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glow:Make Plots that Glow
Provides a framework for creating plots with glowing points.
Maintained by Travers Ching. Last updated 6 months ago.
19 stars 5.32 score 11 scriptsbbuchsbaum
colorplane:Basic S4 Classes and Methods for Mapping Between Numeric Values and Colors
A simple set of classes and methods for mapping between scalar intensity values and colors. There is also support for layering maps on top of one another using alpha composition.
Maintained by Bradley R Buchsbaum. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.70 score 2 scriptscran
AirExposure:Exposure Model to Air Pollutants Based on Mobility and Daily Activities
Model that assesses daily exposure to air pollution, which considers daily population mobility on a geographical scale and the spatial and temporal variability of pollutant concentrations, in addition to traditional parameters such as exposure time and pollutant concentration.
Maintained by Josefina Urquiza. Last updated 7 months ago.
1.00 score