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SimNPH:Simulate Non-Proportional Hazards
A toolkit for simulation studies concerning time-to-event endpoints with non-proportional hazards. 'SimNPH' encompasses functions for simulating time-to-event data in various scenarios, simulating different trial designs like fixed-followup, event-driven, and group sequential designs. The package provides functions to calculate the true values of common summary statistics for the implemented scenarios and offers common analysis methods for time-to-event data. Helper functions for running simulations with the 'SimDesign' package and for aggregating and presenting the results are also included. Results of the conducted simulation study are available in the paper: "A Comparison of Statistical Methods for Time-To-Event Analyses in Randomized Controlled Trials Under Non-Proportional Hazards", Klinglmüller et al. (2025) <doi:10.1002/sim.70019>.
Maintained by Tobias Fellinger. Last updated 13 days ago.
47.1 match 6 stars 6.63 score 43 scriptssimnph
miniPCH:Survival Distributions with Piece-Wise Constant Hazards
Density, distribution function, ... hazard function, cumulative hazard function, survival function for survival distributions with piece-wise constant hazards and multiple states and methods to plot and summarise those distributions. A derivation of the used algorithms can be found in my masters thesis <doi:10.25365/thesis.76098>.
Maintained by Tobias Fellinger. Last updated 12 days ago.
25.0 match 1 stars 3.95 score 1 scripts 1 dependents