Showing 4 of total 4 results (show query)
dplyr:A Grammar of Data Manipulation
A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 26 days ago.
4.8k stars 24.68 score 659k scripts 7.8k dependentssparklyr
sparklyr:R Interface to Apache Spark
R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data processing, see <>. This package supports connecting to local and remote Apache Spark clusters, provides a 'dplyr' compatible back-end, and provides an interface to Spark's built-in machine learning algorithms.
Maintained by Edgar Ruiz. Last updated 11 days ago.
959 stars 15.20 score 4.0k scripts 21 dependentscynkra
dm:Relational Data Models
Provides tools for working with multiple related tables, stored as data frames or in a relational database. Multiple tables (data and metadata) are stored in a compound object, which can then be manipulated with a pipe-friendly syntax.
Maintained by Kirill Müller. Last updated 3 months ago.
511 stars 14.81 score 410 scripts 8 dependentsjosesamos
clc:CORINE Land Cover Data and Styles
Streamline the management, analysis, and visualization of CORINE Land Cover data. Addresses challenges associated with its classification system and related styles, such as color mappings and descriptive labels.
Maintained by Jose Samos. Last updated 4 months ago.
4.52 score 11 scripts 1 dependents