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ichimoku:Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
An implementation of 'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo', also commonly known as 'cloud charts'. Static and interactive visualizations with tools for creating, backtesting and development of quantitative 'ichimoku' strategies. As described in Sasaki (1996, ISBN:4925152009), the technique is a refinement on candlestick charting, originating from Japan and now in widespread use in technical analysis worldwide. Translating as 'one-glance equilibrium chart', it allows the price action and market structure of financial securities to be determined 'at-a-glance'. Incorporates an interface with the OANDA fxTrade API <> for retrieving historical and live streaming price data for major currencies, metals, commodities, government bonds and stock indices.
Maintained by Charlie Gao. Last updated 15 days ago.
31 stars 7.73 score 34 scriptskkbrum
optrefine:Optimally Refine Strata
Splits initial strata into refined strata that optimize covariate balance. For more information, please email the author for a copy of the accompanying manuscript. To solve the linear program, the 'Gurobi' commercial optimization software is recommended, but not required. The 'gurobi' R package can be installed following the instructions at <>.
Maintained by Katherine Brumberg. Last updated 2 years ago.
2 stars 3.00 score 1 scriptsxiangzhou09
strat:An Implementation of the Stratification Index
An implementation of the stratification index proposed by Zhou (2012) <DOI:10.1177/0081175012452207>. The package provides two functions, srank, which returns stratum-specific information, including population share and average percentile rank; and strat, which returns the stratification index and its approximate standard error. When a grouping factor is specified, strat also provides a detailed decomposition of the overall stratification into between-group and within-group components.
Maintained by Xiang Zhou. Last updated 8 years ago.
2.04 score 11 scripts