Package 'utils'

Title: The R Utils Package
Description: R utility functions.
Authors: R Core Team and contributors worldwide
Maintainer: R Core Team <>
License: Part of R 4.4.1
Version: 4.4.1
Built: 2024-06-15 17:27:16 UTC
Source: base

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The R Utils Package


R utility functions


This package contains a collection of utility functions.

For a complete list, use library(help = "utils").


R Core Team and contributors worldwide

Maintainer: R Core Team

Approximate String Distances


Compute the approximate string distance between character vectors. The distance is a generalized Levenshtein (edit) distance, giving the minimal possibly weighted number of insertions, deletions and substitutions needed to transform one string into another.


adist(x, y = NULL, costs = NULL, counts = FALSE, fixed = TRUE,
      partial = !fixed, = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)



a character vector. Long vectors are not supported.


a character vector, or NULL (default) indicating taking x as y.


a numeric vector or list with names partially matching ‘⁠insertions⁠’, ‘⁠deletions⁠’ and ‘⁠substitutions⁠’ giving the respective costs for computing the Levenshtein distance, or NULL (default) indicating using unit cost for all three possible transformations.


a logical indicating whether to optionally return the transformation counts (numbers of insertions, deletions and substitutions) as the "counts" attribute of the return value.


a logical. If TRUE (default), the x elements are used as string literals. Otherwise, they are taken as regular expressions and partial = TRUE is implied (corresponding to the approximate string distance used by agrep with fixed = FALSE).


a logical indicating whether the transformed x elements must exactly match the complete y elements, or only substrings of these. The latter corresponds to the approximate string distance used by agrep (by default).

a logical. If TRUE, case is ignored for computing the distances.


a logical. If TRUE distance computations are done byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character.


The (generalized) Levenshtein (or edit) distance between two strings s and t is the minimal possibly weighted number of insertions, deletions and substitutions needed to transform s into t (so that the transformation exactly matches t). This distance is computed for partial = FALSE, currently using a dynamic programming algorithm (see, e.g., with space and time complexity O(mn)O(mn), where mm and nn are the lengths of s and t, respectively. Additionally computing the transformation sequence and counts is O(max(m,n))O(\max(m, n)).

The generalized Levenshtein distance can also be used for approximate (fuzzy) string matching, in which case one finds the substring of t with minimal distance to the pattern s (which could be taken as a regular expression, in which case the principle of using the leftmost and longest match applies), see, e.g., This distance is computed for partial = TRUE using ‘⁠tre⁠’ by Ville Laurikari ( and corresponds to the distance used by agrep. In this case, the given cost values are coerced to integer.

Note that the costs for insertions and deletions can be different, in which case the distance between s and t can be different from the distance between t and s.


A matrix with the approximate string distances of the elements of x and y, with rows and columns corresponding to x and y, respectively.

If counts is TRUE, the transformation counts are returned as the "counts" attribute of this matrix, as a 3-dimensional array with dimensions corresponding to the elements of x, the elements of y, and the type of transformation (insertions, deletions and substitutions), respectively. Additionally, if partial = FALSE, the transformation sequences are returned as the "trafos" attribute of the return value, as character strings with elements ‘⁠M⁠’, ‘⁠I⁠’, ‘⁠D⁠’ and ‘⁠S⁠’ indicating a match, insertion, deletion and substitution, respectively. If partial = TRUE, the offsets (positions of the first and last element) of the matched substrings are returned as the "offsets" attribute of the return value (with both offsets 1-1 in case of no match).

See Also

agrep for approximate string matching (fuzzy matching) using the generalized Levenshtein distance.


## Cf.
adist("kitten", "sitting")
## To see the transformation counts for the Levenshtein distance:
drop(attr(adist("kitten", "sitting", counts = TRUE), "counts"))
## To see the transformation sequences:
attr(adist(c("kitten", "sitting"), counts = TRUE), "trafos")

## Cf. the examples for agrep:
adist("lasy", "1 lazy 2")
## For a "partial approximate match" (as used for agrep):
adist("lasy", "1 lazy 2", partial = TRUE)

Alert the User


Gives an audible or visual signal to the user.




alarm() works by sending a "\a" character to the console. On most platforms this will ring a bell, beep, or give some other signal to the user (unless standard output has been redirected).

It attempts to flush the console (see flush.console).


No useful value is returned.



Find Objects by (Partial) Name


apropos() returns a character vector giving the names of objects in the search list matching (as a regular expression) what.

find() returns where objects of a given name can be found.


apropos(what, where = FALSE, = TRUE,
        dot_internals = FALSE, mode = "any")

find(what, mode = "any", numeric = FALSE, simple.words = TRUE)



character string. For simple.words = FALSE the name of an object; otherwise a regular expression to match object names against.

where, numeric

a logical indicating whether positions in the search list should also be returned

logical indicating if the search should be case-insensitive, TRUE by default.


logical indicating if the search result should show base internal objects, FALSE by default.


character; if not "any", only objects whose mode equals mode are searched.


logical; if TRUE, the what argument is only searched as a whole word.


If mode != "any" only those objects which are of mode mode are considered.

find is a different user interface for a similar task to apropos. By default (simple.words == TRUE), only whole names are matched. Unlike apropos, matching is always case-sensitive.

Unlike the default behaviour of ls, names which begin with a ‘⁠.⁠’ are included, but base ‘internal’ objects are included only when dot_internals is true.


For apropos, a character vector sorted by name. For where = TRUE this has names giving the (numerical) positions on the search path.

For find, either a character vector of environment names or (for numeric = TRUE) a numerical vector of positions on the search path with names the names of the corresponding environments.


Originally, Kurt Hornik and Martin Maechler (May 1997).

See Also

glob2rx to convert wildcard patterns to regular expressions.

objects for listing objects from one place, for searching the help system, search for the search path.



## Not run: apropos("lm")
apropos("GLM")                      # several
apropos("GLM", = FALSE) # not one

cor <- 1:pi
find("cor")                         #> ".GlobalEnv"   "package:stats"
find("cor", numeric = TRUE)                     # numbers with these names
find("cor", numeric = TRUE, mode = "function")  # only the second one

## Not run: apropos(".", mode = "list")  # includes many datasets

# extraction/replacement methods (need a DOUBLE backslash '\\')

# everything % not diff-able

# those starting with 'pr'

# the 1-letter things
# the 1-2-letter things
# the 2-to-4 letter things
# frequencies of 8-and-more letter things

Approximate String Match Positions


Determine positions of approximate string matches.


aregexec(pattern, text, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)



a non-empty character string or a character string containing a regular expression (for fixed = FALSE) to be matched. Coerced by as.character to a string if possible.


character vector where matches are sought. Coerced by as.character to a character vector if possible.


maximum distance allowed for a match. See agrep.


cost of transformations. See agrep.

a logical. If TRUE, case is ignored for computing the distances.


If TRUE, the pattern is matched literally (as is). Otherwise (default), it is matched as a regular expression.


a logical. If TRUE comparisons are byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character.


aregexec provides a different interface to approximate string matching than agrep (along the lines of the interfaces to exact string matching provided by regexec and grep).

Note that by default, agrep performs literal matches, whereas aregexec performs regular expression matches.

See agrep and adist for more information about approximate string matching and distances.

Comparisons are byte-by-byte if pattern or any element of text is marked as "bytes".


A list of the same length as text, each element of which is either 1-1 if there is no match, or a sequence of integers with the starting positions of the match and all substrings corresponding to parenthesized subexpressions of pattern, with attribute "match.length" an integer vector giving the lengths of the matches (or 1-1 for no match).

See Also

regmatches for extracting the matched substrings.


## Cf. the examples for agrep.
x <- c("1 lazy", "1", "1 LAZY")
aregexec("laysy", x, max.distance = 2)
aregexec("(lay)(sy)", x, max.distance = 2)
aregexec("(lay)(sy)", x, max.distance = 2, = TRUE)
m <- aregexec("(lay)(sy)", x, max.distance = 2)
regmatches(x, m)

Rearrange Windows on MS Windows


This function allows you to tile or cascade windows, or to minimize or restore them (on Windows, i.e. when (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")). This may include windows not “belonging” to R.


arrangeWindows(action, windows, preserve = TRUE, outer = FALSE)



a character string, the action to perform on the windows. The choices are c("vertical", "horizontal", "cascade", "minimize", "restore") with default "vertical"; see the ‘Details’ for the interpretation. Abbreviations may be used.


a list of window handles, by default produced by getWindowsHandles().


If TRUE, when tiling preserve the outer boundary of the collection of windows; otherwise make them as large as will fit.


This argument is only used in MDI mode. If TRUE, tile the windows on the system desktop. Otherwise, tile them within the MDI frame.


The actions are as follows:


Tile vertically.


Tile horizontally.


Cascade the windows.


Minimize all of the windows.


Restore all of the windows to normal size (not minimized, not maximized).

The tiling and cascading are done by the standard Windows API functions, but unlike those functions, they will apply to all of the windows in the windows list.

By default, windows is set to the result of getWindowsHandles() (with one exception described below). This will select windows belonging to the current R process. However, if the global environment contains a variable named .arrangeWindowsDefaults, it will be used as the argument list instead. See the getWindowsHandles man page for a discussion of the optional arguments to that function.

When action = "restore" is used with windows unspecified, minimized = TRUE is added to the argument list of getWindowsHandles so that minimized windows will be restored.

In MDI mode, by default tiling and cascading will happen within the R GUI frame. However, if outer = TRUE, tiling is done on the system desktop. This will generally not give desirable results if any R child windows are included within windows.


This function is called for the side effect of arranging the windows. The list of window handles is returned invisibly.


This is only available on Windows.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



## Not run: ## Only available on Windows :
# This default is useful only in SDI mode:  it will tile any Firefox window
# along with the R windows
.arrangeWindowsDefaults <- list(c("R", "all"), pattern = c("", "Firefox"))

## End(Not run)

Ask a Yes/No Question


askYesNo provides a standard way to ask the user a yes/no question. It provides a way for front-ends to substitute their own dialogs.


askYesNo(msg, default = TRUE, 
         prompts = getOption("askYesNo", gettext(c("Yes", "No", "Cancel"))), 



The prompt message for the user.


The default response.


Any of: a character vector containing 3 prompts corresponding to return values of TRUE, FALSE, or NA, or a single character value containing the prompts separated by / characters, or a function to call.


Additional parameters, ignored by the default function.


askYesNo will accept case-independent partial matches to the prompts. If no response is given the value of default will be returned; if a non-empty string that doesn't match any of the prompts is entered, an error will be raised.

If a function or single character string naming a function is given for prompts, it will be called as fn(msg = msg, default = default, prompts = prompts, ...). On Windows, the GUI uses the unexported utils:::askYesNoWinDialog function for this purpose.

If strings (or a string such as "Y/N/C") are given as prompts, the choices will be mapped to lowercase for the non-default choices, and left as-is for the default choice.


TRUE for yes, FALSE for no, and NA for cancel.

See Also

readline for more general user input.


if (interactive())
    askYesNo("Do you want to use askYesNo?")

Spell Check Interface


Spell check given files via Aspell, Hunspell or Ispell.


aspell(files, filter, control = list(), encoding = "unknown",
       program = NULL, dictionaries = character())



a character vector with the names of files to be checked.


an optional filter for processing the files before spell checking, given as either a function (with formals ifile and encoding), or a character string specifying a built-in filter, or a list with the name of a built-in filter and additional arguments to be passed to it. See Details for available filters. If missing or NULL, no filtering is performed.


a list or character vector of control options for the spell checker.


the encoding of the files. Recycled as needed.


a character string giving the name (if on the system path) or full path of the spell check program to be used, or NULL (default). By default, the system path is searched for aspell, hunspell and ispell (in that order), and the first one found is used.


a character vector of names or file paths of additional R level dictionaries to use. Elements with no path separator specify R system dictionaries (in subdirectory ‘share/dictionaries’ of the R home directory). The file extension (currently, only ‘.rds’) can be omitted.


The spell check programs employed must support the so-called Ispell pipe interface activated via command line option -a. In addition to the programs, suitable dictionaries need to be available. See, and, respectively, for obtaining the Aspell, Hunspell and (International) Ispell programs and dictionaries.

On Windows, Aspell is available via MSYS2. One should use a non-Cygwin version, e.g. package mingw-w64-x86_64-aspell. The version built against the Cygwin runtime (package aspell) requires Unix line endings in files and Unix-style paths, which is incompatible with aspell().

The currently available built-in filters are "Rd" (corresponding to RdTextFilter, with additional argument ignore allowing to give regular expressions for parts of the text to be ignored for spell checking), "Sweave" (corresponding to SweaveTeXFilter), "R", "pot", "dcf" and "md".

Filter "R" is for R code and extracts the message string constants in calls to message, warning, stop, packageStartupMessage, gettext, gettextf, and ngettext (the unnamed string constants for the first five, and fmt and msg1/msg2 string constants, respectively, for the latter two).

Filter "pot" is for message string catalog ‘.pot’ files. Both have an argument ignore allowing to give regular expressions for parts of message strings to be ignored for spell checking: e.g., using "[ \t]'[^']*'[ \t[:punct:]]" ignores all text inside single quotes.

Filter "dcf" is for files in Debian Control File format. The fields to keep can be controlled by argument keep (a character vector with the respective field names). By default, ‘⁠Title⁠’ and ‘⁠Description⁠’ fields are kept.

Filter "md" is for files in Markdown format (‘.md’ and ‘.Rmd’ files), and needs packages commonmark and xml2 to be available.

The print method for the objects returned by aspell has an indent argument controlling the indentation of the positions of possibly misspelled words. The default is 2; Emacs users may find it useful to use an indentation of 0 and visit output in grep-mode. It also has a verbose argument: when this is true, suggestions for replacements are shown as well.

It is possible to employ additional R level dictionaries. Currently, these are files with extension ‘.rds’ obtained by serializing character vectors of word lists using saveRDS. If such dictionaries are employed, they are combined into a single word list file which is then used as the spell checker's personal dictionary (option -p): hence, the default personal dictionary is not used in this case.


A data frame inheriting from aspell (which has a useful print method) with the information about possibly misspelled words.


Kurt Hornik and Duncan Murdoch (2011). “Watch your spelling!” The R Journal, 3(2), 22–28. doi:10.32614/RJ-2011-014.

See Also

aspell-utils for utilities for spell checking packages.


## Not run: 
## To check all Rd files in a directory, (additionally) skipping the
## \references sections.
files <- Sys.glob("*.Rd")
aspell(files, filter = list("Rd", drop = "\\references"))

## To check all Sweave files
files <- Sys.glob(c("*.Rnw", "*.Snw", "*.rnw", "*.snw"))
aspell(files, filter = "Sweave", control = "-t")

## To check all Texinfo files (Aspell only)
files <- Sys.glob("*.texi")
aspell(files, control = "--mode=texinfo")

## End(Not run)

## List the available R system dictionaries.
Sys.glob(file.path(R.home("share"), "dictionaries", "*.rds"))

Spell Check Utilities


Utilities for spell checking packages via Aspell, Hunspell or Ispell.


                        drop = c("\\abbr", "\\acronym",
                                 "\\author", "\\references"),
                        control = list(), program = NULL,
                        dictionaries = character())
                         control = list(), program = NULL,
                         dictionaries = character())
aspell_package_R_files(dir, ignore = character(), control = list(),
                       program = NULL, dictionaries = character())
aspell_package_C_files(dir, ignore = character(), control = list(),
                       program = NULL, dictionaries = character())

aspell_write_personal_dictionary_file(x, out, language = "en",
                                      program = NULL)



a character string specifying the path to a package's root directory.


a character vector naming additional Rd sections to drop when selecting text via RdTextFilter.


a list or character vector of control options for the spell checker.


a character string giving the name (if on the system path) or full path of the spell check program to be used, or NULL (default). By default, the system path is searched for aspell, hunspell and ispell (in that order), and the first one found is used.


a character vector of names or file paths of additional R level dictionaries to use. See aspell.


a character vector with regular expressions to be replaced by blanks when filtering the message strings.


a character vector, or the result of a call to aspell().


a character string naming the personal dictionary file to write to.


a character string indicating a language as used by Aspell.


Functions aspell_package_Rd_files, aspell_package_vignettes, aspell_package_R_files and aspell_package_C_files perform spell checking on the Rd files, vignettes, R files, and C-level messages of the package with root directory dir. They determine the respective files, apply the appropriate filters, and run the spell checker.

See aspell for details on filters.

The C-level message string are obtained from the ‘po/PACKAGE.pot’ message catalog file, with PACKAGE the basename of dir. See the section on ‘C-level messages’ in ‘Writing R Extensions’ for more information.

When using Aspell, the vignette checking skips parameters and/or options of commands ⁠\Sexpr⁠, ⁠\citep⁠, ⁠\code⁠, ⁠\pkg⁠, ⁠\proglang⁠ and ⁠\samp⁠ (in addition to the what the Aspell TeX/LaTeX filter skips by default). Further commands can be skipped by adding ⁠--add-tex-command⁠ options to the control argument. E.g., to skip both option and parameter of ⁠\mycmd⁠, add ⁠--add-tex-command='mycmd op'⁠.

Suitable values for control, program, dictionaries, drop and ignore can also be specified using a package defaults file which should go as ‘defaults.R’ into the ‘.aspell’ subdirectory of dir, and provides defaults via assignments of suitable named lists, e.g.,

vignettes <- list(control = "--add-tex-command='mycmd op'")

for vignettes (when using Aspell) and similarly assigning to Rd_files, R_files and C_files for Rd files, R files and C level message defaults.

Maintainers of packages using both English and American spelling will find it convenient to pass control options --master=en_US and --add-extra-dicts=en_GB to Aspell and control options -d en_US,en_GB to Hunspell (provided that the corresponding dictionaries are installed).

Older versions of R had no support for R level dictionaries, and hence provided the function aspell_write_personal_dictionary_file to create (spell check) program-specific personal dictionary files from words to be accepted. The new mechanism is to use R level dictionaries, i.e., ‘.rds’ files obtained by serializing character vectors of such words using saveRDS. For such dictionaries specified via the package defaults mechanism, elements with no path separator can be R system dictionaries or dictionaries in the ‘.aspell’ subdirectory.

See Also


List Available Packages at CRAN-like Repositories


available.packages returns a matrix of details corresponding to packages currently available at one or more repositories. The current list of packages is downloaded over the internet (or copied from a local mirror).


available.packages(contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type), method,
                   fields = NULL, type = getOption("pkgType"),
                   filters = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"),
                   ignore_repo_cache = FALSE, max_repo_cache_age,
                   quiet = TRUE, ...)



URL(s) of the ‘contrib’ sections of the repositories. Specify this argument only if your repository mirror is incomplete, e.g., because you mirrored only the ‘contrib’ section.


download method, see download.file.


character string, indicate which type of packages: see install.packages.

If type = "both" this will use the source repository.


a character vector giving the fields to extract from the ‘PACKAGES’ file(s) in addition to the default ones, or NULL (default). Unavailable fields result in NA values.


a character vector or list or NULL (default). See ‘Details’.


character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use.


logical. If true, the repository cache is never used (see ‘Details’).


any cached values older than this in seconds will be ignored. See ‘Details’.


logical, passed to download.file(); change only if you know what you are doing.


allow additional arguments to be passed from callers (which might be arguments to future versions of this function). Currently these are all passed to download.file().


The list of packages is either copied from a local mirror (specified by a ‘⁠file://⁠URI) or downloaded. If downloaded and ignore_repo_cache is false (the default), the list is cached for the R session in a per-repository file in tempdir() with a name like

The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit controlled via argument max_repo_cache_age. This defaults to the current value of the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, to 3600 (one hour).

By default, the return value includes only packages whose version and OS requirements are met by the running version of R, and only gives information on the latest versions of packages.

Argument filters can be used to select which of the packages on the repositories are reported. It is called with its default value (NULL) by functions such as install.packages: this value corresponds to getOption("available_packages_filters") and to c("R_version", "OS_type", "subarch", "duplicates") if that is unset or set to NULL.

The built-in filters are


Exclude packages whose R version requirements are not met.


Exclude packages whose OS requirement is incompatible with this version of R: that is exclude Windows-only packages on a Unix-alike platform and vice versa.


For binary packages, exclude those with compiled code that is not available for the current sub-architecture, e.g. exclude packages only compiled for 32-bit Windows on a 64-bit Windows R.


Only report the latest version where more than one version is available, and only report the first-named repository (in contriburl) with the latest version if that is in more than one repository.


Include only packages for which installation can proceed solely based on packages which can be verified as Free or Open Source Software (FOSS, e.g., employing the available license specifications. Thus both the package and any packages that it depends on to load need to be known to be FOSS.

Note that this does depend on the repository supplying license information.


Include only packages for which installation can proceed solely based on packages which are known not to restrict use.


Use CRAN versions in preference to versions from other repositories (even if these have a higher version number). This needs to be applied before the default "duplicates" filter, so cannot be used with add = TRUE.

If all the filters are from this set, then they can be specified as a character vector; otherwise filters should be a list with elements which are character strings, user-defined functions or add = TRUE (see below).

User-defined filters are functions which take a single argument, a matrix of the form returned by available.packages, and return a matrix consisting of a subset of the rows of the argument.

The special ‘filter’ add = TRUE appends the other elements of the filter list to the default filters.


A character matrix with one row per package, row names the package names and column names including "Package", "Version", "Priority", "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances", "File" and "Repository". Additional columns can be specified using the fields argument.

Where provided by the repository, fields "OS_type", "License", "License_is_FOSS", "License_restricts_use", "Archs", "MD5sum" and "NeedsCompilation" are reported for use by the filters and package management tools, including install.packages.

See Also

packageStatus, update.packages, install.packages, download.packages, contrib.url.

The ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual for how to set up a repository.


## Count package licenses
db <- available.packages(repos = findCRANmirror("web"), filters = "duplicates")

## Use custom filter function to only keep recommended packages
## which do not require compilation
available.packages(repos = findCRANmirror("web"),
  filters = list(
    add = TRUE,
    function (db) db[db[,"Priority"] %in% "recommended" &
                     db[,"NeedsCompilation"] == "no", ]

## Not run: 
## Restrict install.packages() (etc) to known-to-be-FOSS packages
options(available_packages_filters =
  c("R_version", "OS_type", "subarch", "duplicates", "license/FOSS"))
## or
options(available_packages_filters = list(add = TRUE, "license/FOSS"))

## Give priority to released versions on CRAN, rather than development
## versions on R-Forge etc.
options(available_packages_filters =
     c("R_version", "OS_type", "subarch", "CRAN", "duplicates"))

## End(Not run)

Batch Execution of R


Run R non-interactively with input from infile and send output (stdout/stderr) to another file.


R CMD BATCH [options] infile [outfile]



the name of a file with R code to be executed.


a list of R command line options, e.g., for setting the amount of memory available and controlling the load/save process. If infile starts with a ‘⁠-⁠’, use -- as the final option. The default options are --restore --save --no-readline. (Without --no-readline on Windows.)


the name of a file to which to write output. If not given, the name used is that of infile, with a possible ‘.R’ extension stripped, and ‘.Rout’ appended.


Use R CMD BATCH --help to be reminded of the usage.

By default, the input commands are printed along with the output. To suppress this behavior, add options(echo = FALSE) at the beginning of infile, or use option --no-echo.

The infile can have end of line marked by LF or CRLF (but not just CR), and files with an incomplete last line (missing end of line (EOL) mark) are processed correctly.

A final expression ‘⁠proc.time()⁠’ will be executed after the input script unless the latter calls q(runLast = FALSE) or is aborted. This can be suppressed by the option --no-timing.

Additional options can be set by the environment variable R_BATCH_OPTIONS: these come after the default options (see the description of the options argument) and before any options given on the command line.


On Unix-alikes only: Unlike Splus BATCH, this does not run the R process in the background. In most shells,

R CMD BATCH [options] infile [outfile] &

will do so.

Bibliography Entries


Functionality for representing and manipulating bibliographic information in enhanced BibTeX style.


bibentry(bibtype, textVersion = NULL, header = NULL, footer = NULL,
         key = NULL, ..., other = list(),
         mheader = NULL, mfooter = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'bibentry'
print(x, style = "text", .bibstyle,
      bibtex = length(x) <= getOption("citation.bibtex.max", 1),

## S3 method for class 'bibentry'
format(x, style = "text", .bibstyle = NULL,
       bibtex = length(x) <= 1,
       citMsg = missing(bibtex),
       sort = FALSE, macros = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bibentry'
sort(x, decreasing = FALSE, .bibstyle = NULL, drop = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'citation'
 print(x, style = "citation", ...)
## S3 method for class 'citation'
format(x, style = "citation", ...)

## S3 method for class 'bibentry'
toBibtex(object, escape = FALSE, ...)



a character string with a BibTeX entry type. See Entry Types for details.


a character string with a text representation of the reference to optionally be employed for printing. It is recommended to leave this unspecified if format(x, style = "text") works correctly. Only if special LaTeX macros (e.g., math formatting) or special characters (e.g., with accents) are necessary, a textVersion should be provided.


a character string with optional header text.


a character string with optional footer text.


a character string giving the citation key for the entry.


for bibentry: arguments of the form tag=value giving the fields of the entry, with tag and value the name and value of the field, respectively. Arguments with empty values are dropped. Field names are case-insensitive. See Entry Fields for details.

For the print() method, extra arguments to pass to the renderer which typically includes the format() method.

For the citation class methods, arguments passed to the next method, i.e., the corresponding bibentry one.

For the toBibtex() method, currently not used.


a list of arguments as in ... (useful in particular for fields named the same as formals of bibentry).


a character string with optional “outer” header text.


a character string with optional “outer” footer text.


an object inheriting from class "bibentry".


an optional character string specifying the print style. If present, must be a unique abbreviation (with case ignored) of the available styles, see Details.


logical, passed to order indicating the sort direction.


a character string naming a bibliography style, see bibstyle.


logical indicating if BibTeX code should be given additionally; currently applies only to style = "citation". The default for the print() method depends on the number of (bib) entries and getOption("citation.bibtex.max") (which itself is 1 by default). For example, to see no BibTeX at all, you can change the default by options(citation.bibtex.max = 0).


logical indicating if a “message” should be added (to the footer) about how to get BibTeX code when bibtex is false and style = "citation".


logical indicating if bibentries should be sorted, using bibstyle(.bibstyle)$sortKeys(x).


a character string or an object with already loaded Rd macros, see Details.


logical used as x[ ..., drop=drop] inside the sort() method.


an object inheriting from class "bibentry".


a logical indicating whether non-ASCII characters should be translated to LaTeX escape sequences.


The bibentry objects created by bibentry can represent an arbitrary positive number of references. One can use c() to combine bibentry objects, and hence in particular build a multiple reference object from single reference ones. Alternatively, one can use bibentry to directly create a multiple reference object by specifying the arguments as lists of character strings.

The print method for bibentry objects is based on a corresponding format method and provides a choice between seven different styles: plain text (style "text"), BibTeX ("bibtex"), a mixture of plain text and BibTeX as traditionally used for citations ("citation"), HTML ("html"), LaTeX ("latex"), R code ("R"), and a simple copy of the textVersion elements (style "textVersion").

The "text", "html" and "latex" styles make use of the .bibstyle argument: a style defined by the bibstyle function for rendering the bibentry into (intermediate) Rd format. The Rd format uses markup commands documented in the ‘Rd format’ section of the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual, e.g. ⁠\bold⁠. In addition, one can use the macros argument to provide additional (otherwise unknown, presumably LaTeX-style) Rd macros, either by giving the path to a file with Rd macros to be loaded via loadRdMacros, or an object with macros already loaded. Note that the "latex" result may contain commands from the LaTeX style file ‘Rd.sty’ shipped with R; put ⁠\usepackage{Rd}⁠ in the preamble of a LaTeX document to make these available when compiling, e.g. with texi2pdf.

When printing bibentry objects in citation style, a header/footer for each item can be displayed as well as a mheader/mfooter for the whole vector of references.

For formatting as R code, a choice between giving a character vector with one bibentry() call for each bibentry (as commonly used in ‘CITATION’ files), or a character string with one collapsed call, obtained by combining the individual calls with c() if there is more than one bibentry. This can be controlled by passing the argument collapse=FALSE (default) or TRUE, respectively, to the format() method. (Printing in R style always collapses to a single call.)

It is possible to subscript bibentry objects by their keys (which are used for character subscripts if the names are NULL).

There is also a toBibtex method for direct conversion to BibTeX.

As of R 4.3.0, there is also a transform method which allows to directly use the current fields, see the examples.


bibentry produces an object of class "bibentry".

Entry Types

bibentry creates "bibentry" objects, which are modeled after BibTeX entries. The entry should be a valid BibTeX entry type, e.g.,


An article from a journal or magazine.


A book with an explicit publisher.


A part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.


A part of a book having its own title.


An article in a conference proceedings.


Technical documentation like a software manual.


A Master's thesis.


Use this type when nothing else fits.


A PhD thesis.


The proceedings of a conference.


A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.


A document having an author and title, but not formally published.

Entry Fields

The ... argument of bibentry can be any number of BibTeX fields, including


The address of the publisher or other type of institution.


The name(s) of the author(s), either as a person object, or as a character string which as.person correctly coerces to such.


Title of a book, part of which is being cited.


A chapter (or section or whatever) number.


The DOI ( for the reference.


Name(s) of editor(s), same format as author.


The publishing institution of a technical report.


A journal name.


Any additional information that can help the reader. The first word should be capitalized.


The number of a journal, magazine, technical report, or of a work in a series.


One or more page numbers or range of numbers.


The publisher's name.


The name of the school where a thesis was written.


The name of a series or set of books.


The work's title.


A URL for the reference. (If the URL is an expanded DOI, we recommend to use the ‘⁠doi⁠’ field with the unexpanded DOI instead.)


The volume of a journal or multi-volume book.


The year of publication.

See Also



## R reference
rref <- bibentry(
   bibtype = "Manual",
   title = "R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing",
   author = person("R Core Team"),
   organization = "R Foundation for Statistical Computing",
   address = "Vienna, Austria",
   year = 2014,
   url = "")

## Different printing styles
print(rref, style = "bibtex")
print(rref, style = "citation")
print(rref, style = "html")
print(rref, style = "latex")
print(rref, style = "R")

## References for boot package and associated book
bref <- c(
     bibtype = "Manual",
     title = "boot: Bootstrap R (S-PLUS) Functions",
     author = c(
       person("Angelo", "Canty", role = "aut",
         comment = "S original"),
       person(c("Brian", "D."), "Ripley", role = c("aut", "trl", "cre"),
         comment = "R port, author of parallel support",
         email = "")
     year = "2012",
     note = "R package version 1.3-4",
     url = "",
     key = "boot-package"

     bibtype = "Book",
     title = "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications",
     author = as.person("Anthony C. Davison [aut], David V. Hinkley [aut]"),
     year = "1997",
     publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
     address = "Cambridge",
     isbn = "0-521-57391-2",
     url = "",
     key = "boot-book"

## Combining and subsetting
c(rref, bref)

## Extracting fields

## Field names are case-insensitive
rref$Year <- R.version$year
stopifnot(identical(rref$year, R.version$year))

## Convert to BibTeX

## Transform
transform(rref, address = paste0(address, ", Europe"))

## BibTeX reminder message (in case of >= 2 refs):
print(bref, style = "citation")

## Format in R style
## One bibentry() call for each bibentry:
writeLines(paste(format(bref, "R"), collapse = "\n\n"))
## One collapsed call:
writeLines(format(bref, "R", collapse = TRUE))

Browse Objects in Environment


The browseEnv function opens a browser with list of objects currently in sys.frame() environment.


browseEnv(envir = .GlobalEnv, pattern,
          excludepatt = "^last\\.warning",
          html = .Platform$GUI != "AQUA",
          expanded = TRUE, properties = NULL,
          main = NULL, debugMe = FALSE)



an environment the objects of which are to be browsed.


a regular expression for object subselection is passed to the internal ls() call.


a regular expression for dropping objects with matching names.


is used to display the workspace on a HTML page in your favorite browser. The default except when running from on macOS.


whether to show one level of recursion. It can be useful to switch it to FALSE if your workspace is large. This option is ignored if html is set to FALSE.


a named list of global properties (of the objects chosen) to be showed in the browser; when NULL (as per default), user, date, and machine information is used.


a title string to be used in the browser; when NULL (as per default) a title is constructed.


logical switch; if true, some diagnostic output is produced.


Very experimental code: displays a static HTML page on all platforms except on macOS.

Only allows one level of recursion into object structures.

It can be generalized. See sources for details. Most probably, this should rather work through using the tkWidget package (from

See Also

str, ls.


if(interactive()) {
   ## create some interesting objects :
   ofa <- ordered(4:1)
   ex1 <- expression(1+ 0:9)
   ex3 <- expression(u, v, 1+ 0:9)
   example(factor, echo = FALSE)
   example(table, echo = FALSE)
   example(ftable, echo = FALSE)
   example(lm, echo = FALSE, ask = FALSE)
   example(str, echo = FALSE)

   ## and browse them:

   ## a (simple) function's environment:
   af12 <- approxfun(1:2, 1:2, method = "const")
   browseEnv(envir = environment(af12))

Load URL into an HTML Browser


Load a given URL into an HTML browser.


browseURL(url, browser = getOption("browser"),
          encodeIfNeeded = FALSE)



a non-empty character string giving the URL to be loaded. Some platforms also accept file paths.


a non-empty character string giving the name of the program to be used as the HTML browser. It should be in the PATH, or a full path specified. Alternatively, an R function to be called to invoke the browser.

Under Windows NULL is also allowed (and is the default), and implies that the file association mechanism will be used.


Should the URL be encoded by URLencode before passing to the browser? This is not needed (and might be harmful) if the browser program/function itself does encoding, and can be harmful for ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs on some systems and for ‘⁠http://⁠’ URLs passed to some CGI applications. Fortunately, most URLs do not need encoding.


On Unix-alikes:

The default browser is set by option "browser", in turn set by the environment variable R_BROWSER which is by default set in file ‘R_HOME/etc/Renviron’ to a choice made manually or automatically when R was configured. (See Startup for where to override that default value.) To suppress showing URLs altogether, use the value "false".

On many platforms it is best to set option "browser" to a generic program/script and let that invoke the user's choice of browser. For example, on macOS use open and on many other Unix-alikes use xdg-open.

If browser supports remote control and R knows how to perform it, the URL is opened in any already-running browser or a new one if necessary. This mechanism currently is available for browsers which support the "-remote openURL(...)" interface (which includes Mozilla and Opera), Galeon, KDE konqueror (via kfmclient) and the GNOME interface to Mozilla. (Firefox has dropped support, but defaults to using an already-running browser.) Note that the type of browser is determined from its name, so this mechanism will only be used if the browser is installed under its canonical name.

Because "-remote" will use any browser displaying on the X server (whatever machine it is running on), the remote control mechanism is only used if DISPLAY points to the local host. This may not allow displaying more than one URL at a time from a remote host.

It is the caller's responsibility to encode url if necessary (see URLencode).

To suppress showing URLs altogether, set browser = "false".

The behaviour for arguments url which are not URLs is platform-dependent. Some platforms accept absolute file paths; fewer accept relative file paths.

On Windows:

The default browser is set by option "browser", in turn set by the environment variable R_BROWSER if that is set, otherwise to NULL. To suppress showing URLs altogether, use the value "false".

Some browsers have required ‘⁠:⁠’ be replaced by ‘⁠|⁠’ in file paths: others do not accept that. All seem to accept ‘⁠\⁠’ as a path separator even though the RFC1738 standard requires ‘⁠/⁠’.

To suppress showing URLs altogether, set browser = "false".

URL schemes

Which URL schemes are accepted is platform-specific: expect ‘⁠http://⁠’, ‘⁠https://⁠’ and ‘⁠ftp://⁠’ to work, but ‘⁠mailto:⁠’ may or may not (and if it does may not use the user's preferred email client). However, modern browsers are unlikely to handle ‘⁠ftp://⁠’.

For the ‘⁠file://⁠’ scheme the format accepted (if any) can depend on both browser and OS.


## Not run: 
## for KDE users who want to open files in a new tab
options(browser = "kfmclient newTab")


## On Windows-only, something like
          browser = "C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe")

## End(Not run)

List Vignettes in an HTML Browser


List available vignettes in an HTML browser with links to PDF, LaTeX/Noweb source, and (tangled) R code (if available).


browseVignettes(package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, all = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'browseVignettes'
print(x, ...)



a character vector with the names of packages to search through, or NULL in which "all" packages (as defined by argument all) are searched.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


logical; if TRUE search all available packages in the library trees specified by lib.loc, and if FALSE, search only attached packages.


Object of class browseVignettes.


Further arguments, ignored by the print method.


Function browseVignettes returns an object of the same class; the print method displays it as an HTML page in a browser (using browseURL).

See Also

browseURL, vignette


## List vignettes from all *attached* packages
browseVignettes(all = FALSE)

## List vignettes from a specific package

Send a Bug Report


Invokes an editor or email program to write a bug report or opens a web page for bug submission. Some standard information on the current version and configuration of R are included automatically.

Usage = "",  address,
           file = "", package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,



Subject of the email.


Recipient's email address, where applicable: for package bug reports sent by email this defaults to the address of the package maintainer (the first if more than one is listed).


filename to use (if needed) for setting up the email.


Optional character vector naming a single package which is the subject of the bug report.


A character vector describing the location of R library trees in which to search for the package, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


additional named arguments such as method and ccaddress to pass to


If package is NULL or a base package, this opens the R bugs tracker at

If package is specified, it is assumed that the bug report is about that package, and parts of its ‘DESCRIPTION’ file are added to the standard information. If the package has a non-empty BugReports field in the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file specifying the URL of a webpage, that URL will be opened using browseURL, otherwise an email directed to the package maintainer will be generated using If there is any other form of BugReports field or a Contact field, this is examined as it may provide a preferred email address.


Nothing useful.

When is there a bug?

If R executes an illegal instruction, or dies with an operating system error message that indicates a problem in the program (as opposed to something like “disk full”), then it is certainly a bug.

Taking forever to complete a command can be a bug, but you must make certain that it was really R's fault. Some commands simply take a long time. If the input was such that you KNOW it should have been processed quickly, report a bug. If you don't know whether the command should take a long time, find out by looking in the manual or by asking for assistance.

If a command you are familiar with causes an R error message in a case where its usual definition ought to be reasonable, it is probably a bug. If a command does the wrong thing, that is a bug. But be sure you know for certain what it ought to have done. If you aren't familiar with the command, or don't know for certain how the command is supposed to work, then it might actually be working right. Rather than jumping to conclusions, show the problem to someone who knows for certain.

Finally, a command's intended definition may not be best for statistical analysis. This is a very important sort of problem, but it is also a matter of judgement. Also, it is easy to come to such a conclusion out of ignorance of some of the existing features. It is probably best not to complain about such a problem until you have checked the documentation in the usual ways, feel confident that you understand it, and know for certain that what you want is not available. The mailing list is a better place for discussions of this sort than the bug list.

If you are not sure what the command is supposed to do after a careful reading of the manual this indicates a bug in the manual. The manual's job is to make everything clear. It is just as important to report documentation bugs as program bugs.

If the online argument list of a function disagrees with the manual, one of them must be wrong, so report the bug.

How to report a bug

When you decide that there is a bug, it is important to report it and to report it in a way which is useful. What is most useful is an exact description of what commands you type, from when you start R until the problem happens. Always include the version of R, machine, and operating system that you are using; type version in R to print this. To help us keep track of which bugs have been fixed and which are still open please send a separate report for each bug.

The most important principle in reporting a bug is to report FACTS, not hypotheses or categorizations. It is always easier to report the facts, but people seem to prefer to strain to posit explanations and report them instead. If the explanations are based on guesses about how R is implemented, they will be useless; we will have to try to figure out what the facts must have been to lead to such speculations. Sometimes this is impossible. But in any case, it is unnecessary work for us.

For example, suppose that on a data set which you know to be quite large the command data.frame(x, y, z, monday, tuesday) never returns. Do not report that data.frame() fails for large data sets. Perhaps it fails when a variable name is a day of the week. If this is so then when we got your report we would try out the data.frame() command on a large data set, probably with no day of the week variable name, and not see any problem. There is no way in the world that we could guess that we should try a day of the week variable name.

Or perhaps the command fails because the last command you used was a [ method that had a bug causing R's internal data structures to be corrupted and making the data.frame() command fail from then on. This is why we need to know what other commands you have typed (or read from your startup file).

It is very useful to try and find simple examples that produce apparently the same bug, and somewhat useful to find simple examples that might be expected to produce the bug but actually do not. If you want to debug the problem and find exactly what caused it, that is wonderful. You should still report the facts as well as any explanations or solutions.

Invoking R with the --vanilla option may help in isolating a bug. This ensures that the site profile and saved data files are not read.

A bug report can be generated using the function For reports on R this will open the Web page at for a contributed package it will open the package's bug tracker Web page or help you compose an email to the maintainer.

Bug reports on contributed packages should not be sent to the R bug tracker: rather make use of the package argument.


This help page is adapted from the Emacs manual and the R FAQ

See Also

help.request which you possibly should try before, which handles emailing reports.

The R FAQ, also sessionInfo() from which you may add to the bug report.

Send Output to a Character String or File


Evaluates its arguments with the output being returned as a character string or sent to a file. Related to sink similarly to how with is related to attach.


capture.output(..., file = NULL, append = FALSE,
               type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)



Expressions to be evaluated.


A file name or a connection, or NULL to return the output as a character vector. If the connection is not open, it will be opened initially and closed on exit.


logical. If file a file name or unopened connection, append or overwrite?

type, split

are passed to sink(), see there.


It works via sink(<file connection>) and hence the R code in dots must not interfere with the connection (e.g., by calling closeAllConnections()).

An attempt is made to write output as far as possible to file if there is an error in evaluating the expressions, but for file = NULL all output will be lost.

Messages sent to stderr() (including those from message, warning and stop) are captured by type = "message". Note that this can be “unsafe” and should only be used with care.


A character string (if file = NULL), or invisible NULL.

See Also

sink, textConnection


glmout <- capture.output(summary(glm(case ~ spontaneous+induced,
                                     data = infert, family = binomial())))
capture.output(1+1, 2+2)
capture.output({1+1; 2+2})

## Not run: ## on Unix-alike with a2ps available
op <- options(useFancyQuotes=FALSE)
pdf <- pipe("a2ps -o - | ps2pdf - tempout.pdf", "w")
capture.output(example(glm), file = pdf)
close(pdf); options(op) ; system("evince tempout.pdf &")

## End(Not run)

Detect which Files Have Changed


fileSnapshot takes a snapshot of a selection of files, recording summary information about each. changedFiles compares two snapshots, or compares one snapshot to the current state of the file system. The snapshots need not be the same directory; this could be used to compare two directories.


fileSnapshot(path = ".", = TRUE, timestamp = NULL, 
	    md5sum = FALSE, digest = NULL, full.names = length(path) > 1,

changedFiles(before, after, path = before$path, timestamp = before$timestamp, = c("size", "isdir", "mode", "mtime"), 
	    md5sum = before$md5sum, digest = before$digest, 
	    full.names = before$full.names, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fileSnapshot'
print(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'changedFiles'
print(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)



character vector; the path(s) to record.

logical; whether to record values for each file.


character string or NULL; the name of a file to write at the time the snapshot is taken. This gives a quick test for modification, but may be unreliable; see the Details.


logical; whether MD5 summaries of each file should be taken as part of the snapshot.


a function or NULL; a function with header function(filename) which will take a vector of filenames and produce a vector of values of the same length, or a matrix with that number of rows.


logical; whether full names (as in list.files) should be recorded. Must be TRUE if length(path) > 1.


additional parameters to pass to list.files to control the set of files in the snapshots.

before, after

objects produced by fileSnapshot; two snapshots to compare. If after is missing, a new snapshot of the current file system will be produced for comparison, using arguments recorded in before as defaults.

character vector; which columns from should be compared.


the object to print.


logical; whether to list all data when printing.


The fileSnapshot function uses list.files to obtain a list of files, and depending on the, md5sum, and digest arguments, records information about each file.

The changedFiles function compares two snapshots.

If the timestamp argument to fileSnapshot is length 1, a file with that name is created. If it is length 1 in changedFiles, the file_test function is used to compare the age of all files common to both before and after to it. This test may be unreliable: it compares the current modification time of the after files to the timestamp; that may not be the same as the modification time when the after snapshot was taken. It may also give incorrect results if the clock on the file system holding the timestamp differs from the one holding the snapshot files.

If the argument contains a non-empty character vector, the indicated columns from the result of a call to will be compared.

If md5sum is TRUE, fileSnapshot will call the tools::md5sum function to record the 32 byte MD5 checksum for each file, and changedFiles will compare the values. The digest argument allows users to provide their own digest function.


fileSnapshot returns an object of class "fileSnapshot". This is a list containing the fields


a data frame whose rownames are the filenames, and whose columns contain the requested snapshot data


the normalized path from the call

timestamp,, md5sum, digest, full.names

a record of the other arguments from the call


other arguments passed via ... to list.files.

changedFiles produces an object of class "changedFiles". This is a list containing

added, deleted, changed, unchanged

character vectors of filenames from the before and after snapshots, with obvious meanings


a logical matrix with a row for each common file, and a column for each comparison test. TRUE indicates a change in that test.

print methods are defined for each of these types. The print method for "fileSnapshot" objects displays the arguments used to produce them, while the one for "changedFiles" displays the added, deleted and changed fields if non-empty, and a submatrix of the changes matrix containing all of the TRUE values.


Duncan Murdoch, using suggestions from Karl Millar and others.

See Also, file_test, md5sum.


# Create some files in a temporary directory
dir <- tempfile()
writeBin(1L, file.path(dir, "file1"))
writeBin(2L, file.path(dir, "file2"))
dir.create(file.path(dir, "dir"))

# Take a snapshot
snapshot <- fileSnapshot(dir, timestamp = tempfile("timestamp"), md5sum=TRUE)
# Change one of the files.
writeBin(3L:4L, file.path(dir, "file2"))

# Display the detected changes.  We may or may not see mtime change...

Character Classification


An interface to the (C99) wide character classification functions in use.


charClass(x, class)



Either a UTF-8-encoded length-1 character vector or an integer vector of Unicode points (or a vector coercible to integer).


A character string, one of those given in the ‘Details’ section.


The classification into character classes is platform-dependent. The classes are determined by internal tables on Windows and (optionally but by default) on macOS and AIX.

The character classes are interpreted as follows:


Alphabetic or numeric.




Space or tab.


Control characters.


Digits 0-9.


Graphical characters (printable characters except whitespace).


Lower-case alphabetic.


Printable characters.


Punctuation characters. Some platforms treat all non-alphanumeric graphical characters as punctuation.


Whitespace, including tabs, form and line feeds and carriage returns. Some OSes include non-breaking spaces, some exclude them.


Upper-case alphabetic.


Hexadecimal character, one of 0-9A-fa-f.

Alphabetic characters contain all lower- and upper-case ones and some others (for example, those in ‘title case’).

Whether a character is printable is used to decide whether to escape it when printing – see the help for print.default.

If x is a character string it should either be ASCII or declared as UTF-8 – see Encoding.

charClass was added in R 4.1.0. A less direct way to examine character classes which also worked in earlier versions is to use something like grepl("[[:print:]]", intToUtf8(x)) – however, the regular-expression code might not use the same classification functions as printing and on macOS used not to.


A logical vector of the length the number of characters or integers in x.


Non-ASCII digits are excluded by the C99 standard from the class "digit": most platforms will have them as alphabetic.

It is an assumption that the system's wide character classification functions are coded in Unicode points, but this is known to be true for all recent platforms.

The classification may depend on the locale even on one platform.

See Also

Character classes are used in regular expressions.

The OS's man pages for iswctype and wctype.


x <- c(48:70, 32, 0xa0) # Last is non-breaking space
cl <- c("alnum", "alpha", "blank", "digit", "graph", "punct", "upper", "xdigit")
X <- lapply(cl, function(y) charClass(x,y)); names(X) <- cl
X <-; row.names(X) <- sQuote(intToUtf8(x, multiple = TRUE))

charClass("ABC123", "alpha")
## Some accented capital Greek characters
(x <- "\u0386\u0388\u0389")
charClass(x, "upper")

## How many printable characters are there? (Around 280,000 in Unicode 13.)
## There are 2^21-1 possible Unicode points (most not yet assigned).
pr <- charClass(1:0x1fffff, "print") 

Choose a Folder Interactively on MS Windows


Use a Windows shell folder widget to choose a folder interactively.


choose.dir(default = "", caption = "Select folder")



which folder to show initially.


the caption on the selection dialog.


This brings up the Windows shell folder selection widget. With the default default = "", ‘My Computer’ (or similar) is initially selected.

To workaround a bug, on Vista and later only folders under ‘Computer’ are accessible via the widget.


A length-one character vector, character NA if ‘Cancel’ was selected.


This is only available on Windows.

See Also

choose.files (on Windows) and file.choose (on all platforms).


if (interactive() && .Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        choose.dir(getwd(), "Choose a suitable folder")

Choose a List of Files Interactively on MS Windows


Use a Windows file dialog to choose a list of zero or more files interactively.


choose.files(default = "", caption = "Select files",
             multi = TRUE, filters = Filters,
             index = nrow(Filters))




which filename to show initially


the caption on the file selection dialog


whether to allow multiple files to be selected


a matrix of filename filters (see Details)


which row of filters to use by default


Unlike file.choose, choose.files will always attempt to return a character vector giving a list of files. If the user cancels the dialog, then zero files are returned, whereas file.choose would signal an error. choose.dir chooses a directory.

Windows file dialog boxes include a list of ‘filters’, which allow the file selection to be limited to files of specific types. The filters argument to choose.files allows the list of filters to be set. It should be an n by 2 character matrix. The first column gives, for each filter, the description the user will see, while the second column gives the mask(s) to select those files. If more than one mask is used, separate them by semicolons, with no spaces. The index argument chooses which filter will be used initially.

Filters is a matrix giving the descriptions and masks for the file types that R knows about. Print it to see typical formats for filter specifications. The examples below show how particular filters may be selected.

If you would like to display files in a particular directory, give a fully qualified file mask (e.g., "c:\\*.*") in the default argument. If a directory is not given, the dialog will start in the current directory the first time, and remember the last directory used on subsequent invocations.

There is a buffer limit on the total length of the selected filenames: it is large but this function is not intended to select thousands of files, when the limit might be reached.


A character vector giving zero or more file paths.


This is only available on Windows.

See Also

file.choose, choose.dir.

Sys.glob or list.files to select multiple files by pattern.


if (interactive() && .Platform$OS.type == "windows")
       choose.files(filters = Filters[c("zip", "All"),])

Select a Bioconductor Mirror


Interact with the user to choose a Bioconductor mirror.


chooseBioCmirror(graphics = getOption(""), ind = NULL,
                 local.only = FALSE)



Logical. If true, use a graphical list: on Windows or the macOS GUI use a list box, and on a Unix-alike use a Tk widget if package tcltk and an X server are available. Otherwise use a text menu.


Optional numeric value giving which entry to select.


Logical, try to get most recent list from the Bioconductor master or use file on local disk only.


This sets the option "BioC_mirror": it is used before a call to setRepositories. The out-of-the-box default for that option is NULL, which currently corresponds to the mirror

The ‘Bioconductor (World-wide)’ ‘mirror’ is a network of mirrors providing reliable world-wide access; other mirrors may provide faster access on a geographically local scale.

ind chooses a row in ‘R_HOME/doc/BioC_mirrors.csv’, by number.


None: this function is invoked for its side effect of updating options("BioC_mirror").

See Also

setRepositories, chooseCRANmirror.

Select a CRAN Mirror


Interact with the user to choose a CRAN mirror.


chooseCRANmirror(graphics = getOption(""), ind = NULL,
                 local.only = FALSE)

getCRANmirrors(all = FALSE, local.only = FALSE)



Logical. If true, use a graphical list: on Windows or the macOS GUI use a list box, and on a Unix-alike use a Tk widget if package tcltk and an X server are available. Otherwise use a text menu.


Optional numeric value giving which entry to select.


Logical, get all known mirrors or only the ones flagged as OK.


Logical, try to get most recent list from the CRAN master or use file on local disk only.


A list of mirrors is stored in file ‘R_HOME/doc/CRAN_mirrors.csv’, but first an on-line list of current mirrors is consulted, and the file copy used only if the on-line list is inaccessible.

chooseCRANmirror is called by a Windows GUI menu item and by contrib.url if it finds the initial dummy value of options("repos").

HTTPS mirrors with mirroring over ssh will be offered in preference to other mirrors (which are listed in a sub-menu).

ind chooses a row in the list of current mirrors, by number. It is best used with local.only = TRUE and row numbers in ‘R_HOME/doc/CRAN_mirrors.csv’.


None for chooseCRANmirror(), this function is invoked for its side effect of updating options("repos").

getCRANmirrors() returns a data frame with mirror information.

See Also

setRepositories, findCRANmirror, chooseBioCmirror, contrib.url.

Citing R and R Packages in Publications


How to cite R and R packages in publications.


citation(package = "base", lib.loc = NULL, auto = NULL)

readCitationFile(file, meta = NULL)



a character string with the name of a single package. An error occurs if more than one package name is given.


a character vector with path names of R libraries, or the directory containing the source for package, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries.


a logical indicating whether the default citation auto-generated from the package ‘DESCRIPTION’ metadata should be used or not, or NULL (default), indicating that a ‘CITATION’ file is used if it exists, or an object of class "packageDescription" with package metadata (see below).


a file name.


a list of package metadata as obtained by packageDescription, or NULL (the default).


character strings (which will be pasted).


The R core development team and the very active community of package authors have invested a lot of time and effort in creating R as it is today. Please give credit where credit is due and cite R and R packages when you use them for data analysis.

Execute function citation() for information on how to cite the base R system in publications. If the name of a non-base package is given, the function either returns the information contained in the ‘CITATION’ file of the package (using readCitationFile with meta equal to packageDescription(package, lib.loc)) or auto-generates citation information from the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file.

Packages can use an ‘⁠Authors@R⁠’ field in their ‘DESCRIPTION’ to provide (R code giving) a person object with a refined, machine-readable description of the package “authors” (in particular specifying their precise roles). Only those with an author role will be included in the auto-generated citation.

If the object returned by citation() contains only one reference, the associated print method shows both a text version and a BibTeX entry for it. If a package has more than one reference then only the text versions are shown. This threshold is controlled by options("citation.bibtex.max"). The BibTeX versions can also be obtained using function toBibtex() (see the examples below).

The ‘CITATION’ file of an R package should be placed in the ‘inst’ subdirectory of the package source. The file is an R source file and may contain arbitrary R commands including conditionals and computations. Function readCitationFile() is used by citation() to extract the information in ‘CITATION’ files. The file is source()ed by the R parser in a temporary environment and all resulting bibliographic objects (specifically, inheriting from "bibentry") are collected. These are typically produced by one or more bibentry() calls, optionally preceded by a citHeader() and followed by a citFooter() call. One can include an auto-generated package citation in the ‘CITATION’ file via citation(auto = meta).

readCitationFile makes use of the Encoding element (if any) of meta to determine the encoding of the file.


An object of class "citation", inheriting from class "bibentry"; see there, notably for the print and format methods.

citHeader and citFooter return an empty "bibentry" storing “outer” header/footer text for the package citation.

See Also



## the basic R reference

## extract the BibTeX entry from the return value
x <- citation()

## references for a package
citation("lattice", auto = TRUE)  # request the Manual-type reference

## a CITATION file with more than one bibentry:"CITATION", package="mgcv"))
cm <- citation("mgcv")
cm # header, text references, plus "reminder" about getting BibTeX
print(cm, bibtex = TRUE) # each showing its bibtex code

## a CITATION file including citation(auto = meta)"CITATION", package="nlme"))

Cite a Bibliography Entry


Cite a bibentry object in text. The cite() function uses the cite() function from the default bibstyle if present, or citeNatbib() if not. citeNatbib() uses a style similar to that used by the LaTeX package natbib.


cite(keys, bib, ...)
citeNatbib(keys, bib, textual = FALSE, before = NULL, after = NULL,
           mode = c("authoryear", "numbers", "super"),
           abbreviate = TRUE, longnamesfirst = TRUE,
           bibpunct = c("(", ")", ";", "a", "", ","), previous)



A character vector of keys of entries to cite. May contain multiple keys in a single entry, separated by commas.


A "bibentry" object containing the list of documents in which to find the keys.


Additional arguments to pass to the cite() function for the default style.


Produce a “textual” style of citation, i.e. what ‘⁠\citet⁠’ would produce in LaTeX.


Optional text to display before the citation.


Optional text to display after the citation.


The “mode” of citation.


Whether to abbreviate long author lists.


If abbreviate == TRUE, whether to leave the first citation long.


A vector of punctuation to use in the citation, as used in natbib. See the Details section.


A list of keys that have been previously cited, to be used when abbreviate == TRUE and longnamesfirst == TRUE


Argument names are chosen based on the documentation for the LaTeX natbib package. See that documentation for the interpretation of the bibpunct entries.

The entries in bibpunct are as follows:

  1. The left delimiter.

  2. The right delimiter.

  3. The separator between references within a citation.

  4. An indicator of the “mode”: "n" for numbers, "s" for superscripts, anything else for author-year.

  5. Punctuation to go between the author and year.

  6. Punctuation to go between years when authorship is suppressed.

Note that if mode is specified, it overrides the mode specification in bibpunct[4]. Partial matching is used for mode.

The defaults for citeNatbib have been chosen to match the JSS style, and by default these are used in cite. See bibstyle for how to set a different default style.


A single element character string is returned, containing the citation.


Duncan Murdoch


## R reference
rref <- bibentry(
   bibtype = "Manual",
   title = "R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing",
   author = person("R Core Team"),
   organization = "R Foundation for Statistical Computing",
   address = "Vienna, Austria",
   year = 2013,
   url = "",
   key = "R")

## References for boot package and associated book
bref <- c(
     bibtype = "Manual",
     title = "boot: Bootstrap R (S-PLUS) Functions",
     author = c(
       person("Angelo", "Canty", role = "aut",
         comment = "S original"),
       person(c("Brian", "D."), "Ripley", role = c("aut", "trl", "cre"),
         comment = "R port, author of parallel support",
         email = "")
     year = "2012",
     note = "R package version 1.3-4",
     url = "",
     key = "boot-package"

     bibtype = "Book",
     title = "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications",
     author = as.person("Anthony C. Davison [aut], David V. Hinkley [aut]"),
     year = "1997",
     publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
     address = "Cambridge",
     isbn = "0-521-57391-2",
     url = "",
     key = "boot-book"

## Combine and cite
refs <- c(rref, bref)
cite("R, boot-package", refs)

## Cite numerically
savestyle <- tools::getBibstyle()
tools::bibstyle("JSSnumbered", .init = TRUE,
         fmtPrefix = function(paper) paste0("[", paper$.index, "]"),
         cite = function(key, bib, ...)
         	citeNatbib(key, bib, mode = "numbers",
         	    bibpunct = c("[", "]", ";", "n", "", ","), ...)
cite("R, boot-package", refs, textual = TRUE)

## restore the old style
tools::bibstyle(savestyle, .default = TRUE)

Bibliography Entries (Older Interface)


Old interface providing functionality for specifying bibliographic information in enhanced BibTeX style. Since R 2.14.0 this has been superseded by bibentry.


citEntry(entry, textVersion = NULL, header = NULL, footer = NULL, ...)



a character string with a BibTeX entry type. See section Entry Types in bibentry for details.


a character string with a text representation of the reference to optionally be employed for printing.


a character string with optional header text.


a character string with optional footer text.


for citEntry, arguments of the form tag=value giving the fields of the entry, with tag and value the name and value of the field, respectively. See section Entry Fields in bibentry for details.


citEntry produces an object of class "bibentry".

See Also

citation for more information about citing R and R packages and ‘CITATION’ files; bibentry for the newer functionality for representing and manipulating bibliographic information.

Read/Write to/from the Clipboard in MS Windows


Transfer text between a character vector and the Windows clipboard in MS Windows (only).


getClipboardFormats(numeric = FALSE)
readClipboard(format = 13, raw = FALSE)
writeClipboard(str, format = 13)



logical: should the result be in human-readable form (the default) or raw numbers?


an integer giving the desired format.


should the value be returned as a raw vector rather than as a character vector?


a character vector or a raw vector.


The Windows clipboard offers data in a number of formats: see e.g.

The standard formats include

CF_TEXT 1 Text in the machine's locale
CF_METAFILEPICT 3 Metafile picture
CF_SYLK 4 Symbolic link
CF_DIF 5 Data Interchange Format
CF_TIFF 6 Tagged-Image File Format
CF_OEMTEXT 7 Text in the OEM codepage
CF_DIB 8 Device-Independent Bitmap
CF_RIFF 11 Audio data
CF_WAVE 12 Audio data
CF_UNICODETEXT 13 Text in Unicode (UCS-2)
CF_ENHMETAFILE 14 Enhanced metafile
CF_HDROP 15 Drag-and-drop data
CF_LOCALE 16 Locale for the text on the clipboard
CF_MAX 17 Shell-oriented formats

Applications normally make data available in one or more of these and possibly additional private formats. Use raw = TRUE to read binary formats, raw = FALSE (the default) for text formats. The current codepage is used to convert text to Unicode text, and information on that is contained in the CF_LOCALE format. (Take care if you are running R in a different locale from Windows. It is recommended to read as Unicode text, so that Windows does the conversion based on CF_LOCALE, if available.)

The writeClipboard function will write a character vector as text or Unicode text with standard CRLF line terminators. It will copy a raw vector directly to the clipboard without any changes. It is recommended to use Unicode text (the default) instead of text to avoid interoperability problems. (Note that R 4.2 and newer on recent systems uses UTF-8 as the native encoding but the machine's locale uses a different encoding.)


For getClipboardFormats, a character or integer vector of available formats, in numeric order. If non human-readable character representation is known, the number is returned.

For readClipboard, a character vector by default, a raw vector if raw is TRUE, or NULL, if the format is unavailable.

For writeClipboard an invisible logical indicating success or failure.


This is only available on Windows.

See Also

file which can be used to set up a connection to a clipboard.

Close a Socket


Closes the socket and frees the space in the file descriptor table. The port may not be freed immediately.


close.socket(socket, ...)



a socket object


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


logical indicating success or failure


Thomas Lumley

See Also

make.socket, read.socket

Compiling in support for sockets was optional prior to R 3.3.0: see capabilities("sockets") to see if it is available.

Generate All Combinations of n Elements, Taken m at a Time


Generate all combinations of the elements of x taken m at a time. If x is a positive integer, returns all combinations of the elements of seq(x) taken m at a time. If argument FUN is not NULL, applies a function given by the argument to each point. If simplify is FALSE, returns a list; otherwise returns an array, typically a matrix. ... are passed unchanged to the FUN function, if specified.


combn(x, m, FUN = NULL, simplify = TRUE, ...)



vector source for combinations, or integer n for x <- seq_len(n).


number of elements to choose.


function to be applied to each combination; default NULL means the identity, i.e., to return the combination (vector of length m).


logical indicating if the result should be simplified to an array (typically a matrix); if FALSE, the function returns a list. Note that when simplify = TRUE as by default, the dimension of the result is simply determined from FUN(1st combination) (for efficiency reasons). This will badly fail if FUN(u) is not of constant length.


optionally, further arguments to FUN.


Factors x are accepted.


A list or array, see the simplify argument above. In the latter case, the identity dim(combn(n, m)) == c(m, choose(n, m)) holds.


Scott Chasalow wrote the original in 1994 for S; R package combinat and documentation by Vince Carey; small changes by the R core team, notably to return an array in all cases of simplify = TRUE, e.g., for combn(5,5).


Nijenhuis, A. and Wilf, H.S. (1978) Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators; Academic Press, NY.

See Also

choose for fast computation of the number of combinations. expand.grid for creating a data frame from all combinations of factors or vectors.


combn(letters[1:4], 2)
(m <- combn(10, 5, min))   # minimum value in each combination
mm <- combn(15, 6, function(x) matrix(x, 2, 3))
stopifnot(round(choose(10, 5)) == length(m), is.array(m), # 1-dimensional
          c(2,3, round(choose(15, 6))) == dim(mm))

## Different way of encoding points:
combn(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4), 3, tabulate, nbins = 4)

## Compute support points and (scaled) probabilities for a
## Multivariate-Hypergeometric(n = 3, N = c(4,3,2,1)) p.f.:
# table.mat(t(combn(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4), 3, tabulate, nbins = 4)))

## Assuring the identity
for(n in 1:7)
 for(m in 0:n) stopifnot(is.array(cc <- combn(n, m)),
                         dim(cc) == c(m, choose(n, m)),
                         identical(cc, combn(n, m, identity)) || m == 1)

Compare Two Package Version Numbers


Compare two package version numbers to see which is later.


compareVersion(a, b)


a, b

Character strings representing package version numbers.


R package version numbers are of the form x.y-z for integers x, y and z, with components after x optionally missing (in which case the version number is older than those with the components present).


0 if the numbers are equal, -1 if b is later and 1 if a is later (analogous to the C function strcmp).

See Also

package_version, library, packageStatus.


compareVersion("1.0", "1.0-1")

Compile Files for Use with R on Unix-alikes


Compile given source files so that they can subsequently be collected into a shared object using R CMD SHLIB or an executable program using R CMD LINK. Not available on Windows.


R CMD COMPILE [options] srcfiles



A list of the names of source files to be compiled. Currently, C, C++, Objective C, Objective C++ and Fortran are supported; the corresponding files should have the extensions ‘.c’, ‘.cc’ (or ‘.cpp’), ‘.m’, ‘.mm’ (or ‘.M’), ‘.f’ and ‘.f90’ or ‘.f95’, respectively.


A list of compile-relevant settings, or for obtaining information about usage and version of the utility.


R CMD SHLIB can both compile and link files into a shared object: since it knows what run-time libraries are needed when passed C++, Fortran and Objective C(++) sources, passing source files to R CMD SHLIB is more reliable.

Objective C and Objective C++ support is optional and will work only if the corresponding compilers were available at R configure time: their main usage is on macOS.

Compilation arranges to include the paths to the R public C/C++ headers.

As this compiles code suitable for incorporation into a shared object, it generates PIC code: that might occasionally be undesirable for the main code of an executable program.

This is a make-based facility, so will not compile a source file if a newer corresponding ‘.o’ file is present.


Some binary distributions of R have COMPILE in a separate bundle, e.g. an R-devel RPM.

This is not available on Windows.

See Also

LINK, SHLIB, dyn.load

The section on “Customizing package compilation” in the ‘R Administration and Installation’ manual: RShowDoc("R-admin").

Find Appropriate Paths in CRAN-like Repositories


contrib.url adds the appropriate type-specific path within a repository to each URL in repos.


contrib.url(repos, type = getOption("pkgType"))



character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use.


character string, indicating which type of packages: see install.packages.


If type = "both" this will use the source repository.


A character vector of the same length as repos.

See Also

setRepositories to set options("repos"), the most common value used for argument repos.

available.packages, download.packages, install.packages.

The ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual for how to set up a repository.

Count the Number of Fields per Line


count.fields counts the number of fields, as separated by sep, in each of the lines of file read.


count.fields(file, sep = "", quote = "\"'", skip = 0,
             blank.lines.skip = TRUE, comment.char = "#")



a character string naming an ASCII data file, or a connection, which will be opened if necessary, and if so closed at the end of the function call.


the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. By default, arbitrary amounts of whitespace can separate fields.


the set of quoting characters


the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.


logical: if TRUE blank lines in the input are ignored.


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string.


This used to be used by read.table and can still be useful in discovering problems in reading a file by that function.

For the handling of comments, see scan.

Consistent with scan, count.fields allows quoted strings to contain newline characters. In such a case the starting line will have the field count recorded as NA, and the ending line will include the count of all fields from the beginning of the record.


A vector with the numbers of fields found.

See Also



fil <- tempfile()
cat("NAME", "1:John", "2:Paul", file = fil, sep = "\n")
count.fields(fil, sep = ":")

Ancillary Function for Preparing Emails and Postings


An ancillary function used by and help.request to prepare emails for submission to package maintainers or to R mailing lists.

Usage = character(), description = "post",
            subject = "",
            method = getOption("mailer"),
            address = "the relevant mailing list",
            ccaddress = getOption("ccaddress", ""),
            filename = "", info = character())



Character vector of instructions to put at the top of the template email.


Character string: a description to be incorporated into messages.


Subject of the email. Optional except for the "mailx" method.


Submission method, one of "none", "mailto", "gnudoit", "ess" or (Unix only) "mailx". See ‘Details’.


Recipient's email address, where applicable: for package bug reports sent by email this defaults to the address of the package maintainer (the first if more than one is listed).


Optional email address for copies with the "mailx" and "mailto" methods. Use ccaddress = "" for no copy.


Filename to use for setting up the email (or storing it when method is "none" or sending mail fails).


character vector of information to include in the template email below the ‘please do not edit the information below’ line.


What this does depends on the method. The function first creates a template email body.


A file editor (see file.edit) is opened with instructions and the template email. When this returns, the completed email is in file file ready to be read/pasted into an email program.


This opens the default email program with a template email (including address, Cc: address and subject) for you to edit and send.

This works where default mailers are set up (usual on macOS and Windows, and where xdg-open is available and configured on other Unix-alikes: if that fails it tries the browser set by R_BROWSER).

This is the ‘factory-fresh’ default method.


(Unix-alikes only.) A file editor (see file.edit) is opened with instructions and the template email. When this returns, it is mailed using a Unix command line mail utility such as mailx, to the address (and optionally, the Cc: address) given.


An (X)emacs mail buffer is opened for the email to be edited and sent: this requires the gnudoit program to be available. Currently subject is ignored.


The body of the template email is sent to stdout.


Invisible NULL.

See Also, help.request.

Data Sets


Loads specified data sets, or list the available data sets.


data(..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
     verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv,
     overwrite = TRUE)



literal character strings or names.


a character vector.


a character vector giving the package(s) to look in for data sets, or NULL.

By default, all packages in the search path are used, then the ‘data’ subdirectory (if present) of the current working directory.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed.


the environment where the data should be loaded.


logical: should existing objects of the same name in envir be replaced?


Currently, four formats of data files are supported:

  1. files ending ‘.R’ or ‘.r’ are source()d in, with the R working directory changed temporarily to the directory containing the respective file. (data ensures that the utils package is attached, in case it had been run via utils::data.)

  2. files ending ‘.RData’ or ‘.rda’ are load()ed.

  3. files ending ‘.tab’, ‘.txt’ or ‘.TXT’ are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE,, and hence result in a data frame.

  4. files ending ‘.csv’ or ‘.CSV’ are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE, sep = ";",, and also result in a data frame.

If more than one matching file name is found, the first on this list is used. (Files with extensions ‘.txt’, ‘.tab’ or ‘.csv’ can be compressed, with or without further extension ‘.gz’, ‘.bz2’ or ‘.xz’.)

The data sets to be loaded can be specified as a set of character strings or names, or as the character vector list, or as both.

For each given data set, the first two types (‘.R’ or ‘.r’, and ‘.RData’ or ‘.rda’ files) can create several variables in the load environment, which might all be named differently from the data set. The third and fourth types will always result in the creation of a single variable with the same name (without extension) as the data set.

If no data sets are specified, data lists the available data sets. For each package, it looks for a data index in the ‘Meta’ subdirectory or, if this is not found, scans the ‘data’ subdirectory for data files using list_files_with_type. The information about available data sets is returned in an object of class "packageIQR". The structure of this class is experimental. Where the datasets have a different name from the argument that should be used to retrieve them the index will have an entry like beaver1 (beavers) which tells us that dataset beaver1 can be retrieved by the call data(beavers).

If lib.loc and package are both NULL (the default), the data sets are searched for in all the currently loaded packages then in the ‘data’ directory (if any) of the current working directory.

If lib.loc = NULL but package is specified as a character vector, the specified package(s) are searched for first amongst loaded packages and then in the default libraries (see .libPaths).

If lib.loc is specified (and not NULL), packages are searched for in the specified libraries, even if they are already loaded from another library.

To just look in the ‘data’ directory of the current working directory, set package = character(0) (and lib.loc = NULL, the default).


A character vector of all data sets specified (whether found or not), or information about all available data sets in an object of class "packageIQR" if none were specified.

Good practice

There is no requirement for data(foo) to create an object named foo (nor to create one object), although it much reduces confusion if this convention is followed (and it is enforced if datasets are lazy-loaded).

data() was originally intended to allow users to load datasets from packages for use in their examples, and as such it loaded the datasets into the workspace .GlobalEnv. This avoided having large datasets in memory when not in use: that need has been almost entirely superseded by lazy-loading of datasets.

The ability to specify a dataset by name (without quotes) is a convenience: in programming the datasets should be specified by character strings (with quotes).

Use of data within a function without an envir argument has the almost always undesirable side-effect of putting an object in the user's workspace (and indeed, of replacing any object of that name already there). It would almost always be better to put the object in the current evaluation environment by data(..., envir = environment()). However, two alternatives are usually preferable, both described in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.

  • For sets of data, set up a package to use lazy-loading of data.

  • For objects which are system data, for example lookup tables used in calculations within the function, use a file ‘R/sysdata.rda’ in the package sources or create the objects by R code at package installation time.

A sometimes important distinction is that the second approach places objects in the namespace but the first does not. So if it is important that the function sees mytable as an object from the package, it is system data and the second approach should be used. In the unusual case that a package uses a lazy-loaded dataset as a default argument to a function, that needs to be specified by ::, e.g.,


This function creates objects in the envir environment (by default the user's workspace) replacing any which already existed. data("foo") can silently create objects other than foo: there have been instances in published packages where it created/replaced .Random.seed and hence change the seed for the session.


One can take advantage of the search order and the fact that a ‘.R’ file will change directory. If raw data are stored in ‘mydata.txt’ then one can set up ‘mydata.R’ to read ‘mydata.txt’ and pre-process it, e.g., using transform(). For instance one can convert numeric vectors to factors with the appropriate labels. Thus, the ‘.R’ file can effectively contain a metadata specification for the plaintext formats.

See Also

help for obtaining documentation on data sets, save for creating the second (‘.rda’) kind of data, typically the most efficient one.

The ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual for considerations in preparing the ‘data’ directory of a package.


data()                         # list all available data sets
try(data(package = "rpart"), silent = TRUE) # list the data sets in the rpart package
data(USArrests, "VADeaths")    # load the data sets 'USArrests' and 'VADeaths'
## Not run: ## Alternatively
ds <- c("USArrests", "VADeaths"); data(list = ds)
## End(Not run)
help(USArrests)                # give information on data set 'USArrests'

Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data


A spreadsheet-like editor for entering or editing data.


data.entry(..., Modes = NULL, Names = NULL)
dataentry(data, modes)
de(..., Modes = list(), Names = NULL)



A list of variables: currently these should be numeric or character vectors or list containing such vectors.


The modes to be used for the variables.


The names to be used for the variables.


A list of numeric and/or character vectors.


A list of length up to that of data giving the modes of (some of) the variables. list() is allowed.


The data entry editor is only available on some platforms and GUIs. Where available it provides a means to visually edit a matrix or a collection of variables (including a data frame) as described in the Notes section.

data.entry has side effects, any changes made in the spreadsheet are reflected in the variables. Function de and the internal functions de.ncols, de.setup and de.restore are designed to help achieve these side effects. If the user passes in a matrix, X say, then the matrix is broken into columns before dataentry is called. Then on return the columns are collected and glued back together and the result assigned to the variable X. If you don't want this behaviour use dataentry directly.

The primitive function is dataentry. It takes a list of vectors of possibly different lengths and modes (the second argument) and opens a spreadsheet with these variables being the columns. The columns of the data entry window are returned as vectors in a list when the spreadsheet is closed.

de.ncols counts the number of columns which are supplied as arguments to data.entry. It attempts to count columns in lists, matrices and vectors. de.setup sets things up so that on return the columns can be regrouped and reassigned to the correct name. This is handled by de.restore.


de and dataentry return the edited value of their arguments. data.entry invisibly returns a vector of variable names but its main value is its side effect of assigning new version of those variables in the user's workspace.


The data entry window responds to X resources of class R_dataentry. Resources foreground, background and geometry are utilized.


The details of interface to the data grid may differ by platform and GUI. The following description applies to the X11-based implementation under Unix.

You can navigate around the grid using the cursor keys or by clicking with the (left) mouse button on any cell. The active cell is highlighted by thickening the surrounding rectangle. Moving to the right or down will scroll the grid as needed: there is no constraint to the rows or columns currently in use.

There are alternative ways to navigate using the keys. Return and (keypad) Enter and LineFeed all move down. Tab moves right and Shift-Tab move left. Home moves to the top left.

PageDown or Control-F moves down a page, and PageUp or Control-B up by a page. End will show the last used column and the last few rows used (in any column).

Using any other key starts an editing process on the currently selected cell: moving away from that cell enters the edited value whereas Esc cancels the edit and restores the previous value. When the editing process starts the cell is cleared.

In numerical columns (the default) only letters making up a valid number (including -.eE) are accepted, and entering an invalid edited value (such as blank) enters NA in that cell. The last entered value can be deleted using the BackSpace or Del(ete) key. Only a limited number of characters (currently 29) can be entered in a cell, and if necessary only the start or end of the string will be displayed, with the omissions indicated by > or <. (The start is shown except when editing.)

Entering a value in a cell further down a column than the last used cell extends the variable and fills the gap (if any) by NAs (not shown on screen).

The column names can only be selected by clicking in them. This gives a popup menu to select the column type (currently Real (numeric) or Character) or to change the name. Changing the type converts the current contents of the column (and converting from Character to Real may generate NAs.) If changing the name is selected the header cell becomes editable (and is cleared). As with all cells, the value is entered by moving away from the cell by clicking elsewhere or by any of the keys for moving down (only).

New columns are created by entering values in them (and not by just assigning a new name). The mode of the column is auto-detected from the first value entered: if this is a valid number it gives a numeric column. Unused columns are ignored, so adding data in var5 to a three-column grid adds one extra variable, not two.

The Copy button copies the currently selected cell: paste copies the last copied value to the current cell, and right-clicking selects a cell and copies in the value. Initially the value is blank, and attempts to paste a blank value will have no effect.

Control-L will refresh the display, recalculating field widths to fit the current entries.

In the default mode the column widths are chosen to fit the contents of each column, with a default of 10 characters for empty columns. you can specify fixed column widths by setting option de.cellwidth to the required fixed width (in characters). (set it to zero to return to variable widths). The displayed width of any field is limited to 600 pixels (and by the window width).

See Also

vi, edit: edit uses dataentry to edit data frames.


# call data entry with variables x and y
## Not run: data.entry(x, y)

Debug a Call


Set or unset debugging flags based on a call to a function. Takes into account S3/S4 method dispatch based on the classes of the arguments in the call.


debugcall(call, once = FALSE)



An R expression calling a function. The called function will be debugged. See Details.


logical; if TRUE, debugging only occurs once, as via debugonce. Defaults to FALSE


debugcall debugs the non-generic function, S3 method or S4 method that would be called by evaluating call. Thus, the user does not need to specify the signature when debugging methods. Although the call is actually to the generic, it is the method that is debugged, not the generic, except for non-standard S3 generics (see isS3stdGeneric).


debugcall invisibly returns the debugged call expression.


Non-standard evaluation is used to retrieve the call (via substitute). For this reason, passing a variable containing a call expression, rather than the call expression itself, will not work.

See Also

debug for the primary debugging interface


## Not run: 
## Evaluate call after setting debugging
f <- factor(1:10)
res <- eval(debugcall(summary(f))) 

## End(Not run)

Post-Mortem Debugging


Functions to dump the evaluation environments (frames) and to examine dumped frames.


dump.frames(dumpto = "last.dump", to.file = FALSE,
            include.GlobalEnv = FALSE)
debugger(dump = last.dump)

limitedLabels(value, maxwidth = getOption("width") - 5L)



a character string. The name of the object or file to dump to.


logical. Should the dump be to an R object or to a file?


logical indicating if a copy of the .GlobalEnv environment should be included in addition to the sys.frames(). Will be particularly useful when used in a batch job.


an R dump object created by dump.frames.


a list of calls to be formatted, e.g., for user menus.


optional length to which to trim the result of limitedLabels(); values smaller than 40 or larger than 1000 are winsorized.


To use post-mortem debugging, set the option error to be a call to dump.frames. By default this dumps to an R object last.dump in the workspace, but it can be set to dump to a file (a dump of the object produced by a call to save). The dumped object contain the call stack, the active environments and the last error message as returned by geterrmessage.

When dumping to file, dumpto gives the name of the dumped object and the file name has ‘.rda’ appended.

A dump object of class "dump.frames" can be examined by calling debugger. This will give the error message and a list of environments from which to select repeatedly. When an environment is selected, it is copied and the browser called from within the copy. Note that not all the information in the original frame will be available, e.g. promises which have not yet been evaluated and the contents of any ... argument.

If dump.frames is installed as the error handler, execution will continue even in non-interactive sessions. See the examples for how to dump and then quit.

limitedLabels(v) takes a list of calls whose elements may have a srcref attribute and returns a vector that pastes a formatted version of those attributes onto the formatted version of the elements, all finally strtrim()med to maxwidth.


Invisible NULL.


Functions such as sys.parent and environment applied to closures will not work correctly inside debugger.

If the error occurred when computing the default value of a formal argument the debugger will report “recursive default argument reference” when trying to examine that environment.

Of course post-mortem debugging will not work if R is too damaged to produce and save the dump, for example if it has run out of workspace.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

browser for the actions available at the Browse prompt.

options for setting error options; recover is an interactive debugger working similarly to debugger but directly after the error occurs.


## Not run: 
options(error = quote(dump.frames("testdump", TRUE)))

f <- function() {
    g <- function() stop("test dump.frames")
f()   # will generate a dump on file "testdump.rda"
options(error = NULL)

## possibly in another R session
Available environments had calls:
1: f()
2: g()
3: stop("test dump.frames")

Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit
Selection: 1
Browsing in the environment with call:
Called from: debugger.look(ind)
Browse[1]> ls()
[1] "g"
Browse[1]> g
function() stop("test dump.frames")
<environment: 759818>
Available environments had calls:
1: f()
2: g()
3: stop("test dump.frames")

Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit
Selection: 0

## A possible setting for non-interactive sessions
options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file = TRUE); q(status = 1)}))

## End(Not run)

Demonstrations of R Functionality


demo is a user-friendly interface to running some demonstration R scripts. demo() gives the list of available topics.


demo(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
     character.only = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
     type = c("console", "html"), echo = TRUE,
     ask = getOption("demo.ask"),
     encoding = getOption("encoding"))



the topic which should be demonstrated, given as a name or literal character string, or a character string, depending on whether character.only is FALSE (default) or TRUE. If omitted, the list of available topics is displayed.


a character vector giving the packages to look into for demos, or NULL. By default, all packages in the search path are used.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries.


logical; if TRUE, use topic as character string.


a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed.


character: whether to show output in the console or a browser (using the dynamic help system). The latter is honored only in interactive sessions and if the knitr package is installed. Several other arguments are silently ignored in that case, including lib.loc.


a logical. If TRUE, show the R input when sourcing.


a logical (or "default") indicating if devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE) should be called before graphical output happens from the demo code. The value "default" (the factory-fresh default) means to ask if echo == TRUE and the graphics device appears to be interactive. This parameter applies both to any currently opened device and to any devices opened by the demo code. If this is evaluated to TRUE and the session is interactive, the user is asked to press RETURN to start.


See source. If the package has a declared encoding, that takes preference.


If no topics are given, demo lists the available demos. For type = "console", the corresponding information is returned in an object of class "packageIQR".

See Also

source and devAskNewPage which are called by demo. example to run code in the Examples section of help pages.


demo() # for attached packages

## All available demos:
demo(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))

## Display a demo, pausing between pages
demo(lm.glm, package = "stats", ask = TRUE)

## Display it without pausing
demo(lm.glm, package = "stats", ask = FALSE)

## Not run: 
 ch <- "scoping"
 demo(ch, character = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## Find the location of a demo
system.file("demo", "lm.glm.R", package = "stats")

DLL Version Information on MS Windows


On MS Windows only, return the version of the package and the version of R used to build the DLL, if available.





character vector of length one giving the complete path to the DLL.


If the DLL does not exist, NULL.

A character vector of length two, giving the DLL version and the version of R used to build the DLL. If the information is not available, the corresponding string is empty.


This is only available on Windows.


if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({
  DLL.version(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R.dll"))
  DLL.version(file.path(R.home(), "library/stats/libs", .Platform$r_arch, "stats.dll"))

Download File from the Internet


This function can be used to download a file from the Internet.


download.file(url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w",
              cacheOK = TRUE,
              extra = getOption("download.file.extra"),
              headers = NULL, ...)



a character string (or longer vector for the "libcurl" method) naming the URL of a resource to be downloaded.


a character string (or vector, see the url argument) with the file path where the downloaded file is to be saved. Tilde-expansion is performed.


Method to be used for downloading files. Current download methods are "internal", "libcurl", "wget", "curl" and "wininet" (Windows only), and there is a value "auto": see ‘Details’ and ‘Note’.

The method can also be set through the option "download.file.method": see options().


If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar.


character. The mode with which to write the file. Useful values are "w", "wb" (binary), "a" (append) and "ab". Not used for methods "wget" and "curl". See also ‘Details’, notably about using "wb" for Windows.


logical. Is a server-side cached value acceptable?


character vector of additional command-line arguments for the "wget" and "curl" methods.


named character vector of additional HTTP headers to use in HTTP[S] requests. It is ignored for non-HTTP[S] URLs. The User-Agent header taken from the HTTPUserAgent option (see options) is automatically used as the first header.


allow additional arguments to be passed, unused.


The function download.file can be used to download a single file as described by url from the internet and store it in destfile.

The url must start with a scheme such as ‘⁠http://⁠’, ‘⁠https://⁠’ or ‘⁠file://⁠’. Which methods support which schemes varies by R version, but method = "auto" will try to find a method which supports the scheme.

For method = "auto" (the default) currently the "internal" method is used for ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs and "libcurl" for all others.

Support for method "libcurl" was optional on Windows prior to R 4.2.0: use capabilities("libcurl") to see if it is supported on an earlier version. It uses an external library of that name ( against which R can be compiled.

When method "libcurl" is used, there is support for simultaneous downloads, so url and destfile can be character vectors of the same length greater than one (but the method has to be specified explicitly and not via "auto"). For a single URL and quiet = FALSE a progress bar is shown in interactive use.

Nowadays the "internal" method only supports the ‘⁠file://⁠’ scheme (for which it is the default). On Windows the "wininet" method currently supports ‘⁠file://⁠’ and (but deprecated with a warning) ‘⁠http://⁠’ and ‘⁠https://⁠’ schemes.

For methods "wget" and "curl" a system call is made to the tool given by method, and the respective program must be installed on your system and be in the search path for executables. They will block all other activity on the R process until they complete: this may make a GUI unresponsive.

cacheOK = FALSE is useful for ‘⁠http://⁠’ and ‘⁠https://⁠’ URLs: it will attempt to get a copy directly from the site rather than from an intermediate cache. It is used by available.packages.

The "libcurl" and "wget" methods follow ‘⁠http://⁠’ and ‘⁠https://⁠’ redirections to any scheme they support. (For method "curl" use argument extra = "-L". To disable redirection in wget, use extra = "--max-redirect=0".) The "wininet" method supports some redirections but not all. (For method "libcurl", messages will quote the endpoint of redirections.)

See url for how ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs are interpreted, especially on Windows. The "internal" and "wininet" methods do not percent-decode, but the "libcurl" and "curl" methods do: method "wget" does not support them.

Most methods do not percent-encode special characters such as spaces in URLs (see URLencode), but it seems the "wininet" method does.

The remaining details apply to the "wininet" and "libcurl" methods only.

The timeout for many parts of the transfer can be set by the option timeout which defaults to 60 seconds. This is often insufficient for downloads of large files (50MB or more) and so should be increased when download.file is used in packages to do so. Note that the user can set the default timeout by the environment variable R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT in recent versions of R, so to ensure that this is not decreased packages should use something like

    options(timeout = max(300, getOption("timeout")))

(It is unrealistic to require download times of less than 1s/MB.)

The level of detail provided during transfer can be set by the quiet argument and the option: the details depend on the platform and scheme. For the "libcurl" method values of the option less than 2 give verbose output.

A progress bar tracks the transfer platform-specifically:

On Windows

If the file length is known, the full width of the bar is the known length. Otherwise the initial width represents 100 Kbytes and is doubled whenever the current width is exceeded. (In non-interactive use this uses a text version. If the file length is known, an equals sign represents 2% of the transfer completed: otherwise a dot represents 10Kb.)

On a Unix-alike

If the file length is known, an equals sign represents 2% of the transfer completed: otherwise a dot represents 10Kb.

The choice of binary transfer (mode = "wb" or "ab") is important on Windows, since unlike Unix-alikes it does distinguish between text and binary files and for text transfers changes ‘⁠\n⁠’ line endings to ‘⁠\r\n⁠’ (aka ‘CRLF’).

On Windows, if mode is not supplied (missing()) and url ends in one of ‘⁠.gz⁠’, ‘⁠.bz2⁠’, ‘⁠.xz⁠’, ‘⁠.tgz⁠’, ‘⁠.zip⁠’, ‘⁠.jar⁠’, ‘⁠.rda⁠’, ‘⁠.rds⁠’, ‘⁠.RData⁠’ or ‘⁠.pdf⁠’, mode = "wb" is set so that a binary transfer is done to help unwary users.

Code written to download binary files must use mode = "wb" (or "ab"), but the problems incurred by a text transfer will only be seen on Windows.


An (invisible) integer code, 0 for success and non-zero for failure. For the "wget" and "curl" methods this is the status code returned by the external program. The "internal" method can return 1, but will in most cases throw an error.

What happens to the destination file(s) in the case of error depends on the method and R version. Currently the "internal", "wininet" and "libcurl" methods will remove the file if the URL is unavailable except when mode specifies appending when the file should be unchanged.

Setting Proxies

For the Windows-only method "wininet", the ‘Internet Options’ of the system are used to choose proxies and so on; these are set in the Control Panel and are those used for system browsers.

For the "libcurl" and "curl" methods, proxies can be set via the environment variables http_proxy or ftp_proxy. See for further details.

Secure URLs

Methods which access ‘⁠https://⁠’ and (where supported) ‘⁠ftps://⁠’ URLs should try to verify the site certificates. This is usually done using the CA root certificates installed by the OS (although we have seen instances in which these got removed rather than updated). For further information see

On Windows with method = "libcurl", the CA root certificates are provided by the OS when R was linked with libcurl with Schannel enabled, which is the current default in Rtools. This can be verified by checking that libcurlVersion() returns a version string containing ‘⁠"Schannel"⁠’. If it does not, for verification to be on the environment variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE must be set to a path to a certificate bundle file, usually named ‘ca-bundle.crt’ or ‘curl-ca-bundle.crt’. (This is normally done automatically for a binary installation of R, which installs ‘R_HOME/etc/curl-ca-bundle.crt’ and sets CURL_CA_BUNDLE to point to it if that environment variable is not already set.) For an updated certificate bundle, see Currently one can download a copy from and set CURL_CA_BUNDLE to the full path to the downloaded file.

On Windows with method = "libcurl", when R was linked with libcurl with Schannel enabled, the connection fails if it cannot be established that the certificate has not been revoked. Some MITM proxies present particularly in corporate environments do not work with this behavior. It can be changed by setting environment variable R_LIBCURL_SSL_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT to TRUE, with the consequence of reducing security.

Note that the root certificates used by R may or may not be the same as used in a browser, and indeed different browsers may use different certificate bundles (there is typically a build option to choose either their own or the system ones).

Good practice

Setting the method should be left to the end user. Neither of the wget nor curl commands is widely available: you can check if one is available via Sys.which, and should do so in a package or script.

If you use download.file in a package or script, you must check the return value, since it is possible that the download will fail with a non-zero status but not an R error.

The supported methods do change: method libcurl was introduced in R 3.2.0 and was optional on Windows until R 4.2.0 – use capabilities("libcurl") in a program to see if it is available.

⁠ftp://⁠’ URLs

Most modern browsers do not support such URLs, and ‘⁠https://⁠’ ones are much preferred for use in R. ‘⁠ftps://⁠’ URLs have always been rare, and are nowadays even less supported.

It is intended that R will continue to allow such URLs for as long as libcurl does, but as they become rarer this is increasingly untested. What ‘protocols’ the version of libcurl being used supports can be seen by calling libcurlVersion().

These URLs are accessed using the FTP protocol which has a number of variants. One distinction is between ‘active’ and ‘(extended) passive’ modes: which is used is chosen by the client. The "libcurl" method uses passive mode which was almost universally used by browsers before they dropped support altogether.


Files of more than 2GB are supported on 64-bit builds of R; they may be truncated on some 32-bit builds.

Methods "wget" and "curl" are mainly for historical compatibility but provide may provide capabilities not supported by the "libcurl" or "wininet" methods.

Method "wget" can be used with proxy firewalls which require user/password authentication if proper values are stored in the configuration file for wget.

wget ( is commonly installed on Unix-alikes (but not macOS). Windows binaries are available from MSYS2 and elsewhere.

curl ( is installed on macOS and increasingly commonly on Unix-alikes. Windows binaries are available at that URL.

See Also

options to set the HTTPUserAgent, timeout and options used by some of the methods.

url for a finer-grained way to read data from URLs., available.packages, download.packages for applications.

Contributed packages RCurl and curl provide more comprehensive facilities to download from URLs.

Download Packages from CRAN-like Repositories


These functions can be used to automatically compare the version numbers of installed packages with the newest available version on the repositories and update outdated packages on the fly.


download.packages(pkgs, destdir, available = NULL,
                  repos = getOption("repos"),
                  contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
                  method, type = getOption("pkgType"), ...)



character vector of the names of packages whose latest available versions should be downloaded from the repositories.


directory where downloaded packages are to be stored.


an object as returned by available.packages listing packages available at the repositories, or NULL which makes an internal call to available.packages.


character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use, i.e., the URL of the CRAN master such as "" or ones of its mirrors, "".


URL(s) of the contrib sections of the repositories. Use this argument only if your repository mirror is incomplete, e.g., because you burned only the ‘contrib’ section on a CD. Overrides argument repos.


Download method, see download.file.


character string, indicate which type of packages: see install.packages and ‘Details’.


additional arguments to be passed to download.file and available.packages.


download.packages takes a list of package names and a destination directory, downloads the newest versions and saves them in destdir. If the list of available packages is not given as argument, it is obtained from repositories. If a repository is local, i.e. the URL starts with "file:", then the packages are not downloaded but used directly. Both "file:" and "file:///" are allowed as prefixes to a file path. Use the latter only for URLs: see url for their interpretation. (Other forms of ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs are not supported.)

For download.packages, type = "both" looks at source packages only.


A two-column matrix of names and destination file names of those packages successfully downloaded. If packages are not available or there is a problem with the download, suitable warnings are given.

See Also

available.packages, contrib.url.

The main use is by install.packages.

See download.file for how to handle proxies and other options to monitor file transfers.

The ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual for how to set up a repository.

Invoke a Text Editor


Invoke a text editor on an R object.


edit(name, ...)
## Default S3 method:
edit(name = NULL, file = "", title = NULL,
     editor = getOption("editor"), ...)

vi(name = NULL, file = "")
emacs(name = NULL, file = "")
pico(name = NULL, file = "")
xemacs(name = NULL, file = "")
xedit(name = NULL, file = "")



a named object that you want to edit. For the default method, if name is missing then the file specified by file is opened for editing.


a string naming the file to write the edited version to.


a display name for the object being edited.


usually a character string naming (or giving the path to) the text editor you want to use. On Unix the default is set from the environment variables EDITOR or VISUAL if either is set, otherwise vi is used. On Windows it defaults to "internal", the script editor. On the macOS GUI the argument is ignored and the document editor is always used.

editor can also be an R function, in which case it is called with the arguments name, file, and title. Note that such a function will need to independently implement all desired functionality.


further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


edit invokes the text editor specified by editor with the object name to be edited. It is a generic function, currently with a default method and one for data frames and matrices.

data.entry can be used to edit data, and is used by edit to edit matrices and data frames on systems for which data.entry is available.

It is important to realize that edit does not change the object called name. Instead, a copy of name is made and it is that copy which is changed. Should you want the changes to apply to the object name you must assign the result of edit to name. (Try fix if you want to make permanent changes to an object.)

In the form edit(name), edit deparses name into a temporary file and invokes the editor editor on this file. Quitting from the editor causes file to be parsed and that value returned. Should an error occur in parsing, possibly due to incorrect syntax, no value is returned. Calling edit(), with no arguments, will result in the temporary file being reopened for further editing.

Note that deparsing is not perfect, and the object recreated after editing can differ in subtle ways from that deparsed: see dput and .deparseOpts. (The deparse options used are the same as the defaults for dump.) Editing a function will preserve its environment. See for further changes that can occur when editing a data frame or matrix.

Currently only the internal editor in Windows makes use of the title option; it displays the given name in the window header.


The functions vi, emacs, pico, xemacs, xedit rely on the corresponding editor being available and being on the path. This is system-dependent.

See Also, data.entry, fix.


## Not run: 
# use xedit on the function mean and assign the changes
mean <- edit(mean, editor = "xedit")

# use vi on mean and write the result to file mean.out
vi(mean, file = "mean.out")

## End(Not run)

Edit Data Frames and Matrices


Use data editor on data frame or matrix contents.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
edit(name, factor.mode = c("character", "numeric"),
     edit.row.names = any(row.names(name) != 1:nrow(name)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
edit(name, edit.row.names = !is.null(dn[[1]]), ...)



A data frame or (numeric, logical or character) matrix.


How to handle factors (as integers or using character levels) in a data frame. Can be abbreviated.


logical. Show the row names (if they exist) be displayed as a separate editable column? It is an error to ask for this on a matrix with NULL row names.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


At present, this only works on simple data frames containing numeric, logical or character vectors and factors, and numeric, logical or character matrices. Any other mode of matrix will give an error, and a warning is given when the matrix has a class (which will be discarded).

Data frame columns are coerced on input to character unless numeric (in the sense of is.numeric), logical or factor. A warning is given when classes are discarded. Special characters (tabs, non-printing ASCII, etc.) will be displayed as escape sequences.

Factors columns are represented in the spreadsheet as either numeric vectors (which are more suitable for data entry) or character vectors (better for browsing). After editing, vectors are padded with NA to have the same length and factor attributes are restored. The set of factor levels can not be changed by editing in numeric mode; invalid levels are changed to NA and a warning is issued. If new factor levels are introduced in character mode, they are added at the end of the list of levels in the order in which they encountered.

It is possible to use the data-editor's facilities to select the mode of columns to swap between numerical and factor columns in a data frame. Changing any column in a numerical matrix to character will cause the result to be coerced to a character matrix. Changing the mode of logical columns is not supported.

For a data frame, the row names will be taken from the original object if edit.row.names = FALSE and the number of rows is unchanged, and from the edited output if edit.row.names = TRUE and there are no duplicates. (If the row.names column is incomplete, it is extended by entries like row223.) In all other cases the row names are replaced by seq(length = nrows).

For a matrix, colnames will be added (of the form col7) if needed. The rownames will be taken from the original object if edit.row.names = FALSE and the number of rows is unchanged (otherwise NULL), and from the edited output if edit.row.names = TRUE. (If the row.names column is incomplete, it is extended by entries like row223.)

Editing a matrix or data frame will lose all attributes apart from the row and column names.


The edited data frame or matrix.


fix(dataframe) works for in-place editing by calling this function.

If the data editor is not available, a dump of the object is presented for editing using the default method of edit.

At present the data editor is limited to 65535 rows.


Peter Dalgaard

See Also

data.entry, edit


## Not run: 
edit(InsectSprays, factor.mode = "numeric")

## End(Not run)

Run an Examples Section from the Online Help


Run all the R code from the Examples part of R's online help topic topic, with possible exceptions due to ⁠\dontrun⁠, ⁠\dontshow⁠, and ⁠\donttest⁠ tags, see ‘Details’ below.


example(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
        character.only = FALSE, give.lines = FALSE, local = FALSE,
        type = c("console", "html"), echo = TRUE,
        verbose = getOption("verbose"),
        setRNG = FALSE, ask = getOption("example.ask"),
        prompt.prefix = abbreviate(topic, 6),
        catch.aborts = FALSE,
        run.dontrun = FALSE, run.donttest = interactive())



name or literal character string: the online help topic the examples of which should be run.


a character vector giving the package names to look into for the topic, or NULL (the default), when all packages on the search path are used.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries.


a logical indicating whether topic can be assumed to be a character string.


logical: if true, the lines of the example source code are returned as a character vector.


logical: if TRUE evaluate locally, if FALSE evaluate in the workspace.


character: whether to show output in the console or a browser (using the dynamic help system). The latter is honored only in interactive sessions and if the knitr package is installed. Several other arguments are silently ignored in that case, including setRNG and lib.loc.


logical; if TRUE, show the R input when sourcing.


logical; if TRUE, show even more when running example code.


logical or expression; if not FALSE, the random number generator state is saved, then initialized to a specified state, the example is run and the (saved) state is restored. setRNG = TRUE sets the same state as R CMD check does for running a package's examples. This is currently equivalent to setRNG = {RNGkind("default", "default", "default"); set.seed(1)}.


logical (or "default") indicating if devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE) should be called before graphical output happens from the example code. The value "default" (the factory-fresh default) means to ask if echo is true and the graphics device appears to be interactive. This parameter applies both to any currently opened device and to any devices opened by the example code.


character; prefixes the prompt to be used if echo is true (as it is by default).


logical, passed on to source(), indicating that “abort”ing errors should be caught.


logical indicating that ⁠\dontrun⁠ should be ignored, i.e., do run the enclosed code.


logical indicating that ⁠\donttest⁠ should be ignored, i.e., do run the enclosed code.


If lib.loc is not specified, the packages are searched for amongst those already loaded, then in the libraries given by .libPaths(). If lib.loc is specified, packages are searched for only in the specified libraries, even if they are already loaded from another library. The search stops at the first package found that has help on the topic.

An attempt is made to load the package before running the examples, but this will not replace a package loaded from another location.

If local = TRUE objects are not created in the workspace and so not available for examination after example completes: on the other hand they cannot overwrite objects of the same name in the workspace.

As detailed in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual, the author of the help page can tag parts of the examples with the following exception rules:


encloses code that should not be run.


encloses code that is invisible on help pages, but will be run both by the package checking tools, and the example() function. This was previously ⁠\testonly⁠, and that form is still accepted.


encloses code that typically should be run, but not during package checking. The default run.donttest = interactive() leads example() use in other help page examples to skip ⁠\donttest⁠ sections appropriately.

The additional ⁠\dontdiff⁠ tag (in R \ge 4.4.0) produces special comments in the code run by example (for Rdiff-based testing of example output), but does not affect which code is run or displayed on the help page.


The value of the last evaluated expression, unless give.lines is true, where a character vector is returned.


Martin Maechler and others

See Also



## force use of the standard package 'stats':
example("smooth", package = "stats", lib.loc = .Library)

## set RNG *before* example as when R CMD check is run:

r1 <- example(quantile, setRNG = TRUE)
x1 <- rnorm(1)
u <- runif(1)
## identical random numbers
r2 <- example(quantile, setRNG = TRUE)
x2 <- rnorm(1)
stopifnot(identical(r1, r2))
## but x1 and x2 differ since the RNG state from before example()
## differs and is restored!
x1; x2

## Exploring examples code:
## How large are the examples of "lm...()" functions?
lmex <- sapply(apropos("^lm", mode = "function"),
               example, character.only = TRUE, give.lines = TRUE)

Shell-style Tests on Files


Utility for shell-style file tests.


file_test(op, x, y)



a character string specifying the test to be performed. Unary tests (only x is used) are "-f" (existence and not being a directory), "-d" (existence and directory), "-L" or "-h" (existence and symbolic link), "-x" (executable as a file or searchable as a directory), "-w" (writable) and "-r" (readable). Binary tests are "-nt" (strictly newer than, using the modification dates) and "-ot" (strictly older than): in both cases the test is false unless both files exist.

x, y

character vectors giving file paths.


‘Existence’ here means being on the file system and accessible by the stat system call (or a 64-bit extension) – on a Unix-alike this requires execute permission on all of the directories in the path that leads to the file, but no permissions on the file itself.

For the meaning of "-x" on Windows see file.access.

See Also

file.exists which only tests for existence (test -e on some systems) but not for not being a directory.



dir <- file.path(R.home(), "library", "stats")
file_test("-d", dir)
file_test("-nt", file.path(dir, "R"), file.path(dir, "demo"))

Edit One or More Files


Edit one or more files in a text editor.


file.edit(..., title = file, editor = getOption("editor"),
          fileEncoding = "")



one or more character vectors containing the names of the files to be displayed. These will be tilde-expanded: see path.expand.


the title to use in the editor; defaults to the filename.


the text editor to be used, usually as a character string naming (or giving the path to) the text editor you want to use See ‘Details’.


the encoding to assume for the file: the default is to assume the native encoding. See the ‘Encoding’ section of the help for file.


The behaviour of this function is very system-dependent. Currently files can be opened only one at a time on Unix; on Windows, the internal editor allows multiple files to be opened, but has a limit of 50 simultaneous edit windows.

The title argument is used for the window caption in Windows, and is currently ignored on other platforms.

Any error in re-encoding the files to the native encoding will cause the function to fail.

The default for editor is system-dependent. On Windows it defaults to "internal", the script editor, and in the macOS GUI the document editor is used whatever the value of editor. On Unix the default is set from the environment variables EDITOR or VISUAL if either is set, otherwise vi is used.

editor can also be an R function, in which case it is called with the arguments name, file, and title. Note that such a function will need to independently implement all desired functionality.

On Windows, UTF-8-encoded paths not valid in the current locale can be used.

See Also

files,, edit, fix,


## Not run: 
# open two R scripts for editing
file.edit("script1.R", "script2.R")

## End(Not run)

Find CRAN Mirror Preference


Find out if a CRAN mirror has been selected for the current session.


findCRANmirror(type = c("src", "web"))



Is the mirror to be used for package sources or web information?


Find out if a CRAN mirror has been selected for the current session. If so, return its URL else return ‘⁠""⁠’.

The mirror is looked for in several places.

  • The value of the environment variable R_CRAN_SRC or R_CRAN_WEB (depending on type), if set.

  • An entry in getOption("repos") named ‘⁠CRAN⁠’ which is not the default ‘⁠"@CRAN@")⁠’.

  • The ‘⁠CRAN⁠’ URL entry in the ‘repositories’ file (see setRepositories), if it is not the default ‘⁠"@CRAN@"⁠’.

The two types allow for partial local CRAN mirrors, for example those mirroring only the package sources where getOption("repos") might point to the partial mirror and R_CRAN_WEB point to a full (remote) mirror.


A character string.

See Also

setRepositories, chooseCRANmirror


c(findCRANmirror("src"), findCRANmirror("web"))

Sys.setenv(R_CRAN_WEB = "")
c(findCRANmirror("src"), findCRANmirror("web"))

Find the Location of a Line of Source Code, or Set a Breakpoint There


These functions locate objects containing particular lines of source code, using the information saved when the code was parsed with keep.source = TRUE.


findLineNum(srcfile, line, nameonly = TRUE,
            envir = parent.frame(), lastenv)

setBreakpoint(srcfile, line, nameonly = TRUE,
              envir = parent.frame(), lastenv, verbose = TRUE,
              tracer, print = FALSE, clear = FALSE, ...)



The name of the file containing the source code.


The line number within the file. See Details for an alternate way to specify this.


If TRUE (the default), we require only a match to basename(srcfile), not to the full path.


Where do we start looking for function objects?


Where do we stop? See the Details.


Should we print information on where breakpoints were set?


An optional tracer function to pass to trace. By default, a call to browser is inserted.


The print argument to pass to trace.


If TRUE, call untrace rather than trace.


Additional arguments to pass to trace.


The findLineNum function searches through all objects in environment envir, its parent, grandparent, etc., all the way back to lastenv.

lastenv defaults to the global environment if envir is not specified, and to the root environment emptyenv() if envir is specified. (The first default tends to be quite fast, and will usually find all user code other than S4 methods; the second one is quite slow, as it will typically search all attached system libraries.)

For convenience, envir may be specified indirectly: if it is not an environment, it will be replaced with environment(envir).

setBreakpoint is a simple wrapper function for trace and untrace. It will set or clear breakpoints at the locations found by findLineNum.

The srcfile is normally a filename entered as a character string, but it may be a "srcfile" object, or it may include a suffix like "filename.R#nn", in which case the number nn will be used as a default value for line.

As described in the description of the where argument on the man page for trace, the R package system uses a complicated scheme that may include more than one copy of a function in a package. The user will typically see the public one on the search path, while code in the package will see a private one in the package namespace. If you set envir to the environment of a function in the package, by default findLineNum will find both versions, and setBreakpoint will set the breakpoint in both. (This can be controlled using lastenv; e.g., envir = environment(foo), lastenv = globalenv() will find only the private copy, as the search is stopped before seeing the public copy.)

S version 4 methods are also somewhat tricky to find. They are stored with the generic function, which may be in the base or other package, so it is usually necessary to have lastenv = emptyenv() in order to find them. In some cases transformations are done by R when storing them and findLineNum may not be able to find the original code. Many special cases, e.g. methods on primitive generics, are not yet supported.


findLineNum returns a list of objects containing location information. A print method is defined for them.

setBreakpoint has no useful return value; it is called for the side effect of calling trace or untrace.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



## Not run: 
# Find what function was defined in the file mysource.R at line 100:

# Set a breakpoint in both copies of that function, assuming one is in the
# same namespace as myfunction and the other is on the search path
setBreakpoint("mysource.R#100", envir = myfunction)

## End(Not run)

Fix an Object


fix invokes edit on x and then assigns the new (edited) version of x in the user's workspace.


fix(x, ...)



the name of an R object, as a name or a character string.


arguments to pass to editor: see edit.


The name supplied as x need not exist as an R object, in which case a function with no arguments and an empty body is supplied for editing.

Editing an R object may change it in ways other than are obvious: see the comment under edit. See for changes that can occur when editing a data frame or matrix.

See Also



## Not run: 
 ## Assume '' is a user defined function :
 ## now is changed
 ## Also,
 fix( # calls up data editor
 fix(, factor.mode="char") # use of ...

## End(Not run)

Flush Output to a Console


This does nothing except on console-based versions of R. On the macOS and Windows GUIs, it ensures that the display of output in the console is current, even if output buffering is on.



Format Unordered and Ordered Lists


Format unordered (itemize) and ordered (enumerate) lists.


formatUL(x, label = "*", offset = 0,
         width = 0.9 * getOption("width"))
formatOL(x, type = "arabic", offset = 0, start = 1,
         width = 0.9 * getOption("width"))



a character vector of list items.


a character string used for labelling the items.


a non-negative integer giving the offset (indentation) of the list.


a positive integer giving the target column for wrapping lines in the output.


a character string specifying the ‘type’ of the labels in the ordered list. If "arabic" (default), arabic numerals are used. For "Alph" or "alph", single upper or lower case letters are employed (in this case, the number of the last item must not exceed 26). Finally, for "Roman" or "roman", the labels are given as upper or lower case roman numerals (with the number of the last item maximally 3999). type can be given as a unique abbreviation of the above, or as one of the HTML style tokens "1" (arabic), "A"/"a" (alphabetic), or "I"/"i" (roman), respectively.


a positive integer specifying the starting number of the first item in an ordered list.


A character vector with the formatted entries.

See Also

formatDL for formatting description lists.


## A simpler recipe.
x <- c("Mix dry ingredients thoroughly.",
       "Pour in wet ingredients.",
       "Mix for 10 minutes.",
       "Bake for one hour at 300 degrees.")
## Format and output as an unordered list.
## Format and output as an ordered list.
## Ordered list using lower case roman numerals.
writeLines(formatOL(x, type = "i"))
## Ordered list using upper case letters and some offset.
writeLines(formatOL(x, type = "A", offset = 5))

Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Namespace


These functions locate all objects with name matching their argument, whether visible on the search path, registered as an S3 method or in a namespace but not exported. getAnywhere() returns the objects and argsAnywhere() returns the arguments of any objects that are functions.





a character string or name.


These functions look at all loaded namespaces, whether or not they are associated with a package on the search list.

They do not search literally “anywhere”: for example, local evaluation frames and namespaces that are not loaded will not be searched.

Where functions are found as registered S3 methods, an attempt is made to find which namespace registered them. This may not be correct, especially if namespaces have been unloaded.


For getAnywhere() an object of class "getAnywhere". This is a list with components


the name searched for


a list of objects found


a character vector explaining where the object(s) were found


logical: is the object visible


logical: is the object identical to one earlier in the list.

In computing whether objects are identical, their environments are ignored.

Normally the structure will be hidden by the print method. There is a [ method to extract one or more of the objects found.

For argsAnywhere() one or more argument lists as returned by args.

See Also

getS3method to find the method which would be used: this might not be the one of those returned by getAnywhere since it might have come from a namespace which was unloaded or be registered under another name.

get, getFromNamespace, args


getAnywhere("simpleLoess") # not exported from stats

Utility Functions for Developing Namespaces


Utility functions to access and replace the non-exported functions in a namespace, for use in developing packages with namespaces.

They should not be used in production code (except perhaps assignInMyNamespace, but see the ‘Note’).


getFromNamespace(x, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos))

assignInNamespace(x, value, ns, pos = -1,
                  envir = as.environment(pos))

assignInMyNamespace(x, value)

fixInNamespace(x, ns, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos), ...)



an object name (given as a character string).


an R object.


a namespace, or character string giving the namespace.


where to look for the object: see get.


an alternative way to specify an environment to look in.


arguments to pass to the editor: see edit.


assignInMyNamespace is intended to be called from functions within a package, and chooses the namespace as the environment of the function calling it.

The namespace can be specified in several ways. Using, for example, ns = "stats" is the most direct, but a loaded package can be specified via any of the methods used for get: ns can also be the environment printed as ‘⁠<namespace:foo>⁠’.

getFromNamespace is similar to (but predates) the ::: operator: it is more flexible in how the namespace is specified.

fixInNamespace invokes edit on the object named x and assigns the revised object in place of the original object. For compatibility with fix, x can be unquoted.


getFromNamespace returns the object found (or gives an error).

assignInNamespace, assignInMyNamespace and fixInNamespace are invoked for their side effect of changing the object in the namespace.


assignInNamespace should not be used in final code, and will in future throw an error if called from a package. Already certain uses are disallowed.


assignInNamespace, assignInMyNamespace and fixInNamespace change the copy in the namespace, but not any copies already exported from the namespace, in particular an object of that name in the package (if already attached) and any copies already imported into other namespaces. They are really intended to be used only for objects which are not exported from the namespace. They do attempt to alter a copy registered as an S3 method if one is found.

They can only be used to change the values of objects in the namespace, not to create new objects.

See Also

get, fix, getS3method


getFromNamespace("findGeneric", "utils")
## Not run: 
fixInNamespace("predict.ppr", "stats")
getS3method("predict", "ppr")
## alternatively
fixInNamespace("predict.ppr", pos = 3)
fixInNamespace("predict.ppr", pos = "package:stats")

## End(Not run)

Get Detailed Parse Information from Object


If the "keep.source" option is TRUE, R's parser will attach detailed information on the object it has parsed. These functions retrieve that information.


getParseData(x, includeText = NA)
getParseText(parseData, id)



an expression returned from parse, or a function or other object with source reference information


logical; whether to include the text of parsed items in the result


a data frame returned from getParseData


a vector of item identifiers whose text is to be retrieved


In version 3.0.0, the R parser was modified to include code written by Romain Francois in his parser package. This constructs a detailed table of information about every token and higher level construct in parsed code. This table is stored in the srcfile record associated with source references in the parsed code, and retrieved by the getParseData function.


For getParseData:
If parse data is not present, NULL. Otherwise a data frame is returned, containing the following columns:


integer. The line number where the item starts. This is the parsed line number called "parse" in getSrcLocation, which ignores ⁠#line⁠ directives.


integer. The column number where the item starts. The first character is column 1. This corresponds to "column" in getSrcLocation.


integer. The line number where the item ends.


integer. The column number where the item ends.


integer. An identifier associated with this item.


integer. The id of the parent of this item.


character string. The type of the token.


logical. Whether the token is “terminal”, i.e. a leaf in the parse tree.


character string. If includeText is TRUE, the text of all tokens; if it is NA (the default), the text of terminal tokens. If includeText == FALSE, this column is not included. Very long strings (with source of 1000 characters or more) will not be stored; a message giving their length and delimiter will be included instead.

The rownames of the data frame will be equal to the id values, and the data frame will have a "srcfile" attribute containing the srcfile record which was used. The rows will be ordered by starting position within the source file, with parent items occurring before their children.

For getParseText:
A character vector of the same length as id containing the associated text items. If they are not included in parseData, they will be retrieved from the original file.


There are a number of differences in the results returned by getParseData relative to those in the original parser code:

  • Fewer columns are kept.

  • The internal token number is not returned.

  • col1 starts counting at 1, not 0.

  • The id values are not attached to the elements of the parse tree, they are only retained in the table returned by getParseData.

  • ⁠#line⁠ directives are identified, but other comment markup (e.g., roxygen comments) are not.

Parse data by design explore details of the parser implementation, which are subject to change without notice. Applications computing on the parse data may require updates for each R release.


Duncan Murdoch


Romain Francois (2012). parser: Detailed R source code parser. R package version 0.0-16.

See Also

parse, srcref


fn <- function(x) {
  x + 1 # A comment, kept as part of the source

d <- getParseData(fn)
if (!is.null(d)) {
  plus <- which(d$token == "'+'")
  sum <- d$parent[plus]
  print(getParseText(d, sum))

Get an S3 Method


Get a method for an S3 generic, possibly from a namespace or the generic's registry.


getS3method(f, class, optional = FALSE, envir = parent.frame())



a character string giving the name of the generic.


a character string giving the name of the class.


logical: should failure to find the generic or a method be allowed?


the environment in which the method and its generic are searched first.


S3 methods may be hidden in namespaces, and will not then be found by get: this function can retrieve such functions, primarily for debugging purposes.

Further, S3 methods can be registered on the generic when a namespace is loaded, and the registered method will be used if none is visible (using namespace scoping rules).

It is possible that which S3 method will be used may depend on where the generic f is called from: getS3method returns the method found if f were called from the same environment.


The function found, or NULL if no function is found and optional = TRUE.

See Also

methods, get, getAnywhere


exists("predict.ppr") # false
getS3method("predict", "ppr")

Get a Windows Handle


Get the Windows handle of a window or of the R process in MS Windows.


getWindowsHandle(which = "Console")



a string (see below), or the number of a graphics device window (which must a windows one).


getWindowsHandle gets the Windows handle. Possible choices for which are:

"Console" The console window handle.
"Frame" The MDI frame window handle.
"Process" The process pseudo-handle.
A device number The window handle of a graphics device

These values are not normally useful to users, but may be used by developers making addons to R.

NULL is returned for the Frame handle if not running in MDI mode, for the Console handle when running Rterm, for any unrecognized string for which, or for a graphics device with no corresponding window.

Other windows (help browsers, etc.) are not accessible through this function.


An external pointer holding the Windows handle, or NULL.


This is only available on Windows.

See Also

getIdentification, getWindowsHandles


if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
  print( getWindowsHandle() )

Get handles of Windows in the MS Windows RGui


This function gets the Windows handles of visible top level windows or windows within the R MDI frame (when using the Rgui).


getWindowsHandles(which = "R", pattern = "", minimized = FALSE)



A vector of strings "R" or "all" (possibly with repetitions). See the Details section.


A vector of patterns that the titles of the windows must match.


A logical vector indicating whether minimized windows should be considered.


This function will search for Windows handles, for passing to external GUIs or to the arrangeWindows function. Each of the arguments may be a vector of values. These will be treated as follows:

  • The arguments will all be recycled to the same length.

  • The corresponding elements of each argument will be applied in separate searches.

  • The final result will be the union of the windows identified in each of the searches.

If an element of which is "R", only windows belonging to the current R process will be returned. In MDI mode, those will be the child windows within the R GUI (Rgui) frame. In SDI mode, all windows belonging to the process will be included.

If the element is "all", then top level windows will be returned.

The elements of pattern will be used to make a subset of windows whose title text matches (according to grep) the pattern.

If minimized = FALSE, minimized windows will be ignored.


A list of external pointers containing the window handles.


This is only available on Windows.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

arrangeWindows, getWindowsHandle (singular).


if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({

Change Wildcard or Globbing Pattern into Regular Expression


Change wildcard aka globbing patterns into the corresponding regular expressions (regexp).

This is also a practical didactical example for the use of sub() and regular expressions.


glob2rx(pattern, trim.head = FALSE, trim.tail = TRUE)



character vector


logical specifying if leading "^.*" should be trimmed from the result.


logical specifying if trailing ".*$" should be trimmed from the result.


This takes a wildcard as used by most shells and returns an equivalent regular expression. ‘⁠?⁠’ is mapped to ‘⁠.⁠’ (match a single character), ‘⁠*⁠’ to ‘⁠.*⁠’ (match any string, including an empty one), and the pattern is anchored (it must start at the beginning and end at the end). Optionally, the resulting regexp is simplified.

Note that now even ‘⁠(⁠’, ‘⁠[⁠’ and ‘⁠{⁠’ can be used in pattern, but glob2rx() may not work correctly with arbitrary characters in pattern, for example escaped special characters.


A character vector of the same length as the input pattern where each wildcard is translated to the corresponding regular expression.


Martin Maechler, Unix/sed based version, 1991; current: 2004

See Also

regexp about regular expression, sub, etc about substitutions using regexps. Sys.glob does wildcard expansio, i.e., “globbing” on file paths more subtly, e.g., allowing to escape special characters.


stopifnot(glob2rx("abc.*") == "^abc\\.",
          glob2rx("a?b.*") == "^a.b\\.",
          glob2rx("a?b.*", trim.tail = FALSE) == "^a.b\\..*$",
          glob2rx("*.doc") == "^.*\\.doc$",
          glob2rx("*.doc", trim.head = TRUE) == "\\.doc$",
          glob2rx("*.t*")  == "^.*\\.t",
          glob2rx("*.t??") == "^.*\\.t..$",
          glob2rx("*[*")  == "^.*\\["

Declarations Used in Checking a Package


For globalVariables, the names supplied are of functions or other objects that should be regarded as defined globally when the check tool is applied to this package. The call to globalVariables will be included in the package's source. Repeated calls in the same package accumulate the names of the global variables.

Typical examples are the fields and methods in reference classes, which appear to be global objects to codetools. (This case is handled automatically by setRefClass() and friends, using the supplied field and method names.)

For suppressForeignCheck, the names supplied are of variables used as .NAME in foreign function calls which should not be checked by checkFF(registration = TRUE). Without this declaration, expressions other than simple character strings are assumed to evaluate to registered native symbol objects. The type of call (.Call, .External, etc.) and argument counts will be checked. With this declaration, checks on those names will usually be suppressed. (If the code uses an expression that should only be evaluated at runtime, the message can be suppressed by wrapping it in a dontCheck function call, or by saving it to a local variable, and suppressing messages about that variable. See the example below.)


globalVariables(names, package, add = TRUE)
suppressForeignCheck(names, package, add = TRUE)



The character vector of object names. If omitted, the current list of global variables declared in the package will be returned, unchanged.


The relevant package, usually the character string name of the package but optionally its corresponding namespace environment.

When the call to globalVariables or suppressForeignCheck comes in the package's source file, the argument is normally omitted, as in the example below.


Should the contents of names be added to the current global variables or replace it?


The lists of declared global variables and native symbol objects are stored in a metadata object in the package's namespace, assuming the globalVariables or suppressForeignCheck call(s) occur as top-level calls in the package's source code.

The check command, as implemented in package tools, queries the list before checking the R source code in the package for possible problems.

globalVariables was introduced in R 2.15.1 and suppressForeignCheck was introduced in R 3.1.0 so both should be used conditionally: see the example.


globalVariables returns the current list of declared global variables, possibly modified by this call.

suppressForeignCheck returns the current list of native symbol objects which are not to be checked.


The global variables list really belongs to a restricted scope (a function or a group of method definitions, for example) rather than the package as a whole. However, implementing finer control would require changes in check and/or in codetools, so in this version the information is stored at the package level.


John Chambers and Duncan Murdoch

See Also



## Not run: 
## assume your package has some code that assigns ".obj1" and ".obj2"
## but not in a way that codetools can find.
## In the same source file (to remind you that you did it) add:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c(".obj1", "obj2"))

## To suppress messages about a run-time calculated native symbol, 
## save it to a local variable.

## At top level, put this:
if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0") utils::suppressForeignCheck("localvariable")

## Within your function, do the call like this:
localvariable <- if (condition) entry1 else entry2
.Call(localvariable, 1, 2, 3)

## HOWEVER, it is much better practice to write code
## that can be checked thoroughly, e.g.
if(condition) .Call(entry1, 1, 2, 3) else .Call(entry2, 1, 2, 3)

## End(Not run)

Hash Tables (Experimental)


Create and manipulate mutable hash tables.


hashtab(type = c("identical", "address"), size)
gethash(h, key, nomatch = NULL)
sethash(h, key, value)
remhash(h, key)
maphash(h, FUN)
## S3 method for class 'hashtab'
h[[key, nomatch = NULL, ...]]
## S3 replacement method for class 'hashtab'
h[[key, ...]] <- value
## S3 method for class 'hashtab'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hashtab'
format(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hashtab'
## S3 method for class 'hashtab'
str(object, ...)



character string specifying the hash table type.


an integer specifying the expected number of entries.

h, object

a hash table.


an R object to use as a key.


value to return if key does not match.


new value to associate with key.


a function of two arguments, the key and the value, to call for each entry.


object to be tested, printed, or formatted.


additional arguments.


Hash tables are a data structure for efficiently associating keys with values. Hash tables are similar to environments, but keys can be arbitrary objects. Like environments, and unlike named lists and most other objects in R, hash tables are mutable, i.e., they are not copied when modified and assignment means just giving a new name to the same object.

New hash tables are created by hashtab. Two variants are available: keys can be considered to match if they are identical() (type = "identical", the default), or if their addresses in memory are equal (type = "address"). The default "identical" type is almost always the right choice. The size argument provides a hint for setting the initial hash table size. The hash table will grow if necessary, but specifying an expected size can be more efficient.

gethash returns the value associated with key. If key is not present in the table, then the value of nomatch is returned.

sethash adds a new key/value association or changes the current value for an existing key. remhash removes the entry for key, if there is one.

maphash calls FUN for each entry in the hash table with two arguments, the entry key and the entry value. The order in which the entries are processed is not predictable. The consequence of FUN adding entries to the table or deleting entries from the table is also not predictable, except that removing the entry currently being processed will have the desired effect.

clrhash removes all entries from the hash table.


hashtab returns a new hash table of the specified type.

gethash returns the value associated with key, or nomatch if there is no such value.

sethash returns value invisibly.

remhash invisibly returns TRUE if an entry for key was found and removed, and FALSE if no entry was found.

numhash returns the current number of entries in the table.

typhash returns a character string specifying the type of the hash table, one of "identical" or "address".

maphash and clrhash return NULL invisibly.


The interface design is based loosely on hash table support in Common Lisp.

The hash function and equality test used for "identical" hash tables are the same as the ones used internally by duplicated and unique, with two exceptions:

  • Closure environments are not ignored when comparing closures. This corresponds to calling identical() with ignore.environment = FALSE, which is the default for identical().

  • External pointer objects are compared as reference objects, corresponding to calling identical() with = TRUE. This ensures that hash tables with keys containing external pointers behave reasonably when serialized and unserialized.

As an experimental feature, the element operator [[ can also be used get or set hash table entries, and length can be used to obtain the number of entries. It is not yet clear whether this is a good idea.


## Create a new empty hash table.
h1 <- hashtab()

## Add some key/value pairs.
sethash(h1, NULL, 1)
sethash(h1, .GlobalEnv, 2)
for (i in seq_along(LETTERS)) sethash(h1, LETTERS[i], i)

## Look up values for some keys.
gethash(h1, NULL)
gethash(h1, .GlobalEnv)
gethash(h1, "Q")

## Remove an entry.
(remhash(h1, NULL))
gethash(h1, NULL)
(remhash(h1, "XYZ"))

## Using the element operator.
h1[["ABC", nomatch = 77]]
h1[["ABC"]] <- "DEF"

## Integers and real numbers that are equal are considered different
## (not identical) as keys:
identical(3, 3L)
sethash(h1, 3L, "DEF")
gethash(h1, 3L)
gethash(h1, 3)

## Two variables can refer to the same hash table.
h2 <- h1
identical(h1, h2)
## set in one, see in the "other"  <==> really one object with 2 names
sethash(h2, NULL, 77)
gethash(h1, NULL)

## An example of using  maphash():  get all hashkeys of a hash table:
hashkeys <- function(h) {
  val <- vector("list", numhash(h))
  idx <- 0
  maphash(h, function(k, v) { idx <<- idx + 1
                              val[idx] <<- list(k) })

kList <- hashkeys(h1)
str(kList) # the *order* is "arbitrary" & cannot be "known"

Check for Name


hasName is a convenient way to test for one or more names in an R object.


hasName(x, name)



Any object.


One or more character values to look for.


hasName(x, name) is defined to be equivalent to name %in% names(x), though it will evaluate slightly more quickly. It is intended to replace the common idiom !is.null(x$name). The latter can be unreliable due to partial name matching; see the example below.


A logical vector of the same length as name containing TRUE if the corresponding entry is in names(x).

See Also

%in%, exists


x <- list(abc = 1, def = 2)
!is.null(x$abc) # correct
!is.null(x$a)   # this is the wrong test!
hasName(x, "abc")
hasName(x, "a")



help is the primary interface to the help systems.


help(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
     verbose = getOption("verbose"),
     try.all.packages = getOption("help.try.all.packages"),
     help_type = getOption("help_type"))



usually, a name or character string specifying the topic for which help is sought. A character string (enclosed in explicit single or double quotes) is always taken as naming a topic.

If the value of topic is a length-one character vector the topic is taken to be the value of the only element. Otherwise topic must be a name or a reserved word (if syntactically valid) or character string.

See ‘Details’ for what happens if this is omitted.


a name or character vector giving the packages to look into for documentation, or NULL. By default, all packages whose namespaces are loaded are used. To avoid a name being deparsed use e.g. (pkg_ref) (see the examples).


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries. This is not used for HTML help (see ‘Details’).


logical; if TRUE, the file name is reported.


logical; see Note.


character string: the type of help required. Possible values are "text", "html" and "pdf". Case is ignored, and partial matching is allowed.


The following types of help are available:

  • Plain text help

  • HTML help pages with hyperlinks to other topics, shown in a browser by browseURL.
    (On Unix-alikes, where possible an existing browser window is re-used: the macOS GUI uses its own browser window.)

    If for some reason HTML help is unavailable (see startDynamicHelp), plain text help will be used instead.

  • For help only, typeset as PDF – see the section on ‘Offline help’.

On Unix-alikes:

The ‘factory-fresh’ default is text help except from the macOS GUI, which uses HTML help displayed in its own browser window.

On Windows:

The default for the type of help is selected when R is installed – the ‘factory-fresh’ default is HTML help.

The rendering of text help will use directional quotes in suitable locales (UTF-8 and single-byte Windows locales): sometimes the fonts used do not support these quotes so this can be turned off by setting options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE).

topic is not optional: if it is omitted R will give

  • If a package is specified, (text or, in interactive use only, HTML) information on the package, including hints/links to suitable help topics.

  • If lib.loc only is specified, a (text) list of available packages.

  • Help on help itself if none of the first three arguments is specified.

Some topics need to be quoted (by backticks) or given as a character string. These include those which cannot syntactically appear on their own such as unary and binary operators, function and control-flow reserved words (including if, else for, in, repeat, while, break and next). The other reserved words can be used as if they were names, for example TRUE, NA and Inf.

If multiple help files matching topic are found, in interactive use a menu is presented for the user to choose one: in batch use the first on the search path is used. (For HTML help the menu will be an HTML page, otherwise a graphical menu if possible if getOption("") is true, the default.)

Note that HTML help does not make use of lib.loc: it will always look first in the loaded packages and then along .libPaths().

Offline help

Typeset documentation is produced by running the LaTeX version of the help page through pdflatex: this will produce a PDF file.

The appearance of the output can be customized through a file ‘Rhelp.cfg’ somewhere in your LaTeX search path: this will be input as a LaTeX style file after Rd.sty. Some environment variables are consulted, notably R_PAPERSIZE (via getOption("papersize")) and R_RD4PDF (see ‘Making manuals’ in the ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual).

If there is a function offline_help_helper in the workspace or further down the search path it is used to do the typesetting, otherwise the function of that name in the utils namespace (to which the first paragraph applies). It should accept at least two arguments, the name of the LaTeX file to be typeset and the type (which is nowadays ignored). It accepts a third argument, texinputs, which will give the graphics path when the help document contains figures, and will otherwise not be supplied.


Unless lib.loc is specified explicitly, the loaded packages are searched before those in the specified libraries. This ensures that if a library is loaded from a library not in the known library trees, then the help from the loaded library is used. If lib.loc is specified explicitly, the loaded packages are not searched.

If this search fails and argument try.all.packages is TRUE and neither packages nor lib.loc is specified, then all the packages in the known library trees are searched for help on topic and a list of (any) packages where help may be found is displayed (with hyperlinks for help_type = "html"). NB: searching all packages can be slow, especially the first time (caching of files by the OS can expedite subsequent searches dramatically).


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

? for shortcuts to help topics. or ?? for finding help pages on a vague topic; help.start() which opens the HTML version of the R help pages; library() for listing available packages and the help objects they contain; data() for listing available data sets; methods().

Use prompt() to get a prototype for writing help pages of your own package.


help(help)              # the same


help("for")             # or ?"for", but quotes/backticks are needed

try({# requires working TeX installation:
 help(dgamma, help_type = "pdf")
 ## -> nicely formatted pdf -- including math formula -- for help(dgamma):
 system2(getOption("pdfviewer"), "dgamma.pdf", wait = FALSE)

help(package = "splines") # get help even when package is not loaded

topi <- "women"

try(help("bs", try.all.packages = FALSE)) # reports not found (an error)
help("bs", try.all.packages = TRUE)       # reports can be found
                                          # in package 'splines'

## For programmatic use:
topic <- "family"; pkg_ref <- "stats"
help((topic), (pkg_ref))

Send a Post to R-help


Prompts the user to check they have done all that is expected of them before sending a post to the R-help mailing list, provides a template for the post with session information included and optionally sends the email (on Unix systems).


help.request(subject = "",
             address = "",
             file = "", ...)



subject of the email. Please do not use single quotes (') in the subject! Post separate help requests for multiple queries.


recipient's email address.


filename to use (if needed) for setting up the email.


additional named arguments such as method and ccaddress to pass to


This function is not intended to replace the posting guide. Please read the guide before posting to R-help or using this function (see

The help.request function:

  • asks whether the user has consulted relevant resources, stopping and opening the relevant URL if a negative response if given.

  • checks whether the current version of R is being used and whether the add-on packages are up-to-date, giving the option of updating where necessary.

  • asks whether the user has prepared appropriate (minimal, reproducible, self-contained, commented) example code ready to paste into the post.

Once this checklist has been completed a template post is prepared including current session information, and passed to


Nothing useful.


Heather Turner, based on the then current code and help page of

See Also

The posting guide (, also sessionInfo() from which you may add to the help request.

Search the Help System


Allows for searching the help system for documentation matching a given character string in the (file) name, alias, title, concept or keyword entries (or any combination thereof), using either fuzzy matching or regular expression matching. Names and titles of the matched help entries are displayed nicely formatted.

Vignette names, titles and keywords and demo names and titles may also be searched.

Usage, fields = c("alias", "concept", "title"),
            apropos, keyword, whatis, = TRUE,
            package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
            help.db = getOption("help.db"),
            verbose = getOption("verbose"),
            rebuild = FALSE, agrep = NULL, use_UTF8 = FALSE,
            types = getOption(""))



a character string to be matched in the specified fields. If this is given, the arguments apropos, keyword, and whatis are ignored.


a character vector specifying the fields of the help database to be searched. The entries must be abbreviations of "name", "title", "alias", "concept", and "keyword", corresponding to the help page's (file) name, its title, the topics and concepts it provides documentation for, and the keywords it can be classified to. See below for details and how vignettes and demos are searched.


a character string to be matched in the help page topics and title.


a character string to be matched in the help page ‘keywords’. ‘Keywords’ are really categories: the standard categories are listed in file ‘R.home("doc")/KEYWORDS’ (see also the example) and some package writers have defined their own. If keyword is specified, agrep defaults to FALSE.


a character string to be matched in the help page topics.

a logical. If TRUE, case is ignored during matching; if FALSE, pattern matching is case sensitive.


a character vector with the names of packages to search through, or NULL in which case all available packages in the library trees specified by lib.loc are searched.


a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


a character string giving the file path to a previously built and saved help database, or NULL.


logical; if TRUE, the search process is traced. Integer values are also accepted, with TRUE being equivalent to 2, and 1 being less verbose. On Windows a progress bar is shown during rebuilding, and on Unix a heartbeat is shown for verbose = 1 and a package-by-package list for verbose >= 2.


a logical indicating whether the help database should be rebuilt. This will be done automatically if lib.loc or the search path is changed, or if package is used and a value is not found.


if NULL (the default unless keyword is used) and the character string to be matched consists of alphanumeric characters, whitespace or a dash only, approximate (fuzzy) matching via agrep is used unless the string has fewer than 5 characters; otherwise, it is taken to contain a regular expression to be matched via grep. If FALSE, approximate matching is not used. Otherwise, one can give a numeric or a list specifying the maximal distance for the approximate match, see argument max.distance in the documentation for agrep.


logical: should results be given in UTF-8 encoding? Also changes the meaning of regexps in agrep to be Perl regexps.


a character vector listing the types of documentation to search. The entries must be abbreviations of "vignette" "help" or "demo". Results will be presented in the order specified.


a single value of fields to search.


Upon installation of a package, a pre-built index is serialized as ‘hsearch.rds’ in the ‘Meta’ directory (provided the package has any help pages). Vignettes are also indexed in the ‘Meta/vignette.rds’ file. These files are used to create the help search database via hsearch_db.

The arguments apropos and whatis play a role similar to the Unix commands with the same names.

Searching with agrep = FALSE will be several times faster than the default (once the database is built). However, approximate searches should be fast enough (around a second with 5000 packages installed).

If possible, the help database is saved in memory for use by subsequent calls in the session.

Note that currently the aliases in the matching help files are not displayed.

As with ?, in ?? the pattern may be prefixed with a package name followed by :: or ::: to limit the search to that package.

For help files, ‘⁠\keyword⁠’ entries which are not among the standard keywords as listed in file ‘KEYWORDS’ in the R documentation directory are taken as concepts. For standard keyword entries different from ‘⁠internal⁠’, the corresponding descriptions from file ‘KEYWORDS’ are additionally taken as concepts. All ‘⁠\concept⁠’ entries used as concepts.

Vignettes are searched as follows. The "name" and "alias" are both the base of the vignette filename, and the "concept" entries are taken from the ‘⁠\VignetteKeyword⁠’ entries. Vignettes are not classified using the help system "keyword" classifications. Demos are handled similarly to vignettes, without the "concept" search.


The results are returned in a list object of class "hsearch", which has a print method for nicely formatting the results of the query. This mechanism is experimental, and may change in future versions of R.

In on macOS, this will show up a browser with selectable items. On exiting this browser, the help pages for the selected items will be shown in separate help windows.

The internal format of the class is undocumented and subject to change.

See Also

hsearch_db for more information on the help search database employed, and for utilities to inspect available concepts and keywords.

help; help.start for starting the hypertext (currently HTML) version of R's online documentation, which offers a similar search mechanism.

RSiteSearch to access an on-line search of R resources.

apropos uses regexps and has nice examples.

Examples"linear models")    # In case you forgot how to fit linear
                                # models"non-existent topic")

??utils::help  # All the topics matching "help" in the utils package

## Documentation with topic/concept/title matching 'print'
## (disabling fuzzy matching to not also match 'point')"print", agrep = FALSE) = "print", agrep = FALSE)  # ignores concepts

## Help pages with documented topics starting with 'try':"^try", fields = "alias")
alias??"^try"  # the same

## Help pages documenting high-level plots: = "hplot")

RShowDoc("KEYWORDS")  # show all keywords

Hypertext Documentation


Start the hypertext (currently HTML) version of R's online documentation.


help.start(update = FALSE, gui = "irrelevant",
           browser = getOption("browser"), remote = NULL)



logical: should this attempt to update the package index to reflect the currently available packages. (Not attempted if remote is non-NULL.)


just for compatibility with S-PLUS.


the name of the program to be used as hypertext browser. It should be in the PATH, or a full path specified. Alternatively, it can be an R function which will be called with a URL as its only argument. This option is normally unset on Windows, when the file-association mechanism will be used.


A character string giving a valid URL for the ‘R_HOME’ directory on a remote location.


Unless remote is specified this requires the HTTP server to be available (it will be started if possible: see startDynamicHelp).

One of the links on the index page is the HTML package index, ‘R_DOC_DIR/html/packages.html’, which can be remade by make.packages.html(). For local operation, the HTTP server will remake a temporary version of this list when the link is first clicked, and each time thereafter check if updating is needed (if .libPaths has changed or any of the directories has been changed). This can be slow, and using update = TRUE will ensure that the packages list is updated before launching the index page.

Argument remote can be used to point to HTML help published by another R installation: it will typically only show packages from the main library of that installation.

See Also

help() for on- and off-line help in other formats.

browseURL for how the help file is displayed.

RSiteSearch to access an on-line search of R resources.



## the 'remote' arg can be tested by
help.start(remote = paste0("file://", R.home()))

Help Search Utilities


Utilities for searching the help system.


hsearch_db(package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
           types = getOption(""), 
           verbose = getOption("verbose"),
           rebuild = FALSE, use_UTF8 = FALSE)
hsearch_db_concepts(db = hsearch_db())
hsearch_db_keywords(db = hsearch_db())



a character vector with the names of packages to search through, or NULL in which case all available packages in the library trees specified by lib.loc are searched.


a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


a character vector listing the types of documentation to search. See for details.


a logical controlling the verbosity of building the help search database. See for details.


a logical indicating whether the help search database should be rebuilt. See for details.


logical: should results be given in UTF-8 encoding?


a help search database as obtained by calls to hsearch_db().


hsearch_db() builds and caches the help search database for subsequent use by (In fact, re-builds only when forced (rebuild = TRUE) or “necessary”.)

The format of the help search database is still experimental, and may change in future versions. Currently, it consists of four tables: one with base information about all documentation objects found, including their names and titles and unique ids; three more tables contain the individual aliases, concepts and keywords together with the ids of the documentation objects they belong to. Separating out the latter three tables accounts for the fact that a single documentation object may provide several of these entries, and allows for efficient searching.

See the details in for how searchable entries are interpreted according to help type.

hsearch_db_concepts() and hsearch_db_keywords() extract all concepts or keywords, respectively, from a help search database, and return these in a data frame together with their total frequencies and the numbers of packages they are used in, with entries sorted in decreasing total frequency.


db <- hsearch_db()
## Total numbers of documentation objects, aliases, keywords and
## concepts (using the current format):
sapply(db, NROW)
## Can also be obtained from print method:
## 10 most frequent concepts:
head(hsearch_db_concepts(), 10)
## 10 most frequent keywords:
head(hsearch_db_keywords(), 10)

Install Add-on Packages


Utility for installing add-on packages.


R CMD INSTALL [options] [-l lib] pkgs



a space-separated list with the path names of the packages to be installed. See ‘Details’.


the path name of the R library tree to install to. Also accepted in the form ‘⁠--library=lib⁠’. Paths including spaces should be quoted, using the conventions for the shell in use.


a space-separated list of options through which in particular the process for building the help files can be controlled. Use R CMD INSTALL --help for the full current list of options.


This will stop at the first error, so if you want all the pkgs to be tried, call this via a shell loop.

If used as R CMD INSTALL pkgs without explicitly specifying lib, packages are installed into the library tree rooted at the first directory in the library path which would be used by R run in the current environment.

To install into the library tree lib, use R CMD INSTALL -l lib pkgs. This prepends lib to the library path for duration of the install, so required packages in the installation directory will be found (and used in preference to those in other libraries).

Both lib and the elements of pkgs may be absolute or relative path names of directories. pkgs may also contain names of package archive files: these are then extracted to a temporary directory. These are tarballs containing a single directory, optionally compressed by gzip, bzip2, xz or compress. Finally, binary package archive files (as created by R CMD INSTALL --build) can be supplied.

Tarballs are by default unpackaged by the internal untar function: if needed an external tar command can be specified by the environment variable R_INSTALL_TAR: please ensure that it can handle the type of compression used on the tarball. (This is sometimes needed for tarballs containing invalid or unsupported sections, and can be faster on very large tarballs. Setting R_INSTALL_TAR to ‘⁠tar.exe⁠’ has been needed to overcome permissions issues on some Windows systems.)

The package sources can be cleaned up prior to installation by --preclean or after by --clean: cleaning is essential if the sources are to be used with more than one architecture or platform.

Some package sources contain a ‘configure’ script that can be passed arguments or variables via the option --configure-args and --configure-vars, respectively, if necessary. The latter is useful in particular if libraries or header files needed for the package are in non-system directories. In this case, one can use the configure variables LIBS and CPPFLAGS to specify these locations (and set these via --configure-vars), see section ‘Configuration variables’ in ‘R Installation and Administration’ for more information. (If these are used more than once on the command line they are concatenated.) The configure mechanism can be bypassed using the option --no-configure.

If the attempt to install the package fails, leftovers are removed. If the package was already installed, the old version is restored. This happens either if a command encounters an error or if the install is interrupted from the keyboard: after cleaning up the script terminates.

For details of the locking which is done, see the section ‘Locking’ in the help for install.packages.

Option --build can be used to tar up the installed package for distribution as a binary package (as used on macOS). This is done by utils::tar unless environment variable R_INSTALL_TAR is set.

By default a package is installed with static HTML help pages if and only if R was: use options --html and --no-html to override this.

Packages are not by default installed keeping the source formatting (see the keep.source argument to source): this can be enabled by the option --with-keep.source or by setting environment variable R_KEEP_PKG_SOURCE to yes.

Specifying the --install-tests option copies the contents of the ‘tests’ directory into the package installation. If the R_ALWAYS_INSTALL_TESTS environment variable is set to a true value, the tests will be installed even if --install-tests is omitted.

Use R CMD INSTALL --help for concise usage information, including all the available options.


An R installation can support more than one sub-architecture: currently this is most commonly used for 32- and 64-bit builds on Windows.

For such installations, the default behaviour is to try to install source packages for all installed sub-architectures unless the package has a configure script or a ‘src/Makefile’ (or ‘src/’ on Windows), when only compiled code for the sub-architecture running R CMD INSTALL is installed.

To install a source package with compiled code only for the sub-architecture used by R CMD INSTALL, use --no-multiarch. To install just the compiled code for another sub-architecture, use --libs-only.

There are two ways to install for all available sub-architectures. If the configure script is known to work for both Windows architectures, use flag --force-biarch (and packages can specify this via a ‘⁠Biarch: yes⁠’ field in their DESCRIPTION files). Second, a single tarball can be installed with

R CMD INSTALL --merge-multiarch mypkg_version.tar.gz

Staged installation

The default way to install source packages changed in R 3.6.0, so packages are first installed to a temporary location and then (if successful) moved to the destination library directory. Some older packages were written in ways that assume direct installation to the destination library.

Staged installation can currently be overridden by having a line ‘⁠StagedInstall: no⁠’ in the package's ‘DESCRIPTION’ file, via flag --no-staged-install or by setting environment variable R_INSTALL_STAGED to a false value (e.g. ‘⁠false⁠’ or ‘⁠no⁠’).

Staged installation requires either --pkglock or --lock, one of which is used by default.


The options do not have to precede ‘⁠pkgs⁠’ on the command line, although it will be more legible if they do. All the options are processed before any packages, and where options have conflicting effects the last one will win.

Some parts of the operation of INSTALL depend on the R temporary directory (see tempdir, usually under ‘/tmp’) having both write and execution access to the account running R. This is usually the case, but if ‘/tmp’ has been mounted as noexec, environment variable TMPDIR may need to be set to a directory from which execution is allowed.

See Also

REMOVE; .libPaths for information on using several library trees; install.packages for R-level installation of packages; update.packages for automatic update of packages using the Internet or a local repository.

The chapter on ‘Add-on packages’ in ‘R Installation and Administration’ and the chapter on ‘Creating R packages’ in ‘Writing R Extensions’

via RShowDoc or in the ‘doc/manual’ subdirectory of the R source tree.

Install Packages from Repositories or Local Files


Download and install packages from CRAN-like repositories or from local files.


install.packages(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"),
                 contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
                 method, available = NULL, destdir = NULL,
                 dependencies = NA, type = getOption("pkgType"),
                 configure.args = getOption("configure.args"),
                 configure.vars = getOption("configure.vars"),
                 clean = FALSE, Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1L),
                 verbose = getOption("verbose"),
                 libs_only = FALSE, INSTALL_opts, quiet = FALSE,
                 keep_outputs = FALSE, ...)



character vector of the names of packages whose current versions should be downloaded from the repositories.

If repos = NULL, a character vector of file paths,

on Windows,

file paths of ‘.zip’ files containing binary builds of packages. (‘⁠http://⁠’ and ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs are also accepted and the files will be downloaded and installed from local copies.) Source directories or file paths or URLs of archives may be specified with type = "source", but some packages need suitable tools installed (see the ‘Details’ section).

On Unix-alikes,

these file paths can be source directories or archives or binary package archive files (as created by R CMD build --binary). (‘⁠http://⁠’ and ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs are also accepted and the files will be downloaded and installed from local copies.) On a CRAN build of R for macOS these can be ‘.tgz’ files containing binary package archives. Tilde-expansion will be done on file paths.

If this is missing, a listbox of available packages is presented where possible in an interactive R session.


character vector giving the library directories where to install the packages. Recycled as needed. If missing, defaults to the first element of .libPaths().


character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use, e.g., the URL of a CRAN mirror such as "". For more details on supported URL schemes see url.

Can be NULL to install from local files, directories or URLs: this will be inferred by extension from pkgs if of length one.


URL(s) of the contrib sections of the repositories. Use this argument if your repository mirror is incomplete, e.g., because you mirrored only the ‘contrib’ section, or only have binary packages. Overrides argument repos. Incompatible with type = "both".


download method, see download.file. Unused if a non-NULL available is supplied.


a matrix as returned by available.packages listing packages available at the repositories, or NULL when the function makes an internal call to available.packages. Incompatible with type = "both".


directory where downloaded packages are stored. If it is NULL (the default) a subdirectory downloaded_packages of the session temporary directory will be used (and the files will be deleted at the end of the session).


logical indicating whether to also install uninstalled packages which these packages depend on/link to/import/suggest (and so on recursively). Not used if repos = NULL. Can also be a character vector, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances").

Only supported if lib is of length one (or missing), so it is unambiguous where to install the dependent packages. If this is not the case it is ignored, with a warning.

The default, NA, means c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo").

TRUE means to use c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests") for pkgs and c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo") for added dependencies: this installs all the packages needed to run pkgs, their examples, tests and vignettes (if the package author specified them correctly).

In all of these, "LinkingTo" is omitted for binary packages.


character, indicating the type of package to download and install. Will be "source" except on Windows and some macOS builds: see the section on ‘Binary packages’ for those.


(Used only for source installs.) A character vector or a named list. If a character vector with no names is supplied, the elements are concatenated into a single string (separated by a space) and used as the value for the --configure-args flag in the call to R CMD INSTALL. If the character vector has names these are assumed to identify values for --configure-args for individual packages. This allows one to specify settings for an entire collection of packages which will be used if any of those packages are to be installed. (These settings can therefore be re-used and act as default settings.)

A named list can be used also to the same effect, and that allows multi-element character strings for each package which are concatenated to a single string to be used as the value for --configure-args.


(Used only for source installs.) Analogous to configure.args for flag --configure-vars, which is used to set environment variables for the configure run.


a logical value indicating whether to add the --clean flag to the call to R CMD INSTALL. This is sometimes used to perform additional operations at the end of the package installation in addition to removing intermediate files.


the number of parallel processes to use for a parallel install of more than one source package. Values greater than one are supported if the make command specified by Sys.getenv("MAKE", "make") accepts argument -k -j <Ncpus>.


a logical indicating if some “progress report” should be given.


a logical value: should the --libs-only option be used to install only additional sub-architectures for source installs? (See also INSTALL_opts.) This can also be used on Windows to install just the DLL(s) from a binary package, e.g. to add 64-bit DLLs to a 32-bit install.


an optional character vector of additional option(s) to be passed to R CMD INSTALL for a source package install. E.g., c("--html", "--no-multiarch", "--no-test-load").

Can also be a named list of character vectors to be used as additional options, with names the respective package names.


logical: if true, reduce the amount of output. This is not passed to available.packages() in case that is called, on purpose.


a logical: if true, keep the outputs from installing source packages in the current working directory, with the names of the output files the package names with ‘.out’ appended (overwriting existing files, possibly from previous installation attempts). Alternatively, a character string giving the directory in which to save the outputs. Ignored when installing from local files.


further arguments to be passed to download.file, available.packages, or to the functions for binary installs on macOS and Windows (which accept an argument "lock": see the section on ‘Locking’).


This is the main function to install packages. It takes a vector of names and a destination library, downloads the packages from the repositories and installs them. (If the library is omitted it defaults to the first directory in .libPaths(), with a message if there is more than one.) If lib is omitted or is of length one and is not a (group) writable directory, in interactive use the code offers to create a personal library tree (the first element of Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")) and install there.

Detection of a writable directory is problematic on Windows: see the ‘Note’ section.

For installs from a repository an attempt is made to install the packages in an order that respects their dependencies. This does assume that all the entries in lib are on the default library path for installs (set by environment variable R_LIBS).

You are advised to run update.packages before install.packages to ensure that any already installed dependencies have their latest versions.


Invisible NULL.

Binary packages

This section applies only to platforms where binary packages are available: Windows and CRAN builds for macOS.

R packages are primarily distributed as source packages, but binary packages (a packaging up of the installed package) are also supported, and the type most commonly used on Windows and by the CRAN builds for macOS. This function can install either type, either by downloading a file from a repository or from a local file.

Possible values of type are (currently) "source", "mac.binary", and "win.binary": the appropriate binary type where supported can also be selected as "binary".

For a binary install from a repository, the function checks for the availability of a source package on the same repository, and reports if the source package has a later version, or is available but no binary version is. This check can be suppressed by using

    options(install.packages.check.source = "no")

and should be if there is a partial repository containing only binary files.

An alternative (and the current default) is "both" which means ‘use binary if available and current, otherwise try source’. The action if there are source packages which are preferred but may contain code which needs to be compiled is controlled by getOption("install.packages.compile.from.source"). type = "both" will be silently changed to "binary" if either contriburl or available is specified.

Using packages with type = "source" always works provided the package contains no C/C++/Fortran code that needs compilation. Otherwise,

on Windows,

you will need to have installed the Rtools collection as described in the ‘R for Windows FAQ’ and you must have the PATH environment variable set up as required by Rtools.

For a 32/64-bit installation of R on Windows, a small minority of packages with compiled code need either INSTALL_opts = "--force-biarch" or INSTALL_opts = "--merge-multiarch" for a source installation. (It is safe to always set the latter when installing from a repository or tarballs, although it will be a little slower.)

When installing a package on Windows, install.packages will abort the install if it detects that the package is already installed and is currently in use. In some circumstances (e.g., multiple instances of R running at the same time and sharing a library) it will not detect a problem, but the installation may fail as Windows locks files in use.

On Unix-alikes,

when the package contains C/C++/Fortran code that needs compilation, suitable compilers and related tools need to be installed. On macOS you need to have installed the ‘Command-line tools for Xcode’ (see the ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual) and if needed by the package a Fortran compiler, and have them in your path.


There are various options for locking: these differ between source and binary installs.

By default for a source install, the library directory is ‘locked’ by creating a directory ‘00LOCK’ within it. This has two purposes: it prevents any other process installing into that library concurrently, and is used to store any previous version of the package to restore on error. A finer-grained locking is provided by the option --pkglock which creates a separate lock for each package: this allows enough freedom for parallel installation. Per-package locking is the default when installing a single package, and for multiple packages when Ncpus > 1L. Finally locking (and restoration on error) can be suppressed by --no-lock.

For a macOS binary install, no locking is done by default. Setting argument lock to TRUE (it defaults to the value of getOption("install.lock", FALSE)) will use per-directory locking as described for source installs. For Windows binary install, per-directory locking is used by default (lock defaults to the value of getOption("install.lock", TRUE)). If the value is "pkglock" per-package locking will be used.

If package locking is used on Windows with libs_only = TRUE and the installation fails, the package will be restored to its previous state.

Note that it is possible for the package installation to fail so badly that the lock directory is not removed: this inhibits any further installs to the library directory (or for --pkglock, of the package) until the lock directory is removed manually.

Parallel installs

Parallel installs are attempted if pkgs has length greater than one and Ncpus > 1. It makes use of a parallel make, so the make specified (default make) when R was built must be capable of supporting make -j N: GNU make, dmake and pmake do, but Solaris make and older FreeBSD make do not: if necessary environment variable MAKE can be set for the current session to select a suitable make.

install.packages needs to be able to compute all the dependencies of pkgs from available, including if one element of pkgs depends indirectly on another. This means that if for example you are installing CRAN packages which depend on Bioconductor packages which in turn depend on CRAN packages, available needs to cover both CRAN and Bioconductor packages.


A limit on the elapsed time for each call to R CMD INSTALL (so for source installs) can be set via environment variable _R_INSTALL_PACKAGES_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT_: in seconds (or in minutes or hours with optional suffix ‘⁠m⁠’ or ‘⁠h⁠’, suffix ‘⁠s⁠’ being allowed for the default seconds) with 0 meaning no limit.

For non-parallel installs this is implemented via the timeout argument of system2: for parallel installs via the OS's timeout command. (The one tested is from GNU coreutils, commonly available on Linux but not other Unix-alikes. If no such command is available the timeout request is ignored, with a warning. On Windows, one needs to specify a suitable timeout command via environment variable R_TIMEOUT, because ‘c:/Windows/system32/timeout.exe’ is not.) For parallel installs a ‘⁠Error 124⁠’ message from make indicates that timeout occurred.

Timeouts during installation might leave lock directories behind and not restore previous versions.

Version requirements on source installs

If you are not running an up-to-date version of R you may see a message like

   package 'RODBC' is not available (for R version 3.5.3)

One possibility is that the package is not available in any of the selected repositories; another is that is available but only for current or recent versions of R. For CRAN packages take a look at the package's CRAN page (e.g., If that indicates in the ‘⁠Depends⁠’ field a dependence on a later version of R you will need to look in the ‘⁠Old sources⁠’ section and select the URL of a version of comparable age to your R. Then you can supply that URL as the first argument of install.packages(): you may need to first manually install its dependencies.

For other repositories, using available.packages(filters = "OS_type")[pkgname, ] will show if the package is available for any R version (for your OS).


On Unix-alikes:

Some binary distributions of R have INSTALL in a separate bundle, e.g. an R-devel RPM. install.packages will give an error if called with type = "source" on such a system.

Some binary Linux distributions of R can be installed on a machine without the tools needed to install packages: a possible remedy is to do a complete install of R which should bring in all those tools as dependencies.

On Windows:

install.packages tries to detect if you have write permission on the library directories specified, but Windows reports unreliably. If there is only one library directory (the default), R tries to find out by creating a test directory, but even this need not be the whole story: you may have permission to write in a library directory but lack permission to write binary files (such as ‘.dll’ files) there. See the ‘R for Windows FAQ’ for workarounds.

See Also

update.packages, available.packages, download.packages, installed.packages, contrib.url.

See download.file for how to handle proxies and other options to monitor file transfers.

untar for manually unpacking source package tarballs.

INSTALL, REMOVE, remove.packages, library, .packages, read.dcf

The ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual for how to set up a repository.


## Not run: 
## A Linux example for Fedora's layout of udunits2 headers.
install.packages(c("ncdf4", "RNetCDF"),
  configure.args = c(RNetCDF = "--with-netcdf-include=/usr/include/udunits2"))

## End(Not run)

Find Installed Packages


Find (or retrieve) details of all packages installed in the specified libraries.


installed.packages(lib.loc = NULL, priority = NULL,
                   noCache = FALSE, fields = NULL,
                   subarch = .Platform$r_arch, ...)



character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL for all known trees (see .libPaths).


character vector or NULL (default). If non-null, used to select packages; "high" is equivalent to c("base", "recommended"). To select all packages without an assigned priority use priority = NA_character_.


Do not use cached information, nor cache it.


a character vector giving the fields to extract from each package's ‘DESCRIPTION’ file in addition to the default ones, or NULL (default). Unavailable fields result in NA values.


character string or NULL. If non-null and non-empty, used to select packages which are installed for that sub-architecture.


allows unused arguments to be passed down from other functions.


installed.packages scans the ‘DESCRIPTION’ files of each package found along lib.loc and returns a matrix of package names, library paths and version numbers.

The information found is cached (by library) for the R session and specified fields argument, and updated only if the top-level library directory has been altered, for example by installing or removing a package. If the cached information becomes confused, it can be avoided by specifying noCache = TRUE.


A matrix with one row per package, row names the package names and column names (currently) "Package", "LibPath", "Version", "Priority", "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances", "OS_type", "License" and "Built" (the R version the package was built under). Additional columns can be specified using the fields argument.


This needs to read several files per installed package, which will be slow on Windows and on some network-mounted file systems.

It will be slow when thousands of packages are installed, so do not use it to find out if a named package is installed (use find.package or system.file) nor to find out if a package is usable (call requireNamespace or require and check the return value) nor to find details of a small number of packages (use packageDescription).

See Also

update.packages, install.packages, INSTALL, REMOVE.


## confine search to .Library for speed
str(ip <- installed.packages(.Library, priority = "high"))
ip[, c(1,3:5)]
plic <- installed.packages(.Library, priority = "high", fields = "License")
## what licenses are there:
table( plic[, "License"] )

## Recommended setup (by many pros):
## Keep packages that come with R (priority="high") and all others separate!
## Consequently, .Library, R's "system" library, shouldn't have any
## non-"high"-priority packages :
pSys <- installed.packages(.Library, priority = NA_character_)
length(pSys) == 0 # TRUE under such a setup

Is 'method' the Name of an S3 Method?


Checks if method is the name of a valid / registered S3 method. Alternatively, when f and class are specified, it is checked if f is the name of an S3 generic function and paste(f, class, sep=".") is a valid S3 method.


isS3method(method, f, class, envir = parent.frame())



a character string, typically of the form "fn.class". If omitted, f and class have to be specified instead.


optional character string, typically specifying an S3 generic function. Used, when method is not specified.


optional character string, typically specifying an S3 class name. Used, when method is not specified.


the environment in which the method and its generic are searched first, as in getS3method().


logical TRUE or FALSE

See Also

methods, getS3method.


isS3method("t")           # FALSE - it is an S3 generic
isS3method("t.default")   # TRUE
isS3method("t.ts")        # TRUE
isS3method("t.test")      # FALSE
isS3method("")# TRUE
isS3method("t.lm")        # FALSE - not existing
isS3method("")   # FALSE - not existing

## S3 methods with "4 parts" in their name:
ff <- c("as.list", "as.matrix", "", "row.names", "row.names<-")
for(m in ff) if(isS3method(m)) stop("wrongly declared an S3 method: ", m)
(m4 <- paste(ff, "data.frame", sep="."))
for(m in m4) if(!isS3method(m)) stop("not an S3 method: ", m)

Check if a Function Acts as an S3 Generic


Determines whether f acts as a standard S3-style generic function.





a function object


A closure is considered a standard S3 generic if the first expression in its body calls UseMethod. Functions which perform operations before calling UseMethod will not be considered “standard” S3 generics.

If f is currently being traced, i.e., inheriting from class "traceable", the definition of the original untraced version of the function is used instead.


If f is an S3 generic, a logical containing TRUE with the name of the S3 generic (the string passed to UseMethod). Otherwise, FALSE (unnamed).

Select a Suitable Encoding Name from a Locale Name


This functions aims to find a suitable coding for the locale named, by default the current locale, and if it is a UTF-8 locale a suitable single-byte encoding.


localeToCharset(locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"))



character string naming a locale.


The operation differs by OS.

On Windows,

a locale is specified like "English_United Kingdom.1252". The final component gives the codepage, and this defines the encoding.

On Unix-alikes:

Locale names are normally like es_MX.iso88591. If final component indicates an encoding and it is not utf8 we just need to look up the equivalent encoding name. Otherwise, the language (here es) is used to choose a primary or fallback encoding.

In the C locale the answer will be "ASCII".


A character vector naming an encoding and possibly a fallback single-encoding, NA if unknown.


The encoding names are those used by libiconv, and ought also to work with glibc but maybe not with commercial Unixen.

See Also

Sys.getlocale, iconv.



List Objects and their Structure


ls.str and lsf.str are variations of ls applying str() to each matched name: see section Value.


ls.str(pos = -1, name, envir, all.names = FALSE,
       pattern, mode = "any")

lsf.str(pos = -1, envir, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ls_str'
print(x, max.level = 1, give.attr = FALSE, ...,
      digits = max(1, getOption("str")$digits.d))



integer indicating search path position, or -1 for the current environment.


optional name indicating search path position, see ls.


environment to use, see ls.


logical indicating if names which begin with a . are omitted; see ls.


a regular expression passed to ls. Only names matching pattern are considered.


maximal level of nesting which is applied for displaying nested structures, e.g., a list containing sub lists. Default 1: Display only the first nested level.


logical; if TRUE (default), show attributes as sub structures.


character specifying the mode of objects to consider. Passed to exists and get.


an object of class "ls_str".


further arguments to pass. lsf.str passes them to ls.str which passes them on to ls. The (non-exported) print method print.ls_str passes them to str.


the number of significant digits to use for printing.


ls.str and lsf.str return an object of class "ls_str", basically the character vector of matching names (functions only for lsf.str), similarly to ls, with a print() method that calls str() on each object.


Martin Maechler

See Also

str, summary, args.



lsf.str()  #- how do the functions look like which I am using?
ls.str(mode = "list")   #- what are the structured objects I have defined?

## create a few objects
example(glm, echo = FALSE)
ll <- as.list(LETTERS)
print(ls.str(), max.level = 0)# don't show details

## which base functions have "file" in their name ?
lsf.str(pos = length(search()), pattern = "file")

## demonstrating that  ls.str() works inside functions
## ["browser/debug mode"]:
tt <- function(x, y = 1) { aa <- 7; r <- x + y; ls.str() }
(nms <- sapply(strsplit(capture.output(tt(2))," *: *"), `[`, 1))
stopifnot(nms == c("aa", "r","x","y"))

Show Package Maintainer


Show the name and email address of the maintainer of an installed package.





a character string, the name of an installed package.


Accesses the package description to return the name and email address of the maintainer.

Questions about contributed packages should often be addressed to the package maintainer; questions about base packages should usually be addressed to the R-help or R-devel mailing lists. Bug reports should be submitted using the function.


A character string giving the name and email address of the maintainer of the package, or NA_character_ if no such package is installed.


David Scott from code on R-help originally due to Charlie Sharpsteen; multiple corrections by R-core.


See Also




Update HTML Package List


Re-create the HTML list of packages.


make.packages.html(lib.loc = .libPaths(), temp = FALSE,
                   verbose = TRUE, docdir = R.home("doc"))



character vector. List of libraries to be included.


logical: should the package indices be created in a temporary location for use by the HTTP server?


logical. If true, print out a message.


If temp is false, directory in whose ‘html’ directory the ‘packages.html’ file is to be created/updated.


This creates the ‘packages.html’ file, either a temporary copy for use by help.start, or the copy in ‘R.home("doc")/html

(for which you will need write permission).

It can be very slow, as all the package ‘DESCRIPTION’ files in all the library trees are read.

For temp = TRUE there is some caching of information, so the file will only be re-created if lib.loc or any of the directories it lists have been changed.


Invisible logical, with FALSE indicating a failure to create the file, probably due to lack of suitable permissions.

See Also



## Not run: 
# this can be slow for large numbers of installed packages.

## End(Not run)

Create a Socket Connection


With server = FALSE attempts to open a client socket to the specified port and host. With server = TRUE the R process listens on the specified port for a connection and then returns a server socket. It is a good idea to use on.exit to ensure that a socket is closed, as you only get 64 of them.


make.socket(host = "localhost", port, fail = TRUE, server = FALSE)



name of remote host


port to connect to/listen on


failure to connect is an error?


a server socket?


An object of class "socket", a list with components:


socket number. This is for internal use. On a Unix-alike it is a file descriptor.


port number of the connection.


name of remote computer.


I don't know if the connecting host name returned when server = TRUE can be trusted. I suspect not.


Thomas Lumley


Adapted from Luke Tierney's code for XLISP-Stat, in turn based on code from Robbins and Robbins “Practical UNIX Programming”.

See Also

close.socket, read.socket.

Compiling in support for sockets was optional prior to R 3.3.0: see capabilities("sockets") to see if it is available.


daytime <- function(host = "localhost"){
    a <- make.socket(host, 13)
## Official time (UTC) from US Naval Observatory
## Not run: daytime("")

List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes


List all available methods for a S3 and S4 generic function, or all methods for an S3 or S4 class.


methods(generic.function, class, all.names = FALSE, dropPath = FALSE)
.S3methods(generic.function, class, envir = parent.frame(),
                                    all.names = FALSE, dropPath = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'MethodsFunction'
format(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'MethodsFunction'
print(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), ...)



a generic function, or a character string naming a generic function.


a symbol or character string naming a class: only used if generic.function is not supplied.


the environment in which to look for the definition of the generic function, when the generic function is passed as a character string.


a logical indicating if all object names are returned. When FALSE as by default, names beginning with a ‘⁠.⁠’ are omitted.


a logical indicating if the search() path, apart from .GlobalEnv and package:base (i.e., baseenv()), should be skipped when searching for method definitions. The default FALSE is back compatible and typically desired for print()ing, with or without asterisk; dropPath=TRUE has been hard coded in R 4.3.0 and is faster for non-small search() paths.


typically the result of methods(..), an R object of S3 class "MethodsFunction", see ‘Value’ below.


an optional logical allowing to override the "byclass" attribute determining how the result is printed, see ‘Details’.


potentially further arguments passed to and from methods; unused currently.


methods() finds S3 and S4 methods associated with either the generic.function or class argument. Methods found are those provided by all loaded namespaces via registration, see UseMethod; normally, this includes all packages on the current search() path. .S3methods() finds only S3 methods, .S4methods() finds only S4 methods.

When invoked with the generic.function argument, the "byclass" attribute (see Details) is FALSE, and the print method by default displays the signatures (full names) of S3 and S4 methods. S3 methods are printed by pasting the generic function and class together, separated by a ‘.’, as generic.class. The S3 method name is followed by an asterisk * if the method definition is not exported from the package namespace in which the method is defined. S4 method signatures are printed as generic,class-method; S4 allows for multiple dispatch, so there may be several classes in the signature generic,A,B-method.

When invoked with the class argument, "byclass" is TRUE, and the print method by default displays the names of the generic functions associated with the class, generic.

The source code for all functions is available. For S3 functions exported from the namespace, enter the method at the command line as generic.class. For S3 functions not exported from the namespace, see getAnywhere or getS3method. For S4 methods, see getMethod.

Help is available for each method, in addition to each generic. For interactive help, use the documentation shortcut ? with the name of the generic and tab completion, ?"generic<tab>" to select the method for which help is desired.

The S3 functions listed are those which are named like methods and may not actually be methods (known exceptions are discarded in the code).


An object of class "MethodsFunction", a character vector of method names with "byclass" and "info" attributes. The "byclass" attribute is a logical indicating if the results were obtained with argument class defined. The "info" attribute is a data frame with columns:


character vector of the names of the generic.


logical(), is the method “visible” to the user? When true, it typically is exported from the namespace of the package in which it is defined, and the package is attach()ed to the search() path.


logical(), true when the method is an S4 method.


a factor, the location or package name where the method was found.


The original methods function was written by Martin Maechler.


Chambers, J. M. (1992) Classes and methods: object-oriented programming in S. Appendix A of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

S3Methods, class, getS3method.

For S4, getMethod, showMethods, Introduction or Methods_Details.


methods(class = "MethodsFunction") # format and print


methods(class = "aov")    # S3 class
## The same, with more details and more difficult to read:
print(methods(class = "aov"), byclass=FALSE)
methods("[[")             # uses C-internal dispatching
methods("$<-")            # replacement function
methods("+")              # binary operator
methods("Math")           # group generic
methods(axis)             # looks like a generic, but is not

mf <- methods(format)     # quite a few; ... the last few :
tail(cbind(meth = format(mf)))

if(require(Matrix, quietly = TRUE)) {
print(methods(class = "Matrix"))  # S4 class
m <- methods(dim)         # S3 and S4 methods
print(attr(m, "info"))    # more extensive information

## --> help(showMethods) for related examples

Managing Repository Mirrors


Functions helping to maintain CRAN, some of them may also be useful for administrators of other repository networks.


mirror2html(mirrors = NULL, file = "mirrors.html",
  head = "mirrors-head.html", foot = "mirrors-foot.html")



A data frame, by default the CRAN list of mirrors is used.


A connection or a character string.


Name of optional header file.


Name of optional footer file.


Download method, see download.file.


mirror2html creates the HTML file for the CRAN list of mirrors and invisibly returns the HTML text.

checkCRAN performs a sanity checks on all CRAN mirrors.

Recursively Modify Elements of a List


Modifies a possibly nested list recursively by changing a subset of elements at each level to match a second list.


modifyList(x, val, keep.null = FALSE)



A named list, possibly empty.


A named list with components to replace corresponding components in x or add new components.


If TRUE, NULL elements in val become NULL elements in x. Otherwise, the corresponding element, if present, is deleted from x.


A modified version of x, with the modifications determined as follows (here, list elements are identified by their names). Elements in val which are missing from x are added to x. For elements that are common to both but are not both lists themselves, the component in x is replaced (or possibly deleted, depending on the value of keep.null) by the one in val. For common elements that are in both lists, x[[name]] is replaced by modifyList(x[[name]], val[[name]]).


Deepayan Sarkar


foo <- list(a = 1, b = list(c = "a", d = FALSE))
bar <- modifyList(foo, list(e = 2, b = list(d = TRUE)))

Build and Query R or Package News Information


Build and query the news data base for R or add-on packages.


news(query, package = "R", lib.loc = NULL, format = NULL,
     reader = NULL, db = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'news_db'
print(x, doBrowse = interactive(),
      browser = getOption("browser"), ...)



an optional expression for selecting news entries.


a character string giving the name of an installed add-on package, or "R" or "R-3" or "R-2".


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


Not yet used.


Not yet used.

db, x

a news db obtained from news().


logical specifying that the news should be opened in the browser (by browseURL, accessible as via help.start) instead of printed to the console.


the browser to be used, see browseURL.


potentially further arguments passed to print().


If package is "R" (default), a news db is built with the news since the 4.0.0 release of R, corresponding to the ‘NEWS’ file in the R.home("doc") directory. "R-3" or "R-2" give the news for R 3.x.y or R 2.x.y respectively. Otherwise, if the given add-on package can be found in the given libraries, it is attempted to read its news in structured form from files ‘inst/NEWS.Rd’, ‘’ (since R version 3.6.0, needs packages commonmark and xml2 to be available), ‘NEWS’ or ‘inst/NEWS’ (in that order). See section ‘NEWS Formats’ for the file specifications.

Using query, one can select news entries from the db. If missing or NULL, the complete db is returned. Otherwise, query should be an expression involving (a subset of) the variables Version, Category, Date and Text, and when evaluated within the db returning a logical vector with length the number of entries in the db. The entries for which evaluation gave TRUE are selected. When evaluating, Version and Date are coerced to numeric_version and Date objects, respectively, so that the comparison operators for these classes can be employed.


A data frame inheriting from class "news_db", with character variables Version, Category, Date, Text and HTML, where the last two each contain the entry texts read (in plain-text and HTML format, respectively), and the other variables may be NA if they were missing or could not be determined. The data frame has attributes "package" (and "subset" if the query lead to proper subsetting).

NEWS Formats


File ‘inst/NEWS.Rd’ should be an Rd file given the entries as Rd ⁠\itemize⁠ lists, grouped according to version using ⁠\section⁠ elements. Section titles start with a suitable prefix followed by a space and the version number, and optionally end with a (parenthesized) ISO 8601 (%Y-%m-%d, see strptime) format date (optionally including a note), for example:

    \section{Changes in version 2.0 (2020-02-02, <note>)}{
        \item ....

The entries can be further grouped according to categories using ⁠\subsection⁠ elements named as the categories. The ‘NEWS.Rd’ file is assumed to be UTF-8-encoded (but an included ⁠\encoding⁠ specification takes precedence).

File ‘’ should contain the news in Markdown (following the CommonMark ( specification), with the primary heading level giving the version number after a prefix followed by a space, and optionally followed by a space and a parenthesized ISO 8601 format date. Where available, secondary headings are taken to indicate categories. To accommodate for common practice, news entries are only split down to the category level.


The plain text ‘NEWS’ files in add-on packages use a variety of different formats; the default news reader should be capable to extract individual news entries from a majority of packages from the standard repositories, which use (slight variations of) the following format:

  • Entries are grouped according to version, with version header “Changes in version” at the beginning of a line, followed by a version number, optionally followed by an ISO 8601 format date, possibly parenthesized.

  • Entries may be grouped according to category, with a category header (different from a version header) starting at the beginning of a line.

  • Entries are written as itemize-type lists, using one of ‘⁠o⁠’, ‘⁠*⁠’, ‘⁠-⁠’ or ‘⁠+⁠’ as item tag. Entries must be indented, and ideally use a common indentation for the item texts.

Package tools provides an (internal) utility function news2Rd to convert plain text ‘NEWS’ files to Rd. For ‘NEWS’ files in a format which can successfully be handled by the default reader, package maintainers can use tools:::news2Rd(dir, "NEWS.Rd"), possibly with additional argument codify = TRUE, with dir a character string specifying the path to a package's root directory. Upon success, the ‘NEWS.Rd’ file can further be improved and then be moved to the ‘inst’ subdirectory of the package source directory.

Additional formats and readers may be supported in the future.


## Build a db of all R news entries.
db <- news()

## Bug fixes with PR number in 4.0.0.
db4 <- news(Version == "4.0.0" & grepl("^BUG", Category) & grepl("PR#", Text),
            db = db)

## print db4 to show in an HTML browser.

## News from a date range ('Matrix' is there in a regular R installation):
if(length(iM <- find.package("Matrix", quiet = TRUE)) && nzchar(iM)) {
   dM <- news(package="Matrix")
   stopifnot(identical(dM, news(db=dM)))
   dM2014 <- news("2014-01-01" <= Date & Date <= "2014-12-31", db = dM)
   stopifnot(paste0("1.1-", 2:4) %in% dM2014[,"Version"])

## Which categories have been in use? % R-core maybe should standardize a bit more
sort(table(db[, "Category"]), decreasing = TRUE)
## Entries with version >= 4.0.0
table(news(Version >= "4.0.0", db = db)$Version)

## do the same for R 3.x.y, more slowly
db3 <- news(package = "R-3")
sort(table(db3[, "Category"]), decreasing = TRUE)
## Entries with version >= 3.6.0
table(news(Version >= "3.6.0", db = db3)$Version)

Look up the IP Address by Hostname (on Unix-alikes)


Interface to the system gethostbyname, currently available only on unix-alikes, i.e., not on Windows.





the name of the host.


This was included as a test of internet connectivity, to fail if the node running R is not connected. It will also return NULL if BSD networking is not supported, including the header file ‘arpa/inet.h’.

This function is not available on Windows.


The IP address, as a character string, or NULL if the call fails.


if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") # includes Mac
  print( nsl("") )

Report the Space Allocated for an Object


Provides an estimate of the memory that is being used to store an R object.



## S3 method for class 'object_size'
format(x, units = "b", standard = "auto", digits = 1L, ...)
## S3 method for class 'object_size'
print(x, quote = FALSE, units = "b", standard = "auto",
      digits = 1L, ...)



an R object.


logical, indicating whether or not the result should be printed with surrounding quotes.


the units to be used in formatting and printing the size. Allowed values for the different standards are

standard = "legacy":

"b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb", "Tb", "Pb", "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" and "PB".

standard = "IEC":

"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB" and "YiB".

standard = "SI":

"B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB", "RB", and "QB".

For all standards, units = "auto" is also allowed. If standard = "auto", any of the "legacy" and IEC units are allowed. See ‘Formatting and printing object sizes’ for details.


the byte-size unit standard to be used. A character string, possibly abbreviated from "legacy", "IEC", "SI" and "auto". See ‘Formatting and printing object sizes’ for details.


the number of digits after the decimal point, passed to round.


arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


Exactly which parts of the memory allocation should be attributed to which object is not clear-cut. This function merely provides a rough indication: it should be reasonably accurate for atomic vectors, but does not detect if elements of a list are shared, for example. (Sharing amongst elements of a character vector is taken into account, but not that between character vectors in a single object.)

The calculation is of the size of the object, and excludes the space needed to store its name in the symbol table.

Associated space (e.g., the environment of a function and what the pointer in a EXTPTRSXP points to) is not included in the calculation.

Object sizes are larger on 64-bit builds than 32-bit ones, but will very likely be the same on different platforms with the same word length and pointer size.

Sizes of objects using a compact internal representation may be over-estimated.


An object of class "object_size" with a length-one double value, an estimate of the memory allocation attributable to the object in bytes.

Formatting and printing object sizes

Object sizes can be formatted using byte-size units from R's legacy standard, the IEC standard, or the SI standard. As illustrated by below tables, the legacy and IEC standards use binary units (multiples of 1024), whereas the SI standard uses decimal units (multiples of 1000).

For methods format and print, argument standard specifies which standard to use and argument units specifies which byte-size unit to use. units = "auto" chooses the largest units in which the result is one or more (before rounding). Byte sizes are rounded to digits decimal places. standard = "auto" chooses the standard based on units, if possible, otherwise, the legacy standard is used.

Summary of R's legacy and IEC units:

object size legacy IEC
1 1 bytes 1 B
1024 1 Kb 1 KiB
1024^2 1 Mb 1 MiB
1024^3 1 Gb 1 GiB
1024^4 1 Tb 1 TiB
1024^5 1 Pb 1 PiB
1024^6 1 EiB
1024^7 1 ZiB
1024^8 1 YiB

Summary of SI units:

object size SI
1 1 B
1000 1 kB
1000^2 1 MB
1000^3 1 GB
1000^4 1 TB
1000^5 1 PB
1000^6 1 EB
1000^7 1 ZB
1000^8 1 YB
1000^9 1 RB
1000^10 1 QB


R Core; Henrik Bengtsson for the non-legacy standards.


The wikipedia page,, is extensive on the different standards, usages and their history.

See Also

Memory-limits for the design limitations on object size.


format(object.size(library), units = "auto")

sl <- object.size(rep(letters, 1000))

print(sl)                                    ## 209288 bytes
print(sl, units = "auto")                    ## 204.4 Kb
print(sl, units = "auto", standard = "IEC")  ## 204.4 KiB
print(sl, units = "auto", standard = "SI")   ## 209.3 kB

(fsl <- sapply(c("Kb", "KB", "KiB"),
               function(u) format(sl, units = u)))
stopifnot(identical( ## assert that all three are the same :
             unique(substr(as.vector(fsl), 1,5)),
             format(round(as.vector(sl)/1024, 1))))

## find the 10 largest objects in the base package
z <- sapply(ls("package:base"), function(x)
            object.size(get(x, envir = baseenv())))
if(interactive()) {
} else # (more constant over time):

Create a Skeleton for a New Source Package


package.skeleton automates some of the setup for a new source package. It creates directories, saves functions, data, and R code files to appropriate places, and creates skeleton help files and a ‘Read-and-delete-me’ file describing further steps in packaging.


package.skeleton(name = "anRpackage", list,
                 environment = .GlobalEnv,
                 path = ".", force = FALSE,
                 code_files = character(), encoding = "unknown")



character string: the package name and directory name for your package. Must be a valid package name.


character vector naming the R objects to put in the package. Usually, at most one of list, environment, or code_files will be supplied. See ‘Details’.


an environment where objects are looked for. See ‘Details’.


path to put the package directory in.


If FALSE will not overwrite an existing directory.


a character vector with the paths to R code files to build the package around. See ‘Details’.


optionally a character string with an encoding for an optional ‘⁠Encoding:⁠’ line in ‘DESCRIPTION’ when non-ASCII characters will be used; typically one of "latin1", "latin2", or "UTF-8"; see the WRE manual.


The arguments list, environment, and code_files provide alternative ways to initialize the package. If code_files is supplied, the files so named will be sourced to form the environment, then used to generate the package skeleton. Otherwise list defaults to the objects in environment (including those whose names start with .), but can be supplied to select a subset of the objects in that environment.

Stubs of help files are generated for functions, data objects, and S4 classes and methods, using the prompt, promptClass, and promptMethods functions. If an object from another package is intended to be imported and re-exported without changes, the promptImport function should be used after package.skeleton to generate a simple help file linking to the original one.

The package sources are placed in subdirectory name of path. If code_files is supplied, these files are copied; otherwise, objects will be dumped into individual source files. The file names in code_files should have suffix ".R" and be in the current working directory.

The filenames created for source and documentation try to be valid for all OSes known to run R. Invalid characters are replaced by ‘⁠_⁠’, invalid names are preceded by ‘⁠zz⁠’, names are converted to lower case (to avoid case collisions on case-insensitive file systems) and finally the converted names are made unique by make.unique(sep = "_"). This can be done for code and help files but not data files (which are looked for by name). Also, the code and help files should have names starting with an ASCII letter or digit, and this is checked and if necessary z prepended.

Functions with names starting with a dot are placed in file ‘R/name-internal.R’.

When you are done, delete the ‘Read-and-delete-me’ file, as it should not be distributed.


Used for its side-effects.


Read the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual for more details.

Once you have created a source package you need to install it: see the ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual, INSTALL and install.packages.

See Also

prompt, promptClass, and promptMethods.

package_native_routine_registration_skeleton for helping in preparing packages with compiled code.


## two functions and two "data sets" :
f <- function(x, y) x+y
g <- function(x, y) x-y
d <- data.frame(a = 1, b = 2)
e <- rnorm(1000)

package.skeleton(list = c("f","g","d","e"), name = "mypkg")

Package Description


Parses and returns the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file of a package as a "packageDescription".

Utility functions return (transformed) parts of that.


packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc = NULL, fields = NULL,
                   drop = TRUE, encoding = "")
packageVersion(pkg, lib.loc = NULL)
packageDate(pkg, lib.loc = NULL,
            date.fields = c("Date", "Packaged", "Date/Publication", "Built"),
            tryFormats = c("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d", "%D", "%m/%d/%y"),
            desc = packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc=lib.loc, fields=date.fields))



a character string with the package name.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages and namespaces are searched before the libraries.


a character vector giving the tags of fields to return (if other fields occur in the file they are ignored).


If TRUE and the length of fields is 1, then a single character string with the value of the respective field is returned instead of an object of class "packageDescription".


If there is an Encoding field, to what encoding should re-encoding be attempted? If NA, no re-encoding. The other values are as used by iconv, so the default "" indicates the encoding of the current locale.


character vector of field tags to be tried. The first for which as.Date(.) is not NA will be returned. (Partly experimental, see Note.)


date formats to try, see as.Date.character().


optionally, a named list with components named from date.fields; where the default is fine, a complete packageDescription() maybe specified as well.


for asDateBuilt(), a character string as from packageDescription(*, fields="Built").


A package will not be ‘found’ unless it has a ‘DESCRIPTION’ file which contains a valid Version field. Different warnings are given when no package directory is found and when there is a suitable directory but no valid ‘DESCRIPTION’ file.

An attached environment named to look like a package (e.g., package:utils2) will be ignored.

packageVersion() is a convenience shortcut, allowing things like if (packageVersion("MASS") < "7.3") { do.things } .

For packageDate(), if desc is valid, both pkg and lib.loc are not made use of.


If a ‘DESCRIPTION’ file for the given package is found and can successfully be read, packageDescription returns an object of class "packageDescription", which is a named list with the values of the (given) fields as elements and the tags as names, unless drop = TRUE.

If parsing the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file was not successful, it returns a named list of NAs with the field tags as names if fields is not null, and NA otherwise.

packageVersion() returns a (length-one) object of class "package_version".

packageDate() will return a "Date" object from as.Date() or NA.

asDateBuilt(built) returns a "Date" object or signals an error if built is invalid.


The default behavior of packageDate(), notably for date.fields, is somewhat experimental and may change.

See Also



packageDescription("stats", fields = c("Package", "Version"))

packageDescription("stats", fields = "Version")
packageDescription("stats", fields = "Version", drop = FALSE)

if(requireNamespace("MASS") && packageVersion("MASS") < "7.3.29")
  message("you need to update 'MASS'")

pu <- packageDate("utils")
stopifnot(identical(pu, packageDate(desc = packageDescription("utils"))),
          identical(pu, packageDate("stats"))) # as "utils" and "stats" are
                                   # both 'base R' and "Built" at same time

Find Package Associated with an Environment


Many environments are associated with a package; this function attempts to determine that package.


packageName(env = parent.frame())



The environment whose name we seek.


Environment env would be associated with a package if topenv(env) is the namespace environment for that package. Thus when env is the environment associated with functions inside a package, or local functions defined within them, packageName will normally return the package name.

Not all environments are associated with a package: for example, the global environment, or the evaluation frames of functions defined there. packageName will return NULL in these cases.


A length one character vector containing the name of the package, or NULL if there is no name.

See Also

getPackageName is a more elaborate function that can construct a name if none is found.



Package Management Tools


Summarize information about installed packages and packages available at various repositories, and automatically upgrade outdated packages.


packageStatus(lib.loc = NULL, repositories = NULL, method,
              type = getOption("pkgType"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'packageStatus'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'packageStatus'
update(object, lib.loc = levels(object$inst$LibPath),
       repositories = levels(object$avail$Repository), ...)

## S3 method for class 'packageStatus'
upgrade(object, ask = TRUE, ...)



a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


a character vector of URLs describing the location of R package repositories on the Internet or on the local machine. These should be full paths to the appropriate ‘contrib’ sections of the repositories. The default (NULL) derives URLs from option "repos" and type.


download method, see download.file.


type of package distribution: see install.packages.


an object of class "packageStatus" as returned by packageStatus.


if TRUE, the user is prompted which packages should be upgraded and which not.


for packageStatus: arguments to be passed to available.packages and installed.packages.
for the upgrade method, arguments to be passed to install.packages
for other methods: currently not used.


There are print and summary methods for the "packageStatus" objects: the print method gives a brief tabular summary and the summary method prints the results.

The update method updates the "packageStatus" object. The upgrade method is similar to update.packages: it offers to install the current versions of those packages which are not currently up-to-date.


An object of class "packageStatus". This is a list with two components


a data frame with columns as the matrix returned by installed.packages plus "Status", a factor with levels c("ok", "upgrade", "unavailable"). Only the newest version of each package is reported, in the first repository in which it appears.


a data frame with columns as the matrix returned by available.packages plus "Status", a factor with levels c("installed", "not installed").

For the summary method the result is also of class "summary.packageStatus" with additional components


a list with one element for each library


a list with one element for each repository

with the elements being lists of character vectors of package name for each status.

See Also

installed.packages, available.packages


x <- packageStatus(repositories = contrib.url(findCRANmirror("web")))

## Not run: 
x <- update(x)

## End(Not run)

Invoke a Pager on an R Object


Displays a representation of the object named by x in a pager via


page(x, method = c("dput", "print"), ...)



An R object, or a character string naming an object.


The default method is to dump the object via dput. An alternative is to use print and capture the output to be shown in the pager. Can be abbreviated.


additional arguments for dput, print or (such as title).


If x is a length-one character vector, it is used as the name of an object to look up in the environment from which page is called. All other objects are displayed directly.

A default value of title is passed to if one is not supplied in ....

See Also, edit, fix.

To go to a new page when graphing, see frame.


## Not run: ## four ways to look at the code of 'page'
page(page)             # as an object
page("page")           # a character string
v <- "page"; page(v)   # a length-one character vector
page(utils::page)      # a call

## End(Not run)



A class and utility methods for holding information about persons like name and email address.


person(given = NULL, family = NULL, middle = NULL,
       email = NULL, role = NULL, comment = NULL,
       first = NULL, last = NULL)

## Default S3 method:

## S3 method for class 'person'
       include = c("given", "family", "email", "role", "comment"),
       braces = list(given = "", family = "", email = c("<", ">"),
                     role = c("[", "]"), comment = c("(", ")")),
       collapse = list(given = " ", family = " ", email = ", ",
                       role = ", ", comment = ", "),
       style = c("text", "R")

## S3 method for class 'person'
toBibtex(object, escape = FALSE, ...)



a character vector with the given names, or a list thereof.


a character string with the family name, or a list thereof.


a character string with the collapsed middle name(s). Deprecated, see Details.


a character string (or vector) giving an e-mail address (each), or a list thereof.


a character vector specifying the role(s) of the person (see Details), or a list thereof.


a character string (or vector) providing comments, or a list thereof.


a character string giving the first name. Deprecated, see Details.


a character string giving the last name. Deprecated, see Details.


an object for the as.person generic; a character string for the as.person default method; an object of class "person" otherwise.


a character vector giving the fields to be included when formatting.


a list of characters (see Details).


a list of characters (see Details).


currently not used.


a character string specifying the print style, with "R" yielding formatting as R code.


an R object inhering from class "person".


a logical indicating whether non-ASCII characters should be translated to LaTeX escape sequences.


Objects of class "person" can hold information about an arbitrary positive number of persons. These can be obtained by one call to person() with list arguments, or by first creating objects representing single persons and combining these via c().

The format() method collapses information about persons into character vectors (one string for each person): the fields in include are selected, each collapsed to a string using the respective element of collapse and subsequently “embraced” using the respective element of braces, and finally collapsed into one string separated by white space. If braces and/or collapse do not specify characters for all fields, the defaults shown in the usage are imputed. If collapse is FALSE or NA the corresponding field is not collapsed but only the first element is used. The print() method calls the format() method and prints the result, the toBibtex() method creates a suitable BibTeX representation.

Person objects can be subscripted by fields (using $) or by position (using [).

as.person() is a generic function. Its default method tries to reverse the default person formatting, and can also handle formatted person entries collapsed by comma or "and" (with appropriate white space).

Personal names are rather tricky, e.g.,

The current implementation (starting from R 2.12.0) of the "person" class uses the notions of given (including middle names) and family names, as specified by given and family respectively. Earlier versions used a scheme based on first, middle and last names, as appropriate for most of Western culture where the given name precedes the family name, but not universal, as some other cultures place it after the family name, or use no family name. To smooth the transition to the new scheme, arguments first, middle and last are still supported, but their use is deprecated and they must not be given in combination with the corresponding new style arguments. For persons which are not natural persons (e.g., institutions, companies, etc.) it is appropriate to use given (but not family) for the name, e.g., person("R Core Team", role = "aut").

The new scheme also adds the possibility of specifying roles based on a subset of the MARC Code List for Relators ( When giving the roles of persons in the context of authoring R packages, the following usage is suggested.


(Author) Use for full authors who have made substantial contributions to the package and should show up in the package citation.


(Compiler) Use for persons who collected code (potentially in other languages) but did not make further substantial contributions to the package.


(Copyright holder) Use for all copyright holders. This is a legal concept so should use the legal name of an institution or corporate body.


(Creator) Use for the package maintainer.


(Contributor) Use for authors who have made smaller contributions (such as code patches etc.) but should not show up in the package citation.


(Contractor) Use for authors who have been contracted to write (parts of) the package and hence do not own intellectual property.


(Data contributor) Use for persons who contributed data sets for the package.


(Funder) Use for persons or organizations that furnished financial support for the development of the package.


(Reviewer) Use for persons or organizations responsible for reviewing (parts of) the package.


(Thesis advisor) If the package is part of a thesis, use for the thesis advisor.


(Translator) If the R code is a translation from another language (typically S), use for the translator to R.

In the old scheme, person objects were used for single persons, and a separate "personList" class with corresponding creator personList() for collections of these. The new scheme employs a single class for information about an arbitrary positive number of persons, eliminating the need for the personList mechanism.

The comment field can be used for “arbitrary” additional information about persons. Elements named "ORCID" will be taken to give ORCID identifiers (see for more information), and be displayed as the corresponding URIs by the print() and format() methods (see Examples below).


person() and as.person() return objects of class "person".

See Also



## Create a person object directly ...
p1 <- person("Karl", "Pearson", email = "pearson@stats.heaven")

## ... or convert a string.
p2 <- as.person("Ronald Aylmer Fisher")

## Combining and subsetting.
p <- c(p1, p2)

## Extracting fields.

## Specifying package authors, example from "boot":
## AC is the first author [aut] who wrote the S original.
## BR is the second author [aut], who translated the code to R [trl],
## and maintains the package [cre].
b <- c(person("Angelo", "Canty", role = "aut", comment =
         "S original, <>"),
       person(c("Brian", "D."), "Ripley", role = c("aut", "trl", "cre"),
              comment = "R port", email = "")

## Formatting.
format(b, include = c("family", "given", "role"),
   braces = list(family = c("", ","), role = c("(Role(s): ", ")")))

## Conversion to BibTeX author field.
paste(format(b, include = c("given", "family")), collapse = " and ")

## ORCID identifiers.
(p3 <- person("Achim", "Zeileis",
              comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0918-3766")))

Collections of Persons (Older Interface)


Old interface providing functionality for information about collections of persons. Since R 2.14.0 person objects can be combined with the corresponding c method which supersedes the personList function.





person objects (inheriting from class "person")


an object the elements of which are coercible via as.person


a person object (inheriting from class "person")

See Also

person for the new functionality for representing and manipulating information about persons.

Utilities for Building and Checking Add-on Packages


Utilities for checking whether the sources of an R add-on package work correctly, and for building a source package from them.


R CMD check [options] pkgdirs
R CMD build [options] pkgdirs



a list of names of directories with sources of R add-on packages. For check these can also be the filenames of compressed tar archives with extension ‘.tar.gz’, ‘.tgz’, ‘.tar.bz2’ or ‘.tar.xz’.


further options to control the processing, or for obtaining information about usage and version of the utility.


R CMD check checks R add-on packages from their sources, performing a wide variety of diagnostic checks.

R CMD build builds R source tarballs. The name(s) of the packages are taken from the ‘DESCRIPTION’ files and not from the directory names. This works entirely on a copy of the supplied source directories.

Use R CMD foo --help to obtain usage information on utility foo, notably the possible options.

The defaults for some of the options to R CMD build can be set by environment variables _R_BUILD_RESAVE_DATA_ and _R_BUILD_COMPACT_VIGNETTES_: see ‘Writing R Extensions’. Many of the checks in R CMD check can be turned off or on by environment variables: see Chapter ‘Tools’ of the ‘R Internals’ manual.

By default R CMD build uses the "internal" option to tar to prepare the tarball. An external tar program can be specified by the R_BUILD_TAR environment variable. This may be substantially faster for very large packages, and can be needed for packages with long path names (over 100 bytes) or very large files (over 8GB): however, the resulting tarball may not be portable.

R CMD check by default unpacks tarballs by the internal untar function: if needed an external tar command can be specified by the environment variable R_INSTALL_TAR: please ensure that it can handle the type of compression used on the tarball. (This is sometimes needed for tarballs containing invalid or unsupported sections, and can be faster on very large tarballs. Setting R_INSTALL_TAR to ‘⁠tar.exe⁠’ has been needed to overcome permissions issues on some Windows systems.)


Only on Windows: They make use of a temporary directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR and defaulting to ‘⁠c:/TEMP⁠’. Do ensure that if set forward slashes are used.

See Also

The sections on ‘Checking and building packages’ and ‘Processing documentation files’ in ‘Writing R Extensions’: RShowDoc("R-exts").

Trigger Event Handling


R front ends like the Windows GUI handle key presses and mouse clicks through “events” generated by the OS. These are processed automatically by R at intervals during computations, but in some cases it may be desirable to trigger immediate event handling. The function does that.



This is a simple wrapper for the C API function R_ProcessEvents. As such, it is possible that it will not return if the user has signalled to interrupt the calculation.


NULL is returned invisibly.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

See ‘Writing R Extensions’ and the ‘R for Windows FAQ’ for more discussion of the R_ProcessEvents function.

Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File


Facilitate the constructing of files documenting R objects.


prompt(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
prompt(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL,
       force.function = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
prompt(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, ...)

promptImport(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL, 
	importedFrom = NULL, importPage = name, ...)



an R object, typically a function for the default method. Can be missing when name is specified.


usually, a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to a file whose name is name followed by ".Rd". Can also be NA (see below).


a character string specifying the name of the object.


a logical. If TRUE, treat object as function in any case.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


a character string naming the package from which object was imported. Defaults to the environment of object if object is a function.


a character string naming the help page in the package from which object was imported.


Unless filename is NA, a documentation shell for object is written to the file specified by filename, and a message about this is given. For function objects, this shell contains the proper function and argument names. R documentation files thus created still need to be edited and moved into the ‘man’ subdirectory of the package containing the object to be documented.

If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\n"), where x is the list-style representation.

When prompt is used in for loops or scripts, the explicit name specification will be useful.

The importPage argument for promptImport needs to give the base of the name of the help file of the original help page. For example, the approx function is documented in ‘approxfun.Rd’ in the stats package, so if it were imported and re-exported it should have importPage = "approxfun". Objects that are imported from other packages are not normally documented unless re-exported.


If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell. Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly.


The default filename may not be a valid filename under limited file systems (e.g., those on Windows).

Currently, calling prompt on a non-function object assumes that the object is in fact a data set and hence documents it as such. This may change in future versions of R. Use promptData to create documentation skeletons for data sets.


The documentation file produced by does not have the same format as many of the data frame documentation files in the base package. We are trying to settle on a preferred format for the documentation.


Douglas Bates for


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

promptData, help and the chapter on ‘Writing R documentation files’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual: RShowDoc("R-exts").

For creation of many help pages (for a package), see package.skeleton.

To prompt the user for input, see readline.



prompt(interactive, force.function = TRUE)

prompt(women) # data.frame

prompt(sunspots) # non-data.frame data

## Not run: 
## Create a help file for each function in the .GlobalEnv:
for(f in ls()) if(is.function(get(f))) prompt(name = f)

## End(Not run)

Generate Outline Documentation for a Data Set


Generates a shell of documentation for a data set.


promptData(object, filename = NULL, name = NULL)



an R object to be documented as a data set.


usually, a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to a file whose name is name followed by ".Rd". Can also be NA (see below).


a character string specifying the name of the object.


Unless filename is NA, a documentation shell for object is written to the file specified by filename, and a message about this is given.

If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\n"), where x is the list-style representation.

Currently, only data frames are handled explicitly by the code.


If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell. Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly.

See Also




Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Package


Generates a prototype of a package overview help page using Rd macros that dynamically extract information from package metadata when building the package.


promptPackage(package, lib.loc = NULL, filename = NULL,
              name = NULL, final = FALSE)



a character string with the name of the package to be documented.




usually, a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to a file whose name is name followed by ".Rd". Can also be NA (see below).


a character string specifying the name of the help topic; defaults to "pkgname-package", which is the required ⁠\alias⁠ for the overview help page.


a logical value indicating whether to attempt to create a usable version of the help topic, rather than just a shell.


Unless filename is NA, a documentation shell for package is written to the file specified by filename, and a message about this is given.

If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\n"), where x is the list-style representation.

If final is TRUE, the generated documentation will not include the place-holder slots for manual editing, it will be usable as-is. In most cases a manually edited file is preferable (but final = TRUE is certainly less work).


If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell. Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly.

See Also

prompt, package.skeleton


filename <- tempfile()
promptPackage("utils", filename = filename)

Documentation Shortcuts


These functions provide access to documentation. Documentation on a topic with name name (typically, an R object or a data set) can be displayed by either help("name") or ?name.






Usually, a name or character string specifying the topic for which help is sought.

Alternatively, a function call to ask for documentation on a corresponding S4 method: see the section on S4 method documentation. The calls pkg::topic and pkg:::topic are treated specially, and look for help on topic in package pkg.


the special type of documentation to use for this topic; for example, type package will look for the overview help page of a package named topic, and if the type is class, documentation is provided for the S4 class with name topic. See the Section ‘S4 Method Documentation’ for the uses of type to get help on formal methods, including methods?function and method?call.


This is a shortcut to help and uses its default type of help.

Some topics need to be quoted (by backticks) or given as a character string. There include those which cannot syntactically appear on their own such as unary and binary operators, function and control-flow reserved words (including if, else for, in, repeat, while, break and next). The other reserved words can be used as if they were names, for example TRUE, NA and Inf.

S4 Method Documentation

Authors of formal (‘S4’) methods can provide documentation on specific methods, as well as overall documentation on the methods of a particular function. The "?" operator allows access to this documentation in three ways.

The expression methods?f will look for the overall documentation methods for the function f. Currently, this means the documentation file containing the alias f-methods.

There are two different ways to look for documentation on a particular method. The first is to supply the topic argument in the form of a function call, omitting the type argument. The effect is to look for documentation on the method that would be used if this function call were actually evaluated. See the examples below. If the function is not a generic (no S4 methods are defined for it), the help reverts to documentation on the function name.

The "?" operator can also be called with type supplied as method; in this case also, the topic argument is a function call, but the arguments are now interpreted as specifying the class of the argument, not the actual expression that will appear in a real call to the function. See the examples below.

The first approach will be tedious if the actual call involves complicated expressions, and may be slow if the arguments take a long time to evaluate. The second approach avoids these issues, but you do have to know what the classes of the actual arguments will be when they are evaluated.

Both approaches make use of any inherited methods; the signature of the method to be looked up is found by using selectMethod (see the documentation for getMethod). A limitation is that methods in packages (as opposed to regular functions) will only be found if the package exporting them is on the search list, even if it is specified explicitly using the ?package::generic() notation.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also


?? for finding help pages on a vague topic.



?"for"                  # but quotes/backticks are needed

?women                  # information about data set "women"

package?parallel        # overview help page of package 'parallel'

## Not run: 
## define a S4 generic function and some methods
combo <- function(x, y) c(x, y)
setMethod("combo", c("numeric", "numeric"), function(x, y) x+y)

## assume we have written some documentation
## for combo, and its methods ....

?combo  # produces the function documentation

methods?combo  # looks for the overall methods documentation

method?combo("numeric", "numeric")  # documentation for the method above

?combo(1:10, rnorm(10))  # ... the same method, selected according to
                         # the arguments (one integer, the other numeric)

?combo(1:10, letters)    # documentation for the default method

## End(Not run)

A Completion Generator for R


This page documents a mechanism to generate relevant completions from a partially completed command line. It is not intended to be useful by itself, but rather in conjunction with other mechanisms that use it as a backend. The functions listed in the usage section provide a simple control and query mechanism. The actual interface consists of a few unexported functions described further down.


rc.settings(ops, ns, args, dots, func, ipck, S3, data, help,
            argdb, fuzzy, quotes, files, backtick)


.DollarNames(x, pattern)
.AtNames(x, pattern)

## Default S3 method:
.DollarNames(x, pattern = "")
## S3 method for class 'list'
.DollarNames(x, pattern = "")
## S3 method for class 'environment'
.DollarNames(x, pattern = "")
## Default S3 method:
.AtNames(x, pattern = "")

findMatches(pattern, values, fuzzy, backtick)



Logical flag. Activates completion after the $ and @ operators.


Logical flag. Controls namespace related completions.


Logical flag. Enables completion of function arguments.


Logical flag. If disabled, drops ... from list of function arguments. Relevant only if args is enabled.


Logical flag. Enables detection of functions. If enabled, a customizable extension ("(" by default) is appended to function names. The process of determining whether a potential completion is a function requires evaluation, including for lazy loaded symbols. This is undesirable for large objects, because of potentially wasteful use of memory in addition to the time overhead associated with loading. For this reason, this feature is disabled by default.


Logical flag. When args = TRUE, activates completion on arguments of all S3 methods (otherwise just the generic, which usually has very few arguments).


Logical flag. Enables completion of installed package names inside library and require.


Logical flag. Enables completion of data sets (including those already visible) inside data.


Logical flag. Enables completion of help requests starting with a question mark, by looking inside help index files.


Logical flag. When args = TRUE, completion is attempted on function arguments. Generally, the list of valid arguments is determined by dynamic calls to args. While this gives results that are technically correct, the use of the ... argument often hides some useful arguments. To give more flexibility in this regard, an optional table of valid arguments names for specific functions is retained internally. Setting argdb = TRUE enables preferential lookup in this internal data base for functions with an entry in it. Of course, this is useful only when the data base contains information about the function of interest. Some functions are already included, and more can be added by the user through the unexported function .addFunctionInfo (see below).


Logical flag. Enables fuzzy matching, where close but non-exact matches (e.g., with different case) are considered if no exact matches are found. This feature is experimental and the details can change. In findMatches, this argument defaults to the current setting.


Logical flag. If enabled, non-syntactic completions are wrapped in backticks to make them syntactically valid. This is useful only if the backend can handle such completions. In findMatches, this argument defaults to the current setting.


Logical flag. Enables completion in R code when inside quotes. This normally leads to filename completion, but can be otherwise depending on context (for example, when the open quote is preceded by ?), help completion is invoked. Setting this to FALSE relegates completion to the underlying completion front-end, which may do its own processing (for example, readline on Unix-alikes will do filename completion).


Logical flag. Deprecated. Use quotes instead.

name, ...

user-settable options. Currently valid names are


default "("


default "="


default "::"

Usage is similar to that of options.


An R object for which valid names after "$" are computed and returned.


A regular expression. Only matching names are returned.


character string giving set of candidate values in which matches are to be found.


There are several types of completion, some of which can be disabled using rc.settings. The arguments of rc.settings are all logical flags, turning specific optional completion features on and off. All settings are on by default except ipck, func, and fuzzy. Turn more off if your CPU cycles are valuable; you will still retain basic completion.

The most basic level, which can not be turned off once the completion functionality is activated, provides completion on names visible on the search path, along with a few special keywords (e.g., TRUE). This type of completion is not attempted if the partial ‘word’ (a.k.a. token) being completed is empty (since there would be too many completions). The more advanced types of completion are described below.

Completion after extractors $ and @:

When the ops setting is turned on, completion after $ and @ is attempted. This requires the prefix to be evaluated, which is attempted unless it involves an explicit function call (implicit function calls involving the use of [, $, etc do not inhibit evaluation).

Valid completions after the $ and @ extractors are determined by the generic functions .DollarNames and .AtNames respectively. A few basic methods are provided, and more can be written for custom classes. The findMatches function can be useful for this purpose.

Completion inside namespaces:

When the ns setting is turned on, completion inside namespaces is attempted when a token is preceded by the :: or ::: operators. Additionally, the basic completion mechanism is extended to include all loaded namespaces, i.e., foopkg:: becomes a valid completion of foo if "foopkg" is a loaded namespace.

The completion of package namespaces applies only to already loaded namespaces, i.e. if MASS is not loaded, MAS will not complete to MASS::. However, attempted completion inside an apparent namespace will attempt to load the namespace if it is not already loaded, e.g. trying to complete on MASS::fr will load MASS if it is not already loaded.

Completion for help items:

When the help setting is turned on, completion on help topics is attempted when a token is preceded by ?. Prefixes (such as class, method) are supported, as well as quoted help topics containing special characters.

Completion of function arguments:

When the args setting is turned on, completion on function arguments is attempted whenever deemed appropriate. The mechanism used will currently fail if the relevant function (at the point where completion is requested) was entered on a previous prompt (which implies in particular that the current line is being typed in response to a continuation prompt, usually +). Note that separation by newlines is fine.

The list of possible argument completions that is generated can be misleading. There is no problem for non-generic functions (except that ... is listed as a completion; this is intentional as it signals the fact that the function can accept further arguments). However, for generic functions, it is practically impossible to give a reliable argument list without evaluating arguments (and not even then, in some cases), which is risky (in addition to being difficult to code, which is the real reason it hasn't even been tried), especially when that argument is itself an inline function call. Our compromise is to consider arguments of all currently available methods of that generic. This has two drawbacks. First, not all listed completions may be appropriate in the call currently being constructed. Second, for generics with many methods (like print and plot), many matches will need to be considered, which may take a noticeable amount of time. Despite these drawbacks, we believe this behaviour to be more useful than the only other practical alternative, which is to list arguments of the generic only.

Only S3 methods are currently supported in this fashion, and that can be turned off using the S3 setting.

Since arguments can be unnamed in R function calls, other types of completion are also appropriate whenever argument completion is. Since there are usually many many more visible objects than formal arguments of any particular function, possible argument completions are often buried in a bunch of other possibilities. However, recall that basic completion is suppressed for blank tokens. This can be useful to list possible arguments of a function. For example, trying to complete seq([TAB] and seq(from = 1, [TAB]) will both list only the arguments of seq (or any of its methods), whereas trying to complete seq(length[TAB] will list both the length.out argument and the length( function as possible completions. Note that no attempt is made to remove arguments already supplied, as that would incur a further speed penalty.

Special functions:

For a few special functions (library, data, etc), the first argument is treated specially, in the sense that normal completion is suppressed, and some function specific completions are enabled if so requested by the settings. The ipck setting, which controls whether library and require will complete on installed packages, is disabled by default because the first call to installed.packages is potentially time consuming (e.g., when packages are installed on a remote network file server). Note, however, that the results of a call to installed.packages is cached, so subsequent calls are usually fast, so turning this option on is not particularly onerous even in such situations.

findMatches is an utility function that is used internally to determine matches. It can be used for writing methods for .DollarNames or .AtNames, the main benefit being that it will take the current fuzzy setting into account.


If rc.settings is called without any arguments, it returns the current settings as a named logical vector. Otherwise, it returns NULL invisibly.

rc.status returns, as a list, the contents of an internal (unexported) environment that is used to record the results of the last completion attempt. This can be useful for debugging. For such use, one must resist the temptation to use completion when typing the call to rc.status itself, as that then becomes the last attempt by the time the call is executed.

The items of primary interest in the returned list are:


The possible completions generated by the last call to .completeToken, as a character vector.


The token that was (or, is to be) completed, as set by the last call to .assignToken (possibly inside a call to .guessTokenFromLine).


The full line, as set by the last call to .assignLinebuffer.


The start position of the token in the line buffer, as set by the last call to .assignStart.


The end position of the token in the line buffer, as set by the last call to .assignEnd.


Logical, indicating whether the cursor is currently inside quotes.


The name of the function the cursor is currently inside.


Logical. If cursor is inside a function, is it the first argument?

In addition, the components settings and options give the current values of settings and options respectively.

rc.getOption and rc.options behave much like getOption and options respectively.

findMatches returns values that match the input pattern, taking the fuzzy flag into account.

Unexported API

There are several unexported functions in the package. Of these, a few are special because they provide the API through which other mechanisms can make use of the facilities provided by this package (they are unexported because they are not meant to be called directly by users). The usage of these functions are:


    .completeToken(custom = TRUE)

    .win32consoleCompletion(linebuffer, cursorPosition,
                            check.repeat = TRUE,
                            minlength = -1)


The first four functions set up a completion attempt by specifying the token to be completed (text), and indicating where (start and end, which should be integers) the token is placed within the complete line typed so far (line).

Potential completions of the token are generated by .completeToken, and the completions can be retrieved as an R character vector using .retrieveCompletions. It is possible for the user to specify a replacement for this function by setting rc.options("custom.completer"); if not NULL, this function is called to compute potential completions. This facility is meant to help in situations where completing as R code is not appropriate. See source code for more details. Custom completion can be disabled by setting custom = FALSE when calling .completeToken.

If the cursor is inside quotes, completion may be suppressed. The function .getFileComp can be used after a call to .completeToken to determine if this is the case (returns TRUE), and alternative completions generated as deemed useful. In most cases, filename completion is a reasonable fallback.

The .guessTokenFromLine function is provided for use with backends that do not already break a line into tokens. It requires the linebuffer and endpoint (cursor position) to be already set, and itself sets the token and the start position. It returns the token as a character string.

The .win32consoleCompletion is similar in spirit, but is more geared towards the Windows GUI (or rather, any front-end that has no completion facilities of its own). It requires the linebuffer and cursor position as arguments, and returns a list with three components, addition, possible and comps. If there is an unambiguous extension at the current position, addition contains the additional text that should be inserted at the cursor. If there is more than one possibility, these are available either as a character vector of preformatted strings in possible, or as a single string in comps. possible consists of lines formatted using the current width option, so that printing them on the console one line at a time will be a reasonable way to list them. comps is a space separated (collapsed) list of the same completions, in case the front-end wishes to display it in some other fashion.

The minlength argument can be used to suppress completion when the token is too short (which can be useful if the front-end is set up to try completion on every keypress). If check.repeat is TRUE, it is detected if the same completion is being requested more than once in a row, and ambiguous completions are returned only in that case. This is an attempt to emulate GNU Readline behaviour, where a single TAB completes up to any unambiguous part, and multiple possibilities are reported only on two consecutive TABs.

As the various front-end interfaces evolve, the details of these functions are likely to change as well.

The function .addFunctionInfo can be used to add information about the permitted argument names for specific functions. Multiple named arguments are allowed in calls to it, where the tags are names of functions and values are character vectors representing valid arguments. When the argdb setting is TRUE, these are used as a source of valid argument names for the relevant functions.


If you are uncomfortable with unsolicited evaluation of pieces of code, you should set ops = FALSE. Otherwise, trying to complete foo@ba will evaluate foo, trying to complete foo[i, 1:10]$ba will evaluate foo[i, 1:10], etc. This should not be too bad, as explicit function calls (involving parentheses) are not evaluated in this manner. However, this will affect promises and lazy loaded symbols.


Deepayan Sarkar,

Data Input from Spreadsheet


Reads a file in Data Interchange Format (DIF) and creates a data frame from it. DIF is a format for data matrices such as single spreadsheets.


read.DIF(file, header = FALSE,
         dec = ".", numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"),
         row.names, col.names, = !stringsAsFactors,
         na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
         skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
         stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
         transpose = FALSE, fileEncoding = "")



the name of the file which the data are to be read from, or a connection, or a complete URL.

The name "clipboard" may also be used on Windows, in which case read.DIF("clipboard") will look for a DIF format entry in the Windows clipboard.


a logical value indicating whether the spreadsheet contains the names of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set to TRUE if and only if the first row contains only character values and the top left cell is empty.


the character used in the file for decimal points.


string indicating how to convert numbers whose conversion to double precision would lose accuracy, see type.convert.


a vector of row names. This can be a vector giving the actual row names, or a single number giving the column of the table which contains the row names, or character string giving the name of the table column containing the row names.

If there is a header and the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns, the first column in the input is used for the row names. Otherwise if row.names is missing, the rows are numbered.

Using row.names = NULL forces row numbering.


a vector of optional names for the variables. The default is to use "V" followed by the column number.

controls conversion of character variables (insofar as they are not converted to logical, numeric or complex) to factors, if not otherwise specified by colClasses. Its value is either a vector of logicals (values are recycled if necessary), or a vector of numeric or character indices which specify which columns should not be converted to factors.

Note: In releases prior to R 2.12.1, cells marked as being of character type were converted to logical, numeric or complex using type.convert as in read.table.

Note: to suppress all conversions including those of numeric columns, set colClasses = "character".

Note that is specified per column (not per variable) and so includes the column of row names (if any) and any columns to be skipped.


a character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values. Blank fields are also considered to be missing values in logical, integer, numeric and complex fields.


character. A vector of classes to be assumed for the columns. Recycled as necessary, or if the character vector is named, unspecified values are taken to be NA.

Possible values are NA (when type.convert is used), "NULL" (when the column is skipped), one of the atomic vector classes (logical, integer, numeric, complex, character, raw), or "factor", "Date" or "POSIXct". Otherwise there needs to be an as method (from package methods) for conversion from "character" to the specified formal class.

Note that colClasses is specified per column (not per variable) and so includes the column of row names (if any).


the maximum number of rows to read in. Negative values are ignored.


the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.


logical. If TRUE then the names of the variables in the data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically valid variable names. If necessary they are adjusted (by make.names) so that they are, and also to ensure that there are no duplicates.


logical: if TRUE blank lines in the input are ignored.


logical: should character vectors be converted to factors?


logical, indicating if the row and column interpretation should be transposed. Microsoft's Excel has been known to produce (non-standard conforming) DIF files which would need transpose = TRUE to be read correctly.


character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection or clipboard) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the ‘Encoding’ section of the help for file, the ‘R Data Import/Export’ manual and ‘Note’.


A data frame (data.frame) containing a representation of the data in the file. Empty input is an error unless col.names is specified, when a 0-row data frame is returned: similarly giving just a header line if header = TRUE results in a 0-row data frame.


The columns referred to in and colClasses include the column of row names (if any).

Less memory will be used if colClasses is specified as one of the six atomic vector classes.


R Core; transpose option by Christoph Buser, ETH Zurich


The DIF format specification can be found by searching on; the optional header fields are ignored. See also

The term is likely to lead to confusion: Windows will have a ‘Windows Data Interchange Format (DIF) data format’ as part of its WinFX system, which may or may not be compatible.

See Also

The R Data Import/Export manual.

scan, type.convert, read.fwf for reading fixed width formatted input; read.table; data.frame.


## read.DIF() may need transpose = TRUE for a file exported from Excel
udir <- system.file("misc", package = "utils")
dd <- read.DIF(file.path(udir, "exDIF.dif"), header = TRUE, transpose = TRUE)
dc <- read.csv(file.path(udir, "exDIF.csv"), header = TRUE)
stopifnot(identical(dd, dc), dim(dd) == c(4,2))

Read Fixed-Format Data in a Fortran-like Style


Read fixed-format data files using Fortran-style format specifications.


read.fortran(file, format, ..., = TRUE, colClasses = NA)



File or connection to read from.


Character vector or list of vectors. See ‘Details’ below.


Other arguments for read.fwf.

Keep characters as characters?


Variable classes to override defaults. See read.table for details.


The format for a field is of one of the following forms: rFl.d, rDl.d, rXl, rAl, rIl, where l is the number of columns, d is the number of decimal places, and r is the number of repeats. F and D are numeric formats, A is character, I is integer, and X indicates columns to be skipped. The repeat code r and decimal place code d are always optional. The length code l is required except for X formats when r is present.

For a single-line record, format should be a character vector. For a multiline record it should be a list with a character vector for each line.

Skipped (X) columns are not passed to read.fwf, so colClasses, col.names, and similar arguments passed to read.fwf should not reference these columns.


A data frame


read.fortran does not use actual Fortran input routines, so the formats are at best rough approximations to the Fortran ones. In particular, specifying d > 0 in the F or D format will shift the decimal d places to the left, even if it is explicitly specified in the input file.

See Also

read.fwf, read.table, read.csv


ff <- tempfile()
cat(file = ff, "123456", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fortran(ff, c("F2.1","F2.0","I2"))
read.fortran(ff, c("2F1.0","2X","2A1"))
cat(file = ff, "123456AB", "987654CD", sep = "\n")
read.fortran(ff, list(c("2F3.1","A2"), c("3I2","2X")))
# Note that the first number is read differently than Fortran would
# read it:
cat(file = ff, "12.3456", "1234567", sep = "\n")
read.fortran(ff, "F7.4")

Read Fixed Width Format Files


Read a table of fixed width formatted data into a data.frame.


read.fwf(file, widths, header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
         skip = 0, row.names, col.names, n = -1,
         buffersize = 2000, fileEncoding = "", ...)



the name of the file which the data are to be read from.

Alternatively, file can be a connection, which will be opened if necessary, and if so closed at the end of the function call.


integer vector, giving the widths of the fixed-width fields (of one line), or list of integer vectors giving widths for multiline records.


a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. If present, the names must be delimited by sep.


character; the separator used internally; should be a character that does not occur in the file (except in the header).


number of initial lines to skip; see read.table.


see read.table.


see read.table.


the maximum number of records (lines) to be read, defaulting to no limit.


Maximum number of lines to read at one time


character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the ‘Encoding’ section of the help for file, the ‘R Data Import/Export’ manual and ‘Note’.


further arguments to be passed to read.table. Useful such arguments include, na.strings, colClasses and strip.white.


Multiline records are concatenated to a single line before processing. Fields that are of zero-width or are wholly beyond the end of the line in file are replaced by NA.

Negative-width fields are used to indicate columns to be skipped, e.g., -5 to skip 5 columns. These fields are not seen by read.table and so should not be included in a col.names or colClasses argument (nor in the header line, if present).

Reducing the buffersize argument may reduce memory use when reading large files with long lines. Increasing buffersize may result in faster processing when enough memory is available.

Note that read.fwf (not read.table) reads the supplied file, so the latter's argument encoding will not be useful.


A data.frame as produced by read.table which is called internally.


Brian Ripley for R version: originally in Perl by Kurt Hornik.

See Also

scan and read.table.

read.fortran for another style of fixed-format files.


ff <- tempfile()
cat(file = ff, "123456", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fwf(ff, widths = c(1,2,3))    #> 1 23 456 \ 9 87 654
read.fwf(ff, widths = c(1,-2,3))   #> 1 456 \ 9 654
cat(file = ff, "123", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fwf(ff, widths = c(1,0, 2,3))    #> 1 NA 23 NA \ 9 NA 87 654
cat(file = ff, "123456", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fwf(ff, widths = list(c(1,0, 2,3), c(2,2,2))) #> 1 NA 23 456 98 76 54

Read from or Write to a Socket


read.socket reads a string from the specified socket, write.socket writes to the specified socket. There is very little error checking done by either.


read.socket(socket, maxlen = 256L, loop = FALSE)
write.socket(socket, string)



a socket object.


maximum length (in bytes) of string to read.


wait for ever if there is nothing to read?


string to write to socket.


read.socket returns the string read as a length-one character vector.

write.socket returns the number of bytes written.


Thomas Lumley

See Also

close.socket, make.socket


finger <- function(user, host = "localhost", port = 79, print = TRUE)
    if (!is.character(user))
        stop("user name must be a string")
    user <- paste(user,"\r\n")
    socket <- make.socket(host, port)
    write.socket(socket, user)
    output <- character(0)
        ss <- read.socket(socket)
        if (ss == "") break
        output <- paste(output, ss)
    if (print) cat(output)
## Not run: 
finger("root")  ## only works if your site provides a finger daemon
## End(Not run)

Data Input


Reads a file in table format and creates a data frame from it, with cases corresponding to lines and variables to fields in the file.


read.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = "", quote = "\"'",
           dec = ".", numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"),
           row.names, col.names, = !stringsAsFactors, tryLogical = TRUE,
           na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
           skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = !blank.lines.skip,
           strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
           comment.char = "#",
           allowEscapes = FALSE, flush = FALSE,
           stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
           fileEncoding = "", encoding = "unknown", text, skipNul = FALSE)

read.csv(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"",
         dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)

read.csv2(file, header = TRUE, sep = ";", quote = "\"",
          dec = ",", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)

read.delim(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "\"",
           dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)

read.delim2(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "\"",
            dec = ",", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)



the name of the file which the data are to be read from. Each row of the table appears as one line of the file. If it does not contain an absolute path, the file name is relative to the current working directory, getwd(). Tilde-expansion is performed where supported. This can be a compressed file (see file).

Alternatively, file can be a readable text-mode connection (which will be opened for reading if necessary, and if so closed (and hence destroyed) at the end of the function call). (If stdin() is used, the prompts for lines may be somewhat confusing. Terminate input with a blank line or an EOF signal, Ctrl-D on Unix and Ctrl-Z on Windows. Any pushback on stdin() will be cleared before return.)

file can also be a complete URL. (For the supported URL schemes, see the ‘URLs’ section of the help for url.)


a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set to TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns.


the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "" (the default for read.table) the separator is ‘white space’, that is one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns.


the set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "". See scan for the behaviour on quotes embedded in quotes. Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.


the character used in the file for decimal points.


string indicating how to convert numbers whose conversion to double precision would lose accuracy, see type.convert. Can be abbreviated. (Applies also to complex-number inputs.)


a vector of row names. This can be a vector giving the actual row names, or a single number giving the column of the table which contains the row names, or character string giving the name of the table column containing the row names.

If there is a header and the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns, the first column in the input is used for the row names. Otherwise if row.names is missing, the rows are numbered.

Using row.names = NULL forces row numbering. Missing or NULL row.names generate row names that are considered to be ‘automatic’ (and not preserved by as.matrix).


a vector of optional names for the variables. The default is to use "V" followed by the column number.

controls conversion of character variables (insofar as they are not converted to logical, numeric or complex) to factors, if not otherwise specified by colClasses. Its value is either a vector of logicals (values are recycled if necessary), or a vector of numeric or character indices which specify which columns should not be converted to factors.

Note: to suppress all conversions including those of numeric columns, set colClasses = "character".

Note that is specified per column (not per variable) and so includes the column of row names (if any) and any columns to be skipped.


a logical determining if columns consisting entirely of "F", "T", "FALSE", and "TRUE" should be converted to logical; passed to type.convert, true by default.


a character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values. Blank fields are also considered to be missing values in logical, integer, numeric and complex fields. Note that the test happens after white space is stripped from the input (if enabled), so na.strings values may need their own white space stripped in advance.


character. A vector of classes to be assumed for the columns. If unnamed, recycled as necessary. If named, names are matched with unspecified values being taken to be NA.

Possible values are NA (the default, when type.convert is used), "NULL" (when the column is skipped), one of the atomic vector classes (logical, integer, numeric, complex, character, raw), or "factor", "Date" or "POSIXct". Otherwise there needs to be an as method (from package methods) for conversion from "character" to the specified formal class.

Note that colClasses is specified per column (not per variable) and so includes the column of row names (if any).


integer: the maximum number of rows to read in. Negative and other invalid values are ignored.


integer: the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.


logical. If TRUE then the names of the variables in the data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically valid variable names. If necessary they are adjusted (by make.names) so that they are, and also to ensure that there are no duplicates.


logical. If TRUE then in case the rows have unequal length, blank fields are implicitly added. See ‘Details’.


logical. Used only when sep has been specified, and allows the stripping of leading and trailing white space from unquoted character fields (numeric fields are always stripped). See scan for further details (including the exact meaning of ‘white space’), remembering that the columns may include the row names.


logical: if TRUE blank lines in the input are ignored.


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.


logical. Should C-style escapes such as ‘⁠\n⁠’ be processed or read verbatim (the default)? Note that if not within quotes these could be interpreted as a delimiter (but not as a comment character). For more details see scan.


logical: if TRUE, scan will flush to the end of the line after reading the last of the fields requested. This allows putting comments after the last field.


logical: should character vectors be converted to factors? Note that this is overridden by and colClasses, both of which allow finer control.


character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file when given as a character string (not on an existing connection) so the character data can be re-encoded. See the ‘Encoding’ section of the help for file, the ‘R Data Import/Export’ manual and ‘Note’.


encoding to be assumed for input strings. It is used to mark character strings as known to be in Latin-1 or UTF-8 (see Encoding): it is not used to re-encode the input, but allows R to handle encoded strings in their native encoding (if one of those two). See ‘Value’ and ‘Note’.


character string: if file is not supplied and this is, then data are read from the value of text via a text connection. Notice that a literal string can be used to include (small) data sets within R code.


logical: should NULs be skipped?


Further arguments to be passed to read.table.


This function is the principal means of reading tabular data into R.

Unless colClasses is specified, all columns are read as character columns and then converted using type.convert to logical, integer, numeric, complex or (depending on factor as appropriate. Quotes are (by default) interpreted in all fields, so a column of values like "42" will result in an integer column.

A field or line is ‘blank’ if it contains nothing (except whitespace if no separator is specified) before a comment character or the end of the field or line.

If row.names is not specified and the header line has one less entry than the number of columns, the first column is taken to be the row names. This allows data frames to be read in from the format in which they are printed. If row.names is specified and does not refer to the first column, that column is discarded from such files.

The number of data columns is determined by looking at the first five lines of input (or the whole input if it has less than five lines), or from the length of col.names if it is specified and is longer. This could conceivably be wrong if fill or blank.lines.skip are true, so specify col.names if necessary (as in the ‘Examples’).

read.csv and read.csv2 are identical to read.table except for the defaults. They are intended for reading ‘comma separated value’ files (‘.csv’) or (read.csv2) the variant used in countries that use a comma as decimal point and a semicolon as field separator. Similarly, read.delim and read.delim2 are for reading delimited files, defaulting to the TAB character for the delimiter. Notice that header = TRUE and fill = TRUE in these variants, and that the comment character is disabled.

The rest of the line after a comment character is skipped; quotes are not processed in comments. Complete comment lines are allowed provided blank.lines.skip = TRUE; however, comment lines prior to the header must have the comment character in the first non-blank column.

Quoted fields with embedded newlines are supported except after a comment character. Embedded NULs are unsupported: skipping them (with skipNul = TRUE) may work.


A data frame (data.frame) containing a representation of the data in the file.

Empty input is an error unless col.names is specified, when a 0-row data frame is returned: similarly giving just a header line if header = TRUE results in a 0-row data frame. Note that in either case the columns will be logical unless colClasses was supplied.

Character strings in the result (including factor levels) will have a declared encoding if encoding is "latin1" or "UTF-8".

CSV files

See the help on write.csv for the various conventions for .csv files. The commonest form of CSV file with row names needs to be read with read.csv(..., row.names = 1) to use the names in the first column of the file as row names.

Memory usage

These functions can use a surprising amount of memory when reading large files. There is extensive discussion in the ‘R Data Import/Export’ manual, supplementing the notes here.

Less memory will be used if colClasses is specified as one of the six atomic vector classes. This can be particularly so when reading a column that takes many distinct numeric values, as storing each distinct value as a character string can take up to 14 times as much memory as storing it as an integer.

Using nrows, even as a mild over-estimate, will help memory usage.

Using comment.char = "" will be appreciably faster than the read.table default.

read.table is not the right tool for reading large matrices, especially those with many columns: it is designed to read data frames which may have columns of very different classes. Use scan instead for matrices.


The columns referred to in and colClasses include the column of row names (if any).

There are two approaches for reading input that is not in the local encoding. If the input is known to be UTF-8 or Latin1, use the encoding argument to declare that. If the input is in some other encoding, then it may be translated on input. The fileEncoding argument achieves this by setting up a connection to do the re-encoding into the current locale. Note that on Windows or other systems not running in a UTF-8 locale, this may not be possible.


Chambers, J. M. (1992) Data for models. Chapter 3 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

The ‘R Data Import/Export’ manual.

scan, type.convert, read.fwf for reading fixed width formatted input; write.table; data.frame.

count.fields can be useful to determine problems with reading files which result in reports of incorrect record lengths (see the ‘Examples’ below). for the IANA definition of CSV files (which requires comma as separator and CRLF line endings).


## using count.fields to handle unknown maximum number of fields
## when fill = TRUE
test1 <- c(1:5, "6,7", "8,9,10")
tf <- tempfile()
writeLines(test1, tf)

read.csv(tf, fill = TRUE) # 1 column
ncol <- max(count.fields(tf, sep = ","))
read.csv(tf, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE,
         col.names = paste0("V", seq_len(ncol)))

## "Inline" data set, using text=
## Notice that leading and trailing empty lines are auto-trimmed

read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
a b
1 2
3 4

Read a Windows Registry Hive


On Windows, read values of keys in the Windows Registry, and optionally whole hives.


readRegistry(key, hive = c("HLM", "HCR", "HCU", "HU", "HCC", "HPD"),
             maxdepth = 1, view = c("default", "32-bit", "64-bit"))



character string, the path to the key in the Windows Registry.




How far to recurse into the subkeys of the key. By default only the values of the key and the names of subkeys are returned.


On 64-bit Windows, the view of the Registry to be used: see ‘Details’.


Registry access is done using the security settings of the current R session: this means that some Registry keys may not be accessible even if they exist. This may result in NULL values in the object returned, and, possibly, empty element names.

On 64-bit Windows, this will by default read the 32-bit view of the Registry when run from 32-bit R, and the 64-bit view when run from 64-bit R: see


A named list of values and subkeys (which may themselves be named lists). The default value (if any) precedes named values which precede subkeys, and both the latter sets are sorted alphabetically.


This is only available on Windows.


if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({
  ## only in HLM if set in an admin-mode install.
  try(readRegistry("SOFTWARE\\R-core", maxdepth = 3))

  gmt <- file.path("SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Windows NT",
                   "CurrentVersion", "Time Zones",
		   "GMT Standard Time", fsep = "\\")
  readRegistry(gmt, "HLM")
## Not run: ## on a 64-bit R need this to find 32-bit JAGS
readRegistry("SOFTWARE\\JAGS", maxdepth = 3, view = "32")

## See if there is a 64-bit user install
readRegistry("SOFTWARE\\R-core\\R64", "HCU", maxdepth = 2)

## End(Not run)

Browsing after an Error


This function allows the user to browse directly on any of the currently active function calls, and is suitable as an error option. The expression options(error = recover) will make this the error option.




When called, recover prints the list of current calls, and prompts the user to select one of them. The standard R browser is then invoked from the corresponding environment; the user can type ordinary R language expressions to be evaluated in that environment.

When finished browsing in this call, type c to return to recover from the browser. Type another frame number to browse some more, or type 0 to exit recover.

The use of recover largely supersedes dump.frames as an error option, unless you really want to wait to look at the error. If recover is called in non-interactive mode, it behaves like dump.frames. For computations involving large amounts of data, recover has the advantage that it does not need to copy out all the environments in order to browse in them. If you do decide to quit interactive debugging, call dump.frames directly while browsing in any frame (see the examples).


Nothing useful is returned. However, you can invoke recover directly from a function, rather than through the error option shown in the examples. In this case, execution continues after you type 0 to exit recover.

Compatibility Note

The R recover function can be used in the same way as the S function of the same name; therefore, the error option shown is a compatible way to specify the error action. However, the actual functions are essentially unrelated and interact quite differently with the user. The navigating commands up and down do not exist in the R version; instead, exit the browser and select another frame.


John M. Chambers (1998). Programming with Data; Springer.
See the compatibility note above, however.

See Also

browser for details about the interactive computations; options for setting the error option; dump.frames to save the current environments for later debugging.


## Not run: 

options(error = recover) # setting the error option

### Example of interaction

> myFit <- lm(y ~ x, data = xy, weights = w)
Error in lm.wfit(x, y, w, offset = offset, ...) :
        missing or negative weights not allowed

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1:lm(y ~ x, data = xy, weights = w)
2:lm.wfit(x, y, w, offset = offset, ...)
Selection: 2
Called from: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
Browse[1]> objects() # all the objects in this frame
[1] "method" "n"      "ny"     "offset" "tol"    "w"
[7] "x"      "y"
Browse[1]> w
[1] -0.5013844  1.3112515  0.2939348 -0.8983705 -0.1538642
[6] -0.9772989  0.7888790 -0.1919154 -0.3026882
Browse[1]> dump.frames() # save for offline debugging
Browse[1]> c # exit the browser

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1:lm(y ~ x, data = xy, weights = w)
2:lm.wfit(x, y, w, offset = offset, ...)
Selection: 0 # exit recover

## End(Not run)

Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object


relist() is an S3 generic function with a few methods in order to allow easy inversion of unlist(obj) when that is used with an object obj of (S3) class "relistable".


relist(flesh, skeleton)
## Default S3 method:
relist(flesh, skeleton = attr(flesh, "skeleton"))
## S3 method for class 'factor'
relist(flesh, skeleton = attr(flesh, "skeleton"))
## S3 method for class 'list'
relist(flesh, skeleton = attr(flesh, "skeleton"))
## S3 method for class 'matrix'
relist(flesh, skeleton = attr(flesh, "skeleton"))


## S3 method for class 'relistable'
unlist(x, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)



a vector to be relisted


a list, the structure of which determines the structure of the result


an R object, typically a list (or vector).


logical. Should unlisting be applied to list components of x?


logical. Should names be preserved?


Some functions need many parameters, which are most easily represented in complex structures, e.g., nested lists. Unfortunately, many mathematical functions in R, including optim and nlm can only operate on functions whose domain is a vector. R has unlist() to convert nested list objects into a vector representation. relist(), its methods and the functionality mentioned here provide the inverse operation to convert vectors back to the convenient structural representation. This allows structured functions (such as optim()) to have simple mathematical interfaces.

For example, a likelihood function for a multivariate normal model needs a variance-covariance matrix and a mean vector. It would be most convenient to represent it as a list containing a vector and a matrix. A typical parameter might look like

      list(mean = c(0, 1), vcov = cbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 0))).

However, optim cannot operate on functions that take lists as input; it only likes numeric vectors. The solution is conversion. Given a function mvdnorm(x, mean, vcov, log = FALSE) which computes the required probability density, then

        ipar <- list(mean = c(0, 1), vcov = c bind(c(1, 1), c(1, 0)))
        initial.param <- as.relistable(ipar)

        ll <- function(param.vector)
           param <- relist(param.vector, skeleton = ipar)
           -sum(mvdnorm(x, mean = param$mean, vcov = param$vcov,
                        log = TRUE))

        optim(unlist(initial.param), ll)

relist takes two parameters: skeleton and flesh. Skeleton is a sample object that has the right shape but the wrong content. flesh is a vector with the right content but the wrong shape. Invoking

    relist(flesh, skeleton)

will put the content of flesh on the skeleton. You don't need to specify skeleton explicitly if the skeleton is stored as an attribute inside flesh. In particular, if flesh was created from some object obj with unlist(as.relistable(obj)) then the skeleton attribute is automatically set. (Note that this does not apply to the example here, as optim is creating a new vector to pass to ll and not its par argument.)

As long as skeleton has the right shape, it should be an inverse of unlist. These equalities hold:

   relist(unlist(x), x) == x
   unlist(relist(y, skeleton)) == y

   x <- as.relistable(x)
   relist(unlist(x)) == x

Note however that the relisted object might not be identical to the skeleton because of implicit coercions performed during the unlisting step. All elements of the relisted objects have the same type as the unlisted object. NULL values are coerced to empty vectors of that type.


an object of (S3) class "relistable" (and "list").


R Core, based on a code proposal by Andrew Clausen.

See Also



ipar <- list(mean = c(0, 1), vcov = cbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 0)))
 initial.param <- as.relistable(ipar)
 ul <- unlist(initial.param)
 stopifnot(identical(relist(ul), initial.param))

Remove Add-on Packages


Utility for removing add-on packages.


R CMD REMOVE [options] [-l lib] pkgs



a space-separated list with the names of the packages to be removed.


the path name of the R library tree to remove from. May be absolute or relative. Also accepted in the form ‘⁠--library=lib⁠’.


further options for help or version.


If used as R CMD REMOVE pkgs without explicitly specifying lib, packages are removed from the library tree rooted at the first directory in the library path which would be used by R run in the current environment.

To remove from the library tree lib instead of the default one, use R CMD REMOVE -l lib pkgs.

Use R CMD REMOVE --help for more usage information.


Some binary distributions of R have REMOVE in a separate bundle, e.g. an R-devel RPM.

See Also

INSTALL, remove.packages

Remove Installed Packages


Removes installed packages/bundles and updates index information as necessary.


remove.packages(pkgs, lib)



a character vector with the names of the packages to be removed.


a character vector giving the library directories to remove the packages from. If missing, defaults to the first element in .libPaths().

See Also

On Unix-alikes, REMOVE for a command line version;

install.packages for installing packages.

Remove Stored Source from a Function or Language Object


When options("keep.source") is TRUE, a copy of the original source code to a function is stored with it. Similarly, parse() may keep formatted source for an expression. Such source reference attributes are removed from the object by removeSource().





a function or another language object (fulfilling is.language) from which to remove the source.


This removes the "srcref" and related attributes, via recursive cleaning of body(fn) in the case of a function or the recursive language parts, otherwise.


A copy of the fn object with the source removed.

See Also

is.language about language objects.

srcref for a description of source reference records, deparse for a description of how functions are deparsed.


## to make this act independently of the global 'options()' setting:
op <- options(keep.source = TRUE)
fn <- function(x) {
  x + 1 # A comment, kept as part of the source
names(attributes(fn))       # "srcref" (only)
names(attributes(body(fn))) # "srcref" "srcfile" "wholeSrcref"
f2 <- removeSource(fn)
stopifnot(length(attributes(fn)) > 0,

## Source attribute of parse()d expressions,
##	  have {"srcref", "srcfile", "wholeSrcref"} :
E  <- parse(text ="a <- x^y  # power")  ; names(attributes(E ))
E. <- removeSource(E)                   ; names(attributes(E.))
stopifnot(length(attributes(E ))  > 0,
options(op) # reset to previous state

R Home Directory


Returns the location of the R home directory, which is the root of the installed R tree.



Roman Numerals


Simple manipulation of (a small set of) integer numbers as roman numerals.



r1 + r2
r1 <= r2



a numeric or character vector of arabic or roman numerals.

r1, r2

a roman number vector, i.e., of class "roman".


as.roman creates objects of class "roman" which are internally represented as integers, and have suitable methods for printing, formatting, subsetting, coercion, etc, see methods(class = "roman").

Arithmetic ("Arith"), Comparison ("Compare") and ("Logic"), i.e., all "Ops" group operations work as for regular numbers via R's integer functionality.

Only numbers between 1 and 3999 have a unique representation as roman numbers, and hence others result in as.roman(NA).

.romans is the basic dictionary, a named character vector.


Wikipedia contributors (2024). Roman numerals. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed February 22, 2024.


## First five roman 'numbers'.
(y <- as.roman(1 : 5))
## Middle one.
## Current year as a roman number.
(y <- as.roman(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")))
## Today, and  10, 20, 30, and 100 years ago ...
y - 10*c(0:3,10)

## mixture of arabic and roman numbers :
as.roman(c(NA, 1:3, "", strrep("I", 1:6))) # + NA with a warning for "IIIIII"
cc <- c(NA, 1:3, strrep("I", 0:5))
(rc <- as.roman(cc)) # two NAs: 0 is not "roman"
(ic <- as.integer(rc)) # works automatically [without an explicit method]
rNA <- as.roman(NA)
## simple consistency checks -- arithmetic when result is in  {1,2,..,3999} :
stopifnot(identical(rc, as.roman(rc)), # as.roman(.) is "idempotent"
          identical(rc + rc + (3*rc), rc*5),
          identical(ic, c(NA, 1:3, NA, 1:5)),
          identical(as.integer(5*rc), 5L*ic),
          identical(as.numeric(rc), as.numeric(ic)),
          identical(rc[1], rNA),
          identical(as.roman(0), rNA),
          identical(as.roman(NA_character_), rNA),
          identical(as.list(rc), as.list(ic)))
## Non-Arithmetic 'Ops' :
stopifnot(exprs = {
        # Comparisons :
        identical(ic < 1:5, rc < 1:5)
        identical(ic < 1:5, rc < as.roman(1:5))
        # Logic  [integers |-> logical] :
        identical(rc & TRUE , ic & TRUE)
        identical(rc & FALSE, ic & FALSE)
        identical(rc | FALSE, ic | FALSE)
        identical(rc | NA   , ic | NA)
## 'Summary' group functions (and comparison):
(rc. <- rc[!])
stopifnot(exprs = {
        identical(min(rc), as.roman(NA))
        identical(min(rc, na.rm=TRUE),
         as.roman(min(ic, na.rm=TRUE)))
        identical(sum (rc, na.rm=TRUE), as.roman("XXI"))
        identical(format(prod(rc, na.rm=TRUE)), "DCCXX")
        format(prod(rc.)) == "DCCXX"

Enable Profiling of R's Execution


Enable or disable profiling of the execution of R expressions.


Rprof(filename = "Rprof.out", append = FALSE, interval = 0.02,
       memory.profiling = FALSE, gc.profiling = FALSE,
       line.profiling = FALSE, filter.callframes = FALSE,
       numfiles = 100L, bufsize = 10000L,
       event = c("default", "cpu", "elapsed"))



The file to be used for recording the profiling results. Set to NULL or "" to disable profiling.


logical: should the file be over-written or appended to?


real: distance (time interval) between samples in seconds.


logical: write memory use information to the file?


logical: record whether GC is running?


logical: write line locations to the file?


logical: filter out intervening call frames of the call tree. See the filtering out call frames section.

numfiles, bufsize

integers: line profiling memory allocation


character: profiling event, character vector of length one, "elapsed" for elapsed (real, wall-clock) time and "cpu" for CPU time, both measured in seconds. "default" is the default event on the platform, one of the two. See the ‘Details’.


Enabling profiling automatically disables any existing profiling to another or the same file.

Profiling works by writing out the call stack every interval seconds (units of the profiling event), to the file specified. Either the summaryRprof function or the wrapper script R CMD Rprof can be used to process the output file to produce a summary of the usage; use R CMD Rprof --help for usage information.

Exactly what is measured is subtle and depends on the profiling event.

With "elapsed" (the default and only supported event on Windows): it is time that the R process is running and executing an R command. It is not however just CPU time, for if readline() is waiting for input, that counts as well. It is also known as ‘elapsed’ time.

With "cpu" (the default on Unix and typically the preferred event for identifying performance bottlenecks), it is CPU time of the R process, so for example excludes time when R is waiting for input or for processes run by system to return. It may go slower than "elapsed" when the process is often waiting for I/O to finish, but it may go faster with actively computing concurrent threads (say via OpenMP) on a multi-core system.

Note that the (timing) interval cannot be too small. With "cpu", the time spent in each profiling step is currently added to the interval. With all profiling events, the computation in each profiling step causes perturbation to the observed system and biases the results. What is feasible is machine-dependent. On Linux, R requires the interval to be at least 10ms, on all other platforms at least 1ms. Shorter intervals will be rounded up with a warning.

The "default" profiling event is "elapsed" on Windows and "cpu" on Unix.

Support for "elapsed" event on Unix is new and considered experimental. To reduce the risk of missing a sample, R tries to use the (real-time) FIFO scheduling policy with the maximum scheduling priority for an internal thread which initiates collection of each sample. If setting that priority fails, it tries to use the maximum scheduling priority of the current scheduling policy, falling back to the current scheduling parameters. On Linux, regular users are typically not allowed to use the real-time scheduling priorities. This can be usually allowed via PAM (e.g. ‘/etc/security/limits.conf’), see the OS documentation for details. The priorities only matter when profiling a system under high load.

Functions will only be recorded in the profile log if they put a context on the call stack (see sys.calls). Some primitive functions do not do so: specifically those which are of type "special" (see the ‘R Internals’ manual for more details).

Individual statements will be recorded in the profile log if line.profiling is TRUE, and if the code being executed was parsed with source references. See parse for a discussion of source references. By default the statement locations are not shown in summaryRprof, but see that help page for options to enable the display.

Filtering Out Call Frames

Lazy evaluation makes the call stack more complex because intervening call frames are created between the time arguments are applied to a function, and the time they are effectively evaluated. When the call stack is represented as a tree, these intervening frames appear as sibling nodes. For instance, evaluating try(EXPR) produces the following call tree, at the time EXPR gets evaluated:

1. +-base::try(EXPR)
2. | \-base::tryCatch(...)
3. |   \-base:::tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
4. |     \-base:::tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
5. |       \-base:::doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
6. \-EXPR

Lines 2 to 5 are intervening call frames, the last of which finally triggered evaluation of EXPR. Setting filter.callframes to TRUE simplifies the profiler output by removing all sibling nodes of intervening frames.

The same kind of call frame filtering is applied with eval() frames. When you call eval(), two frames are pushed on the stack to ensure a continuity between frames. Say we have these definitions:

calling <- function() evaluator(quote(called()), environment())
evaluator <- function(expr, env) eval(expr, env)
called <- function() EXPR()

calling() calls called() in its own environment, via eval(). The latter is called indirectly through evaluator(). The net effect of this code is identical to just calling called() directly, without the intermediaries. However, the full call stack looks like this:

1. calling()
2. \-evaluator(quote(called()), environment())
3.   \-base::eval(expr, env)
4.     \-base::eval(expr, env)
5.       \-called()
6.         \-EXPR()

When call frame filtering is turned on, the true calling environment of called() is looked up, and the filtered call stack looks like this:

1. calling()
5. \-called()
6.   \-EXPR()

If the calling environment is not on the stack, the function called by eval() becomes a root node. Say we have:

calling <- function() evaluator(quote(called()), new.env())

With call frame filtering we then get the following filtered call stack:

5. called()
6. \-EXPR()


On Unix-alikes:

Profiling is not available on all platforms. By default, support for profiling is compiled in if possible – configure R with --disable-R-profiling to change this.

As R CPU profiling uses the same mechanisms as C profiling, the two cannot be used together, so do not use Rprof(event = "cpu") (the default) in an executable built for C-level profiling (such as using the GCC option -p or -pg).

On Windows:

filename can be a UTF-8-encoded filepath that cannot be translated to the current locale.

The profiler interrupts R asynchronously, and it cannot allocate memory to store results as it runs. This affects line profiling, which needs to store an unknown number of file pathnames. The numfiles and bufsize arguments control the size of pre-allocated buffers to hold these results: the former counts the maximum number of paths, the latter counts the numbers of bytes in them. If the profiler runs out of space it will skip recording the line information for new files, and issue a warning when Rprof(NULL) is called to finish profiling.

See Also

The chapter on “Tidying and profiling R code” in ‘Writing R Extensions’: RShowDoc("R-exts").

summaryRprof to analyse the output file.

tracemem, Rprofmem for other ways to track memory use.


## Not run: Rprof()
## some code to be profiled
## some code NOT to be profiled
Rprof(append = TRUE)
## some code to be profiled
## ...
## Now post-process the output as described in Details

## End(Not run)

Enable Profiling of R's Memory Use


Enable or disable reporting of memory allocation in R.


Rprofmem(filename = "Rprofmem.out", append = FALSE, threshold = 0)



The file to be used for recording the memory allocations. Set to NULL or "" to disable reporting.


logical: should the file be over-written or appended to?


numeric: allocations on R's "large vector" heap larger than this number of bytes will be reported.


Enabling profiling automatically disables any existing profiling to another or the same file.

Profiling writes the call stack to the specified file every time malloc is called to allocate a large vector object or to allocate a page of memory for small objects. The size of a page of memory and the size above which malloc is used for vectors are compile-time constants, by default 2000 and 128 bytes respectively.

The profiler tracks allocations, some of which will be to previously used memory and will not increase the total memory use of R.




The memory profiler slows down R even when not in use, and so is a compile-time option. (It is enabled in a standard Windows build of R.)

The memory profiler can be used at the same time as other R and C profilers.

See Also

The R sampling profiler, Rprof also collects memory information.

tracemem traces duplications of specific objects.

The chapter on ‘Tidying and profiling R code’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.


## Not run: 
## not supported unless R is compiled to support it.
Rprofmem("Rprofmem.out", threshold = 1000)
noquote(readLines("Rprofmem.out", n = 5))

## End(Not run)

Scripting Front-End for R


This is an alternative front end for use in ‘⁠#!⁠’ scripts and other scripting applications.


Rscript [options] file [args]
Rscript [options] -e expr [-e expr2 ...] [args]



a list of options, all beginning with ‘⁠--⁠’. These can be any of the options of the standard R front-end, and also those described in the details.

expr, expr2

R expression(s), properly quoted.


the name of a file containing R commands. ‘⁠-⁠’ indicates ‘stdin’.


arguments to be passed to the script in file or expressions supplied via -e.


Rscript --help gives details of usage, and Rscript --version gives the version of Rscript.

Other invocations invoke the R front-end with selected options. This front-end is convenient for writing ‘⁠#!⁠’ scripts since it is an executable and takes file directly as an argument. Options --no-echo --no-restore are always supplied: these imply --no-save. Arguments that contain spaces cannot be specified directly on the ‘⁠#!⁠’ line, because spaces and tabs are interpreted as delimiters and there is no way to protect them from this interpretation on the ‘⁠#!⁠’ line. (The standard Windows command line has no concept of ‘⁠#!⁠’ scripts, but Cygwin shells do.)

Either one or more -e options or file should be supplied. When using -e options be aware of the quoting rules in the shell used: see the examples.

The prescribed order of arguments is important: e.g. --verbose specified after -e will be part of args and passed to the expression; the same will happen to -e specified after file.

Additional options accepted as part of options (before file or -e) are


gives details of what Rscript is doing.


where list is a comma-separated list of package names or NULL. Sets the environment variable R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES which determines the packages loaded on startup.

Spaces are allowed in expr and file (but will need to be protected from the shell in use, if any, for example by enclosing the argument in quotes).

If --default-packages is not used, then Rscript checks the environment variable R_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_PACKAGES. If this is set, then it takes precedence over R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES.

Normally the version of R is determined at installation, but this can be overridden by setting the environment variable RHOME.

stdin() refers to the input file, and file("stdin") to the stdin file stream of the process.


Rscript is only supported on systems with the execv system call.


## Not run: 
Rscript -e 'date()' -e 'format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y")'

# Get the same initial packages in the same order as default R:
Rscript --default-packages=methods,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats -e 'sessionInfo()'

## example #! script for a Unix-alike
## (arguments given on the #! line end up as [options] to Rscript, while
## arguments passed to the #! script end up as [args], so available to
## commandArgs())
#! /path/to/Rscript --vanilla --default-packages=utils
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
res <- try(install.packages(args))
if(inherits(res, "try-error")) q(status=1) else q()

## End(Not run)

Show R Manuals and Other Documentation


Utility function to find and display R documentation.


RShowDoc(what, type = c("pdf", "html", "txt"), package)



a character string: see ‘Details’.


an optional character string giving the preferred format. Can be abbreviated.


an optional character string specifying the name of a package within which to look for documentation.


what can specify one of several different sources of documentation, including the R manuals (R-admin, R-data, R-exts, R-intro, R-ints, R-lang), NEWS, COPYING (the GPL licence), any of the licenses in ‘share/licenses’, FAQ (also available as R-FAQ), and the files in ‘R_HOME/doc’.

Only on Windows, the R for Windows FAQ is specified by rw-FAQ.

If package is supplied, documentation is looked for in the ‘doc’ and top-level directories of an installed package of that name.

If what is missing a brief usage message is printed.

The documentation types are tried in turn starting with the first specified in type (or "pdf" if none is specified).


A invisible character string given the path to the file found.

See Also

For displaying regular help files, help (or ?) and help.start.

For type = "txt", is used. vignettes are nicely viewed via RShowDoc(*, package= . ).


RShowDoc("FAQ", type = "html")
RShowDoc("frame", package = "grid")
RShowDoc("changes.txt", package = "grid")
RShowDoc("NEWS", package = "MASS")

Search for Key Words or Phrases in Documentation


Search for key words or phrases in various documentation, such as R manuals, help pages of base and CRAN packages, vignettes, task views and others, using the search engine at and view them in a web browser.


            restrict = c("functions", "descriptions", "news", "Rfunctions",
                         "Rmanuals", "READMEs", "views", "vignettes"),
            sortby = c("score", "date:late", "date:early", "subject",
                       "subject:descending", "size", "size:descending"),
            matchesPerPage = 20,
            words = c("all", "any"))



A character string specifying word(s) or phrase(s) to search. If the words are to be searched as one entity, enclose them either in (escaped) quotes or in braces.


A character vector, typically of length greater than one. Values can be abbreviated. Possible areas to search in: functions for help pages of CRAN packages, descriptions for extended descriptions of CRAN packages, news for package NEWS, Rfunctions for help pages of R base packages, Rmanuals for R manuals, READMEs for ‘README’ files of CRAN packages, views for task views, vignettes for package vignettes.




character string (can be abbreviated) indicating how to sort the search results:
(score, date:late for sorting by date with latest results first, date:early for earliest first, subject for captions in alphabetical order, subject:descending for reverse alphabetical order, size or size:descending for size.)


How many items to show per page.


Show results matching all words/phrases (default) or any of them.


This function is designed to work with the search site at

Unique partial matches will work for all arguments. Each new browser window will stay open unless you close it.


(Invisibly) the complete URL passed to the browser, including the query string.


Andy Liaw and Jonathan Baron and Gennadiy Starostin

See Also, help.start for local searches.

browseURL for how the help file is displayed.


# need Internet connection
## for phrase searching you may use (escaped) double quotes or brackets
RSiteSearch("{logistic regression} \"glm object\"")
RSiteSearch('"logistic regression"')

## Search in vignettes and help files of R base packages
## store the query string:
fullquery <- RSiteSearch("lattice", restrict = c("vignettes","Rfunctions"))
fullquery # a string of 112 characters

An Etags-like Tagging Utility for R


rtags provides etags-like indexing capabilities for R code, using R's own parser.


rtags(path = ".", pattern = "\\.[RrSs]$",
      recursive = FALSE,
      src = list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern,
                       full.names = TRUE,
                       recursive = recursive), = NULL,
      ofile = "", append = FALSE,
      verbose = getOption("verbose"),
      type = c("etags", "ctags"))


path, pattern, recursive

Arguments passed on to list.files to determine the files to be tagged. By default, these are all files with extension ‘.R’, ‘.r’, ‘.S’, and ‘.s’ in the current directory. These arguments are ignored if src is specified.


A vector of file names to be indexed.

A regular expression further restricting src (the files to be indexed). For example, specifying = "/R/[^/]*\\.R$" will only retain files with extension ‘.R’ inside a directory named ‘R’.


Passed on to cat as the file argument; typically the output file where the tags will be written ("TAGS" or "tags" by convention). By default, the output is written to the R console (unless redirected).


Logical, indicating whether the output should overwrite an existing file, or append to it.


Logical. If TRUE, file names are echoed to the R console as they are processed.


Character string specifying whether emacs style ("etags") or vi style ("ctags") tags are to be generated.


Many text editors allow definitions of functions and other language objects to be quickly and easily located in source files through a tagging utility. This functionality requires the relevant source files to be preprocessed, producing an index (or tag) file containing the names and their corresponding locations. There are multiple tag file formats, the most popular being the vi-style ctags format and the and emacs-style etags format. Tag files in these formats are usually generated by the ctags and etags utilities respectively. Unfortunately, these programs do not recognize R code syntax. They do allow tagging of arbitrary language files through regular expressions, but this too is insufficient.

The rtags function is intended to be a tagging utility for R code. It parses R code files (using R's parser) and produces tags in both etags and ctags formats. The support for vi-style ctags is rudimentary, and was adapted from a patch by Neal Fultz; see PR#17214.

It may be more convenient to use the command-line wrapper script R CMD rtags.


Deepayan Sarkar


See Also

list.files, cat


## Not run: 
      pattern = "[.]*\\.[RrSs]$", = "/R/",
      verbose = TRUE,
      ofile = "TAGS",
      append = FALSE,
      recursive = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

R Driver for Stangle


A driver for Stangle that extracts R code chunks. Notably all RtangleSetup() arguments may be used as arguments in the Stangle() call.


RtangleSetup(file, syntax, output = NULL, annotate = TRUE,
             split = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, drop.evalFALSE = FALSE, ...)



name of Sweave source file. See the description of the corresponding argument of Sweave.


an object of class SweaveSyntax.


name of output file used unless split = TRUE: see ‘Details’.


a logical or function. When true, as by default, code chunks are separated by comment lines specifying the names and line numbers of the code chunks. If FALSE the decorating comments are omitted. Alternatively, annotate may be a function, see section ‘Chunk annotation’.


split output into a file for each code chunk?


logical to suppress all progress messages.


logical; When false, as by default, all chunks with option eval = FALSE are commented out in the output; otherwise (drop.evalFALSE = TRUE) they are omitted entirely.


additional named arguments setting defaults for further options listed in ‘Supported Options’.


Unless split = TRUE, the default name of the output file is basename(file) with an extension corresponding to the Sweave syntax (e.g., ‘Rnw’, ‘Stex’) replaced by ‘R’. File names "stdout" and "stderr" are interpreted as the output and message connection respectively.

If splitting is selected (including by the options in the file), each chunk is written to a separate file with extension the name of the ‘engine’ (default ‘.R’).

Note that this driver does more than simply extract the code chunks verbatim, because chunks may re-use earlier chunks.

Chunk annotation (annotate)

By default annotate = TRUE, the annotation is of one of the forms

### code chunk number 3: viewport

### code chunk number 18: grid.Rnw:647-648

### code chunk number 19: trellisdata (eval = FALSE)

using either the chunk label (if present, i.e., when specified in the source) or the file name and line numbers.

annotate may be a function with formal arguments (options, chunk, output), e.g. to produce less dominant chunk annotations; see Rtangle()$runcode how it is called instead of the default.

Supported Options

Rtangle supports the following options for code chunks (the values in parentheses show the default values):


character string ("R"). Only chunks with engine equal to "R" or "S" are processed.


logical (TRUE). If keep.source == TRUE the original source is copied to the file. Otherwise, deparsed source is output.


logical (TRUE). If FALSE, the code chunk is copied across but commented out.


Used if split = TRUE. See prefix.string.


a character string, default is the name of the source file (without extension). Used if split = TRUE as the prefix for the filename if the chunk has no label, or if it has a label and prefix = TRUE. Note that this is used as part of filenames, so needs to be portable.


logical (FALSE). Should the output be annotated with comments showing the line number of the first code line of the chunk?


Friedrich Leisch and R-core.

See Also

Sweave User Manual’, a vignette in the utils package.

Sweave, RweaveLatex


nmRnw <- "example-1.Rnw"
exfile <- system.file("Sweave", nmRnw, package = "utils")
## Create R source file
nmR <- sub("Rnw$", "R", nmRnw) # the (default) R output file name

## Smaller R source file with custom annotation:
my.Ann <- function(options, chunk, output) {
  cat("### chunk #", options$chunknr, ": ",
      if(!is.null(ol <- options$label)) ol else .RtangleCodeLabel(chunk),
      if(!options$eval) " (eval = FALSE)", "\n",
      file = output, sep = "")
Stangle(exfile, annotate = my.Ann)

Stangle(exfile, annotate = my.Ann, drop.evalFALSE=TRUE)

R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave


A driver for Sweave that translates R code chunks in LaTeX files by “running them”, i.e., parse() and eval() each.



RweaveLatexSetup(file, syntax, output = NULL, quiet = FALSE,
                 debug = FALSE, stylepath, ...)



Name of Sweave source file. See the description of the corresponding argument of Sweave.


An object of class SweaveSyntax.


Name of output file. The default is to remove extension ‘.nw’, ‘.Rnw’ or ‘.Snw’ and to add extension ‘.tex’. Any directory paths in file are also removed such that the output is created in the current working directory.


If TRUE all progress messages are suppressed.


If TRUE, input and output of all code chunks is copied to the console.


See ‘Details’.


named values for the options listed in ‘Supported Options’.


The LaTeX file generated needs to contain the line ‘⁠\usepackage{Sweave}⁠’, and if this is not present in the Sweave source file (possibly in a comment), it is inserted by the RweaveLatex driver as last line before the ‘⁠\begin{document}⁠’ statement. If stylepath = TRUE, a hard-coded path to the file ‘Sweave.sty’ in the R installation is set in place of Sweave. The hard-coded path makes the LaTeX file less portable, but avoids the problem of installing the current version of ‘Sweave.sty’ to some place in your TeX input path. However, TeX may not be able to process the hard-coded path if it contains spaces (as it often will under Windows) or TeX special characters.

The default for stylepath is now taken from the environment variable SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT, or is FALSE it that is unset or empty. If set, it should be exactly TRUE or FALSE: any other values are taken as FALSE.

The simplest way for frequent Sweave users to ensure that ‘Sweave.sty’ is in the TeX input path is to add ‘R_HOME/share/texmf’ as a ‘texmf tree’ (‘root directory’ in the parlance of the ‘MiKTeX settings’ utility).

By default, ‘Sweave.sty’ loads the ‘⁠graphicx⁠’ LaTeX package and sets the width of all included graphics to:

This setting (defined in the ‘⁠graphicx⁠’ package) affects the width size option passed to the ‘⁠\includegraphics{}⁠’ directive for each plot file and in turn impacts the scaling of your plot files as they will appear in your final document.

Thus, for example, you may set width=3 in your figure chunk and the generated graphics files will be set to 3 inches in width. However, the width of your graphic in your final document will be set to ‘⁠0.8\textwidth⁠’ and the height dimension will be scaled accordingly. Fonts and symbols will be similarly scaled in the final document.

You can adjust the default value by including the ‘⁠\setkeys{Gin}{width=...}⁠’ directive in your ‘.Rnw’ file after the ‘⁠\begin{document}⁠’ directive and changing the width option value as you prefer, using standard LaTeX measurement values.

If you wish to override this default behavior entirely, you can add a ‘⁠\usepackage[nogin]{Sweave}⁠’ directive in your preamble. In this case, no size/scaling options will be passed to the ‘⁠\includegraphics{}⁠’ directive and the height and width options will determine both the runtime generated graphic file sizes and the size of the graphics in your final document.

Sweave.sty’ also supports the ‘⁠[nofontenc]⁠’ option, which skips the default inclusion of ‘⁠\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}⁠’ for pdfTeX processing.

It also supports the ‘⁠[inconsolata]⁠’ option, to render monospaced text in inconsolata, the font used by default for R help pages.

The use of fancy quotes (see sQuote) can cause problems when setting R output in non-UTF-8 locales (note that pdfTeX assumes UTF-8 by default since 2018). Either set options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) or arrange that LaTeX is aware of the encoding used and ensure that typewriter fonts containing directional quotes are used.

Some LaTeX graphics drivers do not include ‘⁠.png⁠’ or ‘⁠.jpg⁠’ in the list of known extensions. To enable them, add something like ‘⁠\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png,.pdf,.jpg}⁠’ to the preamble of your document or check the behavior of your graphics driver. When both pdf and png are TRUE both files will be produced by Sweave, and their order in the ‘⁠DeclareGraphicsExtensions⁠’ list determines which will be used by pdflatex.

Supported Options

RweaveLatex supports the following options for code chunks (the values in parentheses show the default values). Character string values should be quoted when passed from Sweave through ... but not when used in the header of a code chunk.


character string ("R"). Only chunks with engine equal to "R" or "S" are processed.


logical (TRUE). Include R code in the output file?


logical (TRUE). When echoing, if TRUE the original source is copied to the file. Otherwise, deparsed source is echoed.


logical (TRUE). If FALSE, the code chunk is not evaluated, and hence no text nor graphical output produced.


character string ("verbatim"). If "verbatim", the output of R commands is included in the verbatim-like ‘⁠Soutput⁠’ environment. If "tex", the output is taken to be already proper LaTeX markup and included as is. If "hide" then all output is completely suppressed (but the code executed during the weave). Values can be abbreviated.


logical (FALSE). If TRUE, this forces auto-printing of all expressions.


logical (TRUE). If TRUE, visibility of values emulates an interactive R session: values of assignments are not printed, values of single objects are printed. If FALSE, output comes only from explicit print or similar statements.


logical (FALSE). If TRUE, text output is written to separate files for each code chunk.


character string ("true"). If "true", blank lines at the beginning and end of output are removed. If "all", then all blank lines are removed from the output. If "false" then blank lines are retained.

A ‘blank line’ is one that is empty or includes only whitespace (spaces and tabs).

Note that blank lines in a code chunk will usually produce a prompt string rather than a blank line on output.


logical (TRUE). If TRUE generated filenames of figures and output all have the common prefix given by the prefix.string option: otherwise only unlabelled chunks use the prefix.


a character string, default is the name of the source file (without extension). Note that this is used as part of filenames, so needs to be portable.


logical (TRUE), indicating whether input statements for text output (if split = TRUE) and ‘⁠\includegraphics⁠’ statements for figures should be auto-generated. Use include = FALSE if the output should appear in a different place than the code chunk (by placing the input line manually).


logical (FALSE), indicating whether the code chunk produces graphical output. Note that only one figure per code chunk can be processed this way. The labels for figure chunks are used as part of the file names, so should preferably be alphanumeric.


logical (FALSE), indicating whether EPS figures should be generated. Ignored if fig = FALSE.


logical (TRUE), indicating whether PDF figures should be generated. Ignored if fig = FALSE.

pdf.version, pdf.encoding, pdf.compress:

passed to pdf to set the version, encoding and compression (or not). Defaults taken from pdf.options().


logical (FALSE), indicating whether PNG figures should be generated. Ignored if fig = FALSE. Only available in R2.13.0\R \ge 2.13.0.


logical (FALSE), indicating whether JPEG figures should be generated. Ignored if fig = FALSE. Only available in R2.13.0\R \ge 2.13.0.


character (NULL): see section ‘Custom Graphics Devices’. Ignored if fig = FALSE. Only available in R2.13.0\R \ge 2.13.0.


numeric (6), width of figures in inches. See ‘Details’.


numeric (6), height of figures in inches. See ‘Details’.


numeric (300), resolution in pixels per inch: used for PNG and JPEG graphics. Note that the default is a fairly high value, appropriate for high-quality plots. Something like 100 is a better choice for package vignettes.


logical (FALSE). Write a concordance file to link the input line numbers to the output line numbers.


logical (FALSE). By default each figure chunk is run once, then re-run for each selected type of graphics. That will open a default graphics device for the first figure chunk and use that device for the first evaluation of all subsequent chunks. If this option is true, the figure chunk is run only for each selected type of graphics, for which a new graphics device is opened and then closed.

In addition, users can specify further options, either in the header of an individual code section or in a ‘⁠\SweaveOpts{}⁠’ line in the document. For unknown options, their type is set at first use.

Custom Graphics Devices

If option grdevice is supplied for a code chunk with both fig and eval true, the following call is made

  get(options$grdevice, envir = .GlobalEnv)(name=, width=,
                                            height=, options)

which should open a graphics device. The chunk's code is then evaluated and is called. Normally a function of the name given will have been defined earlier in the Sweave document, e.g.

my.Swd <- function(name, width, height, ...)
  grDevices::png(filename = paste(name, "png", sep = "."),
                 width = width, height = height, res = 100,
                 units = "in", type = "quartz", bg = "transparent")

Alternatively for R >= 3.4.0, if the function exists in a package (rather than the .GlobalEnv) it can be used by setting grdevice = "pkg::my.Swd" (or with ‘⁠:::⁠’ instead of ‘⁠::⁠’ if the function is not exported).

Currently only one custom device can be used for each chunk, but different devices can be used for different chunks.

A replacement for can be provided as a function with suffix .off, e.g. or, respectively.

Hook Functions

Before each code chunk is evaluated, zero or more hook functions can be executed. If getOption("SweaveHooks") is set, it is taken to be a named list of hook functions. For each logical option of a code chunk (echo, print, ...) a hook can be specified, which is executed if and only if the respective option is TRUE. Hooks must be named elements of the list returned by getOption("SweaveHooks") and be functions taking no arguments. E.g., if option "SweaveHooks" is defined as list(fig = foo), and foo is a function, then it would be executed before the code in each figure chunk. This is especially useful to set defaults for the graphical parameters in a series of figure chunks.

Note that the user is free to define new Sweave logical options and associate arbitrary hooks with them. E.g., one could define a hook function for a new option called clean that removes all objects in the workspace. Then all code chunks specified with clean = TRUE would start operating on an empty workspace.


Friedrich Leisch and R-core

See Also

Sweave User Manual’, a vignette in the utils package.

Sweave, Rtangle

R for Windows Configuration


The file ‘Rconsole’ configures the R GUI (Rgui) console under MS Windows and loadRconsole(*) loads a new configuration.

The file ‘Rdevga’ configures the graphics devices windows, win.graph, win.metafile and win.print, as well as the bitmap devices bmp, jpeg, png and tiff (which use for type = "windows" use windows internally).





The file from which to load a new ‘Rconsole’ configuration. By default a file dialog is used to select a file.


There are system copies of these files in ‘R_HOME\etc’. Users can have personal copies of the files: these are looked for in the location given by the environment variable R_USER. The system files are read only if a corresponding personal file is not found.

If the environment variable R_USER is not set, the R system sets it to HOME if that is set (stripping any trailing slash), otherwise to the Windows ‘personal’ directory, otherwise to {HOMEDRIVE}{HOMEPATH} if HOMEDRIVE and HOMEDRIVE are both set otherwise to the working directory. This is as described in the file ‘rw-FAQ’.


Each of the files contains details in its comments of how to set the values.

At the time of writing ‘Rdevga’ configured the mapping of font numbers to fonts, and ‘Rconsole’ configured the appearance (single or multiple document interface, toolbar, status bar on MDI), size, font and colours of the GUI console, and whether resizing the console sets options("width").

The file ‘Rconsole’ also configures the internal pager. This shares the font and colours of the console, but can be sized separately.

Rconsole’ can also set the initial positions of the console and the graphics device, as well as the size and position of the MDI workspace in MDI mode.

loadRconsole is called for its side effect of loading new defaults. It returns no useful value.


Users of these languages will need to select a suitable font for the console (perhaps MS Mincho) and for the graphics device (although the default Arial has many East Asian characters). It is essential that the font selected for the console has double-width East Asian characters – many monospaced fonts do not.


The GUI preferences item on the Edit menu brings up an dialog box which can be used to edit the console settings, and to save them to a file.

This is only available on Windows.


Guido Masarotto and R-core members

See Also



if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({
  ruser <- Sys.getenv("R_USER")
  cat("\n\nLocation for personal configuration files is\n   R_USER = ",
      ruser, "\n\n", sep = "")
  ## see if there are personal configuration files
  file.exists(file.path(ruser, c("Rconsole", "Rdevga")))

  ## show the configuration files used
  showConfig <- function(file)
      ruser <- Sys.getenv("R_USER")
      path <- file.path(ruser, file)
      if(!file.exists(path)) path <- file.path(R.home(), "etc", file), header = path)

Load or Save or Display the Commands History


Load or save or display the commands history.


loadhistory(file = ".Rhistory")
savehistory(file = ".Rhistory")

history( = 25, reverse = FALSE, pattern, ...)

timestamp(stamp = date(),
          prefix = "##------ ", suffix = " ------##",
          quiet = FALSE)



The name of the file in which to save the history, or from which to load it. The path is relative to the current working directory.

The maximum number of lines to show. Inf will give all of the currently available history.


logical. If true, the lines are shown in reverse order. Note: this is not useful when there are continuation lines.


A character string to be matched against the lines of the history. When supplied, only unique matching lines are shown.


Arguments to be passed to grep when doing the matching.


A value or vector of values to be written into the history.


A prefix to apply to each line.


A suffix to apply to each line.


If TRUE, suppress printing timestamp to the console.


There are several history mechanisms available for the different R consoles, which work in similar but not identical ways. Notably, there are different implementations for Unix and Windows.


The functions described here work in Rgui and interactive Rterm but not in batch use of Rterm nor in embedded/DCOM versions.


The functions described here work under the readline command-line interface but may not otherwise (for example, in batch use or in an embedded application). Note that R can be built without readline., the console on macOS, has a separate and largely incompatible history mechanism, which by default uses a file ‘.Rapp.history’ and saves up to 250 entries. These functions are not currently implemented there.

The (readline on Unix-alikes) history mechanism is controlled by two environment variables: R_HISTSIZE controls the number of lines that are saved (default 512), and R_HISTFILE (default ‘.Rhistory’) sets the filename used for the loading/saving of history if requested at the beginning/end of a session (but not the default for loadhistory/savehistory). There is no limit on the number of lines of history retained during a session, so setting R_HISTSIZE to a large value has no penalty unless a large file is actually generated.

These environment variables are read at the time of saving, so can be altered within a session by the use of Sys.setenv.

On Unix-alikes: Note that readline history library saves files with permission 0600, that is with read/write permission for the user and not even read permission for any other account.

The timestamp function writes a timestamp (or other message) into the history and echos it to the console. On platforms that do not support a history mechanism only the console message is printed.


If you want to save the history at the end of (almost) every interactive session (even those in which you do not save the workspace), you can put a call to savehistory() in .Last. See the examples.


## Not run: 
## Save the history in the home directory: note that it is not
## (by default) read from there but from the current directory
.Last <- function()
    if(interactive()) try(savehistory("~/.Rhistory"))

## End(Not run)

Select Items from a List


Select item(s) from a character vector.


select.list(choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
            title = NULL, graphics = getOption(""))



a character vector of items.


a character vector, or NULL. If non-null and if the string(s) appear in the list, the item(s) are selected initially.


logical: can more than one item be selected?


optional character string for window title, or NULL for no title.


logical: should a graphical widget be used?


The normal default is graphics = TRUE.

On Windows,

this brings up a modal dialog box with a (scrollable) list of items, which can be selected by the mouse. If multiple is true, further items can be selected or deselected by holding the control key down whilst selecting, and shift-clicking can be used to select ranges.

Normal termination is via the ‘OK’ button or by hitting Enter or double-clicking an item. Selection can be aborted via the ‘Cancel’ button or pressing Escape.

Under the macOS GUI,

this brings up a modal dialog box with a (scrollable) list of items, which can be selected by the mouse.

On other Unix-like platforms

it will use a Tcl/Tk listbox widget if possible.

If graphics is FALSE or no graphical widget is available it displays a text list from which the user can choose by number(s). The multiple = FALSE case uses menu. Preselection is only supported for multiple = TRUE, where it is indicated by a "+" preceding the item.

It is an error to use select.list in a non-interactive session.


A character vector of selected items. If multiple is false and no item was selected (or Cancel was used), "" is returned. If multiple is true and no item was selected (or Cancel was used) then a character vector of length 0 is returned.

See Also

menu, tk_select.list for a graphical version using Tcl/Tk.


## Not run: 
select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))

## End(Not run)

Collect Information About the Current R Session


Get and report version information about R, the OS and attached or loaded packages.

The print() and toLatex() methods (for a "sessionInfo" object) show the locale and timezone information by default, when locale or tzone are true. The system.codepage is only shown when it is not empty, i.e., only on Windows, and if it differs from, see below or l10n_info().


sessionInfo(package = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'sessionInfo'
print(x, locale = TRUE, tzone = locale,
      RNG = !identical(x$RNGkind, .RNGdefaults), ...)
## S3 method for class 'sessionInfo'
toLatex(object, locale = TRUE, tzone = locale,
        RNG = !identical(object$RNGkind, .RNGdefaults), ...)



a character vector naming installed packages, or NULL (the default) meaning all attached packages.


an object of class "sessionInfo".


an object of class "sessionInfo".


show locale, by default tzone, and (on Windows) code page information?


show time zone information?


show information on RNGkind()? Defaults to true iff it differs from the R version's default, i.e., RNGversion(*).


currently not used.


sessionInfo() returns an object of class "sessionInfo" which has print and toLatex methods. This is a list with components


a list, the result of calling R.Version().


a character string describing the platform R was built under. Where sub-architectures are in use this is of the form ‘⁠platform/sub-arch⁠’: 32-bit builds have (32-bit) appended


a character string (or possibly NULL), the same as osVersion, see below.


a character vector, the result of calling RNGkind().


a character string, the result of calling getOption("matprod").


a character string, the result of calling extSoftVersion()["BLAS"].


a character string, the result of calling La_library().


a character string, the result of calling La_version().


a character string, the result of calling Sys.getlocale().


a character string, the result of calling Sys.timezone().


a character string indicating source (system/internal) of the date-time conversion and printing functions.


a character vector of base packages which are attached.


(not always present): a named list of the results of calling packageDescription on other attached packages.


(not always present): a named list of the results of calling packageDescription on packages whose namespaces are loaded but are not attached.


osVersion is a character string (or possibly NULL on bizarre platforms) describing the OS and version which it is running under (as distinct from built under). This attempts to name a Linux distribution and give the OS name on an Apple Mac.

It is the same as sessionInfo()$running and created when loading the utils package.

Windows may report unexpected versions: see the help for win.version.

How OSes identify themselves and their versions can be arcane: where possible osVersion (and hence sessionInfo()$running) uses a human-readable form.

Where R was compiled under macOS 10.x (as the CRAN Intel distributions were prior to R 4.3.0) but running under ‘Big Sur’ or later, macOS reports itself as ‘⁠10.16⁠’ (which R recognizes as ‘Big Sur ...’) and not ‘⁠11⁠’, ‘⁠12⁠’, ....


The information on ‘loaded’ packages and namespaces is the current version installed at the location the package was loaded from: it can be wrong if another process has been changing packages during the session.

See Also

R.version, R_compiled_by


sI <- sessionInfo()
# The same, showing the RNGkind, but not the locale :
  print(sI, RNG = TRUE, locale = FALSE)
toLatex(sI, locale = FALSE) # shortest; possibly desirable at end of report

Select Package Repositories


Interact with the user to choose the package repositories to be used.


setRepositories(graphics = getOption(""),
                ind = NULL, addURLs = character(), name = NULL)



Logical. If true, use a graphical list: on Windows or macOS GUI use a list box, and on a Unix-alike if tcltk and an X server are available, use Tk widget. Otherwise use a text menu.


NULL or a vector of integer indices, which have the same effect as if they were entered at the prompt for graphics = FALSE.


NULL or character vector of names of the repositories in the repository table which has the same effect as passing the corresponding indices to ind.


A character vector of additional URLs: it is often helpful to use a named vector.


The default list of known repositories is stored in the file ‘R_HOME/etc/repositories’. That file can be edited for a site, or a user can have a personal copy in the file pointed to by the environment variable R_REPOSITORIES, or if this is unset, NULL or does not exist, in ‘HOME/.R/repositories’, which will take precedence.

A Bioconductor mirror can be selected by setting options("BioC_mirror"), e.g. via chooseBioCmirror — the default value is ‘⁠""⁠’. This version of R chooses Bioconductor version 3.19 by default, but that can be changed via the environment variable R_BIOC_VERSION.

The items that are preselected are those that are currently in options("repos") plus those marked as default in the list of known repositories.

The list of repositories offered depends on the setting of option "pkgType" as some repositories only offer a subset of types (e.g., only source packages or not macOS binary packages). Further, for binary packages some repositories (notably R-Forge) only offer packages for the current or recent versions of R. (Type "both" is equivalent to "source".)

Repository ‘⁠CRAN⁠’ is treated specially: the value is taken from the current setting of getOption("repos") if this has an element "CRAN": this ensures mirror selection is sticky.

This function requires the R session to be interactive unless ind or name is supplied. The latter overrides the former if both are supplied and values are not case-sensitive. If any of the supplied names does not match, an error is raised.


This function is invoked mainly for its side effect of updating options("repos"). It returns (invisibly) the previous repos options setting (as a list with component repos) or NULL if no changes were applied.


This does not set the list of repositories at startup: to do so set options(repos =) in a start up file (see help topic Startup) or via a customized ‘repositories’ file.

See Also

chooseCRANmirror, chooseBioCmirror, install.packages.


## Not run: 
setRepositories(addURLs =
                c(CRANxtras = ""))

## End(Not run)
oldrepos <- setRepositories(name = c("CRAN", "R-Forge"))
options(oldrepos) # restore

Set the Window Title or the Status Bar of the RGui in Windows


Set or get the title of the R (i.e. RGui) window which will appear in the task bar, or set the status bar (if in use).


setWindowTitle(suffix, title = paste(getIdentification(), suffix))






a character string to form part of the title


a character string forming the complete new title


a character string of up to 255 characters, to be displayed in the status bar.


setWindowTitle appends suffix to the normal window identification (RGui, R Console or Rterm). Use suffix = "" to reset the title.

getWindowTitle gets the current title.

This sets the title of the frame in MDI mode, the title of the console for RGui --sdi, and the title of the window from which it was launched for Rterm. It has no effect in embedded uses of R.

getIdentification returns the normal window identification.

setStatusBar sets the text in the status bar of an MDI frame: if this is not currently shown it is selected and shown.


The first three functions return a length 1 character vector.

setWindowTitle returns the previous window title (invisibly).

getWindowTitle and getIdentification return the current window title and the normal window identification, respectively.


These functions are only available on Windows and only make sense when using the Rgui. E.g., in Rterm (and hence in ESS) the title is not visible (but can be set and gotten), and in a version of RStudio it has been "", invariably.


if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({
## show the current working directory in the title, saving the old one
oldtitle <- setWindowTitle(getwd())
## reset the title
## restore the original title
setWindowTitle(title = oldtitle)

Build Shared Object/DLL for Dynamic Loading


Compile the given source files and then link all specified object files into a shared object aka DLL which can be loaded into R using dyn.load or library.dynam.


R CMD SHLIB [options] [-o dllname] files



a list specifying the object files to be included in the shared object/DLL. You can also include the name of source files (for which the object files are automagically made from their sources) and library linking commands.


the full name of the shared object/DLL to be built, including the extension (typically ‘.so’ on Unix systems, and ‘.dll’ on Windows). If not given, the basename of the object/DLL is taken from the basename of the first file.


Further options to control the processing. Use R CMD SHLIB --help for a current list.


R CMD SHLIB is the mechanism used by INSTALL to compile source code in packages. It will generate suitable compilation commands for C, C++, Objective C(++) and Fortran sources: Fortran 90/95 sources can also be used but it may not be possible to mix these with other languages (on most platforms it is possible to mix with C, but mixing with C++ rarely works).

Please consult section ‘Creating shared objects’ in the manual ‘Writing R Extensions’ for how to customize it (for example to add cpp flags and to add libraries to the link step) and for details of some of its quirks.

Items in files with extensions ‘.c’, ‘.cpp’, ‘.cc’, ‘.C’, ‘.f’, ‘.f90’, ‘.f95’, ‘.m’ (Objective-C), ‘.M’ and ‘.mm’ (Objective-C++) are regarded as source files, and those with extension ‘.o’ as object files. All other items are passed to the linker.

Objective C(++) support is optional when R was configured: their main usage is on macOS.

Note that the appropriate run-time libraries will be used when linking if C++, Fortran or Objective C(++) sources are supplied, but not for compiled object files from these languages.

Option -n (also known as --dry-run) will show the commands that would be run without actually executing them.


Some binary distributions of R have SHLIB in a separate bundle, e.g., an R-devel RPM.

See Also

COMPILE, dyn.load, library.dynam.

The ‘R Installation and Administration’ and ‘Writing R Extensions’ manuals, including the section on ‘Customizing package compilation’ in the former.


## Not run: 
# To link against a library not on the system library paths:
R CMD SHLIB -o a.f b.f -L/opt/acml3.5.0/gnu64/lib -lacml

## End(Not run)

Express File Paths in Short Form on Windows


Convert file paths to the short form. This is an interface to the Windows API call GetShortPathNameW.





character vector of file paths.


For most file systems, the short form is the ‘DOS’ form with 8+3 path components and no spaces, and this used to be guaranteed. But some file systems on recent versions of Windows do not have short path names when the long-name path will be returned instead.


A character vector. The path separator will be ‘⁠\⁠’. If a file path does not exist, the supplied path will be returned with slashes replaced by backslashes.


This is only available on Windows.

See Also



if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({

  cat(shortPathName(c(R.home(), tempdir())), sep = "\n")


Source Reference Utilities


These functions extract information from source references.


getSrcFilename(x, full.names = FALSE, unique = TRUE)
getSrcDirectory(x, unique = TRUE)
getSrcLocation(x, which = c("line", "column", "byte", "parse"),
               first = TRUE)



An object (typically a function) containing source references.


Whether to include the full path in the filename result.


Whether to list only unique filenames/directories.


Which part of a source reference to extract. Can be abbreviated.


Whether to show the first (or last) location of the object.


Each statement of a function will have its own source reference if the "keep.source" option is TRUE. These functions retrieve all of them.

The components are as follows:


The line number where the object starts or ends.


The column number where the object starts or ends. Horizontal tabs are converted to spaces.


As for "column", but counting bytes, which may differ in case of multibyte characters (and horizontal tabs).


As for "line", but this ignores #line directives.


getSrcFilename and getSrcDirectory return character vectors holding the filename/directory.

getSrcref returns a list of "srcref" objects or NULL if there are none.

getSrcLocation returns an integer vector of the requested type of locations.

See Also

srcref, getParseData


fn <- function(x) {
  x + 1 # A comment, kept as part of the source

# Show the temporary file directory
# where the example was saved

getSrcLocation(fn, "line")

Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List


Stacking vectors concatenates multiple vectors into a single vector along with a factor indicating where each observation originated. Unstacking reverses this operation.


stack(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
stack(x, drop=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
stack(x, select, drop=FALSE, ...)

unstack(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
unstack(x, form, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
unstack(x, form, ...)



a list or data frame to be stacked or unstacked.


an expression, indicating which variable(s) to select from a data frame.


a two-sided formula whose left side evaluates to the vector to be unstacked and whose right side evaluates to the indicator of the groups to create. Defaults to formula(x) in the data frame method for unstack.


Whether to drop the unused levels from the “ind” column of the return value.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The stack function is used to transform data available as separate columns in a data frame or list into a single column that can be used in an analysis of variance model or other linear model. The unstack function reverses this operation.

Note that stack applies to vectors (as determined by is.vector): non-vector columns (e.g., factors) will be ignored with a warning. Where vectors of different types are selected they are concatenated by unlist whose help page explains how the type of the result is chosen.

These functions are generic: the supplied methods handle data frames and objects coercible to lists by as.list.


unstack produces a list of columns according to the formula form. If all the columns have the same length, the resulting list is coerced to a data frame.

stack produces a data frame with two columns:


the result of concatenating the selected vectors in x.


a factor indicating from which vector in x the observation originated.


Douglas Bates

See Also

lm, reshape


formula(PlantGrowth)         # check the default formula
pg <- unstack(PlantGrowth)   # unstack according to this formula
stack(pg)                    # now put it back together
stack(pg, select = -ctrl)    # omitting one vector

Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object


Compactly display the internal structure of an R object, a diagnostic function and an alternative to summary (and to some extent, dput). Ideally, only one line for each ‘basic’ structure is displayed. It is especially well suited to compactly display the (abbreviated) contents of (possibly nested) lists. The idea is to give reasonable output for any R object. It calls args for (non-primitive) function objects.

strOptions() is a convenience function for setting options(str = .), see the examples.


str(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
str(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:
str(object, max.level = NA,
    vec.len  = strO$vec.len, digits.d = strO$digits.d,
    nchar.max = 128, give.attr = TRUE,
    drop.deparse.attr = strO$drop.deparse.attr,
    give.head = TRUE, give.length = give.head,
    width = getOption("width"), nest.lev = 0,
    indent.str = paste(" ", max(0, nest.lev + 1)),
                       collapse = ".."),
    comp.str = "$ ", no.list = FALSE, envir = baseenv(),
    strict.width = strO$strict.width,
    formatNum = strO$formatNum, list.len = strO$list.len,
    deparse.lines = strO$deparse.lines, ...)

strOptions(strict.width = "no", digits.d = 3, vec.len = 4,
           list.len = 99, deparse.lines = NULL,
           drop.deparse.attr = TRUE,
           formatNum = function(x, ...)
                       format(x, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE, ...))



any R object about which you want to have some information.


maximal level of nesting which is applied for displaying nested structures, e.g., a list containing sub lists. Default NA: Display all nesting levels.


numeric (>= 0) indicating how many ‘first few’ elements are displayed of each vector. The number is multiplied by different factors (from .5 to 3) depending on the kind of vector. Defaults to the vec.len component of option "str" (see options) which defaults to 4.


number of digits for numerical components (as for print). Defaults to the digits.d component of option "str" which defaults to 3.


maximal number of characters to show for character strings. Longer strings are truncated, see longch example below.


logical; if TRUE (default), show attributes as sub structures.


logical; if TRUE (default), deparse(control = control) will not have "showAttributes" in control. Used to be hard coded to FALSE and hence can be set via strOptions() for back compatibility.


logical; if TRUE (default), indicate length (as [1:...]).


logical; if TRUE (default), give (possibly abbreviated) mode/class and length (as type[1:...]).


the page width to be used. The default is the currently active options("width"); note that this has only a weak effect, unless strict.width is not "no".


current nesting level in the recursive calls to str.


the indentation string to use.


string to be used for separating list components.


logical; if true, no ‘list of ...’ nor the class are printed.


the environment to be used for promise (see delayedAssign) objects only.


string indicating if the width argument's specification should be followed strictly, one of the values c("no", "cut", "wrap"), which can be abbreviated. Defaults to the strict.width component of option "str" (see options) which defaults to "no" for back compatibility reasons; "wrap" uses strwrap(*, width = width) whereas "cut" cuts directly to width. Note that a small vec.length may be better than setting strict.width = "wrap".


a function such as format for formatting numeric vectors. It defaults to the formatNum component of option "str", see “Usage” of strOptions() above, which is almost back compatible to R <= 2.7.x, however, using formatC may be slightly better.


numeric; maximum number of list elements to display within a level.


numeric or NULL as by default, determining the nlines argument to deparse() when object is a call. When NULL, the nchar.max and width arguments are used to determine a smart default.


potential further arguments (required for Method/Generic reasons).


str does not return anything, for efficiency reasons. The obvious side effect is output to the terminal.


See the extensive annotated ‘Examples’ below.

The default method tries to “work always”, but needs to make some assumptions for the case when object has a class but no own str() method which is the typical case: There it relies on "[" and "[[" subsetting methods to be compatible with length(). When this is not the case, or when is.list(object) is TRUE, but length(object) differs from length(unclass(object)) it treats it as “irregular” and reports the contents of unclass(object) as “hidden list”.


Martin Maechler since 1990.

See Also

ls.str for listing objects with their structure; summary, args.


require(stats); require(grDevices); require(graphics)
## The following examples show some of 'str' capabilities
str(args) #- more useful than  args(args) !
str(.Machine, digits.d = 20) # extra digits for identification of binary numbers
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9))
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9), max.level = 1)
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9), width = 60, strict.width = "cut")
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9), width = 60, strict.width = "wrap")
op <- options(); str(op)   # save first;
                           # otherwise internal options() is used. <-
  !exists(".Device") || is.null(.Device) || .Device == "null device"
{ if( pdf()
ch <- letters[1:12]; <- 3:5
str(ch) # character NA's

str(list(a = "A", L = as.list(1:100)), list.len = 9)
##                                     ------------
## " .. [list output truncated] "

## Long strings,   'nchar.max'; 'strict.width' :
nchar(longch <- paste(rep(letters,100), collapse = ""))
str(longch, nchar.max = 52)
str(longch, strict.width = "wrap")

## Multibyte characters in strings:
## Truncation behavior (<-> correct width measurement) for "long" non-ASCII:
idx <- c(65313:65338, 65345:65350)
fwch <- intToUtf8(idx) # full width character string: each has width 2
ch <- strtrim(paste(LETTERS, collapse="._"), 64)
(ncc <- c( = nchar(ch), = nchar(ch,   "w"),
          c.fw = nchar(fwch), w.fw = nchar(fwch, "w")))
stopifnot(unname(ncc) == c(64,64, 32, 64))
## nchar.max: 1st line needs an increase of  2  in order to see  1  (in UTF-8!):
invisible(lapply(60:66, function(N) str(fwch, nchar.max = N)))
invisible(lapply(60:66, function(N) str( ch , nchar.max = N))) # "1 is 1" here

## Settings for narrow transcript :
op <- options(width = 60,
              str = strOptions(strict.width = "wrap"))
## reset to previous:

str(quote( { A+B; list(C, D) } ))

## S4 classes :
x <- 0:10; y <- c(26, 17, 13, 12, 20, 5, 9, 8, 5, 4, 8)
ll <- function(ymax = 15, xh = 6)
      -sum(dpois(y, lambda=ymax/(1+x/xh), log=TRUE))
fit <- mle(ll)

Capture String Tokens into a data.frame


Given a character vector and a regular expression containing capture expressions, strcapture will extract the captured tokens into a tabular data structure, such as a data.frame, the type and structure of which is specified by a prototype object. The assumption is that the same number of tokens are captured from every input string.


strcapture(pattern, x, proto, perl = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)



The regular expression with the capture expressions.


A character vector in which to capture the tokens.


A data.frame or S4 object that behaves like one. See details.

perl, useBytes

Arguments passed to regexec.


The proto argument is typically a data.frame, with a column corresponding to each capture expression, in order. The captured character vector is coerced to the type of the column, and the column names are carried over to the return value. Any data in the prototype are ignored. See the examples.


A tabular data structure of the same type as proto, so typically a data.frame, containing a column for each capture expression. The column types and names are inherited from proto. Cases in x that do not match pattern have NA in every column.

See Also

regexec and regmatches for related low-level utilities.


x <- "chr1:1-1000"
pattern <- "(.*?):([[:digit:]]+)-([[:digit:]]+)"
proto <- data.frame(chr=character(), start=integer(), end=integer())
strcapture(pattern, x, proto)

Summarise Output of R Sampling Profiler


Summarise the output of the Rprof function to show the amount of time used by different R functions.


summaryRprof(filename = "Rprof.out", chunksize = 5000,
              memory = c("none", "both", "tseries", "stats"),
              lines = c("hide", "show", "both"),
              index = 2, diff = TRUE, exclude = NULL,
              basenames = 1)



Name of a file produced by Rprof().


Number of lines to read at a time.


Summaries for memory information. See ‘Memory profiling’ below. Can be abbreviated.


Summaries for line information. See ‘Line profiling’ below. Can be abbreviated.


How to summarize the stack trace for memory information. See ‘Details’ below.


If TRUE memory summaries use change in memory rather than current memory.


Functions to exclude when summarizing the stack trace for memory summaries.


Number of components of the path to filenames to display.


This function provides the analysis code for Rprof files used by R CMD Rprof.

As the profiling output file could be larger than available memory, it is read in blocks of chunksize lines. Increasing chunksize will make the function run faster if sufficient memory is available.


If memory = "none" and lines = "hide", a list with components


A data frame of timings sorted by ‘self’ time.

A data frame of timings sorted by ‘total’ time.


The sampling interval.


Total time of profiling run.

The first two components have columns ‘⁠self.time⁠’, ‘⁠self.pct⁠’, ‘⁠total.time⁠’ and ‘⁠total.pct⁠’, the times in seconds and percentages of the total time spent executing code in that function and code in that function or called from that function, respectively.

If lines = "show", an additional component is added to the list:


A data frame of timings sorted by source location.

If memory = "both" the same list but with memory consumption in Mb in addition to the timings.

If memory = "tseries" a data frame giving memory statistics over time. Memory usage is in bytes.

If memory = "stats" a by object giving memory statistics by function. Memory usage is in bytes.

If no events were recorded, a zero-row data frame is returned.

Memory profiling

Options other than memory = "none" apply only to files produced by Rprof(memory.profiling = TRUE).

When called with memory.profiling = TRUE, the profiler writes information on three aspects of memory use: vector memory in small blocks on the R heap, vector memory in large blocks (from malloc), memory in nodes on the R heap. It also records the number of calls to the internal function duplicate in the time interval. duplicate is called by C code when arguments need to be copied. Note that the profiler does not track which function actually allocated the memory.

With memory = "both" the change in total memory (truncated at zero) is reported in addition to timing data.

With memory = "tseries" or memory = "stats" the index argument specifies how to summarize the stack trace. A positive number specifies that many calls from the bottom of the stack; a negative number specifies the number of calls from the top of the stack. With memory = "tseries" the index is used to construct labels and may be a vector to give multiple sets of labels. With memory = "stats" the index must be a single number and specifies how to aggregate the data to the maximum and average of the memory statistics. With both memory = "tseries" and memory = "stats" the argument diff = TRUE asks for summaries of the increase in memory use over the sampling interval and diff = FALSE asks for the memory use at the end of the interval.

Line profiling

If the code being run has source reference information retained (via keep.source = TRUE in source or KeepSource = TRUE in a package ‘DESCRIPTION’ file or some other way), then information about the origin of lines is recorded during profiling. By default this is not displayed, but the lines parameter can enable the display.

If lines = "show", line locations will be used in preference to the usual function name information, and the results will be displayed ordered by location in addition to the other orderings.

If lines = "both", line locations will be mixed with function names in a combined display.

See Also

The chapter on ‘Tidying and profiling R code’ in ‘Writing R Extensions’: RShowDoc("R-exts").


tracemem traces copying of an object via the C function duplicate.

Rprofmem is a non-sampling memory-use profiler.


## Not run: 
## Rprof() is not available on all platforms
Rprof(tmp <- tempfile())

## End(Not run)

Automatic Generation of Reports


Sweave provides a flexible framework for mixing text and R/S code for automatic report generation. The basic idea is to replace the code with its output, such that the final document only contains the text and the output of the statistical analysis: however, the source code can also be included.


Sweave(file, driver = RweaveLatex(),
       syntax = getOption("SweaveSyntax"), encoding = "", ...)

Stangle(file, driver = Rtangle(),
        syntax = getOption("SweaveSyntax"), encoding = "", ...)



Path to Sweave source file. Note that this can be supplied without the extension, but the function will only proceed if there is exactly one Sweave file in the directory whose basename matches file.


the actual workhorse, (a function returning) a named list of five functions; for details, see Section 5 of the ‘Sweave User Manual’ available as vignette("Sweave").


NULL or an object of class "SweaveSyntax" or a character string with its name. See the section ‘Syntax Definition’.


The default encoding to assume for file.


further arguments passed to the driver's setup function. See RweaveLatexSetup and RtangleSetup, respectively, for the arguments of the default drivers.


An Sweave source file contains both text in a markup language (like LaTeX) and R (or S) code. The code gets replaced by its output (text or graphs) in the final markup file. This allows a report to be re-generated if the input data change and documents the code to reproduce the analysis in the same file that also produces the report.

Sweave combines the documentation and code chunks (or their output) into a single document. Stangle extracts only the code from the Sweave file creating an R source file that can be run using source. (Code inside \Sexpr{} statements is ignored by Stangle.)

Stangle is just a wrapper to Sweave specifying a different default driver. Alternative drivers can be used and are provided by various contributed packages.

Environment variable SWEAVE_OPTIONS can be used to override the initial options set by the driver: it should be a comma-separated set of key=value items, as would be used in a ‘⁠\SweaveOpts⁠’ statement in a document.

If the encoding is unspecified (the default), non-ASCII source files must contain a line of the form


(where ‘⁠foo⁠’ is typically ‘⁠latin1⁠’, ‘⁠latin2⁠’, ‘⁠utf8⁠’ or ‘⁠cp1252⁠’ or ‘⁠cp1250⁠’) or a comment line


to declare UTF-8 input (the default encoding assumed by pdfTeX since 2018), or they will give an error. Re-encoding can be turned off completely with argument encoding = "bytes".

Syntax Definition

Sweave allows a flexible syntax framework for marking documentation and text chunks. The default is a noweb-style syntax, as alternative a LaTeX-style syntax can be used. (See the user manual for further details.)

If syntax = NULL (the default) then the available syntax objects are consulted in turn, and selected if their extension component matches (as a regexp) the file name. Objects SweaveSyntaxNoweb (with extension = "[.][rsRS]nw$") and SweaveSyntaxLatex (with extension = "[.][rsRS]tex$") are supplied, but users or packages can supply others with names matching the pattern SweaveSyntax.*.


Friedrich Leisch and R-core.


Friedrich Leisch (2002) Dynamic generation of statistical reports using literate data analysis. In W. Härdle and B. Rönz, editors, Compstat 2002 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics, pages 575–580. Physika Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, ISBN 3-7908-1517-9.

See Also

Sweave User Manual’, a vignette in the utils package.

RweaveLatex, Rtangle. Alternative Sweave drivers are in, for example, packages weaver (Bioconductor), R2HTML, and ascii.

tools::buildVignette to process source files using Sweave or alternative vignette processing engines.


testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")

## enforce par(ask = FALSE)
options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## create a LaTeX file - in the current working directory, getwd():

## This can be compiled to PDF by
## tools::texi2pdf("Sweave-test-1.tex")

## or outside R by
## 	R CMD texi2pdf Sweave-test-1.tex
## on Unix-alikes which sets the appropriate TEXINPUTS path.
## On Windows,
##      Rcmd texify --pdf Sweave-test-1.tex
## if MiKTeX is available.

## create an R source file from the code chunks
## which can be sourced, e.g.

Convert Sweave Syntax


This function converts the syntax of files in Sweave format to another Sweave syntax definition.


SweaveSyntConv(file, syntax, output = NULL)



Name of Sweave source file.


An object of class SweaveSyntax or a character string with its name giving the target syntax to which the file is converted.


Name of output file, default is to remove the extension from the input file and to add the default extension of the target syntax. Any directory names in file are also removed such that the output is created in the current working directory.


Friedrich Leisch

See Also

Sweave User Manual’, a vignette in the utils package.

RweaveLatex, Rtangle


testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")

## convert the file to latex syntax
SweaveSyntConv(testfile, SweaveSyntaxLatex)

## and run it through Sweave

Create a Tar Archive


Create a tar archive.


tar(tarfile, files = NULL,
    compression = c("none", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz"),
    compression_level = 6, tar = Sys.getenv("tar"),
    extra_flags = "")



The pathname of the tar file: tilde expansion (see path.expand) will be performed. Alternatively, a connection that can be used for binary writes.


A character vector of filepaths to be archived: the default is to archive all files under the current directory.


character string giving the type of compression to be used (default none). Can be abbreviated.


integer: the level of compression. Only used for the internal method.


character string: the path to the command to be used. If the command itself contains spaces it needs to be quoted (e.g., by shQuote) – but argument tar may also contain flags separated from the command by spaces.


Any extra flags for an external tar.


This is either a wrapper for a tar command or uses an internal implementation in R. The latter is used if tarfile is a connection or if the argument tar is "internal" or "" (the ‘factory-fresh’ default). Note that whereas Unix-alike versions of R set the environment variable TAR, its value is not the default for this function.

Argument extra_flags is passed to an external tar and so is platform-dependent. Possibly useful values include -h (follow symbolic links, also -L on some platforms), ‘⁠--acls⁠’, --exclude-backups, --exclude-vcs (and similar) and on Windows --force-local (so drives can be included in filepaths). Rtools 4 and earlier included a tar which used --force-local, but Rtools 4.2 includes original GNU tar, which does not use it by default.

A convenient and robust way to set options for GNU tar is via environment variable TAR_OPTIONS. Appending --force-local to TAR does not work with GNU tar due to restrictions on how some options can be mixed. The tar available on Windows 10 (libarchive's bsdtar) supports drive letters by default. It does not support the --force-local, but ignores TAR_OPTIONS.

For GNU tar, --format=ustar forces a more portable format. (The default is set at compilation and will be shown at the end of the output from tar --help: for version 1.30 ‘out-of-the-box’ it is --format=gnu, but the manual says the intention is to change to --format=posix which is the same as pax – it was never part of the POSIX standard for tar and should not be used.) For libarchive's bsdtar, --format=ustar is more portable than the default.

One issue which can cause an external command to fail is a command line too long for the system shell: as from R 3.5.0 this is worked around if the external command is detected to be GNU tar or libarchive tar (aka bsdtar).

Note that files = '.' will usually not work with an external tar as that would expand the list of files after tarfile is created. (It does work with the default internal method.)


The return code from system or 0 for the internal version, invisibly.


The ‘tar’ format no longer has an agreed standard! ‘Unix Standard Tar’ was part of POSIX 1003.1:1998 but has been removed in favour of pax, and in any case many common implementations diverged from the former standard.

Many R platforms use a version of GNU tar, but the behaviour seems to be changed with each version. macOS >= 10.6, FreeBSD and Windows 10 use bsdtar from the libarchive project (but for macOS often a quite-old version), and commercial Unixes will have their own versions. bsdtar is available for many other platforms: macOS up to at least 10.9 had GNU tar as gnutar and other platforms, e.g. Solaris, have it as gtar: on a Unix-alike configure will try gnutar and gtar before tar.

Known problems arise from

  • The handling of file paths of more than 100 bytes. These were unsupported in early versions of tar, and supported in one way by POSIX tar and in another by GNU tar and yet another by the POSIX pax command which recent tar programs often support. The internal implementation warns on paths of more than 100 bytes, uses the ‘ustar’ way from the 1998 POSIX standard which supports up to 256 bytes (depending on the path: in particular the final component is limited to 100 bytes) if possible, otherwise the GNU way (which is widely supported, including by untar).

    Most formats do not record the encoding of file paths.

  • (File) links. tar was developed on an OS that used hard links, and physical files that were referred to more than once in the list of files to be included were included only once, the remaining instances being added as links. Later a means to include symbolic links was added. The internal implementation supports symbolic links (on OSes that support them), only. Of course, the question arises as to how links should be unpacked on OSes that do not support them: for regular files file copies can be used.

    Names of links in the ‘ustar’ format are restricted to 100 bytes. There is an GNU extension for arbitrarily long link names, but bsdtar ignores it. The internal method uses the GNU extension, with a warning.

  • Header fields, in particular the padding to be used when fields are not full or not used. POSIX did define the correct behaviour but commonly used implementations did (and still do) not comply.

  • File sizes. The ‘ustar’ format is restricted to 8GB per (uncompressed) file.

For portability, avoid file paths of more than 100 bytes and all links (especially hard links and symbolic links to directories).

The internal implementation writes only the blocks of 512 bytes required (including trailing blocks of NULs), unlike GNU tar which by default pads with ‘⁠nul⁠’ to a multiple of 20 blocks (10KB). Implementations which pad differ on whether the block padding should occur before or after compression (or both): padding was designed for improved performance on physical tape drives.

The ‘ustar’ format records file modification times to a resolution of 1 second: on file systems with higher resolution it is conventional to discard fractional seconds.


When an external tar command is used, compressing the tar archive requires that tar supports the -z, -j or -J flag, and may require the appropriate command (gzip, bzip2 or xz) to be available. For GNU tar, further compression programs can be specified by e.g. extra_flags = "-I lz4". Some versions of bsdtar accept options such as --lz4, --lzop and --lrzip or an external compressor via --use-compress-program lz4: these could be supplied in extra_flags.

NetBSD prior to 8.0 used flag --xz rather than -J, so this should be used via extra_flags = "--xz" rather than compression = "xz". The commands from OpenBSD and the Heirloom Toolchest are not documented to support xz.

The tar programs in commercial Unixen such as AIX and Solaris do not support compression.


For users of macOS. Apple's file systems have a legacy concept of ‘resource forks’ dating from classic Mac OS and rarely used nowadays. Apple's version of tar stores these as separate files in the tarball with names prefixed by ‘._’, and unpacks such files into resource forks (if possible): other ways of unpacking (including untar in R) unpack them as separate files.

When argument tar is set to the command tar on macOS, environment variable COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 is set, which for the system version of tar prevents these separate files being included in the tarball.

See Also, for the way the POSIX utility pax handles tar formats.


Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX


These methods convert R objects to character vectors with BibTeX or LaTeX markup.


toBibtex(object, ...)
toLatex(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'Bibtex'
print(x, prefix = "", ...)
## S3 method for class 'Latex'
print(x, prefix = "", ...)



object of a class for which a toBibtex or toLatex method exists.


object of class "Bibtex" or "Latex".


a character string which is printed at the beginning of each line, mostly used to insert whitespace for indentation.


in the print methods, passed to writeLines.


Objects of class "Bibtex" or "Latex" are simply character vectors where each element holds one line of the corresponding BibTeX or LaTeX file.

See Also

citEntry and sessionInfo for examples

Text Progress Bar


Text progress bar in the R console.


txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, char = "=",
               width = NA, title, label, style = 1, file = "")

setTxtProgressBar(pb, value, title = NULL, label = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'txtProgressBar'
close(con, ...)


min, max

(finite) numeric values for the extremes of the progress bar. Must have min < max.

initial, value

initial or new value for the progress bar. See ‘Details’ for what happens with invalid values.


the character (or character string) to form the progress bar. Must have non-zero display width.


the width of the progress bar, as a multiple of the width of char. If NA, the default, the number of characters is that which fits into getOption("width").


the ‘style’ of the bar – see ‘Details’.


an open connection object or "" which indicates the console: stderr() might be useful here.

pb, con

an object of class "txtProgressBar".

title, label

ignored, for compatibility with other progress bars.


for consistency with the generic.


txtProgressBar will display a progress bar on the R console (or a connection) via a text representation.

setTxtProgessBar will update the value. Missing (NA) and out-of-range values of value will be (silently) ignored. (Such values of initial cause the progress bar not to be displayed until a valid value is set.)

The progress bar should be closed when finished with: this outputs the final newline character.

style = 1 and style = 2 just shows a line of char. They differ in that style = 2 redraws the line each time, which is useful if other code might be writing to the R console. style = 3 marks the end of the range by ‘⁠|⁠’ and gives a percentage to the right of the bar.


For txtProgressBar an object of class "txtProgressBar".

For getTxtProgressBar and setTxtProgressBar, a length-one numeric vector giving the previous value (invisibly for setTxtProgressBar).


Using style 2 or 3 or reducing the value with style = 1 uses ‘⁠\r⁠’ to return to the left margin – the interpretation of carriage return is up to the terminal or console in which R is running, and this is liable to produce ugly output on a connection other than a terminal, including when stdout() is redirected to a file.

See Also

winProgressBar (Windows only), tkProgressBar (Unix-alike platforms).


# slow
testit <- function(x = sort(runif(20)), ...)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(...)
    for(i in c(0, x, 1)) {Sys.sleep(0.5); setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
testit(style = 3)
testit(char=' \u27a4')

Convert Data to Appropriate Type


Convert a data object to logical, integer, numeric, complex, character or factor as appropriate.


type.convert(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
type.convert(x, na.strings = "NA",, dec = ".",
             numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"),
             tryLogical = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
type.convert(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'list'
type.convert(x, ...)



a vector, matrix, array, data frame, or list.


a vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values. Blank fields are also considered to be missing values in logical, integer, numeric or complex vectors.

whether to store strings as plain character. When false, convert character vectors to factors. See ‘Details’.


the character to be assumed for decimal points.


string indicating how to convert numbers whose conversion to double precision would lose accuracy, typically when x has more digits than can be stored in a double. Can be abbreviated. Possible values are

numerals = "allow.loss", default:

the conversion happens with some accuracy loss.

numerals = "warn.loss":

a warning about accuracy loss is signalled and the conversion happens as with numerals = "allow.loss".

numerals = "no.loss":

x is not converted to a number, but to a factor or character, depending on


a logical determining if vectors consisting entirely of F, T, FALSE, TRUE and na.strings should be converted to logical; true, by default.


arguments to be passed to or from methods.


This helper function is used by read.table. When the data object x is a data frame or list, the function is called recursively for each column or list element.

Given a vector, the function attempts to convert it to logical, integer, numeric or complex, and when additionally = FALSE (no longer the default!), converts a character vector to factor. The first type that can accept all the non-missing values is chosen.

Vectors which are entirely missing values are converted to logical, since NA is primarily logical.

If tryLogical is true as by default, vectors containing just F, T, FALSE, TRUE and values from na.strings are converted to logical. This may be surprising in a context where you have many character columns with e.g., 1-letter strings and you happen to get one with only "F". In such cases tryLogical = FALSE is recommended. Vectors containing optional whitespace followed by decimal constants representable as R integers or values from na.strings are converted to integer. Other vectors containing optional whitespace followed by other decimal or hexadecimal constants (see NumericConstants), or NaN, Inf or infinity (ignoring case) or values from na.strings are converted to numeric. Where converting inputs to numeric or complex would result in loss of accuracy they can optionally be returned as strings or (for = FALSE) factors.

Since this is a helper function, the caller should always pass an appropriate value of


An object like x but using another storage mode when appropriate.


R Core, with a contribution by Arni Magnusson

See Also

read.table, class, storage.mode.


## Numeric to integer
x <- type.convert(rivers, = TRUE)

## Convert many columns
auto <- type.convert(mtcars, = TRUE)

## Convert matrix
phones <- type.convert(WorldPhones, = TRUE)

## Factor or character
chr <- c("A", "B", "B", "A")
ch2 <- c("F", "F", "NA", "F")
(fac <- factor(chr))
type.convert(chr, = FALSE) # -> factor
type.convert(fac, = FALSE) # -> factor
type.convert(chr, = TRUE)  # -> character
type.convert(fac, = TRUE)  # -> character
type.convert(ch2, = TRUE)                   #-> logical
type.convert(ch2, = TRUE, tryLogical=FALSE) #-> character

Extract or List Tar Archives


Extract files from or list the contents of a tar archive.


untar(tarfile, files = NULL, list = FALSE, exdir = ".",
      compressed = NA, extras = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
      restore_times =  TRUE,
      support_old_tars = Sys.getenv("R_SUPPORT_OLD_TARS", FALSE),
      tar = Sys.getenv("TAR"))



The pathname of the tar file: tilde expansion (see path.expand) will be performed. Alternatively, a connection that can be used for binary reads. For a compressed tarfile, and if a connection is to be used, that should be created by gzfile(.) (or gzcon(.) which currently only works for "gzip", whereas gzfile() works for all compressions available in tar()).


A character vector of recorded filepaths to be extracted: the default is to extract all files.


If TRUE, list the files (the equivalent of tar -tf). Otherwise extract the files (the equivalent of tar -xf).


The directory to extract files to (the equivalent of tar -C). It will be created if necessary.


(Deprecated in favour of auto-detection, used only for an external tar command.) Logical or character string. Values "gzip", "bzip2" and "xz" select that form of compression (and may be abbreviated to the first letter). TRUE indicates gzip compression, FALSE no known compression, and NA (the default) indicates that the type is to be inferred from the file header.

The external command may ignore the selected compression type but detect a type automagically.


NULL or a character string: further command-line flags such as -p to be passed to an external tar program.


logical: if true echo the command used for an external tar program.


logical. If true (default) restore file modification times. If false, the equivalent of the -m flag. Times in tarballs are supposed to be in UTC, but tarballs have been submitted to CRAN with times in the future or far past: this argument allows such times to be discarded.

Note that file times in a tarball are stored with a resolution of 1 second, and can only be restored to the resolution supported by the file system (which on a FAT system is 2 seconds).


logical. If false (the default), the external tar command is assumed to be able handle compressed tarfiles and if compressed does not specify it, to automagically detect the type of compression. (The major implementations have done so since 2009; for GNU tar since version 1.22.)

If true, the R code calls an appropriate decompressor and pipes the output to tar, for compressed = NA examining the tarfile header to determine the type of compression.


character string: the path to the command to be used or "internal". If the command itself contains spaces it needs to be quoted – but tar can also contain flags separated from the command by spaces.


This is either a wrapper for a tar command or for an internal implementation written in R. The latter is used if tarfile is a connection or if the argument tar is "internal" or "" (except on Windows, when tar.exe is tried first).

Unless otherwise stated three types of compression of the tar file are supported: gzip, bzip2 and xz.

What options are supported will depend on the tar implementation used: the "internal" one is intended to provide support for most in a platform-independent way.

GNU tar:

Modern GNU tar versions support compressed archives and since 1.15 are able to detect the type of compression automatically: version 1.22 added support for xz compression.

On a Unix-alike, configure will set environment variable TAR, preferring GNU tar if found.


macOS 10.6 and later (and FreeBSD and some other OSes) have a tar from the libarchive project which detects all three forms of compression automagically (even if undocumented in macOS).


It is undocumented if NetBSD's tar can detect compression automagically: for versions before 8 the flag for xz compression was --xz not -J. So support_old_tars = TRUE is recommended (or use bsdtar if installed).


OpenBSD's tar does not detect compression automagically. It has no support for xz beyond reporting that the file is xz-compressed. So support_old_tars = TRUE is recommended.

Heirloom Toolchest:

This tar does automagically detect gzip and bzip2 compression (undocumented) but has no support for xz compression.

Older support:

Environment variable R_GZIPCMD gives the command to decompress gzip files, and R_BZIPCMD for bzip2 files. (On Unix-alikes these are set at installation if found.) xz is used if available: if not decompression is expected to fail.

Arguments compressed, extras and verbose are only used when an external tar is used.

Some external tar commands will detect some of lrzip, lzma, lz4, lzop and zstd compression in addition to gzip, bzip2 and xz. (For some external tar commands, compressed tarfiles can only be read if the appropriate utility program is available.) For GNU tar, further (de)compression programs can be specified by e.g. extras = "-I lz4". For bsdtar this could be extras = "--use-compress-program lz4". Most commands will detect (the nowadays rarely seen) ‘.tar.Z’ archives compressed by compress.

The internal implementation restores symbolic links as links on a Unix-alike, and as file copies on Windows (which works only for existing files, not for directories), and hard links as links. If the linking operation fails (as it may on a FAT file system), a file copy is tried. Since it uses gzfile to read a file it can handle files compressed by any of the methods that function can handle: at least compress, gzip, bzip2 and xz compression, and some types of lzma compression. It does not guard against restoring absolute file paths, as some tar implementations do. It will create the parent directories for directories or files in the archive if necessary. It handles the USTAR/POSIX, GNU and pax ways of handling file paths of more than 100 bytes, and the GNU way of handling link targets of more than 100 bytes.

You may see warnings from the internal implementation such as

    unsupported entry type 'x'

This often indicates an invalid archive: entry types "A-Z" are allowed as extensions, but other types are reserved. The only thing you can do with such an archive is to find a tar program that handles it, and look carefully at the resulting files. There may also be the warning

    using pax extended headers

This indicates that additional information may have been discarded, such as ACLs, encodings ....

The former standards only supported ASCII filenames (indeed, only alphanumeric plus period, underscore and hyphen). untar makes no attempt to map filenames to those acceptable on the current system, and treats the filenames in the archive as applicable without any re-encoding in the current locale.

The internal implementation does not special-case ‘resource forks’ in macOS: that system's tar command does. This may lead to unexpected files with names with prefix ‘._’.


If list = TRUE, a character vector of (relative or absolute) paths of files contained in the tar archive.

Otherwise the return code from system with an external tar or 0L, invisibly.

See Also

tar, unzip.

Extract or List Zip Archives


Extract files from or list a zip archive.


unzip(zipfile, files = NULL, list = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE,
      junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = ".", unzip = "internal",
      setTimes = FALSE)



The pathname of the zip file: tilde expansion (see path.expand) will be performed.


A character vector of recorded filepaths to be extracted: the default is to extract all files.


If TRUE, list the files and extract none. The equivalent of unzip -l.


If TRUE, overwrite existing files (the equivalent of unzip -o), otherwise ignore such files (the equivalent of unzip -n).


If TRUE, use only the basename of the stored filepath when extracting. The equivalent of unzip -j.


The directory to extract files to (the equivalent of unzip -d). It will be created if necessary.


The method to be used. An alternative is to use getOption("unzip"), which on a Unix-alike may be set to the path to a unzip program.


logical. For the internal method only, should the file times be set based on the times in the zip file? (NB: this applies to included files, not to directories.)


If list = TRUE, a data frame with columns Name (character) Length (the size of the uncompressed file, numeric) and Date (of class "POSIXct").

Otherwise for the "internal" method, a character vector of the filepaths extracted to, invisibly.


The default internal method is a minimal implementation, principally designed for Windows' users to be able to unpack Windows binary packages without external software. It does not (for example) support Unicode filenames as introduced in zip 3.0: for that use unzip = "unzip" with unzip 6.00 or later. It does have some support for bzip2 compression and > 2GB zip files (but not >= 4GB files pre-compression contained in a zip file: like many builds of unzip it may truncate these, in R's case with a warning if possible).

If unzip specifies a program, the format of the dates listed with list = TRUE is unknown (on Windows it can even depend on the current locale) and the return values could be NA or expressed in the wrong time zone or misinterpreted (the latter being far less likely as from unzip 6.00).

File times in zip files are stored in the style of MS-DOS, as local times to an accuracy of 2 seconds. This is not very useful when transferring zip files between machines (even across continents), so we chose not to restore them by default.


The internal C code uses zlib and is in particular based on the contributed ‘⁠minizip⁠’ application in the zlib sources (from by Gilles Vollant.

See Also

unz to read a single component from a zip file.

zip for packing, i.e., the “inverse” of unzip(); further untar and tar, the corresponding pair for (un)packing tar archives (“tarballs”) such as R source packages.

Compare Installed Packages with CRAN-like Repositories


old.packages indicates packages which have a (suitable) later version on the repositories whereas update.packages offers to download and install such packages.

new.packages looks for (suitable) packages on the repositories that are not already installed, and optionally offers them for installation.


update.packages(lib.loc = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"),
                contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
                method, instlib = NULL,
                ask = TRUE, available = NULL,
                oldPkgs = NULL, ..., checkBuilt = FALSE,
                type = getOption("pkgType"))

old.packages(lib.loc = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"),
             contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
             instPkgs = installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc, ...),
             method, available = NULL, checkBuilt = FALSE, ...,
             type = getOption("pkgType"))

new.packages(lib.loc = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"),
             contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type),
             instPkgs = installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc, ...),
             method, available = NULL, ask = FALSE, ...,
             type = getOption("pkgType"))



character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through (and update packages therein), or NULL for all known trees (see .libPaths).


character vector, the base URL(s) of the repositories to use, e.g., the URL of a CRAN mirror such as "".


URL(s) of the contrib sections of the repositories. Use this argument if your repository is incomplete. Overrides argument repos. Incompatible with type = "both".


Download method, see download.file. Unused if a non-NULL available is supplied.


character string giving the library directory where to install the packages.


logical indicating whether to ask the user to select packages before they are downloaded and installed, or the character string "graphics", which brings up a widget to allow the user to (de)select from the list of packages which could be updated. The latter value only works on systems with a GUI version of select.list, and is otherwise equivalent to ask = TRUE. ask does not control questions asked before installing packages from source via type = "both" (see option "install.packages.compile.from.source").


an object as returned by available.packages listing packages available at the repositories, or NULL which makes an internal call to available.packages. Incompatible with type = "both".


If TRUE, a package built under an earlier major.minor version of R (e.g., 3.4) is considered to be ‘old’.


if specified as non-NULL, update.packages() only considers these packages for updating. This may be a character vector of package names or a matrix as returned by old.packages.


by default all installed packages, installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc). A subset can be specified; currently this must be in the same (character matrix) format as returned by installed.packages().


Arguments such as destdir and dependencies to be passed to install.packages and ignore_repo_cache, max_repo_cache_age and noCache to available.packages or installed.packages.


character, indicating the type of package to download and install. See install.packages.


old.packages compares the information from available.packages with that from instPkgs (computed by installed.packages by default) and reports installed packages that have newer versions on the repositories or, if checkBuilt = TRUE, that were built under an earlier minor version of R (for example built under 3.3.x when running R 3.4.0). (For binary package types there is no check that the version on the repository was built under the current minor version of R, but it is advertised as being suitable for this version.)

new.packages does the same comparison but reports uninstalled packages that are available at the repositories. If ask != FALSE it asks which packages should be installed in the first element of lib.loc.

The main function of the set is update.packages. First a list of all packages found in lib.loc is created and compared with those available at the repositories. If ask = TRUE (the default) packages with a newer version are reported and for each one the user can specify if it should be updated. If so the packages are downloaded from the repositories and installed in the respective library path (or instlib if specified).

For how the list of suitable available packages is determined see available.packages. available = NULL make a call to available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, method = method) and hence by default filters on R version, OS type and removes duplicates.


update.packages returns NULL invisibly.

For old.packages, NULL or a matrix with one row per package, row names the package names and column names "Package", "LibPath", "Installed" (the version), "Built" (the version built under), "ReposVer" and "Repository".

For new.packages a character vector of package names, after any selected via ask have been installed.


Take care when using dependencies (passed to install.packages) with update.packages, for it is unclear where new dependencies should be installed. The current implementation will only allow it if all the packages to be updated are in a single library, when that library will be used.

See Also

install.packages, available.packages, download.packages, installed.packages, contrib.url.

The options listed for install.packages under options.

See download.file for how to handle proxies and other options to monitor file transfers.

INSTALL, REMOVE, remove.packages, library, .packages, read.dcf

The ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual for how to set up a repository.



Upgrade objects.


upgrade(object, ...)



an R object.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


This is a generic function, with a method for "packageStatus" objects.

Display a Text URL


Extension of to display text files from a remote server.

Usage, title = url, file = tempfile(),
         delete.file = TRUE, method, ...)



The URL to read from.


Title for the browser.


File to copy to.


Delete the file afterwards?


File transfer method: see download.file


Arguments to pass to


Since this is for text files, it will convert to CRLF line endings on Windows.

See Also

url,, download.file


## Not run:"")

Encode or Decode (partial) URLs


Functions to percent-encode or decode characters in URLs.


URLencode(URL, reserved = FALSE, repeated = FALSE)



a character vector.


logical: should ‘reserved’ characters be encoded? See ‘Details’.


logical: should apparently already-encoded URLs be encoded again?


Characters in a URL other than the English alphanumeric characters and ‘⁠- _ . ~⁠’ should be encoded as % plus a two-digit hexadecimal representation, and any single-byte character can be so encoded. (Multi-byte characters are encoded byte-by-byte.) The standard refers to this as ‘percent-encoding’.

In addition, ‘⁠! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = : / ? @ # [ ]⁠’ are reserved characters, and should be encoded unless used in their reserved sense, which is scheme specific. The default in URLencode is to leave them alone, which is appropriate for ‘⁠file://⁠’ URLs, but probably not for ‘⁠http://⁠’ ones.

An ‘apparently already-encoded URL’ is one containing %xx for two hexadecimal digits.


A character vector.


Internet STD 66 (formerly RFC 3986),


(y <- URLencode("a url with spaces and / and @"))
(y <- URLencode("a url with spaces and / and @", reserved = TRUE))

URLdecode(z <- "ab%20cd")
c(URLencode(z), URLencode(z, repeated = TRUE)) # first is usually wanted

## both functions support character vectors of length > 1
y <- URLdecode(URLencode(c("url with space", "another one")))

Deprecated Functions in Package utils


(Currently none)

These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of R only, and may be defunct as soon as of the next release.

See Also

Deprecated, Defunct

Invoke a Data Viewer


Invoke a spreadsheet-style data viewer on a matrix-like R object.


View(x, title)



an R object which can be coerced to a data frame with non-zero numbers of rows and columns.


title for viewer window. Defaults to name of x prefixed by Data:.


Object x is coerced (if possible) to a data frame, then columns are converted to character using The object is then viewed in a spreadsheet-like data viewer, a read-only version of data.entry.

If there are row names on the data frame that are not 1:nrow, they are displayed in a separate first column called row.names.

Objects with zero columns or zero rows are not accepted.

On Unix-alikes,

the array of cells can be navigated by the cursor keys and Home, End, Page Up and Page Down (where supported by X11) as well as Enter and Tab.

On Windows,

the array of cells can be navigated via the scrollbars and by the cursor keys, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down.

On Windows, the initial size of the data viewer window is taken from the default dimensions of a pager (see Rconsole), but adjusted downwards to show a whole number of rows and columns.


Invisible NULL. The functions puts up a window and returns immediately: the window can be closed via its controls or menus.

See Also, data.entry.

View, List or Get R Source of Package Vignettes


View a specified package vignette, or list the available ones; display it rendered in a viewer, and get or edit its R source file.


vignette(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, all = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'vignette'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'vignette'
edit(name, ...)



a character string giving the (base) name of the vignette to view. If omitted, all vignettes from all installed packages are listed.


a character vector with the names of packages to search through, or NULL in which ‘all’ packages (as defined by argument all) are searched.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


logical; if TRUE search all available packages in the library trees specified by lib.loc, and if FALSE, search only attached packages.

x, name

object of class vignette.


ignored by the print method, passed on to file.edit by the edit method.


Function vignette returns an object of the same class, the print method opens a viewer for it.

On Unix-alikes, the program specified by the pdfviewer option is used for viewing PDF versions of vignettes.

If several vignettes have PDF/HTML versions with base name identical to topic, the first one found is used.

If no topics are given, all available vignettes are listed. The corresponding information is returned in an object of class "packageIQR".

See Also

browseVignettes for an HTML-based vignette browser; RShowDoc("basename", package = "pkgname") displays a “rendered” vignette (pdf or html).


## List vignettes from all *attached* packages
vignette(all = FALSE)

## List vignettes from all *installed* packages (can take a long time!):
vignette(all = TRUE)

## The grid intro vignette -- open it
## Not run: vignette("grid") # calling print()
## The same (conditional on existence of the vignettte).
## Note that 'package = *' is much faster in the case of many installed packages:
if(!is.null(v1 <- vignette("grid", package="grid"))) {
## Not run: v1 # calling print(.)
  ## Now let us have a closer look at the code
## Not run: edit(v1) # e.g., to send lines ...
}# if( has vignette "installed")
## A package can have more than one vignette (package grid has several):
vignette(package = "grid")
if(interactive()) {
   ## vignette("rotated")
   ## The same, but without searching for it:
   vignette("rotated", package = "grid")

Collect and Summarize Errors From List


Collect errors (class "error", typically from tryCatch) from a list x into a “summary warning”, by default produce a warning and keep that message as "warningMsg" attribute.


warnErrList(x, warn = TRUE, errValue = NULL)



a list, typically from applying models to a list of data (sub)sets, e.g., using tryCatch(*, error = identity).


logical indicating if warning() should be called.


the value with which errors should be replaced.


a list of the same length and names as the x argument, with the error components replaced by errValue, NULL by default, and summarized in the "warningMsg" attribute.

See Also

The warnErrList() utility has been used in lmList() and nlsList() in recommended package nlme forever.


## Regression for each Chick:
ChWtgrps <- split(ChickWeight, ChickWeight[,"Chick"])
sapply(ChWtgrps, nrow)# typically 12 obs.
nlis1 <- lapply(ChWtgrps, function(DAT) tryCatch(error = identity,
                      lm(weight ~ (Time + I(Time^2)) * Diet, data = DAT)))
nl1 <- warnErrList(nlis1) #-> warning :
## 50 times the same error (as Diet has only one level in each group)
stopifnot(sapply(nl1, is.null)) ## all errors --> all replaced by NULL
nlis2 <- lapply(ChWtgrps, function(DAT) tryCatch(error = identity,
                      lm(weight ~ Time + I(Time^2), data = DAT)))
nl2 <- warnErrList(nlis2)
stopifnot(identical(nl2, nlis2)) # because there was *no* error at all
nlis3 <- lapply(ChWtgrps, function(DAT) tryCatch(error = identity,
                      lm(weight ~ poly(Time, 3), data = DAT)))
nl3 <- warnErrList(nlis3) # 1 error caught:
stopifnot(inherits(nlis3[[1]], "error")
        , identical(nl3[-1], nlis3[-1])
        , is.null(nl3[[1]])

## With different error messages
if(requireNamespace("nlme")) { # almost always, as it is recommended
 data(Soybean, package="nlme")
 attr(Soybean, "formula") #-> weight ~ Time | Plot  => split by "Plot":
 L <- lapply(split(Soybean, Soybean[,"Plot"]),
             function(DD) tryCatch(error = identity,
                 nls(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal), data = DD)))
 Lw <- warnErrList(L)
} # if <nlme>

Dialog Boxes under Windows


On MS Windows only, put up a dialog box to communicate with the user. There are various types, either for the user to select from a set of buttons or to edit a string.


winDialog(type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno", "yesnocancel"),

winDialogString(message, default)



character. The type of dialog box. It will have the buttons implied by its name.


character. The information field of the dialog box. Limited to 255 chars (by Windows, checked by R).


character. The default string.


For winDialog a character string giving the name of the button pressed (in capitals) or NULL (invisibly) if the user had no choice.

For winDialogString a string giving the contents of the text box when Ok was pressed, or NULL if Cancel was pressed.


The standard keyboard accelerators work with these dialog boxes: where appropriate Return accepts the default action, Esc cancels and the underlined initial letter (Y or N) can be used.

These functions are only available on Windows.

See Also

file.choose to select a file
package windlgs in the package source distribution for ways to program dialogs in C in the GraphApp toolkit.


## Not run: winDialog("yesno", "Is it OK to delete file blah")

Get Windows Version


Get the self-reported Microsoft Windows version number.




win.version is an auxiliary function for sessionInfo and


A character string describing the version of Windows reported to be in use.


This function is only available on Microsoft Windows.

The result is based on the Windows GetVersionEx API function. It is not known how to detect a version of Windows before it is released, and hence the textual information returned by R may identify an older version than installed. The build number is more reliable. When running R in compatibility mode, the reported version including the build number is the compatibility version, not the installed version.


if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")

User Menus under MS Windows (RGui)


Enables users to add, delete and program menus for the Rgui in MS Windows.


winMenuAddItem(menuname, itemname, action)
winMenuDelItem(menuname, itemname)



a character string naming a menu.


a character string naming a menu item on an existing menu.


a character string describing the action when that menu is selected, or "enable" or "disable".


User menus are added to the right of existing menus, and items are added at the bottom of the menu.

By default the action character string is treated as R input, being echoed on the command line and parsed and executed as usual.

If the menuname parameter of winMenuAddItem does not already exist, it will be created automatically.

Normally new submenus and menu items are added to the main console menu. They may be added elsewhere using the following special names:


The console menu (the default)


The console popup menu


The menu for graphics window <n>


The popup menu for graphics window <n>

Specifying an existing item in winMenuAddItem enables the action to be changed.

Submenus can be specified by separating the elements in menuname by slashes: as a consequence menu names may not contain slashes.

If the action is specified as "none" no action is taken: this can be useful to reserve items for future expansion.

The function winMenuNames can be used to find out what menus have been created by the user and returns a vector of the existing menu names.

The winMenuItems function will take the name of a menu and return the items that exist in that menu. The return value is a named vector where the names correspond to the names of the items and the values of the vector are the corresponding actions.

The winMenuDel function will delete a menu and all of its items and submenus. winMenuDelItem just deletes one menu item.

The total path to an item (menu string plus item string) cannot exceed 1000 bytes, and the menu string cannot exceed 500 bytes.


NULL, invisibly. If an error occurs, an informative error message will be given.


These functions are only available on Windows and only when using the Rgui, hence not in ESS nor RStudio.

See Also



## Not run: 
winMenuAddItem("Testit", "one", "aaaa")
winMenuAddItem("Testit", "two", "bbbb")
winMenuAddItem("Testit", "-", "")
winMenuAddItem("Testit", "two", "disable")
winMenuAddItem("Testit", "three", "cccc")
winMenuAddItem("Testit/extras", "one more", "ddd")
winMenuAddItem("Testit/extras", "and another", "eee")
winMenuAddItem("$ConsolePopup/Testit", "six", "fff")

## End(Not run)

Progress Bars under MS Windows


Put up a Windows progress bar widget, update and access it.


winProgressBar(title = "R progress bar", label = "",
               min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, width = 300)

setWinProgressBar(pb, value, title = NULL, label = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'winProgressBar'
close(con, ...)


title, label

character strings, giving the window title and the label on the dialog box respectively.

min, max

(finite) numeric values for the extremes of the progress bar.

initial, value

initial or new value for the progress bar.


the width of the progress bar in pixels: the dialog box will be 40 pixels wider (plus frame).

pb, con

an object of class "winProgressBar".


for consistency with the generic.


winProgressBar will display a progress bar centred on the screen. Space will be allocated for the label only if it is non-empty.

setWinProgessBar will update the value and for non-NULL values, the title and label (provided there was one when the widget was created). Missing (NA) and out-of-range values of value will be (silently) ignored.

The progress bar should be closed when finished with, but it will be garbage-collected once no R object refers to it.


For winProgressBar an object of class "winProgressBar".

For getWinProgressBar and setWinProgressBar, a length-one numeric vector giving the previous value (invisibly for setWinProgressBar).


These functions are only available on Windows.

See Also

On all platforms, txtProgressBar, tkProgressBar

Data Output


write.table prints its required argument x (after converting it to a data frame if it is not one nor a matrix) to a file or connection.


write.table(x, file = "", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = " ",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = TRUE,
            col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"),
            fileEncoding = "")




the object to be written, preferably a matrix or data frame. If not, it is attempted to coerce x to a data frame.


either a character string naming a file or a connection open for writing. "" indicates output to the console.


logical. Only relevant if file is a character string. If TRUE, the output is appended to the file. If FALSE, any existing file of the name is destroyed.


a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) or a numeric vector. If TRUE, any character or factor columns will be surrounded by double quotes. If a numeric vector, its elements are taken as the indices of columns to quote. In both cases, row and column names are quoted if they are written. If FALSE, nothing is quoted.


the field separator string. Values within each row of x are separated by this string.


the character(s) to print at the end of each line (row). For example, eol = "\r\n" will produce Windows' line endings on a Unix-alike OS, and eol = "\r" will produce files as expected by Excel:mac 2004.


the string to use for missing values in the data.


the string to use for decimal points in numeric or complex columns: must be a single character.


either a logical value indicating whether the row names of x are to be written along with x, or a character vector of row names to be written.


either a logical value indicating whether the column names of x are to be written along with x, or a character vector of column names to be written. See the section on ‘CSV files’ for the meaning of col.names = NA.


a character string specifying how to deal with embedded double quote characters when quoting strings. Must be one of "escape" (default for write.table), in which case the quote character is escaped in C style by a backslash, or "double" (default for write.csv and write.csv2), in which case it is doubled. You can specify just the initial letter.


character string: if non-empty declares the encoding to be used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded as they are written. See file.


arguments to write.table: append, col.names, sep, dec and qmethod cannot be altered.


If the table has no columns the rownames will be written only if row.names = TRUE, and vice versa.

Real and complex numbers are written to the maximal possible precision.

If a data frame has matrix-like columns these will be converted to multiple columns in the result (via as.matrix) and so a character col.names or a numeric quote should refer to the columns in the result, not the input. Such matrix-like columns are unquoted by default.

Any columns in a data frame which are lists or have a class (e.g., dates) will be converted by the appropriate as.character method: such columns are unquoted by default. On the other hand, any class information for a matrix is discarded and non-atomic (e.g., list) matrices are coerced to character.

Only columns which have been converted to character will be quoted if specified by quote.

The dec argument only applies to columns that are not subject to conversion to character because they have a class or are part of a matrix-like column (or matrix), in particular to columns protected by I(). Use options("OutDec") to control such conversions.

In almost all cases the conversion of numeric quantities is governed by the option "scipen" (see options), but with the internal equivalent of digits = 15. For finer control, use format to make a character matrix/data frame, and call write.table on that.

These functions check for a user interrupt every 1000 lines of output.

If file is a non-open connection, an attempt is made to open it and then close it after use.

To write a Unix-style file on Windows, use a binary connection e.g. file = file("filename", "wb").

CSV files

By default there is no column name for a column of row names. If col.names = NA and row.names = TRUE a blank column name is added, which is the convention used for CSV files to be read by spreadsheets. Note that such CSV files can be read in R by

  read.csv(file = "<filename>", row.names = 1)

write.csv and write.csv2 provide convenience wrappers for writing CSV files. They set sep and dec (see below), qmethod = "double", and col.names to NA if row.names = TRUE (the default) and to TRUE otherwise.

write.csv uses "." for the decimal point and a comma for the separator.

write.csv2 uses a comma for the decimal point and a semicolon for the separator, the Excel convention for CSV files in some Western European locales.

These wrappers are deliberately inflexible: they are designed to ensure that the correct conventions are used to write a valid file. Attempts to change append, col.names, sep, dec or qmethod are ignored, with a warning.

CSV files do not record an encoding, and this causes problems if they are not ASCII for many other applications. Windows Excel 2007/10 will open files (e.g., by the file association mechanism) correctly if they are ASCII or UTF-16 (use fileEncoding = "UTF-16LE") or perhaps in the current Windows codepage (e.g., "CP1252"), but the ‘Text Import Wizard’ (from the ‘Data’ tab) allows far more choice of encodings. Excel:mac 2004/8 can import only ‘Macintosh’ (which seems to mean Mac Roman), ‘Windows’ (perhaps Latin-1) and ‘PC-8’ files. OpenOffice 3.x asks for the character set when opening the file.

There is an IETF RFC4180 ( for CSV files, which mandates comma as the separator and CRLF line endings. write.csv writes compliant files on Windows: use eol = "\r\n" on other platforms.


write.table can be slow for data frames with large numbers (hundreds or more) of columns: this is inevitable as each column could be of a different class and so must be handled separately. If they are all of the same class, consider using a matrix instead.

See Also

The ‘R Data Import/Export’ manual.

read.table, write.

write.matrix in package MASS.


x <- data.frame(a = I("a \" quote"), b = pi)
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")

## To write a CSV file for input to Excel one might use
write.table(x, file = tf, sep = ",", col.names = NA,
            qmethod = "double")
## and to read this file back into R one needs
read.table(tf, header = TRUE, sep = ",", row.names = 1)
## NB: you do need to specify a separator if qmethod = "double".

### Alternatively
write.csv(x, file = tf)
read.csv(tf, row.names = 1)
## or without row names
write.csv(x, file = tf, row.names = FALSE)

## Not run: 
## To write a file in Mac Roman for simple use in Mac Excel 2004/8
write.csv(x, file = "foo.csv", fileEncoding = "macroman")
## or for Windows Excel 2007/10
write.csv(x, file = "foo.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-16LE")

## End(Not run)

Create Zip Archives


A wrapper for an external zip command to create zip archives.


zip(zipfile, files, flags = "-r9X", extras = "",
    zip = Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD", "zip"))



The pathname of the zip file: tilde expansion (see path.expand) will be performed.


A character vector of recorded filepaths to be included.


A character string of flags to be passed to the command: see ‘Details’.


An optional character vector: see ‘Details’.


A character string specifying the external command to be used.


On a Unix-alike, the default for zip will use the value of R_ZIPCMD, whose default is set in ‘etc/Renviron’ to the zip command found during configuration. On Windows, the default relies on a zip program (for example that from Rtools) being in the path.

The default for flags is that appropriate for zipping up a directory tree in a portable way: see the system-specific help for the zip command for other possibilities.

Argument extras can be used to specify -x or -i followed by a list of filepaths to exclude or include. Since extras will be treated as if passed to system, if the filepaths contain spaces they must be quoted e.g. by shQuote.


The status value returned by the external command, invisibly.

See Also

unzip, unz; further, tar and untar for (un)packing tar archives.