HetSeq:Identifying Modulators of Cellular Responses Leveraging
Intercellular Heterogeneity
Cellular responses to perturbations are highly heterogeneous and depend largely on the initial state of cells.
Connecting post-perturbation cells via cellular trajectories to
untreated cells (e.g. by leveraging metabolic labeling
information) enables exploitation of intercellular
heterogeneity as a combined knock-down and overexpression
screen to identify pathway modulators, termed Heterogeneity-seq
(see 'Berg et al' <doi:10.1101/2024.10.28.620481>). This
package contains functions to generate cellular trajectories
based on scSLAM-seq (single-cell, thiol-(SH)-linked alkylation
of RNA for metabolic labelling sequencing) time courses,
functions to identify pathway modulators and to visualize the