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eulerr:Area-Proportional Euler and Venn Diagrams with Ellipses
Generate area-proportional Euler diagrams using numerical optimization. An Euler diagram is a generalization of a Venn diagram, relaxing the criterion that all interactions need to be represented. Diagrams may be fit with ellipses and circles via a wide range of inputs and can be visualized in numerous ways.
Maintained by Johan Larsson. Last updated 12 months ago.
75.8 match 131 stars 12.03 score 1.2k scripts 5 dependentsupsetjs
upsetjs:'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'UpSet.js' for Exploring Large Set Intersections
'UpSet.js' is a re-implementation of 'UpSetR' to create interactive set visualizations for more than three sets. This is a 'htmlwidget' wrapper around the 'JavaScript' library 'UpSet.js'.
Maintained by Samuel Gratzl. Last updated 3 years ago.
33.5 match 36 stars 4.80 score 35 scripts