Package 'grDevices'

Title: The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts
Description: Graphics devices and support for base and grid graphics.
Authors: R Core Team and contributors worldwide
Maintainer: R Core Team <>
License: Part of R 4.4.1
Version: 4.4.1
Built: 2024-06-15 17:27:20 UTC
Source: base

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The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts


Graphics devices and support for base and grid graphics


This package contains functions which support both base and grid graphics.

For a complete list of functions, use library(help = "grDevices").


R Core Team and contributors worldwide

Maintainer: R Core Team

Adjust Colors in One or More Directions Conveniently


Adjust or modify a vector of colors by “turning knobs” on one or more coordinates in (r,g,b,α)(r,g,b,\alpha) space, typically by up or down scaling them.


adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 1, red.f = 1, green.f = 1, blue.f = 1,
            offset = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
            transform = diag(c(red.f, green.f, blue.f, alpha.f)))



vector of colors, in any format that col2rgb() accepts


factor modifying the opacity alpha; typically in [0,1]

red.f, green.f, blue.f

factors modifying the “red-”, “green-” or “blue-”ness of the colors, respectively.


numeric vector of length 4 to offset x := c(r,g,b,alpha), where x is the [0,1][0,1]-scaled result of col2rgb(col, alpha=TRUE).


a 4x4 numeric matrix applied to x + offset.


a color vector of the same length as col, effectively the result of rgb().

See Also

rgb, col2rgb. For more sophisticated color constructions: convertColor


## Illustrative examples :
opal <- palette("default")
stopifnot(identical(adjustcolor(1:8,       0.75),
                    adjustcolor(palette(), 0.75)))
cbind(palette(), adjustcolor(1:8, 0.75))

##  alpha = 1/2 * previous alpha --> opaque colors
x <- palette(adjustcolor(palette(), 0.5))

sines <- outer(1:20, 1:4, function(x, y) sin(x / 20 * pi * y))
matplot(sines, type = "b", pch = 21:23, col = 2:5, bg = 2:5,
        main = "Using an 'opaque ('translucent') color palette")

x. <- adjustcolor(x, offset = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0), # <- "more white"
                  transform = diag(c(.7, .7, .7, 0.6)))
cbind(x, x.)
op <- par(bg = adjustcolor("goldenrod", offset = -rep(.4, 4)), xpd = NA)
plot(0:9, 0:9, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "",
     main = "adjustcolor() -> translucent")
text(1:8, labels = paste0(x,"++"), col = x., cex = 8)

## and

(M <- cbind( rbind( matrix(1/3, 3, 3), 0), c(0, 0, 0, 1)))
adjustcolor(x, transform = M)

## revert to previous palette: active

Coerce an Object for Graphics Annotation


Coerce an R object into a form suitable for graphics annotation.





an R object


Expressions, calls and names (as used by plotmath) are passed through unchanged. All other objects with an explicit class (as determined by is.object) are coerced by as.character to character vectors.

All the graphics and grid functions which use this coerce calls and names to expressions internally.


A language object or a character vector.

Create a Raster Object


Functions to create a raster object (representing a bitmap image) and coerce other objects to a raster object.


as.raster(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
as.raster(x, max = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'array'
as.raster(x, max = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logical'
as.raster(x, max = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'numeric'
as.raster(x, max = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'character'
as.raster(x, max = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'raw'
as.raster(x, max = 255L, ...)



any R object.


number giving the maximum of the color values range.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class "raster" is a matrix of colour values as given by rgb representing a bitmap image.

It is not expected that the user will need to call these functions directly; functions to render bitmap images in graphics packages will make use of the as.raster() function to generate a raster object from their input.

The as.raster() function is (S3) generic so methods can be written to convert other R objects to a raster object.

The default implementation for numeric matrices interprets scalar values on black-to-white scale.

Raster objects can be subsetted like a matrix and it is possible to assign to a subset of a raster object.

There is a method for converting a raster object to a matrix (of colour strings).

Raster objects can be compared for equality or inequality (with each other or with a colour string).

There is a method which returns a logical matrix of the same dimensions as the raster object. Note that NA values are interpreted as the fully transparent colour by some (but not all) graphics devices.


For as.raster(), a raster object.

For is.raster(), a logical indicating whether x is a raster object.


Raster images are internally represented row-first, which can cause confusion when trying to manipulate a raster object. The recommended approach is to coerce a raster to a matrix, perform the manipulation, then convert back to a raster.


# A red gradient
as.raster(matrix(hcl(0, 80, seq(50, 80, 10)),
                 nrow = 4, ncol = 5))

# Vectors are 1-column matrices ...
#   character vectors are color names ...
as.raster(hcl(0, 80, seq(50, 80, 10)))
#   numeric vectors are greyscale ...
as.raster(1:5, max = 5)
#   logical vectors are black and white ...
as.raster(1:10 %% 2 == 0)

# ... unless nrow/ncol are supplied ...
as.raster(1:10 %% 2 == 0, nrow = 1)

# Matrix can also be logical or numeric (or raw) ...
as.raster(matrix(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 3, ncol = 2))
as.raster(matrix(1:3/4, nrow = 3, ncol = 4))

# An array can be 3-plane numeric (R, G, B planes) ...
as.raster(array(c(0:1, rep(0.5, 4)), c(2, 1, 3)))

# ... or 4-plane numeric (R, G, B, A planes)
as.raster(array(c(0:1, rep(0.5, 6)), c(2, 1, 4)))

# subsetting
r <- as.raster(matrix(colors()[1:100], ncol = 10))
r[, 2]
r[2:4, 2:5]

# assigning to subset
r[2:4, 2:5] <- "white"

# comparison
r == "white"

Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales


Compute pretty axis scales and tick mark locations, the same way as traditional R graphics do it. This is interesting particularly for log scale axes.


axisTicks(usr, log, axp = NULL, nint = 5)
.axisPars(usr, log = FALSE,  nintLog = 5)



numeric vector of length 2, with c(min, max) axis extents.


logical indicating if a log scale is (thought to be) in use.


numeric vector of length 3, c(mi, ma, n.), with identical meaning to par("?axp") (where ? is x or y), namely “pretty” axis extents, and an integer code n..

nint, nintLog

positive integer value indicating (approximately) the desired number of intervals. nintLog is used only for the case log = TRUE.


axisTicks(usr, *) calls .axisPars(usr, ..) to set axp when that is missing or NULL.

Apart from that, axisTicks() just calls the C function CreateAtVector() in ‘R/src/main/plot.c’ which is also called by the base graphics package function axis(side, *) when its argument at is not specified.

Since R 4.1.0, the underlying C CreateAtVector() has been tuned to provide a considerably more balanced (symmetric) set of tick locations.


axisTicks() returns a numeric vector of potential axis tick locations, of length approximately nint+1.

.axisPars() returns a list with components


numeric vector of length 2, c(min., max.), of pretty axis extents.


integer (code), with the same meaning as par("?axp")[3].

See Also

axTicks, axis, and par all from the graphics package.


##--- Demonstrating correspondence between graphics'
##--- axis() and the graphics-engine agnostic  axisTicks() :

plot(10*(0:10)); (pu <- par("usr"))
aX <- function(side, at, ...)
    axis(side, at = at, labels = FALSE, lwd.ticks = 2, col.ticks = 2,
         tck = 0.05, ...)
aX(1, print(xa <- axisTicks(pu[1:2], log = FALSE)))  # x axis
aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = FALSE)))  # y axis

axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = FALSE, nint = 10)

plot(10*(0:10), log = "y"); (pu <- par("usr"))
aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = TRUE)))  # y axis

plot(2^(0:9), log = "y"); (pu <- par("usr"))
aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = TRUE)))  # y axis

Box Plot Statistics


This function is typically called by another function to gather the statistics necessary for producing box plots, but may be invoked separately.


boxplot.stats(x, coef = 1.5, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE)



a numeric vector for which the boxplot will be constructed (NAs and NaNs are allowed and omitted).


this determines how far the plot ‘whiskers’ extend out from the box. If coef is positive, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data point which is no more than coef times the length of the box away from the box. A value of zero causes the whiskers to extend to the data extremes (and no outliers be returned).

do.conf, do.out

logicals; if FALSE, the conf or out component respectively will be empty in the result.


The two ‘hinges’ are versions of the first and third quartile, i.e., close to quantile(x, c(1,3)/4). The hinges equal the quartiles for odd nn (where n <- length(x)) and differ for even nn. Whereas the quartiles only equal observations for n %% 4 == 1 (n1mod4n\equiv 1 \bmod 4), the hinges do so additionally for n %% 4 == 2 (n2mod4n\equiv 2 \bmod 4), and are in the middle of two observations otherwise.

The notches (if requested) extend to +/-1.58 IQR/sqrt(n). This seems to be based on the same calculations as the formula with 1.57 in Chambers et al. (1983, p. 62), given in McGill et al. (1978, p. 16). They are based on asymptotic normality of the median and roughly equal sample sizes for the two medians being compared, and are said to be rather insensitive to the underlying distributions of the samples. The idea appears to be to give roughly a 95% confidence interval for the difference in two medians.


A list with named components as follows:


a vector of length 5, containing the extreme of the lower whisker, the lower ‘hinge’, the median, the upper ‘hinge’ and the extreme of the upper whisker. For coef = 0, this vector is identical to fivenum(x, na.rm = TRUE).


the number of non-NA observations in the sample.


the lower and upper extremes of the ‘notch’ (if(do.conf)). See the details.


the values of any data points which lie beyond the extremes of the whiskers (if(do.out)).

Note that stats and conf are sorted in increasing order, unlike S, and that n and out include any +- Inf values.


Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory Data Analysis. Section 2C.

McGill, R., Tukey, J. W. and Larsen, W. A. (1978). Variations of box plots. The American Statistician, 32, 12–16. doi:10.2307/2683468.

Velleman, P. F. and Hoaglin, D. C. (1981). Applications, Basics and Computing of Exploratory Data Analysis. Duxbury Press.

Emerson, J. D and Strenio, J. (1983). Boxplots and batch comparison. Chapter 3 of Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis, eds. D. C. Hoaglin, F. Mosteller and J. W. Tukey. Wiley.

Chambers, J. M., Cleveland, W. S., Kleiner, B. and Tukey, P. A. (1983). Graphical Methods for Data Analysis. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

fivenum, boxplot, bxp.


x <- c(1:100, 1000)
(b1 <- boxplot.stats(x))
(b2 <- boxplot.stats(x, do.conf = FALSE, do.out = FALSE))
stopifnot(b1 $ stats == b2 $ stats) # do.out = FALSE is still robust
boxplot.stats(x, coef = 3, do.conf = FALSE)

## no outlier treatment:
(b3 <- boxplot.stats(x, coef = 0))
stopifnot(b3$stats == fivenum(x))

## missing values are ignored
stopifnot(identical(boxplot.stats(c(x, NA)), b1))
## ... infinite values are not:
(r <- boxplot.stats(c(x, -1:1/0)))
stopifnot(r$out == c(1000, -Inf, Inf))

Assign Focus to a Window


bringToTop brings the specified screen device's window to the front of the window stack (and gives it focus). With first argument -1 it brings the console to the top.

If stay = TRUE, the window is designated as a topmost window, i.e. it will stay on top of any regular window. stay may only be used when RGui is run in SDI mode. This corresponds to the “Stay on top” popup menu item in RGui.


bringToTop(which = dev.cur(), stay = FALSE)



a device number, or -1.


whether to make the window stay on top.

See Also

msgWindow, windows

Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices


Graphics devices for SVG, PDF and PostScript graphics files using the cairo graphics API.


svg(filename = if(onefile) "Rplots.svg" else "Rplot%03d.svg",
    width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
    onefile = FALSE, family = "sans", bg = "white",
    antialias = c("default", "none", "gray", "subpixel"),

cairo_pdf(filename = if(onefile) "Rplots.pdf" else "Rplot%03d.pdf",
          width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
          onefile = TRUE, family = "sans", bg = "white",
          antialias = c("default", "none", "gray", "subpixel"),
          fallback_resolution = 300, symbolfamily)

cairo_ps(filename = if(onefile) "" else "",
         width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
         onefile = TRUE, family = "sans", bg = "white",
         antialias = c("default", "none", "gray", "subpixel"),
         fallback_resolution = 300, symbolfamily)



the file path of the output file(s). The page number is substituted if a C integer format is included in the character string, as in the default. (Depending on the platform, the result must be less than PATH_MAX characters long, and may be truncated if not. See pdf for further details.) Tilde expansion is performed where supported by the platform.


the width of the device in inches.


the height of the device in inches.


the default pointsize of plotted text (in big points).


should all plots appear in one file or in separate files?


one of the device-independent font families, "sans", "serif" and "mono", or a character string specify a font family to be searched for in a system-dependent way.

On unix-alikes (incl.\ macOS), see the ‘Cairo fonts’ section in the help for X11.


the initial background colour: can be overridden by setting par("bg").


string, the type of anti-aliasing (if any) to be used; defaults to "default".


numeric: the resolution in dpi used when falling back to bitmap output.


a length-one character string that specifies the font family to be used as the "symbol" font (e.g., for plotmath output).


SVG (Scalar Vector Graphics) is a W3C standard for vector graphics. See The output from svg is SVG version 1.1 for onefile = FALSE (the default), otherwise SVG 1.2. (SVG 1.2 never passed the draft stage. Few SVG viewers are capable of displaying multi-page SVG files, and they have been dropped from SVG 2.0 (still in draft).)

Note that unlike pdf and postscript, cairo_pdf and cairo_ps sometimes record bitmaps and not vector graphics. On the other hand, they can (on suitable platforms) include a much wider range of UTF-8 glyphs, and embed the fonts used.

The output produced by cairo_ps(onefile = FALSE) will be encapsulated postscript on a platform with cairo >= 1.6.

R can be compiled without support for any of these devices: this will be reported if you attempt to use them on a system where they are not supported.

If you plot more than one page on one of these devices and do not include something like %d for the sequence number in filename (or set onefile = TRUE) the file will contain the last page plotted.

There is full support of semi-transparency, but using this is one of the things liable to trigger bitmap output (and will always do so for cairo_ps).


A plot device is opened: nothing is returned to the R interpreter.


Anti-aliasing is applied to both graphics and fonts. It is generally preferable for lines and text, but can lead to undesirable effects for fills, e.g. for image plots, and so is never used for fills.

antialias = "default" is in principle platform-dependent, but seems most often equivalent to antialias = "gray".


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is in pixels (svg) or inches.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Helvetica.

  • Line widths are multiples of 1/96 inch.

  • Circle radii have a minimum of 1/72 inch.

  • Colours are interpreted by the viewing application.


Support for all these devices are optional, so in packages they should be used conditionally after checking capabilities("cairo").


In principle these devices are independent of X11 (as is seen by their presence on Windows). But on a Unix-alike the cairo libraries may be distributed as part of the X11 system and hence that (for example, on macOS, XQuartz) may need to be installed.

See Also

Devices, dev.print, pdf, postscript

capabilities to see if cairo is supported.

Specify a Symbol Font


Specify a symbol font for a Cairo-based graphics device. This function provides the opportunity to specify whether the font supports Private Use Area code points.


cairoSymbolFont(family, usePUA = TRUE)



A character vector giving the symbol font family name.


Does the font support Private Use Area code points?


On Cairo-based graphics devices, when drawing with a symbol font (e.g., plotmath), Adobe Symbol Encoding characters are converted to UTF-8 code points. This conversion can use Private Use Area code points or not. It is useful to be able to specify this option because some fonts (e.g., the OpenSymbol font that is included in LibreOffice) have glyphs mapped to the Private Use Area and some fonts (e.g., Nimbus Sans L, the URW Fonts equivalent of Helvetica) do not.


An object of class "CairoSymbolFont".

See Also



## Not run: 
## If a font uses PUA, we can just specify the font name ...
## ... or equivalently ...

## If a font does not use PUA, we must indicate that ...
cairo_pdf(symbolfamily=cairoSymbolFont("Nimbus Sans", usePUA=FALSE))

## End(Not run)

Set Options with Consistency Checks


Utility function for setting options with some consistency checks. The attributes of the new settings in new are checked for consistency with the model (often default) list in name.opt.


check.options(new, name.opt, reset = FALSE, assign.opt = FALSE,
              envir = .GlobalEnv,
              check.attributes = c("mode", "length"),
              override.check = FALSE)



a named list


character with the name of R object containing the default list.


logical; if TRUE, reset the options from name.opt. If there is more than one R object with name name.opt, remove the first one in the search() path.


logical; if TRUE, assign the ...


the environment used for get and assign.


character containing the attributes which check.options should check.


logical vector of length length(new) (or 1 which entails recycling). For those new[i] where override.check[i] == TRUE, the checks are overridden and the changes made anyway.


A list of components with the same names as the one called name.opt. The values of the components are changed from the new list, as long as these pass the checks (when these are not overridden according to override.check).


Option "names" is exempt from all the checks or warnings, as in the application it can be NULL or a variable-length character vector.


Martin Maechler

See Also

ps.options and pdf.options, which use check.options.


(L1 <- list(a = 1:3, b = pi, ch = "CH"))
check.options(list(a = 0:2), name.opt = "L1")
check.options(NULL, reset = TRUE, name.opt = "L1")

Compute Convex Hull of a Set of Points


Computes the subset of points which lie on the convex hull of the set of points specified.


chull(x, y = NULL)


x, y

coordinate vectors of points. This can be specified as two vectors x and y, a 2-column matrix x, a list x with two components, etc, see xy.coords.


xy.coords is used to interpret the specification of the points. Infinite, missing and NaN values are not allowed.

The algorithm is that given by Eddy (1977).


An integer vector giving the indices of the unique points lying on the convex hull, in clockwise order. (The first will be returned for duplicate points.)


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988). The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

Eddy, W. F. (1977). A new convex hull algorithm for planar sets. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 3, 398–403. doi:10.1145/355759.355766.

Eddy, W. F. (1977). Algorithm 523: CONVEX, A new convex hull algorithm for planar sets [Z]. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 3, 411–412. doi:10.1145/355759.355768.

See Also

xy.coords, polygon


X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(2000), ncol = 2)

plot(X, cex = 0.5)
polygon(X[chull(X), ])

Unit Transformation


Translates from inches to cm (centimeters).





numeric vector


cm(1)  # = 2.54

## Translate *from* cm *to* inches:

10 / cm(1) # -> 10cm  are 3.937 inches

Color to RGB Conversion


R color to RGB (red/green/blue) conversion.


col2rgb(col, alpha = FALSE)



vector of any of the three kinds of R color specifications, i.e., either a color name (as listed by colors()), a hexadecimal string (see Details), or a positive integer i meaning palette()[i].


logical value indicating whether the alpha channel (opacity) values should be returned.


NA (as integer or character) and "NA" mean transparent, which can also be specified as "transparent".

Values of col not of one of these types are coerced: real vectors are coerced to integer and other types to character. (factors are coerced to character: in all other cases the class is ignored when doing the coercion.)

Hexadecimal string colors can be in the long hexadecimal form (e.g., "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa") or the short form (e.g, "#rgb" or "#rgba"). The short form is expanded to the long form by replicating digits (not by adding zeroes), e.g., "#rgb" becomes "#rrggbb".

Zero and negative values of col are an error.


An integer matrix with three or four (for alpha = TRUE) rows and number of columns the length of col. If col has names these are used as the column names of the return value.


Martin Maechler and the R core team.

See Also

rgb, colors, palette, etc.

The newer, more flexible interface, convertColor().


col2rgb(c(blu = "royalblue", reddish = "tomato"))  # note: colnames

col2rgb(1:8)  # the ones from the palette() (if the default)

col2rgb(paste0("gold", 1:4))

## all three kinds of color specifications:
col2rgb(c(red = "red", hex = "#abcdef"))
col2rgb(c(palette = 1:3))

# long and short form of hexadecimal notation
col2rgb(c(long = "#559955", short = "#595"))
# with alpha
col2rgb(c(long = "#559955BB", short = "#595B"), alpha = TRUE)

##-- NON-INTRODUCTORY examples --

grC <- col2rgb(paste0("gray", 0:100))
table(print(diff(grC["red",])))  # '2' or '3': almost equidistant
## The 'named' grays are in between {"slate gray" is not gray, strictly}
col2rgb(c(g66 = "gray66", darkg =  "dark gray", g67 = "gray67",
          g74 = "gray74", gray  =       "gray", g75 = "gray75",
          g82 = "gray82", light = "light gray", g83 = "gray83"))

crgb <- col2rgb(cc <- colors())
colnames(crgb) <- cc
t(crgb)  # The whole table

## How many names are 'aliases' of each other?
ccodes <- c(256^(2:0) %*% crgb)
cl <- split(cc, ccodes)
length(cl) # 502 distinct colors
table(tcc <- lengths(cl))
## All the multiply named colors:
clmult <- cl[tcc >= 2]
names(clmult) <- sapply(clmult, function(x) paste(crgb[,x[1]], collapse = ","))

## Look at the color cube:
tc <- t(crgb[, !duplicated(ccodes)])
cNms <- rownames(tc)
if(requireNamespace("lattice", quietly = TRUE))
    lattice::cloud(blue ~ red + green, data =, col = cNms)
## The 8 corners of the color cube:
isC <- rowSums(tc == 0 | tc == 255) == 3
cNms[isC] # "white" "black" "blue" "cyan" "green" "magenta" "red" "yellow"

table(is.gray <- tc[,1] == tc[,2] & tc[,2] == tc[,3])  # (397, 105)

## Not run: ## Look at the color cube dynamically:
 if(require("rgl")) {
   open3d(windowRect = c(50,50, 950, 950)) # large, so we see details
   plot3d (tc, col = cNms, size = 11) # --> rotate w/ mouse; enlarged corners:
   points3d(tc[isC,], col = cNms[isC], size=22)
   bg3d("darkgray") # (to "see more"); rotate around gray-axis:
   play3d(spin3d(axis = c(1, 1, 1), rpm = 2), duration = 30)
   if(FALSE) # add all names {zoom in with 2nd mouse button!}
     text3d(tc[!is.gray,], texts = cNms[!is.gray],
                             col = cNms[!is.gray], adj=-1/4, cex = 1/2)
   if(FALSE) { ## next version of {rgl}
     hover3d(tc, labels = cNms)
     message("Move mouse over plot to identify points.")
   } else { ##  click on blob to see colors()' name:
     identify3d(tc, labels=cNms)

## End(Not run)

Color interpolation


These functions return functions that interpolate a set of given colors to create new color palettes (like topo.colors) and color ramps, functions that map the interval [0,1][0, 1] to colors (like grey).


colorRamp(colors, bias = 1, space = c("rgb", "Lab"),
          interpolate = c("linear", "spline"), alpha = FALSE)
colorRampPalette(colors, ...)



colors to interpolate; must be a valid argument to col2rgb().


a positive number. Higher values give more widely spaced colors at the high end.


a character string; interpolation in RGB or CIE Lab color spaces.


use spline or linear interpolation.


logical: should alpha channel (opacity) values be returned? It is an error to give a true value if space is specified.


arguments to pass to colorRamp.


The CIE Lab color space is approximately perceptually uniform, and so gives smoother and more uniform color ramps. On the other hand, palettes that vary from one hue to another via white may have a more symmetrical appearance in RGB space.

The conversion formulas in this function do not appear to be completely accurate and the color ramp may not reach the extreme values in Lab space. Future changes in the R color model may change the colors produced with space = "Lab".


colorRamp returns a function with argument a vector of values between 0 and 1 that are mapped to a numeric matrix of RGB color values with one row per color and 3 or 4 columns.

colorRampPalette returns a function that takes an integer argument (the required number of colors) and returns a character vector of colors (see rgb) interpolating the given sequence (similar to heat.colors or terrain.colors).

See Also

Good starting points for interpolation are the “sequential” and “diverging” ColorBrewer palettes in the RColorBrewer package.

splinefun or approxfun are used for interpolation.


## Both return a *function* :
colorRamp(c("red", "green"))( (0:4)/4 ) ## (x) , x in [0,1]
colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))( 4 ) ## (n)
## a ramp in opacity of blue values
colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0,0,1,1), rgb(0,0,1,0)), alpha = TRUE)(8)


## Here space="rgb" gives palettes that vary only in saturation,
## as intended.
## With space="Lab" the steps are more uniform, but the hues
## are slightly purple.
               color.palette =
                   colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue")),
               asp = 1)
               color.palette =
                   colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"),
                                    space = "Lab"),
               asp = 1)

## Interpolating a 'sequential' ColorBrewer palette
YlOrBr <- c("#FFFFD4", "#FED98E", "#FE9929", "#D95F0E", "#993404")
               color.palette = colorRampPalette(YlOrBr, space = "Lab"),
               asp = 1)
               color.palette = colorRampPalette(YlOrBr, space = "Lab",
                                                bias = 0.5),
               asp = 1)

## 'jet.colors' is "as in Matlab"
## (and hurting the eyes by over-saturation)
jet.colors <-
  colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
                     "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))
filled.contour(volcano, color.palette = jet.colors, asp = 1)

## space="Lab" helps when colors don't form a natural sequence
m <- outer(1:20,1:20,function(x,y) sin(sqrt(x*y)/3))
rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "orange", "blue"),
                                space = "rgb")
Lab.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "orange", "blue"),
                                space = "Lab")
filled.contour(m, col = rgb.palette(20))
filled.contour(m, col = Lab.palette(20))

Color Names


Returns the built-in color names which R knows about.


colors (distinct = FALSE)
colours(distinct = FALSE)



logical indicating if the colors returned should all be distinct; e.g., "snow" and "snow1" are effectively the same point in the (0:255)3(0:255)^3 RGB space.


These color names can be used with a col= specification in graphics functions.

An even wider variety of colors can be created with primitives rgb, hsv and hcl, or the derived rainbow, heat.colors, etc.

"transparent" is not a color and so not listed, but it is accepted as a color specification.


A character vector containing all the built-in color names.

See Also

palette for setting the ‘palette’ of colors for col=index specifications.

rgb, hsv, hcl, gray; rainbow for a nice example; and heat.colors, topo.colors for images.

col2rgb for translating to RGB numbers and extended examples.


cl <- colors()
length(cl); cl[1:20]

length(cl. <- colors(TRUE))
## only 502 of the 657 named ones

## ----------- Show all named colors and more:
## -----------

Calculate Contour Lines


Calculate contour lines for a given set of data.


contourLines(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)),
             y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)),
             z, nlevels = 10,
             levels = pretty(range(z, na.rm = TRUE), nlevels))


x, y

locations of grid lines at which the values in z are measured. These must be in ascending order. By default, equally spaced values from 0 to 1 are used. If x is a list, its components x$x and x$y are used for x and y, respectively. If the list has component z this is used for z.


a matrix containing the values to be plotted (NAs are allowed). Note that x can be used instead of z for convenience.


number of contour levels desired iff levels is not supplied.


numeric vector of levels at which to draw contour lines.


contourLines draws nothing, but returns a set of contour lines.

There is currently no documentation about the algorithm. The source code is in ‘R_HOME/src/main/plot3d.c’.


A list of contours, each itself a list with elements:


The contour level.


The x-coordinates of the contour.


The y-coordinates of the contour.

See Also

options("max.contour.segments") for the maximal complexity of a single contour line.

contour: Its ‘Examples’ demonstrate how contourLines() can be drawn and are the same (as those from contour()).


x <- 10*1:nrow(volcano)
y <- 10*1:ncol(volcano)
cl <- contourLines(x, y, volcano)
## summarize the sizes of each the contour lines :
cbind(lev = vapply(cl, `[[`, .5, "level"),
       n  = vapply(cl, function(l) length(l$x), 1))

z <- outer(-9:25, -9:25)
pretty(range(z), 10) # -300 -200 ... 600 700
utils::str(c2 <- contourLines(z))
   # no segments for {-300, 700};
   #  2 segments for {-200, -100, 0}
   #  1 segment  for  100:600

Convert between Colour Spaces


Convert colours between their representations in standard colour spaces.


convertColor(color, from, to, from.ref.white, to.ref.white,
    = 1, scale.out = 1, clip = TRUE)



A matrix whose rows specify colors. The function will also accept a data frame, but will silently convert to a matrix internally.

from, to

Input and output color spaces. See ‘Details’ below.

from.ref.white, to.ref.white

Reference whites or NULL if these are built in to the definition, as for RGB spaces. D65 is the default, see ‘Details’ for others., scale.out

Input is divided by, output is multiplied by scale.out. Use NULL to suppress scaling when input or output is not numeric.


If TRUE, truncate RGB output to [0,1], FALSE return out-of-range RGB, NA set out of range colors to NaN.


Color spaces are specified by objects of class colorConverter, created by colorConverter or make.rgb. Built-in color spaces may be referenced by strings: "XYZ", "sRGB", "Apple RGB", "CIE RGB", "Lab", "Luv". The converters for these colour spaces are in the object colorspaces.

The "sRGB" color space is that used by standard PC monitors. "Apple RGB" is used by Apple monitors. "Lab" and "Luv" are approximately perceptually uniform spaces standardized by the Commission Internationale d'Eclairage. XYZ is a 1931 CIE standard capable of representing all visible colors (and then some), but not in a perceptually uniform way.

The Lab and Luv spaces describe colors of objects, and so require the specification of a reference ‘white light’ color. Illuminant D65 is a standard indirect daylight, Illuminant D50 is close to direct sunlight, and Illuminant A is the light from a standard incandescent bulb. Other standard CIE illuminants supported are B, C, E and D55. RGB colour spaces are defined relative to a particular reference white, and can be only approximately translated to other reference whites. The von Kries chromatic adaptation algorithm is used for this. Prior to R 3.6, color conversions involving color spaces created with make.rgb were carried out assuming a D65 illuminant, irrespective of the actual illuminant used in the creation of the color space. This affected the built-in "CIE RGB" color space.

The RGB color spaces are specific to a particular class of display. An RGB space cannot represent all colors, and the clip option controls what is done to out-of-range colors.

For the named color spaces color must be a matrix of values in the from color space: in particular opaque colors.


A 3-column matrix whose rows specify the colors.


For all the conversion equations

For the white points

See Also

col2rgb and colors for ways to specify colors in graphics.

make.rgb for specifying other colour spaces.


## The displayable colors from four planes of Lab space
ab <- expand.grid(a = (-10:15)*10,
                  b = (-15:10)*10)
require(graphics); require(stats) # for na.omit
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = .1+c(3, 3, 3, .5), mgp = c(2,  .8,  0))

Lab <- cbind(L = 20, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
  xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=20")

Lab <- cbind(L = 40, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
  xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=40")

Lab <- cbind(L = 60, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
  xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=60")

Lab <- cbind(L = 80, ab)
srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA)
clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action")
srgb[clipped, ] <- 0
cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3])
image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols,
  xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=80")

cols <- t(col2rgb(palette())); rownames(cols) <- palette(); cols
zapsmall(lab <- convertColor(cols, from = "sRGB", to = "Lab", = 255))
stopifnot(all.equal(cols, # converting back.. getting the original:
   round(convertColor(lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", scale.out = 255)),
                    check.attributes = FALSE))

Colors for Smooth Density Plots


densCols produces a vector containing colors which encode the local densities at each point in a scatterplot.


densCols(x, y = NULL, nbin = 128, bandwidth,
         colramp = colorRampPalette(blues9[-(1:3)]))


x, y

the x and y arguments provide the x and y coordinates of the points. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xy.coords for details. If supplied separately, they must be of the same length.


numeric vector of length one (for both directions) or two (for x and y separately) specifying the number of equally spaced grid points for the density estimation; directly used as gridsize in bkde2D().


numeric vector (length 1 or 2) of smoothing bandwidth(s). If missing, a more or less useful default is used. bandwidth is subsequently passed to function bkde2D.


function accepting an integer n as an argument and returning n colors.


densCols computes and returns the set of colors that will be used in plotting, calling bkde2D(*, bandwidth, gridsize = nbin, ..) from package KernSmooth.

blues9 is a set of 9 color shades of blue used as the default in plotting.


densCols returns a vector of length nrow(x) that contains colors to be used in a subsequent scatterplot. Each color represents the local density around the corresponding point.


Florian Hahne at FHCRC, originally

See Also

bkde2D from package KernSmooth; further, smoothScatter() (package graphics) which builds on the same computations as densCols.


x1  <- matrix(rnorm(1e3), ncol = 2)
x2  <- matrix(rnorm(1e3, mean = 3, sd = 1.5), ncol = 2)
x   <- rbind(x1, x2)

dcols <- densCols(x)
graphics::plot(x, col = dcols, pch = 20, main = "n = 1000")

Control Multiple Devices


These functions provide control over multiple graphics devices.


dev.list() = dev.cur())
dev.prev(which = dev.cur()) = dev.cur())
dev.set(which =, noRStudioGD = FALSE)



An integer specifying a device number.


arguments to be passed to the device selected.


Do not use the RStudio graphics device even if specified as the default device: it does not accept arguments such as width and height.


Only one device is the ‘active’ device: this is the device in which all graphics operations occur. There is a "null device" which is always open but is really a placeholder: any attempt to use it will open a new device specified by getOption("device").

Devices are associated with a name (e.g., "X11" or "postscript") and a number in the range 1 to 63; the "null device" is always device 1. Once a device has been opened the null device is not considered as a possible active device. There is a list of open devices, and this is considered as a circular list not including the null device. and dev.prev select the next open device in the appropriate direction, unless no device is open. shuts down the specified (by default the current) device. If the current device is shut down and any other devices are open, the next open device is made current. It is an error to attempt to shut down device 1. shuts down all open graphics devices. Normal termination of a session runs the internal equivalent of

dev.set makes the specified device the active device. If there is no device with that number, it is equivalent to If which = 1 it opens a new device and selects that. opens a new device. Normally R will open a new device automatically when needed, but this enables you to open further devices in a platform-independent way. (For which device is used see getOption("device").) Note that care is needed with file-based devices such as pdf and postscript and in that case file names such as ‘Rplots.pdf’, ‘Rplots1.pdf’, ..., ‘Rplots999.pdf’ are tried in turn. Only named arguments are passed to the device, and then only if they match the argument list of the device. Even so, care is needed with the interpretation of e.g. width, and for the standard bitmap devices units = "in", res = 72 is forced if neither is supplied but both width and height are.


dev.cur returns a length-one named integer vector giving the number and name of the active device, or 1, the null device, if none is active.

dev.list returns the numbers of all open devices, except device 1, the null device. This is a numeric vector with a names attribute giving the device names, or NULL is there is no open device. and dev.prev return the number and name of the next / previous device in the list of devices. This will be the null device if and only if there are no open devices. returns the number and name of the new active device (after the specified device has been shut down).

dev.set returns the number and name of the new active device. returns the return value of the device opened, usually invisible NULL.

See Also

Devices, such as postscript, etc.

layout and its links for setting up plotting regions on the current device.


## Not run: ## Unix-specific example
abline(0, 1) # through the 1:10 points
abline(h = 0, col = "gray") # for the residual plot
dev.set(dev.prev()); #- close the two X devices

## End(Not run)

Query Capabilities of the Current Graphics Device


Query the capabilities of the current graphics device.


dev.capabilities(what = NULL)



a character vector partially matching the names of the components listed in section ‘Value’, or NULL which lists all available capabilities.


The capabilities have to be specified by the author of the graphics device, unless they can be deduced from missing hooks. Thus they will often by returned as NA, and may reflect the maximal capabilities of the underlying device where several output formats are supported by one device.

Most recent devices support semi-transparent colours provided the graphics format does (which PostScript does not). On the other hand, relatively few graphics formats support (fully or semi-) transparent backgrounds: generally the latter is found only in PDF and PNG plots.


A named list with some or all of the following components, any of which may take value NA:


logical: Does the device support semi-transparent colours?


character: Does the device support (semi)-transparent backgrounds? Possible values are "no", "fully" (only full transparency) and "semi" (semi-transparent background colours are supported).


character: To what extent does the device support raster images as used by rasterImage and grid.raster? Possible values "no", "yes" and "non-missing" (support only for arrays without any missing values).


logical: Does the current device support raster capture as used by grid.cap?


logical: Does the current device support locator and identify?


character: Which events can be generated on this device? Currently this will be a subset of c("MouseDown", "MouseMove", "MouseUp", "Keybd"), but other events may be supported in the future.


character: Does the device support pattern fills? One or more of c("LinearGradient", "RadialGradient", "TilingPattern") May also be FALSE.


logical: Does the device support clipping paths?


character: Does the device support masks? One or more of c("alpha", "luminance") May also be FALSE.


character: Does the device support compositing operators? There are many possible operators and devices may support any subset. For example the pdf device supports a set of “blend modes” whereas Cairo-based devices support Porter-Duff operators as well. May also be FALSE.


logical: Does the devices support affine transformations ?


logical: Does the device support stroking and filling paths?


logical: Does the device support rendering glyphs?

See Also

See getGraphicsEvent for details on interactive events.



Capture device output as a raster image


dev.capture captures the current contents of a graphics device as a raster (bitmap) image.


dev.capture(native = FALSE)



Logical. If FALSE the result is a matrix of R color names, if TRUE the output is returned as a nativeRaster object which is more efficient for plotting, but not portable.


Not all devices support capture of the output as raster bitmaps. Typically, only image-based devices do and even not all of them.


NULL if the device does not support capture, otherwise a matrix of color names (for native = FALSE) or a nativeRaster object (for native = TRUE).

Hold or Flush Output on an On-Screen Graphics Device


This gives a way to hold/flush output on certain on-screen devices, and is ignored by other devices.


dev.hold(level = 1L)
dev.flush(level = 1L)



Integer >= 0. The amount by which to change the hold level. Negative values will be silently replaced by zero.


Devices which implement this maintain a stack of hold levels: calling dev.hold increases the level and dev.flush decreases it. Calling dev.hold when the hold level is zero increases the hold level and inhibits graphics display. When calling dev.flush clears all pending holds the screen display is refreshed and normal operation is resumed.

This is implemented for the cairo-based X11 types with buffering. When the hold level is positive the ‘watch’ cursor is set on the device's window.

It is available on the quartz device on macOS.

This is implemented for the windows device with buffering selected (the default). When the hold level is positive the ‘busy’ cursor is set on the device's window.


The current level after the change, invisibly. This is 0 on devices where hold levels are not supported.

Is the Current Graphics Device Interactive?


Test if the current graphics device (or that which would be opened) is interactive.


dev.interactive(orNone = FALSE)

deviceIsInteractive(name = NULL)



logical; if TRUE, the function also returns TRUE when .Device == "null device" and getOption("device") is among the known interactive devices.


one or more device names as a character vector, or NULL to give the existing list.


The X11 (Unix), windows (Windows) and quartz (macOS, on-screen types only) are regarded as interactive, together with JavaGD (from the package of the same name) and CairoWin and CairoX11 (from package Cairo). Packages can add their devices to the list by calling deviceIsInteractive.


dev.interactive() returns a logical, TRUE if and only if an interactive (screen) device is in use.

deviceIsInteractive returns the updated list of known interactive devices, invisibly unless name = NULL.

See Also

Devices for the available devices on your platform.



Find Size of Device Surface


Find the dimensions of the device surface of the current device.


dev.size(units = c("in", "cm", "px"))



the units in which to return the value – inches, cm, or pixels (device units).


A two-element numeric vector giving width and height of the current device; a new device is opened if there is none, similarly to

See Also

The size information in inches can be obtained by par("din"), but this provides a way to access it independent of the graphics sub-system in use. Note that par("din") is only updated when a new plot is started, whereas dev.size tracks the size as an on-screen device is resized.



Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices


dev.copy copies the graphics contents of the current device to the device specified by which or to a new device which has been created by the function specified by device (it is an error to specify both which and device). (If recording is off on the current device, there are no contents to copy: this will result in no plot or an empty plot.) The device copied to becomes the current device.

dev.print copies the graphics contents of the current device to a new device which has been created by the function specified by device and then shuts the new device.

dev.copy2eps is similar to dev.print but produces an EPSF output file in portrait orientation (horizontal = FALSE). dev.copy2pdf is the analogue for PDF output.

dev.control allows the user to control the recording of graphics operations in a device. If displaylist is "inhibit" ("enable") then recording is turned off (on). It is only safe to change this at the beginning of a plot (just before or just after a new page). Initially recording is on for screen devices, and off for print devices.


dev.copy(device, ..., which =
dev.print(device = postscript, ...)
dev.copy2pdf(..., out.type = "pdf")
dev.control(displaylist = c("inhibit", "enable"))



A device function (e.g., x11, postscript, ...)


Arguments to the device function above: for dev.copy2eps arguments to postscript and for dev.copy2pdf, arguments to pdf. For dev.print, this includes which and by default any postscript arguments.


A device number specifying the device to copy to.


The name of the output device: can be "pdf", or "quartz" (some macOS builds) or "cairo" (Windows and some Unix-alikes, see cairo_pdf).


A character string: the only valid values are "inhibit" and "enable".


Note that these functions copy the device region and not a plot: the background colour of the device surface is part of what is copied. Most screen devices default to a transparent background, which is probably not what is needed when copying to a device such as png.

For dev.copy2eps and dev.copy2pdf, width and height are taken from the current device unless otherwise specified. If just one of width and height is specified, the other is adjusted to preserve the aspect ratio of the device being copied. The default file name is Rplot.eps or Rplot.pdf, and can be overridden by specifying a file argument.

Copying to devices such as pdf and postscript which need font families pre-specified needs extra care – R is unaware of which families were used in a plot and so they will need to manually specified by the fonts argument passed as part of .... Similarly, if the device to be copied from was opened with a family argument, a suitable family argument will need to be included in ....

The default for dev.print is to produce and print a postscript copy. This will not work unless options("printcmd") is set suitably and you have a PostScript printing system: see postscript for how to set this up. Windows users may prefer to use dev.print(win.print).

dev.print is most useful for producing a postscript print (its default) when the following applies. Unless file is specified, the plot will be printed. Unless width, height and pointsize are specified the plot dimensions will be taken from the current device, shrunk if necessary to fit on the paper. (pointsize is rescaled if the plot is shrunk.) If horizontal is not specified and the plot can be printed at full size by switching its value this is done instead of shrinking the plot region.

If dev.print is used with a specified device (even postscript) it sets the width and height in the same way as dev.copy2eps. This will not be appropriate unless the device specifies dimensions in inches, in particular not for png, jpeg, tiff and bmp unless units = "inches" is specified.


dev.copy returns the name and number of the device which has been copied to.

dev.print, dev.copy2eps and dev.copy2pdf return the name and number of the device which has been copied from.


Most devices (including all screen devices) have a display list which records all of the graphics operations that occur in the device. dev.copy copies graphics contents by copying the display list from one device to another device. Also, automatic redrawing of graphics contents following the resizing of a device depends on the contents of the display list.

After the command dev.control("inhibit"), graphics operations are not recorded in the display list so that dev.copy and dev.print will not copy anything and the contents of a device will not be redrawn automatically if the device is resized.

The recording of graphics operations is relatively expensive in terms of memory so the command dev.control("inhibit") can be useful if memory usage is an issue.

See Also

dev.cur and other functions.


## Not run: 
x11() # on a Unix-alike
plot(rnorm(10), main = "Plot 1")
dev.copy(device = x11)
mtext("Copy 1", 3)
dev.print(width = 6, height = 6, horizontal = FALSE) # prints it

## End(Not run)

Graphics Device for Bitmap Files via Ghostscript


bitmap generates a graphics file. dev2bitmap copies the current graphics device to a file in a graphics format.


bitmap(file, type = "png16m", height = 7, width = 7, res = 72,
       units = "in", pointsize, taa = NA, gaa = NA, ...)

dev2bitmap(file, type = "png16m", height = 7, width = 7, res = 72,
           units = "in", pointsize, ...,
           method = c("postscript", "pdf"), taa = NA, gaa = NA)



The output file name, with an appropriate extension.


The type of bitmap.

width, height

Dimensions of the display region.


Resolution, in dots per inch.


The units in which height and width are given. Can be in (inches), px (pixels), cm or mm.


The pointsize to be used for text: defaults to something reasonable given the width and height


Other parameters passed to postscript or pdf.


Should the plot be done by postscript or pdf?

taa, gaa

Number of bits of antialiasing for text and for graphics respectively. Usually 4 (for best effect) or 2. Not supported on all types.


dev2bitmap works by copying the current device to a postscript or pdf device, and post-processing the output file using ghostscript. bitmap works in the same way using a postscript device and post-processing the output as ‘printing’.

You will need ghostscript: the full path to the executable can be set by the environment variable R_GSCMD. If this is unset, a GhostScript executable will be looked for by name on your path: on a Unix alike "gs" is used, and on Windows the setting of the environment variable GSC is used, otherwise commands "gswi64c.exe" then "gswin32c.exe" are tried.

The types available will depend on the version of ghostscript, but are likely to include "jpeg", "jpegcmyk", "jpeggray", "tiffcrle", "tiffg3", "tiffg32d", "tiffg4", "tiffgray", "tifflzw", "tiffpack", "tiff12nc", "tiff24nc", "tiff32nc" "png16", "png16m", "png256", "png48", "pngmono", "pnggray", "pngalpha", "bmp16", "bmp16m" "bmp256", "bmp32b", "bmpgray", "bmpmono".

The default type, "png16m", supports 24-bit colour and anti-aliasing. Type "png256" uses a palette of 256 colours and could give a more compact representation. Monochrome graphs can use "pngmono", or "pnggray" if anti-aliasing is desired. Plots with a transparent background and varying degrees of transparency should use "pngalpha".

Note that for a colour TIFF image you probably want "tiff24nc", which is 8-bit per channel RGB (the most common TIFF format). None of the listed TIFF types support transparency. "tiff32nc" uses 8-bit per channel CMYK, which printers might require.

For formats which contain a single image, a file specification like Rplots%03d.png can be used: this is interpreted by Ghostscript.

For dev2bitmap if just one of width and height is specified, the other is chosen to preserve the aspect ratio of the device being copied. The main reason to prefer method = "pdf" over the default would be to allow semi-transparent colours to be used.

For graphics parameters such as "cra" that need to work in pixels, the default resolution of 72dpi is always used.

On Windows only, paths for file and R_GSCMD which contain spaces are mapped to short names via shortPathName.




This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual. These devices follow the underlying device, so when viewed at the stated res:

  • The default device size is 7 inches square.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is (for the standard Ghostscript setup) URW Nimbus Sans.

  • Line widths are as a multiple of 1/96 inch, with no minimum.

  • Circle of any radius are allowed.

  • Colours are interpreted by the viewing/printing application.


On Windows, Use of bitmap will leave a temporary file (with file name starting Rbit).

Although using type = "pdfwrite" will work for simple plots, it is not recommended. Either use pdf to produce PDF directly, or call ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None on the output of postscript: that command is optimized to do the conversion to PDF in ways that these functions are not.

See Also

savePlot, which for windows and X11(type = "cairo") provides a simple way to record a PNG record of the current plot.

postscript, pdf, png, jpeg, tiff and bmp.

To display an array of data, see image.

Prompt before New Page


This function can be used to control (for the current device) whether the user is prompted before starting a new page of output.


devAskNewPage(ask = NULL)



NULL or a logical value. If TRUE, the user will in future be prompted before a new page of output is started.


If the current device is the null device, this will open a graphics device.

The default argument just returns the current setting and does not change it.

The default value when a device is opened is taken from the setting of options("device.ask.default").

The precise circumstances when the user will be asked to confirm a new page depend on the graphics subsystem. Obviously this needs to be an interactive session. In addition ‘recording’ needs to be in operation, so only when the display list is enabled (see dev.control) which it usually is only on a screen device.


The current prompt setting before any new setting is applied. Invisibly if ask is logical.

See Also, grid.newpage

List of Graphical Devices


The following graphics devices are currently available:


On Windows only, the graphics device for Windows (on screen, to printer and to Windows metafile).


Write PDF graphics commands to a file.


Writes PostScript graphics commands to a file.


Device for XFig graphics file format. (Of historical interest only, deprecated in R 4.4.0.)


bitmap pseudo-device via Ghostscript (if available).


Writes TeX/PicTeX graphics commands to a file (of historical interest only, deprecated in R 4.4.0).

The following devices will be functional if R was compiled to use them (they exist but will return with a warning on other systems):

cairo_pdf, cairo_ps:

PDF and PostScript devices based on cairo graphics.


SVG device based on cairo graphics


PNG bitmap device


JPEG bitmap device


BMP bitmap device


TIFF bitmap device

On Unix-alikes (including macOS) only:


The graphics device for the X11 windowing system


The graphics device for the macOS native Quartz 2d graphics system. (This is only functional on macOS where it can be used from the GUI and from the command line: but it will display on the local screen even for a remote session.)


If no device is open, calling any high-level graphics function will cause a device to be opened. Which device is determined by options("device") which is initially set as the most appropriate for each platform: a screen device for most interactive use and pdf (or the setting of R_DEFAULT_DEVICE) otherwise. The exception is interactive use under Unix if no screen device is known to be available, when pdf() is used.

It is possible for an R package (or an R front-end such as RStudio) to provide further graphics devices and several packages on CRAN do so. These include devices outputting SVG (svglite and PGF/TiKZ (tikzDevice, TeX-based graphics, see

See Also

The individual help files for further information on any of the devices listed here;

on Windows:


on a Unix-alike:

X11.options, quartz.options,

ps.options and pdf.options for how to customize devices.

dev.interactive, dev.cur, dev.print,, image, dev2bitmap.

On Unix-alikes only:
capabilities to see if X11, jpeg, png, tiff, quartz and the cairo-based devices are available.


## Not run: 
## open the default screen device on this platform if no device is
## open
if(dev.cur() == 1)

## End(Not run)

Embed Fonts in PostScript and PDF


Runs Ghostscript to process a PDF or PostScript file and embed all fonts in the file.

Use embedGlyphs() if you have drawn typeset glyphs (see glyphInfo), which is only relevant for PDF files.


embedFonts(file, format, outfile = file,
           fontpaths = character(), options = character())

embedGlyphs(file, glyphInfo, outfile = file, options = character())



a character string giving the name of the original file.


the format for the new file (with fonts embedded) given as the name of a Ghostscript output device. If not specified, it is guessed from the suffix of file.


the name of the new file (with fonts embedded).


a character vector giving directories that Ghostscript will search for fonts.


a character vector containing further options to Ghostscript.


typeset glyph information produced by glyphInfo(), or a list of the same.


This function is not necessary if you just use the standard default fonts for PostScript and PDF output.

If you use a special font, this function is useful for embedding that font in your PostScript or PDF document so that it can be shared with others without them having to install your special font (provided the font licence allows this).

If the special font is not installed for Ghostscript, you will need to tell Ghostscript where the font is, using something like options="-sFONTPATH=path/to/font".

You will need ghostscript: the full path to the executable can be set by the environment variable R_GSCMD. If this is unset, a GhostScript executable will be looked for by name on your path: on a Unix alike "gs" is used, and on Windows the setting of the environment variable GSC is used, otherwise commands "gswi64c.exe" then "gswin32c.exe" are tried.

The format is by default "ps2write", when the original file has a .ps or .eps suffix, or "pdfwrite" when the original file has a .pdf suffix. For versions of Ghostscript before 9.10, format = "pswrite" or format = "epswrite" can be used: as from 9.14 format = "eps2write" is also available. If an invalid device is given, the error message will list the available devices.

Note that Ghostscript may do font substitution, so the font embedded may differ from that specified in the original file.

Some other options which can be useful (see your Ghostscript documentation) are -dMaxSubsetPct=100, -dSubsetFonts=true and -dEmbedAllFonts=true.

embedGlyphs() is recommended for pdf() files that contain typeset glyphs (see glyphInfo), but it will only work for TrueType fonts.


The shell command used to invoke Ghostscript is returned invisibly. This may be useful for debugging purposes as you can run the command by hand in a shell to look for problems.

See Also

postscriptFonts, Devices.

Paul Murrell and Brian Ripley (2006). “Non-standard fonts in PostScript and PDF graphics.” R News, 6(2), 41–47.

Extend a Numerical Range by a Small Percentage


Extends a numerical range by a small percentage, i.e., fraction, on both sides.


extendrange(x, r = range(x, na.rm = TRUE), f = 0.05)



numeric vector; not used if r is specified.


numeric vector of length 2; defaults to the range of x.


positive number(s) specifying the fraction by which the range should be extended. If longer than one, f[1] is used on the left, and f[2] on the right.


A numeric vector of length 2, r + c(-f1,f2) * diff(r), where f1 is f[1] and f2 is f[2] or f if it is of length one.

See Also

range; pretty which can be considered a sophisticated extension of extendrange.


x <- 1:5
(r <- range(x))         # 1    5
extendrange(x)          # 0.8  5.2
extendrange(x, f= 0.01) # 0.96 5.04

## extend more to the right:
extendrange(x, f=c(.01,.03)) # 0.96 5.12

## Use 'r' if you have it already:
stopifnot(identical(extendrange(r = r),

Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window


This function waits for input from a graphics window in the form of a mouse or keyboard event.


getGraphicsEvent(prompt = "Waiting for input",
                 onMouseDown = NULL, onMouseMove = NULL,
                 onMouseUp = NULL, onKeybd = NULL,
                 onIdle = NULL,
                 consolePrompt = prompt)
setGraphicsEventHandlers(which = dev.cur(), ...)
getGraphicsEventEnv(which = dev.cur())
setGraphicsEventEnv(which = dev.cur(), env)



prompt to be displayed to the user in the graphics window


a function to respond to mouse clicks


a function to respond to mouse movement


a function to respond to mouse button releases


a function to respond to key presses


a function to call when no events are pending


prompt to be displayed to the user in the console


which graphics device does the call apply to?


items including handlers to be placed in the event environment


an environment to be used as the event environment


These functions allow user input from some graphics devices (currently only the windows(), X11(type = "Xlib") and X11(type = "cairo") screen displays in base R). Event handlers may be installed to respond to events involving the mouse or keyboard.

The functions are related as follows. If any of the first six arguments to getGraphicsEvent are given, then it uses those in a call to setGraphicsEventHandlers to replace any existing handlers in the current device. This is for compatibility with pre-2.12.0 R versions. The current normal way to set up event handlers is to set them using setGraphicsEventHandlers or setGraphicsEventEnv on one or more graphics devices, and then use getGraphicsEvent() with no arguments to retrieve event data. getGraphicsEventEnv() may be used to save the event environment for use later.

The names of the arguments in getGraphicsEvent are special. When handling events, the graphics system will look through the event environment for functions named onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, onKeybd, and onIdle, and use them as event handlers. It will use prompt for a label on the graphics device. Two other special names are which, which will identify the graphics device, and result, where the result of the last event handler will be stored before being returned by getGraphicsEvent().

The mouse event handlers should be functions with header function(buttons, x, y). The coordinates x and y will be passed to mouse event handlers in device independent coordinates (i.e., the lower left corner of the window is (0,0), the upper right is (1,1)). The buttons argument will be a vector listing the buttons that are pressed at the time of the event, with 0 for left, 1 for middle, and 2 for right.

The keyboard event handler should be a function with header function(key). A single element character vector will be passed to this handler, corresponding to the key press. Shift and other modifier keys will have been processed, so shift-a will be passed as "A". The following special keys may also be passed to the handler:

  • Control keys, passed as "Ctrl-A", etc.

  • Navigation keys, passed as one of
    "Left", "Up", "Right", "Down", "PgUp", "PgDn", "End", "Home"

  • Edit keys, passed as one of "Ins", "Del"

  • Function keys, passed as one of "F1", "F2", ...

The idle event handler onIdle should be a function with no arguments. If the function is undefined or NULL, then R will typically call a system function which (efficiently) waits for the next event to appear on a file handle. Otherwise, the idle event handler will be called whenever the event queue of the graphics device was found to be empty, i.e. in an infinite loop. This feature is intended to allow animations to respond to user input, and could be CPU-intensive. Currently, onIdle is only implemented for X11() devices.

Note that calling Sys.sleep() is not recommended within an idle handler - Sys.sleep() removes pending graphics events in order to allow users to move, close, or resize windows while it is executing. Events such as mouse and keyboard events occurring during Sys.sleep() are lost, and currently do not trigger the event handlers registered via getGraphicsEvent or setGraphicsEventHandlers.

The event handlers are standard R functions, and will be executed as though called from the event environment.

In an interactive session, events will be processed until

  • one of the event handlers returns a non-NULL value which will be returned as the value of getGraphicsEvent, or

  • the user interrupts the function from the console.


When run interactively, getGraphicsEvent returns a non-NULL value returned from one of the event handlers. In a non-interactive session, getGraphicsEvent will return NULL immediately. It will also return NULL if the user closes the last window that has graphics handlers.

getGraphicsEventEnv returns the current event environment for the graphics device, or NULL if none has been set.

setGraphicsEventEnv and setGraphicsEventHandlers return the previous event environment for the graphics device.


Duncan Murdoch


# This currently only works on the Windows, X11(type = "Xlib"), and
# X11(type = "cairo") screen devices...
## Not run: 
savepar <- par(ask = FALSE)
dragplot <- function(..., xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r") {
    plot(..., xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs)
    startx <- NULL
    starty <- NULL
    prevx <- NULL
    prevy <- NULL
    usr <- NULL

    devset <- function()
        if (dev.cur() != eventEnv$which) dev.set(eventEnv$which)

    dragmousedown <- function(buttons, x, y) {
        startx <<- x
        starty <<- y
        prevx <<- 0
        prevy <<- 0
        usr <<- par("usr")
        eventEnv$onMouseMove <- dragmousemove

    dragmousemove <- function(buttons, x, y) {
        deltax <- diff(grconvertX(c(startx, x), "ndc", "user"))
        deltay <- diff(grconvertY(c(starty, y), "ndc", "user"))
	if (abs(deltax-prevx) + abs(deltay-prevy) > 0) {
	    plot(..., xlim = usr[1:2]-deltax, xaxs = "i",
		      ylim = usr[3:4]-deltay, yaxs = "i")
	    prevx <<- deltax
	    prevy <<- deltay

    mouseup <- function(buttons, x, y) {
    	eventEnv$onMouseMove <- NULL

    keydown <- function(key) {
        if (key == "q") return(invisible(1))
        eventEnv$onMouseMove <- NULL

    setGraphicsEventHandlers(prompt = "Click and drag, hit q to quit",
                     onMouseDown = dragmousedown,
                     onMouseUp = mouseup,
                     onKeybd = keydown)
    eventEnv <- getGraphicsEventEnv()

dragplot(rnorm(1000), rnorm(1000))

## End(Not run)

Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs


Create an object that contains information about typeset glyphs. This includes glyph identifiers, glyph locations, font and colour information, and metric information.


glyphInfo(id, x, y, font, size, fontList, 
          width, height, hAnchor, vAnchor,

glyphFont(file, index, family, weight, style, PSname=NA)
glyphAnchor(value, label)
glyphWidth(w, label="width", left="left")
glyphHeight(h, label="height", bottom="bottom")
glyphWidthLeft(w, label)
glyphHeightBottom(h, label)
glyphJust(just, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GlyphJust'
glyphJust(just, ...)
## S3 method for class 'character'
glyphJust(just, ...)
## S3 method for class 'numeric'
glyphJust(just, which=NULL, ...)



Numeric vector of glyph identifiers (index of glyph within font file).

x, y

Numeric locations of glyphs in (big) points (1/72 inches).


Integer index into fontList.


Numeric size of glyphs (in points).


List of glyph fonts, as generated by glyphFont().


Overall width of glyphs. Can be a single numeric value, but can also be the result from a call to glyphWidth().


Overall height of glyphs. Can be a single numeric value, but can also be the result from a call to glyphHeight().


Horizontal anchors for justifying glyphs relative to the (x, y) location. Can be a single numeric value (against which to "left" justify), but can also be result from a call to glyphAnchor().


Vertical anchors for justifying glyphs relative to the (x, y) location. Can be a single numeric value (against which to "bottom" justify), but can also be result from a call to glyphAnchor().


An R colour value for each glyph. Can be NA.


Character path to font file.


Numeric index of font within font file.


Character name of font family.


Numeric weight of glyphs (400 is normal, 700 is bold).


Character style of glyphs ("normal", "italic", or "oblique").


The PostScript name for each font. Can be NA.

value, w, h

A numeric value.

label, left, bottom

A character value.


A justification value. Either a character value like "left" or a numeric value like 0.


When x is numeric, a character value identifying which width metric the numeric value is relative to.


Further arguments passed to other methods.


Multiple anchors can be specified so as to allow different character-based justifications of the glyphs relative to the (x, y) location. Horizontal anchors with labels "left", "centre", and "right" are required. It is possible to specify a single numeric hAnchor, which is treated as the "left" anchor, or a single anchor with label "left", in which case the other required anchors will be calculated based on the required width of the glyphs (see below). Vertical anchors with labels "bottom", "centre", and "top" are required. It is possible to specify a single numeric vAnchor, which is treated as the "bottom" anchor, or a single anchor with label "bottom", in which case the other required anchors will be calculated based on the required height of the glyphs (see below). An example of a non-required anchor is a vertical anchor with the label "baseline" so that the glyphs can be placed with their baseline at the y location.

Multiple widths and heights can be specified so as to allow different numeric-based justifications of the glyphs relative to the (x, y) location, e.g., 0 for left-justification and 1 for right-justification, but with any value in between or even outside those limits also possible. A width with label "width", relative to the "left" horizontal anchor, is required, but if a single numeric value is given, that is assumed to be the required width. A height with label "height", relative to the "bottom" vertical anchor is required, but if a single numeric value is given, that is assumed to be the required height. An example of a non-required width is a "tight" width that is relative to a "left-bearing" horizontal anchor, so that the glyphs can be justified relative to a bounding box around the glyph ink, rather than a bounding box that includes left and right bearings.

glyphWidthLeft() and glyphWidthHeight() provide an API for code that needs to access the relevant anchors for width and height metrics.


The result from glyphInfo() is an "RGlyphInfo" object, essentially a data frame with each row containing id, location, font, and colour for a glyph. The metric information (widths and anchors) are stored as attributes of the data frame.

glyphAnchor(), glyphWidth(), and glyphHeight() return values that can be used to specify width, height, hAnchor, and vAnchor values to glyphInfo().


Any glyph with NA in any of id, x, y, or size is silently dropped.

Gray Level Specification


Create a vector of colors from a vector of gray levels.


gray(level, alpha)
grey(level, alpha)



a vector of desired gray levels between 0 and 1; zero indicates "black" and one indicates "white".


the opacity, if specified.


The values returned by gray can be used with a col= specification in graphics functions or in par.

grey is an alias for gray.


A vector of colors of the same length as level.

See Also

rainbow, hsv, hcl, rgb.


gray(0:8 / 8)

Gray Color Palette


Create a vector of n gamma-corrected gray colors.


gray.colors(n, start = 0.3, end = 0.9, gamma = 2.2, alpha, rev = FALSE)
grey.colors(n, start = 0.3, end = 0.9, gamma = 2.2, alpha, rev = FALSE)



the number of gray colors (1\ge 1) to be in the palette.


starting gray level in the palette (should be between 0 and 1 where zero indicates "black" and one indicates "white").


ending gray level in the palette.


the gamma correction.


the opacity, if specified.


logical indicating whether the ordering of the colors should be reversed.


The function gray.colors chooses a series of n gamma-corrected gray levels between start and end: seq(start^gamma, end^gamma, length = n)^(1/gamma). The returned palette contains the corresponding gray colors. This palette is used in barplot.default.

grey.colors is an alias for gray.colors.


A vector of n gray colors.

See Also

gray, rainbow, palette.



pie(rep(1, 12), col = gray.colors(12))
barplot(1:12, col = gray.colors(12))

Report Versions of Graphics Software


Report versions of third-party graphics software available on the current platform for R's graphics.




A named character vector containing at least the elements


the version of cairographics in use, or "" if cairographics is not available.


the FreeType/FontConfig versions if cairographics is using those libraries directly (not via pango); otherwise, "". Earlier versions of R returned "yes" rather than the versions. The FontConfig version is determined when R is built.


the version of pango in use, or "" if pango is not available.

It may also contain the versions of third-party software used by the standard (on Windows), or X11-based (on Unix-alikes) bitmap devices:


the version of libpng in use, or "" if not available.


the version of the JPEG headers used for compilation, or "" if JPEG support was not compiled in.


the version of libtiff in use, or "" if not available.

It is conceivable but unlikely that the cairo-based bitmap devices will use different versions linked via cairographics, especially png(type = "cairo-png").

On macOS, if available, the Quartz-based devices will use the system versions of these libraries rather than those reported here.

Unless otherwise stated the reported version is that of the (possibly dynamically-linked) library in use at runtime.

Note that libjpeg-turbo as used on some Linux distributions reports its version as "6.2", the IJG version from which it forked.

See Also

extSoftVersion for versions of non-graphics software.



HCL Color Specification


Create a vector of colors from vectors specifying hue, chroma and luminance.


hcl(h = 0, c = 35, l = 85, alpha, fixup = TRUE)



The hue of the color specified as an angle in the range [0,360]. 0 yields red, 120 yields green 240 yields blue, etc.


The chroma of the color. The upper bound for chroma depends on hue and luminance.


A value in the range [0,100] giving the luminance of the colour. For a given combination of hue and chroma, only a subset of this range is possible.


numeric vector of values in the range [0,1] for alpha transparency channel (0 means transparent and 1 means opaque).


a logical value which indicates whether the resulting RGB values should be corrected to ensure that a real color results. if fixup is FALSE RGB components lying outside the range [0,1] will result in an NA value.


This function corresponds to polar coordinates in the CIE-LUV color space. Steps of equal size in this space correspond to approximately equal perceptual changes in color. Thus, hcl can be thought of as a perceptually based version of hsv.

The function is primarily intended as a way of computing colors for filling areas in plots where area corresponds to a numerical value (pie charts, bar charts, mosaic plots, histograms, etc). Choosing colors which have equal chroma and luminance provides a way of minimising the irradiation illusion which would otherwise produce a misleading impression of how large the areas are.

The default values of chroma and luminance make it possible to generate a full range of hues and have a relatively pleasant pastel appearance.

The RGB values produced by this function correspond to the sRGB color space used on most PC computer displays. There are other packages which provide more general color space facilities.

Semi-transparent colors (0 < alpha < 1) are supported only on some devices: see rgb.


A vector of character strings which can be used as color specifications by R graphics functions.

Missing or infinite values of any of h, c, l result in NA: such values of alpha are taken as 1 (opaque).


At present there is no guarantee that the colours rendered by R graphics devices will correspond to their sRGB description. It is planned to adopt sRGB as the standard R color description in future.


Ross Ihaka


Ihaka, R. (2003). Colour for Presentation Graphics, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003), March 20-22, 2003, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.

See Also

hsv, rgb.



# The Foley and Van Dam PhD Data.
csd <- matrix(c( 4,2,4,6, 4,3,1,4, 4,7,7,1,
                 0,7,3,2, 4,5,3,2, 5,4,2,2,
                 3,1,3,0, 4,4,6,7, 1,10,8,7,
                 1,5,3,2, 1,5,2,1, 4,1,4,3,
                 0,3,0,6, 2,1,5,5), nrow = 4)

csphd <- function(colors)
  barplot(csd, col = colors, ylim = c(0,30),
          names.arg = 72:85, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Students",
          legend.text = c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Fall"),
          main = "Computer Science PhD Graduates", las = 1)

# The Original (Metaphorical) Colors (Ouch!)
csphd(c("blue", "green", "yellow", "orange"))

# A Color Tetrad (Maximal Color Differences)
csphd(hcl(h = c(30, 120, 210, 300)))

# Same, but lighter and less colorful
# Turn off automatic correction to make sure
# that we have defined real colors.
csphd(hcl(h = c(30, 120, 210, 300),
          c = 20, l = 90, fixup = FALSE))

# Analogous Colors
# Good for those with red/green color confusion
csphd(hcl(h = seq(60, 240, by = 60)))

# Metaphorical Colors
csphd(hcl(h = seq(210, 60, length.out = 4)))

# Cool Colors
csphd(hcl(h = seq(120, 0, length.out = 4) + 150))

# Warm Colors
csphd(hcl(h = seq(120, 0, length.out = 4) - 30))

# Single Color
hist(stats::rnorm(1000), col = hcl(240))

## Exploring the hcl() color space {in its mapping to R's sRGB colors}:

Hershey Vector Fonts in R


If the family graphical parameter (see par) has been set to one of the Hershey fonts (see ‘Details’) Hershey vector fonts are used to render text.

When using the text and contour functions Hershey fonts may be selected via the vfont argument, which is a character vector of length 2 (see ‘Details’ for valid values). This allows Cyrillic to be selected, which is not available via the font families.




The Hershey fonts have two advantages:

  1. vector fonts describe each character in terms of a set of points; R renders the character by joining up the points with straight lines. This intimate knowledge of the outline of each character means that R can arbitrarily transform the characters, which can mean that the vector fonts look better for rotated text.

  2. this implementation was adapted from the GNU libplot library which provides support for non-ASCII and non-English fonts. This means that it is possible, for example, to produce weird plotting symbols and Japanese characters.

You cannot use mathematical expressions (plotmath) with Hershey fonts.

The Hershey characters are organised into a set of fonts. A particular font is selected by specifying one of the following font families via par(family) and specifying the desired font face (plain, bold, italic, bold-italic) via par(font).

family faces available
"HersheySerif" plain, bold, italic, bold-italic
"HersheySans" plain, bold, italic, bold-italic
"HersheyScript" plain, bold
"HersheyGothicEnglish" plain
"HersheyGothicGerman" plain
"HersheyGothicItalian" plain
"HersheySymbol" plain, bold, italic, bold-italic
"HersheySansSymbol" plain, italic

In the vfont specification for the text and contour functions, the Hershey font is specified by a typeface (e.g., serif or sans serif) and a fontindex or ‘style’ (e.g., plain or italic). The first element of vfont specifies the typeface and the second element specifies the fontindex. The first table produced by demo(Hershey) shows the character a produced by each of the different fonts.

The available typeface and fontindex values are available as list components of the variable Hershey. The allowed pairs for (typeface, fontindex) are:

serif plain
serif italic
serif bold
serif bold italic
serif cyrillic
serif oblique cyrillic
serif EUC
sans serif plain
sans serif italic
sans serif bold
sans serif bold italic
script plain
script italic
script bold
gothic englisho plain
gothic german plain
gothic italian plain
serif symbol plain
serif symbol italic
serif symbol bold
serif symbol bold italic
sans serif symbol plain
sans serif symbol italic

and the indices of these are available as Hershey$allowed.

Escape sequences:

The string to be drawn can include escape sequences, which all begin with a ‘⁠\⁠’. When R encounters a ‘⁠\⁠’, rather than drawing the ‘⁠\⁠’, it treats the subsequent character(s) as a coded description of what to draw.

One useful escape sequence (in the current context) is of the form: ‘⁠\123⁠’. The three digits following the ‘⁠\⁠’ specify an octal code for a character. For example, the octal code for p is 160 so the strings "p" and "\160" are equivalent. This is useful for producing characters when there is not an appropriate key on your keyboard.

The other useful escape sequences all begin with ‘⁠\\⁠’. These are described below. Remember that backslashes have to be doubled in R character strings, so they need to be entered with four backslashes.


an entire string of Greek symbols can be produced by selecting the HersheySymbol or HersheySansSymbol family or the Serif Symbol or Sans Serif Symbol typeface. To allow Greek symbols to be embedded in a string which uses a non-symbol typeface, there are a set of symbol escape sequences of the form ‘⁠\\ab⁠’. For example, the escape sequence ‘⁠\\*a⁠’ produces a Greek alpha. The second table in demo(Hershey) shows all of the symbol escape sequences and the symbols that they produce.

ISO Latin-1:

further escape sequences of the form ‘⁠\\ab⁠’ are provided for producing ISO Latin-1 characters. Another option is to use the appropriate octal code. The (non-ASCII) ISO Latin-1 characters are in the range 241...377. For example, ‘⁠\366⁠’ produces the character o with an umlaut. The third table in demo(Hershey) shows all of the ISO Latin-1 escape sequences.

These characters can be used directly. (Characters not in Latin-1 are replaced by a dot.)

Several characters are missing, c-cedilla has no cedilla and ‘sharp s’ (‘⁠U+00DF⁠’, also known as ‘esszett’) is rendered as ss.

Special Characters:

a set of characters are provided which do not fall into any standard font. These can only be accessed by escape sequence. For example, ‘⁠\\LI⁠’ produces the zodiac sign for Libra, and ‘⁠\\JU⁠’ produces the astronomical sign for Jupiter. The fourth table in demo(Hershey) shows all of the special character escape sequences.

Cyrillic Characters:

cyrillic characters are implemented according to the K018-R encoding, and can be used directly in such a locale using the Serif typeface and Cyrillic (or Oblique Cyrillic) fontindex. Alternatively they can be specified via an octal code in the range 300 to 337 for lower case characters or 340 to 377 for upper case characters. The fifth table in demo(Hershey) shows the octal codes for the available Cyrillic characters.

Cyrillic has to be selected via a ("serif", fontindex) pair rather than via a font family.

Japanese Characters:

83 Hiragana, 86 Katakana, and 603 Kanji characters are implemented according to the EUC-JP (Extended Unix Code) encoding. Each character is identified by a unique hexadecimal code. The Hiragana characters are in the range 0x2421 to 0x2473, Katakana are in the range 0x2521 to 0x2576, and Kanji are (scattered about) in the range 0x3021 to 0x6d55.

When using the Serif typeface and EUC fontindex, these characters can be produced by a pair of octal codes. Given the hexadecimal code (e.g., 0x2421), take the first two digits and add 0x80 and do the same to the second two digits (e.g., 0x21 and 0x24 become 0xa4 and 0xa1), then convert both to octal (e.g., 0xa4 and 0xa1 become 244 and 241). For example, the first Hiragana character is produced by ‘⁠\244\241⁠’.

It is also possible to use the hexadecimal code directly. This works for all non-EUC fonts by specifying an escape sequence of the form ‘⁠\\#J1234⁠’. For example, the first Hiragana character is produced by ‘⁠\\#J2421⁠’.

The Kanji characters may be specified in a third way, using the so-called "Nelson Index", by specifying an escape sequence of the form ‘⁠\\#N1234⁠’. For example, the (obsolete) Kanji for ‘one’ is produced by ‘⁠\\#N0001⁠’.

demo(Japanese) shows the available Japanese characters.

Raw Hershey Glyphs:

all of the characters in the Hershey fonts are stored in a large array. Some characters are not accessible in any of the Hershey fonts. These characters can only be accessed via an escape sequence of the form ‘⁠\\#H1234⁠’. For example, the fleur-de-lys is produced by ‘⁠\\#H0746⁠’. The sixth and seventh tables of demo(Hershey) shows all of the available raw glyphs.


See Also

demo(Hershey), par, text, contour.

Japanese for the Japanese characters in the Hershey fonts.



## for tables of examples, see demo(Hershey)

HSV Color Specification


Create a vector of colors from vectors specifying hue, saturation and value.


hsv(h = 1, s = 1, v = 1, alpha)


h, s, v

numeric vectors of values in the range [0, 1] for ‘hue’, ‘saturation’ and ‘value’ to be combined to form a vector of colors. Values in shorter arguments are recycled.


numeric vector of values in the range [0, 1] for alpha transparency channel (0 means transparent and 1 means opaque).


Semi-transparent colors (0 < alpha < 1) are supported only on some devices: see rgb.


This function creates a vector of colors corresponding to the given values in HSV space. The values returned by hsv can be used with a col= specification in graphics functions or in par.

See Also

hcl for a perceptually based version of hsv(), rgb and rgb2hsv for RGB to HSV conversion; rainbow, gray.




## Red tones:
n <- 20;  y <- -sin(3*pi*((1:n)-1/2)/n)
op <- par(mar = rep(1.5, 4))
plot(y, axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE,
     xlab = "", ylab = "", pch = 21, cex = 30,
     bg = rainbow(n, start = .85, end = .1),
     main = "Red tones")

Japanese characters in R


The implementation of Hershey vector fonts provides a large number of Japanese characters (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji).


Without keyboard support for typing Japanese characters, the only way to produce these characters is to use special escape sequences: see Hershey.

For example, the Hiragana character for the sound ‘ka’ is produced by ‘⁠\\#J242b⁠’ and the Katakana character for this sound is produced by ‘⁠\\#J252b⁠’. The Kanji ideograph for "one" is produced by ‘⁠\\#J306c⁠’ or ‘⁠\\#N0001⁠’.

The output from demo(Japanese) shows tables of the escape sequences for the available Japanese characters.


See Also

demo(Japanese), Hershey, text



plot(1:9, type = "n", axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE, ylab = "",
     main = "example(Japanese)", xlab = "using Hershey fonts")
par(cex = 3)
Vf <- c("serif", "plain")
text(4, 2, "\\#J244b\\#J245b\\#J2473", vfont = Vf)
text(4, 4, "\\#J2538\\#J2563\\#J2551\\#J2573", vfont = Vf)
text(4, 6, "\\#J467c\\#J4b5c", vfont = Vf)
text(4, 8, "Japan", vfont = Vf)
par(cex = 1)
text(8, 2, "Hiragana")
text(8, 4, "Katakana")
text(8, 6, "Kanji")
text(8, 8, "English")

Create colour spaces


These functions specify colour spaces for use in convertColor.


make.rgb(red, green, blue, name = NULL, white = "D65",
         gamma = 2.2)

colorConverter(toXYZ, fromXYZ, name, white = NULL, vectorized = FALSE)


red, green, blue

Chromaticity (xy or xyY) of RGB primaries


Name for the colour space


Character string specifying the reference white (see ‘Details’.)


Display gamma (nonlinearity). A positive number or the string "sRGB"


Function to convert from XYZ tristimulus coordinates to this space


Function to convert from this space to XYZ tristimulus coordinates.


Whether fromXYZ and toXYZ are vectorized internally to handle input color matrices.


An RGB colour space is defined by the chromaticities of the red, green and blue primaries. These are given as vectors of length 2 or 3 in xyY coordinates (the Y component is not used and may be omitted). The chromaticities are defined relative to a reference white, which must be one of the CIE standard illuminants: "A", "B", "C", "D50", "D55", "D60", "E" (usually "D65").

The display gamma is most commonly 2.2, though 1.8 is used for Apple RGB. The sRGB standard specifies a more complicated function that is close to a gamma of 2.2; gamma = "sRGB" uses this function.

Colour spaces other than RGB can be specified directly by giving conversions to and from XYZ tristimulus coordinates. The functions should take two arguments. The first is a vector giving the coordinates for one colour. The second argument is the reference white. If a specific reference white is included in the definition of the colour space (as for the RGB spaces) this second argument should be ignored and may be ....

As of R 3.6.0 the built in color converters along with convertColor were vectorized to process three column color matrices in one call, instead of row by row via apply. In order to maintain backwards compatibility, colorConverter wraps fromXYZ and toXYZ in a apply loop in case they do not also support matrix inputs. If the fromXYZ and toXYZ functions you are using operate correctly on the whole color matrix at once instead of row by row, you can set vectorized=TRUE for a performance improvement.


An object of class colorConverter


Conversion algorithms from

See Also



(pal <- make.rgb(red =   c(0.6400, 0.3300),
                 green = c(0.2900, 0.6000),
                 blue =  c(0.1500, 0.0600),
                 name = "PAL/SECAM RGB"))

## converter for sRGB in #rrggbb format
hexcolor <- colorConverter(toXYZ = function(hex, ...) {
                            rgb <- t(col2rgb(hex))/255
                            colorspaces$sRGB$toXYZ(rgb, ...) },
                           fromXYZ = function(xyz, ...) {
                              rgb <- colorspaces$sRGB$fromXYZ(xyz, ...)
                              rgb <- round(rgb, 5)
                              if (min(rgb) < 0 || max(rgb) > 1)
                              else rgb(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3])},
                           white = "D65", name = "#rrggbb")

(cols <- t(col2rgb(palette())))
zapsmall(luv <- convertColor(cols, from = "sRGB", to = "Luv", = 255))
(hex <- convertColor(luv, from = "Luv",  to = hexcolor, scale.out = NULL))

## must make hex a matrix before using it
(cc <- round(convertColor(as.matrix(hex), from = hexcolor, to = "sRGB",
                 = NULL, scale.out = 255)))
stopifnot(cc == cols)

## Internally vectorized version of hexcolor, notice the use
## of `vectorized = TRUE`:

hexcolorv <- colorConverter(toXYZ = function(hex, ...) {
                            rgb <- t(col2rgb(hex))/255
                            colorspaces$sRGB$toXYZ(rgb, ...) },
                           fromXYZ = function(xyz, ...) {
                              rgb <- colorspaces$sRGB$fromXYZ(xyz, ...)
                              rgb <- round(rgb, 5)
                              oob <- pmin(rgb[,1],rgb[,2],rgb[,3]) < 0 |
                                     pmax(rgb[,1],rgb[,2],rgb[,3]) > 0
                              res <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(rgb))
                              res[!oob] <- rgb(rgb[!oob,,drop=FALSE])},
                           white = "D65", name = "#rrggbb",
(ccv <- round(convertColor(as.matrix(hex), from = hexcolor, to = "sRGB",
                  = NULL, scale.out = 255)))
stopifnot(ccv == cols)

Manipulate a Window


msgWindow sends a message to manipulate the specified screen device's window. With argument which = -1 it applies to the GUI console (which only accepts the first three actions).


msgWindow(type = c("minimize", "restore", "maximize",
                   "hide", "recordOn", "recordOff"),
          which = dev.cur())



action to be taken.


a device number, or -1.

See Also

bringToTop, windows

Compute Default mfrow From Number of Plots


Easy setup for plotting multiple figures (in a rectangular layout) on one page. This computes a sensible default for par(mfrow).


n2mfrow(nr.plots, asp = 1)



integer; the number of plot figures you'll want to draw.


positive number; the target aspect ratio (columns / rows) in the output. Was implicitly hardwired to 1; because of that and back compatibility, there is a somewhat discontinuous behavior when varying asp around 1, for nr.plots <= 12.


A length-two integer vector (nr, nc) giving the positive number of rows and columns, fulfilling nr * nc >= nr.plots, and currently, for asp = 1, nr >= nc >= 1.


Conceptually, this is a quadratic integer optimization problem, with inequality constraints nr>=1nr >= 1, nc>=1nc >= 1, and nr.plots>=nrncnr.plots >= nr*nc (and possibly nr >= asp*nc), and two objective functions which would have to be combined via a tuning weight, say ww, to, e.g., (nr.plotsnrnc)+wnr/ncasp(nr.plots - nr*nc) + w |nr/nc - asp|.

The current algorithm is simple and not trying to solve one of these optimization problems.


Martin Maechler; suggestion of asp by Michael Chirico.

See Also

par, layout.



n2mfrow(8) # 3 x 3

n <- 5 ; x <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 51)
## suppose now that 'n' is not known {inside function}
op <- par(mfrow = n2mfrow(n))
for (j in 1:n)
   plot(x, x^j, main = substitute(x^ exp, list(exp = j)), type = "l",
   col = "blue")

sapply(1:14, n2mfrow)
sapply(1:14, n2mfrow, asp=16/9)

Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram


Compute the number of classes for a histogram, notably hist().


nclass.FD(x, digits = 5)



a data vector.


number of significant digits to keep when rounding x before the IQR computation; see ‘Details’ below.


nclass.Sturges uses Sturges' formula, implicitly basing bin sizes on the range of the data.

nclass.scott uses Scott's choice for a normal distribution based on the estimate of the standard error, unless that is zero where it returns 1.

nclass.FD uses the Freedman-Diaconis choice based on the inter-quartile range (IQR(signif(x, digits))) unless that's zero where it uses increasingly more extreme symmetric quantiles up to c(1,511)/512 and if that difference is still zero, reverts to using Scott's choice. The default of digits = 5 was chosen after a few experiments, but may be too low for some situations, see PR#17274.


The suggested number of classes.


Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS. Springer, page 112.

Freedman, D. and Diaconis, P. (1981). On the histogram as a density estimator: L2L_2 theory. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, 57, 453–476. doi:10.1007/BF01025868.

Scott, D. W. (1979). On optimal and data-based histograms. Biometrika, 66, 605–610. doi:10.2307/2335182.

Scott, D. W. (1992) Multivariate Density Estimation. Theory, Practice, and Visualization. Wiley.

Sturges, H. A. (1926). The choice of a class interval. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 21, 65–66. doi:10.1080/01621459.1926.10502161.

See Also

hist and truehist (package MASS); dpih (package KernSmooth) for a plugin bandwidth proposed by Wand(1995).


x <- stats::rnorm(1111)

## Compare them:
NC <- function(x) c(Sturges = nclass.Sturges(x),
      Scott = nclass.scott(x), FD = nclass.FD(x))
onePt <- rep(1, 11)
NC(onePt) # no longer gives NaN

Set or View the Graphics Palette


View or manipulate the color palette which is used when col= has a numeric index and supporting functions.


palette.colors(n = NULL, palette = "Okabe-Ito", alpha, recycle = FALSE,
               names = FALSE)



an optional character vector specifying a new palette (see Details).


the number of colors to select from a palette. The default NULL selects all colors of the given palette.


a valid palette name (one of palette.pals()). The name is matched to the list of available palettes, ignoring upper vs. lower case, spaces, dashes, etc. in the matching.


an alpha-transparency level in the range [0,1] (0 means transparent and 1 means opaque).


logical indicating what happens in case n > length(palette(.)). By default (recycle = FALSE), the result is as for n = NULL, but with a warning.


logical indicating whether a named vector of colors should be returned or not (provided that the palette has any names for its colors).


The palette() function gets or sets the current palette, the palette.pals() function lists the available predefined palettes, and the palette.colors() function selects colors from the predefined palettes.

The color palette and referring to colors by number (see e.g. par) was provided for compatibility with S. R extends and improves on the available set of palettes.

If value has length 1, it is taken to be the name of a built-in color palette. The available palette names are returned by palette.pals(). It is also possible to specify "default".

If value has length greater than 1 it is assumed to contain a description of the colors which are to make up the new palette. The maximum size for a palette is 1024 entries.

If value is omitted, no change is made to the current palette.

There is only one palette setting for all devices in an R session. If the palette is changed, the new palette applies to all subsequent plotting.

The current palette also applies to re-plotting (for example if an on-screen device is resized or dev.copy or replayPlot is used). The palette is recorded on the display list at the start of each page and when it is changed.


palette() returns a character vector giving the colors from the palette which was in effect. This is invisible unless the argument is omitted.

palette.pals() returns a character vector giving the names of predefined palettes.

palette.colors() returns a vector of R colors. By default (if names = FALSE the vector has no names. If names = TRUE, the function attempts to return a named vector if possible, i.e., for those palettes that provide names for their colors (e.g., "Okabe-Ito", "Tableau 10", or "Alphabet").

See Also

colors for the vector of built-in named colors; hsv, gray, hcl.colors, ... to construct colors.

adjustcolor, e.g., for tweaking existing palettes; colorRamp to interpolate colors, making custom palettes; col2rgb for translating colors to RGB 3-vectors.



palette()               # obtain the current palette
palette("R3");palette() # old default palette
palette("ggplot2")      # ggplot2-style palette

palette(hcl.colors(8, "viridis"))

(palette(gray(seq(0,.9,length.out = 25)))) # gray scales; print old palette
matplot(outer(1:100, 1:30), type = "l", lty = 1,lwd = 2, col = 1:30,
        main = "Gray Scales Palette",
        sub = "palette(gray(seq(0, .9, len=25)))")
palette("default")      # reset back to the default

## on a device where alpha transparency is supported,
##  use 'alpha = 0.3' transparency with the default palette :
mycols <- adjustcolor(palette(), alpha.f = 0.3)
opal <- palette(mycols)
x <- rnorm(1000); xy <- cbind(x, 3*x + rnorm(1000))
plot (xy, lwd = 2,
       main = "Alpha-Transparency Palette\n alpha = 0.3")
xy[,1] <- -xy[,1]
points(xy, col = 8, pch = 16, cex = 1.5)

## List available built-in palettes

## Demonstrate the colors 1:8 in different palettes using a custom matplot()
sinplot <- function(main=NULL, n = 8) {
    x <- outer(
	seq(-pi, pi, length.out = 50),
	seq(  0, pi, length.out = n),
	function(x, y) sin(x - y)
    matplot(x, type = "l", lwd = 4, lty = 1, col = 1:n, ylab = "", main=main)
sinplot("default palette")

palette("R3");        sinplot("R3")
palette("Okabe-Ito"); sinplot("Okabe-Ito")
palette("Tableau")  ; sinplot("Tableau", n = 10)
palROB <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "darkorange2", "blue"), space = "Lab")
palette(palROB(16)); sinplot("palROB(16)", n = 16)
palette("default") # reset

## color swatches for palette.colors() <- function(palette = palette.pals(), n = 8, nrow = 8,
                           border = "black", cex = 1, ...)
     cols <- sapply(palette, palette.colors, n = n, recycle = TRUE)
     ncol <- ncol(cols)
     nswatch <- min(ncol, nrow)
     op <- par(mar = rep(0.1, 4),
               mfrow = c(1, min(5, ceiling(ncol/nrow))),
     	       cex = cex, ...)
     while (length(palette)) {
 	subset <- seq_len(min(nrow, ncol(cols)))
 	plot.window(c(0, n), c(0.25, nrow + 0.25))
 	y <- rev(subset)
 	text(0, y + 0.1, palette[subset], adj = c(0, 0))
 	y <- rep(y, each = n)
 	rect(rep(0:(n-1), n), y, rep(1:n, n), y - 0.5,
 	     col = cols[, subset], border = border)
 	palette <- palette[-subset]
 	cols    <- cols [, -subset, drop = FALSE]
} = 26) # show full "Alphabet"; recycle most others

Color Palettes


Create a vector of n contiguous colors.


hcl.colors(n, palette = "viridis", alpha = NULL, rev = FALSE, fixup = TRUE)
hcl.pals(type = NULL)

rainbow(n, s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1, n - 1)/n,
        alpha, rev = FALSE)
heat.colors(n, alpha, rev = FALSE)
terrain.colors(n, alpha, rev = FALSE)
topo.colors(n, alpha, rev = FALSE)
cm.colors(n, alpha, rev = FALSE)



the number of colors (1\ge 1) to be in the palette.


a valid palette name (one of hcl.pals()). The name is matched to the list of available palettes, ignoring upper vs. lower case, spaces, dashes, etc. in the matching.


an alpha-transparency level in the range [0,1] (0 means transparent and 1 means opaque), see argument alpha in hsv and hcl, respectively.
A missing, i.e., not explicitly specified alpha is equivalent to alpha = NULL, which does not add opacity codes ("FF") to the individual color hex codes.


logical indicating whether the ordering of the colors should be reversed.


logical indicating whether the resulting color should be corrected to RGB coordinates in [0,1], see hcl.


the type of palettes to list: "qualitative", "sequential", "diverging", or "divergingx". NULL lists all palettes.

s, v

the ‘saturation’ and ‘value’ to be used to complete the HSV color descriptions.


the (corrected) hue in [0,1] at which the rainbow begins.


the (corrected) hue in [0,1] at which the rainbow ends.


All of these functions (except the helper function hcl.pals) create a vector of n contiguous colors, either based on the HSV color space (rainbow, heat, terrain, topography, and cyan-magenta colors) or the perceptually-based HCL color space.

HSV (hue-saturation-value) is a simple transformation of the RGB (red-green-blue) space which was therefore a convenient choice for color palettes in many software systems (see also hsv). However, HSV colors capture the perceptual properties hue, colorfulness/saturation/chroma, and lightness/brightness/luminance/value only poorly and consequently the corresponding palettes are typically not a good choice for statistical graphics and data visualization.

In contrast, HCL (hue-chroma-luminance) colors are much more suitable for capturing human color perception (see also hcl) and better color palettes can be derived based on HCL coordinates. Conceptually, three types of palettes are often distinguished:

  • Qualitative: For coding categorical information, i.e., where no particular ordering of categories is available and every color should receive the same perceptual weight.

  • Sequential: For coding ordered/numeric information, i.e., where colors go from high to low (or vice versa).

  • Diverging: Designed for coding numeric information around a central neutral value, i.e., where colors diverge from neutral to two extremes.

The hcl.colors function provides a basic and lean implementation of the pre-specified palettes in the colorspace package. In addition to the types above, the functions distinguish “diverging” palettes where the two arms are restricted to be rather balanced as opposed to flexible “divergingx” palettes that combine two sequential palettes without any restrictions. The latter group also includes the cividis palette as it is based on two different hues (blue and yellow) but it is actually a sequential palette (going from dark to light).

The names of all available HCL palettes can be queried with the hcl.pals function and they are also visualized by color swatches in the examples. Many of the palettes closely approximate palettes of the same name from various other packages (including RColorBrewer, rcartocolor, viridis, scico, among others).

The default HCL palette is the widely used viridis palette which is a sequential palette with relatively high chroma throughout so that it also works reasonably well as a qualitative palette. However, while viridis is a rather robust default palette, more suitable HCL palettes are available for most visualizations.

For example, "Dark 3" works well for shading points or lines in up to five groups, "YlGnBu" is a sequential palette similar to "viridis" but with aligned chroma/luminance, and "Green-Brown" or "Blue-Red 3" are colorblind-safe diverging palettes.

Further qualitative palettes are provided in the palette.colors function. While the qualitative palettes in hcl.colors are always based on the same combination of chroma and luminance, the palette.colors vary in chroma and luminance up to a certain degree. The advantage of fixing chroma/luminance is that the perceptual weight of the resulting colors is more balanced. The advantage of allowing variation is that more distinguishable colors can be obtained, especially for viewers with color vision deficiencies.

Note that the rainbow function implements the (in-)famous rainbow (or jet) color palette that was used very frequently in many software packages but has been widely criticized for its many perceptual problems. It is specified by a start and end hue with red = 0, yellow = 16\frac 1 6, green = 26\frac 2 6, cyan = 36\frac 3 6, blue = 46\frac 4 6, and magenta = 56\frac 5 6. However, these are very flashy and unbalanced with respect to both chroma and luminance which can lead to various optical illusions. Also, the hues that are equispaced in RGB space tend to cluster at the red, green, and blue primaries. Therefore, it is recommended to use a suitable palette from hcl.colors instead of rainbow.


A character vector cv containing either palette names (for hcl.pals) or n hex color codes (for all other functions). The latter can be used either to create a user-defined color palette for subsequent graphics by palette(cv), a col = specification in graphics functions or in par.


Wikipedia (2019). HCL color space – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed March 26, 2019.

Zeileis, A., Fisher, J. C., Hornik, K., Ihaka, R., McWhite, C. D., Murrell, P., Stauffer, R. and Wilke, C. O. (2020). “colorspace: A toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes.” Journal of Statistical Software, 96(1), 1–49. doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i01

Ihaka, R. (2003). “Colour for presentation graphics.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003), March 20-22, 2003, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.

Zeileis, A., Hornik, K. and Murrell, P. (2009). Escaping RGBland: Selecting colors for statistical graphics. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, 3259–3270. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2008.11.033.

See Also

colors, palette, gray.colors, hsv, hcl, rgb, gray and col2rgb for translating to RGB numbers.



# color wheels in RGB/HSV and HCL space
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
pie(rep(1, 12), col = rainbow(12), main = "RGB/HSV")
pie(rep(1, 12), col = hcl.colors(12, "Set 2"), main = "HCL")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

## color swatches for RGB/HSV palettes
demo.pal <-
  function(n, border = if (n < 32) "light gray" else NA,
           main = paste("color palettes;  n=", n),
           ch.col = c("rainbow(n, start=.7, end=.1)", "heat.colors(n)",
                      "terrain.colors(n)", "topo.colors(n)",
    nt <- length(ch.col)
    i <- 1:n; j <- n / nt; d <- j/6; dy <- 2*d
    plot(i, i+d, type = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "", main = main)
    for (k in 1:nt) {
        rect(i-.5, (k-1)*j+ dy, i+.4, k*j,
             col = eval(str2lang(ch.col[k])), border = border)
        text(2*j,  k * j + dy/4, ch.col[k])

## color swatches for HCL palettes <- function(type = NULL, n = 5, nrow = 11,
  border = if (n < 15) "black" else NA) {
    palette <- hcl.pals(type)
    cols <- sapply(palette, hcl.colors, n = n)
    ncol <- ncol(cols)
    nswatch <- min(ncol, nrow)

    par(mar = rep(0.1, 4),
        mfrow = c(1, min(5, ceiling(ncol/nrow))),
        pin = c(1, 0.5 * nswatch),
        cex = 0.7)

    while (length(palette)) {
        subset <- 1:min(nrow, ncol(cols))
        plot.window(c(0, n), c(0, nrow + 1))
        text(0, rev(subset) + 0.1, palette[subset], adj = c(0, 0))
        y <- rep(subset, each = n)
        rect(rep(0:(n-1), n), rev(y), rep(1:n, n), rev(y) - 0.5,
             col = cols[, subset], border = border)
        palette <- palette[-subset]
        cols <- cols[, -subset, drop = FALSE]

    par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1), cex = 1)

## heat maps with sequential HCL palette (purple)
image(volcano, col = hcl.colors(11, "purples", rev = TRUE))
filled.contour(volcano, nlevels = 10,
               color.palette = function(n, ...)
                   hcl.colors(n, "purples", rev = TRUE, ...))

## list available HCL color palettes

PDF Graphics Device


pdf starts the graphics device driver for producing PDF graphics.


pdf(file = if(onefile) "Rplots.pdf" else "Rplot%03d.pdf",
    width, height, onefile, family, title, fonts, version,
    paper, encoding, bg, fg, pointsize, pagecentre, colormodel,
    useDingbats, useKerning, fillOddEven, compress)



a character string giving the file path. See the section ‘File specifications’ for further details.

width, height

the width and height of the graphics region in inches. The default values are 7.


logical: if true (the default) allow multiple figures in one file. If false, generate a file with name containing the page number for each page. Defaults to TRUE, and forced to true if file is a pipe.


the initial font family to be used, normally as a character string. See the section ‘Families’. Defaults to "Helvetica".


title string to embed as the ‘⁠/Title⁠’ field in the file. Defaults to "R Graphics Output".


a character vector specifying R graphics font family names for additional fonts which will be included in the PDF file. Defaults to NULL.


a string describing the PDF version that will be required to view the output. This is a minimum, and will be increased (with a warning) if necessary. Defaults to "1.4", but see ‘Details’.


the target paper size. The choices are "a4", "letter", "legal" (or "us") and "executive" (and these can be capitalized), or "a4r" and "USr" for rotated (‘landscape’). The default is "special", which means that the width and height specify the paper size. A further choice is "default"; if this is selected, the paper size is taken from the option "papersize" if that is set and as "a4" if it is unset or empty. Defaults to "special".


the name of an encoding file. Defaults to "default". The latter is interpreted

on Unix-alikes

as ‘"ISOLatin1.enc"’ unless the locale is recognized as corresponding to a language using ISO 8859-{2,5,7,13,15} or KOI8-{R,U}.

on Windows

as ‘"CP1250.enc"’ (Central European), "CP1251.enc" (Cyrillic), "CP1253.enc" (Greek) or "CP1257.enc" (Baltic) if one of those codepages is in use, otherwise ‘"WinAnsi.enc"’ (codepage 1252).

The file is looked for in the ‘enc’ directory of package grDevices if the path does not contain a path separator. An extension ".enc" can be omitted.


the initial background color to be used. Defaults to "transparent".


the initial foreground color to be used. Defaults to "black".


the default point size to be used. Strictly speaking, in bp, that is 1/72 of an inch, but approximately in points. Defaults to 12.


logical: should the device region be centred on the page? – is only relevant for paper != "special". Defaults to TRUE.


a character string describing the color model: currently allowed values are "srgb", "gray" (or "grey") and "cmyk". Defaults to "srgb". See section ‘Color models’.


logical. Should small circles be rendered via the Dingbats font? Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, this can produce smaller and better output, but can cause font display problems in broken PDF viewers: although this font is one of the 14 guaranteed to be available in all PDF viewers, that guarantee is not always honoured.

For Unix-alikes (including macOS) see the ‘Note’ for a possible fix for some viewers.


logical. Should kerning corrections be included in setting text and calculating string widths? Defaults to TRUE.


logical controlling the polygon fill mode: see polygon for details. Defaults to FALSE.


logical. Should PDF streams be generated with Flate compression? Defaults to TRUE.


All arguments except file default to values given by pdf.options(). The ultimate defaults are quoted in the arguments section.

pdf() opens the file file and the PDF commands needed to plot any graphics requested are sent to that file.

The family argument can be used to specify a PDF-specific font family as the initial/default font for the device. If additional font families are to be used they should be included in the fonts argument.

If a device-independent R graphics font family is specified (e.g., via par(family = ) in the graphics package), the PDF device makes use of the PostScript font mappings to convert the R graphics font family to a PDF-specific font family description. (See the documentation for pdfFonts.)

This device does not embed fonts in the PDF file, so it is only straightforward to use mappings to the font families that can be assumed to be available in any PDF viewer: "Times" (equivalently "serif"), "Helvetica" (equivalently "sans") and "Courier" (equivalently "mono"). Other families may be specified, but it is the user's responsibility to ensure that these fonts are available on the system and third-party software (e.g., Ghostscript) may be required to embed the fonts so that the PDF can be included in other documents (e.g., LaTeX): see embedFonts. The URW-based families described for in section ‘Families’.can be used with viewers, platform dependently:

on Unix-alikes

viewers set up to use URW fonts, which is usual with those based on xpdf or Ghostscript.

on Windows

viewers such as GSView which utilise URW fonts.

Since embedFonts makes use of Ghostscript, it should be able to embed the URW-based families for use with other viewers.

The PDF produced is fairly simple, with each page being represented as a single stream (by default compressed and possibly with references to raster images). The R graphics model does not distinguish graphics objects at the level of the driver interface.

The version argument declares the version of PDF that gets produced. The version must be at least 1.2 when compression is used, 1.4 for semi-transparent output to be understood, and at least 1.3 if CID fonts are to be used: if any of these features are used the version number will be increased (with a warning). (PDF 1.4 was first supported by Acrobat 5 in 2001; it is very unlikely not to be supported in a current viewer.)

Line widths as controlled by par(lwd = ) are in multiples of 1/96 inch. Multiples less than 1 are allowed. pch = "." with cex = 1 corresponds to a square of side 1/72 inch, which is also the ‘pixel’ size assumed for graphics parameters such as "cra".

The paper argument sets the ‘⁠/MediaBox⁠’ entry in the file, which defaults to width by height. If it is set to something other than "special", a device region of the specified size is (by default) centred on the rectangle given by the paper size: if either width or height is less than 0.1 or too large to give a total margin of 0.5 inch, it is reset to the corresponding paper dimension minus 0.5. Thus if you want the default behaviour of postscript use pdf(paper = "a4r", width = 0, height = 0) to centre the device region on a landscape A4 page with 0.25 inch margins.

When the background colour is fully transparent (as is the initial default value), the PDF produced does not paint the background. Most PDF viewers will use a white canvas so the visual effect is if the background were white. This will not be the case when printing onto coloured paper, though.

File specifications

Tilde expansion (see path.expand) is done on the file argument. An input with a marked encoding is converted to the native encoding or an error is given.

For use with onefile = FALSE, give a C integer format such as "Rplot%03d.pdf" (the default in that case) which is expanded using the page number, so this uses files ‘Rplot001.pdf’, ..., ‘Rplot999.pdf’, ‘Rplot1000.pdf’,

A single integer format matching the regular expression "%[#0 +=-]*[0-9.]*[diouxX]" is allowed in file. The character string should not otherwise contain a %: if it is really necessary, use %% in the string for % in the file path.

For pdf, file can be NULL when no external file is created (effectively, no drawing occurs), but the device may still be queried (e.g., for the size of text by (base graphics) strwidth or (grid) stringWidth).


Font families are collections of fonts covering the five font faces, (conventionally plain, bold, italic, bold-italic and symbol) selected by the graphics parameter par(font = ) or the grid parameter gpar(fontface = ). Font families can be specified either as an initial/default font family for the device via the family argument or after the device is opened by the graphics parameter par(family = ) or the grid parameter gpar(fontfamily = ). Families which will be used in addition to the initial family must be specified in the fonts argument when the device is opened.

Font families are declared via a call to pdfFonts or postscriptFonts.

The argument family specifies the initial/default font family to be used. In normal use it is one of "AvantGarde", "Bookman", "Courier", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Narrow", "NewCenturySchoolbook", "Palatino" or "Times", and refers to the standard Adobe PostScript fonts families of those names which are included (or cloned) in all common PDF/PostScript renderers.

Many PDF/PostScript renders (including those based on Ghostscript) use the URW equivalents of these fonts, which are "URWGothic", "URWBookman", "NimbusMon", "NimbusSan", "NimbusSanCond", "CenturySch", "URWPalladio" and "NimbusRom" respectively. If your viewer is using URW fonts, you will obtain access to more characters and more appropriate metrics by using these names. To make these easier to remember, "URWHelvetica" == "NimbusSan" and "URWTimes" == "NimbusRom" are also supported. However, if the viewer is not using URW fonts (for example Adobe Acrobat Reader) it may substitute inappropriately or not render at all. (Consider using embedFonts.)

As from R 4.4.0 there is support for URW 2.0 fonts in families "URW2Helvetica" (with ‘⁠Oblique⁠’ fonts), "URW2HelveticaItalic" (with ‘⁠Italic⁠’ fonts), "URW2Times" and "NimbusMonoPS". As recent versions of Ghostscript will render with (and embed) these fonts. these families should be used instead of "URWHelvetica", "URWTimes", "NimbusSan", "NimbusRom", and "NimbusMon"

Another type of family makes use of CID-keyed fonts for East Asian languages – see pdfFonts.

The family argument is normally a character string naming a font family, but family objects generated by Type1Font and CIDFont are also accepted. For compatibility with earlier versions of R, the initial family can also be specified as a vector of four or five afm files.

Note that R does not embed the font(s) used in the PostScript output: see embedFonts for a utility to help do so.

Viewers and embedding applications frequently substitute fonts for those specified in the family, and the substitute will often have slightly different font metrics. useKerning = TRUE spaces the letters in the string using kerning corrections for the intended family: this may look uglier than useKerning = FALSE.


Encodings describe which glyphs are used to display the character codes (in the range 0–255). Most commonly R uses ISOLatin1 encoding, and the examples for text are in that encoding. However, the encoding used on machines running R may well be different, and by using the encoding argument the glyphs can be matched to encoding in use. This suffices for European and Cyrillic languages, but not for East Asian languages. For the latter, composite CID fonts are used. These fonts are useful for other languages: for example they may contain Greek glyphs. (The rest of this section applies only when CID fonts are not used.)

None of this will matter if only ASCII characters (codes 32–126) are used as all the encodings (except "TeXtext") agree over that range. Some encodings are supersets of ISOLatin1. However, if accented and special characters do not come out as you expect, you may need to change the encoding. Some other encodings are supplied with R: "ISOLatin2.enc" (Central/Eastern Europe), "ISOLatin7.enc" (ISO 8859-13, ‘Baltic Rim’), "ISOLatin9.enc" (ISO 8859-15, including Euro), "Cyrillic.enc" (ISO 8859-5), "KOI8-R.enc", "KOI8-U.enc", and the Windows encodings "WinAnsi.enc" (also known as "CP1252.enc", "CP1250.enc" (Central/Eastern Europe), "CP1251.enc" (Cyrillic), "Greek.enc" (ISO 8859-7), "CP1253.enc" (modern Greek) and "CP1257.enc" (‘Baltic Rim’). Note that many glyphs in these encodings are not in the fonts corresponding to the standard families. (The Adobe ones for all but Courier, Helvetica and Times cover little more than Latin-1, whereas the URW ones also cover Latin-2, Latin-7, Latin-9 and Cyrillic but no Greek. The Adobe exceptions cover the Latin character sets, but not the Euro.)

NB: support for encodings other than "ISOLatin1.enc" (and the Windows ones on Windows) depends on support by the platform's libiconv in a UTF-8 locale.

If you specify the encoding, it is your responsibility to ensure that the PostScript font contains the glyphs used. One issue here is the Euro symbol which is in several encodings (including WinAnsi and ISOLatin9 encodings) but may well not be in the PostScript fonts. (It is in the URW variants; it is not in the supplied Adobe Font Metric files so will not be centred correctly.)

There is an exception. Character 45 ("-") is always set as minus (its value in Adobe ISOLatin1) even though it is hyphen in the other encodings. Hyphen is available as character 173 (octal 0255) in all the Latin encodings, Cyrillic and Greek. (This can be entered as "\u00ad" in a UTF-8 locale.) There are some discrepancies in accounts of glyphs 39 and 96: the supplied encodings (except CP1250 and CP1251) treat these as ‘quoteright’ and ‘quoteleft’ (rather than ‘quotesingle’/‘acute’ and ‘grave’ respectively), as they are in the Adobe documentation.

Color models

The default color model ("srgb") is sRGB. Model "gray" (or "grey") maps sRGB colors to greyscale using perceived luminosity (biased towards green). "cmyk" outputs in CMYK colorspace. The simplest possible conversion from sRGB to CMYK is used (, and raster images are output in RGB.

Also available for backwards compatibility is model "rgb" which uses uncalibrated RGB and corresponds to the model used with that name in R prior to 2.13.0. Some viewers may render some plots in that colorspace faster than in sRGB, and the plot files will be smaller.


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is 7 inches square.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Helvetica.

  • Line widths are as a multiple of 1/96 inch, with a minimum of 0.01 enforced.

  • Circles of any radius are allowed. If useDingbats = TRUE, opaque circles of less than 10 big points radius are rendered using char 108 in the Dingbats font: all semi-transparent and larger circles using a Bézier curve for each quadrant.

  • Colours are by default specified as sRGB.

At very small line widths, the line type may be forced to solid.


Except on Windows it is possible to print directly from pdf by something like (this is appropriate for a CUPS printing system):

    pdf("|lp -o landscape", paper = "a4r")

This forces onefile = TRUE.


If you have drawn any typeset glyphs (see glyphInfo) then it is highly recommended that you use embedGlyphs to embed the relevant fonts.


If you see problems with PDF output, do remember that the problem is much more likely to be in your viewer than in R. Try another viewer if possible. Symptoms for which the viewer has been at fault are apparent grids on image plots (turn off graphics anti-aliasing in your viewer if you can) and missing or incorrect glyphs in text (viewers silently doing font substitution).

Unfortunately the default viewers on most Linux and macOS systems have these problems, and no obvious way to turn off graphics anti-aliasing.

Acrobat Reader does not use the fonts specified but rather emulates them from multiple-master fonts. This can be seen in imprecise centering of characters, for example the multiply and divide signs in Helvetica. This can be circumvented by embedding fonts where possible. Most other viewers substitute fonts, e.g. URW fonts for the standard Helvetica and Times fonts, and these too often have different font metrics from the true fonts.

Acrobat Reader can be extended by ‘font packs’, and these will be needed for the full use of encodings other than Latin-1 (although they may be offered for download as needed).

On some Unix-alike systems:

If useDingbats = TRUE, the default plotting character pch = 1 was displayed in some PDF viewers incorrectly as a "q" character. (These seem to be viewers based on the ‘⁠poppler⁠’ PDF rendering library). This may be due to incorrect or incomplete mapping of font names to those used by the system. Adding the following lines to ‘~/.fonts.conf’ or ‘/etc/fonts/local.conf’ may circumvent this problem, although this has largely been corrected on the affected systems.

<alias binding="same">

Some further workarounds for problems with symbol fonts on viewers using ‘fontconfig’ are given in the ‘Cairo Fonts’ section of the help for X11.

On Windows:

The TeXworks PDF viewer was one of those which has been seen to fail to display Dingbats (used by e.g. pch = 1) correctly. Whereas on other platforms the problems seen were incorrect output, on Windows points were silently omitted: however recent versions seem to manage to display Dingbats.

There was a different font bug in the pdf.js viewer included in Firefox: that mapped Dingbats to the Symbol font and so displayed symbols such pch = 1 as lambda.

See Also

pdfFonts, pdf.options, embedFonts, glyphInfo, Devices, postscript.

cairo_pdf and (on macOS only) quartz for other devices that can produce PDF.

More details of font families and encodings and especially handling text in a non-Latin-1 encoding and embedding fonts can be found in

Paul Murrell and Brian Ripley (2006). “Non-standard fonts in PostScript and PDF graphics.” R News, 6(2), 41–47.


## Test function for encodings
TestChars <- function(encoding = "ISOLatin1", ...)
    pdf(encoding = encoding, ...)
    par(pty = "s")
    plot(c(-1,16), c(-1,16), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
         xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
         title(paste("Centred chars in encoding", encoding))
    grid(17, 17, lty = 1)
    for(i in c(32:255)) {
        x <- i %% 16
        y <- i %/% 16
        points(x, y, pch = i)
## there will be many warnings.
## this does not view properly in older viewers.
TestChars("ISOLatin2", family = "URWHelvetica")
## works well for viewing in gs-based viewers, and often in xpdf.

Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of pdf


The auxiliary function pdf.options can be used to set or view (if called without arguments) the default values for some of the arguments to pdf.

pdf.options needs to be called before calling pdf, and the default values it sets can be overridden by supplying arguments to pdf.


pdf.options(..., reset = FALSE)



arguments width, height, onefile, family, title, fonts, paper, encoding, pointsize, bg, fg, pagecentre, useDingbats, colormodel, fillOddEven and compress can be supplied.


logical: should the defaults be reset to their ‘factory-fresh’ values?


If both reset = TRUE and ... are supplied the defaults are first reset to the ‘factory-fresh’ values and then the new values are applied.


A named list of all the defaults. If any arguments are supplied the return values are the old values and the result has the visibility flag turned off.

See Also

pdf, ps.options.


pdf.options(bg = "pink")
pdf.options(reset = TRUE) # back to factory-fresh

A PicTeX Graphics Driver


This function produces simple graphics suitable for inclusion in TeX and LaTeX documents. It dates from the very early days of R and is for historical interest only. It was deprecated in R 4.4.0. Consider the tikzDevice instead.


pictex(file = "Rplots.tex", width = 5, height = 4, debug = FALSE,
       bg = "white", fg = "black")



the file path where output will appear. Tilde expansion (see path.expand) is done. An input with a marked encoding is converted to the native encoding or an error is given.


The width of the plot in inches.


the height of the plot in inches.


should debugging information be printed.


the background color for the plot. Ignored.


the foreground color for the plot. Ignored.


This driver is much more basic than the other graphics drivers included in R. It does not have any font metric information, so the use of plotmath is not supported.

Line widths are ignored except when setting the spacing of line textures. pch = "." corresponds to a square of side 1pt.

This device does not support colour (nor does the PicTeX package), and all colour settings are ignored.

Note that text is recorded in the file as-is, so annotations involving TeX special characters (such as ampersand and underscore) need to be quoted as they would be when entering TeX.

Multiple plots will be placed as separate environments in the output file.


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is 5 inches by 4 inches.

  • There is no pointsize argument: the default size is interpreted as 10 point.

  • The only font family is cmss10.

  • Line widths are only used when setting the spacing on line textures.

  • Circle of any radius are allowed.

  • Colour is not supported.


This driver was provided around 1996–7 by Valerio Aimale of the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genoa, Italy.


Knuth, D. E. (1984) The TeXbook. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Lamport, L. (1994) LATEX: A Document Preparation System. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Goossens, M., Mittelbach, F. and Samarin, A. (1994) The LATEX Companion. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

See Also

pdf, postscript, Devices.

The tikzDevice in the CRAN package of that name for more modern TeX-based graphics (, although including PDF figures via pdftex is most common in (La)TeX documents).



plot(1:11, (-5:5)^2, type = "b", main = "Simple Example Plot")
## Not run: 
%% LaTeX Example
\usepackage{graphics} % for \rotatebox

## End(Not run)

Mathematical Annotation in R


If the text argument to one of the text-drawing functions (text, mtext, axis, legend) in R is an expression, the argument is interpreted as a mathematical expression and the output will be formatted according to TeX-like rules. Expressions can also be used for titles, subtitles and x- and y-axis labels (but not for axis labels on persp plots).

In most cases other language objects (names and calls, including formulas) are coerced to expressions and so can also be used.


A mathematical expression must obey the normal rules of syntax for any R expression, but it is interpreted according to very different rules than for normal R expressions.

It is possible to produce many different mathematical symbols, generate sub- or superscripts, produce fractions, etc.

The output from demo(plotmath) includes several tables which show the available features. In these tables, the columns of grey text show sample R expressions, and the columns of black text show the resulting output.

The available features are also described in the tables below:

Syntax Meaning
x + y x plus y
x - y x minus y
x*y juxtapose x and y
x/y x forwardslash y
x %+-% y x plus or minus y
x %/% y x divided by y
x %*% y x times y
x %.% y x cdot y
x[i] x subscript i
x^2 x superscript 2
paste(x, y, z) juxtapose x, y, and z
sqrt(x) square root of x
sqrt(x, y) y-th root of x
x == y x equals y
x != y x is not equal to y
x < y x is less than y
x <= y x is less than or equal to y
x > y x is greater than y
x >= y x is greater than or equal to y
!x not x
x %~~% y x is approximately equal to y
x %=~% y x and y are congruent
x %==% y x is defined as y
x %prop% y x is proportional to y
x %~% y x is distributed as y
plain(x) draw x in normal font
bold(x) draw x in bold font
italic(x) draw x in italic font
bolditalic(x) draw x in bold italic font
symbol(x) draw x in symbol font
list(x, y, z) comma-separated list
... ellipsis (height varies)
cdots ellipsis (vertically centred)
ldots ellipsis (at baseline)
x %subset% y x is a proper subset of y
x %subseteq% y x is a subset of y
x %notsubset% y x is not a subset of y
x %supset% y x is a proper superset of y
x %supseteq% y x is a superset of y
x %in% y x is an element of y
x %notin% y x is not an element of y
hat(x) x with a circumflex
tilde(x) x with a tilde
dot(x) x with a dot
ring(x) x with a ring
bar(xy) xy with bar
widehat(xy) xy with a wide circumflex
widetilde(xy) xy with a wide tilde
x %<->% y x double-arrow y
x %->% y x right-arrow y
x %<-% y x left-arrow y
x %up% y x up-arrow y
x %down% y x down-arrow y
x %<=>% y x is equivalent to y
x %=>% y x implies y
x %<=% y y implies x
x %dblup% y x double-up-arrow y
x %dbldown% y x double-down-arrow y
alpha -- omega Greek symbols
Alpha -- Omega uppercase Greek symbols
theta1, phi1, sigma1, omega1 cursive Greek symbols
Upsilon1 capital upsilon with hook
aleph first letter of Hebrew alphabet
infinity infinity symbol
partialdiff partial differential symbol
nabla nabla, gradient symbol
32*degree 32 degrees
60*minute 60 minutes of angle
30*second 30 seconds of angle
displaystyle(x) draw x in normal size (extra spacing)
textstyle(x) draw x in normal size
scriptstyle(x) draw x in small size
scriptscriptstyle(x) draw x in very small size
underline(x) draw x underlined
x ~~ y put extra space between x and y
x + phantom(0) + y leave gap for "0", but don't draw it
x + over(1, phantom(0)) leave vertical gap for "0" (don't draw)
frac(x, y) x over y
over(x, y) x over y
atop(x, y) x over y (no horizontal bar)
sum(x[i], i==1, n) sum x[i] for i equals 1 to n
prod(plain(P)(X==x), x) product of P(X=x) for all values of x
integral(f(x)*dx, a, b) definite integral of f(x) wrt x
union(A[i], i==1, n) union of A[i] for i equals 1 to n
intersect(A[i], i==1, n) intersection of A[i]
lim(f(x), x %->% 0) limit of f(x) as x tends to 0
min(g(x), x > 0) minimum of g(x) for x greater than 0
inf(S) infimum of S
sup(S) supremum of S
x^y + z normal operator precedence
x^(y + z) visible grouping of operands
x^{y + z} invisible grouping of operands
group("(",list(a, b),"]") specify left and right delimiters
bgroup("(",atop(x,y),")") use scalable delimiters
group(lceil, x, rceil) special delimiters
group(lfloor, x, rfloor) special delimiters
group(langle, list(x, y), rangle) special delimiters

The supported ‘scalable delimiters’ are | ( [ { and their right-hand versions. "." is equivalent to "": the corresponding delimiter will be omitted. Delimiter || is supported but has the same effect as |. The special delimiters lceil, lfloor, langle (and their right-hand versions) are not scalable.

Note that paste does not insert spaces when juxtaposing, unlike (by default) the R function of that name.

The symbol font uses Adobe Symbol encoding so, for example, a lower case mu can be obtained either by the special symbol mu or by symbol("m"). This provides access to symbols that have no special symbol name, for example, the universal, or forall, symbol is symbol("\042"). To see what symbols are available in this way use TestChars(font=5) as given in the examples for points: some are only available on some devices.

Note to TeX users: TeX's ‘⁠\Upsilon⁠’ is Upsilon1, TeX's ‘⁠\varepsilon⁠’ is close to epsilon, and there is no equivalent of TeX's ‘⁠\epsilon⁠’. TeX's ‘⁠\varpi⁠’ is close to omega1. vartheta, varphi and varsigma are allowed as synonyms for theta1, phi1 and sigma1.

sigma1 is also known as stigma, its Unicode name.

Control characters (e.g., ‘⁠\n⁠’) are not interpreted in character strings in plotmath, unlike normal plotting.

The fonts used are taken from the current font family, and so can be set by par(family=) in base graphics, and gpar(fontfamily=) in package grid.

Note that bold, italic and bolditalic do not apply to symbols, and hence not to the Greek symbols such as mu which are displayed in the symbol font. They also do not apply to numeric constants.

Other symbols

On many OSes and some graphics devices many other symbols are available as part of the standard text font, and all of the symbols in the Adobe Symbol encoding are in principle available via changing the font face or (see ‘Details’) plotmath: see the examples section of points for a function to display them. (‘In principle’ because some of the glyphs are missing from some implementations of the symbol font.) Unfortunately, pdf and postscript have support for little more than European (not Greek) and CJK characters and the Adobe Symbol encoding (and in a few fonts, also Cyrillic characters).

On Unix-alikes:

In a UTF-8 locale any Unicode character can be entered, perhaps as a ‘⁠\uxxxx⁠’ or ‘⁠\Uxxxxxxxx⁠’ escape sequence, but the issue is whether the graphics device is able to display the character. The widest range of characters is likely to be available in the X11 device using cairo: see its help page for how installing additional fonts can help. This can often be used to display Greek letters in bold or italic.

On macOS the quartz device and the default system fonts have quite large coverage.

In non-UTF-8 locales there is normally no support for symbols not in the languages for which the current encoding was intended.

On Windows:

Any Unicode character can be entered into a text string via a ‘⁠\uxxxx⁠’ escape, or used by number in a call to points. The windows family of devices can display such characters if they are available in the font in use. This can often be used to display Greek letters in bold or italic.

A good way to both find out which characters are available in a font and to determine the Unicode number is to use the ‘Character Map’ accessory (usually on the ‘Start’ menu under ‘Accessories->System Tools’). You can also copy-and-paste characters from the ‘Character Map’ window to the Rgui console (but not to Rterm).


Murrell, P. and Ihaka, R. (2000). An approach to providing mathematical annotation in plots. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9, 582–599. doi:10.2307/1390947.

A list of the symbol codes can be found in decimal, octal and hex at

See Also

demo(plotmath), axis, mtext, text, title, substitute quote, bquote



x <- seq(-4, 4, length.out = 101)
y <- cbind(sin(x), cos(x))
matplot(x, y, type = "l", xaxt = "n",
        main = expression(paste(plain(sin) * phi, "  and  ",
                                plain(cos) * phi)),
        ylab = expression("sin" * phi, "cos" * phi), # only 1st is taken
        xlab = expression(paste("Phase Angle ", phi)),
        col.main = "blue")
axis(1, at = c(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi),
     labels = expression(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi))

## How to combine "math" and numeric variables :
plot(1:10, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", main = "plot math & numbers")
theta <- 1.23 ; mtext(bquote(hat(theta) == .(theta)), line= .25)
for(i in 2:9)
    text(i, i+1, substitute(list(xi, eta) == group("(",list(x,y),")"),
                            list(x = i, y = i+1)))
## note that both of these use calls rather than expressions.
text(1, 10,  "Derivatives:", adj = 0)
text(1, 9.6, expression(
 "             first: {f * minute}(x) " == {f * minute}(x)), adj = 0)
text(1, 9.0, expression(
 "     second: {f * second}(x) "        == {f * second}(x)), adj = 0)

## note the "{ .. }" trick to get "chained" equations:
plot(1:10, 1:10, main = quote(1 <= {1 < 2}))
text(4, 9, expression(hat(beta) == (X^t * X)^{-1} * X^t * y))
text(4, 8.4, "expression(hat(beta) == (X^t * X)^{-1} * X^t * y)",
     cex = .8)
text(4, 7, expression(bar(x) == sum(frac(x[i], n), i==1, n)))
text(4, 6.4, "expression(bar(x) == sum(frac(x[i], n), i==1, n))",
     cex = .8)
text(8, 5, expression(paste(frac(1, sigma*sqrt(2*pi)), " ",
                            plain(e)^{frac(-(x-mu)^2, 2*sigma^2)})),
     cex = 1.2)

## some other useful symbols; plot.window(c(0,4), c(15,1))
text(1, 1, "universal", adj = 0); text(2.5, 1,  "\\042")
text(3, 1, expression(symbol("\042")))
text(1, 2, "existential", adj = 0); text(2.5, 2,  "\\044")
text(3, 2, expression(symbol("\044")))
text(1, 3, "suchthat", adj = 0); text(2.5, 3,  "\\047")
text(3, 3, expression(symbol("\047")))
text(1, 4, "therefore", adj = 0); text(2.5, 4,  "\\134")
text(3, 4, expression(symbol("\134")))
text(1, 5, "perpendicular", adj = 0); text(2.5, 5,  "\\136")
text(3, 5, expression(symbol("\136")))
text(1, 6, "circlemultiply", adj = 0); text(2.5, 6,  "\\304")
text(3, 6, expression(symbol("\304")))
text(1, 7, "circleplus", adj = 0); text(2.5, 7,  "\\305")
text(3, 7, expression(symbol("\305")))
text(1, 8, "emptyset", adj = 0); text(2.5, 8,  "\\306")
text(3, 8, expression(symbol("\306")))
text(1, 9, "angle", adj = 0); text(2.5, 9,  "\\320")
text(3, 9, expression(symbol("\320")))
text(1, 10, "leftangle", adj = 0); text(2.5, 10,  "\\341")
text(3, 10, expression(symbol("\341")))
text(1, 11, "rightangle", adj = 0); text(2.5, 11,  "\\361")
text(3, 11, expression(symbol("\361")))

BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices


Graphics devices for BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF format bitmap files.


bmp(filename = "Rplot%03d.bmp",
    width = 480, height = 480, units = "px", pointsize = 12,
    bg = "white", res = NA, ...,
    type = c("cairo", "Xlib", "quartz"), antialias)

jpeg(filename = "Rplot%03d.jpeg",
     width = 480, height = 480, units = "px", pointsize = 12,
     quality = 75,
     bg = "white", res = NA, ...,
     type = c("cairo", "Xlib", "quartz"), antialias)

png(filename = "Rplot%03d.png",
    width = 480, height = 480, units = "px", pointsize = 12,
    bg = "white",  res = NA, ...,
    type = c("cairo", "cairo-png", "Xlib", "quartz"), antialias)

tiff(filename = "Rplot%03d.tiff",
     width = 480, height = 480, units = "px", pointsize = 12,
     compression = c("none", "rle", "lzw", "jpeg", "zip",
                     "lzw+p", "zip+p",
                     "lerc", "lzma",  "zstd", "webp"),
     bg = "white", res = NA,  ...,
     type = c("cairo", "Xlib", "quartz"), antialias)



the output file path. The page number is substituted if a C integer format is included in the character string, as in the default. (Depending on the platform, the result should be less than PATH_MAX characters long, and may be truncated if not. See pdf for further details.) Tilde expansion is performed where supported by the platform. An input with a marked encoding is converted to the native encoding on an error is given.


the width of the device.


the height of the device.


The units in which height and width are given. Can be px (pixels, the default), in (inches), cm or mm.


the default pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch) at res ppi.


the initial background colour: can be overridden by setting par("bg").


the ‘quality’ of the JPEG image, as a percentage. Smaller values will give more compression but also more degradation of the image.


the type of compression to be used. Can also be a numeric value supported by the underlying libtiff library : see its ‘tiff.h’ header file. Ignored with a warning for type = "quartz".


The nominal resolution in ppi which will be recorded in the bitmap file, if a positive integer. Also used for units other than the default, and to convert points to pixels.


for type = "Xlib" only, additional arguments to the underlying X11 device such as fonts or family.

For types "cairo" and "quartz", the family argument can be supplied. See the ‘Cairo fonts’ section in the help for X11.

For type "cairo", the symbolfamily argument can be supplied. See X11.options.


character string, one of "Xlib" or "quartz" (some macOS builds) or "cairo". The latter will only be available if the system was compiled with support for cairo – otherwise "Xlib" will be used. The default is set by getOption("bitmapType") – the ‘out of the box’ default is "quartz" or "cairo" where available, otherwise "Xlib".


for type = "cairo", giving the type of anti-aliasing (if any) to be used for fonts and lines (but not fills). See X11. The default is set by X11.options. Also for type = "quartz", where antialiasing is used unless antialias = "none".


Plots in PNG and JPEG format can easily be converted to many other bitmap formats, and both can be displayed in modern web browsers. The PNG format is lossless and is best for line diagrams and blocks of colour. The JPEG format is lossy, but may be useful for image plots, for example. BMP is a standard format on Windows. TIFF is a meta-format: the default format written by tiff is lossless and stores RGB (and alpha where appropriate) values uncompressed—such files are widely accepted, which is their main virtue over PNG.

The JPEG format only supports opaque backgrounds.

png supports transparent backgrounds: use bg = "transparent". (Not all PNG viewers render files with transparency correctly.) When transparency is in use in the type = "Xlib" variant a very light grey is used as the background and so appears as transparent if used in the plot. This allows opaque white to be used, as in the example. The type = "cairo", type = "cairo-png" and type = "quartz" variants allow semi-transparent colours, including on a transparent or semi-transparent background.

tiff with types "cairo" and "quartz" supports semi-transparent colours, including on a transparent or semi-transparent background. Compression type "zip" is ‘deflate (Adobe-style)’. Compression types "lzw+p" and "zip+p" use horizontal differencing (‘differencing predictor’, section 14 of the TIFF specification) in combination with the compression method, which is effective for continuous-tone images, especially colour ones.

The jpeg quality when used for tiff compression is fixed at 75.

R can be compiled without support for some or all of the types for each of these devices: this will be reported if you attempt to use them on a system where they are not supported. For type = "Xlib" they may not be usable unless the X11 display is available to the owner of the R process. type = "cairo" requires cairo 1.2 or later. type = "quartz" uses the quartz device and so is only available where that is (on some macOS builds: see capabilities("aqua")).

By default no resolution is recorded in the file, except for BMP. Viewers will often assume a nominal resolution of 72 ppi when none is recorded. As resolutions in PNG files are recorded in pixels/metre, the reported ppi value will be changed slightly.

For graphics parameters that make use of dimensions in inches (including font sizes in points) the resolution used is res (or 72 ppi if unset).

png will normally use a palette if there are less than 256 colours on the page, and record a 24-bit RGB file otherwise (or a 32-bit ARGB file if type = "cairo" and non-opaque colours are used). However, type = "cairo-png" uses cairographics' PNG backend which will never use a palette and normally creates a larger 32-bit ARGB file—this may work better for specialist uses with semi-transparent colours.

Quartz-produced PNG and TIFF plots with a transparent background are recorded with a dark grey matte which will show up in some viewers, including Preview on macOS.

Unknown resolutions in BMP files are recorded as 72 ppi.


A plot device is opened: nothing is returned to the R interpreter.


Note that by default the width and height values are in pixels not inches. A warning will be issued if both are less than 20.

If you plot more than one page on one of these devices and do not include something like %d for the sequence number in file, the file will contain the last page plotted.

Differences between OSes

These functions are interfaces to three or more different underlying devices.

  • On Windows, devices based on plotting to a hidden screen using Windows' GDI calls.

  • On platforms with support for X11, plotting to a hidden X11 display.

  • On macOS when working at the console and when R is compiled with suitable support, using Apple's Quartz plotting system.

  • Where support has been compiled in for cairographics, plotting on cairo surfaces. This may use the native platform support for fonts, or it may use fontconfig to support a wide range of font formats.

Inevitably there will be differences between the options supported and output produced. Perhaps the most important are support for antialiased fonts and semi-transparent colours: the best results are likely to be obtained with the cairo- or Quartz-based devices where available.

The default extensions are ‘.jpg’ and ‘.tif’ on Windows, and ‘.jpeg’ and ‘.tiff’ elsewhere.


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is in pixels.

  • Font sizes are in big points interpreted at res ppi.

  • The default font family is Helvetica.

  • Line widths in 1/96 inch (interpreted at res ppi), minimum one pixel for type = "Xlib", 0.01 for type = "cairo".

  • For type = "Xlib" circle radii are in pixels with minimum one.

  • Colours are interpreted by the viewing application.

For type = "quartz" see the help for quartz.


For type = "Xlib" these devices are based on the X11 device. The colour model used will be that set up by X11.options at the time the first Xlib-based devices was opened (or the first after all such devices have been closed).

Support for compression types depends on the underlying ‘⁠libtiff⁠’ library: types "lerc", "lzma", "zstd" and "webp" are relatively recent additions and may well not be supported. They are also liable to be unsupported in TIFF viewers.


Guido Masarotto and Brian Ripley


The PNG specification,

The TIFF specification, See also

See Also

Devices, dev.print

capabilities to see if these devices are supported by this build of R, and if type = "cairo" is supported.

bitmap provides an alternative way to generate plots in many bitmap formats that does not depend on accessing the X11 display but does depend on having GhostScript installed.

Ways to write raster images to bitmap formats are available in packages jpeg, png and tiff.


## these examples will work only if the devices are available
## and cairo or an X11 display or a macOS display is available.

## copy current plot to a (large) PNG file
## Not run: dev.print(png, filename = "myplot.png", width = 1024, height = 768)

png("myplot.png", bg = "transparent")
rect(1, 5, 3, 7, col = "white")

## will make myplot1.jpeg and myplot2.jpeg

PostScript Graphics


postscript starts the graphics device driver for producing PostScript graphics.


postscript(file = if(onefile) "" else "",
           onefile, family, title, fonts, encoding, bg, fg,
           width, height, horizontal, pointsize,
           paper, pagecentre,, command,
           colormodel, useKerning, fillOddEven)



a character string giving the file path. If it is "", the output is piped to the command given by the argument command. If it is of the form "|cmd", the output is piped to the command given by cmd.

For use with onefile = FALSE, give a C integer format such as "" (the default in that case). The string should not otherwise contain a %: if it is really necessary, use %% in the string for % in the file name. A single integer format matching the regular expression "%[#0 +=-]*[0-9.]*[diouxX]" is allowed.

Tilde expansion (see path.expand) is done. An input with a marked encoding is converted to the native encoding or an error is given.

See also section ‘File specifications’ in the help for pdf for further details.


logical: if true (the default) allow multiple figures in one file. If false, generate a file name containing the page number for each page and use an EPSF header and no DocumentMedia comment. Defaults to TRUE.


the initial font family to be used, see the section ‘Families’ in pdf. Defaults to "Helvetica".


title string to embed as the Title comment in the file. Defaults to "R Graphics Output".


a character vector specifying additional R graphics font family names for font families whose declarations will be included in the PostScript file and are available for use with the device. See ‘Families’ below. Defaults to NULL.


the name of an encoding file. See pdf for details. Defaults to "default".


the initial background color to be used. If "transparent" (or any other non-opaque colour), no background is painted. Defaults to "transparent".


the initial foreground color to be used. Defaults to "black".

width, height

the width and height of the graphics region in inches. Default to 0.

If paper != "special" and width or height is less than 0.1 or too large to give a total margin of 0.5 inch, the graphics region is reset to the corresponding paper dimension minus 0.5.


the orientation of the printed image, a logical. Defaults to true, that is landscape orientation on paper sizes with width less than height.


the default point size to be used. Strictly speaking, in bp, that is 1/72 of an inch, but approximately in points. Defaults to 12.


the size of paper in the printer. The choices are "a4", "letter" (or "us"), "legal" and "executive" (and these can be capitalized). Also, "special" can be used, when arguments width and height specify the paper size. A further choice is "default" (the default): If this is selected, the paper size is taken from the option "papersize" if that is set and to "a4" if it is unset or empty.


logical: should the device region be centred on the page? Defaults to true.

logical: should the file be printed when the device is closed? (This only applies if file is a real file name.) Defaults to false.


the command to be used for ‘printing’. Defaults to "default", the value of option "printcmd". The length limit is 2*PATH_MAX, typically 8096 bytes on Unix-alikes and 520 bytes on Windows. Recent Windows systems may be configured to use long paths, raising this limit currently to 10000.


a character string describing the color model: currently allowed values as "srgb", "srgb+gray", "rgb", "rgb-nogray", "gray" (or "grey") and "cmyk". Defaults to "srgb". See section ‘Color models’.


logical. Should kerning corrections be included in setting text and calculating string widths? Defaults to TRUE.


logical controlling the polygon fill mode: see polygon for details. Default FALSE.


All arguments except file default to values given by ps.options(). The ultimate defaults are quoted in the arguments section.

postscript opens the file file and the PostScript commands needed to plot any graphics requested are written to that file. This file can then be printed on a suitable device to obtain hard copy.

The file argument is interpreted as a C integer format as used by sprintf, with integer argument the page number. The default gives files ‘’, ..., ‘’, ‘’, ....

The postscript produced for a single R plot is EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) compatible, and can be included into other documents, e.g., into LaTeX, using ‘⁠\includegraphics{<filename>}⁠’. For use in this way you will probably want to use setEPS() to set the defaults as horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special". Note that the bounding box is for the device region: if you find the white space around the plot region excessive, reduce the margins of the figure region via par(mar = ).

Most of the PostScript prologue used is taken from the R character vector .ps.prolog. This is marked in the output, and can be changed by changing that vector. (This is only advisable for PostScript experts: the standard version is in namespace:grDevices.)

A PostScript device has a default family, which can be set by the user via family. If other font families are to be used when drawing to the PostScript device, these must be declared when the device is created via fonts; the font family names for this argument are R graphics font family names (see the documentation for postscriptFonts).

Line widths as controlled by par(lwd = ) are in multiples of 1/96 inch: multiples less than 1 are allowed. pch = "." with cex = 1 corresponds to a square of side 1/72 inch, which is also the ‘pixel’ size assumed for graphics parameters such as "cra".

When the background colour is fully transparent (as is the initial default value), the PostScript produced does not paint the background. Almost all PostScript viewers will use a white canvas so the visual effect is if the background were white. This will not be the case when printing onto coloured paper, though.

TeX fonts

TeX has traditionally made use of fonts such as Computer Modern which are encoded rather differently, in a 7-bit encoding. This encoding can be specified by encoding = "TeXtext.enc", taking care that the ASCII characters < > \ _ { } are not available in those fonts.

There are supplied families "ComputerModern" and "ComputerModernItalic" which use this encoding, and which are only supported for postscript (and not pdf). They are intended to use with the Type 1 versions of the TeX CM fonts. It will normally be possible to include such output in TeX or LaTeX provided it is processed with dvips -Ppfb -j0 or the equivalent on your system. (-j0 turns off font subsetting.) When family = "ComputerModern" is used, the italic/bold-italic fonts used are slanted fonts (cmsl10 and cmbxsl10). To use text italic fonts instead, set family = "ComputerModernItalic".

These families use the TeX math italic and symbol fonts for a comprehensive but incomplete coverage of the glyphs covered by the Adobe symbol font in other families. This is achieved by special-casing the postscript code generated from the supplied ‘CM_symbol_10.afm’.

Color models

The default color model ("srgb") is sRGB.

The alternative "srgb+gray" uses sRGB for colors, but with pure gray colors (including black and white) expressed as greyscales (which results in smaller files and can be advantageous with some printer drivers). Conversely, its files can be rendered much slower on some viewers, and there can be a noticeable discontinuity in color gradients involving gray or white.

Other possibilities are "gray" (or "grey") which used only greyscales (and converts other colours to a luminance), and "cmyk". The simplest possible conversion from sRGB to CMYK is used (, and raster images are output in RGB.

Color models provided for backwards compatibility are "rgb" (which is RGB+gray) and "rgb-nogray" which use uncalibrated RGB (as used in R prior to 2.13.0). These result in slightly smaller files which may render faster, but do rely on the viewer being properly calibrated.


A postscript plot can be printed via postscript in two ways.

  1. Setting = TRUE causes the command given in argument command to be called with argument "file" when the device is closed. Note that the plot file is not deleted unless command arranges to delete it.

  2. file = "" or file = "|cmd" can be used to print using a pipe. Failure to open the command will probably be reported to the terminal but not to R, in which case close the device by immediately.

On Windows the default "printcmd" is empty and will give an error if = TRUE is used. Suitable commands to spool a PostScript file to a printer can be found in ‘RedMon’ suite available from The command will be run in a minimized window. GSView 4.x provides ‘gsprint.exe’ which may be more convenient (it requires Ghostscript version 6.50 or later).


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is 7 inches square.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Helvetica.

  • Line widths are as a multiple of 1/96 inch, with a minimum of 0.01 enforced.

  • Circle of any radius are allowed.

  • Colours are by default specified as sRGB.

At very small line widths, the line type may be forced to solid.

Raster images are currently limited to opaque colours.


If you see problems with postscript output, do remember that the problem is much more likely to be in your viewer than in R. Try another viewer if possible. Symptoms for which the viewer has been at fault are apparent grids on image plots (turn off graphics anti-aliasing in your viewer if you can) and missing or incorrect glyphs in text (viewers silently doing font substitution).

Unfortunately the default viewers on most Linux and macOS systems have these problems, and no obvious way to turn off graphics anti-aliasing.


Support for Computer Modern fonts is based on a contribution by Brian D'Urso


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

postscriptFonts, Devices, and check.options which is called from both ps.options and postscript.

cairo_ps for another device that can produce PostScript.

More details of font families and encodings and especially handling text in a non-Latin-1 encoding and embedding fonts can be found in

Paul Murrell and Brian Ripley (2006). “Non-standard fonts in PostScript and PDF graphics.” R News, 6(2), 41–47.


## Not run: 
# open the file "" for graphics output
# produce the desired graph(s)              # turn off the postscript device

## On Unix-alikes only:
postscript("|lp -dlw")
# produce the desired graph(s)              # plot will appear on printer

## On Windows:
options(printcmd = 'redpr -P"\\printhost\lw"')
postscript(file = tempfile("Rps."), = TRUE)
# produce the desired graph(s)              # send plot file to the printer
## alternative using GSView 4.x :
options(printcmd = '/GhostGum/gsview/gsprint -query')

# for URW PostScript devices
postscript("", family = "NimbusSan")

## for inclusion in Computer Modern TeX documents, perhaps
postscript("cm_test.eps", width = 4.0, height = 3.0,
           horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special",
           family = "ComputerModern", encoding = "TeXtext.enc")
## The resultant postscript file can be used by dvips -Ppfb -j0.

## To test out encodings, you can use
TestChars <- function(encoding = "ISOLatin1", family = "URWHelvetica")
    postscript(encoding = encoding, family = family)
    par(pty = "s")
    plot(c(-1,16), c(-1,16), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
         xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
    title(paste("Centred chars in encoding", encoding))
    grid(17, 17, lty = 1)
    for(i in c(32:255)) {
        x <- i %% 16
        y <- i %/% 16
        points(x, y, pch = i)
## there will be many warnings.  We use URW to get a complete enough
## set of font metrics.

## End(Not run)

PostScript and PDF Font Families


These functions handle the translation of a R graphics font family name to a PostScript or PDF font description, used by the postscript or pdf graphics devices.





either character strings naming mappings to display, or named arguments specifying mappings to add or change.


If these functions are called with no argument they list all the existing mappings, whereas if they are called with named arguments they add (or change) mappings.

A PostScript or PDF device is created with a default font family (see the documentation for postscript), but it is also possible to specify a font family when drawing to the device (for example, see the documentation for "family" in par and for "fontfamily" in gpar in the grid package).

The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must be mapped to a set of PostScript fonts. Separate lists of mappings for postscript and pdf devices are maintained for the current R session and can be added to by the user.

The postscriptFonts and pdfFonts functions can be used to list existing mappings and to define new mappings. The Type1Font and CIDFont functions can be used to create new mappings, when the xxxFonts function is used to add them to the database. See the examples.

Default mappings are provided for three device-independent family names: "sans" for a sans-serif font (to "Helvetica"), "serif" for a serif font (to "Times") and "mono" for a monospaced font (to "Courier").

Mappings for a number of standard Adobe fonts (and URW equivalents) are also provided: "AvantGarde", "Bookman", "Courier", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Narrow", "NewCenturySchoolbook", "Palatino" and "Times"; "URWGothic", "URWBookman", "NimbusMon", "NimbusSan" (synonym "URWHelvetica"), "NimbusSanCond", "CenturySch", "URWPalladio" and "NimbusRom" (synonym "URWTimes").

There are also mappings for "ComputerModern", "ComputerModernItalic" and "ArialMT" (Monotype Arial).

Finally, there are some default mappings for East Asian locales described in a separate section.

The specification of font metrics and encodings is described in the help for the postscript function.

The fonts are not embedded in the resulting PostScript or PDF file, so software including the PostScript or PDF plot file should either embed the font outlines (usually from ‘.pfb’ or ‘.pfa’ files) or use DSC comments to instruct the print spooler or including application to do so (see also embedFonts).

A font family has both an R-level name, the argument name used when postscriptFonts was called, and an internal name, the family component. These two names are the same for all the pre-defined font families.

Once a font family is in use it cannot be changed. ‘In use’ means that it has been specified via a family or fonts argument to an invocation of the same graphics device already in the R session. (For these purposes xfig counts the same as postscript but only uses some of the predefined mappings.)


A list of one or more font mappings.

East Asian fonts

There are some default mappings for East Asian locales:
"Japan1", "Japan1HeiMin", "Japan1GothicBBB", and "Japan1Ryumin" for Japanese; "Korea1" and "Korea1deb" for Korean; "GB1" (Simplified Chinese) for mainland China and Singapore; "CNS1" (Traditional Chinese) for Hong Kong and Taiwan.

These refer to the following fonts

Japan1 (PS) HeiseiKakuGo-W5
Linotype Japanese printer font
Japan1 (PDF) KozMinPro-Regular-Acro
from Adobe Reader 7.0 Japanese Font Pack
Japan1HeiMin (PS) HeiseiMin-W3
Linotype Japanese printer font
Japan1HeiMin (PDF) HeiseiMin-W3-Acro
from Adobe Reader 7.0 Japanese Font Pack
Japan1GothicBBB GothicBBB-Medium
Japanese-market PostScript printer font
Japan1Ryumin Ryumin-Light
Japanese-market PostScript printer font
Korea1 (PS) Baekmuk-Batang
TrueType font found on some Linux systems
Korea1 (PDF) HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro
from Adobe Reader 7.0 Korean Font Pack
Korea1deb (PS) Batang-Regular
another name for Baekmuk-Batang
Korea1deb (PDF) HYGothic-Medium-Acro
from Adobe Reader 4.0 Korean Font Pack
GB1 (PS) BousungEG-Light-GB
TrueType font found on some Linux systems
GB1 (PDF) STSong-Light-Acro
from Adobe Reader 7.0 Simplified Chinese Font Pack
CNS1 (PS) MOESung-Regular
Ken Lunde's CJKV resources
CNS1 (PDF) MSungStd-Light-Acro
from Adobe Reader 7.0 Traditional Chinese Font Pack

BousungEG-Light-GB can be found at These will need to be installed or otherwise made available to the PostScript/PDF interpreter such as Ghostscript (and not all interpreters can handle TrueType fonts).

You may well find that your postscript/PDF interpreters has been set up to provide aliases for many of these fonts. For example, Ghostscript on Windows can optionally be installed to map common East Asian fonts names to Windows TrueType fonts. (You may want to add the -Acro versions as well.)

Adding a mapping for a CID-keyed font is for gurus only.


Support for Computer Modern fonts is based on a contribution by Brian D'Urso.

See Also

postscript and pdf; Type1Font and CIDFont for specifying new font mappings.


## This duplicates "ComputerModernItalic".
CMitalic <- Type1Font("ComputerModern2",
                      c("CM_regular_10.afm", "CM_boldx_10.afm",
                        "cmti10.afm", "cmbxti10.afm",
                      encoding = "TeXtext.enc")
postscriptFonts(CMitalic = CMitalic)

## A CID font for Japanese using a different CMap and
## corresponding cmapEncoding.
`Jp_UCS-2` <- CIDFont("TestUCS2",
                  "UniJIS-UCS2-H", "UCS-2")
pdfFonts(`Jp_UCS-2` = `Jp_UCS-2`)

Pretty Breakpoints for Date-Time Classes


Compute a sequence of about n+1 equally spaced ‘nice’ values which cover the range of the values in x, possibly of length one, when min.n = 0 and there is only one unique x.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
pretty(x, n = 5, min.n = n %/% 2, sep = " ", ...)
## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
pretty(x, n = 5, min.n = n %/% 2, sep = " ", ...)



an object of class "Date" or "POSIXt" (i.e., "POSIXct" or "POSIXlt").


integer giving the desired number of intervals.


nonnegative integer giving the minimal number of intervals.


character string, serving as a separator for certain formats (e.g., between month and year).


further arguments for compatibility with the generic, ignored.


A vector (of the suitable class) of locations, with attribute "labels" giving corresponding formatted character labels and attribute "format" giving the format specification that was used.

See Also

pretty for the default method.


pretty(Sys.time(), n = 10)

pretty(as.Date("2000-03-01")) # R 1.0.0 came in a leap year

## time ranges in diverse scales:% also in ../../../../tests/reg-tests-1c.R
steps <- stats::setNames(,
    c("10 secs", "1 min", "5 mins", "30 mins", "6 hours", "12 hours",
      "1 DSTday", "2 weeks", "1 month", "6 months", "1 year",
      "10 years", "50 years", "1000 years"))
x <- as.POSIXct("2002-02-02 02:02")
       function(s) {
           at <- pretty(seq(x, by = s, length.out = 2), n = 5)
           attr(at, "labels")

Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript


The auxiliary function ps.options can be used to set or view (if called without arguments) the default values for some of the arguments to postscript.

ps.options needs to be called before calling postscript, and the default values it sets can be overridden by supplying arguments to postscript.


ps.options(..., reset = FALSE, override.check = FALSE)




arguments onefile, family, title, fonts, encoding, bg, fg, width, height, horizontal, pointsize, paper, pagecentre,, command, colormodel and fillOddEven can be supplied. onefile, horizontal and paper are ignored for setEPS and setPS.


logical: should the defaults be reset to their ‘factory-fresh’ values?


logical argument passed to check.options. See the Examples.


If both reset = TRUE and ... are supplied the defaults are first reset to the ‘factory-fresh’ values and then the new values are applied.

For backwards compatibility argument append is accepted but ignored with a warning.

setEPS and setPS are wrappers to set defaults appropriate for figures for inclusion in documents (the default size is 7 inches square unless width or height is supplied) and for spooling to a PostScript printer respectively. For historical reasons the latter is the ultimate default.


A named list of all the previous defaults. If ... or reset = TRUE is supplied the result has the visibility flag turned off.

See Also

postscript, pdf.options


ps.options(bg = "pink")

### ---- error checking of arguments: ----
ps.options(width = 0:12, onefile = 0, bg = pi)
# override the check for 'width', but not 'bg':
ps.options(width = 0:12, bg = pi, override.check = c(TRUE,FALSE))
ps.options(reset = TRUE) # back to factory-fresh

macOS Quartz Device


quartz starts a graphics device driver for the macOS system. It supports plotting both to the screen (the default) and to various graphics file formats.


quartz(title, width, height, pointsize, family, antialias, type,
      file = NULL, bg, canvas, dpi)

quartz.options(..., reset = FALSE), type = "png", device = dev.cur(), dpi = 100, ...)



title for the Quartz window (applies to on-screen output only), default "Quartz %d". A C-style format for an integer will be substituted by the device number (see the file argument to pdf for further details).


the width of the plotting area in inches. Default 7.


the height of the plotting area in inches. Default 7.


the default pointsize to be used. Default 12.


this is the family name of the font that will be used by the device. Default "Arial". This will be the base name of a font as shown in Font Book.


whether to use antialiasing. Default TRUE.


the type of output to use. See ‘Details’ for more information. Default "native".


an optional target for the graphics device. The default, NULL, selects a default name where one is needed. See ‘Details’ for more information.


the initial background colour to use for the device. Default "transparent". An opaque colour such as "white" will normally be required on off-screen types that support transparency such as "png" and "tiff".


canvas colour to use for an on-screen device. Default "white", and will be forced to be an opaque colour.


resolution of the output. The default (NA_real_) for an on-screen display defaults to the resolution of the main screen, and to 72 dpi otherwise. See ‘Details’.


Any of the arguments to quartz except file.


logical: should the defaults be reset to their defaults?


device number to copy from.


The defaults for all but one of the arguments of quartz are set by quartz.options: the ‘Arguments’ section gives the ‘factory-fresh’ defaults.

The Quartz graphics device supports a variety of output types. On-screen output types are "" or "native" or "Cocoa". Off-screen output types produce output files and utilize the file argument. type = "pdf" gives PDF output. The following bitmap formats may be supported (depending on the OS version): "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "jpeg2000", "tif", "tiff", "gif", "psd" (Adobe Photoshop), "bmp" (Windows bitmap), "sgi" and "pict".

The file argument is used for off-screen drawing. The actual file is only created when the device is closed (e.g., using For the bitmap devices, the page number is substituted if a C integer format is included in the character string, e.g. Rplot%03d.png. (Depending on the platform, the result should be less than PATH_MAX characters long, and may be truncated if not. See pdf for further details.) If a file argument is not supplied, the default is Rplots.pdf or Rplot%03d.type. Tilde expansion (see path.expand) is done.

If a device-independent R graphics font family is specified (e.g., via par(family =) in the graphics package), the Quartz device makes use of the Quartz font database (see quartzFonts) to convert the R graphics font family to a Quartz-specific font family description. The default conversions are (MonoType TrueType versions of) Helvetica for sans, Times-Roman for serif and Courier for mono.

On-screen devices are launched with a semi-transparent canvas. Once a new plot is created, the canvas is first painted with the canvas colour and then the current background colour (which can be transparent or semi-transparent). Off-screen devices have no canvas colour, and so start with a transparent background where possible (e.g., type = "png" and type = "tiff") – otherwise it appears that a solid white canvas is assumed in the Quartz code. PNG and TIFF files are saved with a dark grey matte which will show up in some viewers, including Preview.

title can be used for on-screen output. It must be a single character string with an optional integer printf-style format that will be substituted by the device number. It is also optionally used (without a format) to give a title to a PDF file.

Calling quartz() sets .Device to "quartz" for on-screen devices and to "quartz_off_screen" otherwise.

The font family chosen needs to cover the characters to be used: characters not in the font are rendered as empty oblongs. For non-Western-European languages something other than the default of "Arial" is likely to be needed—one choice for Chinese is "MingLiU". is a modified version of dev.copy2pdf to copy the plot from the current screen device to a quartz device, by default to a PNG file.


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is 7 inches square.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Arial.

  • Line widths are a multiple of 1/96 inch with no minimum set by R.

  • Circle radii are real-valued with no minimum set by R.

  • Colours are specified as sRGB.


For a long time the default font family was documented as "Helvetica" after it had been changed to "Arial" to work around a deficiency in macOS 10.4. It may be changed back in future.

A fairly common Mac problem is no text appearing on plots due to corrupted or duplicated fonts on your system. You may be able to confirm this by using another font family, e.g. family = "serif". Open the Font Book application (in Applications) and check the fonts that you are using.

See Also

quartzFonts, Devices.

png for way to access the bitmap types of this device via R's standard bitmap devices.


## Not run: 
## Only on a Mac,
## put something like this is your .Rprofile to customize the defaults
setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"),
        function(...) grDevices::quartz.options(width = 8, height = 6,
                                                pointsize = 10))

## End(Not run)

Quartz Fonts Setup


These functions handle the translation of a device-independent R graphics font family name to a quartz font description.

They are only available on Unix-alikes, i.e, not on Windows, and typically used on the Mac.






a character vector containing the four PostScript font names for plain, bold, italic, and bold italic versions of a font family.


either character strings naming mappings to display, or new (named) mappings to define.


A quartz device is created with a default font (see the documentation for quartz), but it is also possible to specify a font family when drawing to the device (for example, see the documentation for gpar in the grid package).

The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must be mapped to something more specific to quartz fonts. A list of mappings is maintained and can be modified by the user.

The quartzFonts function can be used to list existing mappings and to define new mappings. The quartzFont function can be used to create a new mapping.

Default mappings are provided for three device-independent font family names: "sans" for a sans-serif font, "serif" for a serif font and "mono" for a monospaced font.

See Also

quartz for the default Mac graphics device.


if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { # includes macOS

  utils::str( quartzFonts() )  # a list(serif = .., sans = .., mono = ..)
  quartzFonts("mono")          # the list(mono = ..) sublist of quartzFonts()

## Not run: 
  ## for East Asian locales you can use something like
  quartzFonts(sans = quartzFont(rep("AppleGothic", 4)),
	      serif = quartzFont(rep("AppleMyungjp", 4)))
  ## since the default fonts may well not have the glyphs needed

## End(Not run)

Record Graphics Operations


Records arbitrary code on the graphics engine display list. Useful for encapsulating calculations with graphical output that depends on the calculations. Intended only for expert use.


recordGraphics(expr, list, env)



object of mode expression or call or an unevaluated expression.


a list defining the environment in which expr is to be evaluated.


an environment specifying where R looks for objects not found in list.


The code in expr is evaluated in an environment constructed from list, with env as the parent of that environment.

All three arguments are saved on the graphics engine display list so that on a device resize or copying between devices, the original evaluation environment can be recreated and the code can be re-evaluated to reproduce the graphical output.


The value from evaluating expr.


This function is not intended for general use. Incorrect or improper use of this function could lead to unintended and/or undesirable results.

An example of acceptable use is querying the current state of a graphics device or graphics system setting and then calling a graphics function.

An example of improper use would be calling the assign function to performing assignments in the global environment.

See Also




# This rectangle remains 1inch wide when the device is resized
    rect(4, 2,
         4 + diff(par("usr")[1:2])/par("pin")[1], 3)

Record and Replay Plots


Functions to save the current plot in an R variable, and to replay it.


recordPlot(load=NULL, attach=NULL)
replayPlot(x, reloadPkgs=FALSE)



If not NULL, a character vector of package names, which are saved as part of the recorded plot.


If not NULL, a character vector of package names, which are saved as part of the recorded plot.


A saved plot.


A logical indicating whether to reload and/or reattach any packages that were saved as part of the recorded plot.


These functions record and replay the display list of the current graphics device. The returned object is of class "recordedplot", and replayPlot acts as a print method for that class.

The returned object is stored as a pairlist, but the usual methods for examining R objects such as deparse and str are liable to mislead.


recordPlot returns an object of class "recordedplot".

replayPlot has no return value.


The format of recorded plots may change between R versions, so recorded plots should not be used as a permanent storage format for R plots.

As of R 3.3.0, it is possible (again) to replay a plot from another R session using, for example, saveRDS and readRDS. It is even possible to replay a plot from another R version, however, this will produce warnings, may produce errors, or something worse.


Replay of a recorded plot may not produce the correct result (or may just fail) if the display list contains a call to recordGraphics which in turn contains an expression that calls code from a non-base package other than graphics or grid. The most well-known example of this is a plot drawn with the package ggplot2. One solution is to load the relevant package(s) before replaying the recorded plot. The load and attach arguments to recordPlot can be used to automate this - any packages named in load will be reloaded, via loadNamespace, and any packages named in attach will be reattached, via library, as long as reloadPkgs is TRUE in the call to replayPlot. This is only relevant when attempting to replay in one R session a plot that was recorded in a different R session.


Murrell, P., Ooms, J., Allaire, J.J. (2015), "Recording and Replaying the Graphics Engine Display List",

See Also

The display list can be turned on and off using dev.control. Initially recording is on for screen devices, and off for print devices.

RGB Color Specification


This function creates colors corresponding to the given intensities (between 0 and max) of the red, green and blue primaries. The colour specification refers to the standard sRGB colorspace (IEC standard 61966).

An alpha transparency value can also be specified (as an opacity, so 0 means fully transparent and max means opaque). If alpha is not specified, an opaque colour is generated.

The names argument may be used to provide names for the colors.

The values returned by these functions can be used with a col= specification in graphics functions or in par.


rgb(red, green, blue, alpha, names = NULL, maxColorValue = 1)


red, blue, green, alpha

numeric vectors with values in [0,M][0, M] where MM is maxColorValue. When this is 255, the red, blue, green, and alpha values are coerced to integers in 0:255 and the result is computed most efficiently.


character vector. The names for the resulting vector.


number giving the maximum of the color values range, see above.


The colors may be specified by passing a matrix or data frame as argument red, and leaving blue and green missing. In this case the first three columns of red are taken to be the red, green and blue values.

Semi-transparent colors (0 < alpha < 1) are supported only on some devices: at the time of writing on the pdf, windows, quartz and X11(type = "cairo") devices and associated bitmap devices (jpeg, png, bmp, tiff and bitmap). They are supported by several third-party devices such as those in packages Cairo, cairoDevice and JavaGD. Only some of these devices support semi-transparent backgrounds.

Most other graphics devices plot semi-transparent colors as fully transparent, usually with a warning when first encountered.

NA values are not allowed for any of red, blue, green or alpha.


A character vector with elements of 7 or 9 characters, beginning with "#" followed by the red, blue, green and optionally alpha values in hexadecimal (after rescaling to 0 ... 255). The optional alpha values range from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).

R does not use ‘premultiplied alpha’.

See Also

col2rgb for translating R colors to RGB vectors; rainbow, hsv, hcl, gray.


rgb(0, 1, 0)

rgb((0:15)/15, green = 0, blue = 0, names = paste("red", 0:15, sep = "."))

rgb(0, 0:12, 0, maxColorValue = 255) # integer input

ramp <- colorRamp(c("red", "white"))
rgb( ramp(seq(0, 1, length.out = 5)), maxColorValue = 255)

RGB to HSV Conversion


rgb2hsv transforms colors from RGB space (red/green/blue) into HSV space (hue/saturation/value).


rgb2hsv(r, g = NULL, b = NULL, maxColorValue = 255)



vector of ‘red’ values in [0,M][0, M], (M=M =maxColorValue) or 3-row RGB matrix.


vector of ‘green’ values, or NULL when r is a matrix.


vector of ‘blue’ values, or NULL when r is a matrix.


number giving the maximum of the RGB color values range. The default 255 corresponds to the typical 0:255 RGB coding as in col2rgb().


Value (brightness) gives the amount of light in the color.
Hue describes the dominant wavelength.
Saturation is the amount of Hue mixed into the color.

An HSV colorspace is relative to an RGB colorspace, which in R is sRGB, which has an implicit gamma correction.


A matrix with a column for each color. The three rows of the matrix indicate hue, saturation and value and are named "h", "s", and "v" accordingly.


R interface by Wolfram Fischer;
C code mainly by Nicholas Lewin-Koh

See Also

hsv, col2rgb, rgb.


## These (saturated, bright ones) only differ by hue
(rc <- col2rgb(c("red", "yellow","green","cyan", "blue", "magenta")))
(hc <- rgb2hsv(rc))
6 * hc["h",] # the hues are equispaced

(rgb3 <- floor(256 * matrix(stats::runif(3*12), 3, 12)))
(hsv3 <- rgb2hsv(rgb3))
## Consistency :
stopifnot(rgb3 == col2rgb(hsv(h = hsv3[1,], s = hsv3[2,], v = hsv3[3,])),
          all.equal(hsv3, rgb2hsv(rgb3/255, maxColorValue = 1)))

## A (simplified) pure R version -- originally by Wolfram Fischer --
## showing the exact algorithm:
rgb2hsvR <- function(rgb, gamma = 1, maxColorValue = 255)
    if(!is.numeric(rgb)) stop("rgb matrix must be numeric")
    d <- dim(rgb)
    if(d[1] != 3) stop("rgb matrix must have 3 rows")
    n <- d[2]
    if(n == 0) return(cbind(c(h = 1, s = 1, v = 1))[,0])
    rgb <- rgb/maxColorValue
    if(gamma != 1) rgb <- rgb ^ (1/gamma)

    ## get the max and min
    v <- apply( rgb, 2, max)
    s <- apply( rgb, 2, min)
    D <- v - s # range

    ## set hue to zero for undefined values (gray has no hue)
    h <- numeric(n)
    notgray <- ( s != v )

    ## blue hue
    idx <- (v == rgb[3,] & notgray )
    if (any (idx))
        h[idx] <- 2/3 + 1/6 * (rgb[1,idx] - rgb[2,idx]) / D[idx]
    ## green hue
    idx <- (v == rgb[2,] & notgray )
    if (any (idx))
        h[idx] <- 1/3 + 1/6 * (rgb[3,idx] - rgb[1,idx]) / D[idx]
    ## red hue
    idx <- (v == rgb[1,] & notgray )
    if (any (idx))
        h[idx] <-       1/6 * (rgb[2,idx] - rgb[3,idx]) / D[idx]

    ## correct for negative red
    idx <- (h < 0)
    h[idx] <- 1+h[idx]

    ## set the saturation
    s[! notgray] <- 0;
    s[notgray] <- 1 - s[notgray] / v[notgray]

    rbind( h = h, s = s, v = v )

## confirm the equivalence:
all.equal(rgb2hsv (rgb3),
          rgb2hsvR(rgb3), tolerance = 1e-14) # TRUE

Save Cairo X11 Plot to File


Save the current page of a cairo X11() device to a file.


savePlot(filename = paste0("Rplot.", type),
         type = c("png", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp"),
         device = dev.cur())



filename to save to.


file type.


the device to save from.


Only cairo-based X11 devices are supported.

This works by copying the image surface to a file. For PNG will always be a 24-bit per pixel PNG ‘DirectClass’ file, for JPEG the quality is 75% and for TIFF there is no compression.

For devices with buffering this copies the buffer's image surface, so works even if dev.hold has been called.

The plot is saved after rendering onto the canvas (default opaque white), so for the default bg = "transparent" the effective background colour is the canvas colour.


Invisible NULL.


There is a similar function of the same name but more types for windows devices on Windows: that has an additional argument restoreConsole which is only supported on Windows.

See Also

recordPlot() which is device independent. Further, X11, dev.copy, dev.print

3D to 2D Transformation for Perspective Plots


Projection of 3-dimensional to 2-dimensional points using a 4x4 viewing transformation matrix. Mainly for adding to perspective plots such as persp.


trans3d(x, y, z, pmat, continuous = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)


x, y, z

numeric vectors of equal length, specifying points in 3D space.


a 4×44 \times 4 viewing transformation matrix, suitable for projecting the 3D coordinates (x,y,z)(x,y,z) into the 2D plane using homogeneous 4D coordinates (x,y,z,t)(x,y,z,t); such matrices are returned by persp().


logical flag specifying if the transformation should check if the transformed points are continuous in the sense that they do not jump over a/0a/0 discontinuity. As these assume (x,y,z) to describe a continuous curve, the default must be false. In case of projecting such a curve however, setting continuous=TRUE may be advisable.


only for continuous=TRUE, indicates if a warning should be issued when points are cut off.


a list with two components

x, y

the projected 2d coordinates of the 3d input (x,y,z).

See Also



## See  help(persp) {after attaching the 'graphics' package}
##      -----------

## Example for 'continuous = TRUE' (vs default):
x <- -10:10/10 # [-1, 1]
y <- -16:16/16 # [-1, 1] ==> z = fxy := outer(x,y) is also in [-1,1]

p <- persp(x, y, fxy <- outer(x,y), phi = 20, theta = 15, r = 3, ltheta = -75,
           shade = 0.8, col = "green3", ticktype = "detailed")
## 5 axis-parallel auxiliary lines in x-y  and y-z planes :
lines(trans3d(-.5 , y=-1:1, z=min(fxy),  pmat=p), lty=2)
lines(trans3d(  0 , y=-1:1, z=min(fxy),  pmat=p), lty=2)
lines(trans3d(-1:1, y= -.7, z=min(fxy),  pmat=p), lty=2)
lines(trans3d( -1,  y= -.7, z=c(-1,1) ,  pmat=p), lty=2)
lines(trans3d( -1,  y=-1:1, z= -.5    ,  pmat=p), lty=2)
## 2 pillars to carry the horizontals below:
lines(trans3d(-.5 , y= -.7, z=c(-1,-.5), pmat=p), lwd=1.5, col="gray10")
lines(trans3d( 0  , y= -.7, z=c(-1,-.5), pmat=p), lwd=1.5, col="gray10")
## now some "horizontal rays" (going from center to very left or very right):
doHor <- function(x1, x2, z, CNT=FALSE, ...)
    lines(trans3d(x=seq(x1, x2, by=0.5), y= -0.7, z = z, pmat = p, continuous = CNT),
          lwd = 3, type="b", xpd=NA, ...)
doHor(-10,  0, z = -0.5, col = 2)  # x in [-10, 0] -- to the very left : fine
doHor(-.5,  2, z = -0.52,col = 4) # x in [-0.5, 2] only {to the right} --> all fine
## but now, x in [-0.5, 20] -- "too far" ==> "wrap around" problem (without 'continuous=TRUE'):
doHor(-.5, 20, z = -0.58, col = "steelblue", lty=2)
## but it is fixed with continuous = CNT = TRUE:
doHor(-.5, 20, z = -0.55, CNT=TRUE, col = "skyblue")

Type 1 and CID Fonts


These functions are used to define the translation of a R graphics font family name to Type 1 or CID font descriptions, used by the pdf and postscript graphics devices.


Type1Font(family, metrics, encoding = "default")

CIDFont(family, cmap, cmapEncoding, pdfresource = "")



a character string giving the name to be used internally for a Type 1 or CID-keyed font family. This needs to uniquely identify each family, so if you modify a family which is in use (see postscriptFonts) you need to change the family name.


a character vector of four or five strings giving paths to the afm (Adobe Font Metric) files for the font.


the name of a CMap file for a CID-keyed font.


for Type1Font, the name of an encoding file. Defaults to "default", which maps on Unix-alikes to "ISOLatin1.enc" and on Windows to "WinAnsi.enc". Otherwise, a file name in the ‘enc’ directory of the grDevices package, which is used if the path does not contain a path separator. An extension ".enc" can be omitted.


The name of a character encoding to be used with the named CMap file: strings will be translated to this encoding when written to the file.


A chunk of PDF code; only required for using a CID-keyed font on pdf; users should not be expected to provide this.


For Type1Fonts, if four ‘.afm’ files are supplied the fifth is taken to be "Symbol.afm". Relative paths are taken relative to the directory ‘R_HOME/library/grDevices/afm’. The fifth (symbol) font must be in AdobeSym encoding. However, the glyphs in the first four fonts are referenced by name and any encoding given within the ‘.afm’ files is not used.

The ‘.afm’ files may be compressed with (or without) final extension ‘.gz’: the files which ship with R are installed as compressed files with this extension.

Glyphs in CID-keyed fonts are accessed by ID (number) and not by name. The CMap file maps encoded strings (usually in a MBCS) to IDs, so cmap and cmapEncoding specifications must match. There are no real bold or italic versions of CID fonts (bold/italic were very rarely used in traditional East Asian topography), and for the pdf device all four font faces will be identical. However, for the postscript device, bold and italic (and bold italic) are emulated.

CID-keyed fonts are intended only for use for the glyphs of East Asian languages, which are all monospaced and are all treated as filling the same bounding box. (Thus plotmath will work with such characters, but the spacing will be less carefully controlled than with Western glyphs.) The CID-keyed fonts do contain other characters, including a Latin alphabet: non-East-Asian glyphs are regarded as monospaced with half the width of East Asian glyphs. This is often the case, but sometimes Latin glyphs designed for proportional spacing are used (and may look odd). We strongly recommend that CID-keyed fonts are only used for East Asian glyphs.


A list of class "Type1Font" or "CIDFont".

See Also

pdf, postscript, pdfFonts and postscriptFonts.


## This duplicates "ComputerModernItalic".
CMitalic <- Type1Font("ComputerModern2",
                      c("CM_regular_10.afm", "CM_boldx_10.afm",
                        "cmti10.afm", "cmbxti10.afm",
                      encoding = "TeXtext.enc")

## Not run: 
## This could be used by
postscript(family = CMitalic)
## or
postscriptFonts(CMitalic = CMitalic)  # once in a session
postscript(family = "CMitalic", encoding = "TeXtext.enc")

## End(Not run)

Windows Graphics Devices


Available only on Windows. A graphics device is opened. For windows, win.graph, x11 and X11 this is a window on the current Windows display: the multiple names are for compatibility with other systems. win.metafile prints to a file and win.print to the Windows print system.


windows(width, height, pointsize, record, rescale, xpinch, ypinch,
        bg, canvas, gamma, xpos, ypos, buffered, title,
        restoreConsole, clickToConfirm, fillOddEven,
        family, antialias)

win.graph(width, height, pointsize)

win.metafile(filename = "", width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
             family, restoreConsole = TRUE,
             xpinch = NA_real_, ypinch = NA_real_)

win.print(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, printer = "",
          family, antialias, restoreConsole = TRUE)


width, height

the (nominal) width and height of the canvas of the plotting window in inches. Default 7.


the default pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch). Values are rounded to the nearest integer: values less than or equal to zero are reset to 12, the default.


logical: sets the initial state of the flag for recording plots. Default FALSE.


character, one of c("R", "fit", "fixed"). Controls the action for resizing of the device. Default "R". See the ‘Resizing options’ section.

xpinch, ypinch

double. Pixels per inch, horizontally and vertically. Default NA_real_, which means to take the value from Windows.


color. The initial background color. Default "transparent".


color. The color of the canvas which is visible when the background color is transparent. Should be a solid color (and any alpha value will be ignored). Default "white".


gamma correction fudge factor. Colours in R are sRGB; if your monitor does not conform to sRGB, you might be able to improve things by tweaking this parameter to apply additional gamma correction to the RGB channels. By default 1 (no additional gamma correction).

xpos, ypos

integer. Position of the top left of the window, in pixels. Negative values are taken from the opposite edge of the monitor. Missing values (the default) mean take the default from the ‘Rconsole’ file, which in turn defaults to xpos = -25, ypos = 0: this puts the right edge of the window 25 pixels from the right edge of the monitor.


logical. Should the screen output be double-buffered? Default TRUE.


character string, up to 100 bytes. With the default "", a suitable title is created internally. A C-style format for an integer will be substituted by the device number.


the name of the output file: it will be an enhanced Windows metafile, usually given extension ‘.emf’ or ‘.wmf’. Up to 511 characters are allowed. The page number is substituted if an integer format is included in the character string (see pdf for further details) and tilde-expansion (see path.expand) is performed. (The result must be less than 600 characters long.) The default, "", means the clipboard.


The name of a printer as known to Windows. The default causes a dialog box to come up for the user to choose a printer.


logical: see the ‘Details’ below. Defaults to FALSE for screen devices.


logical: if true confirmation of a new frame will be by clicking on the device rather than answering a problem in the console. Default TRUE.


logical controlling the polygon fill mode: see polygon for details. Default TRUE.


A length-one character vector specifying the default font family. See section ‘Fonts’.


A length-one character vector, requesting control over font antialiasing. This is partially matched to "default", "none", "cleartype" or "gray". See the ‘Fonts’ section.


All these devices are implemented as variants of the same device.

All arguments of windows have defaults set by windows.options: the defaults given in the arguments section are the defaults for the defaults. These defaults also apply to the internal values of gamma, xpinch, ypinch, buffered, restoreConsole and antialias for win.graph, x11 and X11.

The size of a window is computed from information provided about the display: it depends on the system being configured accurately. By default a screen device asks Windows for the number of pixels per inch. This can be overridden (it is often wrong) by specifying xpinch and ypinch, most conveniently via windows.options. For example, a 13.3 inch 1280x800 screen (a typical laptop display) was reported as 96 dpi even though it is physically about 114 dpi. These arguments may also be useful to match the scale of output to the size of a metafile (which otherwise depends on the system being configured accurately).

The different colours need to be distinguished carefully. Areas outside the device region are coloured in the Windows application background colour. The device region is coloured in the canvas colour. This is over-painted by the background colour of a plot when a new page is called for, but that background colour can be transparent (and is by default). One difference between setting the canvas colour and the background colour is that when a plot is saved the background colour is copied but the canvas colour is not. The argument bg sets the initial value of par("bg") in base graphics and gpar("fill") in grid graphics

Recorded plot histories are of class "SavedPlots". They have a print method, and a subset method. As the individual plots are of class "recordedplot" they can be replayed by printing them: see recordPlot. The active plot history is stored in variable .SavedPlots in the workspace.

When a screen device is double-buffered (the default) the screen is updated 100ms after last plotting call or every 500ms during continuous plotting. These times can be altered by setting options("windowsTimeout") to a vector of two integers before opening the device.

Line widths as controlled by par(lwd =) are in multiples of 1/96inch. Multiples less than 1 are allowed, down to one pixel width.

For win.metafile only one plot is allowed per file, and Windows seems to disallow reusing the file. So the only way to allow multiple plots is to use a parametrized filename as in the example. If the filename is omitted (or specified as ""), the output is copied to the clipboard when the device is closed.

The restoreConsole argument is a temporary fix for a problem in the current implementation of several Windows graphics devices, and is likely to be removed in an upcoming release. If set to FALSE, the console will not receive the focus after the new device is opened.

There is support for semi-transparent colours of lines, fills and text on the screen devices. These work for saving (from the ‘File’ menu) to PDF, PNG, BMP, JPEG and TIFF, but will be ignored if saving to Metafile and PostScript. Limitations in the underlying Windows API mean that a semi-transparent object must be contained strictly within the device region (allowing for line widths and joins).


A plot device is opened: nothing is returned to the R interpreter.

Resizing options

If a screen device is re-sized, the default behaviour ("R") is to redraw the plot(s) as if the new size had been specified originally. Using "fit" will rescale the existing plot(s) to fit the new device region, preserving the aspect ratio. Using "fixed" will leave the plot size unchanged, adding scrollbars if part of the plot is obscured.

A graphics window will never be created at more than 85% of the screen width or height, but can be resized to a larger size. For the first two rescale options the width and height are rescaled proportionally if necessary, and if rescale = "fit" the plot(s) are rescaled accordingly. If rescale = "fixed" the initially displayed portion is selected within these constraints, separately for width and height. In MDI mode, the limit is 85% of the MDI client region.

Using strwidth or strheight after a window has been rescaled (when using "fit") gives dimensions in the original units, but only approximately as they are derived from the metrics of the rescaled fonts (which are in integer sizes)

The displayed region may be bigger than the ‘paper’ size, and area(s) outside the ‘paper’ are coloured in the Windows application background colour. Graphics parameters such as "din" refer to the scaled plot if rescaling is in effect.


The fonts used for text drawn in a Windows device may be controlled in two ways. The file R_HOME\etc\Rdevga can be used to specify mappings for par(font =) (or the grid equivalent). Alternatively, a font family can be specified by a non-empty family argument (or by e.g. par(family =) in the graphics package) and this will be used for fonts 1:4 via the Windows font database (see windowsFonts).

How the fonts look depends on the antialiasing settings, both through the antialias argument and the machine settings. These are hints to Windows GDI that may not be able to be followed, but antialias = "none" should ensure that no antialiasing is used. For a screen device the default depends on the machine settings: it will be "cleartype" if that has been enabled. Note that the greyscale antialiasing that is used only for small fonts (below about 9 pixels, around 7 points on a typical display).

When accessing a system through Remote Desktop, both the Remote Desktop settings and the user's local account settings are relevant to whether antialiasing is used.

Some fonts are intended only to be used with ClearType antialiasing, for example the Meiryo Japanese font.


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is 7 inches square, although this is often incorrectly implemented by Windows: see ‘Details’.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Arial.

  • Line widths are as a multiple of 1/96 inch, with a minimum of one pixel.

  • The minimum radius of a circle is 1 pixel.

  • pch = "." with cex = 1 corresponds to a rectangle of sides the larger of one pixel and 0.01 inch.

  • Colours are interpreted via the unprofiled colour mapping of the graphics card – this is assumed to conform to sRGB.


x11(), X11() and win.graph() are simple wrappers calling windows(), and mainly exist for compatibility reasons.

Further, x11() and X11() have their own help page for Unix-alikes (where they also have more arguments).

See Also

windowsFonts, savePlot, bringToTop, Devices, pdf, x11 for Unix-alikes.


## Not run: ## A series of plots written to a sequence of metafiles
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
   win.metafile("Rplot%02d.wmf", pointsize = 10)

## End(Not run)

Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of windows()


The auxiliary function windows.options can be used to set or view (if called without arguments) the default values for the arguments of windows.

windows.options needs to be called before calling windows, and the default values it sets can be overridden by supplying arguments to windows.


windows.options(..., reset = FALSE)



arguments width, height, pointsize, record, rescale, xpinch, ypinch, bg, canvas, gamma, xpos, ypos, buffered, restoreConsole, clickToConfirm, title, fillOddEven and antialias can be supplied.


logical: should the defaults be reset to their ‘factory-fresh’ values?


If both reset = TRUE and ... are supplied the defaults are first reset to the ‘factory-fresh’ values and then the new values are applied.

Option antialias applies to screen devices (windows, win.graph, X11 and x11). There is a separate option,, for bitmap devices with type = "windows".


A named list of all the defaults. If any arguments are supplied the returned values are the old values and the result has the visibility flag turned off.

See Also

windows, ps.options.


## Not run: 
## put something like this is your .Rprofile to customize the defaults
setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"),
            grDevices::windows.options(width = 8, height = 6,
                                       xpos = 0, pointsize = 10,
                              = "cleartype"))

## End(Not run)

Windows Fonts


These functions handle the translation of a device-independent R graphics font family name to a windows font description and are available only on Windows.






a character vector containing the font family name ("TT" as the first two characters indicates a TrueType font).


either character strings naming mappings to display, or new (named) mappings to define.


A windows device is created with a default font (see the documentation for windows), but it is also possible to specify a font family when drawing to the device (for example, see the documentation for "family" in par and for "fontfamily" in gpar in the grid package).

The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must be mapped to something more specific to windows fonts. A list of mappings is maintained and can be modified by the user.

The windowsFonts function can be used to list existing mappings and to define new mappings. The windowsFont function can be used to create a new mapping.

Default mappings are provided for three device-independent font family names: "sans" for a sans-serif font, "serif" for a serif font and "mono" for a monospaced font.

These mappings will only be used if the current font face is 1 (plain), 2 (bold), 3 (italic), or 4 (bold italic).

See Also



if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({

## Not run: ## set up for Japanese: needs the fonts installed
windows()  # make sure we have the right device type (available on Windows only)
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "ja")
windowsFonts(JP1 = windowsFont("MS Mincho"),
             JP2 = windowsFont("MS Gothic"),
             JP3 = windowsFont("Arial Unicode MS"))
text(5, 2, "\u{4E10}\u{4E00}\u{4E01}", family = "JP1")
text(7, 2, "\u{4E10}\u{4E00}\u{4E01}", family = "JP1", font = 2)
text(5, 1.5, "\u{4E10}\u{4E00}\u{4E01}", family = "JP2")
text(9, 2, "\u{5100}", family = "JP3")

## End(Not run)

X Window System Graphics (X11)


on Windows,

the X11() and x11() functions are simple wrappers to windows() for historical compatibility convenience: Calling x11() or X11() would work in most cases to open an interactive graphics device.

In R versions before 3.6.0, the Windows version had a shorter list of formal arguments. Consequently, calls to X11(*) with arguments should name them for back compatibility.

Almost all information below does not apply on Windows.

on Unix-alikes

X11 starts a graphics device driver for the X Window System (version 11). This can only be done on machines/accounts that have access to an X server.

x11 is recognized as a synonym for X11.

The R function is a wrapper for two devices, one based on Xlib ( and one using cairographics (


X11(display = "", width, height, pointsize, gamma, bg, canvas,
    fonts, family, xpos, ypos, title, type, antialias, symbolfamily)

X11.options(..., reset = FALSE)



the display on which the graphics window will appear. The default is to use the value in the user's environment variable DISPLAY. This is ignored (with a warning) if an X11 device is already open on another display.

width, height

the width and height of the plotting window, in inches. If NA, taken from the resources and if not specified there defaults to 7 inches. See also ‘Resources’.


the default pointsize to be used. Defaults to 12.


gamma correction fudge factor. Colours in R are sRGB; if your monitor does not conform to sRGB, you might be able to improve things by tweaking this parameter to apply additional gamma correction to the RGB channels. By default 1 (no additional gamma correction).


colour, the initial background colour. Default "transparent".


colour. The colour of the canvas, which is visible only when the background colour is transparent. Should be an opaque colour (and any alpha value will be ignored). Default "white".


for type = "Xlib" only: X11 font description strings into which weight, slant and size will be substituted. There are two, the first for fonts 1 to 4 and the second for font 5, the symbol font. See section ‘Fonts’.


The default family: a length-one character string. This is primarily intended for cairo-based devices, but for type = "Xlib", the X11Fonts() database is used to map family names to fonts (and this argument takes precedence over that one).

xpos, ypos

integer: initial position of the top left corner of the window, in pixels. Negative values are from the opposite corner, e.g. xpos = -100 says the top right corner should be 100 pixels from the right edge of the screen. If NA (the default), successive devices are cascaded in 20 pixel steps from the top left. See also ‘Resources’.


character string, up to 100 bytes. With the default, "", a suitable title is created internally. A C-style format for an integer will be substituted by the device number (see the file argument of df for further details). How non-ASCII titles are handled is implementation-dependent.


character string, one of "Xlib", "cairo", "nbcairo" or "dbcairo". Only the first will be available if the system was compiled without support for cairographics. The default is "cairo" where R was built using pangocairo (often not the case on macOS), otherwise "Xlib".


for cairo types, the type of anti-aliasing (if any) to be used. One of c("default", "none", "gray", "subpixel").


for cairo-based devices only: a length-one character string that specifies the font family to be used as the "symbol" font (e.g., for plotmath output). The default value is "default", which means that R will choose a default "symbol" font based on the graphics device capabilities.


logical: should the defaults be reset to their defaults?


Any of the arguments to X11, plus colortype and maxcubesize (see section ‘Colour Rendering’).


The defaults for all of the arguments of X11 are set by X11.options: the ‘Arguments’ section gives the ‘factory-fresh’ defaults.

The initial size and position are only hints, and may not be acted on by the window manager. Also, some systems (especially laptops) are set up to appear to have a screen of a different size to the physical screen.

Option type selects between two separate devices: R can be built with support for neither, type = "Xlib" or both. Where both are available, types "cairo", "nbcairo" and "dbcairo" offer

  • antialiasing of text and lines.

  • translucent colours.

  • scalable text, including to sizes like 4.5 pt.

  • full support for UTF-8, so on systems with suitable fonts you can plot in many languages on a single figure (and this will work even in non-UTF-8 locales). The output should be locale-independent.

There are three variants of the cairo-based device. type = "nbcairo" has no buffering. type = "cairo" has some buffering, and supports dev.hold and dev.flush. type = "dbcairo" buffers output and updates the screen about every 100ms (by default). The refresh interval can be set (in units of seconds) by e.g. options(X11updates = 0.25): the value is consulted when a device is opened. Updates are only looked for every 50ms (at most), and during heavy graphics computations only every 500ms.

Which version will be fastest depends on the X11 connection and the type of plotting. You will probably want to use a buffered type unless backing store is in use on the X server (which for example it always is on the x86_64 macOS XQuartz server), as otherwise repainting when the window is exposed will be slow. On slow connections type = "dbcairo" will probably give the best performance.

Because of known problems with font selection on macOS without Pango (for example, most CRAN distributions), type = "cairo" is not the default there. These problems have included mixing up bold and italic (since worked around), selecting incorrect glyphs and ugly or missing symbol glyphs.

All devices which use an X11 server (including the type = "Xlib" versions of bitmap devices such as png) share internal structures, which means that they must use the same display and visual. If you want to change display, first close all such devices.

The cursor shown indicates the state of the device. If quiescent the cursor is an arrow: when the locator is in use it is a crosshair cursor, and when plotting computations are in progress (and this can be detected) it is a watch cursor. (The exact cursors displayed will depend on the window manager in use.)

X11 Fonts

This section applies only to type = "Xlib".

An initial/default font family for the device can be specified via the fonts argument, but if a device-independent R graphics font family is specified (e.g., via par(family =) in the graphics package), the X11 device makes use of the X11 font database (see X11Fonts) to convert the R graphics font family to an X11-specific font family description. If family is supplied as an argument, the X11 font database is used to convert that, but otherwise the argument fonts (with default given by X11.options) is used.

X11 chooses fonts by matching to a pattern, and it is quite possible that it will choose a font in the wrong encoding or which does not contain glyphs for your language (particularly common in iso10646-1 fonts).

The fonts argument is a two-element character vector, and the first element will be crucial in successfully using non-Western-European fonts. Settings that have proved useful include

"-*-mincho-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" for CJK languages and "-cronyx-helvetica-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" for Russian.

For UTF-8 locales, the XLC_LOCALE databases provide mappings between character encodings, and you may need to add an entry for your locale (e.g., Fedora Core 3 lacked one for ru_RU.utf8).

Cairo Fonts

The cairographics-based devices work directly with font family names such as "Helvetica" which can be selected initially by the family argument and subsequently by par or gpar. There are mappings for the three device-independent font families, "sans" for a sans-serif font (to "Helvetica"), "serif" for a serif font (to "Times") and "mono" for a monospaced font (to "Courier").

The font selection is handled by Pango (usually via fontconfig) or fontconfig (on macOS and perhaps elsewhere). The results depend on the fonts installed on the system running R – setting the environment variable FC_DEBUG to 1 normally allows some tracing of the selection process.

This works best when high-quality scalable fonts are installed, usually in Type 1 or TrueType formats: see the ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual for advice on how to obtain and install such fonts. At present the best rendering (including using kerning) will be achieved with TrueType fonts: see for ways to set up your system to prefer them. The default family ("Helvetica") is likely not to use kerning: alternatives which should if you have them installed are "Arial", "DejaVu Sans" and "Liberation Sans" (and perhaps "FreeSans"). For those who prefer fonts with serifs, try "Times New Roman", "DejaVu Serif" and "Liberation Serif". To match LaTeX text, use something like "CM Roman".

Fedora systems from version 31 on do not like the default "symbol" font family for rendering symbols (e.g., plotmath). For those systems, users should specify a different font via symbolfamily. The default can also be changed via X11.options.

Problems with incorrect rendering of symbols (e.g., of quote(pi) and expression(10^degree)) have been seen on Linux systems which have the Wine symbol font installed – fontconfig then prefers this and misinterprets its encoding. Adding the following lines to ‘~/.fonts.conf’ or ‘/etc/fonts/local.conf’ may circumvent this problem by preferring the URW Type 1 symbol font.

<match target="pattern">
  <test name="family"><string>Symbol</string></test>
  <edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same">
    <string>Standard Symbols L</string>

A test for this is to run at the command line fc-match Symbol. If that shows symbol.ttf that may be the Wine symbol font – use locate symbol.ttf to see if it is found from a directory with ‘⁠wine⁠’ in the name.


The standard X11 resource geometry can be used to specify the window position and/or size, but will be overridden by values specified as arguments or non-NA defaults set in X11.options. The class looked for is R_x11. Note that the resource specifies the width and height in pixels and not in inches. See for example ‘⁠man X⁠’ (or An example line in ‘~/.Xresources’ might be

R_x11*geometry: 900x900-0+0

which specifies a 900 x 900 pixel window at the top right of the screen.

Colour Rendering

X11 supports several ‘visual’ types, and nowadays almost all systems support ‘truecolor’ which X11 will use by default. This uses a direct specification of any RGB colour up to the depth supported (usually 8 bits per colour). Other visuals make use of a palette to support fewer colours, only grays or even only black/white. The palette is shared between all X11 clients, so it can be necessary to limit the number of colours used by R.

The default for type = "Xlib" is to use the best possible colour model for the visual of the X11 server: these days this will almost always be ‘truecolor’. This can be overridden by the colortype argument of X11.options. Note: All X11 and type = "Xlib" bmp, jpeg, png and tiff devices share a colortype which is set when the first device to be opened. To change the colortype you need to close all open such devices, and then use X11.options(colortype =).

The colortype types are tried in the order "true", "pseudo", "gray" and "mono" (black or white only). The values "pseudo" and "pseudo.cube" provide two colour strategies for a pseudocolor visual. The first strategy provides on-demand colour allocation which produces exact colours until the colour resources of the display are exhausted (when plotting will fail). The second allocates (if possible) a standard colour cube, and requested colours are approximated by the closest value in the cube.

With colortype equal to "pseudo.cube" or "gray" successively smaller palettes are tried until one is completely allocated. If allocation of the smallest attempt fails the device will revert to "mono". For "gray" the search starts at 256 grays for a display with depth greater than 8, otherwise with half the available colours. For "pseudo.cube" the maximum cube size is set by X11.options(maxcolorsize =) and defaults to 256. With that setting the largest cube tried is 4 levels each for RGB, using 64 colours in the palette.

The cairographics-based devices most likely only work (or work correctly) with ‘TrueColor’ visuals, although in principle this depends on the cairo installation: a warning is given if any other visual is encountered.

type = "Xlib" supports ‘TrueColor’, ‘PseudoColor’, ‘GrayScale’, StaticGray and MonoChrome visuals: ‘StaticColor’ and ‘DirectColor’ visuals are handled only in black/white.


Anti-aliasing is only supported for cairographics-based devices, and applies to both graphics and fonts. It is generally preferable for lines and text, but can lead to undesirable effects for fills, e.g. for image plots, and so is never used for fills.

antialias = "default" is in principle platform-dependent, but seems most often equivalent to antialias = "gray".


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is 7 inches square.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Helvetica.

  • Line widths in 1/96 inch, minimum one pixel for type = "Xlib", 0.01 otherwise.

  • For type = "Xlib" circle radii are in pixels with minimum one.

  • Colours are interpreted by the X11 server, which is assumed to conform to sRGB.


Support for all the Unix devices is optional, so in packages X11() should be used conditionally after checking capabilities("X11").

See Also

Devices, X11Fonts, savePlot.


## Not run: 
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { # Only on unix-alikes, possibly Mac,
## put something like this is your .Rprofile to customize the defaults
setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"),
        function(...) grDevices::X11.options(width = 8, height = 6, xpos = 0,
                                             pointsize = 10))
## End(Not run)

X11 Fonts


These functions handle the translation of a device-independent R graphics font family name to an X11 font description on Unix-alike platforms.






a character string containing an X11 font description.


either character strings naming mappings to display, or new (named) mappings to define.


These functions apply only to an X11 device with type = "Xlib"X11(type = "cairo") uses a different mechanism to select fonts.

Such a device is created with a default font (see the documentation for X11), but it is also possible to specify a font family when drawing to the device (for example, see the documentation for "family" in par and for "fontfamily" in gpar in the grid package).

The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must be mapped to something more specific to X11 fonts. A list of mappings is maintained and can be modified by the user.

The X11Fonts function can be used to list existing mappings and to define new mappings. The X11Font function can be used to create a new mapping.

Default mappings are provided for three device-independent font family names: "sans" for a sans-serif font, "serif" for a serif font and "mono" for a monospaced font. Further mappings are provided for "Helvetica" (the device default), "Times", "CyrHelvetica", "CyrTimes" (versions of these fonts with Cyrillic support, at least on Linux), "Arial" (on some platforms including macOS) and "Mincho" (a CJK font).


Available only when capabilities()[["X11"]] is true.

See Also



if(capabilities("X11")) withAutoprint({
utopia <- X11Font("-*-utopia-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
X11Fonts(utopia = utopia)

XFig Graphics Device


xfig starts the graphics device driver for producing XFig (version 3.2) graphics.

It was deprecated in R 4.4.0: consider using an SVG device for editable graphics.

The auxiliary function ps.options can be used to set and view (if called without arguments) default values for the arguments to xfig and postscript.


xfig(file = if(onefile) "Rplots.fig" else "Rplot%03d.fig",
     onefile = FALSE, encoding = "none",
     paper = "default", horizontal = TRUE,
     width = 0, height = 0, family = "Helvetica",
     pointsize = 12, bg = "transparent", fg = "black",
     pagecentre = TRUE, defaultfont = FALSE, textspecial = FALSE)



a character string giving the file path. For use with onefile = FALSE, give a C integer format such as "Rplot%03d.fig" (the default in that case).

See section ‘File specifications’ in the help for pdf for further details.


logical: if true allow multiple figures in one file. If false, assume only one page per file and generate a file number containing the page number.


The encoding in which to write text strings. The default is not to re-encode. This can be any encoding recognized by iconv: in a Western UTF-8 locale you probably want to select an 8-bit encoding such as latin1, and in an East Asian locale an EUC encoding. If re-encoding fails, the text strings will be written in the current encoding with a warning.


the size of paper region. The choices are "A4", "Letter" and "Legal" (and these can be lowercase). A further choice is "default", which is the default. If this is selected, the paper size is taken from the option "papersize" if that is set to a non-empty value, otherwise "A4".


the orientation of the printed image, a logical. Defaults to true, that is landscape orientation.

width, height

the width and height of the graphics region in inches. The default is to use the entire page less a 0.5 inch overall margin in each direction. (See postscript for further details.)


the font family to be used. This must be one of "AvantGarde", "Bookman", "Courier", "Helvetica" (the default), "Helvetica-Narrow", "NewCenturySchoolbook", "Palatino" or "Times". Any other value is replaced by "Helvetica", with a warning.


the default point size to be used.


the initial background color to be used.


the initial foreground color to be used.


logical: should the device region be centred on the page?


logical: should the device use XFig's default font?


logical: should the device set the textspecial flag for all text elements? This is useful when generating pstex from XFig figures.


Although xfig can produce multiple plots in one file, the XFig format does not say how to separate or view them. So onefile = FALSE is the default.

The file argument is interpreted as a C integer format as used by sprintf, with integer argument the page number. The default gives files ‘Rplot001.fig’, ..., ‘Rplot999.fig’, ‘Rplot1000.fig’, ....

Line widths as controlled by par(lwd =) are in multiples of 5/6*1/72 inch. Multiples less than 1 are allowed. pch = "." with cex = 1 corresponds to a square of side 1/72 inch.

Windows users could make use of WinFIG (, shareware).


This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the ‘R Internals’ manual.

  • The default device size is the paper size with a 0.25 inch border on all sides.

  • Font sizes are in big points.

  • The default font family is Helvetica.

  • Line widths are integers, multiples of 5/432 inch.

  • Circle radii are multiples of 1/1200 inch.

  • Colours are interpreted by the viewing/printing application.


Only some line textures (0 <= lty < 4) are used. Eventually this may be partially remedied, but the XFig file format does not allow as general line textures as the R model. Unimplemented line textures are displayed as dash-double-dotted.

There is a limit of 512 colours (plus white and black) per file.


Brian Ripley. Support for defaultFont and textSpecial contributed by Sebastian Fischmeister.

See Also

Devices, postscript, ps.options.

Extracting Plotting Structures


xy.coords is used by many functions to obtain x and y coordinates for plotting. The use of this common mechanism across all relevant R functions produces a measure of consistency.


xy.coords(x, y = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, log = NULL,
          recycle = FALSE, setLab = TRUE)


x, y

the x and y coordinates of a set of points. Alternatively, a single argument x can be provided.

xlab, ylab

names for the x and y variables to be extracted.


character, "x", "y" or both, as for plot. Sets negative values to NA and gives a warning of class "log_le_0".


logical; if TRUE, recycle (rep) the shorter of x or y if their lengths differ.


logical indicating if the resulting xlab and ylab should be constructed from the “kind” of (x,y); otherwise, the arguments xlab and ylab are used.


An attempt is made to interpret the arguments x and y in a way suitable for bivariate plotting (or other bivariate procedures).

If y is NULL and x is a


of the form yvar ~ xvar. xvar and yvar are used as x and y variables.


containing components x and y, these are used to define plotting coordinates.

time series:

the x values are taken to be time(x) and the y values to be the time series.

matrix or data.frame with two or more columns:

the first is assumed to contain the x values and the second the y values. Note that is also true if x has columns named "x" and "y"; these names will be irrelevant here.

In any other case, the x argument is coerced to a vector and returned as y component where the resulting x is just the index vector 1:n. In this case, the resulting xlab component is set to "Index" (if setLab is true as by default).

If x (after transformation as above) inherits from class "POSIXt" it is coerced to class "POSIXct".


A list with the components


numeric (i.e., "double") vector of abscissa values.


numeric vector of the same length as x.


character(1) or NULL, the ‘label’ of x.


character(1) or NULL, the ‘label’ of y.

See Also

plot.default, lines, points and lowess are examples of functions which use this mechanism.


ff <- stats::fft(1:9)
xy.coords(ff, xlab = "fft") # labels "Re(fft)",  "Im(fft)"

with(cars, xy.coords(dist ~ speed, NULL)$xlab ) # = "speed"

xy.coords(1:3, 1:2, recycle = TRUE) # otherwise error "lengths differ"
xy.coords(-2:10, log = "y")
##> xlab: "Index"  \\  warning: 3 y values <= 0 omitted ..
op <- options(warn = 2)# ==> warnings would be errors, we suppress the one "we know":
suppressWarnings(xy.coords(-2:10, log = "y"), classes="log_le_0") -> xy
options(op) # revert
stopifnot(is.list(xy), identical (1:13 +0,  xy$x),
          identical(c(rep(NA, 3), 1:10 +0), xy$y))

Multiplicities of (x,y) Points, e.g., for a Sunflower Plot


Given (x,y) points, determine their multiplicity – checking for equality only up to some (crude kind of) noise. Note that this is special kind of 2D binning.


xyTable(x, y = NULL, digits)


x, y

numeric vectors of the same length; alternatively other (x, y) argument combinations as allowed by xy.coords(x, y).


integer specifying the significant digits to be used for determining equality of coordinates. These are compared after rounding them via signif(*, digits).


A list with three components of same length,


x coordinates, rounded and sorted.


y coordinates, rounded (and sorted within x).


multiplicities (positive integers); i.e., number[i] is the multiplicity of (x[i], y[i]).

See Also

sunflowerplot which typically uses xyTable(); signif.


xyTable(iris[, 3:4], digits = 6)

## Discretized uncorrelated Gaussian:

xy <- data.frame(x = round(sort(stats::rnorm(100))), y = stats::rnorm(100))
xyTable(xy, digits = 1)

Extracting Plotting Structures


Utility for obtaining consistent x, y and z coordinates and labels for three dimensional (3D) plots.


xyz.coords(x, y = NULL, z = NULL,
           xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL,
           log = NULL, recycle = FALSE, setLab = TRUE)


x, y, z

the x, y and z coordinates of a set of points. Both y and z can be left at NULL. In this case, an attempt is made to interpret x in a way suitable for plotting.

If the argument is a formula zvar ~ xvar + yvar, xvar, yvar and zvar are used as x, y and z variables; if the argument is a list containing components x, y and z, these are assumed to define plotting coordinates; if the argument is a matrix or data.frame with three or more columns, the first is assumed to contain the x values, the 2nd the y ones, and the 3rd the z ones – independently of any column names that x may have.

Alternatively two arguments x and y can be provided (leaving z = NULL). One may be real, the other complex; in any other case, the arguments are coerced to vectors and the values plotted against their indices.

xlab, ylab, zlab

names for the x, y and z variables to be extracted.


character, "x", "y", "z" or combinations. Sets negative values to NA and gives a warning of class "log_le_0".


logical; if TRUE, recycle (rep) the shorter ones of x, y or z if their lengths differ.


logical indicating if the resulting xlab and ylab should be constructed from the “kind” of (x,y); otherwise, the arguments xlab and ylab are used.


A list with the components


numeric (i.e., double) vector of abscissa values.


numeric vector of the same length as x.


numeric vector of the same length as x.


character(1) or NULL, the axis label of x.


character(1) or NULL, the axis label of y.


character(1) or NULL, the axis label of z.


Uwe Ligges and Martin Maechler

See Also

xy.coords for 2D.


xyz.coords(data.frame(10*1:9, -4), y = NULL, z = NULL)

xyz.coords(1:5, stats::fft(1:5), z = NULL, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y")

y <- 2 * (x2 <- 10 + (x1 <- 1:10))
xyz.coords(y ~ x1 + x2, y = NULL, z = NULL)

xyz.coords(data.frame(x = -1:9, y = 2:12, z = 3:13), y = NULL, z = NULL,
           log = "xy")
##> Warning message: 2 x values <= 0 omitted ...
## Suppress this specific warning:
suppressWarnings(xyz.coords(x = -1:9, y = 2:12, z = 3:13, log = "xy"),
                 classes = "log_le_0")