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tgp:Bayesian Treed Gaussian Process Models
Bayesian nonstationary, semiparametric nonlinear regression and design by treed Gaussian processes (GPs) with jumps to the limiting linear model (LLM). Special cases also implemented include Bayesian linear models, CART, treed linear models, stationary separable and isotropic GPs, and GP single-index models. Provides 1-d and 2-d plotting functions (with projection and slice capabilities) and tree drawing, designed for visualization of tgp-class output. Sensitivity analysis and multi-resolution models are supported. Sequential experimental design and adaptive sampling functions are also provided, including ALM, ALC, and expected improvement. The latter supports derivative-free optimization of noisy black-box functions. For details and tutorials, see Gramacy (2007) <doi:10.18637/jss.v019.i09> and Gramacy & Taddy (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v033.i06>.
Maintained by Robert B. Gramacy. Last updated 7 months ago.
9 stars 7.36 score 203 scripts 12 dependentsimt:Impact Measurement Toolkit
A toolkit for causal inference in experimental and observational studies. Implements various simple Bayesian models including linear, negative binomial, and logistic regression for impact estimation. Provides functionality for randomization and checking baseline equivalence in experimental designs. The package aims to simplify the process of impact measurement for researchers and analysts across different fields. Examples and detailed usage instructions are available at <>.
Maintained by Ignacio Martinez. Last updated 6 months ago.
3 stars 3.88 score 6 scriptsnk027
bsreg:Bayesian Spatial Regression Models
Fit Bayesian models with a focus on the spatial econometric models.
Maintained by Nikolas Kuschnig. Last updated 3 years ago.
12 stars 3.78 score 1 scriptsactiveanalytics
bigReg:Generalized Linear Models (GLM) for Large Data Sets
Allows the user to carry out GLM on very large data sets. Data can be created using the data_frame() function and appended to the object with object$append(data); data_frame and data_matrix objects are available that allow the user to store large data on disk. The data is stored as doubles in binary format and any character columns are transformed to factors and then stored as numeric (binary) data while a look-up table is stored in a separate .meta_data file in the same folder. The data is stored in blocks and GLM regression algorithm is modified and carries out a MapReduce- like algorithm to fit the model. The functions bglm(), and summary() and bglm_predict() are available for creating and post-processing of models. The library requires Armadillo installed on your system. It probably won't function on windows since multi-core processing is done using mclapply() which forks R on Unix/Linux type operating systems.
Maintained by Chibisi Chima-Okereke. Last updated 9 years ago.
1 stars 2.00 score 3 scriptsskoval
blm:Binomial Linear Regression
Implements regression models for binary data on the absolute risk scale. These models are applicable to cohort and population-based case-control data.
Maintained by S.Kovalchik. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.41 score 26 scripts