Showing 4 of total 4 results (show query)
catR:Generation of IRT Response Patterns under Computerized Adaptive Testing
Provides routines for the generation of response patterns under unidimensional dichotomous and polytomous computerized adaptive testing (CAT) framework. It holds many standard functions to estimate ability, select the first item(s) to administer and optimally select the next item, as well as several stopping rules. Options to control for item exposure and content balancing are also available (Magis and Barrada (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v076.c01>).
Maintained by Cheng Hua. Last updated 3 years ago.
3 stars 4.14 score 107 scripts 1 dependentsbentaylor1
lgcp:Log-Gaussian Cox Process
Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling of point patterns using the log-Gaussian Cox process. Bayesian inference for spatial, spatiotemporal, multivariate and aggregated point processes using Markov chain Monte Carlo. See Benjamin M. Taylor, Tilman M. Davies, Barry S. Rowlingson, Peter J. Diggle (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v063.i07>.
Maintained by Benjamin M. Taylor. Last updated 1 years ago.
3.59 score 27 scriptscran
mstR:Procedures to Generate Patterns under Multistage Testing
Generation of response patterns under dichotomous and polytomous computerized multistage testing (MST) framework. It holds various item response theory (IRT) and score-based methods to select the next module and estimate ability levels (Magis, Yan and von Davier (2017, ISBN:978-3-319-69218-0)).
Maintained by David Magis. Last updated 7 years ago.
3 stars 1.48 score