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withr:Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State
A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and temporarily modified global state. Many of these functions were originally a part of the 'devtools' package, this provides a simple package with limited dependencies to provide access to these functions.
Maintained by Lionel Henry. Last updated 1 months ago.
176 stars 17.96 score 1.2k scripts 12k dependentsmlr-org
mlr3misc:Helper Functions for 'mlr3'
Frequently used helper functions and assertions used in 'mlr3' and its companion packages. Comes with helper functions for functional programming, for printing, to work with 'data.table', as well as some generally useful 'R6' classes. This package also supersedes the package 'BBmisc'.
Maintained by Marc Becker. Last updated 4 months ago.
12 stars 10.28 score 302 scripts 42 dependents