGIS Location Services. It provides functionality for authorization, Esri JSON construction and parsing, as well as other utilities pertaining to geometry and Esri type conversions. To support 'ArcGIS Pro' users, authorization can be done via 'arcgisbinding'. Installation instructions for 'arcgisbinding' can be found at <>.
Maintained by Josiah Parry. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.0 match 16 stars 6.50 score 20 scripts 5 dependentsfawda123
rStrava:Access the 'Strava' API
Functions to access data from the 'Strava v3 API' <>.
Maintained by Marcus W. Beck. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.8 match 155 stars 7.15 score 57 scriptssalbeke
rLFT:Processing Linear Features
Assists in the manipulation and processing of linear features with the help of the 'sf' package. Makes use of linear referencing to extract data from most shape files. Reference for this packages methods: Albeke, S.E. et al. (2010) <doi:10.1007/s10980-010-9528-4>.
Maintained by Shannon E Albeke. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.3 match 3.85 score 14 scriptsnplatonov
ursa:Non-Interactive Spatial Tools for Raster Processing and Visualization
S3 classes and methods for manipulation with georeferenced raster data: reading/writing, processing, multi-panel visualization.
Maintained by Nikita Platonov. Last updated 11 months ago.
3.4 match 7 stars 3.54 score 5 scriptsstscl
geocn:Loads Spatial Data Sets of China
Providing various commonly used spatial data related to Chinese regions in the R programming environment.
Maintained by Wenbo Lv. Last updated 3 months ago.
2.4 match 17 stars 4.93 score 10 scriptsleonawicz
rtrek:Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek
Provides datasets related to the Star Trek fictional universe and functions for working with the data. The package also provides access to real world datasets based on the televised series and other related licensed media productions. It interfaces with the Star Trek API (STAPI) (<>), Memory Alpha (<>), and Memory Beta (<>) to retrieve data, metadata and other information relating to Star Trek. It also contains several local datasets covering a variety of topics. The package also provides functions for working with data from other Star Trek-related R data packages containing larger datasets not stored in 'rtrek'.
Maintained by Matthew Leonawicz. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.0 match 54 stars 5.42 score 49 scriptsmharinga
spatialrisk:Calculating Spatial Risk
Methods for spatial risk calculations. It offers an efficient approach to determine the sum of all observations within a circle of a certain radius. This might be beneficial for insurers who are required (by a recent European Commission regulation) to determine the maximum value of insured fire risk policies of all buildings that are partly or fully located within a circle of a radius of 200m. See Church (1974) <doi:10.1007/BF01942293> for a description of the problem.
Maintained by Martin Haringa. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.8 match 19 stars 5.06 score 30 scriptsjosesamos
geodimension:Definition of Geographic Dimensions
The geographic dimension plays a fundamental role in multidimensional systems. To define a geographic dimension in a star schema, we need a table with attributes corresponding to the levels of the dimension. Additionally, we will also need one or more geographic layers to represent the data using this dimension. The goal of this package is to support the definition of geographic dimensions from layers of geographic information related to each other. It makes it easy to define relationships between layers and obtain the necessary data from them.
Maintained by Jose Samos. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.3 match 2 stars 4.00 score 8 scriptsr-spatial
plainview:Plot Raster Images Interactively on a Plain HTML Canvas
Provides methods for plotting potentially large (raster) images interactively on a plain HTML canvas. In contrast to package 'mapview' data are plotted without background map, but data can be projected to any spatial coordinate reference system. Supports plotting of classes 'RasterLayer', 'RasterStack', 'RasterBrick' (from package 'raster') as well as 'png' files located on disk. Interactivity includes zooming, panning, and mouse location information. In case of multi-layer 'RasterStacks' or 'RasterBricks', RGB image plots are created (similar to 'raster::plotRGB' - but interactive).
Maintained by Tim Appelhans. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.7 match 13 stars 5.19 score 102 scriptsecor
geotopbricks:An R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop
It analyzes raster maps and other information as input/output files from the Hydrological Distributed Model GEOtop. It contains functions and methods to import maps and other keywords from geotop.inpts file. Some examples with simulation cases of GEOtop 2.x/3.x are presented in the package. Any information about the GEOtop Distributed Hydrological Model source code is available on Technical details about the model are available in Endrizzi et al (2014) <>.
Maintained by Emanuele Cordano. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.8 match 4 stars 4.83 score 112 scriptsarecibo
nonparaeff:Nonparametric Methods for Measuring Efficiency and Productivity
Efficiency and productivity indices are measured using this package. This package contains functions for measuring efficiency and productivity of decision making units (DMUs) under the framework of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and its variations.
Maintained by Dong-hyun Oh. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.8 match 4.47 score 18 scripts 11 dependentsvillegar
trainR:An Interface to the National Rail Enquiries Systems
The goal of 'trainR' is to provide a simple interface to the National Rail Enquiries (NRE) systems. There are few data feeds available, the simplest of them is Darwin, which provides real-time arrival and departure predictions, platform numbers, delay estimates, schedule changes and cancellations. Other data feeds provide historical data, Historic Service Performance (HSP), and much more. 'trainR' simplifies the data retrieval, so that the users can focus on their analyses. For more details visit <>.
Maintained by Roberto Villegas-Diaz. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.0 match 8 stars 3.60 score 8 scriptscran
arcpullr:Pull Data from an 'ArcGIS REST' API
Functions to efficiently query 'ArcGIS REST' APIs <>. Both spatial and SQL queries can be used to retrieve data. Simple Feature (sf) objects are utilized to perform spatial queries. This package was neither produced nor is maintained by Esri.
Maintained by Paul Frater. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.8 match 3.95 score 1 dependentsgibonet
ggswissmaps:Offers Various Swiss Maps as Data Frames and 'ggplot2' Objects
Offers various swiss maps as data frames and 'ggplot2' objects and gives the possibility to add layers of data on the maps. Data are publicly available from the swiss federal statistical office. In addition to the \code{maps2} object (a list of 8 swiss maps, at various levels), there are the data frames with the boundaries used to produce these maps (\code{shp_df}, a list with 8 data frames).
Maintained by Sandro Burri. Last updated 6 months ago.
1.3 match 5 stars 5.20 score 16 scriptspoissonconsulting
pgfeatureserv:Client for pg_featureserv RESTful web service
Client for pg_featureserv, a RESTful geospatial feature server for PostGIS.
Maintained by Seb Dalgarno. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.0 match 1 stars 3.08 score 2 scripts 2 dependentsnenuial
ggeo:Themes and Helpers for ggplot2
This package provides helper functions for ggplot graphs and maps.
Maintained by Pascal Burkhard. Last updated 22 days ago.
1.8 match 1 stars 3.52 score 2 dependentsfrancisbarton
mapirosa:Access OS OpenData APIs From R
A package to enable accessing basemap tiles from the [OS Maps API](, initially. Access to other OS (Ordnance Survey) Data Hub APIs may follow. The primary motivation for this project was to find a map tile service that supplies tiles in the British National Grid (27700) CRS, unlike the usual web mapping standard CRS of 3857. The name of the package is an intentional corruption of the Spanish word mariposa 🦋.
Maintained by Fran Barton. Last updated 6 months ago.
2.4 match 3 stars 2.48 score 2 scriptsbrry
OSMscale:Add a Scale Bar to 'OpenStreetMap' Plots
Functionality to handle and project lat-long coordinates, easily download background maps and add a correct scale bar to 'OpenStreetMap' plots in any map projection.
Maintained by Berry Boessenkool. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.8 match 1 stars 3.11 score 26 scriptshypertidy
PROJ:Generic Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
A wrapper around the generic coordinate transformation software 'PROJ' that transforms coordinates from one coordinate reference system ('CRS') to another. This includes cartographic projections as well as geodetic transformations. The intention is for this package to be used by user-packages such as 'reproj', and that the older 'PROJ.4' and version 5 pathways be provided by the 'proj4' package.
Maintained by Michael D. Sumner. Last updated 9 months ago.
0.5 match 16 stars 10.53 score 82 scripts 27 dependentskdonnay
geomerge:Geospatial Data Integration
Geospatial data integration framework that merges raster, spatial polygon, and (dynamic) spatial points data into a spatial (panel) data frame at any geographical resolution.
Maintained by Karsten Donnay. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.7 match 2.93 score 17 scriptshypertidy
crsmeta:Extract Coordinate System Metadata
Obtain coordinate system metadata from various data formats. There are functions to extract a 'CRS' (coordinate reference system, <>) in 'EPSG' (European Petroleum Survey Group, <>), 'PROJ4' <>, or 'WKT2' (Well-Known Text 2, <>) forms. This is purely for getting simple metadata from in-memory formats, please use other tools for out of memory data sources.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 5 years ago.
0.5 match 5 stars 6.18 score 3 scripts 35 dependentslarsot23
Benchmarking:Benchmark and Frontier Analysis Using DEA and SFA
Methods for frontier analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), under different technology assumptions (fdh, vrs, drs, crs, irs, add/frh, and fdh+), and using different efficiency measures (input based, output based, hyperbolic graph, additive, super, and directional efficiency). Peers and slacks are available, partial price information can be included, and optimal cost, revenue and profit can be calculated. Evaluation of mergers is also supported. Methods for graphing the technology sets are also included. There is also support for comparative methods based on Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) and for convex nonparametric least squares of convex functions (STONED). In general, the methods can be used to solve not only standard models, but also many other model variants. It complements the book, Bogetoft and Otto, Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R, Springer-Verlag, 2011, but can of course also be used as a stand-alone package.
Maintained by Lars Otto. Last updated 26 days ago.
0.5 match 7 stars 6.17 score 192 scripts 7 dependentscemos-mannheim
MALDIcellassay:Automated MALDI Cell Assays Using Dose-Response Curve Fitting
Conduct automated cell-based assays using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) methods for high-throughput screening of signals responsive to treatments. The package efficiently identifies high variance signals and fits dose-response curves to them. Quality metrics such as Z', V', log2 Fold-Change, and Curve response score (CRS) are provided for evaluating the potential of signals as biomarkers. The methodologies were introduced by Weigt et al. (2018) <doi:10.1038/s41598-018-29677-z> and refined by Unger et al. (2021) <doi:10.1038/s41596-021-00624-z>.
Maintained by Thomas Enzlein. Last updated 2 months ago.
0.5 match 4.74 score 9 scriptscran
wdiEF:Calculation of the Water Deficit Index (WDI) and the Evaporative Fraction (EF) on Rasters
Calculates the Water Deficit Index (WDI) and the Evaporative Fraction (EF) using geospatial data, such as fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and surface-air temperature difference (TS-TA). Terms like "raster", "CRS" are part of standard geospatial terminology.
Maintained by Gaelle Hamelin. Last updated 25 days ago.
0.5 match 2.00 score 4 scripts