Showing 8 of total 8 results (show query)
purrr:Functional Programming Tools
A complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 2 months ago.
1.3k stars 22.12 score 59k scripts 6.9k dependentshadley
plyr:Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
A set of tools that solves a common set of problems: you need to break a big problem down into manageable pieces, operate on each piece and then put all the pieces back together. For example, you might want to fit a model to each spatial location or time point in your study, summarise data by panels or collapse high-dimensional arrays to simpler summary statistics. The development of 'plyr' has been generously supported by 'Becton Dickinson'.
Maintained by Hadley Wickham. Last updated 5 months ago.
500 stars 18.16 score 83k scripts 3.3k dependentsbioc
XVector:Foundation of external vector representation and manipulation in Bioconductor
Provides memory efficient S4 classes for storing sequences "externally" (e.g. behind an R external pointer, or on disk).
Maintained by Hervé Pagès. Last updated 3 months ago.
2 stars 11.36 score 67 scripts 1.7k dependentsdanchaltiel
crosstable:Crosstables for Descriptive Analyses
Create descriptive tables for continuous and categorical variables. Apply summary statistics and counting function, with or without a grouping variable, and create beautiful reports using 'rmarkdown' or 'officer'. You can also compute effect sizes and statistical tests if needed.
Maintained by Dan Chaltiel. Last updated 2 months ago.
116 stars 10.40 score 340 scriptsobrl-soil
h3jsr:Access Uber's H3 Library
Provides access to Uber's H3 library for geospatial indexing via its JavaScript transpile 'h3-js' <> and 'V8' <>.
Maintained by Lauren OBrien. Last updated 1 years ago.
67 stars 8.39 score 205 scripts 4 dependentsr-arcgis
arcgisutils:ArcGIS Utility Functions
Developer oriented utility functions designed to be used as the building blocks of R packages that work with ArcGIS Location Services. It provides functionality for authorization, Esri JSON construction and parsing, as well as other utilities pertaining to geometry and Esri type conversions. To support 'ArcGIS Pro' users, authorization can be done via 'arcgisbinding'. Installation instructions for 'arcgisbinding' can be found at <>.
Maintained by Josiah Parry. Last updated 10 days ago.
16 stars 6.53 score 20 scripts 7 dependentsdata-cleaning
lintools:Manipulation of Linear Systems of (in)Equalities
Variable elimination (Gaussian elimination, Fourier-Motzkin elimination), Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, reduction to reduced row echelon form, value substitution, projecting a vector on the convex polytope described by a system of (in)equations, simplify systems by removing spurious columns and rows and collapse implied equalities, test if a matrix is totally unimodular, compute variable ranges implied by linear (in)equalities.
Maintained by Mark van der Loo. Last updated 10 months ago.
4 stars 5.19 score 13 scripts 2 dependentsmhahsler
rEMM:Extensible Markov Model for Modelling Temporal Relationships Between Clusters
Implements TRACDS (Temporal Relationships between Clusters for Data Streams), a generalization of Extensible Markov Model (EMM). TRACDS adds a temporal or order model to data stream clustering by superimposing a dynamically adapting Markov Chain. Also provides an implementation of EMM (TRACDS on top of tNN data stream clustering). Development of this package was supported in part by NSF IIS-0948893 and R21HG005912 from the National Human Genome Research Institute. Hahsler and Dunham (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v035.i05>.
Maintained by Michael Hahsler. Last updated 7 months ago.
2 stars 3.79 score 31 scripts