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AeRobiology:A Computational Tool for Aerobiological Data
Different tools for managing databases of airborne particles, elaborating the main calculations and visualization of results. In a first step, data are checked using tools for quality control and all missing gaps are completed. Then, the main parameters of the pollen season are calculated and represented graphically. Multiple graphical tools are available: pollen calendars, phenological plots, time series, tendencies, interactive plots, abundance plots...
Maintained by "Jose Oteros". Last updated 6 years ago.
59.1 match 1 stars 2.46 score 29 scriptsnowosad
pollen:Analysis of Aerobiological Data
Supports analysis of aerobiological data. Available features include determination of pollen season limits, replacement of outliers (Kasprzyk and Walanus (2014) <doi:10.1007/s10453-014-9332-8>), calculation of growing degree days (Baskerville and Emin (1969) <doi:10.2307/1933912>), and determination of the base temperature for growing degree days (Yang et al. (1995) <doi:10.1016/0168-1923(94)02185-M).
Maintained by Jakub Nowosad. Last updated 2 years ago.
21.3 match 3 stars 4.89 score 26 scripts