Showing 2 of total 2 results (show query)
bikedata:Download and Aggregate Data from Public Hire Bicycle Systems
Download and aggregate data from all public hire bicycle systems which provide open data, currently including 'Santander' Cycles in London, U.K.; from the U.S.A., 'Ford GoBike' in San Francisco CA, 'citibike' in New York City NY, 'Divvy' in Chicago IL, 'Capital Bikeshare' in Washington DC, 'Hubway' in Boston MA, 'Metro' in Los Angeles LA, 'Indego' in Philadelphia PA, and 'Nice Ride' in Minnesota; 'Bixi' from Montreal, Canada; and 'mibici' from Guadalajara, Mexico.
Maintained by Mark Padgham. Last updated 1 years ago.
56.3 match 83 stars 5.97 score 28 scriptsimangr
bysykkel:Get City Bike Data from Norway
Functions to get and download city bike data from the website and API service of each city bike service in Norway. The package aims to reduce time spent on getting Norwegian city bike data, and lower barriers to start analyzing it. The data is retrieved from Oslo City Bike, Bergen City Bike, and Trondheim City Bike. The data is made available under NLOD 2.0 <>.
Maintained by Iman Ghayoornia. Last updated 5 years ago.
64.3 match 2 stars 3.00 score 5 scripts