Showing 8 of total 8 results (show query)
fixest:Fast Fixed-Effects Estimations
Fast and user-friendly estimation of econometric models with multiple fixed-effects. Includes ordinary least squares (OLS), generalized linear models (GLM) and the negative binomial. The core of the package is based on optimized parallel C++ code, scaling especially well for large data sets. The method to obtain the fixed-effects coefficients is based on Berge (2018) <>. Further provides tools to export and view the results of several estimations with intuitive design to cluster the standard-errors.
Maintained by Laurent Berge. Last updated 7 months ago.
394 stars 14.69 score 3.8k scripts 26 dependentshojsgaard
gRbase:A Package for Graphical Modelling in R
The 'gRbase' package provides graphical modelling features used by e.g. the packages 'gRain', 'gRim' and 'gRc'. 'gRbase' implements graph algorithms including (i) maximum cardinality search (for marked and unmarked graphs). (ii) moralization, (iii) triangulation, (iv) creation of junction tree. 'gRbase' facilitates array operations, 'gRbase' implements functions for testing for conditional independence. 'gRbase' illustrates how hierarchical log-linear models may be implemented and describes concept of graphical meta data. The facilities of the package are documented in the book by Højsgaard, Edwards and Lauritzen (2012, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2299-0>) and in the paper by Dethlefsen and Højsgaard, (2005, <doi:10.18637/jss.v014.i17>). Please see 'citation("gRbase")' for citation details.
Maintained by Søren Højsgaard. Last updated 5 months ago.
3 stars 9.24 score 241 scripts 20 dependentsshikokuchuo
ichimoku:Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
An implementation of 'Ichimoku Kinko Hyo', also commonly known as 'cloud charts'. Static and interactive visualizations with tools for creating, backtesting and development of quantitative 'ichimoku' strategies. As described in Sasaki (1996, ISBN:4925152009), the technique is a refinement on candlestick charting, originating from Japan and now in widespread use in technical analysis worldwide. Translating as 'one-glance equilibrium chart', it allows the price action and market structure of financial securities to be determined 'at-a-glance'. Incorporates an interface with the OANDA fxTrade API <> for retrieving historical and live streaming price data for major currencies, metals, commodities, government bonds and stock indices.
Maintained by Charlie Gao. Last updated 14 days ago.
31 stars 7.73 score 34 scriptskbroman
qtlcharts:Interactive Graphics for QTL Experiments
Web-based interactive charts (using D3.js) for the analysis of experimental crosses to identify genetic loci (quantitative trait loci, QTL) contributing to variation in quantitative traits. Broman (2015) <doi:10.1534/genetics.114.172742>.
Maintained by Karl W Broman. Last updated 2 years ago.
84 stars 6.61 score 322 scriptsbioc
sparrow:Take command of set enrichment analyses through a unified interface
Provides a unified interface to a variety of GSEA techniques from different bioconductor packages. Results are harmonized into a single object and can be interrogated uniformly for quick exploration and interpretation of results. Interactive exploration of GSEA results is enabled through a shiny app provided by a sparrow.shiny sibling package.
Maintained by Steve Lianoglou. Last updated 11 days ago.
21 stars 5.74 score 13 scriptscran
IDPmisc:'Utilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design ('
Different high-level graphics functions for displaying large datasets, displaying circular data in a very flexible way, finding local maxima, brewing color ramps, drawing nice arrows, zooming 2D-plots, creating figures with differently colored margin and plot region. In addition, the package contains auxiliary functions for data manipulation like omitting observations with irregular values or selecting data by logical vectors, which include NAs. Other functions are especially useful in spectroscopy and analyses of environmental data: robust baseline fitting, finding peaks in spectra, converting humidity measures.
Maintained by Christoph Hofer. Last updated 1 years ago.
1 stars 3.64 score 22 dependentsbaddstats
spatstat.gui:Interactive Graphics Functions for the 'spatstat' Package
Extension to the 'spatstat' package, containing interactive graphics capabilities.
Maintained by Adrian Baddeley. Last updated 8 months ago.
2.00 score 1 scriptscran
RkMetrics:Hybrid Mortality Estimation
Hybrid Mortality Modelling (HMM) provides a framework in which mortality around "the accident hump" and at very old ages can be modelled under a single model. The graphics' codes necessary for visualization of the models' output are included here. Specifically, the graphics are based on the assumption that, the mortality rates can be expressed as a function of the area under the curve between the crude mortality rates plots and the tangential transform of the force of mortality.
Maintained by Titus K Rotich. Last updated 8 years ago.
1.00 score