Showing 200 of total 213 results (show query)
rio:A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O
Streamlined data import and export by making assumptions that the user is probably willing to make: 'import()' and 'export()' determine the data format from the file extension, reasonable defaults are used for data import and export, web-based import is natively supported (including from SSL/HTTPS), compressed files can be read directly, and fast import packages are used where appropriate. An additional convenience function, 'convert()', provides a simple method for converting between file types.
Maintained by Chung-hong Chan. Last updated 3 months ago.
610 stars 17.10 score 7.8k scripts 74 dependentsdreamrs
esquisse:Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
A 'shiny' gadget to create 'ggplot2' figures interactively with drag-and-drop to map your variables to different aesthetics. You can quickly visualize your data accordingly to their type, export in various formats, and retrieve the code to reproduce the plot.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.8k stars 13.31 score 1.1k scripts 1 dependentsdreamrs
datamods:Modules to Import and Manipulate Data in 'Shiny'
'Shiny' modules to import data into an application or 'addin' from various sources, and to manipulate them after that.
Maintained by Victor Perrier. Last updated 24 days ago.
144 stars 12.03 score 174 scripts 7 dependentsfmmattioni
downloadthis:Implement Download Buttons in 'rmarkdown'
Implement download buttons in HTML output from 'rmarkdown' without the need for 'runtime:shiny'.
Maintained by Felipe Mattioni Maturana. Last updated 6 months ago.
146 stars 9.63 score 856 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
remind2:The REMIND R package (2nd generation)
Contains the REMIND-specific routines for data and model output manipulation.
Maintained by Renato Rodrigues. Last updated 14 hours ago.
8.87 score 161 scripts 5 dependentsr-box
boxr:Interface for the ' API'
An R interface for the remote file hosting service 'Box' (<>). In addition to uploading and downloading files, this package includes functions which mirror base R operations for local files, (e.g. box_load(), box_save(), box_read(), box_setwd(), etc.), as well as 'git' style functions for entire directories (e.g. box_fetch(), box_push()).
Maintained by Ian Lyttle. Last updated 12 months ago.
63 stars 8.65 score 238 scriptsisubirana
compareGroups:Descriptive Analysis by Groups
Create data summaries for quality control, extensive reports for exploring data, as well as publication-ready univariate or bivariate tables in several formats (plain text, HTML,LaTeX, PDF, Word or Excel. Create figures to quickly visualise the distribution of your data (boxplots, barplots, normality-plots, etc.). Display statistics (mean, median, frequencies, incidences, etc.). Perform the appropriate tests (t-test, Analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, Fisher, log-rank, ...) depending on the nature of the described variable (normal, non-normal or qualitative). Summarize genetic data (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) data displaying Allele Frequencies and performing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium tests among other typical statistics and tests for these kind of data.
Maintained by Isaac Subirana. Last updated 1 months ago.
36 stars 8.46 score 396 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
quitte:Bits and pieces of code to use with quitte-style data frames
A collection of functions for easily dealing with quitte-style data frames, doing multi-model comparisons and plots.
Maintained by Falk Benke. Last updated 4 days ago.
8.26 score 184 scripts 35 dependentsradiant-rstats Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
The Radiant Data menu includes interfaces for loading, saving, viewing, visualizing, summarizing, transforming, and combining data. It also contains functionality to generate reproducible reports of the analyses conducted in the application.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 5 months ago.
53 stars 8.25 score 146 scripts 6 dependentssafetygraphics
safetyGraphics:Interactive Graphics for Monitoring Clinical Trial Safety
A framework for evaluation of clinical trial safety. Users can interactively explore their data using the included 'Shiny' application.
Maintained by Jeremy Wildfire. Last updated 2 years ago.
99 stars 8.19 score 111 scriptsramiromagno
gwasrapidd:'REST' 'API' Client for the 'NHGRI'-'EBI' 'GWAS' Catalog
'GWAS' R 'API' Data Download. This package provides easy access to the 'NHGRI'-'EBI' 'GWAS' Catalog data by accessing the 'REST' 'API' <>.
Maintained by Ramiro Magno. Last updated 1 years ago.
95 stars 8.10 score 49 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
mip:Comparison of multi-model runs
Package contains generic functions to produce comparison plots of multi-model runs.
Maintained by David Klein. Last updated 4 days ago.
1 stars 8.07 score 70 scripts 21 dependentsradiant-rstats
radiant:Business Analytics using R and Shiny
A platform-independent browser-based interface for business analytics in R, based on the shiny package. The application combines the functionality of '', '', 'radiant.basics', 'radiant.model', and 'radiant.multivariate'.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 10 months ago.
460 stars 8.02 score 228 scriptsjohn-harrold
formods:'Shiny' Modules for General Tasks
'Shiny' apps can often make use of the same key elements, this package provides modules for common tasks (data upload, wrangling data, figure generation and saving the app state), and also a framework for developing. These modules can react and interact as well as generate code to create reproducible analyses.
Maintained by John Harrold. Last updated 19 days ago.
8 stars 7.94 score 100 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
magpie4:MAgPIE outputs R package for MAgPIE version 4.x
Common output routines for extracting results from the MAgPIE framework (versions 4.x).
Maintained by Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Last updated 15 hours ago.
2 stars 7.89 score 254 scripts 9 dependentspsychbruce
bruceR:Broadly Useful Convenient and Efficient R Functions
Broadly useful convenient and efficient R functions that bring users concise and elegant R data analyses. This package includes easy-to-use functions for (1) basic R programming (e.g., set working directory to the path of currently opened file; import/export data from/to files in any format; print tables to Microsoft Word); (2) multivariate computation (e.g., compute scale sums/means/... with reverse scoring); (3) reliability analyses and factor analyses; (4) descriptive statistics and correlation analyses; (5) t-test, multi-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), simple-effect analysis, and post-hoc multiple comparison; (6) tidy report of statistical models (to R Console and Microsoft Word); (7) mediation and moderation analyses (PROCESS); and (8) additional toolbox for statistics and graphics.
Maintained by Han-Wu-Shuang Bao. Last updated 10 months ago.
176 stars 7.87 score 316 scripts 3 dependentsjoachim-gassen
ExPanDaR:Explore Your Data Interactively
Provides a shiny-based front end (the 'ExPanD' app) and a set of functions for exploratory data analysis. Run as a web-based app, 'ExPanD' enables users to assess the robustness of empirical evidence without providing them access to the underlying data. You can export a notebook containing the analysis of 'ExPanD' and/or use the functions of the package to support your exploratory data analysis workflow. Refer to the vignettes of the package for more information on how to use 'ExPanD' and/or the functions of this package.
Maintained by Joachim Gassen. Last updated 4 years ago.
156 stars 7.80 score 203 scriptsmrc-ide
naomi:Naomi Model for Subnational HIV Estimates
This package implements the Naomi model for subnational HIV estimates.
Maintained by Jeff Eaton. Last updated 18 days ago.
9 stars 7.74 score 54 scripts 2 dependentsbioc
EpiCompare:Comparison, Benchmarking & QC of Epigenomic Datasets
EpiCompare is used to compare and analyse epigenetic datasets for quality control and benchmarking purposes. The package outputs an HTML report consisting of three sections: (1. General metrics) Metrics on peaks (percentage of blacklisted and non-standard peaks, and peak widths) and fragments (duplication rate) of samples, (2. Peak overlap) Percentage and statistical significance of overlapping and non-overlapping peaks. Also includes upset plot and (3. Functional annotation) functional annotation (ChromHMM, ChIPseeker and enrichment analysis) of peaks. Also includes peak enrichment around TSS.
Maintained by Hiranyamaya Dash. Last updated 1 months ago.
15 stars 7.49 score 46 scriptscardiomoon
editData:'RStudio' Addin for Editing a 'data.frame'
An 'RStudio' addin for editing a 'data.frame' or a 'tibble'. You can delete, add or update a 'data.frame' without coding. You can get resultant data as a 'data.frame'. In the package, modularized 'shiny' app codes are provided. These modules are intended for reuse across applications.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 4 years ago.
32 stars 7.45 score 63 scripts 5 dependentsbioc
gDRimport:Package for handling the import of dose-response data
The package is a part of the gDR suite. It helps to prepare raw drug response data for downstream processing. It mainly contains helper functions for importing/loading/validating dose-response data provided in different file formats.
Maintained by Arkadiusz Gladki. Last updated 9 days ago.
3 stars 7.29 score 5 scripts 1 dependentsspsanderson
healthyR:Hospital Data Analysis Workflow Tools
Hospital data analysis workflow tools, modeling, and automations. This library provides many useful tools to review common administrative hospital data. Some of these include average length of stay, readmission rates, average net pay amounts by service lines just to name a few. The aim is to provide a simple and consistent verb framework that takes the guesswork out of everything.
Maintained by Steven Sanderson. Last updated 9 months ago.
30 stars 7.27 score 103 scripts 1 dependentsardata-fr
mschart:Chart Generation for 'Microsoft Word' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' Documents
Create native charts for 'Microsoft PowerPoint' and 'Microsoft Word' documents. These can then be edited and annotated. Functions are provided to let users create charts, modify and format their content. The chart's underlying data is automatically saved within the 'Word' document or 'PowerPoint' presentation. It extends package 'officer' that does not contain any feature for 'Microsoft' native charts production.
Maintained by David Gohel. Last updated 11 months ago.
133 stars 7.23 score 108 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
CRISPRseek:Design of guide RNAs in CRISPR genome-editing systems
The package encompasses functions to find potential guide RNAs for the CRISPR-based genome-editing systems including the Base Editors and the Prime Editors when supplied with target sequences as input. Users have the flexibility to filter resulting guide RNAs based on parameters such as the absence of restriction enzyme cut sites or the lack of paired guide RNAs. The package also facilitates genome-wide exploration for off-targets, offering features to score and rank off-targets, retrieve flanking sequences, and indicate whether the hits are located within exon regions. All detected guide RNAs are annotated with the cumulative scores of the top5 and topN off-targets together with the detailed information such as mismatch sites and restrictuion enzyme cut sites. The package also outputs INDELs and their frequencies for Cas9 targeted sites.
Maintained by Lihua Julie Zhu. Last updated 18 days ago.
7.18 score 51 scripts 2 dependentsjohn-harrold
ruminate:A Pharmacometrics Data Transformation and Analysis Tool
Exploration of pharmacometrics data involves both general tools (transformation and plotting) and specific techniques (non-compartmental analysis). This kind of exploration is generally accomplished by utilizing different packages. The purpose of 'ruminate' is to create a 'shiny' interface to make these tools more broadly available while creating reproducible results.
Maintained by John Harrold. Last updated 19 days ago.
2 stars 7.06 score 84 scriptscb4ds
periscope:Enterprise Streamlined 'Shiny' Application Framework
An enterprise-targeted scalable and UI-standardized 'shiny' framework including a variety of developer convenience functions with the goal of both streamlining robust application development while assisting with creating a consistent user experience regardless of application or developer.
Maintained by Constance Brett. Last updated 2 months ago.
18 stars 7.02 score 73 scriptspik-piam
edgeTransport:Prepare EDGE Transport Data for the REMIND model
EDGE-T is a fork of the GCAM transport module with a high level of detail in its representation of technological and modal options. It is a partial equilibrium model with a nested multinomial logit structure and relies on the modified logit formulation. Most of the sources are not publicly available. PIK-internal users can find the sources in the distributed file system in the folder `/p/projects/rd3mod/inputdata/sources/EDGE-Transport-Standalone`.
Maintained by Johanna Hoppe. Last updated 3 hours ago.
5 stars 6.84 score 16 scripts 2 dependentsraymondbalise
rUM:R Templates from the University of Miami
This holds some r markdown and quarto templates and a template to create a research project in "R Studio".
Maintained by Raymond Balise. Last updated 7 days ago.
9 stars 6.84 score 16 scriptscardiomoon
webr:Data and Functions for Web-Based Analysis
Several analysis-related functions for the book entitled "Web-based Analysis without R in Your Computer"(written in Korean, ISBN 978-89-5566-185-9) by Keon-Woong Moon. The main function plot.htest() shows the distribution of statistic for the object of class 'htest'.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 5 years ago.
33 stars 6.80 score 181 scriptsr-forge
RHRV:Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data
Allows users to import data files containing heartbeat positions in the most broadly used formats, to remove outliers or points with unacceptable physiological values present in the time series, to plot HRV data, and to perform time domain, frequency domain and nonlinear HRV analysis. See Garcia et al. (2017) <DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-65355-6>.
Maintained by Leandro Rodriguez-Linares. Last updated 6 months ago.
6.79 score 63 scripts 1 dependentsdfe-analytical-services
shinyGovstyle:Custom Gov Style Inputs for Shiny
Collection of 'shiny' application styling that are the based on the GOV.UK Design System. See <> for details.
Maintained by Ross Wyatt. Last updated 5 days ago.
44 stars 6.77 score 25 scriptsharrison4192
autostats:Auto Stats
Automatically do statistical exploration. Create formulas using 'tidyselect' syntax, and then determine cross-validated model accuracy and variable contributions using 'glm' and 'xgboost'. Contains additional helper functions to create and modify formulas. Has a flagship function to quickly determine relationships between categorical and continuous variables in the data set.
Maintained by Harrison Tietze. Last updated 24 days ago.
6 stars 6.76 score 5 scripts 2 dependentspik-piam
mrcommons:MadRat commons Input Data Library
Provides useful functions and a common structure to all the input data required to run models like MAgPIE and REMIND of model input data.
Maintained by Jan Philipp Dietrich. Last updated 14 hours ago.
1 stars 6.70 score 16 scripts 15 dependentsharrison4192
presenter:Present Data with Style
Consists of custom wrapper functions using packages 'openxlsx', 'flextable', and 'officer' to create highly formatted MS office friendly output of your data frames. These viewer friendly outputs are intended to match expectations of professional looking presentations in business and consulting scenarios. The functions are opinionated in the sense that they expect the input data frame to have certain properties in order to take advantage of the automated formatting.
Maintained by Harrison Tietze. Last updated 2 years ago.
11 stars 6.69 score 15 scripts 4 dependentspik-piam
piamInterfaces:Project specific interfaces to REMIND / MAgPIE
Project specific interfaces to REMIND / MAgPIE.
Maintained by Falk Benke. Last updated 5 days ago.
6.64 score 38 scripts 7 dependentsaggregate-genius
periscope2:Enterprise Streamlined 'shiny' Application Framework Using 'bs4Dash'
A framework for building enterprise, scalable and UI-standardized 'shiny' applications. It brings enhanced features such as 'bootstrap' v4 <>, additional and enhanced 'shiny' modules, customizable UI features, as well as an enhanced application file organization paradigm. This update allows developers to harness the ability to build powerful applications and enriches the 'shiny' developers' experience when building and maintaining applications.
Maintained by Mohammed Ali. Last updated 2 months ago.
9 stars 6.49 score 34 scriptscardiomoon
rrtable:Reproducible Research with a Table of R Codes
Makes documents containing plots and tables from a table of R codes. Can make "HTML", "pdf('LaTex')", "docx('MS Word')" and "pptx('MS Powerpoint')" documents with or without R code. In the package, modularized 'shiny' app codes are provided. These modules are intended for reuse across applications.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 2 years ago.
3 stars 6.45 score 76 scripts 2 dependentspik-piam
mrwater:madrat based MAgPIE water Input Data Library
Provides functions for MAgPIE cellular input data generation and stand-alone water calculations.
Maintained by Felicitas Beier. Last updated 5 months ago.
6.45 score 4 scripts 3 dependentsmsperlin
GetDFPData2:Reading Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports from B3
Reads annual and quarterly financial reports from companies traded at B3, the Brazilian exchange <>. All data is downloaded and imported from CVM's public ftp site <>.
Maintained by Marcelo Perlin. Last updated 4 days ago.
40 stars 6.36 score 38 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
mrremind:MadRat REMIND Input Data Package
The mrremind packages contains data preprocessing for the REMIND model.
Maintained by Lavinia Baumstark. Last updated 14 hours ago.
4 stars 6.25 score 15 scripts 1 dependentsradiant-rstats
radiant.model:Model Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
The Radiant Model menu includes interfaces for linear and logistic regression, naive Bayes, neural networks, classification and regression trees, model evaluation, collaborative filtering, decision analysis, and simulation. The application extends the functionality in ''.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 6 months ago.
19 stars 6.18 score 80 scripts 2 dependentspik-piam
luplot:Landuse Plot Library
Some useful functions to plot data such as a map plot function for MAgPIE objects.
Maintained by Benjamin Bodirsky. Last updated 2 months ago.
6.09 score 124 scripts 11 dependentscardiomoon
ggplotAssist:'RStudio' Addin for Teaching and Learning 'ggplot2'
An 'RStudio' addin for teaching and learning making plot using the 'ggplot2' package. You can learn each steps of making plot by clicking your mouse without coding. You can get resultant code for the plot.
Maintained by Keon-Woong Moon. Last updated 7 years ago.
79 stars 5.85 score 18 scriptsbioc
ISAnalytics:Analyze gene therapy vector insertion sites data identified from genomics next generation sequencing reads for clonal tracking studies
In gene therapy, stem cells are modified using viral vectors to deliver the therapeutic transgene and replace functional properties since the genetic modification is stable and inherited in all cell progeny. The retrieval and mapping of the sequences flanking the virus-host DNA junctions allows the identification of insertion sites (IS), essential for monitoring the evolution of genetically modified cells in vivo. A comprehensive toolkit for the analysis of IS is required to foster clonal trackign studies and supporting the assessment of safety and long term efficacy in vivo. This package is aimed at (1) supporting automation of IS workflow, (2) performing base and advance analysis for IS tracking (clonal abundance, clonal expansions and statistics for insertional mutagenesis, etc.), (3) providing basic biology insights of transduced stem cells in vivo.
Maintained by Francesco Gazzo. Last updated 4 months ago.
3 stars 5.83 score 15 scriptsmrc-ide
hintr:R API for calling naomi district level HIV model
R API for calling naomi district level HIV model.
Maintained by Robert Ashton. Last updated 18 days ago.
2 stars 5.80 score 2 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
RiboCrypt:Interactive visualization in genomics
R Package for interactive visualization and browsing NGS data. It contains a browser for both transcript and genomic coordinate view. In addition a QC and general metaplots are included, among others differential translation plots and gene expression plots. The package is still under development.
Maintained by Michal Swirski. Last updated 4 days ago.
5 stars 5.78 score 22 scriptsbioc
bioCancer:Interactive Multi-Omics Cancers Data Visualization and Analysis
This package is a Shiny App to visualize and analyse interactively Multi-Assays of Cancer Genomic Data.
Maintained by Karim Mezhoud. Last updated 5 months ago.
20 stars 5.78 score 7 scriptsbioc
multicrispr:Multi-locus multi-purpose Crispr/Cas design
This package is for designing Crispr/Cas9 and Prime Editing experiments. It contains functions to (1) define and transform genomic targets, (2) find spacers (4) count offtarget (mis)matches, and (5) compute Doench2016/2014 targeting efficiency. Care has been taken for multicrispr to scale well towards large target sets, enabling the design of large Crispr/Cas9 libraries.
Maintained by Aditya Bhagwat. Last updated 4 months ago.
5.65 score 2 scriptspik-piam
mrland:MadRaT land data package
The package provides land related data via the madrat framework.
Maintained by Jan Philipp Dietrich. Last updated 9 days ago.
5.59 score 3 scripts 4 dependentsepe-gov-br
epe4md:EPE's 4MD model to forecast the adoption of Distributed Generation and Behind-the-meter energy storage
EPE's 4MD model to forecast the adoption of Distributed Generation and Behind-the-meter energy storage
Maintained by Gabriel Konzen. Last updated 18 days ago.
19 stars 5.58 score 5 scriptsradiant-rstats
radiant.basics:Basics Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
The Radiant Basics menu includes interfaces for probability calculation, central limit theorem simulation, comparing means and proportions, goodness-of-fit testing, cross-tabs, and correlation. The application extends the functionality in ''.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 11 months ago.
8 stars 5.56 score 79 scripts 3 dependentsglottospace
glottospace:Language Mapping and Geospatial Analysis of Linguistic and Cultural Data
Streamlined workflows for geolinguistic analysis, including: accessing global linguistic and cultural databases, data import, data entry, data cleaning, data exploration, mapping, visualization and export.
Maintained by Rui Dong. Last updated 3 months ago.
23 stars 5.54 score 6 scriptseonurk
cinaR:A Computational Pipeline for Bulk 'ATAC-Seq' Profiles
Differential analyses and Enrichment pipeline for bulk 'ATAC-seq' data analyses. This package combines different packages to have an ultimate package for both data analyses and visualization of 'ATAC-seq' data. Methods are described in 'Karakaslar et al.' (2021) <doi:10.1101/2021.03.05.434143>.
Maintained by Onur Karakaslar. Last updated 10 months ago.
13 stars 5.52 score 51 scriptspersimune
explainer:Machine Learning Model Explainer
It enables detailed interpretation of complex classification and regression models through Shapley analysis including data-driven characterization of subgroups of individuals. Furthermore, it facilitates multi-measure model evaluation, model fairness, and decision curve analysis. Additionally, it offers enhanced visualizations with interactive elements.
Maintained by Ramtin Zargari Marandi. Last updated 6 months ago.
15 stars 5.43 score 12 scriptspik-piam
mrindustry:input data generation for the REMIND industry module
The mrindustry packages contains data preprocessing for the REMIND model.
Maintained by Falk Benke. Last updated 8 days ago.
5.43 score 2 dependentsmaelstrom-research
madshapR:Support Technical Processes Following 'Maelstrom Research' Standards
Functions to support rigorous processes in data cleaning, evaluation, and documentation across datasets from different studies based on Maelstrom Research guidelines. The package includes the core functions to evaluate and format the main inputs that define the process, diagnose errors, and summarize and evaluate datasets and their associated data dictionaries. The main outputs are clean datasets and associated metadata, and tabular and visual summary reports. As described in Maelstrom Research guidelines for rigorous retrospective data harmonization (Fortier I and al. (2017) <doi:10.1093/ije/dyw075>).
Maintained by Guillaume Fabre. Last updated 11 months ago.
2 stars 5.40 score 28 scripts 3 dependentsmassbays-tech
MassWateR:Quality Control and Analysis of Massachusetts Water Quality Data
Methods for quality control and exploratory analysis of surface water quality data collected in Massachusetts, USA. Functions are developed to facilitate data formatting for the Water Quality Exchange Network <> and reporting of data quality objectives to state agencies. Quality control methods are from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (2020) <>.
Maintained by Marcus Beck. Last updated 8 days ago.
13 stars 5.29 score 10 scriptsharrison4192
validata:Validate Data Frames
Functions for validating the structure and properties of data frames. Answers essential questions about a data set after initial import or modification. What are the unique or missing values? What columns form a primary key? What are the properties of the numeric or categorical columns? What kind of overlap or mapping exists between 2 columns?
Maintained by Harrison Tietze. Last updated 24 days ago.
6 stars 5.26 score 4 scripts 1 dependentsnceas
scicomptools:Tools Developed by the NCEAS Scientific Computing Support Team
Set of tools to import, summarize, wrangle, and visualize data. These functions were originally written based on the needs of the various synthesis working groups that were supported by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). These tools are meant to be useful inside and outside of the context for which they were designed.
Maintained by Angel Chen. Last updated 5 months ago.
9 stars 5.26 score 6 scriptsbioc
gDR:Umbrella package for R packages in the gDR suite
Package is a part of the gDR suite. It reexports functions from other packages in the gDR suite that contain critical processing functions and utilities. The vignette walks through the full processing pipeline for drug response analyses that the gDR suite offers.
Maintained by Arkadiusz Gladki. Last updated 5 months ago.
1 stars 5.20 score 7 scriptspik-piam
modelstats:Run Analysis Tools
A collection of tools to analyze model runs.
Maintained by Anastasis Giannousakis. Last updated 12 days ago.
1 stars 5.19 score 2 scriptsharrison4192
framecleaner:Clean Data Frames
Provides a friendly interface for modifying data frames with a sequence of piped commands built upon the 'tidyverse' Wickham et al., (2019) <doi:10.21105/joss.01686> . The majority of commands wrap 'dplyr' mutate statements in a convenient way to concisely solve common issues that arise when tidying small to medium data sets. Includes smart defaults and allows flexible selection of columns via 'tidyselect'.
Maintained by Harrison Tietze. Last updated 1 years ago.
2 stars 5.18 score 5 scripts 5 dependentsguifabre
fabR:Wrapper Functions Collection Used in Data Pipelines
The goal of this package is to provide wrapper functions in the data cleaning and cleansing processes. These function helps in messages and interaction with the user, keep track of information in pipelines, help in the wrangling, munging, assessment and visualization of data frame-like material.
Maintained by Guillaume Fabre. Last updated 11 months ago.
1 stars 5.14 score 23 scripts 4 dependentsurswilke
datadaptor:Modify Labelled Data Sets With Excel Files
An R package to modify labelled data sets with commands in Excel files. The commands in this package allow to create new variables, and modify the labels of the variables, as well as the variables themselves. The goal is to provide an easy & concise syntax, and to allow for fast systematic data entry using Excel for advanced users. The commands work on the variables inside the data.frame environment (like e.g. inside dplyr verbs), thus providing an approach that might ease the use for people without in-depth programming experience.
Maintained by Urs Wilke. Last updated 1 months ago.
5.13 score 1 dependentspik-piam
piamPlotComparison:Create comparison plots for your model results
A frameworks to create comparison plots for your model results.
Maintained by Falk Benke. Last updated 3 months ago.
5.12 score 11 scripts 8 dependentsspsanderson
healthyverse:Easily Install and Load the 'healthyverse'
The 'healthyverse' is a set of packages that work in harmony because they share common data representations and 'API' design. This package is designed to make it easy to install and load multiple 'healthyverse' packages in a single step.
Maintained by Steven Sanderson. Last updated 6 months ago.
11 stars 5.12 score 24 scriptspik-piam
mrmagpie:madrat based MAgPIE Input Data Library
Provides functions for MAgPIE country and cellular input data generation.
Maintained by Kristine Karstens. Last updated 10 days ago.
5.12 score 2 dependentspromidat
loadeR:Load Data for Analysis System
Provides a framework to load text and excel files through a 'shiny' graphical interface. It allows renaming, transforming, ordering and removing variables. It includes basic exploratory methods such as the mean, median, mode, normality test, histogram and correlation.
Maintained by Oldemar Rodriguez. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.09 score 275 scripts 3 dependentsriksrevisjonen
pioneeR:Productivity and Efficiency Analysis using DEA
Measure productivity and efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Available methods include DEA under different technology assumptions, bootstrapping of efficiency scores and calculation of the Malmquist productivity index. Analyses can be performed either in the console or with the provided 'shiny' app. See Banker, R.; Charnes, A.; Cooper, W.W. (1984) <doi:10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078>, Färe, R.; Grosskopf, S. (1996) <doi:10.1007/978-94-009-1816-0>.
Maintained by Ove Haugland Jakobsen. Last updated 5 months ago.
7 stars 5.09 score 5 scriptsfsolt
pewdata:Reproducible Retrieval of Pew Research Center Datasets
Reproducible, programmatic retrieval of survey datasets from the Pew Research Center.
Maintained by Frederick Solt. Last updated 4 years ago.
10 stars 5.00 score 4 scriptspik-piam
remulator:R emulator
A collection of R tools for fitting model results.
Maintained by David Klein. Last updated 1 years ago.
5.00 score 11 scripts 6 dependentsropengov
psData:Download Regularly Maintained Political Science Data Sets
This R package includes functions for gathering commonly used and regularly maintained data set in political science. It also includes functions for combining components from these data sets into variables that have been suggested in the literature, but are not regularly maintained.
Maintained by Christopher Gandrud. Last updated 2 years ago.
45 stars 4.95 scoredusadrian
DDIwR:DDI with R
Useful functions for various DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) related inputs and outputs. Converts data files to and from DDI, SPSS, Stata, SAS, R and Excel, including user declared missing values.
Maintained by Adrian Dusa. Last updated 4 months ago.
15 stars 4.92 score 10 scriptsstruckma
dataquieR:Data Quality in Epidemiological Research
Data quality assessments guided by a 'data quality framework introduced by Schmidt and colleagues, 2021' <doi:10.1186/s12874-021-01252-7> target the data quality dimensions integrity, completeness, consistency, and accuracy. The scope of applicable functions rests on the availability of extensive metadata which can be provided in spreadsheet tables. Either standardized (e.g. as 'html5' reports) or individually tailored reports can be generated. For an introduction into the specification of corresponding metadata, please refer to the 'package website' <>.
Maintained by Stephan Struckmann. Last updated 18 days ago.
4.90 score 9 scriptspsychbruce
ChineseNames:Chinese Name Database 1930-2008
A database of Chinese surnames and Chinese given names (1930-2008). This database contains nationwide frequency statistics of 1,806 Chinese surnames and 2,614 Chinese characters used in given names, covering about 1.2 billion Han Chinese population (96.8% of the Han Chinese household-registered population born from 1930 to 2008 and still alive in 2008). This package also contains a function for computing multiple features of Chinese surnames and Chinese given names for scientific research (e.g., name uniqueness, name gender, name valence, and name warmth/competence).
Maintained by Han-Wu-Shuang Bao. Last updated 2 years ago.
150 stars 4.88 score 6 scriptspik-piam
mrtransport:Input data generation for the EDGE-Transport model
The mrtransport package contains data preprocessing for the EDGE-Transport model.
Maintained by Johanna Hoppe. Last updated 9 hours ago.
4.86 score 3 dependentspik-piam
mrvalidation:madrat data preparation for validation purposes
Package contains routines to prepare data for validation exercises.
Maintained by Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Last updated 5 days ago.
4.81 score 9 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
piamutils:Utilities for the piam-verse
This package contains utilities and helpers needed in various piam libraries.
Maintained by Falk Benke. Last updated 2 months ago.
4.78 score 28 scripts 12 dependentszpneal
childfree:Access and Harmonize Childfree Demographic Data
Reads demographic data from a variety of public data sources, extracting and harmonizing variables useful for the study of childfree individuals. The identification of childfree individuals and those with other family statuses uses Neal & Neal's (2024) "A Framework for Studying Adults who Neither have Nor Want Children" <doi:10.1177/10664807231198869>; A pre-print is available at <doi:10.31234/>.
Maintained by Zachary Neal. Last updated 5 days ago.
4.78 score 1 scriptsharrison4192
tidybins:Make Tidy Bins
Multiple ways to bin numeric columns with a tidy output. Wraps a variety of existing binning methods into one function, and includes a new method for binning by equal value, which is useful for sales data. Provides a function to automatically summarize the properties of the binned columns.
Maintained by Harrison Tietze. Last updated 10 months ago.
4 stars 4.78 score 2 scripts 1 dependentsradiant-rstats
radiant.multivariate:Multivariate Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
The Radiant Multivariate menu includes interfaces for perceptual mapping, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and conjoint analysis. The application extends the functionality in ''.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 19 days ago.
5 stars 4.76 score 38 scripts 1 dependentsmcodrescu
octopus:A Database Management Tool
A database management tool built as a 'shiny' application. Connect to various databases to send queries, upload files, preview tables, and more.
Maintained by Marcus Codrescu. Last updated 12 months ago.
11 stars 4.74 score 4 scriptsbioc
GNOSIS:Genomics explorer using statistical and survival analysis in R
GNOSIS incorporates a range of R packages enabling users to efficiently explore and visualise clinical and genomic data obtained from cBioPortal. GNOSIS uses an intuitive GUI and multiple tab panels supporting a range of functionalities. These include data upload and initial exploration, data recoding and subsetting, multiple visualisations, survival analysis, statistical analysis and mutation analysis, in addition to facilitating reproducible research.
Maintained by Lydia King. Last updated 5 months ago.
5 stars 4.70 score 2 scriptspik-piam
mrfactors:MADRaT based package on factor inputs
This package provides functions for MAgPIE input data on factor inputs to agricultural production (with a focus on capital and labor).
Maintained by Debbora Leip. Last updated 2 days ago.
4.67 score 1 scripts 5 dependentscrenteriam
importinegi:Download and Manage Open Data from INEGI
Download and manage data sets of statistical projects and geographic data created by Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (INEGI). See <>.
Maintained by Cesar Renteria. Last updated 1 years ago.
9 stars 4.65 score 4 scriptsmsperlin
GetFREData:Reading FRE Corporate Data of Public Traded Companies from B3
Reads corporate data such as board composition and compensation for companies traded at B3, the Brazilian exchange <>. All data is downloaded and imported from the ftp site <>.
Maintained by Marcelo Perlin. Last updated 12 months ago.
5 stars 4.63 score 17 scriptspik-piam
reporttransport:Reporting package for edgeTransport
This package contains edgeTransport-specific routines to report model results. The main functionality is to generate transport reporting variables in MIF format from a given edgeTransport model run folder or REMIND input data.
Maintained by Johanna Hoppe. Last updated 2 months ago.
4.60 score 9 scripts 3 dependentsradiant-rstats Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny
The Radiant Design menu includes interfaces for design of experiments, sampling, and sample size calculation. The application extends the functionality in ''.
Maintained by Vincent Nijs. Last updated 11 months ago.
11 stars 4.57 score 19 scripts 1 dependentscran
metaumbrella:Umbrella Review Package for R
A comprehensive range of facilities to perform umbrella reviews with stratification of the evidence in R. The package accomplishes this aim by building on three core functions that: (i) automatically perform all required calculations in an umbrella review (including but not limited to meta-analyses), (ii) stratify evidence according to various classification criteria, and (iii) generate a visual representation of the results. Note that if you are not familiar with R, the core features of this package are available from a web browser (<>).
Maintained by Corentin J Gosling. Last updated 29 days ago.
9 stars 4.56 scoreandresfloresg
BiVariAn:Bivariate Automatic Analysis
Simplify bivariate and regression analyses by automating result generation, including summary tables, statistical tests, and customizable graphs. It supports tests for continuous and dichotomous data, as well as stepwise regression for linear, logistic, and Firth penalized logistic models. While not a substitute for tailored analysis, 'BiVariAn' accelerates workflows and is expanding features like multilingual interpretations of results.The methods for selecting significant statistical tests, as well as the predictor selection in prediction functions, can be referenced in the works of Marc Kery (2003) <doi:10.1890/0012-9623(2003)84[92:NORDIG]2.0.CO;2> and Rainer Puhr (2017) <doi:10.1002/sim.7273>.
Maintained by José Andrés Flores-García. Last updated 23 days ago.
4.54 scoreurswilke
crosstabser:Generate Crosstabs of Labelled Data Sets with Excel Files
An R package to use commands in Excel files to generate crosstabs of labelled data sets (usually survey data). The crosstabs can be printed to the console, and serve as an input for an app to plot them interactively.
Maintained by Urs Wilke. Last updated 1 days ago.
4.50 scorepik-piam
piamValidation:Validation Tools for PIK-PIAM
The piamValidation package provides validation tools for the Potsdam Integrated Assessment Modelling environment.
Maintained by Pascal Weigmann. Last updated 2 days ago.
1 stars 4.49 score 13 scriptsregisoc
kibior:A Simple Data Management and Sharing Tool
An interface to store, retrieve, search, join and share datasets, based on Elasticsearch (ES) API. As a decentralized, FAIR and collaborative search engine and database effort, it proposes a simple push/pull/search mechanism only based on ES, a tool which can be deployed on nearly any hardware. It is a high-level R-ES binding to ease data usage using 'elastic' package (S. Chamberlain (2020)) <>, extends joins from 'dplyr' package (H. Wickham et al. (2020)) <> and integrates specific biological format importation with Bioconductor packages such as 'rtracklayer' (M. Lawrence and al. (2009) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp328>) <>, 'Biostrings' (H. Pagès and al. (2020) <doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.Biostrings>) <>, and 'Rsamtools' (M. Morgan and al. (2020) <doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.Rsamtools>) <>, but also a long list of more common ones with 'rio' (C-h. Chan and al. (2018)) <>.
Maintained by Régis Ongaro-Carcy. Last updated 4 years ago.
3 stars 4.48 score 8 scriptsbioc
ComPrAn:Complexome Profiling Analysis package
This package is for analysis of SILAC labeled complexome profiling data. It uses peptide table in tab-delimited format as an input and produces ready-to-use tables and plots.
Maintained by Petra Palenikova. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.48 score 5 scriptslgnbhl
xlcharts:Create Native 'Excel' Charts and Work with Microsoft 'Excel' Files
An R interface to the 'OpenPyXL' 'Python' library to create native 'Excel' charts and work with Microsoft 'Excel' files.
Maintained by Felix Luginbuhl. Last updated 24 days ago.
12 stars 4.48 score 4 scriptsfsolt
gesisdata:Reproducible Data Retrieval from the GESIS Data Archive
Reproducible, programmatic retrieval of datasets from the GESIS Data Archive. The GESIS Data Archive <> makes available thousands of invaluable datasets, but researchers using these datasets are caught in a bind. The archive's terms and conditions bar dissemination of downloaded datasets to third parties, but to ensure that one's work can be reproduced, assessed, and built upon by others, one must provide access to the raw data one has employed. The 'gesisdata' package cuts this knot by providing registered users with programmatic, reproducible access to GESIS datasets from within 'R'.
Maintained by Frederick Solt. Last updated 2 years ago.
6 stars 4.48 score 1 scriptsr4epi
sitrep:Report templates and helper functions for applied epidemiology
Report templates and helper functions for applied epidemiology.
Maintained by Alexander Spina. Last updated 23 days ago.
41 stars 4.46 score 9 scriptsbioc
GUIDEseq:GUIDE-seq and PEtag-seq analysis pipeline
The package implements GUIDE-seq and PEtag-seq analysis workflow including functions for filtering UMI and reads with low coverage, obtaining unique insertion sites (proxy of cleavage sites), estimating the locations of the insertion sites, aka, peaks, merging estimated insertion sites from plus and minus strand, and performing off target search of the extended regions around insertion sites with mismatches and indels.
Maintained by Lihua Julie Zhu. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.45 score 14 scriptschristophergandrud
dpmr:Data Package Manager for R
Create, install, and summarise data packages that follow the Open Knowledge Foundation's Data Package Protocol.
Maintained by Christopher Gandrud. Last updated 8 years ago.
56 stars 4.45 score 5 scriptsftwkoopmans
goat:Gene Set Analysis Using the Gene Set Ordinal Association Test
Perform gene set enrichment analyses using the Gene set Ordinal Association Test (GOAT) algorithm and visualize your results. Koopmans, F. (2024) <doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06454-5>.
Maintained by Frank Koopmans. Last updated 1 months ago.
10 stars 4.40 score 8 scriptsfsolt
ropercenter:Reproducible Data Retrieval from the Roper Center Data Archive
Reproducible, programmatic retrieval of datasets from the Roper Center data archive. The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research <> maintains the largest archive of public opinion data in existence, but researchers using these datasets are caught in a bind. The Center's terms and conditions bar redistribution of downloaded datasets, but to ensure that one's work can be reproduced, assessed, and built upon by others, one must provide access to the raw data one employed. The `ropercenter` package cuts this knot by providing registered users with programmatic, reproducible access to Roper Center datasets from within R.
Maintained by Frederick Solt. Last updated 2 years ago.
5 stars 4.40 score 4 scriptsxiaoyangsu
accucor:Natural Abundance Correction of Mass Spectrometer Data
An isotope natural abundance correction algorithm that is needed especially for high resolution mass spectrometers. Supports correction for 13C, 2H and 15N. Su X, Lu W and Rabinowitz J (2017) <doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00396>.
Maintained by Lance Parsons. Last updated 2 years ago.
16 stars 4.38 score 6 scripts 1 dependentsvusaverse
vvdoctor:Statistical Test App with R 'shiny'
Provides a user-friendly R 'shiny' app for performing various statistical tests on datasets. It allows users to upload data in numerous formats and perform statistical analyses. The app dynamically adapts its options based on the selected columns and supports both single and multiple column comparisons. The app's user interface is designed to streamline the process of selecting datasets, columns, and test options, making it easy for users to explore and interpret their data. The underlying functions for statistical tests are well-organized and can be used independently within other R scripts.
Maintained by Tomer Iwan. Last updated 11 months ago.
7 stars 4.32 score 3 scriptsjiangyouxiang
TestAnaAPP:A 'shiny' App for Test Analysis and Visualization
This application provides exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, classical test theory, unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory, and continuous item response model analysis, through the 'shiny' interactive interface. In addition, it offers rich functionalities for visualizing and downloading results. Users can download figures, tables, and analysis reports via the interactive interface.
Maintained by Youxiang Jiang. Last updated 4 months ago.
4 stars 4.30 score 2 scriptsandrisignorell
DescToolsAddIns:Interactive Functions to be Used as Shortcuts in 'RStudio'
'RStudio' as of recently offers the option to define addins and assign shortcuts to them. This package contains addins for a few most frequently used functions in a data scientist's (at least mine) daily work (like str(), example(), plot(), head(), view(), Desc()). Most of these functions will use the current selection in the editor window and send the specific command to the console while instantly executing it. Assigning shortcuts to these addins will save you quite a few keystrokes.
Maintained by Andri Signorell. Last updated 5 months ago.
4 stars 4.24 score 2 scripts 1 dependentsankonahouston
OralOpioids:Retrieving Oral Opioid Information
Provides details such as Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED), brand name and opioid content which are calculated of all oral opioids authorized for sale by Health Canada and the FDA based on their Drug Identification Number (DIN) or National Drug Code (NDC). MEDs are calculated based on recommendations by Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and Von Korff et al (2008) and information obtained from Health Canada's Drug Product Database's monthly data dump or FDA Daily database for Canadian and US databases respectively. Please note in no way should output from this package be a substitute for medical advise. All medications should only be consumed on prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.
Maintained by Ankona Banerjee. Last updated 3 months ago.
1 stars 4.18 score 4 scriptsgsk-biostatistics
tfrmtbuilder:'shiny' App Companion to the 'tfrmt' Package
Provides an interactive interface to the 'tfrmt' package. Users can import, modify, and export tables and templates with little to no code.
Maintained by Becca Krouse. Last updated 7 months ago.
5 stars 4.18 score 9 scriptsnicolas-robette
moreparty:A Toolbox for Conditional Inference Trees and Random Forests
Additions to 'party' and 'partykit' packages : tools for the interpretation of forests (surrogate trees, prototypes, etc.), feature selection (see Gregorutti et al (2017) <arXiv:1310.5726>, Hapfelmeier and Ulm (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.09.020>, Altmann et al (2010) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq134>) and parallelized versions of conditional forest and variable importance functions. Also modules and a shiny app for conditional inference trees.
Maintained by Nicolas Robette. Last updated 12 months ago.
3 stars 4.18 score 8 scriptsrmi-pacta
For more information visit <>.
Maintained by Monika Furdyna. Last updated 2 months ago.
1 stars 4.06 score 2 scripts 1 dependentspsychbruce
PsychWordVec:Word Embedding Research Framework for Psychological Science
An integrative toolbox of word embedding research that provides: (1) a collection of 'pre-trained' static word vectors in the '.RData' compressed format <>; (2) a series of functions to process, analyze, and visualize word vectors; (3) a range of tests to examine conceptual associations, including the Word Embedding Association Test <doi:10.1126/science.aal4230> and the Relative Norm Distance <doi:10.1073/pnas.1720347115>, with permutation test of significance; (4) a set of training methods to locally train (static) word vectors from text corpora, including 'Word2Vec' <arXiv:1301.3781>, 'GloVe' <doi:10.3115/v1/D14-1162>, and 'FastText' <arXiv:1607.04606>; (5) a group of functions to download 'pre-trained' language models (e.g., 'GPT', 'BERT') and extract contextualized (dynamic) word vectors (based on the R package 'text').
Maintained by Han-Wu-Shuang Bao. Last updated 1 years ago.
22 stars 4.04 score 10 scriptspik-piam
mrsoil:MadRat Soil Organic Carbon Budget Library
This packages provides functions for soil organic carbon budget for mineral soils using the steady-state method (Tier 2) of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPP Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
Maintained by Kristine Karstens. Last updated 6 months ago.
3 stars 4.03 score 3 dependentsbarnzilla
capl:Compute and Visualize CAPL-2 Scores and Interpretations
A toolkit for computing and visualizing CAPL-2 (Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, Second Edition; <>) scores and interpretations from raw data.
Maintained by Joel Barnes. Last updated 3 years ago.
2 stars 4.00 score 2 scriptssigbertklinke
mmstat4:Access to Teaching Materials from a ZIP File or GitHub
Provides access to teaching materials for various statistics courses, including R and Python programs, Shiny apps, data, and PDF/HTML documents. These materials are stored on the Internet as a ZIP file (e.g., in a GitHub repository) and can be downloaded and displayed or run locally. The content of the ZIP file is temporarily or permanently stored. By default, the package uses the GitHub repository 'sigbertklinke/' Additionally, the package includes 'association_measures.R' from the archived package 'ryouready' by Mark Heckman and some auxiliary functions.
Maintained by Sigbert Klinke. Last updated 7 months ago.
4.00 score 1 scriptsttacail
isobxr:Stable Isotope Box Modelling in R
A set of functions to run simple and composite box-models to describe the dynamic or static distribution of stable isotopes in open or closed systems. The package also allows the sweeping of many parameters in both static and dynamic conditions. The mathematical models used in this package are derived from Albarede, 1995, Introduction to Geochemical Modelling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge <doi:10.1017/CBO9780511622960>.
Maintained by Theo Tacail. Last updated 11 months ago.
1 stars 4.00 score 2 scriptsbioc
LinkHD:LinkHD: a versatile framework to explore and integrate heterogeneous data
Here we present Link-HD, an approach to integrate heterogeneous datasets, as a generalization of STATIS-ACT (“Structuration des Tableaux A Trois Indices de la Statistique–Analyse Conjointe de Tableaux”), a family of methods to join and compare information from multiple subspaces. However, STATIS-ACT has some drawbacks since it only allows continuous data and it is unable to establish relationships between samples and features. In order to tackle these constraints, we incorporate multiple distance options and a linear regression based Biplot model in order to stablish relationships between observations and variable and perform variable selection.
Maintained by "Laura M Zingaretti". Last updated 5 months ago.
4.00 score 2 scriptsbioc
rifiComparative:'rifiComparative' compares the output of rifi from two different conditions.
'rifiComparative' is a continuation of rifi package. It compares two conditions output of rifi using half-life and mRNA at time 0 segments. As an input for the segmentation, the difference between half-life of both condtions and log2FC of the mRNA at time 0 are used. The package provides segmentation, statistics, summary table, fragments visualization and some additional useful plots for further anaylsis.
Maintained by Loubna Youssar. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.00 scorealbertoalmuinha
shinyrecipes:Gadget to Use the Data Preprocessing 'recipes' Package Interactively
This gadget allows you to use the 'recipes' package belonging to 'tidymodels' to carry out the data preprocessing tasks in an interactive way. Build your 'recipe' by dragging the variables, visually analyze your data to decide which steps to use, add those steps and pre-process your data.
Maintained by Alberto Almuiña. Last updated 5 years ago.
19 stars 3.98 score 5 scriptsle-huynh
lehuynh:Le-Huynh Truc-Ly's R Code and Templates
Miscellaneous R functions (for graphics, data import, data transformation, and general utilities) and templates (for exploratory analysis, Bayesian modeling, and crafting scientific manuscripts).
Maintained by Truc-Ly Le-Huynh. Last updated 10 months ago.
3 stars 3.88 score 4 scriptseurostat
correspondenceTables:Creating Correspondence Tables Between Two Statistical Classifications
A candidate correspondence table between two classifications can be created when there are correspondence tables leading from the first classification to the second one via intermediate 'pivot' classifications. The correspondence table between two statistical classifications can be updated when one of the classifications gets updated to a new version.
Maintained by Mátyás Mészáros. Last updated 2 months ago.
7 stars 3.85 score 4 scriptspik-piam
piamModelTests:piamModelTests Tools
A collection of R tools provided by the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) for data analysis and diagnostics.
Maintained by Jan Philipp Dietrich. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.78 score 1 scriptsrmi-pacta
pactaverse:Easily Install and Load the 'PACTA-verse'
The 'pactaverse' is a set of packages that work to help R users implement various functionality related to the PACTA open source project.
Maintained by Jackson Hoffart. Last updated 4 months ago.
6 stars 3.73 score 3 scriptspik-piam
mredgebuildings:Prepare data to be used by the EDGE-Buildings model
Prepare data to be used by the EDGE-Buildings model.
Maintained by Robin Hasse. Last updated 15 days ago.
3.72 scorerepboxr
repboxReg:Repbox module for analysing regressions
Repbox module for analysing regressions
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.71 score 6 scripts 2 dependentstmungle
allMT:Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Maintenance Therapy Analysis
Evaluates acute lymphoblastic leukemia maintenance therapy practice at patient and cohort level.
Maintained by Tushar Mungle. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.70 score 2 scriptstruenomad
epiCleanr:A Tidy Solution for Epidemiological Data
Offers a tidy solution for epidemiological data. It houses a range of functions for epidemiologists and public health data wizards for data management and cleaning.
Maintained by Mohamed A. Yusuf. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.70 score 4 scriptspoissonconsulting
subfoldr2:Save and Load R Objects
Facilitates saving and loading R objects, data frames, tables, plots, text blocks and numbers to subfolders.
Maintained by Joe Thorley. Last updated 26 days ago.
2 stars 3.70 score 5 scriptsmaialba3
FAMetA:Fatty Acid Metabolic Analysis
Fatty acid metabolic analysis aimed to the estimation of FA import (I), de novo synthesis (S), fractional contribution of the 13C-tracers (D0, D1, D2), elongation (E) and desaturation (Des) based on mass isotopologue data.
Maintained by Maribel Alcoriza-Balaguer. Last updated 1 years ago.
1 stars 3.70 score 2 scriptstardipede
concatipede:Easy Concatenation of Fasta Sequences
Concatenation of multiple sequence alignments based on a correspondence table that can be edited in Excel <doi:10.5281/zenodo.5130603>.
Maintained by Matteo Vecchi. Last updated 3 years ago.
3.70 score 5 scriptsmaelstrom-research
mlstrOpalr:Support Compatibility Between 'Maelstrom' R Packages and 'Opal' Environment
Functions to support compatibility between 'Maelstrom' R packages and 'Opal' environment. 'Opal' is the 'OBiBa' core database application for biobanks. It is used to build data repositories that integrates data collected from multiple sources. 'Opal Maelstrom' is a specific implementation of this software. This 'Opal' client is specifically designed to interact with 'Opal Maelstrom' distributions to perform operations on the R server side. The user must have adequate credentials. Please see <> for complete documentation.
Maintained by Guillaume Fabre. Last updated 11 months ago.
1 stars 3.70 score 3 scriptslcbc-uio
Conversions:Collection of functions that convert certain RAW data in the LCBC database
Collection of functions that convert certain RAW data in the LCBC database.
Maintained by Athanasia Monika Mowinckel. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.65 score 10 scriptsharrison4192
TidyConsultant:Tidy Consultant Universe
Loads the 5 packages in the Tidy Consultant Universe. This collection of packages is useful for anyone doing data science, data analysis, or quantitative consulting. The functions in these packages range from data cleaning, data validation, data binning, statistical modeling, and file exporting.
Maintained by Harrison Tietze. Last updated 10 months ago.
8 stars 3.60 score 2 scriptspr2database
pr2database:PR2 database with shiny web interface
PR2 database See
Maintained by Daniel Vaulot. Last updated 2 years ago.
80 stars 3.60 score 7 scriptspik-piam
mrfeed:MadRat feed data package
Provides feed related data.
Maintained by Isabelle Weindl. Last updated 12 months ago.
3.56 scorecorentinjgosling
metaConvert:An Automatic Suite for Estimation of Various Effect Size Measures
Automatically estimate 11 effect size measures from a well-formatted dataset. Various other functions can help, for example, removing dependency between several effect sizes, or identifying differences between two datasets. This package is mainly designed to assist in conducting a systematic review with a meta-analysis but can be useful to any researcher interested in estimating an effect size.
Maintained by Corentin J. Gosling. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.48 score 3 scripts 1 dependentspik-piam
reportbrick:Reporting package for BRICK
This package contains BRICK-specific routines to report model results. The main functionality is to generate a mif-file from a given BRICK model run folder.
Maintained by Robin Hasse. Last updated 1 months ago.
3.48 score 2 dependentsredworld123
CoastlineFD:Calculation of the Fractal Dimension of a Coastline
Calculating the fractal dimension of a coastline using the boxes and dividers methods.
Maintained by Zhao Shiqi. Last updated 12 months ago.
3 stars 3.48 scoretingtingzhan
ThomasJeffersonUniv:Handy Tools for TJU/TJUH Employees
Functions for admin needs of employees of Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
Maintained by Tingting Zhan. Last updated 17 days ago.
3.45 scorepik-piam
shinyresults:A collection of shiny apps and modules to visualize/handle model results
A collection of tools which allow to manipulate and analyze code.
Maintained by Jan Philipp Dietrich. Last updated 2 days ago.
2 stars 3.45 scorepik-piam
m4fsdp:MAgPIE outputs R package for MAgPIE version 4.x to create outputs for FSDP project
Output routines for extracting results from the MAgPIE framework (versions 4.x) for the FSDP project.
Maintained by Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.43 score 8 scriptspoissonconsulting
bbousuite:Easily Install and Load `bbou` (Boreal cariBOU) Packages
The `bbou` suite of packages are designed to allow analysis (`bbouretro` and `bboutools`) and simulation (`bbousims`) of Boreal Caribou survival and recruitment data ('bboudata') to estimate population growth rates. A shiny app is also available (`bboushiny`).
Maintained by Ayla Pearson. Last updated 18 days ago.
3.40 score 4 scriptsdatarapi
Rapi:Interface for Multiple Data Providers `EDDS` and `FRED`
Interface for multiple data sources, such as the `EDDS` API <> of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye and the `FRED` API <> of the Federal Reserve Bank. Both data providers require API keys for access, which users can easily obtain by creating accounts on their respective websites. The package provides caching ability with the selection of periods to increase the speed and efficiency of requests. It combines datasets requested from different sources, helping users when the data has common frequencies. While combining data frames whenever possible, it also keeps all requested data available as separate data frames to increase efficiency.
Maintained by Sermet Pekin. Last updated 2 months ago.
1 stars 3.40 score 5 scriptsrepboxr
repboxRun:Run repbox analyses
Run repbox analyses
Maintained by Sebastian Kranz. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.36 score 11 scripts 1 dependentspoissonconsulting
bboushiny:Shiny App for Analysing Boreal Caribou Surival, Recruitment and Lambda
Use Bayesian methods to calculate survival, recruitment and lambda as well as confidence intervals.
Maintained by Pearson Ayla. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.32 score 3 scripts 1 dependentsabdel-elsayed87
GRIN2:Genomic Random Interval (GRIN)
Improved version of 'GRIN' software that streamlines its use in practice to analyze genomic lesion data, accelerate its computing, and expand its analysis capabilities to answer additional scientific questions including a rigorous evaluation of the association of genomic lesions with RNA expression. Pounds, Stan, et al. (2013) <DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btt372>.
Maintained by Abdelrahman Elsayed. Last updated 4 months ago.
3.30 scorecran
AFR:Toolkit for Regression Analysis of Kazakhstan Banking Sector Data
Tool is created for regression, prediction and forecast analysis of macroeconomic and credit data. The package includes functions from existing R packages adapted for banking sector of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the package is to optimize statistical functions for easier interpretation for bank analysts and non-statisticians.
Maintained by Sultan Zhaparov. Last updated 7 months ago.
3.18 scorecoreofscience
margaret:Scientometric Analysis Minciencias
The target of 'margaret' is help to extract data from Minciencias to analyze scientific production in Colombia.
Maintained by Bryan Arias. Last updated 2 years ago.
3 stars 3.18 score 4 scriptsjpmonteagudo28
matriz:Literature Matrix Synthesis Tools for Epidemiology and Health Science Research
An easy-to-use workflow that provides tools to create, update and fill literature matrices commonly used in research, specifically epidemiology and health sciences research. The project is born out of need as an easy–to–use tool for my research methods classes.
Maintained by JP Monteagudo. Last updated 2 months ago.
3.18 scorebendeivide
midrangeMCP:Multiples Comparisons Procedures Based on Studentized Midrange and Range Distributions
Apply tests of multiple comparisons based on studentized 'midrange' and 'range' distributions. The tests are: Tukey Midrange ('TM' test), Student-Newman-Keuls Midrange ('SNKM' test), Means Grouping Midrange ('MGM' test) and Means Grouping Range ('MGR' test). The first two tests were published by Batista and Ferreira (2020) <doi:10.1590/1413-7054202044008020>. The last two are being published.
Maintained by Ben Deivide. Last updated 4 years ago.
3.16 score 29 scriptsramiromagno
quincunx:REST API Client for the 'PGS' Catalog
Programmatic access to the 'PGS' Catalog. This package provides easy access to 'PGS' Catalog data by accessing the REST API <>.
Maintained by Ramiro Magno. Last updated 3 years ago.
14 stars 3.10 score 18 scriptspromidat
discoveR:Exploratory Data Analysis System
Performs an exploratory data analysis through a 'shiny' interface. It includes basic methods such as the mean, median, mode, normality test, among others. It also includes clustering techniques such as Principal Components Analysis, Hierarchical Clustering and the K-Means Method.
Maintained by Oldemar Rodriguez. Last updated 2 years ago.
3 stars 3.03 score 18 scriptslearnitr
learnitgrid:Manage Rubrics or Assessment Grids for GitHub Repositories
Create and manage semi-automatically rubrics to assess GitHub projects (R scripts, R Markdown or Quarto files). Create directed projects where students have to complete documents and submit them to GitHub (classroom) so that they are evaluated using the rubric (or assessment grid).
Maintained by Philippe Grosjean. Last updated 10 months ago.
1 stars 3.00 score 7 scriptssusantohp
irtawsi:Items Response Theory Analysis with Steps and Interpretation
Dichotomous and polytomous data analysis and their scoring using the unidimensional Item Response Theory model (Chalmers (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i06>) with user-friendly graphic User Interface. Suitable for beginners who are learning item response theory.
Maintained by Hari Purnomo Susanto. Last updated 9 months ago.
1 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsvimc
dettl:Data Extract, Transform, Test and Load
Data extract, transform, test and load tool for sanitising your workflow.
Maintained by Robert Ashton. Last updated 2 years ago.
1 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsmrcieu
CheckSumStats is an R package for checking the accuracy of meta- and summary-data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) prior to their use in post-GWAS applications. For example, the package provides tools for checking that the reported effect allele and effect allele frequency columns are correct. It also checks for possible issues in the reported effect sizes that might introduce bias into downstream analyses.
Maintained by Philip Haycock. Last updated 2 years ago.
8 stars 3.00 score 25 scriptspoissonconsulting
shinywqbench:R Shiny App to Calculates Aquatic Life Benchmarks
This package is the user interface to the wqbench R package and allows users to easily access standardized ecotoxicology data for thousands of chemicals. Either a SSD or deterministic method is used to determine the critical toxicity value and assessment factors to compute the aquatic life water quality benchmark for a compound.
Maintained by Angeline Tillmanns. Last updated 2 months ago.
2.95 score 2 scriptsmetagenlab
zAMPExplorer:A Versatile Shiny App for Microbiota Profiling in Clinical Microbiology
A Shiny web application offering a user-friendly, accessible, and reproducible platform for downstream analysis of 16S rRNA-based metagenomics data. Key features include quality control visualizations (e.g., rarefaction curves), community composition plots, and statistical analyses for alpha- and beta-diversity. The app integrates advanced features like community typing with Dirichlet multinomial modeling (DMM) and metadata-driven redundancy analysis (RDA) to explore microbial associations with clinical and experimental variables.
Maintained by Sedreh Nassirnia. Last updated 3 months ago.
2.78 score 2 scriptsuzh-peg
dmdScheme:Domain Specific MetaData Scheme
Forms the core for developing own domain specific metadata schemes. It contains the basic functionality needed for all metadata schemes based on the 'dmdScheme'. See R.M. Krug and O.L. Petchey (2019) <DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3581970>.
Maintained by Rainer M. Krug. Last updated 3 years ago.
2 stars 2.78 score 15 scriptspedrocava
basedosdados:'Base Dos Dados' R Client
An R interface to the 'Base dos Dados' API <>). Authenticate your project, query our tables, save data to disk and memory, all from R.
Maintained by Pedro Cavalcante. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.70 score 101 scriptsjessekps
dextergui:A Graphical User Interface for Dexter
Classical Test and Item analysis, Item Response analysis and data management for educational and psychological tests.
Maintained by Jesse Koops. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.70 score 6 scriptsccasement
DistPlotter:A Graphical User Interface for Plotting Common Univariate Distributions
Package including an interactive Shiny application for plotting common univariate distributions.
Maintained by Christopher Casement. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.70 scorepdparker
cloudstoR:Simplifies Access to Cloudstor API
Access Cloudstor via their WebDAV API. This package can read, write, and navigate Cloudstor from R.
Maintained by Taren Sanders. Last updated 3 years ago.
1 stars 2.70 score 7 scriptsccasement
NormalityAssessment:A Graphical User Interface for Testing Normality Visually
Package including an interactive Shiny application for testing normality visually.
Maintained by Christopher Casement. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.70 scoremedhat-mahmoud
PhenoSpectra:Multispectral Data Analysis and Visualization
Provides tools for processing, analyzing, and visualizing spectral data collected from 3D laser-based scanning systems. Supports applications in agriculture, forestry, environmental monitoring, industrial quality control, and biomedical research. Enables evaluation of plant growth, productivity, resource efficiency, disease management, and pest monitoring. Includes statistical methods for extracting insights from multispectral and hyperspectral data and generating publication-ready visualizations. See Zieschank & Junker (2023) <doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1141554> and Saric et al. (2022) <doi:10.1016/J.TPLANTS.2021.12.003> for related work.
Maintained by Medhat Mahmoud. Last updated 24 days ago.
2.70 scorednme-minturdep
evyth:Herramientas para el Procesamiento de la Encuesta de Turismo y Vivienda de los Hogares (EVyTH)
El paquete provee herramientas para facilitar el trabajo con la base de microdatos de la Encuesta de Turismo y Vivienda de los Hogares (EVyTH), operativo continuo admisnitrado por la Dirección Nacional de Mercados y Estadísticas (DNMyE).
Maintained by Pablo Tiscornia. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.65 score 7 scripts 1 dependentspromidat
predictoR:Predictive Data Analysis System
Perform a supervised data analysis on a database through a 'shiny' graphical interface. It includes methods such as K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, ADA Boosting, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Support Vector Machines and Bayesian Methods.
Maintained by Oldemar Rodriguez. Last updated 1 years ago.
1 stars 2.60 score 3 scriptspik-piam
edgeTrpLib:Helper functions for EDGE transport calculations
This package is highly specialized and created solely to not duplicate helper functions.
Maintained by Alois Dirnaichner. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.54 score 5 scriptspik-piam
regressionworlddata:Regression analysis based on global datasets
Model estimates parameters of model functions.
Maintained by Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Last updated 10 months ago.
2.48 scorechriscpritchard
PRISMA2020:Make Interactive 'PRISMA' Flow Diagrams
Systematic reviews should be described in a high degree of methodological detail. The 'PRISMA' Statement calls for a high level of reporting detail in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. An integral part of the methodological description of a review is a flow diagram. This package produces an interactive flow diagram that conforms to the 'PRISMA2020' preprint. When made interactive, the reader/user can click on each box and be directed to another website or file online (e.g. a detailed description of the screening methods, or a list of excluded full texts), with a mouse-over tool tip that describes the information linked to in more detail. Interactive versions can be saved as HTML files, whilst static versions for inclusion in manuscripts can be saved as HTML, PDF, PNG, SVG, PS or WEBP files.
Maintained by Chris Pritchard. Last updated 2 years ago.
1 stars 2.46 score 29 scriptsoteros
AeRobiology:A Computational Tool for Aerobiological Data
Different tools for managing databases of airborne particles, elaborating the main calculations and visualization of results. In a first step, data are checked using tools for quality control and all missing gaps are completed. Then, the main parameters of the pollen season are calculated and represented graphically. Multiple graphical tools are available: pollen calendars, phenological plots, time series, tendencies, interactive plots, abundance plots...
Maintained by "Jose Oteros". Last updated 6 years ago.
1 stars 2.46 score 29 scriptsbristol-vaccine-centre
avoncap:AvonCap Study Analysis
A WIP set of functions allowing data load, wrangling of the AvonCap data set.
Maintained by Rob Challen. Last updated 4 months ago.
2.34 score 11 scriptscran
DCEtool:Efficient and Accessible Discrete Choice Experiments
Design, conduct and analyze 'DCEs' from a virtual interface in shiny. Reference: Perez-Troncoso, D. (2022) <>.
Maintained by Daniel Perez Troncoso. Last updated 2 years ago.
2 stars 2.30 scorepr2database
metapr2:Eukaryotic 18S rRNA metabarcode database
Provides an interface to the metaPR2 database (current version = 1.0) which contains eukaryotic 18S rRNA metabarcodes. Many options for selecting samples are provided. Data can be displayed as maps, barplots, treemaps. Data can be searched and downloaded. See for more information.
Maintained by Daniel Vaulot. Last updated 1 years ago.
3 stars 2.18 scorestijnbpeeters
MHQoL:Mental Health Quality of Life Toolkit
Transforms, calculates, and presents results from the Mental Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (MHQoL), a measure of health-related quality of life for individuals with mental health conditions. Provides scoring functions, summary statistics, and visualization tools to facilitate interpretation. For more details see van Krugten et al.(2022) <doi:10.1007/s11136-021-02935-w>.
Maintained by Stijn Peeters. Last updated 9 days ago.
2.18 scorepik-piam
mrvalidnitrogen:madrat data preparation for validation purposes of nitrogen budgets
Package contains routines to prepare data for validation exercises.
Maintained by Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.18 score 1 scriptsnirmalaruban
geneNR:Automated Gene Identification for Post-GWAS Analysis
Facilitates the post-Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) analysis of identifying candidate genes within user-defined search window, based on the identified Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as given by Mazumder AK (2024) <doi:10.1038/s41598-024-66903-3>. It supports candidate gene analysis for wheat and rice. Just import your GWAS result as explained in the sample_data file and the function does all the manual search and retrieve candidate genes for you, while exporting the results into ready-to-use output.
Maintained by Rajamani Nirmalaruban. Last updated 18 days ago.
2.00 scoreipbes-data
IPBES.R:Tool functions used by the Data and Knowledge Technical Support Unit of IPBES
More about what it does (maybe more than one line).
Maintained by Rainer M. Krug. Last updated 1 years ago.
2 stars 2.00 score 10 scriptspik-piam
mrwaste:Analysis and Projection of Municipal Solid Waste
Reads in waste data from What a Waste 2.0 and uses brms package to create future regressions based on GDP.
Maintained by David Meng-Chuen Chen. Last updated 10 months ago.
2.00 scoreelakkkk
istat:Download and Manipulate Data from Istat
Download data from Istat (Italian Institute of Statistics) database, both old and new provider (respectively, <> and <>). Additional functions for manipulating data are provided. Moreover, a 'shiny' application called 'shinyIstat' can be used to search, download and filter datasets in an easier way.
Maintained by Elena Gradi. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.00 score 2 scriptscran
tRigon:Toolbox for Integrative Pathomics Analysis
Processing and analysis of pathomics, omics and other medical datasets. 'tRigon' serves as a toolbox for descriptive and statistical analysis, correlations, plotting and many other methods for exploratory analysis of high-dimensional datasets.
Maintained by David Hoelscher. Last updated 7 months ago.
2.00 scoremrc-ide
naomi.utils:Utility Functions For Naomi Datasets
This package contains utility functions for creating and manipulating datasets for the Naomi model and related projects.
Maintained by Jeffrey Eaton. Last updated 4 days ago.
1 stars 1.94 score 11 scriptspatauchi
heterogen:Spatial Functions for Heterogeneity and Climate Variability
A comprehensive suite of spatial functions created to analyze and assess data heterogeneity and climate variability in spatial datasets. This package is specifically designed to address the challenges associated with characterizing and understanding complex spatial patterns in environmental and climate-related data.
Maintained by P.Joser Atauchi. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.70 scorelcbc-uio
eprimeParser:LCBC E-prime data processing pipeline
This package contains functions to process the eprime data for LCBC. The functions are adaptations of scripts James Michael Roe made, that Athanasia Monika Mowinckel converted.
Maintained by Athanasia Mo Mowinckel. Last updated 5 years ago.
1.70 score 1 scriptsaalborg-intelligence
aai:Functions, apps, exercises and other R related stuff used in "AI - Aalborg Intelligence"
Functions, apps, exercises and other R related stuff used in "AI - Aalborg Intelligence" The project (2020 - 2026) is supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation to develop teaching material to be used in the Danish highschools to strengthen the understanding of AI while explaining how basic maths is used in the some popular AI methods.
Maintained by Ege Rubak. Last updated 2 years ago.
1 stars 1.70 score 1 scriptspik-piam
mrdieter:MadRat DIETER Input Data Package
The mrdieter package contains data preprocessing for the DIETER model.
Maintained by Falk Benke. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.70 scorepik-piam
blackmagicc:MAgPIE-MAGICC Integration
Enables MAgPIE runs to project global surface area temperatures with MAGICC, using reference REMIND scenarios to represent emissions from the energy sector.
Maintained by Michael Crawford. Last updated 9 months ago.
1 stars 1.70 score 3 scriptscran
wearables:Tools to Read and Convert Wearables Data
Package to read Empatica E4 data, perform several transformations, perform signal processing and analyses, including batch analyses.
Maintained by Peter de Looff. Last updated 3 years ago.
1 stars 1.70 scorecalderonsamuel
appReporteAvance:Reporte de avances de oficina
Las personas de la oficina usan esta app para reportar el estado de avance de sus actividades específicas.
Maintained by Samuel Calderon. Last updated 1 years ago.
1 stars 1.70 score 2 scriptsdnme-minturdep
d4t4tur:Herramientas para el Trabajo con Datos y Análisis Turístico de Argentina
Manera sencilla de instalar y cargar los paquetes de 'dnme-minturdep'.
Maintained by Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.70 score 6 scriptsisubirana
ImportExport:Import and Export Data
Import and export data from the most common statistical formats by using R functions that guarantee the least loss of the data information, giving special attention to the date variables and the labelled ones.
Maintained by Isaac Subirana. Last updated 5 years ago.
1.45 score 28 scriptscran
deaR:Conventional and Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis
Set of functions for Data Envelopment Analysis. It runs both classic and fuzzy DEA models. See: Banker, R.; Charnes, A.; Cooper, W.W. (1984). <doi:10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078>, Charnes, A.; Cooper, W.W.; Rhodes, E. (1978). <doi:10.1016/0377-2217(78)90138-8> and Charnes, A.; Cooper, W.W.; Rhodes, E. (1981). <doi:10.1287/mnsc.27.6.668>.
Maintained by Vicente Bolos. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.41 score