Showing 25 of total 25 results (show query)
correlation:Methods for Correlation Analysis
Lightweight package for computing different kinds of correlations, such as partial correlations, Bayesian correlations, multilevel correlations, polychoric correlations, biweight correlations, distance correlations and more. Part of the 'easystats' ecosystem. References: Makowski et al. (2020) <doi:10.21105/joss.02306>.
Maintained by Brenton M. Wiernik. Last updated 12 days ago.
10.0 match 439 stars 14.23 score 672 scripts 10 dependentssalvatoremangiafico
rcompanion:Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation
Functions and datasets to support Summary and Analysis of Extension Program Evaluation in R, and An R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics. Vignettes are available at <>.
Maintained by Salvatore Mangiafico. Last updated 30 days ago.
5.2 match 4 stars 8.01 score 2.4k scripts 5 dependentsdrizopoulos
ltm:Latent Trait Models under IRT
Analysis of multivariate dichotomous and polytomous data using latent trait models under the Item Response Theory approach. It includes the Rasch, the Two-Parameter Logistic, the Birnbaum's Three-Parameter, the Graded Response, and the Generalized Partial Credit Models.
Maintained by Dimitris Rizopoulos. Last updated 3 years ago.
4.3 match 30 stars 9.59 score 1.0k scripts 27 dependentsdgbonett
statpsych:Statistical Methods for Psychologists
Implements confidence interval and sample size methods that are especially useful in psychological research. The methods can be applied in 1-group, 2-group, paired-samples, and multiple-group designs and to a variety of parameters including means, medians, proportions, slopes, standardized mean differences, standardized linear contrasts of means, plus several measures of correlation and association. Confidence interval and sample size functions are given for single parameters as well as differences, ratios, and linear contrasts of parameters. The sample size functions can be used to approximate the sample size needed to estimate a parameter or function of parameters with desired confidence interval precision or to perform a variety of hypothesis tests (directional two-sided, equivalence, superiority, noninferiority) with desired power. For details see: Statistical Methods for Psychologists, Volumes 1 – 4, <>.
Maintained by Douglas G. Bonett. Last updated 3 months ago.
7.2 match 6 stars 4.83 score 15 scripts 1 dependentsdgbonett
vcmeta:Varying Coefficient Meta-Analysis
Implements functions for varying coefficient meta-analysis methods. These methods do not assume effect size homogeneity. Subgroup effect size comparisons, general linear effect size contrasts, and linear models of effect sizes based on varying coefficient methods can be used to describe effect size heterogeneity. Varying coefficient meta-analysis methods do not require the unrealistic assumptions of the traditional fixed-effect and random-effects meta-analysis methods. For details see: Statistical Methods for Psychologists, Volume 5, <>.
Maintained by Douglas G. Bonett. Last updated 8 months ago.
8.7 match 1 stars 3.00 score 8 scriptsarielarmijo
itan:Item Analysis for Multiple Choice Tests
Functions for analyzing multiple choice items. These analyses include the convertion of student response into binaty data (correct/incorrect), the computation of the number of corrected responses and grade for each subject, the calculation of item difficulty and discrimination, the computation of the frecuency and point-biserial correlation for each distractor and the graphical analysis of each item.
Maintained by Ariel Armijo. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.8 match 1 stars 3.93 score 17 scriptstmatta
lsasim:Functions to Facilitate the Simulation of Large Scale Assessment Data
Provides functions to simulate data from large-scale educational assessments, including background questionnaire data and cognitive item responses that adhere to a multiple-matrix sampled design. The theoretical foundation can be found on Matta, T.H., Rutkowski, L., Rutkowski, D. et al. (2018) <doi:10.1186/s40536-018-0068-8>.
Maintained by Waldir Leoncio. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.9 match 6 stars 6.41 score 18 scriptscorentinjgosling
metaConvert:An Automatic Suite for Estimation of Various Effect Size Measures
Automatically estimate 11 effect size measures from a well-formatted dataset. Various other functions can help, for example, removing dependency between several effect sizes, or identifying differences between two datasets. This package is mainly designed to assist in conducting a systematic review with a meta-analysis but can be useful to any researcher interested in estimating an effect size.
Maintained by Corentin J. Gosling. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.3 match 3.18 score 3 scriptsbernice0321
CorrToolBox:Modeling Correlational Magnitude Transformations in Discretization Contexts
Modeling the correlation transitions under specified distributional assumptions within the realm of discretization in the context of the latency and threshold concepts. The details of the method are explained in Demirtas, H. and Vardar-Acar, C. (2017) <DOI:10.1007/978-981-10-3307-0_4>.
Maintained by Ran Gao. Last updated 3 years ago.
6.0 match 1.71 score 17 scripts 1 dependentsarcaldwell49
TOSTER:Two One-Sided Tests (TOST) Equivalence Testing
Two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure to test equivalence for t-tests, correlations, differences between proportions, and meta-analyses, including power analysis for t-tests and correlations. Allows you to specify equivalence bounds in raw scale units or in terms of effect sizes. See: Lakens (2017) <doi:10.1177/1948550617697177>.
Maintained by Aaron Caldwell. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.3 match 6.77 score 266 scriptsjorgetendeiro
PerFit:Person Fit
Several person-fit statistics (PFSs; Meijer and Sijtsma, 2001, <doi:10.1177/01466210122031957>) are offered. These statistics allow assessing whether individual response patterns to tests or questionnaires are (im)plausible given the other respondents in the sample or given a specified item response theory model. Some PFSs apply to dichotomous data, such as the likelihood-based PFSs (lz, lz*) and the group-based PFSs (personal biserial correlation, caution index, (normed) number of Guttman errors, agreement/disagreement/dependability statistics, U3, ZU3, NCI, Ht). PFSs suitable to polytomous data include extensions of lz, U3, and (normed) number of Guttman errors.
Maintained by Jorge N. Tendeiro. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.5 match 1 stars 3.36 score 46 scriptsjhhmuc
pairwise:Rasch Model Parameters by Pairwise Algorithm
Performs the explicit calculation -- not estimation! -- of the Rasch item parameters for dichotomous and polytomous item responses, using a pairwise comparison approach. Person parameters (WLE) are calculated according to Warm's weighted likelihood approach.
Maintained by Joerg-Henrik Heine. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.0 match 3.96 score 38 scripts 1 dependentsddisab01
quest:Prepare Questionnaire Data for Analysis
Offers a suite of functions to prepare questionnaire data for analysis (perhaps other types of data as well). By data preparation, I mean data analytic tasks to get your raw data ready for statistical modeling (e.g., regression). There are functions to investigate missing data, reshape data, validate responses, recode variables, score questionnaires, center variables, aggregate by groups, shift scores (i.e., leads or lags), etc. It provides functions for both single level and multilevel (i.e., grouped) data. With a few exceptions (e.g., ncases()), functions without an "s" at the end of their primary word (e.g., center_by()) act on atomic vectors, while functions with an "s" at the end of their primary word (e.g., centers_by()) act on multiple columns of a data.frame.
Maintained by David Disabato. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.6 match 1.98 score 12 scriptsbernice0321
BinNonNor:Data Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal Components
Generation of multiple binary and continuous non-normal variables simultaneously given the marginal characteristics and association structure based on the methodology proposed by Demirtas et al. (2012) <DOI:10.1002/sim.5362>.
Maintained by Ran Gao. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.6 match 1.82 score 11 scripts 2 dependentsbernice0321
BinOrdNonNor:Concurrent Generation of Binary, Ordinal and Continuous Data
Generation of samples from a mix of binary, ordinal and continuous random variables with a pre-specified correlation matrix and marginal distributions. The details of the method are explained in Demirtas et al. (2012) <DOI:10.1002/sim.5362>.
Maintained by Ran Gao. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.5 match 2.00 score 11 scripts 3 dependentsr-forge
polycor:Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations
Computes polychoric and polyserial correlations by quick "two-step" methods or ML, optionally with standard errors; tetrachoric and biserial correlations are special cases.
Maintained by John Fox. Last updated 3 years ago.
0.5 match 8.23 score 592 scripts 75 dependentswagner-s
MultIS:Reconstruction of Clones from Integration Site Readouts and Visualization
Tools necessary to reconstruct clonal affiliations from temporally and/or spatially separated measurements of viral integration sites. For this means it utilizes correlations present in the relative readouts of the integration sites. Furthermore, facilities for filtering of the data and visualization of different steps in the pipeline are provided with the package.
Maintained by Sebastian Wagner. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.8 match 2.00 score 1 scriptsamerican-institutes-for-research
wCorr:Weighted Correlations
Calculates Pearson, Spearman, polychoric, and polyserial correlation coefficients, in weighted or unweighted form. The package implements tetrachoric correlation as a special case of the polychoric and biserial correlation as a specific case of the polyserial.
Maintained by Paul Bailey. Last updated 2 years ago.
0.5 match 6.54 score 118 scripts 8 dependentscran
classicaltest:Classical Test Theory (CTT) Analysis
Functions for classical test theory analysis, following methods presented by Wu et al. (2006) <doi:10.1007/978-981-10-3302-5>.
Maintained by Andrés Christiansen. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.0 match 1.00 scorebernice0321
PoisBinOrdNor:Data Generation with Poisson, Binary, Ordinal and Normal Components
Generation of multiple count, binary, ordinal and normal variables simultaneously given the marginal characteristics and association structure. The details of the method are explained in Demirtas et al. (2012) <DOI:10.1002/sim.5362>.
Maintained by Ran Gao. Last updated 4 years ago.
1.7 match 1.04 score 11 scripts