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haven:Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files
Import foreign statistical formats into R via the embedded 'ReadStat' C library, <>.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 6 months ago.
427 stars 18.63 score 18k scripts 682 dependentsgdemin
expss:Tables, Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and 'SPSS' Statistics
Package computes and displays tables with support for 'SPSS'-style labels, multiple and nested banners, weights, multiple-response variables and significance testing. There are facilities for nice output of tables in 'knitr', 'Shiny', '*.xlsx' files, R and 'Jupyter' notebooks. Methods for labelled variables add value labels support to base R functions and to some functions from other packages. Additionally, the package brings popular data transformation functions from 'SPSS' Statistics and 'Excel': 'RECODE', 'COUNT', 'COUNTIF', 'VLOOKUP' and etc. These functions are very useful for data processing in marketing research surveys. Package intended to help people to move data processing from 'Excel' and 'SPSS' to R.
Maintained by Gregory Demin. Last updated 12 months ago.
84 stars 11.00 score 1.8k scripts 4 dependentsropengov
retroharmonize:Ex Post Survey Data Harmonization
Assist in reproducible retrospective (ex-post) harmonization of data, particularly individual level survey data, by providing tools for organizing metadata, standardizing the coding of variables, and variable names and value labels, including missing values, and documenting the data transformations, with the help of comprehensive s3 classes.
Maintained by Daniel Antal. Last updated 2 months ago.
10 stars 7.62 score 59 scripts