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dplyr:A Grammar of Data Manipulation
A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 26 days ago.
4.8k stars 24.68 score 659k scripts 7.8k dependentsropensci
sofa:Connector to 'CouchDB'
Provides an interface to the 'NoSQL' database 'CouchDB' (<>). Methods are provided for managing databases within 'CouchDB', including creating/deleting/updating/transferring, and managing documents within databases. One can connect with a local 'CouchDB' instance, or a remote 'CouchDB' databases such as 'Cloudant'. Documents can be inserted directly from vectors, lists, data.frames, and 'JSON'. Targeted at 'CouchDB' v2 or greater.
Maintained by Yaoxiang Li. Last updated 2 months ago.
33 stars 7.51 score 54 scripts