Showing 6 of total 6 results (show query)
distanceto:Calculate Distance to Features
Calculates distances from point locations to features. The usual approach for eg. resource selection function analyses is to generate a complete distance to features surface then sample it with your observed and random points. Since these raster based approaches can be pretty costly with large areas, and often lead to memory issues in R, the distanceto package opts to compute these distances using efficient, vector based approaches. As a helper, there's a decidedly low-res raster based approach for visually inspecting your region's distance surface. But the workhorse is distance_to.
Maintained by Alec L. Robitaille. Last updated 2 years ago.
26.3 match 5 stars 4.88 score 10 scripts 1 dependentsbioc
scran:Methods for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Implements miscellaneous functions for interpretation of single-cell RNA-seq data. Methods are provided for assignment of cell cycle phase, detection of highly variable and significantly correlated genes, identification of marker genes, and other common tasks in routine single-cell analysis workflows.
Maintained by Aaron Lun. Last updated 5 months ago.
1.9 match 41 stars 13.14 score 7.6k scripts 36 dependentstrackage
traipse:Shared Tools for Tracking Data
A collection of commonly used tools for animal movement and other tracking data. Variously distance, angle, bearing, distance-to, bearing-to and speed are provided for geographic data that can be used directly or within 'tidyverse' syntax. Distances and bearings are calculated using modern geodesic methods as provided by Charles F. F. Karney (2013) <doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z> via the 'geodist' and 'geosphere' packages.
Maintained by Michael Sumner. Last updated 2 years ago.
5.1 match 18 stars 4.73 score 7 scripts 2 dependentsbetsybersson
fabPrediction:Compute FAB (Frequentist and Bayes) Conformal Prediction Intervals
Computes and plots prediction intervals for numerical data or prediction sets for categorical data using prior information. Empirical Bayes procedures to estimate the prior information from multi-group data are included. See, e.g.,Bersson and Hoff (2022) <arXiv:2204.08122> "Optimal Conformal Prediction for Small Areas".
Maintained by Elizabeth Bersson. Last updated 12 months ago.
1.8 match 4.30 score 2 scriptsinbo
LSVI:Rekenmodule Lokale Staat Van Instandhouding van habitattypen
Het package LSVI bundelt een aantal functies in verband met het ophalen van informatie over en het berekenen van de Lokale Staat Van Instandhouding (LSVI) van habitattypes.
Maintained by Els Lommelen. Last updated 2 years ago.
1.5 match 1 stars 4.03 score 27 scriptsrobitalec
camtrapmonitoring:Camera Trap Monitoring For Estimating Wildlife Density
Evaluating potential camera trap locations. Potential locations are evaluated using relevant spatial layers producing a dataset of selected locations with covariates that can be used to quantify sampling bias. Soon - density estimation methods.
Maintained by Alec L. Robitaille. Last updated 9 months ago.
2.3 match 2 stars 2.00 score 2 scripts