pchc:Bayesian Network Learning with the PCHC and Related Algorithms
Bayesian network learning using the PCHC, FEDHC, MMHC and variants of these algorithms. PCHC stands for PC Hill-Climbing,
a new hybrid algorithm that uses PC to construct the skeleton
of the BN and then applies the Hill-Climbing greedy search.
More algorithms and variants have been added, such as MMHC,
FEDHC, and the Tabu search variants, PCTABU, MMTABU and
FEDTABU. The relevant papers are: a) Tsagris M. (2021). "A new
scalable Bayesian network learning algorithm with applications
to economics". Computational Economics, 57(1): 341-367.
<doi:10.1007/s10614-020-10065-7>. b) Tsagris M. (2022). "The
FEDHC Bayesian Network Learning Algorithm". Mathematics 2022,
10(15): 2604. <doi:10.3390/math10152604>.