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publishTC:Tools to help publish the trend-cycle
This package provides several functions to facilitate the computation of trend-cycle component. In particular, the computation can be done: using the Cascade Linear Filter (CLF) Dagum, E. B., & Luati, A. (2008); using the classical Henderson symmetric filter and the surrogate Musgrave asymmetric filters; using a local Parametrization of the Musgrave asymmetric filters (Quartier-la-Tente 2024); extending the Henderson symmetric fiter and the surrogate Musgrave asymmetric filters to take into account additive outliers and level shifts (Quartier-la-Tente 2025). Confidence intervals can be computed and several plots are available.
Maintained by Alain Quartier-la-Tente. Last updated 15 hours ago.
2.54 score