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spectrolab:Class and Methods for Spectral Data
Input/Output, processing and visualization of spectra taken with different spectrometers, including SVC (Spectra Vista), ASD and PSR (Spectral Evolution). Implements an S3 class spectra that other packages can build on. Provides methods to access, plot, manipulate, splice sensor overlap, vector normalize and smooth spectra.
Maintained by Jose Eduardo Meireles. Last updated 3 months ago.
16 stars 7.39 score 256 scriptsropengov
geodk:Access Danish Geospatial Data
This package provides access to all geospatial data provided by the danish agency called Klimadatastyrelsen. Under the hood it wraps the `{dawaR}` and `{dkdata}` packages which provide access to the agency APIs.
Maintained by Aleksander Bang-Larsen. Last updated 17 days ago.
3 stars 4.13 score 15 scriptscran
swash:Swash-Backwash Model for the Single Epidemic Wave
The Swash-Backwash Model for the Single Epidemic Wave was developed by Cliff and Haggett (2006) <doi:10.1007/s10109-006-0027-8> to model the velocity of spread of infectious diseases across space. This package enables the calculation of the Swash-Backwash Model for user-supplied panel data on regional infections. The package also provides additional functions for bootstrap confidence intervals, country comparison, visualization of results, and data management.
Maintained by Thomas Wieland. Last updated 1 months ago.
1.30 score