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warbleR:Streamline Bioacoustic Analysis
Functions aiming to facilitate the analysis of the structure of animal acoustic signals in 'R'. 'warbleR' makes use of the basic sound analysis tools from the packages 'tuneR' and 'seewave', and offers new tools for explore and quantify acoustic signal structure. The package allows to organize and manipulate multiple sound files, create spectrograms of complete recordings or individual signals in different formats, run several measures of acoustic structure, and characterize different structural levels in acoustic signals.
Maintained by Marcelo Araya-Salas. Last updated 2 months ago.
56 stars 10.86 score 270 scripts 4 dependentsnepem-ufsc
pliman:Tools for Plant Image Analysis
Tools for both single and batch image manipulation and analysis (Olivoto, 2022 <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13803>) and phytopathometry (Olivoto et al., 2022 <doi:10.1007/S40858-021-00487-5>). The tools can be used for the quantification of leaf area, object counting, extraction of image indexes, shape measurement, object landmark identification, and Elliptical Fourier Analysis of object outlines (Claude (2008) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-77789-4>). The package also provides a comprehensive pipeline for generating shapefiles with complex layouts and supports high-throughput phenotyping of RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral orthomosaics. This functionality facilitates field phenotyping using UAV- or satellite-based imagery.
Maintained by Tiago Olivoto. Last updated 3 days ago.
11 stars 6.76 score 476 scriptsmarce10
sketchy:Create Custom Research Compendiums
Provides functions to create and manage research compendiums for data analysis. Research compendiums are a standard and intuitive folder structure for organizing the digital materials of a research project, which can significantly improve reproducibility. The package offers several compendium structure options that fit different research project as well as the ability of duplicating the folder structure of existing projects or implementing custom structures. It also simplifies the use of version control.
Maintained by Marcelo Araya-Salas. Last updated 4 months ago.
3 stars 4.16 score 12 scripts