Package 'tools'

Title: Tools for Package Development
Description: Tools for package development, administration and documentation.
Authors: R Core Team
Maintainer: R Core Team <>
License: Part of R 4.4.1
Version: 4.4.1
Built: 2024-06-15 17:27:02 UTC
Source: base

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Tools for Package Development


Tools for package development, administration and documentation.


This package contains tools for manipulating R packages and their documentation.

For a complete list of functions, use library(help = "tools").


Kurt Hornik and Friedrich Leisch

Maintainer: R Core Team

Printing Utilities


.print.via.format is a “prototype” print() method, useful, at least as a start, by a simple

    print.<myS3class>  <-  .print.via.format


.print.via.format(x, ...)



object to be printed.


optional further arguments, passed to format.


x, invisibly (by invisible()), as print methods should.

See Also

The print generic; its default method print.default (used for many basic implicit classes such as "numeric", "character" and arrays of them, lists etc).


## The function is simply defined as
 function (x, ...) {
    writeLines(format(x, ...))

## is used for simple print methods in R, and as prototype for new methods.

Add a ‘datalist’ File to a Source Package


The data() command with no arguments lists all the datasets available via data in attached packages, and to do so a per-package list is installed. Creating that list at install time can be slow for packages with huge datasets, and can be expedited by a supplying ‘data/datalist’ file.


add_datalist(pkgpath, force = FALSE, small.size = 1024^2)



The path to a (source) package.


logical: can an existing ‘data/datalist’ file be over-written?


number: a ‘data/datalist’ file is created only if the total size of the data files is larger than small.size bytes.


R CMD build will call this function to add a data list to packages with 1MB or more of file in the ‘data’ directory.

It can also be also helpful to give a ‘data/datalist’ file in packages whose datasets have many dependencies, including loading the packages itself (and maybe others).

See Also


The ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.

Asserting Error Conditions


When testing code, it is not sufficient to check that results are correct, but also that errors or warnings are signalled in appropriate situations. The functions described here provide a convenient facility for doing so. The three functions check that evaluating the supplied expression produces an error, a warning or one of a specified list of conditions, respectively. If the assertion fails, an error is signalled.


assertError(expr, classes = "error", verbose = FALSE)
assertWarning(expr, classes = "warning", verbose = FALSE)
assertCondition(expr, ..., .exprString = , verbose = FALSE)



an unevaluated R expression which will be evaluated via tryCatch(expr, ..).

classes, ...

character strings corresponding to the classes of the conditions that would satisfy the assertion; e.g., "error" or "warning". If none are specified, any condition will satisfy the assertion. See the details section.


The string to be printed corresponding to expr. By default, the actual expr will be deparsed. Will be omitted if the function is supplied with the actual expression to be tested. If assertCondition() is called from another function, with the actual expression passed as an argument to that function, supply the deparsed version.


If TRUE, a message is printed when the condition is satisfied.


assertCondition() uses the general condition mechanism to check all the conditions generated in evaluating expr. The occurrence of any of the supplied condition classes among these satisfies the assertion regardless of what other conditions may be signalled.

assertError() is a convenience function for asserting errors; it calls assertCondition().

assertWarning() asserts that a warning will be signalled, but not an error, whereas assertCondition(expr, "warning") will be satisfied even if an error follows the warning. See the examples.


If the assertion is satisfied, a list of all the condition objects signalled is returned, invisibly. See conditionMessage for the interpretation of these objects. Note that all conditions signalled during the evaluation are returned, whether or not they were among the requirements.


John Chambers and Martin Maechler

See Also

stop, warning; signalCondition, tryCatch.


  assertWarning(matrix(1:8, 4,3))

  assertCondition( ""-1 ) # ok, any condition would satisfy this

try( assertCondition(sqrt(2), "warning") )
## .. Failed to get warning in evaluating sqrt(2)
     assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "error")   # ok
try( assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "warning") )# -> error: had no warning
     assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "error")
  ## identical to assertError() call above

assertCondition(matrix(1:5, 2,3), "warning")
try( assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4,3), "error") )
## .. Failed to get expected error ....

## either warning or worse:
assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4,3), "error","warning") # OK
assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4, 3), "warning") # OK

## when both are signalled:
ff <- function() { warning("my warning"); stop("my error") }
    assertCondition(ff(), "warning")
## but assertWarning does not allow an error to follow
    assertCondition(ff(), "error")          # ok
assertCondition(ff(), "error", "warning") # ok (quietly, catching warning)

## assert that assertC..() does not assert [and use *one* argument only]
assertCondition( assertCondition(sqrt( 2   ), "warning") )
assertCondition( assertCondition(sqrt("abc"), "warning"), "error")
assertCondition( assertCondition(matrix(1:8, 4,3), "error"),

Select or Define a Bibliography Style


This function defines and registers styles for rendering bibentry objects into ‘Rd’ format, for later conversion to text, HTML, etc.


bibstyle(style, envir, ..., .init = FALSE, .default = TRUE)
getBibstyle(all = FALSE)



A character string naming the style.


(optional) An environment holding the functions to implement the style.


Named arguments to add to the environment.


Whether to initialize the environment from the default style "JSS".


Whether to set the specified style as the default style.


Whether to return the names of all registered styles.


Rendering of bibentry objects may be done using routines modelled after those used by BibTeX. This function allows environments to be created and manipulated to contain those routines.

There are two ways to create a new style environment. The easiest is to set .init = TRUE, in which case the environment will be initialized with a copy of the default "JSS" environment. (This style is modelled after the ‘jss.bst’ style used by the Journal of Statistical Software.) Alternatively, the envir argument can be used to specify a completely new style environment.

To find the name of the default style, use getBibstyle(). To retrieve an existing style without setting it as the default, use bibstyle(style, .default = FALSE). To modify an existing style, specify style and some named entries via .... (Modifying the default "JSS" style is discouraged.) Setting style to NULL or leaving it missing will retrieve the default style, but modifications will not be allowed.

At a minimum, the environment should contain routines to render each of the 12 types of bibliographic entry supported by bibentry as well as several other routines described below. The former must be named formatArticle, formatBook, formatInbook, formatIncollection, formatInProceedings, formatManual, formatMastersthesis, formatMisc, formatPhdthesis, formatProceedings, formatTechreport and formatUnpublished. Each of these takes one argument, a single unclass'ed entry from the bibentry vector passed to the renderer, and should produce a single element character vector (possibly containing newlines).

The other routines are as follows. sortKeys, a function to produce a sort key to sort the entries, is passed the original bibentry vector and should produce a sortable vector of the same length to define the sort order. Finally, the optional function cite should have the same argument list as utils::cite, and should produce a citation to be used in text.

The format method for "bibentry" objects adds a field named ".index" to each entry after sorting and before formatting. This is a 1-based index within the complete object that can be used in styles that require numbering. Although the "JSS" style doesn't use numbers, it includes a fmtPrefix() stub function that may be used to display them. See the example below.


bibstyle returns the environment which has been selected or created.

getBibstyle returns the name of the default style, or all style names.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



refs <-
c(bibentry(bibtype = "manual",
    title = "R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing",
    author = person("R Core Team"),
    organization = "R Foundation for Statistical Computing",
    address = "Vienna, Austria",
    year = 2013,
    url = ""),
  bibentry(bibtype = "article",
    author = c(person(c("George", "E.", "P."), "Box"),
               person(c("David",  "R."),      "Cox")),
    year = 1964,
    title = "An Analysis of Transformations",
    journal = "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B",
    volume = 26, number = 2, pages = "211--243",
    doi = "10.1111/j.2517-6161.1964.tb00553.x"))

bibstyle("unsorted", sortKeys = function(refs) seq_along(refs),
    fmtPrefix = function(paper) paste0("[", paper$.index, "]"),
       .init = TRUE)
print(refs, .bibstyle = "unsorted")

Build One Vignette


Run Sweave (or other custom weave function), texi2pdf, and/or Stangle (or other custom tangle function) on one vignette.

This is the workhorse of R CMD Sweave.


buildVignette(file, dir = ".", weave = TRUE, latex = TRUE, tangle = TRUE, 
              quiet = TRUE, clean = TRUE, keep = character(),
              engine = NULL, buildPkg = NULL, encoding, ...)



character; the vignette source file.


character; the working directory in which the intermediate and output files will be produced.


logical; should weave be run?


logical; should texi2pdf be run if weaving produces a ‘.tex’ file?


logical; should tangle be run?


logical; run in quiet mode?


logical; whether to remove some newly created, often intermediate, files. See details below.


a list of file names to keep in any case when cleaning. Note that “target” files are kept anyway.


NULL or character; name of vignette engine to use. Overrides any ‘⁠\VignetteEngine{}⁠’ markup in the vignette.


NULL or a character vector; optional packages in which to find the vignette engine.


the encoding to assume for the file. If not specified, it will be read if possible from the file's contents. Note that if the vignette is part of a package, buildVignettes reads the package's encoding from the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file but this function does not.


Additional arguments passed to weave and tangle.


This function determines the vignette engine for the vignette (default utils::Sweave), then weaves and/or tangles the vignette using that engine. Finally, if clean is TRUE, newly created intermediate files (non “targets”, where these depend on the engine, etc, and not any in keep) will be deleted. If clean is NA, and weave is true, newly created intermediate output files (e.g., ‘.tex’) will not be deleted even if a ‘.pdf’ file has been produced from them.

If buildPkg is specified, those packages will be loaded before the vignette is processed and will be used as the default packages in the search for a vignette engine, but an explicitly specified package in the vignette source (e.g., using ‘⁠\VignetteEngine{utils::Sweave}⁠’ to specify the Sweave engine in the utils package) will override it. In contrast, if the engine argument is given, it will override the vignette source.


A character vector naming the files that have been produced.


Henrik Bengtsson and Duncan Murdoch

See Also

buildVignettes for building all vignettes in a package.

List and Build Package Vignettes


Run Sweave (or other custom weave function) and texi2pdf on all vignettes of a package, or list the vignettes.


buildVignettes(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE,
               clean = TRUE, tangle = FALSE, skip = NULL,
               ser_elibs = NULL)

pkgVignettes(package, dir, subdirs = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
	     output = FALSE, source = FALSE, check = FALSE)



a character string naming an installed package. If given, vignette source files are by default looked for in subdirectory ‘doc’.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. If given, vignette source files are by default looked for in subdirectory ‘vignettes’.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


logical. Weave and run texi2pdf in quiet mode.


Remove all files generated by the build, even if there were copies there before.


logical. Do tangling as well as weaving.


a character vector of names of vignettes (without file extension, matching the names returned from pkgVignettes) which should be skipped, or TRUE to skip those with unavailable ‘⁠\VignetteDepends⁠’ (from vignetteInfo).


For use from R CMD check.


a character vector of subdirectories of dir in which to look for vignettes. The first which exists is used. Defaults to "doc" if package is supplied, otherwise "vignettes".


logical indicating if the output filenames for each vignette should be returned (in component outputs).


logical indicating if the tangled output filenames for each vignette should be returned (in component sources).


logical. If TRUE, check whether all files that have vignette-like filenames have an identifiable vignette engine. This may be a false positive if a file is not a vignette but has a filename matching a pattern defined by one of the vignette engines.


buildVignettes is used by R CMD build and R CMD check to (re-)build vignette outputs from their sources.

As from R 3.4.1, both of these functions ignore files that are listed in the ‘.Rbuildignore’ file in dir.


buildVignettes is called for its side effect of creating the outputs of all vignettes, and if tangle = TRUE, extracting the R code.

pkgVignettes returns an object of class "pkgVignettes" if a vignette directory is found, otherwise NULL.


gVigns <- pkgVignettes("grid")

Conversion Tables between Character Sets


charset_to_Unicode is a matrix of Unicode code points with columns for the common 8-bit encodings.

Adobe_glyphs is a data frame which gives Adobe glyph names for Unicode code points. It has two character columns, "adobe" and "unicode" (a 4-digit hex representation).





charset_to_Unicode is an integer matrix of class c("noquote", "hexmode") so prints in hexadecimal. The mappings are those used by libiconv: there are differences in the way quotes and minus/hyphen are mapped between sources (and the postscript encoding files use a different mapping).

Adobe_glyphs includes all the Adobe glyph names which correspond to single Unicode characters. It is sorted by Unicode code point and within a point alphabetically on the glyph (there can be more than one name for a Unicode code point). The data are in the file ‘R_HOME/share/encodings/Adobe_glyphlist’.


## find Adobe names for ISOLatin2 chars.
latin2 <- charset_to_Unicode[, "ISOLatin2"]
aUnicode <- as.hexmode(paste0("0x", Adobe_glyphs$unicode))
keep <- aUnicode %in% latin2
aUnicode <- aUnicode[keep]
aAdobe <- Adobe_glyphs[keep, 1]
## first match
aLatin2 <- aAdobe[match(latin2, aUnicode)]
## all matches
bLatin2 <- lapply(1:256, function(x) aAdobe[aUnicode == latin2[x]])
format(bLatin2, justify = "none")

Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies


Check source packages in a given directory, optionally with their reverse dependencies.


                      pfiles = Sys.glob("*.tar.gz"),
                      check_args = character(),
                      check_args_db = list(),
                      reverse = NULL,
                      check_env = character(),
                      xvfb = FALSE,
                      Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1L),
                      clean = TRUE,
                      install_args = list(),
                      parallel_args = list(),

summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results(dir, all = TRUE,
                                        full = FALSE, ...)
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings(dir, all = FALSE,
                                        full = FALSE)
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_depends(dir, all = FALSE,
                                        which = c("Depends",

check_packages_in_dir_changes(dir, old,
                              outputs = FALSE, sources = FALSE, ...)
check_packages_in_dir_details(dir, logs = NULL, drop_ok = TRUE, ...)



a character string giving the path to the directory with the source ‘.tar.gz’ files to be checked.


(optional) character vector of tarball files to be checked. Useful for choosing a subset of the ‘*.tar.gz’ files in dir.


a character vector with arguments to be passed to R CMD check, or a list of length two of such character vectors to be used for checking packages and reverse dependencies, respectively.


a named list of character vectors with arguments to be passed to R CMD check, with names the respective package names.


a list with names partially matching "repos", "which", or "recursive", giving the repositories to use for locating reverse dependencies (a subset of getOption("repos"), the default), the types of reverse dependencies (default: c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), with shorthands "most" and "all" as for package_dependencies), and indicating whether to also check reverse dependencies of reverse dependencies and so on (default: FALSE), or NULL (default), in which case no reverse dependencies are checked.


a character vector of name=value strings to set environment variables for checking, or a list of length two of such character vectors to be used for checking packages and reverse dependencies, respectively.


a logical indicating whether to perform checking inside a virtual framebuffer X server (Unix only), or a character vector of Xvfb options for doing so.


the number of parallel processes to use for parallel installation and checking.


a logical indicating whether to remove the downloaded reverse dependency sources.


list of arguments to be passed to underlying install.packages call.


list of arguments to be passed to underlying calls of parLapply (on Windows) or mclapply (on other OS).


passed to readLines, e.g. for reading log files produced in a different encoding; currently not used by check_packages_in_dir.


a logical indicating whether to also summarize the reverse dependencies checked.


a logical indicating whether to also give details for checks with non-ok results, or summarize check example timings (if available).


see package_dependencies.


a character string giving the path to the directory of a previous check_packages_in_dir run.


a logical indicating whether to analyze changes in the outputs of the checks performed, or only (default) the status of the checks.


a logical indicating whether to also investigate the changes in the source files checked (default: FALSE).


a character vector with the paths of ‘00check.log’ to analyze. Only used if dir was not given.


a logical indicating whether to drop checks with ‘ok’ status, or a character vector with the ‘ok’ status tags to drop. The default corresponds to tags ‘⁠OK⁠’, ‘⁠NONE⁠’ and ‘⁠SKIPPED⁠’.


check_packages_in_dir allows to conveniently check source package ‘.tar.gz’ files in the given directory dir, along with their reverse dependencies as controlled by reverse.

The "which" component of reverse can also be a list, in which case reverse dependencies are obtained for each element of the list and the corresponding element of the "recursive" component of reverse (which is recycled as needed).

If needed, the source ‘.tar.gz’ files of the reverse dependencies to be checked as well are downloaded into dir (and removed at the end if clean is true). Next, all packages (additionally) needed for checking are installed to the ‘Library’ subdirectory of dir. Then, all ‘.tar.gz’ files are checked using the given arguments and environment variables, with outputs and messages to files in the ‘Outputs’ subdirectory of dir. The ‘*.Rcheck’ directories with the check results of the reverse dependencies are renamed by prefixing their base names with ‘⁠rdepends_⁠’.

Results and timings can conveniently be summarized using summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results and summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings, respectively.

Installation and checking is performed in parallel if Ncpus is greater than one: this will use mclapply on Unix and parLapply on Windows.

check_packages_in_dir returns an object inheriting from class "check_packages_in_dir" which has print and summary methods.

check_packages_in_dir_changes allows to analyze the effect of changing (some of) the sources. With dir and old the paths to the directories with the new and old sources, respectively, and the corresponding check results, possible changes in the check results can conveniently be analyzed as controlled via options outputs and sources. The changes object returned can be subscripted according to change in severity from the old to the new results by using one of "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">" or ">=" as row index.

check_packages_in_dir_details analyzes check log files to obtain check details as a data frame which can be used for further processing, providing check name, status and output for every check performed and not dropped according to status tag (via variables Check, Status and Output, respectively).

Environment variable _R_CHECK_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT_ can be used to set a limit on the elapsed time of each check run. See the ‘R Internals’ manual for how the value is interpreted and for other environment variables which can be used for finer-grained control on timeouts within a check run.


This functionality is still experimental: interfaces may change in future versions.


## Not run: 
## Check packages in dir without reverse dependencies:
## Check packages in dir and their reverse dependencies using the
## defaults (all repositories in getOption("repos"), all "strong"
## reverse dependencies, no recursive reverse dependencies):
check_packages_in_dir(dir, reverse = list())
## Check packages in dir with their reverse dependencies from CRAN,
## using all strong reverse dependencies and reverse suggests:
                      reverse = list(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"],
                                     which = "most"))                   
## Check packages in dir with their reverse dependencies from CRAN,
## using '--as-cran' for the former but not the latter:
                      check_args = c("--as-cran", ""),
                      reverse = list(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"]))

## End(Not run)

Check Foreign Function Calls


Performs checks on calls to compiled code from R code. Currently only checks whether the interface functions such as .C and .Fortran are called with a "NativeSymbolInfo" first argument or with argument PACKAGE specified, which is highly recommended to avoid name clashes in foreign function calls.


checkFF(package, dir, file, lib.loc = NULL,
        registration = FALSE, check_DUP = FALSE,
        verbose = getOption("verbose"))



a character string naming an installed package. If given, the installed R code of the package is checked.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. This should contain the subdirectory ‘R’ (for R code). Only used if package is not given.


the name of a file containing R code to be checked. Used if neither package nor dir are given.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


a logical. If TRUE, checks the registration information on the call (if available).


a logical. If TRUE, .C and .Fortran calls with DUP = FALSE are reported.


a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed (and the result is returned invisibly).


Note that we can only check if the name argument is a symbol or a character string, not what class of object the symbol resolves to at run-time.

If the package has a namespace which contains a useDynLib directive, calls in top-level functions in the package are not reported as their symbols will be preferentially looked up in the DLL named in the first useDynLib directive.

This checks that calls with PACKAGE specified are to the same package, and reports separately those which are in base packages and those which are in other packages (and if those packages are specified in the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file).


An object of class "checkFF".

There are format and print methods to display the information contained in such objects.

See Also

.C, .Fortran; Foreign.


# order is pretty much random
checkFF(package = "stats", verbose = TRUE)

Check and Create MD5 Checksum Files


checkMD5sums checks the files against a file ‘MD5’.


checkMD5sums(package, dir)



the name of an installed package


the path to the top-level directory of an installed package.


The file ‘MD5’ which is created is in a format which can be checked by md5sum -c MD5 if a suitable command-line version of md5sum is available. (For Windows, one is supplied in the bundle at

If dir is missing, an installed package of name package is searched for.

The private function tools:::.installMD5sums is used to create MD5 files in the Windows build.


checkMD5sums returns a logical, NA if there is no ‘MD5’ file to be checked.

See Also


Check Translation Files for Inconsistent Format Strings


These functions compare formats embedded in English messages with translated strings to check for consistency. checkPoFile checks one file, while checkPoFiles checks all files for specified or all languages.


checkPoFile(f, strictPlural = FALSE)
checkPoFiles(language, dir = ".")



a character string giving a single filepath.


whether to compare formats of singular and plural forms in a strict way.


a character string giving a language code, or a ‘regexp’ (regular expression), to match languages in dir. Use "" to denote all languages in the dir path.


a path to a directory in which to check files.


Part of R's internationalization depends on translations of messages in ‘.po’ files. In these files an ‘English’ message taken from the R sources is followed by a translation into another language. Many of these messages are format strings for C or R sprintf and related functions. In these cases, the translation must give a compatible format or an error will be generated when the message is displayed.

The rules for compatibility differ between C and R in several ways. C supports several conversions not supported by R, namely c, u, p, n. It is allowed in C's sprintf() function to have more arguments than are needed by the format string, but in R the counts must match exactly. R requires types of arguments to match, whereas C will do the display whether it makes sense or not.

These functions compromise on the testing as follows. The additional formats allowed in C are accepted, and all differences in argument type or count are reported. As a consequence some reported differences are not errors.

If the strictPlural argument is TRUE, then argument lists must agree exactly between singular and plural forms of messages; if FALSE, then translations only need to match one or the other of the two forms. When checkPoFiles calls checkPoFile, the strictPlural argument is set to TRUE for files with names starting ‘R-’, and to FALSE otherwise.

Items marked as ‘fuzzy’ in the ‘.po’ file are not processed (as they are ignored by the message compiler).

If a difference is found, the translated string is checked for variant percent signs (e.g., the wide percent sign "\uFF05"). Such signs will not be recognized as format specifiers, and are likely to be errors.


Both functions return an object of S3 class "check_po_files". A print method is defined for this class to display a report on the differences.


Duncan Murdoch


See the GNU gettext manual for the ‘.po’ file format:

See Also

update_pkg_po() which calls checkPoFile(); xgettext, sprintf.


## Not run: 
checkPoFiles("de", "/path/to/R/src/directory")

## End(Not run)

Check an Rd Object


Check an help file or the output of the parse_Rd function.


checkRd(Rd, defines = .Platform$OS.type, stages = "render",
        unknownOK = TRUE, listOK = TRUE, ..., def_enc = FALSE)



a filename or Rd object to use as input.


string(s) to use in ⁠#ifdef⁠ tests.


at which stage ("build", "install", or "render") should ⁠\Sexpr⁠ macros be executed? See the notes below.


unrecognized macros are treated as errors if FALSE, otherwise warnings.


unnecessary non-empty braces (e.g., around text, not as an argument) are treated as errors if FALSE, otherwise warnings (“Lost braces”).


additional parameters to pass to parse_Rd when Rd is a filename. One that is often useful is encoding.


logical: has the package declared an encoding, so tests for non-ASCII text are suppressed?


checkRd performs consistency checks on an Rd file, confirming that required sections are present, etc.

It accepts a filename for an Rd file, and will use parse_Rd to parse it before applying the checks. If so, warnings from parse_Rd are collected, together with those from the internal function prepare_Rd, which does the ⁠#ifdef⁠ and ⁠\Sexpr⁠ processing, drops sections that would not be rendered or are duplicated (and should not be) and removes empty sections.

An Rd object is passed through prepare_Rd, but it may already have been (and installed Rd objects have).

Warnings are given a ‘level’: those from prepare_Rd have level 0. These include

⁠\Sexpr⁠ expects R code; found ...
Unprocessed ‘stage’ macro from stage-stage ⁠\Sexpr⁠
All text must be in a section
Only one tag name section is allowed: the first will be used
docType type is unrecognized
Section name is unrecognized and will be dropped
Dropping empty section name

checkRd itself can show

7 Tag tag name not recognized
7 Unrecognized format: ...
7 ⁠\tabular⁠ format must be simple text
7 Unrecognized ⁠\tabular⁠ format: ...
7 Only n columns allowed in this table
7 Tag tag name is invalid in a block name block
7 ⁠\method⁠ not valid outside a code block
7 Tag ⁠\method⁠ is only valid in ⁠\usage⁠
7 Tag ⁠\dontrun⁠ is only valid in ⁠\examples⁠
7 Invalid email address: ...
7 Invalid URL: ...
5 ⁠\name⁠ should not contain !, | or @
5 ⁠\item⁠ in block name must have non-empty label
3 Empty section tag name
-1 ⁠\name⁠ should only contain printable ASCII characters
-1 Non-ASCII contents without declared encoding
-1 Non-ASCII contents in second part of ⁠\enc⁠
-1 Escaped LaTeX specials: ...
-1|-3 Lost braces ...
-3 Tag ⁠\ldots⁠ is invalid in a code block
-5 ⁠\title⁠ should not end in a period

and variations with ⁠\method⁠ replaced by ⁠\S3method⁠ or ⁠\S4method⁠, ⁠\dontrun⁠ replaced by ⁠\donttest⁠, ⁠\dontdiff⁠ or ⁠\dontshow⁠, and ⁠\title⁠ replaced by ⁠\section⁠ or ⁠\subsection⁠ name. “Lost braces” are uprated to warning level -1 when they match common markup mistakes, e.g., ‘⁠code{text}⁠’ rendered as ‘⁠codetext⁠’ due to the missing backslash escape for the macro name.

Note that both prepare_Rd and checkRd have tests for an empty section: that in checkRd is stricter (essentially that nothing is output).


This may fail through an R error, but otherwise warnings are collected as returned as an object of class "checkRd", a character vector of messages. This class has a print method which only prints unique messages, and has argument minlevel that can be used to select only more serious messages. (This is set to -1 in R CMD check.)

Possible fatal errors are those from !unknownOK or !listOK, from invalid ⁠\if⁠ or ⁠\ifelse⁠ conditions, from running the parser (e.g., a non-existent file, unclosed quoted string, non-ASCII input without a specified encoding, an invalid value for an ⁠\Sexpr⁠ option), or from prepare_Rd (multiple ⁠\Rdversion⁠ declarations, invalid ⁠\encoding⁠ or ⁠\docType⁠ or ⁠\name⁠ sections, and missing or duplicate ⁠\name⁠ or ⁠\title⁠ sections), including errors from parsing/running code from ⁠\Sexpr⁠ macros (if covered by stages).


Duncan Murdoch, Brian Ripley

See Also

parse_Rd, Rd2HTML.


## parsed Rd from the installed version of _this_ help file
rd <- Rd_db("tools")[["checkRd.Rd"]]
stopifnot(length(checkRd(rd)) == 0)  # there should be no issues

## make up \tabular issues
bad <- r"(\name{bad}\title{bad}\description{\tabular{p}{1 \tab 2}})"
(res <- checkRd(parse_Rd(textConnection(bad))))
stopifnot(length(res) > 0)

Report on Details of Saved Images or Re-saves them


This reports for each of the files produced by save the size, if it was saved in ASCII or XDR binary format, and if it was compressed (and if so in what format).

Usually such files have extension ‘.rda’ or ‘.RData’, hence the name of the function.


resaveRdaFiles(paths, compress = c("auto", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz"),
               compression_level, version = NULL)



A character vector of paths to save files. If this specifies a single directory, it is taken to refer to all ‘.rda’ and ‘.RData’ files in that directory.

compress, compression_level

Type and level of compression: see save. Values of compress can be abbreviated.


The format to be used when re-saving: see save.


compress = "auto" asks R to choose the compression and ignores compression_level. It will try "gzip", "bzip2" and if the "gzip" compressed size is over 10Kb, "xz" and choose the smallest compressed file (but with a 10% bias towards "gzip"). This can be slow.

For back-compatibility, version = NULL is interpreted to mean version 2: however version-3 files will only be saved as version 3.


For checkRdaFiles, a data frame with rows names paths and columns


numeric: file size in bytes, NA if the file does not exist.


logical: true for save(ASCII = TRUE), NA if the format is not that of an R save file.


character: type of compression. One of "gzip", "bzip2", "xz", "none" or "unknown" (which means that if this is an R save file it is from a later version of R).


integer: positive with the version(s) of the save(), see there on which versions have been default in which versions of R, and NA for non-Rda files.


## Not run: 
## from a package top-level source directory
paths <- sort(Sys.glob(c("data/*.rda", "data/*.RData")))
(res <- checkRdaFiles(paths))
## pick out some that may need attention
bad <-$ASCII) | res$ASCII | (res$size > 1e4 & res$compress == "none")
res[bad, ]

## End(Not run)

Check R Packages or Code for T/F


Checks the specified R package or code file for occurrences of T or F, and gathers the expression containing these. This is useful as in R T and F are just variables which are set to the logicals TRUE and FALSE by default, but are not reserved words and hence can be overwritten by the user. Hence, one should always use TRUE and FALSE for the logicals.


checkTnF(package, dir, file, lib.loc = NULL)



a character string naming an installed package. If given, the installed R code and the examples in the documentation files of the package are checked. R code installed as an image file cannot be checked.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. This must contain the subdirectory ‘R’ (for R code), and should also contain ‘man’ (for documentation). Only used if package is not given. If used, the R code files and the examples in the documentation files are checked.


the name of a file containing R code to be checked. Used if neither package nor dir are given.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


An object of class "checkTnF" which is a list containing, for each file where occurrences of T or F were found, a list with the expressions containing these occurrences. The names of the list are the corresponding file names.

There is a print method for nicely displaying the information contained in such objects.

Check Package Vignettes


Check all vignettes of a package by running Sweave (or other custom weave function) and/or Stangle (or other custom tangle function) on them. All R source code files found after the tangling step are sourceed to check whether all code can be executed without errors.


checkVignettes(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL,
               tangle = TRUE, weave = TRUE, latex = FALSE,
               workdir = c("tmp", "src", "cur"),
               keepfiles = FALSE)



a character string naming an installed package. If given, vignette source files are looked for in subdirectory ‘doc’.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. If given, vignette source files are looked for in subdirectory ‘vignettes’.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


Perform a tangle and source the extracted code?


Perform a weave?


logical: if weave and latex are TRUE and there is no ‘Makefile’ in the vignettes directory, run the intermediate ‘.tex’ outputs from weaving through texi2pdf.


Directory used as working directory while checking the vignettes. If "tmp" then a temporary directory is created, this is the default. If "src" then the directory containing the vignettes itself is used, if "cur" then the current working directory of R is used.


Delete files in the temporary directory? This option is ignored when workdir != "tmp".


This function first uses pkgVignettes to find the package vignettes, and in particular their vignette engines (see vignetteEngine).

If tangle is true, it then runs Stangle (or other custom tangle function provided by the engine) to produce (one or more) R code files from each vignette, then sources each code file in turn.

If weave is true, the vignettes are run through Sweave (or other custom weave function provided by the engine). If latex is also true and there is no ‘Makefile’ in the vignettes directory, texi2pdf is run on the intermediate ‘.tex’ files from weaving for those vignettes which did not give errors in the previous steps.


An object of class "checkVignettes", which is a list with the error messages found during the tangle, source, weave and latex steps. There is a print method for displaying the information contained in such objects.

Check Code/Documentation Consistency


Find inconsistencies between actual and documented ‘structure’ of R objects in a package. codoc compares names and optionally also corresponding positions and default values of the arguments of functions. codocClasses and codocData compare slot names of S4 classes and variable names of data sets, respectively.


codoc(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL,
      use.values = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"))
codocClasses(package, lib.loc = NULL)
codocData(package, lib.loc = NULL)



a character string naming an installed package.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. This must contain the subdirectories ‘man’ with R documentation sources (in Rd format) and ‘R’ with R code. Only used if package is not given.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


if FALSE, do not use function default values when comparing code and docs. Otherwise, compare all default values if TRUE, and only the ones documented in the usage otherwise (default).


a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed.


The purpose of codoc is to check whether the documented usage of function objects agrees with their formal arguments as defined in the R code. This is not always straightforward, in particular as the usage information for methods to generic functions often employs the name of the generic rather than the method.

The following algorithm is used. If an installed package is used, it is loaded (unless it is the base package), after possibly detaching an already loaded version of the package. Otherwise, if the sources are used, the R code files of the package are collected and sourced in a new environment. Then, the usage sections of the Rd files are extracted and parsed ‘as much as possible’ to give the formals documented. For interpreted functions in the code environment, the formals are compared between code and documentation according to the values of the argument use.values.

If a package has a namespace both exported and unexported objects are checked, as well as registered S3 methods. (In the unlikely event of differences the order is exported objects in the package, registered S3 methods and finally objects in the namespace and only the first found is checked.)

Currently, the R documentation format has no high-level markup for the basic ‘structure’ of classes and data sets (similar to the usage sections for function synopses). Variable names for data frames in documentation objects obtained by suitably editing ‘templates’ created by prompt are recognized by codocData and used provided that the documentation object is for a single data frame (i.e., only has one alias). codocClasses analogously handles slot names for classes in documentation objects obtained by editing shells created by promptClass.

Help files named ‘pkgname-defunct.Rd’ for the appropriate pkgname are checked more loosely, as they may have undocumented arguments.


codoc returns an object of class "codoc". Currently, this is a list which, for each Rd object in the package where an inconsistency was found, contains an element with a list of the mismatches (which in turn are lists with elements code and docs, giving the corresponding arguments obtained from the function's code and documented usage).

codocClasses and codocData return objects of class "codocClasses" and "codocData", respectively, with a structure similar to class "codoc".

There are print methods for nicely displaying the information contained in such objects.


The default for use.values has been changed from FALSE to NULL, for R versions 1.9.0 and later.

See Also

undoc, QC

Compact PDF Files


Re-save PDF files (especially vignettes) more compactly. Support function for R CMD build --compact-vignettes.


           qpdf = Sys.which(Sys.getenv("R_QPDF", "qpdf")),
           gs_cmd = Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD", ""),
           gs_quality = Sys.getenv("GS_QUALITY", "none"),
           gs_extras = character(),
           verbose = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'compactPDF'
format(x, ratio = 0.9, diff = 1e4, ...)



A character vector of paths to PDF files, or a length-one character vector naming a directory, when all ‘.pdf’ files in that directory will be used.


Character string giving the path to the qpdf command. If empty, qpdf will not be used.


Character string giving the path to the GhostScript executable, if that is to be used. On Windows this is the path to ‘gswin32c.exe’ or ‘gswin64c.exe’. If "" (the default), the function will try to find a platform-specific path to GhostScript where required.


A character string indicating the quality required: the options are "none" (so GhostScript is not used), "printer" (300dpi), "ebook" (150dpi) and "screen" (72dpi). Can be abbreviated.


An optional character vector of further options to be passed to GhostScript.


logical or non-negative integer indicating if and how much of the compression utilities' output should be shown.


An object of class "compactPDF".

ratio, diff

Limits for reporting: files are only reported whose sizes are reduced both by a factor of ratio and by diff bytes.


Further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


This by default makes use of qpdf, available from (including as a Windows binary) and included with the CRAN macOS distribution of R. If gs_cmd is non-empty and gs_quality != "none", GhostScript will used first, then qpdf if it is available. If gs_quality != "none" and gs_cmd is "", an attempt will be made to find a GhostScript executable.

qpdf and/or gs_cmd are run on all PDF files found, and those which are reduced in size by at least 10% and 10Kb are replaced.

The strategy of our use of qpdf is to (losslessly) compress both PDF streams and objects. GhostScript compresses streams and more (including downsampling and compressing embedded images) and consequently is much slower and may lose quality (but can also produce much smaller PDF files). However, quality "ebook" is perfectly adequate for screen viewing and printing on laser printers.

Where PDF files are changed they will become PDF version 1.5 files: these have been supported by Acrobat Reader since version 6 in 2003, so this is very unlikely to cause difficulties.

Stream compression is what most often has large gains. Most PDF documents are generated with object compression, but this does not seem to be the default for MiKTeX's pdflatex. For some PDF files (and especially package vignettes), using GhostScript can dramatically reduce the space taken by embedded images (often screenshots).

Where both GhostScript and qpdf are selected (when gs_quality != "none" and both executables are found), they are run in that order and the size reductions apply to the total compression achieved.


An object of class c("compactPDF", "data.frame"). This has two columns, the old and new sizes in bytes for the files that were changed.

There are format and print methods: the latter passes ... to the format method, so will accept ratio and diff arguments.


The external tools used may change in future releases.

Frequently, updates to GhostScript have produced better compression (up to several times better), so if possible use the latest version available.

See Also


For other tools to compact PDF files, see the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.

CRAN Package Repository Tools


Tools for obtaining information about current packages in the CRAN package repository, and their check status.



CRAN_check_results(flavors = NULL)
CRAN_check_details(flavors = NULL)
                            results = NULL,
                            details = NULL,
                            issues = NULL)



a character vector of package names.


a character vector of CRAN check flavor names, or NULL (default), corresponding to all available flavors.


the return value of CRAN_check_results() (default), or a subset of this.


the return value of CRAN_check_details() (default), or a subset of this.


the return value of CRAN_check_issues() (default), or a subset of this.


CRAN_package_db() returns a data frame with character columns containing most ‘DESCRIPTION’ metadata for the current packages in the CRAN package repository, including in particular the Description and Maintainer information not provided by utils::available.packages().

CRAN_check_results() returns a data frame with the basic CRAN package check results including timings, with columns Package, Flavor and Status giving the package name, check flavor, and overall check status, respectively.

CRAN_check_details() returns a data frame inheriting from class "check_details" (which has useful print and format methods) with details on the check results, providing check name, status and output for every non-OK check (via columns Check, Status and Output, respectively). Packages with all-OK checks are indicated via a * Check wildcard name and OK Status.

CRAN_check_issues() returns a character frame with additional check issues (including the memory-access check results made available from as a character frame with variables Package, Version, kind (an identifier for the issue) and href (a URL with information on the issue).


See ‘Details’. Note that the results are collated on CRAN: currently this is done in a locale which sorts aAbB ....

Which CRAN?

The main functions access a CRAN mirror specified by the environment variable R_CRAN_WEB, defaulting to one specified in the "repos" option. Otherwise the entry in the ‘repositories’ file (see setRepositories) is used: if that specifies ‘⁠@CRAN@⁠’ (the default) or does not contain an entry for CRAN then is used.

The mirror to be used is reported by utils::findCRANmirror("web").

Note that these functions access parts of CRAN under ‘web/contrib’ and ‘web/packages’ so if you have specified a mirror of just ‘src/contrib’ for installing packages you will need to set R_CRAN_WEB to point to a full mirror.

Internal functions CRAN_aliases_db, CRAN_archive_db, CRAN_current_db and CRAN_rdxrefs_db (used by R CMD check) use R_CRAN_SRC rather than R_CRAN_WEB.


## This can be rather slow  with a non-local CRAN mirror
## and might fail (slowly) without Internet access in that case.

set.seed(11)  # but the packages chosen will change as soon as CRAN does.
pdb <- CRAN_package_db()
## DESCRIPTION fields included:
## Summarize publication dates:
## Summarize numbers of packages according to maintainer:
summary(lengths(split(pdb$Package, pdb$Maintainer)))
## Packages with 'LASSO' in their Description:
pdb$Package[grepl("LASSO", pdb$Description)]

results <- CRAN_check_results()
## Available variables:
## Tabulate overall check status according to flavor:
with(results, table(Flavor, Status))

details <- CRAN_check_details()
## Available variables:
## Tabulate checks according to their status:
tab <- with(details, table(Check, Status))
## Inspect some installation problems:
bad <- subset(details,
              ((Check == "whether package can be installed") &
               (Status != "OK")))
## Show a random sample of up to 6
head(bad[sample(seq_len(NROW(bad)), NROW(bad)), ])

issues <- CRAN_check_issues()
## Show counts of issues according to kind:
table(issues[, "kind"])

## Summarize CRAN check status for 10 randomly-selected packages
## (reusing the information already read in):
pos <- sample(seq_len(NROW(pdb)), 10L)
summarize_CRAN_check_status(pdb[pos, "Package"],
                            results, details, issues)

Delimited Pattern Matching


Match delimited substrings in a character vector, with proper nesting.


delimMatch(x, delim = c("{", "}"), syntax = "Rd")



a character vector.


a character vector of length 2 giving the start and end delimiters. Future versions might allow for arbitrary regular expressions.


currently, always the string "Rd" indicating Rd syntax (i.e., ‘⁠%⁠’ starts a comment extending till the end of the line, and ‘⁠\⁠’ escapes). Future versions might know about other syntax, perhaps via ‘syntax tables’ allowing to flexibly specify comment, escape, and quote characters.


An integer vector of the same length as x giving the starting position (in characters) of the first match, or 1-1 if there is none, with attribute "match.length" giving the length (in characters) of the matched text (or 1-1 for no match).

See Also

regexpr for ‘simple’ pattern matching.


x <- c("\\value{foo}", "function(bar)")
delimMatch(x, c("(", ")"))

Find Reverse Dependencies


Find ‘reverse’ dependencies of packages, that is those packages which depend on this one, and (optionally) so on recursively.


              dependencies = "strong",
              recursive = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL,
              installed =
              utils::installed.packages(lib.loc, fields = "Enhances"))



a character vector of package names.


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances", character string "strong" (default) for the first three elements of that vector.


logical: should reverse dependencies of reverse dependencies (and so on) be included?


a character vector of R library trees, or NULL for all known trees (see .libPaths).


a result of calling installed.packages.


A character vector of package names, which does not include any from pkgs.

See Also

package_dependencies() to get the regular (“forward”) dependencies of a package.


## there are few dependencies in a vanilla R installation:
## lattice may not be installed

Translate non-ASCII Text to LaTeX Escapes


Translate non-ASCII characters in text to LaTeX escape sequences.


                      encoding = c("latin1", "latin2", "latin9",
                                   "UTF-8", "utf8"))



a character vector.


the encoding to be assumed. "latin9" is officially ISO-8859-15 or Latin-9, but known as latin9 to LaTeX's inputenc package.


Non-ASCII characters in x are replaced by an appropriate LaTeX escape sequence, or ‘⁠?⁠’ if there is no appropriate sequence.

Even if there is an appropriate sequence, it may not be supported by the font in use. Hyphen is mapped to ‘⁠\-⁠’.


A character vector of the same length as x.

See Also



x <- "fran\xE7ais"
encoded_text_to_latex(x, "latin1")
## Not run: 
## create a tex file to show the upper half of 8-bit charsets
x <- rawToChar(as.raw(160:255), multiple = TRUE)
(x <- matrix(x, ncol = 16, byrow = TRUE))
xx <- x
xx[] <- encoded_text_to_latex(x, "latin1") # or latin2 or latin9
xx <- apply(xx, 1, paste, collapse = "&")
con <- file("test-encoding.tex", "w")
header <- c(
trailer <- c("}", "\\end{Details}", "\\end{document}")
writeLines(header, con)
writeLines(paste0(xx, "\\\\"), con)
writeLines(trailer, con)
## and some UTF_8 chars
x <- intToUtf8(as.integer(
      0x02D9, 0x02DD, 0x200C, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C,
      0x201D, 0x2020, 0x2022, 0x2026, 0x20AC)),
               multiple = TRUE)
x <- matrix(x, ncol = 16, byrow = TRUE)
xx <- x
xx[] <- encoded_text_to_latex(x, "UTF-8")
xx <- apply(xx, 1, paste, collapse = "&")
con <- file("test-utf8.tex", "w")
writeLines(header, con)
writeLines(paste(xx, "\\\\", sep = ""), con)
writeLines(trailer, con)

## End(Not run)

File Utilities


Utilities for listing files, and manipulating file paths.


file_path_sans_ext(x, compression = FALSE)

list_files_with_exts(dir, exts, all.files = FALSE,
                     full.names = TRUE)
list_files_with_type(dir, type, all.files = FALSE,
                     full.names = TRUE, OS_subdirs = .OStype())



character vector giving file paths.


logical: should compression extension ‘.gz’, ‘.bz2’ or ‘.xz’ be removed first?


a character string with the path name to a directory.


a character vector of possible file extensions (excluding the leading dot).


a logical. If FALSE (default), only visible files are considered; if TRUE, all files are used.


a logical indicating whether the full paths of the files found are returned (default), or just the file names.


a character string giving the ‘type’ of the files to be listed, as characterized by their extensions. Currently, possible values are "code" (R code), "data" (data sets), "demo" (demos), "docs" (R documentation), and "vignette" (vignettes).


a character vector with the names of OS-specific subdirectories to possibly include in the listing of R code and documentation files. By default, the value of the environment variable R_OSTYPE, or if this is empty, the value of .Platform$OS.type, is used.


file_ext returns the file (name) extensions (excluding the leading dot). (Only purely alphanumeric extensions are recognized.)

file_path_as_absolute turns a possibly relative file path absolute, performing tilde expansion if necessary. This is a wrapper for normalizePath. Currently, x must be a single existing path.

file_path_sans_ext returns the file paths without extensions (and the leading dot). (Only purely alphanumeric extensions are recognized.)

list_files_with_exts returns the paths or names of the files in directory dir with extension matching one of the elements of exts. Note that by default, full paths are returned, and that only visible files are used.

list_files_with_type returns the paths of the files in dir of the given ‘type’, as determined by the extensions recognized by R. When listing R code and documentation files, files in OS-specific subdirectories are included if present according to the value of OS_subdirs. Note that by default, full paths are returned, and that only visible files are used.

See Also

file.path,, list.files


dir <- file.path(R.home(), "library", "stats")
list_files_with_exts(file.path(dir, "demo"), "R")
list_files_with_type(file.path(dir, "demo"), "demo") # the same

Find a GhostScript Executable


Find a GhostScript executable in a cross-platform way.


find_gs_cmd(gs_cmd = "")



The name, full or partial path of a GhostScript executable.


The details differ by platform.

On a Unix-alike, the GhostScript executable is usually called gs. The name (and possibly path) of the command is taken first from argument gs_cmd then from the environment variable R_GSCMD and default gs. This is then looked for on the system path and the value returned if a match is found.

On Windows, the name of the command is taken from argument gs_cmd then from the environment variables R_GSCMD and GSC. If neither of those produces a suitable command name, gswin64c and gswin32c are tried in turn. In all cases the command is looked for on the system PATH.

Note that on Windows (and some other OSes) there are separate GhostScript executables to display Postscript/PDF files and to manipulate them: this function looks for the latter.


A character string giving the full path to a GhostScript executable if one was found, otherwise an empty string.


## Not run: 
## Suppose a Solaris system has GhostScript 9.00 on the path and
## 9.07 in /opt/csw/bin.  Then one might set
Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD = "/opt/csw/bin/gs")

## End(Not run)

Get Information on Installed Vignettes


This function gets information on installed vignettes.


getVignetteInfo(package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, all = TRUE)



Which package to look in, or NULL for all packages.


Which library to look in.


Whether to search all installed packages, or just attached packages.


A matrix with columns


the name of the package


the directory where the package is installed


the name of the vignette


the base filename of the source of the vignette


the title of the vignette


the tangled R source from the vignette


the PDF or HTML file for display


The last column of the result is named PDF for historical reasons, but it may contain a filename of a PDF or HTML document.

See Also

pkgVignettes is a similar function that can work on an uninstalled package.



Generate a Standard HTML Header for R Help


This function generates the standard HTML header used on R help pages.


HTMLheader(title = "R", logo = TRUE, up = NULL,
           top = file.path(Rhome, "doc/html/index.html"),
           Rhome = "",
           css = file.path(Rhome, "doc/html/R.css"),
           headerTitle = paste("R:", title),
           outputEncoding = "UTF-8")



The title to display and use in the HTML headers. Should have had any HTML escaping already done.

Whether to display the R logo after the title.


Which page (if any) to link to on the “up” button.


Which page (if any) to link to on the “top” button.


A relative path to the R home directory. See the ‘Details’.


The relative URL for the Cascading Style Sheet.


The title used in the headers.


The declared encoding for the whole page.


The up and top links should be relative to the current page. The Rhome path default works with dynamic help; for static help, a relative path (e.g., ‘../..’) to it should be used.


A character vector containing the lines of an HTML header which can be used to start a page in the R help system.


cat(HTMLheader("This is a sample header"), sep="\n")

Load User-defined Rd Help System Macros


Loads macros from an ‘.Rd’ file, or from several ‘.Rd’ files contained in a package.


loadRdMacros(file, macros = TRUE)
loadPkgRdMacros(pkgdir, macros = NULL)



A file in Rd format containing macro definitions.


optionally, a previous set of macro definitions, in the format expected by the parse_Rd macros argument. loadPkgRdMacros loads the system Rd macros by default.


The base directory of a source package or an installed package.


The Rd files parsed by these functions should contain only macro definitions; a warning will be issued if anything else other than comments or white space is found.

The macros argument may be a filename of a base set of macros, or the result of a previous call to loadRdMacros or loadPkgRdMacros in the same session. These results should be assumed to be valid only within the current session.

The loadPkgRdMacros function first looks for an "RdMacros" entry in the package ‘DESCRIPTION’ file. If present, it should contain a comma-separated list of other package names; their macros will be loaded before those of the current package. It will then look in the current package for ‘.Rd’ files in the ‘man/macros’ or ‘help/macros’ subdirectories, and load those.


These functions each return an environment containing objects with the names of the newly defined macros from the last file processed. The parent environment will be macros from the previous file, and so on. The first file processed will have emptyenv() as its parent.


Duncan Murdoch


See the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual for the syntax of Rd files, or for a technical discussion.

See Also



f <- tempfile()
  \if{html}{\figure{Rlogo.svg}{options: width=100 alt="R logo"}}
  \if{latex}{\figure{Rlogo.pdf}{options: width=0.5in}}
)", f)
m <- loadRdMacros(f)
parse_Rd(textConnection(r"(\Rlogo)"), fragment = TRUE, macros = m)

Package the Current Translations in the R Sources


A utility for R Core members to prepare a package of updated translations.


make_translations_pkg(srcdir, outDir = ".", append = "-1")



The R source directory.


The directory into which to place the prepared package.


The suffix for the package version number, e.g. ‘⁠3.0.0-1⁠’ will be the default in R 3.0.0.


This extracts the translations in a current R source distribution and packages them as a source package called translations which can be distributed on CRAN and installed by update.packages. This allows e.g. the translations shipped in R 3.x.y to be updated to those currently in ‘⁠R-patched⁠’, even by a user without administrative privileges.

The package has a ‘⁠Depends⁠’ field which restricts it to versions ‘⁠3.x.*⁠’ for a single x.

User and Site Compilation Variables


Determine the location of the user and site specific ‘Makevars’ files for customizing package compilation.




Package maintainers can use these functions to employ user and site specific compilation settings also for compilations not using R's mechanisms (in particular, custom compilations in subdirectories of ‘src’), e.g., by adding configure code calling R with cat(tools::makevars_user()) or cat(tools::makevars_site()), and if non-empty passing this with -f to custom Make invocations.


A character string with the path to the user or site specific ‘Makevars’ file, or an empty character vector if there is no such file.

See Also

Section ‘Customizing package compilation’ in the ‘R Installation and Administration’ manual.



Concordance between source and target lines


The Rd parser records locations in ‘.Rd’ files from which components of the file are read. Output generators Rd2HTML and Rd2latex can output information about these locations as “concordances” between source and output lines.

matchConcordance converts from output locations to source locations. The "Rconcordance" method of as.character produces strings to embed in output files, and the default method of as.Rconcordance converts these back to objects that can be interpreted by matchConcordance.


matchConcordance(linenum, concordance)
## S3 method for class 'Rconcordance'
as.character(x, targetfile = "", ...)
as.Rconcordance(x, ...)
followConcordance(concordance, prevConcordance)



One or more line numbers being queried.


The concordance data for the file containing the lines: an object of class "Rconcordance".


A concordance object retrieved from the current file.


The output filename.


The object to convert: for as.character, an "Rconcordance" object; for as.concordance, a character vector which contains as.character output, typically in comments.


Further arguments passed to other methods.


The correspondence between target lines and source lines in Rd file conversion is not one to one. Often a single source line can lead to the generation of multiple output lines, and sometimes more than one source line triggers output on the same output line.

matchConcordance converts from target lines to source lines. This can be used to help in understanding how particular output lines depend on the source, e.g. when an error is found in the output file. When more than one line contributes to the output, the last one will be returned.

The "Rconcordance" method of as.character converts a concordance object to strings suitable for embedding (e.g. in comments) in an output file.

The default method of as.Rconcordance searches for strings matching the pattern of as.character.Rconcordance output, then converts those lines back to a single concordance.

followConcordance is used when a file is transformed more than once. The first transformation records a concordance in the file which is read as prevConcordance. followConcordance chains this with the current concordance, relating the final result to the original source.

There are 3 kinds of objects used to hold concordances.

Objects of class "activeConcordance" are internal to tools; they are used by Rd2HTML and Rd2latex while building the output file and saving links to the source file.

Objects of class "Rconcordance" are visible to users. They are list objects with the following three fields:


The number of lines of output before the first one corresponding to this concordance.


For each line of output after the offset, the corresponding input file line number. There may be more lines of output than the length of srcLine, in which case nothing can be inferred about the source of those lines.


A vector of filenames of length 1 or the same length as srcLine giving the source file(s) for each output line.

Concordance strings are produced by the "Rconcordance" method of as.character; they are simply character vectors encoding the concordance data. The default method of the as.concordance generic function converts them to "Rconcordance" objects.


matchConcordance returns a character array with one row per input linenum entry and two columns, "srcFile" and "srcLine".

For the "Rconcordance" method of as.character, a character vector used (e.g. in Sweave) to embed the concordance in a file.

For as.concordance, an "Rconcordance" object, or NULL if no concordance strings are found.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

Rd2HTML, Rd2latex

Compute MD5 Checksums


Compute the 32-byte MD5 hashes of one or more files.





character. The paths of file(s) whose contents are to be hashed.


A MD5 ‘hash’ or ‘checksum’ or ‘message digest’ is a 128-bit summary of the file contents represented by 32 hexadecimal digits. Files with different MD5 sums are different: only very exceptionally (and usually with the intent to deceive) are those with the same sums different.

On Windows all files are read in binary mode (as the md5sum utilities there do): on other OSes the files are read in the default mode (almost always text mode where there is more than one).

MD5 sums are used as a check that R packages have been unpacked correctly and not subsequently accidentally modified.


A character vector of the same length as files, with names equal to files (possibly expanded). The elements will be NA for non-existent or unreadable files, otherwise a 32-character string of hexadecimal digits.


The underlying C code was written by Ulrich Drepper and extracted from a 2001 release of glibc.

See Also



as.vector(md5sum(dir(R.home(), pattern = "^COPY", full.names = TRUE)))

Computations on the Dependency Hierarchy of Packages


Find (recursively) dependencies or reverse dependencies of packages.


package_dependencies(packages = NULL, db = NULL, which = "strong",
	             recursive = FALSE, reverse = FALSE,
                     verbose = getOption("verbose"))



a character vector of package names.


character matrix as from available.packages() (with the default NULL the results of this call) or data frame variants thereof. Alternatively, a package database like the one available from


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances", character string "strong" (default) for the first three elements of that vector.


a logical indicating whether (reverse) dependencies of (reverse) dependencies (and so on) should be included, or a character vector like which indicating the type of (reverse) dependencies to be added recursively.


logical: if FALSE (default), regular dependencies are calculated, otherwise reverse dependencies.


logical indicating if output should monitor the package search cycles.


Named list with one element for each package in argument packages, each consists of a character vector naming the (recursive) (reverse) dependencies of that package.

For given packages which are not found in the db, NULL entries are returned, as opposed to character(0) entries which indicate no dependencies.

See Also



myPkgs <- c("MASS", "Matrix", "KernSmooth", "class", "cluster", "codetools")
pdb <- available.packages(repos = findCRANmirror("web"))
dep1 <- package_dependencies(myPkgs, db = pdb) # all arguments at default
) # very fast
utils::str(dep1, vec.len=10)

system.time( ## reverse dependencies, recursively --- takes much longer:
deps <- package_dependencies(myPkgs, db = pdb, which = "most",
                             recursive = TRUE, reverse = TRUE)
) # seen ~ 10 seconds

lengths(deps) # 2020-05-03: all are 16053, but codetools with 16057

## install.packages(dependencies = TRUE) installs 'most' dependencies
## and the strong recursive dependencies of these: these dependencies
## can be obtained using 'which = "most"' and 'recursive = "strong"'.
## To illustrate on the first packages with non-missing Suggests:
packages <- pdb[head(which(![, "Suggests"]))), "Package"]
package_dependencies(packages, db = pdb,
                     which = "most", recursive = "strong")

Write Skeleton for Adding Native Routine Registration to a Package


Write a skeleton for adding native routine registration to a package.


package_native_routine_registration_skeleton(dir, con = stdout(),
    align = TRUE, character_only = TRUE, include_declarations = TRUE)



Top-level directory of a package.


Connection on which to write the skeleton: can be specified as a file path.


Logical: should the registration tables be lined up in three columns each?


Logical: should only .NAME arguments specified by character strings (and not as names of R objects nor expressions) be extracted?


Logical: should the output include declarations (also known as ‘prototypes’) for the registered routines?


Registration is described in section ‘Registering native routines’ of ‘Writing R Extensions’. This function produces a skeleton of the C code which needs to be added to enable registration, conventionally as file ‘src/init.c’ or appended to the sole C file of the package.

This function examines the code in the ‘R’ directory of the package for calls to .C, .Fortran, .Call and .External and creates registration information for those it can make sense of. If the number of arguments used cannot be determined it will be recorded as -1: such values should be corrected.

Optionally the skeleton will include declarations for the registered routines: they should be checked against the C/Fortran source code, not least as the number of arguments is taken from the R code. For .Call and .External calls they will often suffice, but for .C and .Fortran calls the ‘⁠void *⁠’ arguments would ideally be replaced by the actual types. Otherwise declarations need to be included (they may exist earlier in that file if appending to a file, or in a header file which can be included in ‘init.c’).

The default value of character_only is appropriate when working on a package without any existing registration: character_only = FALSE can be used to suggest updates for a package which has been extended since registration. For the default value, if .NAME values are found which are not character strings (e.g. names or expressions) this is noted via a comment in the output.

Packages which used the earlier form of creating R objects for native symbols via additional arguments in a useDynLib directive will probably most easily be updated to use registration with character_only = FALSE.

If an entry point is used with different numbers of arguments in the package's R code, an entry in the table (and optionally, a declaration) is made for each number, and a comment placed in the output. This needs to be resolved: only .External calls can have a variable number of arguments, which should be declared as -1.

A surprising number of CRAN packages had calls in R code to native routines not included in the package, which will lead to a ‘loading failed’ error during package installation when the registration C code is added.

Calls which do not name a routine such as .Call(...) will be silently ignored.


None: the output is written to the connection con.

Extracting C/C++ prototypes

There are several tools available to extract function declarations from C or C++ code.

For C code one can use cproto (; Windows executables are available), for example

    cproto -I/path/to/R/include -e *.c

ctags (commonly distributed with the OS) covers C and C++., using something like

    ctags -x *.c

to list all function usages. (The ‘Exuberant’ version allows a lot more control.)

Extracting Fortran prototypes

gfortran 9.2 and later can extract C prototypes for Fortran subroutines with a special flag:

    gfortran -c -fc-prototypes-external file.f

although ironically not for functions declared bind(C).


This only examines the ‘R’ directory: it will not find e.g. .Call calls used directly in examples, tests etc.

Static code analysis is used to find the .C etc calls: it will find those in parts of the R code ‘commented out’ by inclusion in if(FALSE) { ... }. On the other hand, it will fail to find the entry points in constructs like

    .Call(if(int) "rle_i" else "rle_d", i, force)

and does not know the value of variables in calls like

    .Call (cfunction, ...)
    .Call(..., PACKAGE="sparseLTSEigen")

(but if character_only is false, will extract the first as "cfunction"). Calls which have not been fully resolved will be noted via comments in the output file.

Call to entry points in other packages will be ignored if they have an explicit (character string) PACKAGE argument.

See Also



## Not run: 
## with a completed splines/DESCRIPTION file,
## produces
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>

/* FIXME: 
   Check these declarations against the C/Fortran source code.

/* .Call calls */
extern SEXP spline_basis(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);
extern SEXP spline_value(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);

static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
    {"spline_basis", (DL_FUNC) &spline_basis, 4},
    {"spline_value", (DL_FUNC) &spline_value, 5},
    {NULL, NULL, 0}

void R_init_splines(DllInfo *dll)
    R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
    R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);

## End(Not run)

Parse an Rd File


This function reads an R documentation (Rd) file and parses it, for processing by other functions.


parse_Rd(file, srcfile = NULL, encoding = "unknown",
         verbose = FALSE, fragment = FALSE, warningCalls = TRUE,
	 macros = file.path(R.home("share"), "Rd", "macros", "system.Rd"),
         permissive = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'Rd'
print(x, deparse = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'Rd'
as.character(x, deparse = FALSE, ...)



A filename or text-mode connection. At present filenames work best.


NULL, or a "srcfile" object. See the ‘Details’ section.


Encoding to be assumed for input strings.


Logical indicating whether detailed parsing information should be printed.


Logical indicating whether file represents a complete Rd file, or a fragment.


Logical: should parser warnings include the call?


Filename or environment from which to load additional macros, or a logical value. See the Details below.


Logical indicating that unrecognized macros should be treated as text with no warning.


An object of class Rd.


If TRUE, attempt to reinstate the escape characters so that the resulting characters will parse to the same object.


Further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


This function parses ‘Rd’ files according to the specification given in

It generates a warning for each parse error and attempts to continue parsing. In order to continue, it is generally necessary to drop some parts of the file, so such warnings should not be ignored.

Files without a marked encoding are by default assumed to be in the native encoding. An alternate default can be set using the encoding argument. All text in files is translated to the UTF-8 encoding in the parsed object.

As from R version 3.2.0, User-defined macros may be given in a separate file using ‘⁠\newcommand⁠’ or ‘⁠\renewcommand⁠’. An environment may also be given: it would be produced by loadRdMacros, loadPkgRdMacros, or by a previous call to parse_Rd. If a logical value is given, only the default built-in macros will be used; FALSE indicates that no "macros" attribute will be returned with the result.

The permissive argument allows text to be parsed that is not completely in Rd format. Typically it would be LaTeX code, used in an Rd fragment, e.g. in a bibentry. With permissive = TRUE, this will be passed through as plain text. Since parse_Rd doesn't know how many arguments belong in LaTeX macros, it will guess based on the presence of braces after the macro; this is not infallible.


parse_Rd returns an object of class "Rd". The internal format of this object is subject to change. The as.character() and print() methods defined for the class return character vectors and print them, respectively.

Unless macros = FALSE, the object will have an attribute named "macros", which is an environment containing the macros defined in file, in a format that can be used for further parse_Rd calls in the same session. It is not guaranteed to work if saved to a file and reloaded in a different session.


Duncan Murdoch


See Also

Rd2HTML for the converters that use the output of parse_Rd().

Experimental Functions to Work with LaTeX Code


The parseLatex function parses LaTeX source, producing a structured object; deparseLatex reverses the process. The latexToUtf8 function takes a LaTeX object, and processes a number of different macros to convert them into the corresponding UTF-8 characters.


parseLatex(text, filename = deparse1(substitute(text)),
           verbose = FALSE,
           verbatim = c("verbatim", "verbatim*",
                        "Sinput", "Soutput"),
           verb = "\\Sexpr")
deparseLatex(x, dropBraces = FALSE)



A character vector containing LaTeX source code.


A filename to use in syntax error messages.


If TRUE, print debug error messages.


A character vector containing the names of LaTeX environments holding verbatim text.


A character vector containing LaTeX macros that should be assumed to hold verbatim text.


A "LaTeX" object.


Drop unnecessary braces when displaying a "LaTeX" object.


The parser does not recognize all legal LaTeX code, only relatively simple examples. It does not associate arguments with macros, that needs to be done after parsing, with knowledge of the definitions of each macro. The main intention for this function is to process simple LaTeX code used in bibliographic references, not fully general LaTeX documents.

Verbose text is allowed in three forms: the ⁠\verb⁠ macro (with single character delimiters), environments whose names are listed in the verbatim argument, and other macros (with brace delimiters) whose names are listed in the verb argument.


The parseLatex() function returns a recursive object of class "LaTeX". Each of the entries in this object will have a "latex_tag" attribute identifying its syntactic role.

The deparseLatex() function returns a single element character vector, possibly containing embedded newlines.

The latexToUtf8() function returns a modified version of the "LaTeX" object that was passed to it.


Duncan Murdoch


latex <- parseLatex("fran\\c{c}ais")

Rd Converters


Generate a single-page HTML reference manual from the Rd sources contained in an installed or source R package.


pkg2HTML(package, dir = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
         outputEncoding = "UTF-8",
         stylesheet = file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "R-nav.css"),
         hooks = list(pkg_href = function(pkg) sprintf("%s.html", pkg)),
         texmath = getOption("help.htmlmath"),
         prism = TRUE,
         out = NULL,
         toc_entry = c("title", "name"),
         Rhtml = FALSE,
         mathjax_config = file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "mathjax-config.js"),
         include_description = TRUE)



a character string, typically giving the name of an installed package. Can also be a file path or URL pointing to a source tarball (this feature is experimental).


character string giving the path to a directory containing an installed or source package.


a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL. Passed on to find.package and Rd_db.


character string; see Rd2HTML.


character string giving URL containing CSS style information.


A list of functions controlling details of output. Currently the only component used is pkg_href, which is used to determine the output HTML file path given a package name as input.


character string controlling math rendering library to be used, either "katex" or "mathjax". The default is to use "katex", unless the package appears to use the mathjaxr package in at least one of its documentation files. The support for MathJax is experimental and may not work well.


logical flag controlling code highlighting, as described in Rd2HTML.


a filename or connection object to which to write the output. By default (NULL), the filename is inferred from hooks$pkg_href, which defaults to ‘pkg.html’.


Determines whether the entry for a help page in the table of contents is the name of the help page or its title.


additional arguments, passed on to Rd2HTML. The stages argument, if specified, is passed on to Rd_db.


logical: whether the output is intended to be a Rhtml file that can be processed using knitr. If TRUE, the examples section is wrapped inside a rcode block.


character string giving path of file containing configuration instructions for mathjax. Relevant only if texmath = "mathjax".


logical flag indicating whether the output should begin with the contents of the DESCRIPTION file.


The pkg2HTML function is intended to produce a single-page HTML reference manual for a given package, with links to other packages. The URLs of links to external packages are controlled by the provided hooks.

The handling of ⁠\Sexpr⁠-s are necessarily incomplete, but can be controlled to some extent by specifying the stages argument. Best results are likely for installed packages.


The name of the output file (invisibly).


Deepayan Sarkar

See Also

parse_Rd, Rd_db, Rd2HTML.


pkg2HTML("tools", out = tempfile(fileext = ".html")) |> browseURL()

Kill a Process


pskill sends a signal to a process, usually to terminate it.


pskill(pid, signal = SIGTERM)




positive integers: one or more process IDs as returned by Sys.getpid.


integer, most often one of the symbolic constants.


Signals are a C99 concept, but only a small number are required to be supported (of those listed, only SIGINT and SIGTERM). They are much more widely used on POSIX operating systems (which should define all of those listed here), which also support a kill system call to send a signal to a process, most often to terminate it. Function pskill provides a wrapper: it silently ignores invalid values of its arguments, including zero or negative pids.

In normal use on a Unix-alike, Ctrl-C sends SIGINT, Ctrl-\ sends SIGQUIT and Ctrl-Z sends SIGTSTP: that and SIGSTOP suspend a process which can be resumed by SIGCONT.

The signals are small integers, but the actual numeric values are not standardized (and most do differ between OSes). The SIG* objects contain the appropriate integer values for the current platform (or NA_INTEGER_ if the signal is not defined).

Only SIGINT and SIGTERM will be defined on Windows, and pskill will always use the Windows system call TerminateProcess.


A logical vector of the same length as pid, TRUE (for success) or FALSE, invisibly.

See Also

Package parallel has several means to launch child processes which record the process IDs.



## Not run: 
pskill(c(237, 245), SIGKILL)

## End(Not run)

Get or Set the Priority (Niceness) of a Process


Get or set the ‘niceness’ of the current process, or one or more other processes.


psnice(pid = Sys.getpid(), value = NA_integer_)



positive integers: the process IDs of one of more processes: defaults to the R session process.


The niceness to be set, or NA for an enquiry.


POSIX operating systems have a concept of process priorities, usually from 0 to 39 (or 40) with 20 being a normal priority and (somewhat confusingly) larger numeric values denoting lower priority. To add to the confusion, there is a ‘niceness’ value, the amount by which the priority numerically exceeds 20 (which can be negative). Processes with high niceness will receive less CPU time than those with normal priority. On some OSes, processes with niceness +19 are only run when the system would otherwise be idle.

On many OSes utilities such as top report the priority and not the niceness. Niceness is used by the utility ‘/usr/bin/renice’: ‘/usr/bin/nice’ (and /usr/bin/renice -n) specifies an increment in niceness.

Only privileged users (usually super-users) can lower the niceness.

Windows has a slightly different concept of ‘priority classes’. We have mapped the idle priority to niceness 19, ‘below normal’ to 15, normal to 0, ‘above normal’ to -5 and ‘realtime’ to -10. Unlike Unix-alikes, a non-privileged user can increase the priority class on Windows (but using ‘realtime’ is inadvisable).


An integer vector of previous niceness values, NA if unknown for any reason.

See Also

Various functions in package parallel create child processes whose priority may need to be changed.


QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation


Functions for performing various quality control (QC) checks on R code and documentation, notably on R packages.


checkDocFiles   (package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, chkInternal = NULL)
checkDocStyle   (package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
checkReplaceFuns(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
checkS3methods  (package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
checkRdContents (package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, chkInternal = NULL)




a character string naming an installed package.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source (or installed in some cases) directory. This should contain the subdirectories ‘R’ (for R code) and ‘man’ with R documentation sources (in Rd format). Only used if package is not given.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


logical indicating if Rd files marked with keyword internal should be checked as well. If NULL (default), these are checked “specially”, ignoring missing documentation of arguments.


checkDocFiles checks, for all Rd files in a package, whether all arguments shown in the usage sections of the Rd file are documented in its arguments section. It also reports duplicated entries in the arguments section, and ‘over-documented’ arguments which are given in the arguments section but not in the usage.

checkDocStyle investigates how (S3) methods are shown in the usages of the Rd files in a package. It reports the methods shown by their full name rather than using the Rd ⁠\method⁠ markup for indicating S3 methods. Earlier versions of R also reported about methods shown along with their generic, which typically caused problems for the documentation of the primary argument in the generic and its methods. With ⁠\method⁠ now being expanded in a way that class information is preserved, joint documentation is no longer necessarily a problem. (The corresponding information is still contained in the object returned by checkDocStyle.)

checkReplaceFuns checks whether replacement functions or S3/S4 replacement methods in the package R code have their final argument named value.

checkS3methods checks whether all S3 methods defined in the package R code have all arguments of the corresponding generic, with positional arguments of the generics in the same positions for the method. As an exception, the first argument of a formula method may be called formula even if this is not the name used by the generic. The rules when ... is involved are subtle: see the source code. Functions recognized as S3 generics are those with a call to UseMethod in their body, internal S3 generics (see InternalMethods), and S3 group generics (see Math). Possible dispatch under a different name is not taken into account. The generics are sought first in the given package, then (if given an installed package) in the package imports, and finally the namespace environment for the base package.

checkRdContents() checks Rd content, e.g., whether arguments of functions in the usage section have non empty descriptions.

nonS3methods(package) returns a character vector with the names of the functions in package which ‘look’ like S3 methods, but are not. Using package = NULL returns all known examples.

langElts is a character vector of names of “language elements” of R. These are implemented as “very primitive” functions (no argument list; print()ing as .Primitive("name")).

If using an installed package, the checks needing access to all R objects of the package will load the package (unless it is the base package), after possibly detaching an already loaded version of the package.


The functions return objects of class the same as the respective function names containing the information about problems detected. There are print methods for nicely displaying the information contained in such objects.

R CMD Interface


Invoke R CMD tools from within R.


Rcmd(args, ...)



a character vector of arguments to R CMD.


arguments to be passed to system2.


Provides a portable convenience interface to the R CMD mechanism by invoking the corresponding system commands (using the version of R currently used) via system2.


See section “Value” in system2.

Rd Converters


These functions take the output of parse_Rd(), an Rd object, and produce a help page from it. As they are mainly intended for internal use, their interfaces are subject to change.


Rd2HTML(Rd, out = "", package = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type,
        Links = NULL, Links2 = NULL,
        stages = "render", outputEncoding = "UTF-8",
        dynamic = FALSE, no_links = FALSE, fragment = FALSE,
        stylesheet = if (dynamic) "/doc/html/R.css" else "R.css",
        texmath = getOption("help.htmlmath"),
        concordance = FALSE,
        standalone = TRUE,
        hooks = list(),
        toc = isTRUE(getOption("help.htmltoc")),
        Rhtml = FALSE,

Rd2txt(Rd, out = "", package = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type,
       stages = "render", outputEncoding = "",
       fragment = FALSE, options, ...)

Rd2latex(Rd, out = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type,
         stages = "render", outputEncoding = "UTF-8",
         fragment = FALSE, ..., writeEncoding = TRUE,
         concordance = FALSE)

Rd2ex(Rd, out = "", defines = .Platform$OS.type,
      stages = "render", outputEncoding = "UTF-8",
      commentDontrun = TRUE, commentDonttest = FALSE, ...)



a filename or Rd object to use as input.


a filename or connection object to which to write the output. The default out = "" is equivalent to out = stdout().


the package to list in the output.


string(s) to use in ⁠#ifdef⁠ tests.


at which stage ("build", "install", or "render") should ⁠\Sexpr⁠ macros be executed? See the notes below.


see the ‘Encodings’ section below.


logical: set links for render-time resolution by dynamic help system.


logical: suppress hyperlinks to other help topics. Used by R CMD Rdconv.


logical: should fragments of Rd files be accepted? See the notes below.


character: a URL for a stylesheet to be used in the header of the HTML output page.


character: controls how mathematics in ⁠\eqn⁠ and ⁠\deqn⁠ commands are typeset in HTML output. Useful values are "katex" (default) and "mathjax" to use KaTeX or MathJax respectively, otherwise basic substitutions are used. May be ignored under certain circumstances, e.g., if the help page already uses macros from the mathjaxr package.


Whether concordance data should be embedded in the output file and attached to the return value.


logical: whether the output is intended to be a standalone HTML file. If FALSE, the header and footer are omitted, so that the output can be combined with other fragments.


A list of functions controlling details of output. Currently the only component used is pkg_href, which is used by pkg2HTML to determine the output HTML file path given a package name as input.


logical: whether the HTML output should include a table of contents. Ignored unless standalone = TRUE.


logical: whether the output is intended to be a Rhtml file that can be processed using knitr. If TRUE, the examples section is wrapped inside a rcode block.

Links, Links2

NULL or a named (by topics) character vector of links, as returned by findHTMLlinks.


An optional named list of options to pass to Rd2txt_options.


additional parameters to pass to parse_Rd when Rd is a filename.


should ⁠\inputencoding⁠ lines be written in the file for non-ASCII encodings?


should ⁠\dontrun⁠ sections be commented out?


should ⁠\donttest⁠ sections be commented out?


These functions convert help documents: Rd2HTML produces HTML, Rd2txt produces plain text, Rd2latex produces LaTeX. Rd2ex extracts the examples in the format used by example and R utilities.

Each of the functions accepts a filename for an Rd file, and will use parse_Rd to parse it before applying the conversions or checks.

The difference between arguments Link and Link2 is that links are looked in them in turn, so lazy-evaluation can be used to only do a second-level search for links if required.

Before R 3.6.0, the default for Rd2latex was outputEncoding = "ASCII", including using the second option of ⁠\enc⁠ markup, because LaTeX versions did not provide enough coverage of UTF-8 glyphs for a long time.

Rd2txt will format text paragraphs to a width determined by width, with appropriate margins. The default is to be close to the rendering in versions of R < 2.10.0.

Rd2txt will use directional quotes (see sQuote) if option "useFancyQuotes" is true (usually the default, see sQuote) and the current encoding is UTF-8.

Various aspects of formatting by Rd2txt are controlled by the options argument, documented with the Rd2txt_options function. Changes made using options are temporary, those made with Rd2txt_options are persistent.

When fragment = TRUE, the Rd file will be rendered with no processing of ⁠\Sexpr⁠ elements or conditional defines using ⁠#ifdef⁠ or ⁠#ifndef⁠. Normally a fragment represents text within a section, but if the first element of the fragment is a section macro, the whole fragment will be rendered as a series of sections, without the usual sorting.


These functions are executed mainly for the side effect of writing the converted help page. Their value is the name of the output file (invisibly). For Rd2latex, the output name is given an attribute "latexEncoding" giving the encoding of the file in a form suitable for use with the LaTeX ‘⁠inputenc⁠’ package. For Rd2HTML with standalone = FALSE, an attribute "info" gives supplementary information such as the contents of the name and title fields. This is currently experimental, and the details are subject to change.

For Rd2HTML and Rd2latex with concordance = TRUE, a "concordance" attribute is added, containing an Rconcordance object.


Rd files are normally intended to be rendered on a wide variety of systems, so care must be taken in the encoding of non-ASCII characters. In general, any such encoding should be declared using the ‘⁠encoding⁠’ section for there to be any hope of correct rendering.

For output, the outputEncoding argument will be used: outputEncoding = "" will choose the native encoding for the current system.

If the text cannot be converted to the outputEncoding, byte substitution will be used (see iconv): Rd2latex and Rd2ex give a warning.


The ⁠\Sexpr⁠ macro includes R code that will be executed at one of three times: build time (when a package's source code is built into a tarball), install time (when the package is installed or built into a binary package), and render time (when the man page is converted to a readable format).

For example, this man page was:

  1. built on 2024-06-16 at 05:27:52,

  2. installed on 2024-06-16 at 05:27:52, and

  3. rendered on 2024-09-28 at 14:34:40.


Duncan Murdoch, Brian Ripley


See Also

parse_Rd, checkRd, findHTMLlinks, Rd2txt_options, matchConcordance.


## Simulate rendering of this (installed) page in HTML and text format
Rd <- Rd_db("tools")[["Rd2HTML.Rd"]]

outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
Rd2HTML(Rd, outfile, package = "tools") |> browseURL()

outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
Rd2txt(Rd, outfile, package = "tools") |>

Set Formatting Options for Text Help


This function sets various options for displaying text help.





A list containing named options, or options passed as individual named arguments. See below for currently defined ones.


This function persistently sets various formatting options for the Rd2txt function which is used in displaying text format help. Currently defined options are:


(default 80): The width of the output page.


(default 10): The minimum indent to use in a list.


(default 4): The extra indent to use in each level of nested lists.


(default 5): The indent level for a section.


(default 2): The extra indentation for each nested section level.


(default "* ", with the asterisk replaced by a Unicode bullet in UTF-8 and most Windows locales): The symbol to use as a bullet in itemized lists.


: A function to format item numbers in enumerated lists.


(default FALSE): Whether to show URLs when expanding ⁠\href⁠ tags.


(default TRUE): Whether to render ⁠\code⁠ and similar with single quotes.


(default TRUE): Whether to render section titles with underlines (via backspacing).


If called with no arguments, returns all option settings in a list. Otherwise, it changes the named settings and invisibly returns their previous values.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



saveOpts <- Rd2txt_options()
Rd2txt_options(minIndent = 4)
stopifnot(identical(Rd2txt_options(), saveOpts))

Difference R Output Files


Given two R output files, compute differences ignoring headers, footers and some other differences.


Rdiff(from, to, useDiff = FALSE, forEx = FALSE,
      nullPointers = TRUE, Log = FALSE)


from, to

filepaths to be compared


should diff be used to compare results? Overridden to false if the command is not available.


logical: extra pruning for ‘-Ex.Rout’ files to exclude headers and footers of examples, code and results for "--timings", etc.


logical: should the displayed addresses of pointers be set to 0x00000000 before comparison?


logical: should the returned value include a log of differences found?


The R startup banner and any timing information from R CMD BATCH are removed from both files, together with lines about loading packages. UTF-8 fancy quotes (see sQuote) and on Windows, Windows' so-called ‘smart quotes’, are mapped to a simple quote. Addresses of environments, compiled bytecode and other exotic types expressed as hex addresses (e.g., ‘⁠<environment: 0x12345678>⁠’) are mapped to 0x00000000. The files are then compared line-by-line. If there are the same number of lines and useDiff is false, a simple diff -b -like display of differences is printed (which ignores trailing spaces and differences in numbers of consecutive spaces), otherwise diff -bw is called on the edited files. (This tries to ignore all differences in whitespace: note that flag -w is not required by POSIX but is supported by GNU, Solaris and FreeBSD versions – macOS uses an old GNU version.)

There is limited support for comparing PDF files produced by pdf(compress = FALSE), mainly for use in make check – this requires a diff command and useDiff = TRUE.

Mainly for use in examples and tests, text from marker ‘⁠> ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN⁠’ up to (but not including) ‘⁠> ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END⁠’ is ignored.


If Log is true, a list with components status (see below) and out, a character vector of descriptions of differences, possibly of zero length.

Otherwise, a status indicator (invisibly), 0L if and only if no differences were found.

See Also

The shell script run as R CMD Rdiff, which uses useDiff = TRUE.

Generate Index from Rd Files


Print a 2-column index table with names and titles from given R documentation files to a given output file or connection. The titles are nicely formatted between two column positions (typically 25 and 72, respectively).


Rdindex(RdFiles, outFile = "", type = NULL,
        width = 0.9 * getOption("width"), indent = NULL)



a character vector specifying the Rd files to be used for creating the index, either by giving the paths to the files, or the path to a single directory with the sources of a package.


a connection, or a character string naming the output file to print to. "" (the default) indicates output to the console.


a character string giving the documentation type of the Rd files to be included in the index, or NULL (the default). The type of an Rd file is typically specified via the ⁠\docType⁠ tag; if type is "data", Rd files whose only keyword is datasets are included as well.


a positive integer giving the target column for wrapping lines in the output.


a positive integer specifying the indentation of the second column. Must not be greater than width/2, and defaults to width/3.


If a name is not a valid alias, the first alias (or the empty string if there is none) is used instead.

Select Text in an Rd File


This function blanks out all non-text in an Rd file, for spell checking or other uses.


RdTextFilter(ifile, encoding = "unknown", keepSpacing = TRUE,
             drop = character(), keep = character(),
             macros = file.path(R.home("share"), "Rd", "macros", "system.Rd"))



An input file specified as a filename or connection, or an "Rd" object from parse_Rd.


An encoding name to pass to parse_Rd.


Whether to try to leave the text in the same lines and columns as in the original file.


Additional sections of the Rd to drop.


Sections of the Rd file to keep.


Macro definitions to assume when parsing. See parse_Rd.


This function parses the Rd file, then walks through it, element by element. Items with tag "TEXT" are kept in the same position as they appeared in the original file, while other parts of the file are replaced with blanks, so a spell checker such as aspell can check only the text and report the position in the original file. (If keepSpacing is FALSE, blank filling will not occur, and text will not be output in its original location.)

By default, the tags ⁠\S3method⁠, ⁠\S4method⁠, ⁠\command⁠, ⁠\docType⁠, ⁠\email⁠, ⁠\encoding⁠, ⁠\file⁠, ⁠\keyword⁠, ⁠\link⁠, ⁠\linkS4class⁠, ⁠\method⁠, ⁠\pkg⁠, and ⁠\var⁠ are skipped. Additional tags can be skipped by listing them in the drop argument; listing tags in the keep argument will stop them from being skipped. It is also possible to keep any of the c("RCODE", "COMMENT", "VERB") tags, which correspond to R-like code, comments, and verbatim text respectively, or to drop "TEXT".


A character vector which if written to a file, one element per line, would duplicate the text elements of the original Rd file.


The filter attempts to merge text elements into single words when markup in the Rd file is used to highlight just the start of a word.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

aspell, for which this is an acceptable filter.

Rd Utilities


Utilities for computing on the information in Rd objects.


Rd_db(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, stages = "build")



a character string naming an installed package.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. This should contain the subdirectory ‘man’ with R documentation sources (in Rd format). Only used if package is not given.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


if dir is specified and the database is being built from source, which stages of ⁠\Sexpr⁠ processing should be processed?


Rd_db builds a simple database of all Rd objects in a package, as a list of the results of running parse_Rd on the Rd source files in the package and processing platform conditionals and some ⁠\Sexpr⁠ macros.

See Also



## Build the Rd db for the (installed) base package.
db <- Rd_db("base")

## Keyword metadata per Rd object.
keywords <- lapply(db, tools:::.Rd_get_metadata, "keyword")
## Tabulate the keyword entries.
kw_table <- sort(table(unlist(keywords)))
## The 5 most frequent ones:
rev(kw_table)[1 : 5]
## The "most informative" ones:
kw_table[kw_table == 1]

## Concept metadata per Rd file.
concepts <- lapply(db, tools:::.Rd_get_metadata, "concept")
## How many files already have \concept metadata?
sum(sapply(concepts, length) > 0)
## How many concept entries altogether?

Read 00Index-style Files


Read item/description information from ‘00Index’-like files. Such files are description lists rendered in tabular form, and currently used for the ‘INDEX’ and ‘demo/00Index’ files of add-on packages.





the name of a file to read data values from. If the specified file is "", then input is taken from the keyboard (in this case input can be terminated by a blank line). Alternatively, file can be a connection, which will be opened if necessary, and if so closed at the end of the function call.


A character matrix with 2 columns named "Item" and "Description" which hold the items and descriptions.

See Also

formatDL for the inverse operation of creating a 00Index-style file from items and their descriptions.

Pick Out Non-ASCII Characters


This function prints elements of a character vector which contain non-ASCII bytes, printing such bytes as a escape like ‘⁠<fc>⁠’.






a character vector.


path to a file.


This was originally written to help detect non-portable text in files in packages.

It prints all elements of x which contain non-ASCII characters, preceded by the element number and with non-ASCII bytes highlighted via iconv(sub = "byte").

However, this rendering depends on iconv(to = "ASCII") failing to convert, and macOS 14 no longer does so reliably so for example permille (‘⁠\u2030⁠’) is rendered as o/oo.


The elements of x containing non-ASCII characters will be returned invisibly.


out <- c(
"fran\xE7ais: test of showNonASCII():",
"   This is a good line",
"   This has an \xfcmlaut in it.",
"   OK again.",
f <- tempfile()
cat(out, file = f, sep = "\n")


Start the Dynamic HTML Help System


This function starts the internal help server, so that HTML help pages are rendered when requested.


startDynamicHelp(start = TRUE)



logical: whether to start or shut down the dynamic help system. If NA, the server is started if not already running.


This function starts the internal HTTP server, which runs on the loopback interface (‘⁠⁠’). If options("help.ports") is set to a vector of non-zero integer values, startDynamicHelp will try those ports in order; otherwise, it tries up to 10 random ports to find one not in use. It can be disabled by setting the environment variable R_DISABLE_HTTPD to a non-empty value or options("help.ports") to 0.

startDynamicHelp is called by functions that need to use the server, so would rarely be called directly by a user.

Note that options(help_type = "html") must be set to actually make use of HTML help, although it might be the default for an R installation.

If the server cannot be started or is disabled, help.start will be unavailable and requests for HTML help will give text help (with a warning).

The browser in use does need to be able to connect to the loopback interface: occasionally it is set to use a proxy for HTTP on all interfaces, which will not work – the solution is to add an exception for ‘⁠⁠’.


The chosen port number is returned invisibly (which will be 0 if the server has been stopped).

See Also

help.start and help(help_type = "html") will attempt to start the HTTP server if required

Rd2HTML is used to render the package help pages.

Strip R Code out of Sweave File


This function blanks out code chunks and Noweb markup in an Sweave input file, for spell checking or other uses.


SweaveTeXFilter(ifile, encoding = "unknown")



Input file or connection.


Text encoding to pass to readLines.


This function blanks out all Noweb markup and code chunks from an Sweave input file, leaving behind the LaTeX source, so that a LaTeX-aware spelling checker can check it and report errors in their original locations.


A character vector which if written to a file, one element per line, would duplicate the text elements of the original Sweave input file.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

aspell, for which this is used with filter = "Sweave".

Test Installed Packages


These functions allow an installed package to be tested, or all base and recommended packages.


testInstalledPackage(pkg, lib.loc = NULL, outDir = ".",
                     types = c("examples", "tests", "vignettes"),
                     srcdir = NULL, Ropts = "", ...)

testInstalledPackages(outDir = ".", errorsAreFatal = TRUE,
                      scope = c("both", "base", "recommended"),
                      types = c("examples", "tests", "vignettes"),
                      srcdir = NULL, Ropts = "", ...)

testInstalledBasic(scope = c("basic", "devel", "both", "internet", "all"),
                   outDir = file.path(R.home(), "tests"),
                   testSrcdir = getTestSrcdir(outDir))




name of an installed package.


library path(s) in which to look for the package. See library.


the directory into which to write the output files: this should already exist. The default, "." is the current working directory. Often a subdirectory is preferable.


type(s) of tests to be done.


Optional directory to look for .save files.


Additional options such as -d valgrind to be passed to R CMD BATCH when running examples or tests.


logical: should testing terminate at the first error?


a string indicating which set(s) should be tested. "both" includes "basic" and "devel"; "all" adds "internet". Can be abbreviated.


additional arguments use when preparing the files to be run, e.g. commentDontrun and commentDonttest.


optional directory where the test R scripts are found.


The testInstalledPackage{s}() tests depend on having the package example files installed (which is the default).

If package-specific tests are found in a ‘tests’ directory they can be tested: these are not installed by default, but will be if R CMD INSTALL --install-tests was used. Finally, the R code in any vignettes can be extracted and tested.
The package-specific tests are run in a ‘pkg-tests’ subdirectory of ‘outDir’, and leave their output there.

testInstalledBasic runs the basic tests, if installed or inside testSrcdir. This should be run with LC_COLLATE=C set: the function tries to set this but it may not work on all OSes. For non-English locales it may be desirable to set environment variables LANGUAGE to ‘⁠en⁠’ and LC_TIME to ‘⁠C⁠’ to reduce the number of differences from reference results.

Except on Windows, if the environment variable TEST_MC_CORES is set to an integer greater than one, testInstalledPackages will run the package tests in parallel using its value as the maximum number of parallel processes.

The package-specific tests for the base and recommended packages are not normally installed, but make install-tests is provided to do so (as well as the basic tests).


Invisibly 0L for success, 1L for failure.

standard_package_names() returns a list with components named


a character vector with the ‘base’ package names.


a character vector with the ‘Recommended’ package names in historical order.


str(stPkgs <- standard_package_names())

## consistency of packageDescription and standard_package_names :
(pNms <- unlist(stPkgs, FALSE))
(prio <- sapply(as.vector(pNms), packageDescription, fields = "Priority"))
                    sub("[0-9]+$", '', names(pNms))))

Compile LaTeX Files


Run latex/pdflatex, makeindex and bibtex until all cross-references are resolved to create a DVI or a PDF file.


texi2dvi(file, pdf = FALSE, clean = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
         texi2dvi = getOption("texi2dvi"),
         texinputs = NULL, index = TRUE)

texi2pdf(file, clean = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
         texi2dvi = getOption("texi2dvi"),
         texinputs = NULL, index = TRUE)



character string. Name of the LaTeX source file.


logical. If TRUE, a PDF file is produced instead of the default DVI file (texi2dvi command line option --pdf).


logical. If TRUE, all auxiliary files created during the conversion are removed.


logical. No output unless an error occurs.


character string (or NULL). Script or program used to compile a TeX file to DVI or PDF. The default (selected by "" or "texi2dvi" or NULL) is to look for a program or script named texi2dvi on the path and otherwise emulate the script with system2 calls (which can be selected by the value "emulation"). See also ‘Details’.


NULL or a character vector of paths to add to the LaTeX and BibTeX input search paths.


logical: should indices be prepared?


texi2pdf is a wrapper for the common case of texi2dvi(pdf = TRUE).

Despite the name, this is used in R to compile LaTeX files, specifically those generated from vignettes and by the Rd2pdf script (used for package reference manuals). It ensures that the ‘R_HOME/share/texmf’ directory is in the TEXINPUTS path, so R style files such as ‘Sweave.sty’ and ‘Rd.sty’ will be found. The TeX search path used is first the existing TEXINPUTS setting (or the current directory if unset), then elements of argument texinputs, then ‘R_HOME/share/texmf’ and finally the default path. Analogous changes are made to BIBINPUTS and BSTINPUTS settings.

The default option for texi2dvi is set from environment variable R_TEXI2DVICMD, and the default for that is set from environment variable TEXI2DVI or if that is unset, from a value chosen when R is configured.

A shell script texi2dvi is part of GNU's texinfo. Several issues have been seen with released versions, so if yours does not work correctly try R_TEXI2DVICMD=emulation.

Occasionally indices contain special characters which cause indexing to fail (particularly when using the ‘⁠hyperref⁠’ LaTeX package) even on valid input. The argument index = FALSE is provided to allow package manuals to be made when this happens: it uses emulation.


Invisible NULL. Used for the side effect of creating a DVI or PDF file in the current working directory (and maybe other files, especially if clean = FALSE).


There are various versions of the texi2dvi script on Unix-alikes and quite a number of bugs have been seen, some of which this R wrapper works around.

One that was present with texi2dvi version 4.8 (as supplied by macOS) is that it will not work correctly for paths which contain spaces, nor if the absolute path to a file would contain spaces.

The three possible approaches all have their quirks. For example the Unix-alike texi2dvi script removes ancillary files that already exist but the other two approaches do not (and may get confused by such files).

Where supported (texi2dvi 5.0 and later; texify.exe from MiKTeX), option --max-iterations=20 is used to avoid infinite retries.

The emulation mode supports quiet = TRUE from R 3.2.3 only. Currently clean = TRUE only cleans up in this mode if the conversion was successful—this gives users a chance to examine log files in the event of error.

All the approaches should respect the values of environment variables LATEX, PDFLATEX, MAKEINDEX and BIBTEX for the full paths to the corresponding commands.


Originally Achim Zeileis but largely rewritten by R-core.

Display an Object in HTML


This generic function generates a complete HTML page from an object.


toHTML(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'packageIQR'
toHTML(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'news_db'
toHTML(x, ...)



An object to display.


Optional parameters for methods; the "packageIQR" and "news_db" methods pass these to HTMLheader.


A character vector to display the object x. The "packageIQR" method is designed to display lists in the R help system.

See Also



cat(toHTML(demo(package = "base")), sep = "\n")

Deprecated Objects in Package tools


(Currently none)

The functions or variables listed here are provided for compatibility with older versions of R only, and may be defunct as soon as of the next release.

See Also

Deprecated, Defunct

Generic Function to Convert Object to a Fragment of Rd Code


Methods for this function render their associated classes as a fragment of Rd code, which can then be rendered into text, HTML, or LaTeX.


toRd(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bibentry'
toRd(obj, style = NULL, ...)



The object to be rendered.


The style to be used in converting a bibentry object.


Additional arguments used by methods.


See bibstyle for a discussion of styles. The default style = NULL value gives the default style.


Returns a character vector containing a fragment of Rd code that could be parsed and rendered. The default method converts obj to mode character, then escapes any Rd markup within it. The bibentry method converts an object of that class to markup appropriate for use in a bibliography.

Convert Titles to Title Case


Convert a character vector to title case, especially package titles.





a character vector.


This is intended for English text only.

No definition of‘title case’ is universally accepted: all agree that ‘principal’ words are capitalized and common words like ‘for’ are not, but not which words fall into each category.

Generally words in all capitals are left alone: this implementation knows about conventional mixed-case words such as ‘LaTeX’ and ‘OpenBUGS’ and a few technical terms which are not usually capitalized such as ‘jar’ and ‘xls’. However, unknown technical terms will be capitalized unless they are single words enclosed in single quotes: names of packages and libraries should be quoted in titles.


A character vector of the same length as text, without names.

Find Undocumented Objects


Finds the objects in a package which are undocumented, in the sense that they are visible to the user (or data objects or S4 classes provided by the package), but no documentation entry exists.


undoc(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)



a character string naming an installed package.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. This must contain the subdirectory ‘man’ with R documentation sources (in Rd format), and at least one of the ‘R’ or ‘data’ subdirectories with R code or data objects, respectively.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


This function is useful for package maintainers mostly. In principle, all user-level R objects should be documented.

The base package is special as it contains the primitives and these do not have definitions available at code level. We provide equivalent closures in environments .ArgsEnv and .GenericArgsEnv in the base package that are used for various purposes: undoc("base") checks that all the primitives that are not language constructs are prototyped in those environments and no others are.


An object of class "undoc" which is a list of character vectors containing the names of the undocumented objects split according to documentation type.

There is a print method for nicely displaying the information contained in such objects.

See Also

codoc, QC


undoc("tools")                  # Undocumented objects in 'tools'

Update Existing PACKAGES Files


Update an existing repository by reading the PACKAGES file, retaining entries which are still valid, removing entries which are no longer valid, and only processing built package tarballs which do not match existing entries.

update_PACKAGES can be much faster than write_PACKAGES for small-moderate changes to large repository indexes, particularly in non-strict mode (see Details).


update_PACKAGES(dir = ".", fields = NULL, type = c("source",
  "mac.binary", "win.binary"), verbose.level = as.integer(dryrun),
  latestOnly = TRUE, addFiles = FALSE, rds_compress = "xz",
  strict = TRUE, dryrun = FALSE)



see write_PACKAGES.


see write_PACKAGES.


see write_PACKAGES.


one of {0, 1, 2}, the level of informative messages displayed throughout the process. Defaults to 0 if dryrun is FALSE (the default) and 1 otherwise. See Details for more information.


see write_PACKAGES.


see write_PACKAGES.


see write_PACKAGES.


logical. Should “strict mode” be used when checking existing PACKAGES entries. See Details. Defaults to TRUE.


logical. Should the updates to existing PACKAGES files be computed but NOT applied. Defaults to FALSE.


Throughout this section, package tarball is defined to mean any archive file in dir whose name can be interpreted as ‘package_version.ext’ – with ext the appropriate extension for built packages of type type – (or that is pointed to by the File field of an existing PACKAGES entry). Novel package tarballs are those which do not match an existing PACKAGES file entry.

update_PACKAGES calls directly down to write_PACKAGES with a warning (and thus all package tarballs will be processed), if any of the following conditions hold:

  • type is "win.binary" and strict is TRUE (no MD5 checksums are included in win.binary PACKAGES files)

  • No PACKAGES file exists under dir

  • A PACKAGES file exists under dir but is empty

  • fields is not NULL and one or more specified fields are not present in the existing PACKAGES file

update_PACKAGES avoids (re)processing package tarballs in cases where a PACKAGES file entry already exists and appears to remain valid. The logic for detecting still-valid entries is as follows:

Any package tarball which was last modified more recently than the existing PACKAGES file is considered novel; existing PACKAGES entries appearing to correspond to such tarballs are always considered stale and replaced by newly generated ones. Similarly, all PACKAGES entries that do not correspond to any package tarball found in dir are considered invalid and are excluded from the resulting updated PACKAGES files.

When strict is TRUE, PACKAGES entries that match a package tarball (by package name and version) are confirmed via MD5 checksum; only those that pass are retained as valid. All novel package tarballs are fully processed by the standard machinery underlying write_PACKAGES and the resulting entries are added. Finally, if latestOnly is TRUE, package-version pruning is performed across the entries.

When strict is FALSE, package tarballs are assumed to encode correct metadata in their filenames. PACKAGES entries which appear to match a package tarball are retained as valid (No MD5 checksum testing occurs). If latestOnly is TRUE, package-version pruning is performed across the full set of retained entries and novel package tarballs before the processing of the novel tarballs, at significant computational and time savings in some situations. After the optional pruning, any relevant novel package tarballs are processed via the standard machinery and added to the set of retained entries.

In both cases, after the above process concludes, entries are sorted alphabetically by the string concatenation of Package and Version. This should match the entry order write_PACKAGES outputs.

The fields within the entries are ordered as follows: canonical fields - i.e., those appearing as columns when available.packages is called on a CRAN mirror - appear first in their canonical order, followed by any non-canonical fields.

After entry and field reordering, the final database of PACKAGES entries is written to all three PACKAGES files, overwriting the existing versions.

When verbose.level is 0, no extra messages are displayed to the user. When it is 1, detailed information about what is happening is conveyed via messages, but underlying machinery from write_PACKAGES is invoked with verbose = FALSE. Behavior when verbose.level is 2 is identical to verbose.level 1 with the exception that underlying machinery from write_PACKAGES is invoked with verbose = TRUE, which will individually list every processed tarball.


While both strict and non-strict modes can offer speedups when updating small percentages of large repositories, non-strict mode is much faster and is recommended in situations where the assumption it makes about tarballs' filenames encoding accurate information is safe.


Users should expect significantly smaller speedups over write_PACKAGES in the type == "win.binary" case on at least some operating systems. This is due to write_PACKAGES being significantly faster in this context, rather than update_PACKAGES being slower.


Gabriel Becker (adapted from previous, related work by him in the switchr package which is copyright Genentech, Inc.)

See Also



## Not run: 
write_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository") # on Windows
update_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository") # on Windows
type = "win.binary") # on Linux
type = "win.binary") # on Linux

## End(Not run)

Prepare Translations for a Package


Prepare the ‘po’ directory of a package and optionally compile and install the translations.


update_pkg_po(pkgdir, pkg = NULL, version = NULL,
              pot_make = TRUE, mo_make = TRUE,
              verbose = getOption("verbose"),
              mergeOpts = "", copyright, bugs)



The path to the package directory.


The package name: if NULL it is read from the package's ‘DESCRIPTION’ file.


The package version: if NULL it is read from the package's ‘DESCRIPTION’ file.

pot_make, mo_make

logicals indicating if a new ‘*.pot’ file or new binary translations ‘*.mo’ should be (re)created.


logical indicating if extra information about the updating process should be printed to the console.


a string, by default empty, of space-separated options to msgmerge in addition to "--update". Since R 4.2.0, "--no-wrap" is used when called from file.path(R.home("po"), "Makefile").

copyright, bugs

optional character strings for the ‘⁠Copyright⁠’ and ‘⁠Report-Msgid-Bugs-To⁠’ details in the template files.


This performs a series of steps to prepare or update messages in the package.

  • If the package sources do not already have a ‘po’ directory, one is created.

  • xgettext2pot is called to create/update a file ‘po/R-pkgname.pot’ containing the translatable messages in the package.

  • All existing files in directory po with names ‘R-lang.po’ are updated from ‘R-pkgname.pot’, checkPoFile is called on the updated file, and if there are no problems the file is compiled and installed under ‘inst/po’.

  • In a UTF-8 locale, a ‘translation’ ‘R-en@quot.po’ is created with UTF-8 directional quotes, compiled and installed under ‘inst/po’.

  • The remaining steps are done only if file ‘po/pkgname.pot’ already exists. The ‘src/*.{c,cc,cpp,m,mm}’ files in the package are examined to create a file ‘po/pkgname.pot’ containing the translatable messages in the C/C++ files. If there is a src/windows directory, files within it are also examined.

  • All existing files in directory po with names ‘lang.po’ are updated from ‘pkgname.pot’, checkPoFile is called on the updated file, and if there are no problems the file is compiled and installed under ‘inst/po’.

  • In a UTF-8 locale, a ‘translation’ ‘en@quot.po’ is created with UTF-8 directional quotes, compiled and installed under ‘inst/po’.

Note that C/C++ messages are not automatically prepared for translation as they need to be explicitly marked for translation in the source files. Once that has been done, create an empty file ‘po/pkgname.pot’ in the package sources and run this function again.

pkg = "base" is special (and for use by R developers only): the C files are not in the package directory but in the main sources.

System requirements

This function requires the following tools from the GNU gettext-tools: xgettext, msgmerge, msgfmt, msginit and msgconv. These are part of most Linux distributions and easily compiled from the sources on Unix-alikes (including macOS). Pre-compiled versions for Windows are available in

It will probably not work correctly for en@quot translations except in a UTF-8 locale, so these are skipped elsewhere.

See Also


R User Directories


Directories for storing R-related user-specific data, configuration and cache files.


R_user_dir(package, which = c("data", "config", "cache"))



a character string giving the name of an R package


a character string indicating the kind of file(s) of interest. Can be abbreviated.


For desktop environments using X Windows, the project (formerly X Desktop Group, XDG) developed the XDG Base Directory Specification ( for standardizing the location where certain files should be placed. CRAN package rappdirs provides these general locations with appropriate values for all platforms for which R is available.

R_user_dir specializes the general mechanism to R package specific locations for user files, by providing package specific subdirectories inside a ‘R’ subdirectory inside the “base” directories appropriate for user-specific data, configuration and cache files (see the examples), with the intent that packages will not interfere if they work within their respective subdirectories.

The locations of these base directories can be customized via the specific environment variables R_USER_DATA_DIR, R_USER_CONFIG_DIR and R_USER_CACHE_DIR. If these are not set, the general XDG-style environment variables XDG_DATA_HOME, XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_CACHE_HOME are used if set, and otherwise, defaults appropriate for the R platform in use are employed.


R_user_dir("FOO", "cache")

## Create one, platform agnostically, must work if <normal> :
(Rdb <- R_user_dir("base"))
if(newD <- !dir.exists(Rdb)) # should work user specifically:
    newD <- dir.create(Rdb, recursive=TRUE)
dir(Rdb) # typically empty
if(newD) unlink(Rdb) # cleaning up

list.files(R_user_dir("grid"), full.names = TRUE)

Set or Get a Vignette Processing Engine


Vignettes are normally processed by Sweave, but package writers may choose to use a different engine (e.g., one provided by the knitr, noweb or R.rsp packages). This function is used by those packages to register their engines, and internally by R to retrieve them.


vignetteEngine(name, weave, tangle, pattern = NULL,
	       package = NULL, aspell = list())



the name of the engine.


a function to convert vignette source files to PDF/HTML or intermediate LaTeX output.


a function to convert vignette source files to R code.


a regular expression pattern for the filenames handled by this engine, or NULL for the default pattern.


the package registering the engine. By default, this is the package calling vignetteEngine.


a list with element names filter and/or control giving the respective arguments to be used when spell checking the text in the vignette source file with aspell.


If weave is missing, vignetteEngine will return the currently registered engine matching name and package.

If weave is NULL, the specified engine will be deleted.

Other settings define a new engine. The weave and tangle functions must be defined with argument lists compatible with function(file, ...). Currently the ... arguments may include logical argument quiet and character argument encoding; others may be added in future. These are described in the documentation for Sweave and Stangle.

The weave and tangle functions should return the filename of the output file that has been produced. Currently the weave function, when operating on a file named ‘<name><pattern>’ must produce a file named ‘<name>[.](tex|pdf|html)’. The ‘.tex’ files will be processed by pdflatex to produce ‘.pdf’ output for display to the user; the others will be displayed as produced. The tangle function must produce a file named ‘<name>[.][rRsS]’ containing the executable R code from the vignette. The tangle function may support a split = TRUE argument, and then it should produce files named ‘<name>.*[.][rRsS]’.

The pattern argument gives a regular expression to match the extensions of files which are to be processed as vignette input files. If set to NULL, the default pattern "[.][RrSs](nw|tex)$" is used.


If the engine is being deleted, NULL. Otherwise a list containing components


The name of the engine


The name of its package


The pattern for vignette input files


The weave function


The tangle function


Duncan Murdoch and Henrik Bengtsson.

See Also

Sweave and the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.



Basic Information about a Vignette


Extract metadata from a vignette source file.





file name of the vignette.


A list with the following character components:


the basename of the file.


the vignette title from ‘⁠\VignetteIndexEntry⁠’, possibly an empty string.


a vector of package dependencies from ‘⁠\VignetteDepends⁠’, possibly of length 0.


a vector of keywords from ‘⁠\VignetteKeyword⁠’, possibly of length 0.


the vignetteEngine, such as "utils::Sweave" or "knitr::knitr".

See Also

package_dependencies for recursive dependencies.


gridEx <- system.file("doc", "grid.Rnw", package = "grid")
  vi <- vignetteInfo(gridEx)

Generate PACKAGES Files


Generate ‘PACKAGES’, ‘PACKAGES.gz’ and ‘PACKAGES.rds’ files for a repository of source or Mac/Windows binary packages.


write_PACKAGES(dir = ".", fields = NULL,
               type = c("source", "mac.binary", "win.binary"),
               verbose = FALSE, unpacked = FALSE, subdirs = FALSE,
               latestOnly = TRUE, addFiles = FALSE, rds_compress = "xz",
               validate = FALSE)



Character vector describing the location of the repository (directory including source or binary packages) to generate the ‘PACKAGES’, ‘PACKAGES.gz’ and ‘PACKAGES.rds’ files from and write them to.


a character vector giving the fields to be used in the ‘PACKAGES’, ‘PACKAGES.gz’ and ‘PACKAGES.rds’ files in addition to the default ones, or NULL (default).

The default corresponds to the fields needed by available.packages: "Package", "Version", "Priority", "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances", "OS_type", "License" and "Archs", and those fields will always be included, plus the file name in field "File" if addFile = TRUE and the path to the subdirectory in field "Path" if subdirectories are used.


Type of packages: currently source ‘.tar.{gz,bz2,xz}’ archives, and macOS or Windows binary (‘.tgz’ or ‘.zip’, respectively) packages are supported. Defaults to "win.binary" on Windows and to "source" otherwise.


logical. Should packages be listed as they are processed?


a logical indicating whether the package contents are available in unpacked form or not (default).


either logical (to indicate if subdirectories should be included, recursively) or a character vector of names of subdirectories to include (which are not recursed).


logical: if multiple versions of a package are available should only the latest version be included?


logical: should the filenames be included as field ‘⁠File⁠’ in the ‘PACKAGES’ file.


The type of compression to be used for ‘PACKAGES.rds’: see saveRDS. The default is the one found to give maximal compression, and is as used on CRAN.


a logical indicating whether ‘DESCRIPTION’ files should be validated, and the corresponding packages skipped in case this finds problems.


write_PACKAGES scans the named directory for R packages, extracts information from each package's ‘DESCRIPTION’ file, and writes this information into the ‘PACKAGES’, ‘PACKAGES.gz’ and ‘PACKAGES.rds’ files, where the first two represent the information in DCF format, and the third serializes it via saveRDS.

Including non-latest versions of packages is only useful if they have less constraining version requirements, so for example latestOnly = FALSE could be used for a source repository when ‘⁠foo_1.0⁠’ depends on ‘⁠R >= 2.15.0⁠’ but ‘⁠foo_0.9⁠’ is available which depends on ‘⁠R >= 2.11.0⁠’.

Support for repositories with subdirectories and hence for subdirs != FALSE depends on recording a "Path" field in the ‘PACKAGES’ files.

Support for more general file names (e.g., other types of compression) via a "File" field in the ‘PACKAGES’ files can be used by download.packages. If the file names are not of the standard form, use addFiles = TRUE.

type = "win.binary" uses unz connections to read all ‘DESCRIPTION’ files contained in the (zipped) binary packages for Windows in the given directory dir, and builds files ‘PACKAGES’, ‘PACKAGES.gz’ and ‘PACKAGES.rds’ files from this information.

For a remote repository there is a tradeoff between download speed and time spent by available.packages processing the downloaded file(s). For large repositories it is likely to be beneficial to use rds_compress = "xz".


Invisibly returns the number of packages described in the resulting ‘PACKAGES’, ‘PACKAGES.gz’ and ‘PACKAGES.rds’ files. If 0, no packages were found and no files were written.


Processing ‘.tar.gz’ archives to extract the ‘DESCRIPTION’ files is quite slow.

This function can be useful on other OSes to prepare a repository to be accessed by Windows machines, so type = "win.binary" should work on all OSes.


Uwe Ligges and R-core.

See Also

See read.dcf and write.dcf for reading ‘DESCRIPTION’ files and writing the ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files. See update_PACKAGES for efficiently updating existing ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files.


## Not run: 
write_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository")  # on Windows
               type = "win.binary")  # on Linux

## End(Not run)

Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package


For each file in the ‘R’ directory (including system-specific subdirectories) of a source package, extract the unique arguments passed to these “message generating” calls;

for xgettext():

to stop, warning, message, packageStartupMessage, gettext and gettextf,

for xngettext():

to ngettext.

xgettext2pot() calls both xgettext() and then xngettext().


xgettext(dir, verbose = FALSE, asCall = TRUE)

xngettext(dir, verbose = FALSE)

xgettext2pot(dir, potFile, name = "R", version, bugs)



the directory of a source package, i.e., with a ‘./R’ sub directory.


logical: should each file be listed as it is processed?


logical: if TRUE each argument is converted to string and returned whole, otherwise the string literals within each argument are extracted (recursively). See Examples.


name of po template file to be produced. Defaults to ‘R-pkgname.pot’ where pkgname is the basename of ‘dir’.

name, version, bugs

as recorded in the template file: version defaults the version number of the currently running R, and bugs to "".


Leading and trailing white space (space, tab and linefeed (aka newline, i.e., ‘⁠\n⁠’)) is removed for all the calls extracted by xgettext(), see ‘Description’ above, as it is by the internal code that passes strings for translation.

We look to see if the matched functions were called with domain = NA. If so, when asCall is true, the whole call is omitted. Note that a call might contain a nested call to gettext (or warning, etc.) whose strings would be visible if asCall is false.

xgettext2pot calls xgettext and then xngettext, and writes a PO template file (to potFile) for use with the GNU Gettext tools. This ensures that the strings for simple translation are unique in the file (as GNU Gettext requires), but does not do so for ngettext calls (and the rules are not stated in the Gettext manual, but msgfmt complains if there is duplication between the sets.).

If applied to the base package, this also looks in the ‘.R’ files in ‘R_HOME/share/R’.


For xgettext, a list of objects of class "xgettext" (which has a print method), one per source file that contains potentially translatable strings.

For xngettext, a list of objects of class "xngettext", which are themselves lists of length-2 character vectors.

See Also

update_pkg_po() which calls xgettext2pot().


## Not run: ## in a source-directory build (not typical!) of R;
## otherwise, download and unpack the R sources, and replace
## R.home()  by  "<my_path_to_source_R>" :
xgettext(file.path(R.home(), "src", "library", "splines"))

## End(Not run)

## Create source package-like  <tmp>/R/foo.R  and get text from it:
tmpPkg <- tempdir()
tmpRDir <- file.path(tmpPkg, "R")
dir.create(tmpRDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
fnChar <- paste(sep = "\n",
  "foo <- function(x) {",
  "  if (x < -1)  stop('too small')",
  "  # messages unduplicated (not so for ngettext)",
  "  if (x < -.5) stop('too small')",
  "  if (x < 0) {",
  "    warning(",
  "      'sqrt(x) is', sqrt(as.complex(x)),",
  "      ', which may be too small'",
  "    )",
  "  }",
  "  # calls with domain=NA are skipped",
  "  if (x == 0) cat(gettext('x is 0!\n', domain=NA))",
  "  # gettext strings may be ignored due to 'outer' domain=NA",
  "  if (x > 10) warning('x is ', gettextf('%.2f', x), domain=NA)",
  "  # using a custom condition class",
  "  if (x == 42)",
  "    stop(errorCondition(gettext('needs Deep Thought'), class='myError'))",
  "  x",

writeLines(fnChar, con = file.path(tmpRDir, "foo.R"))

## [[1]] : suppressing (tmpfile) name to make example Rdiff-able
xgettext(tmpPkg, asCall=TRUE )[[1]] # default; shows calls
xgettext(tmpPkg, asCall=FALSE)[[1]] # doesn't ; but then ' %.2f '

unlink(tmpRDir, recursive=TRUE)