Package 'methods'

Title: Formal Methods and Classes
Description: Formally defined methods and classes for R objects, plus other programming tools, as described in the reference.
Authors: R Core Team
Maintainer: R Core Team <>
License: Part of R 4.4.1
Version: 4.4.1
Built: 2024-06-15 17:27:36 UTC
Source: base

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Formal Methods and Classes


Formally defined methods and classes for R objects, plus other programming tools, as described in the references.


This package provides the “S4” or “S version 4” approach to methods and classes in a functional language.

For basic use of the techniques, start with Introduction and follow the links there to the key functions for programming, notably setClass and setMethod.

Some specific topics:


Creating one, see setClass; examining definitions, see getClassDef and classRepresentation; inheritance and coercing, see is and as

Generic functions:

Basic programming, see setGeneric; the class of objects, see genericFunction; other functions to examine or manipulate them, see GenericFunctions.


Using classes, see setOldClass; methods, see Methods_for_S3.

Reference classes:

See ReferenceClasses.

Class unions; virtual classes

See setClassUnion.

These pages will have additional links to related topics.

For a complete list of functions and classes, use library(help="methods").


R Core Team

Maintainer: R Core Team


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Chapter 10 has some additional details.)

List of Builtin and Special Functions


A named list providing instructions for turning builtin and special functions into generic functions.

Functions in R that are defined as .Primitive(<name>) are not suitable for formal methods, because they lack the basic reflectance property. You can't find the argument list for these functions by examining the function object itself.

Future versions of R may fix this by attaching a formal argument list to the corresponding function. While generally the names of arguments are not checked by the internal code implementing the function, the number of arguments frequently is.

In any case, some definition of a formal argument list is needed if users are to define methods for these functions. In particular, if methods are to be merged from multiple packages, the different sets of methods need to agree on the formal arguments.

In the absence of reflectance, this list provides the relevant information via a dummy function associated with each of the known specials for which methods are allowed.

At the same, the list flags those specials for which methods are meaningless (e.g., for) or just a very bad idea (e.g., .Primitive).

A generic function created via setMethod, for example, for one of these special functions will have the argument list from .BasicFunsList. If no entry exists, the argument list (x, ...) is assumed.

Force an Object to Belong to a Class


Coerce an object to a given class.


as(object, Class, strict=TRUE, ext)

as(object, Class) <- value



any R object.


the name of the class to which object should be coerced.


logical flag. If TRUE, the returned object must be strictly from the target class (unless that class is a virtual class, in which case the object will be from the closest actual class, in particular the original object, if that class extends the virtual class directly).

If strict = FALSE, any simple extension of the target class will be returned, without further change. A simple extension is, roughly, one that just adds slots to an existing class.


The value to use to modify object (see the discussion below). You should supply an object with class Class; some coercion is done, but you're unwise to rely on it.


an optional object defining how Class is extended by the class of the object (as returned by possibleExtends). This argument is used internally; do not use it directly.


as(object) returns the version of this object coerced to be the given Class. When used in the replacement form on the left of an assignment, the portion of the object corresponding to Class is replaced by value.

The operation of as() in either form depends on the definition of coerce methods. Methods are defined automatically when the two classes are related by inheritance; that is, when one of the classes is a subclass of the other.

Coerce methods are also predefined for basic classes (including all the types of vectors, functions and a few others).

Beyond these two sources of methods, further methods are defined by calls to the setAs function. See that documentation also for details of how coerce methods work. Use showMethods(coerce) for a list of all currently defined methods, as in the example below.

Basic Coercion Methods

Methods are pre-defined for coercing any object to one of the basic datatypes. For example, as(x, "numeric") uses the existing as.numeric function. These and all other existing methods can be listed as shown in the example.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

If you think of using try(as(x, cl)), consider canCoerce(x, cl) instead.


## Show all the existing methods for as()

Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types


Formal classes exist corresponding to the basic R object types, allowing these types to be used in method signatures, as slots in class definitions, and to be extended by new classes.


### The following are all basic vector classes.
### They can appear as class names in method signatures,
### in calls to as(), is(), and new().

### the class
### is a virtual class, extended by all the above

### the class
### is an object type for S4 objects that do not extend
### any of the basic vector classes.  It is a virtual class.

### The following are additional basic classes
"NULL"     #  NULL objects
"function" #  function objects, including primitives
"externalptr" # raw external pointers for use in C code

"ANY"  # virtual classes used by the methods package itself

"namedList" # the alternative to "list" that preserves
            # the names attribute

Objects from the Classes

If a class is not virtual (see section in Classes_Details), objects can be created by calls of the form new(Class, ...), where Class is the quoted class name, and the remaining arguments if any are objects to be interpreted as vectors of this class. Multiple arguments will be concatenated.

The class "expression" is slightly odd, in that the ... arguments will not be evaluated; therefore, don't enclose them in a call to quote().

Note that class "list" is a pure vector. Although lists with names go back to the earliest versions of S, they are an extension of the vector concept in that they have an attribute (which can now be a slot) and which is either NULL or a character vector of the same length as the vector. If you want to guarantee that list names are preserved, use class "namedList", rather than "list". Objects from this class must have a names attribute, corresponding to slot "names", of type "character". Internally, R treats names for lists specially, which makes it impractical to have the corresponding slot in class "namedList" be a union of character names and NULL.

Classes and Types

The basic classes include classes for the basic R types. Note that objects of these types will not usually be S4 objects (isS4 will return FALSE), although objects from classes that contain the basic class will be S4 objects, still with the same type. The type as returned by typeof will sometimes differ from the class, either just from a choice of terminology (type "symbol" and class "name", for example) or because there is not a one-to-one correspondence between class and type (most of the classes that inherit from class "language" have type "language", for example).


The vector classes extend "vector", directly.



Methods are defined to coerce arbitrary objects to the vector classes, by calling the corresponding basic function, for example, as(x, "numeric") calls as.numeric(x).

Call the Current Generic Function from a Method


A call to callGeneric can only appear inside a method definition. It then results in a call to the current generic function. The value of that call is the value of callGeneric. While it can be called from any method, it is useful and typically used in methods for group generic functions.





Optionally, the arguments to the function in its next call.

If no arguments are included in the call to callGeneric, the effect is to call the function with the current arguments. See the detailed description for what this really means.


The name and package of the current generic function is stored in the environment of the method definition object. This name is looked up and the corresponding function called.

The statement that passing no arguments to callGeneric causes the generic function to be called with the current arguments is more precisely as follows. Arguments that were missing in the current call are still missing (remember that "missing" is a valid class in a method signature). For a formal argument, say x, that appears in the original call, there is a corresponding argument in the generated call equivalent to x = x. In effect, this means that the generic function sees the same actual arguments, but arguments are evaluated only once.

Using callGeneric with no arguments is prone to creating infinite recursion, unless one of the arguments in the signature has been modified in the current method so that a different method is selected.


The value returned by the new call.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Section 10.4 for some details.)

See Also

GroupGenericFunctions for other information about group generic functions; Methods_Details for the general behavior of method dispatch


## the method for group generic function Ops
## for signature( e1="structure", e2="vector")
function (e1, e2)
    value <- callGeneric(e1@.Data, e2)
    if (length(value) == length(e1)) {
        e1@.Data <- value
    else value

## For more examples
## Not run: 
showMethods("Ops", includeDefs = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Call an Inherited Method


A call to callNextMethod can only appear inside a method definition. It then results in a call to the first inherited method after the current method, with the arguments to the current method passed down to the next method. The value of that method call is the value of callNextMethod.





Optionally, the arguments to the function in its next call (but note that the dispatch is as in the detailed description below; the arguments have no effect on selecting the next method.)

If no arguments are included in the call to callNextMethod, the effect is to call the method with the current arguments. See the detailed description for what this really means.

Calling with no arguments is often the natural way to use callNextMethod; see the examples.


The ‘next’ method (i.e., the first inherited method) is defined to be that method which would have been called if the current method did not exist. This is more-or-less literally what happens: The current method (to be precise, the method with signature given by the defined slot of the method from which callNextMethod is called) is deleted from a copy of the methods for the current generic, and selectMethod is called to find the next method (the result is cached in the method object where the call occurred, so the search typically happens only once per session per combination of argument classes).

The next method is defined from the signature of the current method, not from the actual classes of the arguments. In particular, modifying any of the arguments has no effect on the selection. As a result, the selected next method can be called with invalid arguments if the calling function assigns objects of a different class before the callNextMethod() call. Be careful of any assignments to such arguments.

It is possible for the selection of the next method to be ambiguous, even though the original set of methods was consistent. See the section “Ambiguous Selection”.

The statement that the method is called with the current arguments is more precisely as follows. Arguments that were missing in the current call are still missing (remember that "missing" is a valid class in a method signature). For a formal argument, say x, that appears in the original call, there is a corresponding argument in the next method call equivalent to x = x. In effect, this means that the next method sees the same actual arguments, but arguments are evaluated only once.


The value returned by the selected method.

Ambiguous Selection

There are two fairly common situations in which the choice of a next method is ambiguous, even when the original set of methods uniquely defines all method selection unambiguously. In these situations, callNextMethod() should be replaced, either by a call to a specific function or by recalling the generic with different arguments.

The most likely situation arises with methods for binary operators, typically through one of the group generic functions. See the example for class "rnum" below. Examples of this sort usually require three methods: two for the case that the first or the second argument comes from the class, and a third for the case that both arguments come from the class. If that last method uses callNextMethod, the other two methods are equally valid. The ambiguity is exactly the same that required defining the two-argument method in the first place.

In fact, the two possibilities are equally valid conceptually as well as formally. As in the example below, the logic of the application usually requires selecting a computation explicitly or else calling the generic function with modified arguments to select an appropriate method.

The other likely source of ambiguity arises from a class that inherits directly from more than one other class (a “mixin” in standard terminology). If the generic has methods corresponding to both superclasses, a method for the current class is again needed to resolve ambiguity. Using callNextMethod will again reimpose the ambiguity. Again, some explicit choice has to be made in the calling method instead.

These ambiguities are not the result of bad design, but they do require workarounds. Other ambiguities usually reflect inconsistencies in the tree of inheritances, such as a class appearing in more than one place among the superclasses. Such cases should be rare, but with the independent definition of classes in multiple packages, they can't be ruled out.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

callGeneric to call the generic function with the current dispatch rules (typically for a group generic function); Methods_Details for the general behavior of method dispatch.


## callNextMethod() used for the Math, Math2 group generic functions

## A class to automatically round numeric results to "d" digits

rnum <- setClass("rnum", slots = c(d = "integer"), contains = "numeric")

## Math functions operate on the rounded numbers, return a plain
## vector.  The next method will always be the default, usually a primitive.
setMethod("Math", "rnum",
              callNextMethod(round(as.numeric(x), x@d)))
setMethod("Math2", "rnum",
          function(x, digits)
              callNextMethod(round(as.numeric(x), x@d), digits))

## Examples of callNextMethod with two arguments in the signature.

## For arithmetic and one rnum with anything, callNextMethod with no arguments
## round the full accuracy result, and return as plain vector
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 ="rnum"),
          function(e1, e2)
              as.numeric(round(callNextMethod(), e1@d)))
setMethod("Arith", c(e2 ="rnum"),
          function(e1, e2)
              as.numeric(round(callNextMethod(), e2@d)))

## A method for BOTH arguments from "rnum" would be ambiguous
## for callNextMethod(): the two methods above are equally valid.
## The method chooses the smaller number of digits,
## and then calls the generic function, postponing the method selection
## until it's not ambiguous.
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 ="rnum", e2 = "rnum"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(e1@d <= e2@d)
                  callGeneric(e1, as.numeric(e2))
                  callGeneric(as.numeric(e1), e2)

## For comparisons, callNextMethod with the rounded arguments
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "rnum"),
          function(e1, e2)
              callNextMethod(round(e1, e1@d), round(e2, e1@d)))
setMethod("Compare", c(e2 = "rnum"),
          function(e1, e2)
              callNextMethod(round(e1, e2@d), round(e2, e2@d)))

## similarly to the Arith case, the method for two "rnum" objects
## can not unambiguously use callNextMethod().  Instead, we rely on
## The rnum() method inhertited from Math2 to return plain vectors.
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 ="rnum", e2 = "rnum"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              d <- min(e1@d, e2@d)
              callGeneric(round(e1, d), round(e2, d))


x1 <- rnum(10*runif(5), d=1L)
x2 <- rnum(10*runif(5), d=2L)


## Simple examples to illustrate callNextMethod with and without arguments
B0 <- setClass("B0", slots = c(s0 = "numeric"))

## and a function to illustrate callNextMethod

f <- function(x, text = "default") {
    str(x) # print a summary
    paste(text, ":", class(x))

setMethod("f", "B0", function(x, text = "B0") {
    cat("B0 method called with s0 =", x@s0, "\n")

b0 <- B0(s0 = 1)

## call f() with 2 arguments: callNextMethod passes both to the default method
f(b0, "first test")

## call f() with 1 argument:  the default "B0" is not passed by callNextMethod

## Now, a class that extends B0, with no methods for f()
B1 <- setClass("B1", slots = c(s1 = "character"), contains = "B0")
b1 <- B1(s0 = 2, s1 = "Testing B1")

## the two cases work as before, by inheriting the "B0" method

f(b1, b1@s1)


B2 <- setClass("B2", contains = "B1")

## And, a method for "B2" that calls with explicit arguments.
## Note that the method selection in callNextMethod
## uses the class of the *argument* to consistently select the "B0" method

setMethod("f", "B2", function(x, text = "B1 method") {
    y <- B1(s0 = -x@s0, s1 ="Modified x")
    callNextMethod(y, text)

b2 <- B2(s1 = "Testing B2", s0 = 10)

f(b2, b2@s1)


## Be careful:  the argument passed must be legal for the method selected
## Although the argument here is numeric, it's still the "B0" method that's called
setMethod("f", "B2", function(x, text = "B1 method") {
    callNextMethod(x@s0, text)

##  Now the call will cause an error:

tryCatch(f(b2), error = function(e) cat(e$message,"\n"))

Can an Object be Coerced to a Certain S4 Class?


Test if an object can be coerced to a given S4 class. Maybe useful inside if() to ensure that calling as(object, Class) will find a method.


canCoerce(object, Class)



any R object, typically of a formal S4 class.


an S4 class (see isClass).


a scalar logical, TRUE if there is a coerce method (as defined by e.g. setAs) for the signature (from = class(object), to = Class).

See Also

as, setAs, selectMethod, setClass,


m <- matrix(pi, 2,3)
canCoerce(m, "numeric") # TRUE
canCoerce(m, "array")   # TRUE

Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows


Combine two matrix-like R objects by columns (cbind2) or rows (rbind2). These are (S4) generic functions with default methods.


cbind2(x, y, ...)
rbind2(x, y, ...)



any R object, typically matrix-like.


any R object, typically similar to x, or missing completely.


optional arguments for methods.


The main use of cbind2 (rbind2) is to be called recursively by cbind() (rbind()) when both of these requirements are met:

  • There is at least one argument that is an S4 object, and

  • S3 dispatch fails (see the Dispatch section under cbind).

The methods on cbind2 and rbind2 effectively define the type promotion policy when combining a heterogeneous set of arguments. The homogeneous case, where all objects derive from some S4 class, can be handled via S4 dispatch on the ... argument via an externally defined S4 cbind (rbind) generic.

Since (for legacy reasons) S3 dispatch is attempted first, it is generally a good idea to additionally define an S3 method on cbind (rbind) for the S4 class. The S3 method will be invoked when the arguments include objects of the S4 class, along with arguments of classes for which no S3 method exists. Also, in case there is an argument that selects a different S3 method (like the one for data.frame), this S3 method serves to introduce an ambiguity in dispatch that triggers the recursive fallback to cbind2 (rbind2). Otherwise, the other S3 method would be called, which may not be appropriate.


A matrix (or matrix like object) combining the columns (or rows) of x and y. Note that methods must construct colnames and rownames from the corresponding column and row names of x and y (but not from deparsing argument names such as in cbind(..., deparse.level = d) for d1d \ge 1).


signature(x = "ANY", y = "ANY")

the default method using R's internal code.

signature(x = "ANY", y = "missing")

the default method for one argument using R's internal code.

See Also

cbind, rbind; further, cBind, rBind in the Matrix package.


cbind2(1:3, 4)
m <- matrix(3:8, 2,3, dimnames=list(c("a","b"), LETTERS[1:3]))
cbind2(1:2, m) # keeps dimnames from m

## rbind() and cbind() now make use of rbind2()/cbind2() methods
setClass("Num", contains="numeric")
setMethod("cbind2", c("Num", "missing"),
          function(x,y, ...) { cat("Num-miss--meth\n"); as.matrix(x)})
setMethod("cbind2", c("Num","ANY"), function(x,y, ...) {
    cat("Num-A.--method\n") ; cbind(getDataPart(x), y, ...) })
setMethod("cbind2", c("ANY","Num"), function(x,y, ...) {
    cat("A.-Num--method\n") ; cbind(x, getDataPart(y), ...) })

a <- new("Num", 1:3)
cbind(a, four=4, 7:9)# calling cbind2() twice

cbind(m,a, ch=c("D","E"), a*3)
cbind(1,a, m) # ok with a warning

S4 Class Documentation


You have navigated to an old link to documentation of S4 classes.

For basic use of classes and methods, see Introduction; to create new class definitions, see setClass; for technical details on S4 classes, see Classes_Details.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Class Definitions


Class definitions are objects that contain the formal definition of a class of R objects, usually referred to as an S4 class, to distinguish them from the informal S3 classes. This document gives an overview of S4 classes; for details of the class representation objects, see help for the class classRepresentation.

Metadata Information

When a class is defined, an object is stored that contains the information about that class. The object, known as the metadata defining the class, is not stored under the name of the class (to allow programmers to write generating functions of that name), but under a specially constructed name. To examine the class definition, call getClass. The information in the metadata object includes:


The data contained in an object from an S4 class is defined by the slots in the class definition.

Each slot in an object is a component of the object; like components (that is, elements) of a list, these may be extracted and set, using the function slot() or more often the operator "@". However, they differ from list components in important ways. First, slots can only be referred to by name, not by position, and there is no partial matching of names as with list elements.

All the objects from a particular class have the same set of slot names; specifically, the slot names that are contained in the class definition. Each slot in each object always is an object of the class specified for this slot in the definition of the current class. The word “is” corresponds to the R function of the same name (is), meaning that the class of the object in the slot must be the same as the class specified in the definition, or some class that extends the one in the definition (a subclass).

A special slot name, .Data, stands for the ‘data part’ of the object. An object from a class with a data part is defined by specifying that the class contains one of the R object types or one of the special pseudo-classes, matrix or array, usually because the definition of the class, or of one of its superclasses, has included the type or pseudo-class in its contains argument. A second special slot name, .xData, is used to enable inheritance from abnormal types such as "environment" See the section on inheriting from non-S4 classes for details on the representation and for the behavior of S3 methods with objects from these classes.

Some slot names correspond to attributes used in old-style S3 objects and in R objects without an explicit class, for example, the names attribute. If you define a class for which that attribute will be set, such as a subclass of named vectors, you should include "names" as a slot. See the definition of class "namedList" for an example. Using the names() assignment to set such names will generate a warning if there is no names slot and an error if the object in question is not a vector type. A slot called "names" can be used anywhere, but only if it is assigned as a slot, not via the default names() assignment.


The definition of a class includes the superclasses —the classes that this class extends. A class Fancy, say, extends a class Simple if an object from the Fancy class has all the capabilities of the Simple class (and probably some more as well). In particular, and very usefully, any method defined to work for a Simple object can be applied to a Fancy object as well.

This relationship is expressed equivalently by saying that Simple is a superclass of Fancy, or that Fancy is a subclass of Simple.

The direct superclasses of a class are those superclasses explicitly defined. Direct superclasses can be defined in three ways. Most commonly, the superclasses are listed in the contains= argument in the call to setClass that creates the subclass. In this case the subclass will contain all the slots of the superclass, and the relation between the class is called simple, as it in fact is. Superclasses can also be defined explicitly by a call to setIs; in this case, the relation requires methods to be specified to go from subclass to superclass. Thirdly, a class union is a superclass of all the members of the union. In this case too the relation is simple, but notice that the relation is defined when the superclass is created, not when the subclass is created as with the contains= mechanism.

The definition of a superclass will also potentially contain its own direct superclasses. These are considered (and shown) as superclasses at distance 2 from the original class; their direct superclasses are at distance 3, and so on. All these are legitimate superclasses for purposes such as method selection.

When superclasses are defined by including the names of superclasses in the contains= argument to setClass, an object from the class will have all the slots defined for its own class and all the slots defined for all its superclasses as well.

The information about the relation between a class and a particular superclass is encoded as an object of class SClassExtension. A list of such objects for the superclasses (and sometimes for the subclasses) is included in the metadata object defining the class. If you need to compute with these objects (for example, to compare the distances), call the function extends with argument fullInfo=TRUE.


The objects from a class created by a call to new are defined by the prototype object for the class and by additional arguments in the call to new, which are passed to a method for that class for the function initialize.

Each class representation object contains a prototype object for the class (although for a virtual class the prototype may be NULL). The prototype object must have values for all the slots of the class. By default, these are the prototypes of the corresponding slot classes. However, the definition of the class can specify any valid object for any of the slots.

Basic classes

There are a number of ‘basic’ classes, corresponding to the ordinary kinds of data occurring in R. For example, "numeric" is a class corresponding to numeric vectors. The other vector basic classes are "logical", "integer", "complex", "character", "raw", "list" and "expression". The prototypes for the vector classes are vectors of length 0 of the corresponding type. Notice that basic classes are unusual in that the prototype object is from the class itself.

In addition to the vector classes there are also basic classes corresponding to objects in the language, such as "function" and "call". These classes are subclasses of the virtual class "language". Finally, there are object types and corresponding basic classes for “abnormal” objects, such as "environment" and "externalptr". These objects do not follow the functional behavior of the language; in particular, they are not copied and so cannot have attributes or slots defined locally.

All these classes can be used as slots or as superclasses for any other class definitions, although they do not themselves come with an explicit class. For the abnormal object types, a special mechanism is used to enable inheritance as described below.

Inheriting from non-S4 Classes

A class definition can extend classes other than regular S4 classes, usually by specifying them in the contains= argument to setClass. Three groups of such classes behave distinctly:

  1. S3 classes, which must have been registered by a previous call to setOldClass (you can check that this has been done by calling getClass, which should return a class that extends oldClass);

  2. One of the R object types, typically a vector type, which then defines the type of the S4 objects, but also a type such as environment that can not be used directly as a type for an S4 object. See below.

  3. One of the pseudo-classes matrix and array, implying objects with arbitrary vector types plus the dim and dimnames attributes.

This section describes the approach to combining S4 computations with older S3 computations by using such classes as superclasses. The design goal is to allow the S4 class to inherit S3 methods and default computations in as consistent a form as possible.

As part of a general effort to make the S4 and S3 code in R more consistent, when objects from an S4 class are used as the first argument to a non-default S3 method, either for an S3 generic function (one that calls UseMethod) or for one of the primitive functions that dispatches S3 methods, an effort is made to provide a valid object for that method. In particular, if the S4 class extends an S3 class or matrix or array, and there is an S3 method matching one of these classes, the S4 object will be coerced to a valid S3 object, to the extent that is possible given that there is no formal definition of an S3 class.

For example, suppose "myFrame" is an S4 class that includes the S3 class "data.frame" in the contains= argument to setClass. If an object from this S4 class is passed to a function, say as.matrix, that has an S3 method for "data.frame", the internal code for UseMethod will convert the object to a data frame; in particular, to an S3 object whose class attribute will be the vector corresponding to the S3 class (possibly containing multiple class names). Similarly for an S4 object inheriting from "matrix" or "array", the S4 object will be converted to a valid S3 matrix or array.

Note that the conversion is not applied when an S4 object is passed to the default S3 method. Some S3 generics attempt to deal with general objects, including S4 objects. Also, no transformation is applied to S4 objects that do not correspond to a selected S3 method; in particular, to objects from a class that does not contain either an S3 class or one of the basic types. See asS4 for the transformation details.

In addition to explicit S3 generic functions, S3 methods are defined for a variety of operators and functions implemented as primitives. These methods are dispatched by some internal C code that operates partly through the same code as real S3 generic functions and partly via special considerations (for example, both arguments to a binary operator are examined when looking for methods). The same mechanism for adapting S4 objects to S3 methods has been applied to these computations as well, with a few exceptions such as generating an error if an S4 object that does not extend an appropriate S3 class or type is passed to a binary operator.

The remainder of this section discusses the mechanisms for inheriting from basic object types. See matrix or array for inhering from the matrix and array pseudo-classes, or from time-series. For the corresponding details for inheritance from S3 classes, see setOldClass.

An object from a class that directly and simply contains one of the basic object types in R, has implicitly a corresponding .Data slot of that type, allowing computations to extract or replace the data part while leaving other slots unchanged. If the type is one that can accept attributes and is duplicated normally, the inheritance also determines the type of the object; if the class definition has a .Data slot corresponding to a normal type, the class of the slot determines the type of the object (that is, the value of typeof(x)). For such classes, .Data is a pseudo-slot; that is, extracting or setting it modifies the non-slot data in the object. The functions getDataPart and setDataPart are a cleaner, but essentially equivalent way to deal with the data part.

Extending a basic type this way allows objects to use old-style code for the corresponding type as well as S4 methods. Any basic type can be used for .Data, but a few types are treated differently because they do not behave like ordinary objects; for example, "NULL", environments, and external pointers. Classes extend these types by having a slot, .xData, itself inherited from an internally defined S4 class. This slot actually contains an object of the inherited type, to protect computations from the reference semantics of the type. Coercing to the nonstandard object type then requires an actual computation, rather than the "simple" inclusion for other types and classes. The intent is that programmers will not need to take account of the mechanism, but one implication is that you should not explicitly use the type of an S4 object to detect inheritance from an arbitrary object type. Use is and similar functions instead.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

Methods_Details for analogous discussion of methods, setClass for details of specifying class definitions, is, as, new, slot

Compute an Adjacency Matrix for Superclasses of Class Definitions


Given a vector of class names or a list of class definitions, the function returns an adjacency matrix of the superclasses of these classes; that is, a matrix with class names as the row and column names and with element [i, j] being 1 if the class in column j is a direct superclass of the class in row i, and 0 otherwise.

The matrix has the information implied by the contains slot of the class definitions, but in a form that is often more convenient for further analysis; for example, an adjacency matrix is used in packages and other software to construct graph representations of relationships.


classesToAM(classes, includeSubclasses = FALSE,
       abbreviate = 2)



Either a character vector of class names or a list, whose elements can be either class names or class definitions. The list is convenient, for example, to include the package slot for the class name. See the examples.


A logical flag; if TRUE, then the matrix will include all the known subclasses of the specified classes as well as the superclasses. The argument can also be a logical vector of the same length as classes, to include subclasses for some but not all the classes.


Control of the abbreviation of the row and/or column labels of the matrix returned: values 0, 1, 2, or 3 abbreviate neither, rows, columns or both. The default, 2, is useful for printing the matrix, since class names tend to be more than one character long, making for spread-out printing. Values of 0 or 3 would be appropriate for making a graph (3 avoids the tendency of some graph plotting software to produce labels in minuscule font size).


For each of the classes, the calculation gets all the superclass names from the class definition, and finds the edges in those classes' definitions; that is, all the superclasses at distance 1. The corresponding elements of the adjacency matrix are set to 1.

The adjacency matrices for the individual class definitions are merged. Note two possible kinds of inconsistency, neither of which should cause problems except possibly with identically named classes from different packages. Edges are computed from each superclass definition, so that information overrides a possible inference from extension elements with distance > 1 (and it should). When matrices from successive classes in the argument are merged, the computations do not currently check for inconsistencies—this is the area where possible multiple classes with the same name could cause confusion. A later revision may include consistency checks.


As described, a matrix with entries 0 or 1, non-zero values indicating that the class corresponding to the column is a direct superclass of the class corresponding to the row. The row and column names are the class names (without package slot).

See Also

extends and classRepresentation for the underlying information from the class definition.


## the super- and subclasses of "standardGeneric"
## and "derivedDefaultMethod"
am <- classesToAM(list(class(show), class(getMethod(show))), TRUE)

## Not run: 
## the following function depends on the Bioconductor package Rgraphviz
plotInheritance <- function(classes, subclasses = FALSE, ...) {
    if(!require("Rgraphviz", quietly=TRUE))
      stop("Only implemented if Rgraphviz is available")
    mm <- classesToAM(classes, subclasses)
    classes <- rownames(mm); rownames(mm) <- colnames(mm)
    graph <-  new("graphAM", mm, "directed", ...)
    cat("Key:\n", paste(abbreviate(classes), " = ", classes, ", ",
        sep = ""),  sep = "", fill = TRUE)

## The plot of the class inheritance of the package "graph"

## End(Not run)

Class names including the corresponding package


The function className() generates a valid references to a class, including the name of the package containing the class definition. The object returned, from class "className", is the unambiguous way to refer to a class, for example when calling setMethod, just in case multiple definitions of the class exist.

Function "multipleClasses" returns information about multiple definitions of classes with the same name from different packages.


className(class, package)

multipleClasses(details = FALSE)


class, package

The character string name of a class and, optionally, of the package to which it belongs. If argument package is missing and the class argument has a package slot, that is used (in particular, passing in an object from class "className" returns itself in this case, but changes the package slot if the second argument is supplied).

If there is no package argument or slot, a definition for the class must exist and will be used to define the package. If there are multiple definitions, one will be chosen and a warning printed giving the other possibilities.


If FALSE, the default, multipleClasses() returns a character vector of those classes currently known with multiple definitions.

If TRUE, a named list of those class definitions is returned. Each element of the list is itself a list of the corresponding class definitions, with the package names as the names of the list. Note that identical class definitions will not be considered “multiple” definitions (see the discussion of the details below).


The table of class definitions used internally can maintain multiple definitions for classes with the same name but coming from different packages. If identical class definitions are encountered, only one class definition is kept; this occurs most often with S3 classes that have been specified in calls to setOldClass. For true classes, multiple class definitions are unavoidable in general if two packages happen to have used the same name, independently.

Overriding a class definition in another package with the same name deliberately is usually a bad idea. Although R attempts to keep and use the two definitions (as of version 2.14.0), ambiguities are always possible. It is more sensible to define a new class that extends an existing class but has a different name.


A call to className() returns an object from class "className".

A call to multipleClasses() returns either a character vector or a named list of class definitions. In either case, testing the length of the returned value for being greater than 0 is a check for the existence of multiply defined classes.

Objects from the Class

The class "className" extends "character" and has a slot "package", also of class "character".


## Not run: 
className("vector") # will be found, from package "methods"
className("vector", "magic") # OK, even though the class doesn't exist

className("An unknown class") # Will cause an error

## End(Not run)

Class Objects


These are the objects that hold the definition of classes of objects. They are constructed and stored as meta-data by calls to the function setClass. Don't manipulate them directly, except perhaps to look at individual slots.


Class definitions are stored as metadata in various packages. Additional metadata supplies information on inheritance (the result of calls to setIs). Inheritance information implied by the class definition itself (because the class contains one or more other classes) is also constructed automatically.

When a class is to be used in an R session, this information is assembled to complete the class definition. The completion is a second object of class "classRepresentation", cached for the session or until something happens to change the information. A call to getClass returns the completed definition of a class; a call to getClassDef returns the stored definition (uncompleted).

In particular, completion fills in the upward- and downward-pointing inheritance information for the class, in slots contains and subclasses respectively. It's in principle important to note that this information can depend on which packages are installed, since these may define additional subclasses or superclasses.



A named list of the slots in this class; the elements of the list are the classes to which the slots must belong (or extend), and the names of the list gives the corresponding slot names.


A named list of the classes this class ‘contains’; the elements of the list are objects of SClassExtension. The list may be only the direct extensions or all the currently known extensions (see the details).


Logical flag, set to TRUE if this is a virtual class.


The object that represents the standard prototype for this class; i.e., the data and slots returned by a call to new for this class with no special arguments. Don't mess with the prototype object directly.


Optionally, a function to be used to test the validity of objects from this class. See validObject.


Access control information. Not currently used.


The character string name of the class.


The character string name of the package to which the class belongs. Nearly always the package on which the metadata for the class is stored, but in operations such as constructing inheritance information, the internal package name rules.


A named list of the classes known to extend this class'; the elements of the list are objects of class SClassExtension. The list is currently only filled in when completing the class definition (see the details).


Object of class "externalptr"; eventually will perhaps hold some versioning information, but not currently used.


Object of class "logical"; is this class sealed? If so, no modifications are allowed.

See Also

See function setClass to supply the information in the class definition. See Classes_Details for a more basic discussion of class information.

Using and Creating On-line Documentation for Classes and Methods


Special documentation can be supplied to describe the classes and methods that are created by the software in the methods package. Techniques to access this documentation and to create it in R help files are described here.

Getting documentation on classes and methods

You can ask for on-line help for class definitions, for specific methods for a generic function, and for general discussion of methods for a generic function. These requests use the ? operator (see help for a general description of the operator). Of course, you are at the mercy of the implementer as to whether there is any documentation on the corresponding topics.

Documentation on a class uses the argument class on the left of the ?, and the name of the class on the right; for example,

class ? genericFunction

to ask for documentation on the class "genericFunction".

When you want documentation for the methods defined for a particular function, you can ask either for a general discussion of the methods or for documentation of a particular method (that is, the method that would be selected for a particular set of actual arguments).

Overall methods documentation is requested by calling the ? operator with methods as the left-side argument and the name of the function as the right-side argument. For example,

methods ? initialize

asks for documentation on the methods for the initialize function.

Asking for documentation on a particular method is done by giving a function call expression as the right-hand argument to the "?" operator. There are two forms, depending on whether you prefer to give the class names for the arguments or expressions that you intend to use in the actual call.

If you planned to evaluate a function call, say myFun(x, sqrt(wt)) and wanted to find out something about the method that would be used for this call, put the call on the right of the "?" operator:

?myFun(x, sqrt(wt))

A method will be selected, as it would be for the call itself, and documentation for that method will be requested. If myFun is not a generic function, ordinary documentation for the function will be requested.

If you know the actual classes for which you would like method documentation, you can supply these explicitly in place of the argument expressions. In the example above, if you want method documentation for the first argument having class "maybeNumber" and the second "logical", call the "?" operator, this time with a left-side argument method, and with a function call on the right using the class names as arguments:

method ? myFun("maybeNumber", "logical")

Once again, a method will be selected, this time corresponding to the specified classes, and method documentation will be requested. This version only works with generic functions.

The two forms each have advantages. The version with actual arguments doesn't require you to figure out (or guess at) the classes of the arguments. On the other hand, evaluating the arguments may take some time, depending on the example. The version with class names does require you to pick classes, but it's otherwise unambiguous. It has a subtler advantage, in that the classes supplied may be virtual classes, in which case no actual argument will have specifically this class. The class "maybeNumber", for example, might be a class union (see the example for setClassUnion).

In either form, methods will be selected as they would be in actual computation, including use of inheritance and group generic functions. See selectMethod for the details, since it is the function used to find the appropriate method.

Writing Documentation for Methods

The on-line documentation for methods and classes uses some extensions to the R documentation format to implement the requests for class and method documentation described above. See the document Writing R Extensions for the available markup commands (you should have consulted this document already if you are at the stage of documenting your software).

In addition to the specific markup commands to be described, you can create an initial, overall file with a skeleton of documentation for the methods defined for a particular generic function:


will create a file, ‘myFun-methods.Rd’ with a skeleton of documentation for the methods defined for function myFun. The output from promptMethods is suitable if you want to describe all or most of the methods for the function in one file, separate from the documentation of the generic function itself. Once the file has been filled in and moved to the ‘man’ subdirectory of your source package, requests for methods documentation will use that file, both for specific methods documentation as described above, and for overall documentation requested by

methods ? myFun

You are not required to use promptMethods, and if you do, you may not want to use the entire file created:

  • If you want to document the methods in the file containing the documentation for the generic function itself, you can cut-and-paste to move the ⁠\alias⁠ lines and the Methods section from the file created by promptMethods to the existing file.

  • On the other hand, if these are auxiliary methods, and you only want to document the added or modified software, you should strip out all but the relevant ⁠\alias⁠ lines for the methods of interest, and remove all but the corresponding ⁠\item⁠ entries in the Methods section. Note that in this case you will usually remove the first ⁠\alias⁠ line as well, since that is the marker for general methods documentation on this function (in the example, ‘⁠\alias{myfun-methods}⁠’).

If you simply want to direct documentation for one or more methods to a particular R documentation file, insert the appropriate alias.

The Use of ... in Method Signatures


The “...” argument in R functions is treated specially, in that it matches zero, one or more actual arguments (and so, objects). A mechanism has been added to R to allow “...” as the signature of a generic function. Methods defined for such functions will be selected and called when all the arguments matching “...” are from the specified class or from some subclass of that class.

Using "..." in a Signature

Beginning with version 2.8.0 of R, S4 methods can be dispatched (selected and called) corresponding to the special argument “...”. Currently, “...” cannot be mixed with other formal arguments: either the signature of the generic function is “...” only, or it does not contain “...”. (This restriction may be lifted in a future version.)

Given a suitable generic function, methods are specified in the usual way by a call to setMethod. The method definition must be written expecting all the arguments corresponding to “...” to be from the class specified in the method's signature, or from a class that extends that class (i.e., a subclass of that class).

Typically the methods will pass “...” down to another function or will create a list of the arguments and iterate over that. See the examples below.

When you have a computation that is suitable for more than one existing class, a convenient approach may be to define a union of these classes by a call to setClassUnion. See the example below.

Method Selection and Dispatch for "..."

See Methods_Details for a general discussion. The following assumes you have read the “Method Selection and Dispatch” section of that documentation.

A method selecting on “...” is specified by a single class in the call to setMethod. If all the actual arguments corresponding to “...” have this class, the corresponding method is selected directly.

Otherwise, the class of each argument and that class' superclasses are computed, beginning with the first “...” argument. For the first argument, eligible methods are those for any of the classes. For each succeeding argument that introduces a class not considered previously, the eligible methods are further restricted to those matching the argument's class or superclasses. If no further eligible classes exist, the iteration breaks out and the default method, if any, is selected.

At the end of the iteration, one or more methods may be eligible. If more than one, the selection looks for the method with the least distance to the actual arguments. For each argument, any inherited method corresponds to a distance, available from the contains slot of the class definition. Since the same class can arise for more than one argument, there may be several distances associated with it. Combining them is inevitably arbitrary: the current computation uses the minimum distance. Thus, for example, if a method matched one argument directly, one as first generation superclass and another as a second generation superclass, the distances are 0, 1 and 2. The current selection computation would use distance 0 for this method. In particular, this selection criterion tends to use a method that matches exactly one or more of the arguments' class.

As with ordinary method selection, there may be multiple methods with the same distance. A warning message is issued and one of the methods is chosen (the first encountered, which in this case is rather arbitrary).

Notice that, while the computation examines all arguments, the essential cost of dispatch goes up with the number of distinct classes among the arguments, likely to be much smaller than the number of arguments when the latter is large.

Implementation Details

Methods dispatching on “...” were introduced in version 2.8.0 of R. The initial implementation of the corresponding selection and dispatch is in an R function, for flexibility while the new mechanism is being studied. In this implementation, a local version of standardGeneric is inserted in the generic function's environment. The local version selects a method according to the criteria above and calls that method, from the environment of the generic function. This is slightly different from the action taken by the C implementation when “...” is not involved. Aside from the extra computing time required, the method is evaluated in a true function call, as opposed to the special context constructed by the C version (which cannot be exactly replicated in R code.) However, situations in which different computational results would be obtained have not been encountered so far, and seem very unlikely.

Methods dispatching on arguments other than “...” are cached by storing the inherited method in the table of all methods, where it will be found on the next selection with the same combination of classes in the actual arguments (but not used for inheritance searches). Methods based on “...” are also cached, but not found quite as immediately. As noted, the selected method depends only on the set of classes that occur in the “...” arguments. Each of these classes can appear one or more times, so many combinations of actual argument classes will give rise to the same effective signature. The selection computation first computes and sorts the distinct classes encountered. This gives a label that will be cached in the table of all methods, avoiding any further search for inherited classes after the first occurrence. A call to showMethods will expose such inherited methods.

The intention is that the “...” features will be added to the standard C code when enough experience with them has been obtained. It is possible that at the same time, combinations of “...” with other arguments in signatures may be supported.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also

For the general discussion of methods, see Methods_Details and links from there.


cc <- function(...)c(...)


setMethod("cc", "character", function(...)paste(...))

setClassUnion("Number", c("numeric", "complex"))

setMethod("cc", "Number", function(...) sum(...))

setClass("cdate", contains = "character", slots = c(date = "Date"))

setClass("vdate", contains = "vector", slots = c(date = "Date"))

cd1 <- new("cdate", "abcdef", date = Sys.Date())

cd2 <- new("vdate", "abcdef", date = Sys.Date())

stopifnot(identical(cc(letters, character(), cd1),
           paste(letters, character(), cd1))) # the "character" method

stopifnot(identical(cc(letters, character(), cd2),
                    c(letters, character(), cd2)))
# the default, because "vdate" doesn't extend "character"

stopifnot(identical(cc(1:10, 1+1i), sum(1:10, 1+1i))) # the "Number" method

stopifnot(identical(cc(1:10, 1+1i, TRUE), c(1:10, 1+1i, TRUE))) # the default

stopifnot(identical(cc(), c())) # no arguments implies the default method

setGeneric("numMax", function(...)standardGeneric("numMax"))

setMethod("numMax", "numeric", function(...)max(...))
# won't work for complex data
setMethod("numMax", "Number", function(...) paste(...))
# should not be selected w/o complex args

stopifnot(identical(numMax(1:10, pi, 1+1i), paste(1:10, pi, 1+1i)))
stopifnot(identical(numMax(1:10, pi, 1), max(1:10, pi, 1)))

try(numMax(1:10, pi, TRUE)) # should be an error:  no default method

## A generic version of paste(), dispatching on the "..." argument:
setGeneric("paste", signature = "...")

setMethod("paste", "Number", function(..., sep, collapse) c(...))

stopifnot(identical(paste(1:10, pi, 1), c(1:10, pi, 1)))

Class "environment"


A formal class for R environments.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("environment", ...). The arguments in ..., if any, should be named and will be assigned to the newly created environment.



signature(from = "ANY", to = "environment"): calls as.environment.


signature(object = "environment"): Implements the assignments in the new environment. Note that the object argument is ignored; a new environment is always created, since environments are not protected by copying.

See Also


Class "envRefClass"


Support Class to Implement R Objects using Reference Semantics


The software described here is an initial version. The eventual goal is to support reference-style classes with software in R itself or using inter-system interfaces. The current implementation (R version 2.12.0) is preliminary and subject to change, and currently includes only the R-only implementation. Developers are encouraged to experiment with the software, but the description here is more than usually subject to change.

Purpose of the Class

This class implements basic reference-style semantics for R objects. Objects normally do not come directly from this class, but from subclasses defined by a call to setRefClass. The documentation below is technical background describing the implementation, but applications should use the interface documented under setRefClass, in particular the $ operator and field accessor functions as described there.

A Basic Reference Class

The design of reference classes for R divides those classes up according to the mechanism used for implementing references, fields, and class methods. Each version of this mechanism is defined by a basic reference class, which must implement a set of methods and provide some further information used by setRefClass.

The required methods are for operators $ and $<- to get and set a field in an object, and for initialize to initialize objects.

To support these methods, the basic reference class needs to have some implementation mechanism to store and retrieve data from fields in the object. The mechanism needs to be consistent with reference semantics; that is, changes made to the contents of an object are global, seen by any code accessing that object, rather than only local to the function call where the change takes place. As described below, class envRefClass implements reference semantics through specialized use of environment objects. Other basic reference classes may use an interface to a language such as Java or C++ using reference semantics for classes.

Usually, the R user will be able to invoke class methods on the class, using the $ operator. The basic reference class method for $ needs to make this possible. Essentially, the operator must return an R function corresponding to the object and the class method name.

Class methods may include an implementation of data abstraction, in the sense that fields are accessed by “get” and “set” methods. The basic reference class provides this facility by setting the "fieldAccessorGenerator" slot in its definition to a function of one variable. This function will be called by setRefClass with the vector of field names as arguments. The generator function must return a list of defined accessor functions. An element corresponding to a get operation is invoked with no arguments and should extract the corresponding field; an element for a set operation will be invoked with a single argument, the value to be assigned to the field. The implementation needs to supply the object, since that is not an argument in the method invocation. The mechanism used currently by envRefClass is described below.

Support Classes

Two virtual classes are supplied to test for reference objects: is(x, "refClass") tests whether x comes from a class defined using the reference class mechanism described here; is(x, "refObject") tests whether the object has reference semantics generally, including the previous classes and also classes inheriting from the R types with reference semantics, such as "environment".

Installed class methods are "classMethodDefinition" objects, with slots that identify the name of the function as a class method and the other class methods called from this method. The latter information is determined heuristically when the class is defined by using the codetools recommended package. This package must be installed when reference classes are defined, but is not needed in order to use existing reference classes.


John Chambers

Use Function Definitions from a Source File without Reinstalling a Package


Definitions of functions and/or methods from a source file are inserted into a package, using the trace mechanism. Typically, this allows testing or debugging modified versions of a few functions without reinstalling a large package.


evalSource(source, package = "", lock = TRUE, cache = FALSE)

insertSource(source, package = "", functions = , methods = ,
           force = )



A file to be parsed and evaluated by evalSource to find the new function and method definitions.

The argument to insertSource can be an object of class "sourceEnvironment" returned from a previous call to evalSource If a file name is passed to insertSource it calls evalSource to obtain the corresponding object. See the section on the class for details.


Optionally, the name of the package to which the new code corresponds and into which it will be inserted. Although the computations will attempt to infer the package if it is omitted, the safe approach is to supply it. In the case of a package that is not attached to the search list, the package name must be supplied.

functions, methods

Optionally, the character-string names of the functions to be used in the insertion. Names supplied in the functions argument are expected to be defined as functions in the source. For names supplied in the methods argument, a table of methods is expected (as generated by calls to setMethod, see the details section); methods from this table will be inserted by insertSource. In both cases, the revised function or method is inserted only if it differs from the version in the corresponding package as loaded.

If what is omitted, the results of evaluating the source file will be compared to the contents of the package (see the details section).

lock, cache

Optional arguments to control the actions taken by evalSource. If lock is TRUE, the environment in the object returned will be locked, and so will all its bindings. If cache is FALSE, the normal caching of method and class definitions will be suppressed during evaluation of the source file.

The default settings are generally recommended, the lock to support the credibility of the object returned as a snapshot of the source file, and the second so that method definitions can be inserted later by insertSource using the trace mechanism.


If FALSE, only functions currently in the environment will be redefined, using trace. If TRUE, other objects/functions will be simply assigned. By default, TRUE if neither the functions nor the methods argument is supplied.


The source file is parsed and evaluated, suppressing by default the actual caching of method and class definitions contained in it, so that functions and methods can be tested out in a reversible way. The result, if all goes well, is an environment containing the assigned objects and metadata corresponding to method and class definitions in the source file.

From this environment, the objects are inserted into the package, into its namespace if it has one, for use during the current session or until reverting to the original version by a call to untrace. The insertion is done by calls to the internal version of trace, to make reversion possible.

Because the trace mechanism is used, only function-type objects will be inserted, functions themselves or S4 methods.

When the functions and methods arguments are both omitted, insertSource selects all suitable objects from the result of evaluating the source file.

In all cases, only objects in the source file that differ from the corresponding objects in the package are inserted. The definition of “differ” is that either the argument list (including default expressions) or the body of the function is not identical. Note that in the case of a method, there need be no specific method for the corresponding signature in the package: the comparison is made to the method that would be selected for that signature.

Nothing in the computation requires that the source file supplied be the same file as in the original package source, although that case is both likely and sensible if one is revising the package. Nothing in the computations compares source files: the objects generated by evaluating source are compared as objects to the content of the package.


An object from class "sourceEnvironment", a subclass of "environment" (see the section on the class) The environment contains the versions of all object resulting from evaluation of the source file. The class also has slots for the time of creation, the source file and the package name. Future extensions may use these objects for versioning or other code tools.

The object returned can be used in debugging (see the section on that topic) or as the source argument in a future call to insertSource. If only some of the revised functions were inserted in the first call, others can be inserted in a later call without re-evaluating the source file, by supplying the environment and optionally suitable functions and/or methods argument.


Once a function or method has been inserted into a package by insertSource, it can be studied by the standard debugging tools; for example, debug or the various versions of trace.

Calls to trace should take the extra argument edit = env, where env is the value returned by the call to evalSource. The trace mechanism has been used to install the revised version from the source file, and supplying the argument ensures that it is this version, not the original, that will be traced. See the example below.

To turn tracing off, but retain the source version, use trace(x, edit = env) as in the example. To return to the original version from the package, use untrace(x).

Class "sourceEnvironment"

Objects from this class can be treated as environments, to extract the version of functions and methods generated by evalSource. The objects also have the following slots:


The character-string name of the package to which the source code corresponds.


The date and time that the source file was evaluated (usually from a call to Sys.time).


The character-string name of the source file used.

Note that using the environment does not change the dateCreated.

See Also

trace for the underlying mechanism, and also for the edit= argument that can be used for somewhat similar purposes; that function and also debug and setBreakpoint, for techniques more oriented to traditional debugging styles. The present function is directly intended for the case that one is modifying some of the source for an existing package, although it can be used as well by inserting debugging code in the source (more useful if the debugging involved is non-trivial). As noted in the details section, the source file need not be the same one in the original package source.


## Not run: 
## Suppose package P0 has a source file "all.R"
## First, evaluate the source, and from it
## insert the revised version of methods for summary()
  env <- insertSource("./P0/R/all.R", package = "P0",
     methods = "summary")
## now test one of the methods, tracing  the version from the source
  trace("summary", signature = "myMat", browser, edit = env)
## After testing, remove the browser() call but keep the source
  trace("summary", signature = "myMat", edit = env)
## Now insert all the (other) revised functions and methods
## without re-evaluating the source file.
## The package name is included in the object env.

## End(Not run)

Find Class Definitions


Functions to find classes: isClass tests for a class; findClass returns the name(s) of packages containing the class; getClasses returns the names of all the classes in an environment, typically a namespace. To examine the definition of a class, use getClass.


isClass(Class, formal=TRUE, where)

getClasses(where, inherits = missing(where))

findClass(Class, where, unique = "")

## The remaining functions are retained for compatibility
## but not generally recommended

removeClass(Class, where)

resetClass(Class, classDef, where)

sealClass(Class, where)



character string name for the class. The functions will usually take a class definition instead of the string. To restrict the class to those defined in a particular package, set the packageSlot of the character string.


the environment in which to search for the class definition. Defaults to the top-level environment of the calling function. When called from the command line, this has the effect of using all the package environments in the search list.

To restrict the search to classes in a particular package, use where = asNamespace(pkg) with pkg the package name; to restrict it to the exported classes, use where = "package:pkg" after the package is attached to the search list.


logical is a formal definition required? For S compatibility, and always treated as TRUE.


if findClass expects a unique location for the class, unique is a character string explaining the purpose of the search (and is used in warning and error messages). By default, multiple locations are possible and the function always returns a list.


in a call to getClasses, should the value returned include all parent environments of where, or that environment only? Defaults to TRUE if where is omitted, and to FALSE otherwise.


For resetClass, the optional class definition.



Is this the name of a formally defined class?


The names of all the classes formally defined on where. If called with no argument, all the classes visible from the calling function (if called from the top-level, all the classes in any of the environments on the search list). The where argument is used to search only in a particular package.


The list of environments in which a class definition of Class is found. If where is supplied, a list is still returned, either empty or containing the environment corresponding to where. By default when called from the R session, the global environment and all the currently attached packages are searched.

If unique is supplied as a character string, findClass will warn if there is more than one definition visible (using the string to identify the purpose of the call), and will generate an error if no definition can be found.

The remaining functions are retained for back-compatibility and internal use, but not generally recommended.


Remove the definition of this class. This can't be used if the class is in another package, and would rarely be needed in source code defining classes in a package.


Reset the internal definition of a class. Not legitimate for a class definition not in this package and rarely needed otherwise.


Seal the current definition of the specified class, to prevent further changes, by setting the corresponding slot in the class definition. This is rarely used, since classes in loaded packages are sealed by locking their namespace.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Chapter 9 has some details not in the later reference.)

See Also

getClass, Classes_Details, Methods_Details, makeClassRepresentation

Description of the Methods Defined for a Generic Function


The function findMethods converts the methods defined in a table for a generic function (as used for selection of methods) into a list, for study or display. The list is actually from the class listOfMethods (see the section describing the class, below).

The list will be limited to the methods defined in environment where if that argument is supplied and limited to those including one or more of the specified classes in the method signature if that argument is supplied.

To see the actual table (an environment) used for methods dispatch, call getMethodsForDispatch. The names of the list returned by findMethods are the names of the objects in the table.

The function findMethodSignatures returns a character matrix whose rows are the class names from the signature of the corresponding methods; it operates either from a list returned by findMethods, or by computing such a list itself, given the same arguments as findMethods .

The function hasMethods returns TRUE or FALSE according to whether there is a non-empty table of methods for function f in the environment or search position where (or for the generic function generally if where is missing).

The defunct function getMethods is an older alternative to findMethods , returning information in the form of an object of class MethodsList, previously used for method dispatch. This class of objects is deprecated generally and will disappear in a future version of R.


findMethods(f, where, classes = character(), inherited = FALSE,
      package = "")

findMethodSignatures(..., target = TRUE, methods = )

hasMethods(f, where, package)

## Deprecated in 2010 and defunct in 2015 for 'table = FALSE':
getMethods(f, where, table = FALSE)



A generic function or the character-string name of one.


Optionally, an environment or position on the search list to look for methods metadata.

If where is missing, findMethods uses the current table of methods in the generic function itself, and hasMethods looks for metadata anywhere in the search list.


If TRUE in a call to getMethods the returned value is the table used for dispatch, including inherited methods discovered to date. Used internally, but since the default result is the now unused mlist object, the default will likely be changed at some point.


If supplied, only methods whose signatures contain at least one of the supplied classes will be included in the value returned.


Logical flag; if TRUE, the table of all methods, inherited or defined directly, will be used; otherwise, only the methods explicitly defined. Option TRUE is meaningful only if where is missing.


In the call to findMethodSignatures, any arguments that might be given to findMethods.


Optional flag to findMethodSignatures; if TRUE, the signatures used are the target signatures (the classes for which the method will be selected); if FALSE, they will be the signatures are defined. The difference is only meaningful if inherited is TRUE.


In the call to findMethodSignatures, an optional list of methods, presumably returned by a previous call to findMethods. If missing, that function will be call with the ... arguments.


In a call to hasMethods, the package name for the generic function (e.g., "base" for primitives). If missing this will be inferred either from the "package" attribute of the function name, if any, or from the package slot of the generic function. See ‘Details’.


The functions obtain a table of the defined methods, either from the generic function or from the stored metadata object in the environment specified by where. In a call to getMethods, the information in the table is converted as described above to produce the returned value, except with the table argument.

Note that hasMethods, but not the other functions, can be used even if no generic function of this name is currently found. In this case package must either be supplied as an argument or included as an attribute of f, since the package name is part of the identification of the methods tables.

The Class for lists of methods

The class "listOfMethods" returns the methods as a named list of method definitions (or a primitive function, see the slot documentation below). The names are the strings used to store the corresponding objects in the environment from which method dispatch is computed. The current implementation uses the names of the corresponding classes in the method signature, separated by "#" if more than one argument is involved in the signature.



Object of class "list" The method definitions.

Note that these may include the primitive function itself as default method, when the generic corresponds to a primitive. (Basically, because primitive functions are abnormal R objects, which cannot currently be extended as method definitions.) Computations that use the returned list to derive other information need to take account of this possibility. See the implementation of findMethodSignatures for an example.


Object of class "character". The names of the formal arguments in the signature of the generic function.


Object of class "list". A list of the signatures of the individual methods. This is currently the result of splitting the names according to the "#" separator.

If the object has been constructed from a table, as when returned by findMethods, the signatures will all have the same length. However, a list rather than a character matrix is used for generality. Calling findMethodSignatures as in the example below will always convert to the matrix form.


Object of class "genericFunction". The generic function corresponding to these methods. There are plans to generalize this slot to allow reference to the function.


Object of class "character". The names as noted are the class names separated by "#" .


Class "namedList", directly.

Class "list", by class "namedList", distance 2.

Class "vector", by class "namedList", distance 3.

See Also

showMethods, selectMethod, Methods_Details


mm <-  findMethods("Ops")
findMethodSignatures(methods = mm)

Fix Objects Saved from R Versions Previous to 1.8


Beginning with R version 1.8.0, the class of an object contains the identification of the package in which the class is defined. The function fixPre1.8 fixes and re-assigns objects missing that information (typically because they were loaded from a file saved with a previous version of R.)


fixPre1.8(names, where)



Character vector of the names of all the objects to be fixed and re-assigned.


The environment from which to look for the objects, and for class definitions. Defaults to the top environment of the call to fixPre1.8, the global environment if the function is used interactively.


The named object will be saved where it was found. Its class attribute will be changed to the full form required by R 1.8; otherwise, the contents of the object should be unchanged.

Objects will be fixed and re-assigned only if all the following conditions hold:

  1. The named object exists.

  2. It is from a defined class (not a basic datatype which has no actual class attribute).

  3. The object appears to be from an earlier version of R.

  4. The class is currently defined.

  5. The object is consistent with the current class definition.

If any condition except the second fails, a warning message is generated.

Note that fixPre1.8 currently fixes only the change in class attributes. In particular, it will not fix binary versions of packages installed with earlier versions of R if these use incompatible features. Such packages must be re-installed from source, which is the wise approach always when major version changes occur in R.


The names of all the objects that were in fact re-assigned.

Generic Function Objects


Generic functions (objects from or extending class genericFunction) are extended function objects, containing information used in creating and dispatching methods for this function. They also identify the package associated with the function and its methods.

Objects from the Class

Generic functions are created and assigned by setGeneric or setGroupGeneric and, indirectly, by setMethod.

As you might expect setGeneric and setGroupGeneric create objects of class "genericFunction" and "groupGenericFunction" respectively.



Object of class "function", the function definition of the generic, usually created automatically as a call to standardGeneric.


Object of class "character", the name of the generic function.


Object of class "character", the name of the package to which the function definition belongs (and not necessarily where the generic function is stored). If the package is not specified explicitly in the call to setGeneric, it is usually the package on which the corresponding non-generic function exists.


Object of class "list", the group or groups to which this generic function belongs. Empty by default.


Object of class "character"; if not an empty character vector, identifies one or more classes. It is asserted that all methods for this function return objects from these class (or from classes that extend them).


Object of class "character", the vector of formal argument names that can appear in the signature of methods for this generic function. By default, it is all the formal arguments, except for .... Order matters for efficiency: the most commonly used arguments in specifying methods should come first.


Object of class "optionalMethod" (a union of classes "function" and "NULL"), containing the default method for this function if any. Generated automatically and used to initialize method dispatch.


Object of class "call", a slot used internally in method dispatch. Don't expect to use it directly.


Class "function", from data part.
Class "OptionalMethods", by class "function".
Class "PossibleMethod", by class "function".


Generic function objects are used in the creation and dispatch of formal methods; information from the object is used to create methods list objects and to merge or update the existing methods for this generic.

Tools for Managing Generic Functions


The functions documented here manage collections of methods associated with a generic function, as well as providing information about the generic functions themselves.


isGeneric(f, where, fdef, getName = FALSE)
isGroup(f, where, fdef)
removeGeneric(f, where)

dumpMethod(f, signature, file, where, def)
findFunction(f, generic = TRUE, where = topenv(parent.frame()))
dumpMethods(f, file, signature, methods, where)

removeMethods(f, where = topenv(parent.frame()), all = missing(where))

setReplaceMethod(f, ..., where = topenv(parent.frame()))

getGenerics(where, searchForm = FALSE)



The character string naming the function.


The environment, namespace, or search-list position from which to search for objects. By default, start at the top-level environment of the calling function, typically the global environment (i.e., use the search list), or the namespace of a package from which the call came. It is important to supply this argument when calling any of these functions indirectly. With package namespaces, the default is likely to be wrong in such calls.


The class signature of the relevant method. A signature is a named or unnamed vector of character strings. If named, the names must be formal argument names for the generic function. Signatures are matched to the arguments specified in the signature slot of the generic function (see the Details section of the setMethod documentation).

The signature argument to dumpMethods is ignored (it was used internally in previous implementations).


The file or connection on which to dump method definitions.


The function object defining the method; if omitted, the current method definition corresponding to the signature.


Named or unnamed arguments to form a signature.


In testing or finding functions, should generic functions be included. Supply as FALSE to get only non-generic functions.


Optional, the generic function definition.

Usually omitted in calls to isGeneric


If TRUE, isGeneric returns the name of the generic. By default, it returns TRUE.


The methods object containing the methods to be dumped. By default, the methods defined for this generic (optionally on the specified where location).


in removeMethods, logical indicating if all (default) or only the first method found should be removed.


In getGenerics, if TRUE, the package slot of the returned result is in the form used by search(), otherwise as the simple package name (e.g, "package:base" vs "base").

Summary of Functions


Is there a function named f, and if so, is it a generic?

The getName argument allows a function to find the name from a function definition. If it is TRUE then the name of the generic is returned, or FALSE if this is not a generic function definition.

The behavior of isGeneric and getGeneric for primitive functions is slightly different. These functions don't exist as formal function objects (for efficiency and historical reasons), regardless of whether methods have been defined for them. A call to isGeneric tells you whether methods have been defined for this primitive function, anywhere in the current search list, or in the specified position where. In contrast, a call to getGeneric will return what the generic for that function would be, even if no methods have been currently defined for it.

removeGeneric, removeMethods:

Remove all the methods for the generic function of this name. In addition, removeGeneric removes the function itself; removeMethods restores the non-generic function which was the default method. If there was no default method, removeMethods leaves a generic function with no methods.


Dispatches a method from the current function call for the generic function f. It is an error to call standardGeneric anywhere except in the body of the corresponding generic function.

Note that standardGeneric is a primitive function in the base package for efficiency reasons, but rather documented here where it belongs naturally.


Dump the method for this generic function and signature.


return a list of either the positions on the search list, or the current top-level environment, on which a function object for name exists. The returned value is always a list, use the first element to access the first visible version of the function. See the example.

NOTE: Use this rather than find with mode="function", which is not as meaningful, and has a few subtle bugs from its use of regular expressions. Also, findFunction works correctly in the code for a package when attaching the package via a call to library.


Dump all the methods for this generic.


Returns a named list of classes to be matched to arguments of a generic function.


returns the names of the generic functions that have methods defined on where; this argument can be an environment or an index into the search list. By default, the whole search list is used.

The methods definitions are stored with package qualifiers; for example, methods for function "initialize" might refer to two different functions of that name, on different packages. The package names corresponding to the method list object are contained in the slot package of the returned object. The form of the returned name can be plain (e.g., "base"), or in the form used in the search list ("package:base") according to the value of searchForm



If the fdef argument is supplied, take this as the definition of the generic, and test whether it is really a generic, with f as the name of the generic. (This argument is not available in S-Plus.)


If where supplied, just remove the version on this element of the search list; otherwise, removes the first version encountered.


Generic functions should usually have a call to standardGeneric as their entire body. They can, however, do any other computations as well.

The usual setGeneric (directly or through calling setMethod) creates a function with a call to standardGeneric.


The resulting source file will recreate the method.


If generic is FALSE, ignore generic functions.


If signature is supplied only the methods matching this initial signature are dumped. (This feature is not found in S-Plus: don't use it if you want compatibility.)


The advantage of using signature is to provide a check on which arguments you meant, as well as clearer documentation in your method specification. In addition, signature checks that each of the elements is a single character string.


Returns TRUE if f was a generic function, FALSE (silently) otherwise.

If there is a default method, the function will be re-assigned as a simple function with this definition. Otherwise, the generic function remains but with no methods (so any call to it will generate an error). In either case, a following call to setMethod will consistently re-establish the same generic function as before.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

getMethod (also for selectMethod), setGeneric, setClass, showMethods


require(stats) # for lm

## get the function "myFun" -- throw an error if 0 or > 1 versions visible:
findFuncStrict <- function(fName) {
  allF <- findFunction(fName)
  if(length(allF) == 0)
    stop("No versions of ",fName," visible")
  else if(length(allF) > 1)
    stop(fName," is ambiguous: ", length(allF), " versions")
    get(fName, allF[[1]])

try(findFuncStrict("myFun"))# Error: no version
lm <- function(x) x+1
try(findFuncStrict("lm"))#    Error: 2 versions
findFuncStrict("findFuncStrict")# just 1 version

## method dumping ------------------------------------

setClass("A", slots = c(a="numeric"))
setMethod("plot", "A", function(x,y,...){ cat("A meth\n") })
dumpMethod("plot","A", file="")
## Not run: 
setMethod("plot", "A",
function (x, y, ...)

## End(Not run)
tmp <- tempfile()
dumpMethod("plot","A", file=tmp)
## now remove, and see if we can parse the dump
stopifnot(removeMethod("plot", "A"))
stopifnot(is(getMethod("plot", "A"), "MethodDefinition"))

## same with dumpMethods() :
setClass("B", contains="A")
setMethod("plot", "B", function(x,y,...){ cat("B ...\n") })
dumpMethods("plot", file=tmp)
stopifnot(removeMethod("plot", "A"),
          removeMethod("plot", "B"))
stopifnot(is(getMethod("plot", "A"), "MethodDefinition"),
          is(getMethod("plot", "B"), "MethodDefinition"))

Get Class Definition


Get the definition of a class.


getClass   (Class, .Force = FALSE, where)
getClassDef(Class, where, package, inherits = TRUE)



the character-string name of the class, often with a "package" attribute as noted below under package.


if TRUE, return NULL if the class is undefined; otherwise, an undefined class results in an error.


environment from which to begin the search for the definition; by default, start at the top-level (global) environment and proceed through the search list.


the name or environment of the package asserted to hold the definition. If it is a non-empty string it is used instead of where, as the first place to look for the class. Note that the package must be loaded but need not be attached. By default, the package attribute of the Class argument is used, if any. There will usually be a package attribute if Class comes from class(x) for some object.


logical; should the class definition be retrieved from any enclosing environment and also from the cache? If FALSE only a definition in the environment where will be returned.


Class definitions are stored in metadata objects in a package namespace or other environment where they are defined. When packages are loaded, the class definitions in the package are cached in an internal table. Therefore, most calls to getClassDef will find the class in the cache or fail to find it at all, unless inherits is FALSE, in which case only the environment(s) defined by package or where are searched.

The class cache allows for multiple definitions of the same class name in separate environments, with of course the limitation that the package attribute or package name must be provided in the call to


The object defining the class. If the class definition is not found, getClassDef returns NULL, while getClass, which calls getClassDef, either generates an error or, if .Force is TRUE, returns a simple definition for the class. The latter case is used internally, but is not typically sensible in user code.

The non-null returned value is an object of class classRepresentation.

Use functions such as setClass and setClassUnion to create class definitions.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

classRepresentation, setClass, isClass.


getClass("numeric") ## a built in class

cld <- getClass("thisIsAnUndefinedClass", .Force = TRUE)
cld ## a NULL prototype
## If you are really curious:
## Whereas these generate errors:

Get or Test for the Definition of a Method


The function selectMethod() returns the method that would be selected for a call to function f if the arguments had classes as specified by signature. Failing to find a method is an error, unless argument optional = TRUE, in which case NULL is returned.

The function findMethod() returns a list of environments that contain a method for the specified function and signature; by default, these are a subset of the packages in the current search list. See section “Using findMethod()” for details.

The function getMethod() returns the method corresponding to the function and signature supplied similarly to selectMethod, but without using inheritance or group generics.

The functions hasMethod() and existsMethod() test whether selectMethod() or getMethod(), respectively, finds a matching method.


selectMethod(f, signature, optional = FALSE, useInherited =,
             mlist = , fdef = , verbose = , doCache = )

  findMethod(f, signature, where)

  getMethod(f, signature = character(), where, optional = FALSE,
             mlist, fdef)

  existsMethod(f, signature = character(), where)

  hasMethod(f, signature = character(), where)



a generic function or the character-string name of one.


the signature of classes to match to the arguments of f. See the details below.


the environment in which to look for the method(s). By default, if the call comes from the command line, the table of methods defined in the generic function itself is used, except for findMethod (see the section below).


if the selection in selectMethod does not find a valid method an error is generated, unless optional is TRUE, in which case the value returned is NULL.

mlist, fdef, useInherited, verbose, doCache

optional arguments to getMethod and selectMethod for internal use. Avoid these: some will work as expected and others will not, and none of them is required for normal use of the functions. But see the section “Methods for as()” for nonstandard inheritance.


The signature argument specifies classes, corresponding to formal arguments of the generic function; to be precise, to the signature slot of the generic function object. The argument may be a vector of strings identifying classes, and may be named or not. Names, if supplied, match the names of those formal arguments included in the signature of the generic. That signature is normally all the arguments except .... However, generic functions can be specified with only a subset of the arguments permitted, or with the signature taking the arguments in a different order.

It's a good idea to name the arguments in the signature to avoid confusion, if you're dealing with a generic that does something special with its signature. In any case, the elements of the signature are matched to the formal signature by the same rules used in matching arguments in function calls (see

The strings in the signature may be class names, "missing" or "ANY". See Methods_Details for the meaning of these in method selection. Arguments not supplied in the signature implicitly correspond to class "ANY"; in particular, giving an empty signature means to look for the default method.

A call to getMethod returns the method for a particular function and signature. The search for the method makes no use of inheritance.

The function selectMethod also looks for a method given the function and signature, but makes full use of the method dispatch mechanism; i.e., inherited methods and group generics are taken into account just as they would be in dispatching a method for the corresponding signature, with the one exception that conditional inheritance is not used. Like getMethod, selectMethod returns NULL or generates an error if the method is not found, depending on the argument optional.

Both selectMethod and getMethod will normally use the current version of the generic function in the R session, which has a table of the methods obtained from all the packages loaded in the session. Optional arguments can cause a search for the generic function from a specified environment, but this is rarely a useful idea. In contrast, findMethod has a different default and the optional where= argument may be needed. See the section “Using findMethod()”.

The functions existsMethod and hasMethod return TRUE or FALSE according to whether a method is found, the first corresponding to getMethod (no inheritance) and the second to selectMethod.


The call to selectMethod or getMethod returns the selected method, if one is found. (This class extends function, so you can use the result directly as a function if that is what you want.) Otherwise an error is thrown if optional is FALSE and NULL is returned if optional is TRUE.

The returned method object is a MethodDefinition object, except that the default method for a primitive function is required to be the primitive itself. Note therefore that the only reliable test that the search failed is is.null().

The returned value of findMethod is a list of environments in which a corresponding method was found; that is, a table of methods including the one specified.

Using findMethod()

As its name suggests, this function is intended to behave like find, which produces a list of the packages on the current search list which have, and have exported, the object named. That's what findMethod does also, by default. The “exported” part in this case means that the package's namespace has an exportMethods directive for this generic function.

An important distinction is that the absence of such a directive does not prevent methods from the package from being called once the package is loaded. Otherwise, the code in the package could not use un-exported methods.

So, if your question is whether loading package thisPkg will define a method for this function and signature, you need to ask that question about the namespace of the package:

findMethod(f, signature, where = asNamespace("thisPkg"))

If the package did not export the method, attaching it and calling findMethod with no where argument will not find the method.

Notice also that the length of the signature must be what the corresponding package used. If thisPkg had only methods for one argument, only length-1 signatures will match (no trailing "ANY"), even if another currently loaded package had signatures with more arguments.

Methods for as()

The function setAs allows packages to define methods for coercing one class of objects to another class. This works internally by defining methods for the generic function coerce(from, to), which can not be called directly.

The R evaluator selects methods for this purpose using a different form of inheritance. While methods can be inherited for the object being coerced, they cannot inherit for the target class, since the result would not be a valid object from that class. If you want to examine the selection procedure, you must supply the optional argument useInherited = c(TRUE, FALSE) to selectMethod.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Section 10.6 for some details of method selection.)

See Also

Methods_Details for the details of method selection; GenericFunctions for other functions manipulating methods and generic function objects; MethodDefinition for the class that represents method definitions.


testFun <-  function(x)x
setMethod("testFun", "numeric", function(x)x+1)

hasMethod("testFun", "numeric") # TRUE

hasMethod("testFun", "integer") #TRUE, inherited

existsMethod("testFun", "integer") #FALSE

hasMethod("testFun") # TRUE, default method

hasMethod("testFun", "ANY")

The Name associated with a Given Package


The functions below produce the package associated with a particular environment or position on the search list, or of the package containing a particular function. They are primarily used to support computations that need to differentiate objects on multiple packages.


getPackageName(where, create = TRUE)
setPackageName(pkg, env)

packageSlot(object) <- value



the environment or position on the search list associated with the desired package.


object providing a character string name, plus the package in which this object is to be found.


the name of the package.


flag, should a package name be created if none can be inferred? If TRUE and no non-empty package name is found, the current date and time are used as a package name, and a warning is issued. The created name is stored in the environment if that environment is not locked.

pkg, env

make the string in pkg the internal package name for all computations that set class and method definitions in environment env.


Package names are normally installed during loading of the package, by the INSTALL script or by the library function. (Currently, the name is stored as the object .packageName but don't trust this for the future.)


getPackageName returns the character-string name of the package (without the extraneous "package:" found in the search list).

packageSlot returns or sets the package name slot (currently an attribute, not a formal slot, but this may change someday).

setPackageName can be used to establish a package name in an environment that would otherwise not have one. This allows you to create classes and/or methods in an arbitrary environment, but it is usually preferable to create packages by the standard R programming tools (package.skeleton, etc.)

See Also

search, packageName


## all the following usually return "base"

Look for an Argument in the Call


Returns TRUE if name corresponds to an argument in the call, either a formal argument to the function, or a component of ..., and FALSE otherwise.





The name of a potential argument, as an unquoted name or character string.


The expression hasArg(x), for example, is similar to !missing(x), with two exceptions. First, hasArg will look for an argument named x in the call if x is not a formal argument to the calling function, but ... is. Second, hasArg never generates an error if given a name as an argument, whereas missing(x) generates an error if x is not a formal argument.


Always TRUE or FALSE as described above.

See Also



ftest <- function(x1, ...) c(hasArg(x1), hasArg("y2"))

ftest(1) ## c(TRUE, FALSE)
ftest(1, 2)  ## c(TRUE, FALSE)
ftest(y2 = 2)   ## c(FALSE, TRUE)
ftest(y = 2)    ## c(FALSE, FALSE) (no partial matching)
ftest(y2 = 2, x = 1)  ## c(TRUE, TRUE) partial match x1

Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions


The implicit generic mechanism stores generic versions of functions in a table in a package. The package does not want the current version of the function to be a generic, however, and retains the non-generic version.

When a call to setMethod or setGeneric creates a generic version for one of these functions, the object in the table is used. This mechanism is only needed if special arguments were used to create the generic; e.g., the signature or the valueClass options.

Function implicitGeneric() returns the implicit generic version, setGenericImplicit() turns a generic implicit, prohibitGeneric() prevents your function from being made generic, and registerImplicitGenerics() saves a set of implicit generic definitions in the cached table of the current session.


implicitGeneric(name, where, generic)
setGenericImplicit(name, where, restore = TRUE)
prohibitGeneric(name, where)
registerImplicitGenerics(what, where)



Character string name of the function.


Package or environment in which to register the implicit generics. When using the functions from the top level of your own package source, this argument should be omitted.


Obsolete, and likely to be deprecated.


Should the non-generic version of the function be restored?.


Optional table of the implicit generics to register, but nearly always omitted, when it defaults to a standard metadata name.


Multiple packages may define methods for the same function, to apply to classes defined in that package. Arithmetic and other operators, plot() and many other basic computations are typical examples. It's essential that all such packages write methods for the same definition of the generic function. So long as that generic uses the default choice for signature and other parameters, nothing needs to be done.

If the generic has special properties, these need to be ensured for all packages creating methods for it. The simplest solution is just to make the function generic in the package that originally owned it. If for some reason the owner(s) of that package are unwilling to do this, the alternative is to define the correct generic, save it in a special table and restore the non-generic version by calling setGenericImplicit.

Note that the package containing the function can define methods for the implicit generic as well; when the implicit generic is made a real generic, those methods will be included.

The usual reason for having a non-default implicit generic is to provide a non-default signature, and the usual reason for that is to allow lazy evaluation of some arguments. All arguments in the signature of a generic function must be evaluated at the time the function needs to select a method. In the base function with() in the example below, evaluation of the argument expr must be delayed; therefore, it is excluded from the signature.

If you want to completely prohibit anyone from turning your function into a generic, call prohibitGeneric().

Function implicitGeneric() returns the implicit generic version of the named function. If there is no table of these or if this function is not in the table, the result of a simple call setGeneric(name) is returned.


Function implicitGeneric() returns the implicit generic definition (and caches that definition the first time if it has to construct it).

The other functions exist for their side effect and return nothing useful.

Implicit Generics for Base Functions

Implicit generic versions exist for some functions in the packages supplied in the distribution of R itself. These are stored in the ‘methods’ package itself and will always be available.

As emphasized repeatedly in the documentation, setGeneric() calls for a function in another package should never have non-default settings for arguments such as signature. The reasoning applies specially to functions in supplied packages, since methods for these are likely to exist in multiple packages. A call to implicitGeneric() will show the generic version.

See Also



### How we would make the function with() into a generic:

## Since the second argument, 'expr' is used literally, we want
## with() to only have "data" in the signature.

## Not run: 
setGeneric("with", signature = "data")
## Now we could predefine methods for "with" if we wanted to.

## When ready, we store the generic as implicit, and restore the


## End(Not run)


# (This implicit generic is stored in the 'methods' package.)

Names of Slots Inherited From a Super Class


For a class (or class definition, see getClass and the description of class classRepresentation), give the names which are inherited from “above”, i.e., super classes, rather than by this class' definition itself.


inheritedSlotNames(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame()))



character string or classRepresentation, i.e., resulting from getClass.


environment, to be passed further to isClass and getClass.


character vector of slot names, or NULL.

See Also

slotNames, slot, setClass, etc.


.srch <- search()

if(require("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) withAutoprint({
  inheritedSlotNames("Matrix")       # NULL
  ## whereas
  inheritedSlotNames("sparseMatrix") # --> Dim & Dimnames
  ##  i.e. inherited from "Matrix" class
  cl <- getClass("dgCMatrix")        # six slots, etc
  inheritedSlotNames(cl) # *all* six slots are inherited
## Not run: 
## detach package we've attached above:
for(n in rev(which(, .srch)))))
   try( detach(pos = n) )

## End(Not run)

Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class


The arguments to function new to create an object from a particular class can be interpreted specially for that class, by the definition of a method for function initialize for the class. This documentation describes some existing methods, and also outlines how to write new ones.


signature(.Object = "ANY")

The default method for initialize takes either named or unnamed arguments. Argument names must be the names of slots in this class definition, and the corresponding arguments must be valid objects for the slot (that is, have the same class as specified for the slot, or some superclass of that class). If the object comes from a superclass, it is not coerced strictly, so normally it will retain its current class (specifically, as(object, Class, strict = FALSE)).

Unnamed arguments must be objects of this class, of one of its superclasses, or one of its subclasses (from the class, from a class this class extends, or from a class that extends this class). If the object is from a superclass, this normally defines some of the slots in the object. If the object is from a subclass, the new object is that argument, coerced to the current class.

Unnamed arguments are processed first, in the order they appear. Then named arguments are processed. Therefore, explicit values for slots always override any values inferred from superclass or subclass arguments.

signature(.Object = "traceable")

Objects of a class that extends traceable are used to implement debug tracing (see class traceable and trace).

The initialize method for these classes takes special arguments def, tracer, exit, at, print. The first of these is the object to use as the original definition (e.g., a function). The others correspond to the arguments to trace.

signature(.Object = "environment"), signature(.Object = ".environment")

The initialize method for environments takes a named list of objects to be used to initialize the environment. Subclasses of "environment" inherit an initialize method through ".environment", which has the additional effect of allocating a new environment. If you define your own method for such a subclass, be sure either to call the existing method via callNextMethod or allocate an environment in your method, since environments are references and are not duplicated automatically.

signature(.Object = "signature")

This is a method for internal use only. It takes an optional functionDef argument to provide a generic function with a signature slot to define the argument names. See Methods_Details for details.

Writing Initialization Methods

Initialization methods provide a general mechanism corresponding to generator functions in other languages.

The arguments to initialize are .Object and .... Nearly always, initialize is called from new, not directly. The .Object argument is then the prototype object from the class.

Two techniques are often appropriate for initialize methods: special argument names and callNextMethod.

You may want argument names that are more natural to your users than the (default) slot names. These will be the formal arguments to your method definition, in addition to .Object (always) and ... (optionally). For example, the method for class "traceable" documented above would be created by a call to setMethod of the form:

    setMethod("initialize", "traceable",
      function(.Object, def, tracer, exit, at, print) { .... }

In this example, no other arguments are meaningful, and the resulting method will throw an error if other names are supplied.

When your new class extends another class, you may want to call the initialize method for this superclass (either a special method or the default). For example, suppose you want to define a method for your class, with special argument x, but you also want users to be able to set slots specifically. If you want x to override the slot information, the beginning of your method definition might look something like this:

    function(.Object, x, ...) {
      Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
      if(!missing(x)) { # do something with x

You could also choose to have the inherited method override, by first interpreting x, and then calling the next method.

Basic use of S4 Methods and Classes


The majority of applications using methods and classes will be in R packages implementing new computations for an application, using new classes of objects that represent the data and results. Computations will be implemented using methods that implement functional computations when one or more of the arguments is an object from these classes.

Calls to the functions setClass() define the new classes; calls to setMethod define the methods. These, along with ordinary R computations, are sufficient to get started for most applications.

Classes are defined in terms of the data in them and what other classes of data they inherit from. Section ‘Defining Classes’ outlines the basic design of new classes.

Methods are R functions, often implementing basic computations as they apply to the new classes of objects. Section ‘Defining Methods’ discusses basic requirements and special tools for defining methods.

The classes discussed here are the original functional classes. R also supports formal classes and methods similar to those in other languages such as Python, in which methods are part of class definitions and invoked on an object. These are more appropriate when computations expect references to objects that are persistent, making changes to the object over time. See ReferenceClasses and Chapter 9 of the reference for the choice between these and S4 classes.

Defining Classes

All objects in R belong to a class; ordinary vectors and other basic objects are built-in (builtin-class). A new class is defined in terms of the named slots that is has and/or in terms of existing classes that it inherits from, or contains (discussed in ‘Class Inheritance’ below). A call to setClass() names a new class and uses the corresponding arguments to define it.

For example, suppose we want a class of objects to represent a collection of positions, perhaps from GPS readings. A natural way to think of these in R would have vectors of numeric values for latitude, longitude and altitude. A class with three corresponding slots could be defined by:

Pos <- setClass("Pos", slots = c(latitude = "numeric", longitude = "numeric", altitude = "numeric"))

The value returned is a function, typically assigned as here with the name of the class. Calling this function returns an object from the class; its arguments are named with the slot names. If a function in the class had read the corresponding data, perhaps from a CSV file or from a data base, it could return an object from the class by:

Pos(latitude = x, longitude = y, altitude = z)

The slots are accessed by the @ operator; for example, if g is an object from the class, g@latitude.

In addition to returning a generator function the call to setClass() assigns a definition of the class in a special metadata object in the package's namespace. When the package is loaded into an R session, the class definition is added to a table of known classes.

To make the class and the generating function publicly available, the package should include POS in exportClasses() and export() directives in its NAMESPACE file:

exportClasses(Pos); export(Pos)

Defining Methods

Defining methods for an R function makes that function generic. Instead of a call to the function always being carried out by the same method, there will be several alternatives. These are selected by matching the classes of the arguments in the call to a table in the generic function, indexed by classes for one or more formal arguments to the function, known as the signatures for the methods.

A method definition then specifies three things: the name of the function, the signature and the method definition itself. The definition must be a function with the same formal arguments as the generic.

For example, a method to make a plot of an object from class "Pos" could be defined by:

setMethod("plot", c("Pos", "missing"), function(x, y, ...) { plotPos(x, y) })

This method will match a call to plot() if the first argument is from class "Pos" or a subclass of that. The second argument must be missing; only a missing argument matches that class in the signature. Any object will match class "ANY" in the corresponding position of the signature.

Class Inheritance

A class may inherit all the slots and methods of one or more existing classes by specifying the names of the inherited classes in the contains = argument to setClass().

To define a class that extends class "Pos" to a class "GPS" with a slot for the observation times:

GPS <- setClass("GPS", slots = c(time = "POSIXt"), contains = "Pos")

The inherited classes may be S4 classes, S3 classes or basic data types. S3 classes need to be identified as such by a call to setOldClass(); most S3 classes in the base package and many in the other built-in packages are already declared, as is "POSIXt". If it had not been, the application package should contain:


Inheriting from one of the R types is special. Objects from the new class will have the same type. A class Currency that contains numeric data plus a slot "unit" would be created by

Currency <- setClass("Currency", slots = c(unit = "character"), contains = "numeric")

Objects created from this class will have type "numeric" and inherit all the builtin arithmetic and other computations for that type. Classes can only inherit from at most one such type; if the class does not inherit from a type, objects from the class will have type "S4".


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Is an Object from a Class?


Functions to test inheritance relationships between an object and a class or between two classes (extends).


is(object, class2)

extends(class1, class2, maybe = TRUE, fullInfo = FALSE)



any R object.

class1, class2

character strings giving the names of each of the two classes between which is relations are to be examined, or (more efficiently) the class definition objects for the classes.


In a call to extends, with class2 missing, fullInfo is a flag, which if TRUE causes a list of objects of class SClassExtension to be returned, rather than just the names of the classes. Only the distance slot is likely to be useful in practice; see the ‘Selecting Superclasses’ section;


What to return for conditional inheritance. But such relationships are rarely used and not recommended, so this argument should not be needed.

Selecting Superclasses

A call to selectSuperClasses(cl) returns a list of superclasses, similarly to extends(cl). Additional arguments restrict the class names returned to direct superclasses and/or to non-virtual classes.

Either way, programming with the result, particularly using sapply, can be useful.

To find superclasses with more generally defined properties, one can program with the result returned by extends when called with one class as argument. By default, the call returns a character vector including the name of the class itself and of all its superclasses. Alternatively, if extends is called with fullInfo = TRUE, the return value is a named list, its names being the previous character vector. The elements of the list corresponding to superclasses are objects of class SClassExtension. Of the information in these objects, one piece can be useful: the number of generations between the classes, given by the "distance" slot.

Programming with the result of the call to extends, particularly using sapply, can select superclasses. The programming technique is to define a test function that returns TRUE for superclasses or relationships obeying some requirement. For example, to find only next-to-direct superclasses, use this function with the list of extension objects:

function(what) is(what, "SClassExtension") && what@distance == 2

or, to find only superclasses from "myPkg", use this function with the simple vector of names:

function(what) getClassDef(what)@package == "myPkg"

Giving such functions as an argument to sapply called on the output of extends allows you to find superclasses with desired properties. See the examples below.

Note that the function using extension objects must test the class of its argument since, unfortunately for this purpose, the list returned by extends includes class1 itself, as the object TRUE.


Prior to R 4.2.0 the code used the first elements of class1 and class2, silently, These are now required to be length-one character vectors.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

Although inherits is defined for S3 classes, it has been modified so that the result returned is nearly always equivalent to is, both for S4 and non-S4 objects. Since it is implemented in C, it is somewhat faster. The only non-equivalences arise from use of setIs, which should rarely be encountered.


## Not run: 
## this example can be run if package XRPython from CRAN is installed.
supers <- extends("PythonInterface")
## find all the superclasses from package XR
fromXR <- sapply(supers,
    function(what) getClassDef(what)@package == "XR")
## print them

## find all the superclasses at distance 2
superRelations <- extends("PythonInterface", fullInfo = TRUE)
dist2 <- sapply(superRelations,
    function(what) is(what, "SClassExtension") && what@distance == 2)
## print them

## End(Not run)

Check for a Sealed Method or Class


These functions check for either a method or a class that has been sealed when it was defined, and which therefore cannot be re-defined.


isSealedMethod(f, signature, fdef, where)
isSealedClass(Class, where)



The quoted name of the generic function.


The class names in the method's signature, as they would be supplied to setMethod.


Optional, and usually omitted: the generic function definition for f.


The quoted name of the class.


where to search for the method or class definition. By default, searches from the top environment of the call to isSealedMethod or isSealedClass, typically the global environment or the namespace of a package containing a call to one of the functions.


In the R implementation of classes and methods, it is possible to seal the definition of either a class or a method. The basic classes (numeric and other types of vectors, matrix and array data) are sealed. So also are the methods for the primitive functions on those data types. The effect is that programmers cannot re-define the meaning of these basic data types and computations. More precisely, for primitive functions that depend on only one data argument, methods cannot be specified for basic classes. For functions (such as the arithmetic operators) that depend on two arguments, methods can be specified if one of those arguments is a basic class, but not if both are.

Programmers can seal other class and method definitions by using the sealed argument to setClass or setMethod.


The functions return FALSE if the method or class is not sealed (including the case that it is not defined); TRUE if it is.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)


## these are both TRUE
isSealedMethod("+", c("numeric", "character"))

setClass("track", slots = c(x="numeric", y="numeric"))
## but this is FALSE
## and so is this
isSealedClass("A Name for an undefined Class")
## and so are these, because only one of the two arguments is basic
isSealedMethod("+", c("track", "numeric"))
isSealedMethod("+", c("numeric", "track"))

Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language Objects


The virtual class "language" and the specific classes that extend it represent unevaluated objects, as produced for example by the parser or by functions such as quote.


### each of these classes corresponds to an unevaluated object
### in the S language.
### The class name can appear in method signatures,
### and in a few other contexts (such as some calls to as()).


### Each of the classes above extends the virtual class

Objects from the Class

"language" is a virtual class; no objects may be created from it.

Objects from the other classes can be generated by a call to new(Class, ...), where Class is the quoted class name, and the ... arguments are either empty or a single object that is from this class (or an extension).



signature(from = "ANY", to = "call"). A method exists for as(object, "call"), calling



is( quote(sin(x)) ) # "call"  "language"

(ff <- new("if"))  ; is(ff) # "if" "language"
(ff <- new("for")) ; is(ff) # "for" "language"

Class "LinearMethodsList"


A version of methods lists that has been ‘linearized’ for producing summary information. The actual objects from class "MethodsList" used for method dispatch are defined recursively over the arguments involved.

Objects from the Class

The function linearizeMlist converts an ordinary methods list object into the linearized form.



Object of class "list", the method definitions.


Object of class "list", the corresponding formal arguments, namely as many of the arguments in the signature of the generic function as are active in the relevant method table.


Object of class "list", the corresponding classes in the signatures.


Object of class "genericFunction"; the generic function to which the methods correspond.

Future Note

The current version of linearizeMlist does not take advantage of the MethodDefinition class, and therefore does more work for less effect than it could. In particular, we may move to redefine both the function and the class to take advantage of the stored signatures. Don't write code depending precisely on the present form, although all the current information will be obtainable in the future.

See Also

Function linearizeMlist for the computation, and class MethodsList for the original, recursive form.

Localized Objects based on Reference Classes


Local reference classes are modified ReferenceClasses that isolate the objects to the local frame. Therefore, they do not propagate changes back to the calling environment. At the same time, they use the reference field semantics locally, avoiding the automatic duplication applied to standard R objects.

The current implementation has no special construction. To create a local reference class, call setRefClass() with a contains= argument that includes "localRefClass". See the example below.

Local reference classes operate essentially as do regular, functional classes in R; that is, changes are made by assignment and take place in the local frame. The essential difference is that replacement operations (like the change to the twiddle field in the example) do not cause duplication of the entire object, as would be the case for a formal class or for data with attributes or in a named list. The purpose is to allow large objects in some fields that are not changed along with potentially frequent changes to other fields, but without copying the large fields.


setRefClass(Class, fields = , contains = c("localRefClass",....),
     methods =, where =, ...)


Localization of objects is only partially automated in the current implementation. Replacement expressions using the $<- operator are safe.

However, if reference methods for the class themselves modify fields, using <<-, for example, then one must ensure that the object is local to the relevant frame before any such method is called. Otherwise, standard reference class behavior still prevails.

There are two ways to ensure locality. The direct way is to invoke the special method x$ensureLocal() on the object. The other way is to modify a field explicitly by x$field <- ... It's only necessary that one or the other of these happens once for each object, in order to trigger the shallow copy that provides locality for the references. In the example below, we show both mechanisms.

However it's done, localization must occur before any methods make changes. (Eventually, some use of code tools should at least largely automate this process, although it may be difficult to guarantee success under arbitrary circumstances.)


John Chambers


## class "myIter" has a BigData field for the real (big) data
## and a "twiddle" field for some parameters that it twiddles
## ( for some reason)

myIter <- setRefClass("myIter", contains = "localRefClass",
  fields = list(BigData = "numeric", twiddle = "numeric"))

tw <- rnorm(3)
x1 <- myIter(BigData = rnorm(1000), twiddle = tw) # OK, not REALLY big

twiddler <- function(x, n) {
  x$ensureLocal() # see the Details.  Not really needed in this example
  for(i in seq_len(n)) {
      x$twiddle <- x$twiddle + rnorm(length(x$twiddle))
      ## then do something ....
      ## Snooping in gdb, etc will show that x$BigData is not copied

x2 <- twiddler(x1, 10)

stopifnot(identical(x1$twiddle, tw), !identical(x1$twiddle, x2$twiddle))

Create a Class Definition


Constructs an object of class classRepresentation to describe a particular class. Mostly a utility function, but you can call it to create a class definition without assigning it, as setClass would do.


makeClassRepresentation(name, slots=list(), superClasses=character(),
                        prototype=NULL, package, validity, access,
                        version, sealed, virtual=NA, where)



character string name for the class


named list of slot classes as would be supplied to setClass, but without the unnamed arguments for superClasses if any.


what classes does this class extend


an object providing the default data for the class, e.g., the result of a call to prototype.


The character string name for the package in which the class will be stored; see getPackageName.


Optional validity method. See validObject, and the discussion of validity methods in the reference.


Access information. Not currently used.


Optional version key for version control. Currently generated, but not used.


Is the class sealed? See setClass.


Is this known to be a virtual class?


The environment from which to look for class definitions needed (e.g., for slots or superclasses). See the discussion of this argument under GenericFunctions.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also


Create a Skeleton File for a New Method


This function writes a source file containing a call to setMethod to define a method for the generic function and signature supplied. By default the method definition is in line in the call, but can be made an external (previously assigned) function.


method.skeleton(generic, signature, file, external = FALSE, where)



the character string name of the generic function, or the generic function itself. In the first case, the function need not currently be a generic, as it would not for the resulting call to setMethod.


the method signature, as it would be given to setMethod


a character string name for the output file, or a writable connection. By default the generic function name and the classes in the signature are concatenated, with separating underscore characters. The file name should normally end in ".R".

To write multiple method skeletons to one file, open the file connection first and then pass it to method.skeleton() in multiple calls.


flag to control whether the function definition for the method should be a separate external object assigned in the source file, or included in line in the call to setMethod. If supplied as a character string, this will be used as the name for the external function; by default the name concatenates the generic and signature names, with separating underscores.


The environment in which to look for the function; by default, the top-level environment of the call to method.skeleton.


The file argument, invisibly, but the function is used for its side effect.

See Also

setMethod, package.skeleton


setClass("track", slots = c(x ="numeric", y="numeric"))
method.skeleton("show", "track")            ## writes show_track.R
method.skeleton("Ops", c("track", "track")) ## writes "Ops_track_track.R"

## write multiple method skeletons to one file
con <- file("./Math_track.R", "w")
method.skeleton("Math", "track", con)
method.skeleton("exp", "track", con)
method.skeleton("log", "track", con)

Classes to Represent Method Definitions


These classes extend the basic class "function" when functions are to be stored and used as method definitions.


Method definition objects are functions with additional information defining how the function is being used as a method. The target slot is the class signature for which the method will be dispatched, and the defined slot the signature for which the method was originally specified (that is, the one that appeared in some call to setMethod).

Objects from the Class

The action of setting a method by a call to setMethod creates an object of this class. It's unwise to create them directly.

The class "SealedMethodDefinition" is created by a call to setMethod with argument sealed = TRUE. It has the same representation as "MethodDefinition".



Object of class "function"; the data part of the definition.


Object of class "signature"; the signature for which the method was wanted.


Object of class "signature"; the signature for which a method was found. If the method was inherited, this will not be identical to target.


Object of class "character"; the function for which the method was created.


Class "function", from data part.
Class "PossibleMethod", directly.
Class "OptionalMethods", by class "function".

See Also

class MethodsList for the objects defining sets of methods associated with a particular generic function. The individual method definitions stored in these objects are from class MethodDefinition, or an extension. Class MethodWithNext for an extension used by callNextMethod.

S4 Class Documentation


You have navigated to an old link to documentation of S4 methods.

For basic use of classes and methods, see Introduction; to create new method definitions, see setMethod; for technical details on S4 methods, see Methods_Details.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

General Information on Methods


This documentation covers some general topics on how methods work and how the methods package interacts with the rest of R. The information is usually not needed to get started with methods and classes, but may be helpful for moderately ambitious projects, or when something doesn't work as expected.

For additional information see documentation for the important steps: (setMethod(), setClass() and setGeneric()). Also Methods_for_Nongenerics on defining formal methods for functions that are not currently generic functions; Methods_for_S3 for the relation to S3 classes and methods; Classes_Details for class definitions and Chapters 9 and 10 of the reference.

How Methods Work

A call to a generic function selects a method matching the actual arguments in the call. The body of the method is evaluated in the frame of the call to the generic function. A generic function is identified by its name and by the package to which it correspond. Unlike ordinary functions, the generic has a slot that specifies its package.

In an R session, there is one version of each such generic, regardless of where the call to that generic originated, and the generic function has a table of all the methods currently available for it; that is, all the methods in packages currently loaded into the session.

Methods are frequently defined for functions that are non-generic in their original package,. for example, for function plot() in package graphics. An identical version of the corresponding generic function may exist in several packages. All methods will be dispatched consistently from the R session.

Each R package with a call to setMethod in its source code will include a methods metadata object for that generic. When the package is loaded into an R session, the methods for each generic function are cached, that is, added to the environment of the generic function. This merged table of methods is used to dispatch or select methods from the generic, using class inheritance and possibly group generic functions (see GroupGenericFunctions) to find an applicable method. See the “Method Selection and Dispatch” section below. The caching computations ensure that only one version of each generic function is visible globally; although different attached packages may contain a copy of the generic function, these behave identically with respect to method selection.

In contrast, it is possible for the same function name to refer to more than one generic function, when these have different package slots. In the latter case, R considers the functions unrelated: A generic function is defined by the combination of name and package. See the “Generic Functions” section below.

The methods for a generic are stored according to the corresponding signature in the call to setMethod that defined the method. The signature associates one class name with each of a subset of the formal arguments to the generic function. Which formal arguments are available, and the order in which they appear, are determined by the "signature" slot of the generic function itself. By default, the signature of the generic consists of all the formal arguments except ..., in the order they appear in the function definition.

Trailing arguments in the signature of the generic will be inactive if no method has yet been specified that included those arguments in its signature. Inactive arguments are not needed or used in labeling the cached methods. (The distinction does not change which methods are dispatched, but ignoring inactive arguments improves the efficiency of dispatch.)

All arguments in the signature of the generic function will be evaluated when the function is called, rather than using lazy evaluation. Therefore, it's important to exclude from the signature any arguments that need to be dealt with symbolically (such as the expr argument to function with). Note that only actual arguments are evaluated, not default expressions. A missing argument enters into the method selection as class "missing".

The cached methods are stored in an environment object. The names used for assignment are a concatenation of the class names for the active arguments in the method signature.

Method Selection: Details

When a call to a generic function is evaluated, a method is selected corresponding to the classes of the actual arguments in the signature. First, the cached methods table is searched for an exact match; that is, a method stored under the signature defined by the string value of class(x) for each non-missing argument, and "missing" for each missing argument. If no method is found directly for the actual arguments in a call to a generic function, an attempt is made to match the available methods to the arguments by using the superclass information about the actual classes. A method found by this search is cached in the generic function so that future calls with the same argument classes will not require repeating the search. In any likely application, the search for inherited methods will be a negligible overhead.

Each class definition may include a list of one or more direct superclasses of the new class. The simplest and most common specification is by the contains= argument in the call to setClass. Each class named in this argument is a superclass of the new class. A class will also have as a direct superclass any class union to which it is a member. Class unions are created by a call to setClassUnion. Additional members can be added to the union by a simple call to setIs. Superclasses specified by either mechanism are the direct superclasses.

Inheritance specified in either of these forms is simple in the sense that all the information needed for the superclass is asserted to be directly available from the object. R inherited from S a more general form of inheritance in which inheritance may require some transformation or be conditional on a test. This more general form has not proved to be useful in general practical situations. Since it also adds some computational costs non-simple inheritance is not recommended. See setIs for the general version.

The direct superclasses themselves may have direct superclasses and similarly through further generations. Putting all this information together produces the full list of superclasses for this class. The superclass list is included in the definition of the class that is cached during the R session. The distance between the two classes is defined to be the number of generations: 1 for direct superclasses (regardless of which mechanism defined them), then 2 for the direct superclasses of those classes, and so on. To see all the superclasses, with their distance, print the class definition by calling getClass. In addition, any class implicitly has class "ANY" as a superclass. The distance to "ANY" is treated as larger than the distance to any actual class. The special class "missing" corresponding to missing arguments has only "ANY" as a superclass, while "ANY" has no superclasses.

When a method is to be selected by inheritance, a search is made in the table for all methods corresponding to a combination of either the direct class or one of its superclasses, for each argument in the active signature. For an example, suppose there is only one argument in the signature and that the class of the corresponding object was "dgeMatrix" (from the recommended package Matrix). This class has (currently) three direct superclasses and through these additional superclasses at distances 2 through 4. A method that had been defined for any of these classes or for class "ANY" (the default method) would be eligible. Methods for the shortest difference are preferred. If there is only one best method in this sense, method selection is unambiguous.

When there are multiple arguments in the signature, each argument will generate a similar list of inherited classes. The possible matches are now all the combinations of classes from each argument (think of the function outer generating an array of all possible combinations). The search now finds all the methods matching any of this combination of classes. For each argument, the distance to the superclass defines which method(s) are preferred for that argument. A method is considered best for selection if it is among the best (i.e., has the least distance) for each argument.

The end result is that zero, one or more methods may be “best”. If one, this method is selected and cached in the table of methods. If there is more than one best match, the selection is ambiguous and a message is printed noting which method was selected (the first method lexicographically in the ordering) and what other methods could have been selected. Since the ambiguity is usually nothing the end user could control, this is not a warning. Package authors should examine their package for possible ambiguous inheritance by calling testInheritedMethods.

Cached inherited selections are not themselves used in future inheritance searches, since that could result in invalid selections. If you want inheritance computations to be done again (for example, because a newly loaded package has a more direct method than one that has already been used in this session), call resetGeneric. Because classes and methods involving them tend to come from the same package, the current implementation does not reset all generics every time a new package is loaded.

Besides being initiated through calls to the generic function, method selection can be done explicitly by calling the function selectMethod. Note that some computations may use this function directly, with optional arguments. The prime example is the use of coerce() methods by function as(). There has been some confusion from comparing coerce methods to a call to selectMethod with other options.

Method Evaluation: Details

Once a method has been selected, the evaluator creates a new context in which a call to the method is evaluated. The context is initialized with the arguments from the call to the generic function. These arguments are not rematched. All the arguments in the signature of the generic will have been evaluated (including any that are currently inactive); arguments that are not in the signature will obey the usual lazy evaluation rules of the language. If an argument was missing in the call, its default expression if any will not have been evaluated, since method dispatch always uses class missing for such arguments.

A call to a generic function therefore has two contexts: one for the function and a second for the method. The argument objects will be copied to the second context, but not any local objects created in a nonstandard generic function. The other important distinction is that the parent (“enclosing”) environment of the second context is the environment of the method as a function, so that all R programming techniques using such environments apply to method definitions as ordinary functions.

For further discussion of method selection and dispatch, see the references in the sections indicated.

Generic Functions

In principle, a generic function could be any function that evaluates a call to standardGeneric(), the internal function that selects a method and evaluates a call to the selected method. In practice, generic functions are special objects that in addition to being from a subclass of class "function" also extend the class genericFunction. Such objects have slots to define information needed to deal with their methods. They also have specialized environments, containing the tables used in method selection.

The slots "generic" and "package" in the object are the character string names of the generic function itself and of the package from which the function is defined. As with classes, generic functions are uniquely defined in R by the combination of the two names. There can be generic functions of the same name associated with different packages (although inevitably keeping such functions cleanly distinguished is not always easy). On the other hand, R will enforce that only one definition of a generic function can be associated with a particular combination of function and package name, in the current session or other active version of R.

Tables of methods for a particular generic function, in this sense, will often be spread over several other packages. The total set of methods for a given generic function may change during a session, as additional packages are loaded. Each table must be consistent in the signature assumed for the generic function.

R distinguishes standard and nonstandard generic functions, with the former having a function body that does nothing but dispatch a method. For the most part, the distinction is just one of simplicity: knowing that a generic function only dispatches a method call allows some efficiencies and also removes some uncertainties.

In most cases, the generic function is the visible function corresponding to that name, in the corresponding package. There are two exceptions, implicit generic functions and the special computations required to deal with R's primitive functions. Packages can contain a table of implicit generic versions of functions in the package, if the package wishes to leave a function non-generic but to constrain what the function would be like if it were generic. Such implicit generic functions are created during the installation of the package, essentially by defining the generic function and possibly methods for it, and then reverting the function to its non-generic form. (See implicitGeneric for how this is done.) The mechanism is mainly used for functions in the older packages in R, which may prefer to ignore S4 methods. Even in this case, the actual mechanism is only needed if something special has to be specified. All functions have a corresponding implicit generic version defined automatically (an implicit, implicit generic function one might say). This function is a standard generic with the same arguments as the non-generic function, with the non-generic version as the default (and only) method, and with the generic signature being all the formal arguments except ....

The implicit generic mechanism is needed only to override some aspect of the default definition. One reason to do so would be to remove some arguments from the signature. Arguments that may need to be interpreted literally, or for which the lazy evaluation mechanism of the language is needed, must not be included in the signature of the generic function, since all arguments in the signature will be evaluated in order to select a method. For example, the argument expr to the function with is treated literally and must therefore be excluded from the signature.

One would also need to define an implicit generic if the existing non-generic function were not suitable as the default method. Perhaps the function only applies to some classes of objects, and the package designer prefers to have no general default method. In the other direction, the package designer might have some ideas about suitable methods for some classes, if the function were generic. With reasonably modern packages, the simple approach in all these cases is just to define the function as a generic. The implicit generic mechanism is mainly attractive for older packages that do not want to require the methods package to be available.

Generic functions will also be defined but not obviously visible for functions implemented as primitive functions in the base package. Primitive functions look like ordinary functions when printed but are in fact not function objects but objects of two types interpreted by the R evaluator to call underlying C code directly. Since their entire justification is efficiency, R refuses to hide primitives behind a generic function object. Methods may be defined for most primitives, and corresponding metadata objects will be created to store them. Calls to the primitive still go directly to the C code, which will sometimes check for applicable methods. The definition of “sometimes” is that methods must have been detected for the function in some package loaded in the session and isS4(x) is TRUE for the first argument (or for the second argument, in the case of binary operators). You can test whether methods have been detected by calling isGeneric for the relevant function and you can examine the generic function by calling getGeneric, whether or not methods have been detected. For more on generic functions, see the references and also section 2 of the R Internals document supplied with R.

Method Definitions

All method definitions are stored as objects from the MethodDefinition class. Like the class of generic functions, this class extends ordinary R functions with some additional slots: "generic", containing the name and package of the generic function, and two signature slots, "defined" and "target", the first being the signature supplied when the method was defined by a call to setMethod. The "target" slot starts off equal to the "defined" slot. When an inherited method is cached after being selected, as described above, a copy is made with the appropriate "target" signature. Output from showMethods, for example, includes both signatures.

Method definitions are required to have the same formal arguments as the generic function, since the method dispatch mechanism does not rematch arguments, for reasons of both efficiency and consistency.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Section 10.5 for some details.)

See Also

For more specific information, see setGeneric, setMethod, and setClass.

For the use of ... in methods, see dotsMethods.

Methods for Non-Generic Functions in Other Packages


In writing methods for an R package, it's common for these methods to apply to a function (in another package) that is not generic in that package; that is, there are no formal methods for the function in its own package, although it may have S3 methods. The programming in this case involves one extra step, to call setGeneric() to declare that the function is generic in your package.

Calls to the function in your package will then use all methods defined there or in any other loaded package that creates the same generic function. Similarly, calls to the function in those packages will use your methods.

The original version, however, remains non-generic. Calls in that package or in other packages that use that version will not dispatch your methods except for special circumstances:

  1. If the function is one of the primitive functions that accept methods, the internal C implementation will dispatch methods if one of the arguments is an S4 object, as should be the case.

  2. If the other version of the function dispatches S3 methods and your methods are also registered as S3 methods, the method will usually be dispatched as that S3 method.

  3. Otherwise, you will need to ensure that all calls to the function come from a package in which the function is generic, perhaps by copying code to your package.

Details and the underlying reasons are discussed in the following sections.

Generic and Non-Generic Calls

Creating methods for a function (any function) in a package means that calls to the function in that package will select methods according to the actual arguments. However, if the function was originally a non-generic in another package, calls to the function from that package will not dispatch methods. In addition, calls from any third package that imports the non-generic version will also not dispatch methods. This section considers the reason and how one might deal with the consequences.

The reason is simply the R namespace mechanism and its role in evaluating function calls. When a name (such as the name of a function) needs to be evaluated in a call to a function from some package, the evaluator looks first in the frame of the call, then in the namespace of the package and then in the imports to that package.

Defining methods for a function in a package ensures that calls to the function in that package will select the methods, because a generic version of the function is created in the namespace. Similarly, calls from another package that has or imports the generic version will select methods. Because the generic versions are identical, all methods will be available in all these packages.

However, calls from any package that imports the old version or just selects it from the search list will usually not select methods.

A an example, consider the function data.frame() in the base package. This function takes any number of objects as arguments and attempts to combine them as variables into a data frame object. It does this by calling, also in the base package, for each of the objects.

A reasonable goal would be to extend the classes of objects that can be included in a data frame by defining methods for But calls to data.frame(), will still use the version of that function in the base package, which continues to call the non-generic in that package.

The details of what happens and options for dealing with it depend on the form of the function: a primitive function; a function that dispatches S3 methods; or an ordinary R function.

Primitive functions are not actual R function objects. They go directly to internal C code. Some of them, however, have been implemented to recognize methods. These functions dispatch both S4 and S3 methods from the internal C code. There is no explicit generic function, either S3 or S4. The internal code looks for S4 methods if the first argument, or either of the arguments in the case of a binary operator, is an S4 object. If no S4 method is found, a search is made for an S3 method. So defining methods for these functions works as long as the relevant classes have been defined, which should always be the case.

A function dispatches S3 methods by calling UseMethod(), which does not look for formal methods regardless of whether the first argument is an S4 object or not. This applies to the example above. To have methods called in this situation, your package must also define the method as an S3 method, if possible. See section ‘S3 “Generic” Functions’.

In the third possibility, the function is defined with no expectation of methods. For example, the base package has a number of functions that compute numerical decompositions of matrix arguments. Some, such as chol() and qr() are implemented to dispatch S3 methods; others, such as svd() are implemented directly as a specific computation. A generic version of the latter functions can be written and called directly to define formal methods, but no code in another package that does not import this generic version will dispatch such methods.

In this case, you need to have the generic version used in all the indirect calls to the function supplying arguments that should dispatch methods. This may require supplying new functions that dispatch methods and then call the function they replace. For example, if S3 methods did not work for, one could call a function that applied the generic version to all its arguments and then called data.frame() as a replacement for that function. If all else fails, it might be necessary to copy over the relevant functions so that they would find the generic versions.

S3 “Generic” Functions

S3 method dispatch looks at the class of the first argument. S3 methods are ordinary functions with the same arguments as the generic function. The “signature” of an S3 method is identified by the name to which the method is assigned, composed of the name of the generic function, followed by ".", followed by the name of the class. For details, see UseMethod.

To implement a method for one of these functions corresponding to S4 classes, there are two possibilities: either an S4 method or an S3 method with the S4 class name. The S3 method is only possible if the intended signature has the first argument and nothing else. In this case, the recommended approach is to define the S3 method and also supply the identical function as the definition of the S4 method. If the S3 generic function was f3(x, ...) and the S4 class for the new method was "myClass":

f3.myClass <- function(x, ...) { ..... }

setMethod("f3", "myClass", f3.myClass)

Defining both methods usually ensures that all calls to the original function will dispatch the intended method. The S4 method alone would not be called from other packages using the original version of the function. On the other hand, an S3 method alone will not be called if there is any eligible non-default S4 method.

S4 and S3 method selection are designed to follow compatible rules of inheritance, as far as possible. S3 classes can be used for any S4 method selection, provided that the S3 classes have been registered by a call to setOldClass, with that call specifying the correct S3 inheritance pattern. S4 classes can be used for any S3 method selection; when an S4 object is detected, S3 method selection uses the contents of extends(class(x)) as the equivalent of the S3 inheritance (the inheritance is cached after the first call).

An existing S3 method may not behave as desired for an S4 subclass, in which case utilities such as asS3 and S3Part may be useful. If the S3 method fails on the S4 object, asS3(x) may be passed instead; if the object returned by the S3 method needs to be incorporated in the S4 object, the replacement function for S3Part may be useful.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

Methods_for_S3 for suggested implementation of methods that work for both S3 and S4 dispatch.


## A class that extends a registered S3 class inherits that class' S3
## methods.

setClass("myFrame", contains = "data.frame",
         slots = c(timestamps = "POSIXt"))
df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10), z = sample(letters,10))
mydf1 <- new("myFrame", df1, timestamps = Sys.time())

## "myFrame" objects inherit "data.frame" S3 methods; e.g., for `[`

mydf1[1:2, ] # a data frame object (with extra attributes)

## a method explicitly for "myFrame" class

    signature(x = "myFrame"),
    function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
        S3Part(x) <- callNextMethod()
        x@timestamps <- c(Sys.time(), as.POSIXct(x@timestamps))

mydf1[1:2, ]

setClass("myDateTime", contains = "POSIXt")

now <- Sys.time() # class(now) is c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
nowLt <- as.POSIXlt(now)# class(nowLt) is c("POSIXlt", "POSIXt")

mCt <- new("myDateTime", now)
mLt <- new("myDateTime", nowLt)

## S3 methods for an S4 object will be selected using S4 inheritance
## Objects mCt and mLt have different S3Class() values, but this is
## not used.
f3 <- function(x)UseMethod("f3") # an S3 generic to illustrate inheritance

f3.POSIXct <- function(x) "The POSIXct result"
f3.POSIXlt <- function(x) "The POSIXlt result"
f3.POSIXt <- function(x) "The POSIXt result"

stopifnot(identical(f3(mCt), f3.POSIXt(mCt)))
stopifnot(identical(f3(mLt), f3.POSIXt(mLt)))

## An S4 object selects S3 methods according to its S4 "inheritance"

setClass("classA", contains = "numeric",
         slots = c(realData = "numeric"))

Math.classA <- function(x) { (getFunction(.Generic))(x@realData) }
setMethod("Math", "classA", Math.classA)

x <- new("classA", log(1:10), realData = 1:10)

stopifnot(identical(abs(x), 1:10))

setClass("classB", contains = "classA")

y <- new("classB", x)

stopifnot(identical(abs(y), abs(x))) # (version 2.9.0 or earlier fails here)

## an S3 generic: just for demonstration purposes
f3 <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("f3")

f3.default <- function(x, ...) "Default f3"

## S3 method (only) for classA
f3.classA <- function(x, ...) "Class classA for f3"

## S3 and S4 method for numeric
f3.numeric <- function(x, ...) "Class numeric for f3"
setMethod("f3", "numeric", f3.numeric)

## The S3 method for classA and the closest inherited S3 method for classB
## are not found.

f3(x); f3(y) # both choose "numeric" method

## to obtain the natural inheritance, set identical S3 and S4 methods
setMethod("f3", "classA", f3.classA)

f3(x); f3(y) # now both choose "classA" method

## Need to define an S3 as well as S4 method to use on an S3 object
## or if called from a package without the S4 generic

MathFun <- function(x) { # a smarter "data.frame" method for Math group
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))[sapply(x, is.numeric)])
    x[, i] <- (getFunction(.Generic))(x[, i])
setMethod("Math", "data.frame", MathFun)

## S4 method works for an S4 class containing data.frame,
## but not for data.frame objects (not S4 objects)

try(logIris <- log(iris)) #gets an error from the old method

## Define an S3 method with the same computation <- MathFun

logIris <- log(iris)

Methods For S3 and S4 Dispatch


The S3 and S4 software in R are two generations implementing functional object-oriented programming. S3 is the original, simpler for initial programming but less general, less formal and less open to validation. The S4 formal methods and classes provide these features but require more programming.

In modern R, the two versions attempt to work together. This documentation outlines how to write methods for both systems by defining an S4 method for a function that dispatches S3 methods.

The systems can also be combined by using an S3 class with S4 method dispatch or in S4 class definitions. See setOldClass.

S3 Method Dispatch

The R evaluator will ‘dispatch’ a method from a function call either when the body of the function calls the special primitive UseMethod or when the call is to one of the builtin primitives such as the math functions or the binary operators.

S3 method dispatch looks at the class of the first argument or the class of either argument in a call to one of the primitive binary operators. In pure S3 situations, ‘class’ in this context means the class attribute or the implied class for a basic data type such as "numeric". The first S3 method that matches a name in the class is called and the value of that call is the value of the original function call. For details, see S3Methods.

In modern R, a function meth in a package is registered as an S3 method for function fun and class Class by including in the package's NAMESPACE file the directive

S3method(fun, Class, meth)

By default (and traditionally), the third argument is taken to be the function fun.Class; that is, the name of the generic function, followed by ".", followed by the name of the class.

As with S4 methods, a method that has been registered will be added to a table of methods for this function when the corresponding package is loaded into the session. Older versions of R, copying the mechanism in S, looked for the method in the current search list, but packages should now always register S3 methods rather than requiring the package to be attached.

Methods for S4 Classes

Two possible mechanisms for implementing a method corresponding to an S4 class, there are two possibilities are to register it as an S3 method with the S4 class name or to define and set an S4 method, which will have the side effect of creating an S4 generic version of this function.

For most situations either works, but the recommended approach is to do both: register the S3 method and supply the identical function as the definition of the S4 method. This ensures that the proposed method will be dispatched for any applicable call to the function.

As an example, suppose an S4 class "uncased" is defined, extending "character" and intending to ignore upper- and lower-case. The base function unique dispatches S3 methods. To define the class and a method for this function:

setClass("uncased", contains = "character")

unique.uncased <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) nextMethod(tolower(x))

setMethod("unique", "uncased", unique.uncased)

In addition, the NAMESPACE for the package should contain:

S3method(unique, uncased)


The result is to define identical S3 and S4 methods and ensure that all calls to unique will dispatch that method when appropriate.


The reasons for defining both S3 and S4 methods are as follows:

  1. An S4 method alone will not be seen if the S3 generic function is called directly. This will be the case, for example, if some function calls unique() from a package that does not make that function an S4 generic.

    However, primitive functions and operators are exceptions: The internal C code will look for S4 methods if and only if the object is an S4 object. S4 method dispatch would be used to dispatch any binary operator calls where either of the operands was an S4 object, for example.

  2. An S3 method alone will not be called if there is any eligible non-default S4 method.

    So if a package defined an S3 method for unique for an S4 class but another package defined an S4 method for a superclass of that class, the superclass method would be chosen, probably not what was intended.

S4 and S3 method selection are designed to follow compatible rules of inheritance, as far as possible. S3 classes can be used for any S4 method selection, provided that the S3 classes have been registered by a call to setOldClass, with that call specifying the correct S3 inheritance pattern. S4 classes can be used for any S3 method selection; when an S4 object is detected, S3 method selection uses the contents of extends(class(x)) as the equivalent of the S3 inheritance (the inheritance is cached after the first call).

For the details of S4 and S3 dispatch see Methods_Details and S3Methods.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Class "MethodsList", Defunct Representation of Methods


This class of objects was used in the original implementation of the package to control method dispatch. Its use is now defunct, but object appear as the default method slot in generic functions. This and any other remaining uses will be removed in the future.

For the modern alternative, see listOfMethods.

The details in this documentation are retained to allow analysis of old-style objects.


Suppose a function f has formal arguments x and y. The methods list object for that function has the object"x") as its argument slot. An element of the methods named "track" is selected if the actual argument corresponding to x is an object of class "track". If there is such an element, it can generally be either a function or another methods list object.

In the first case, the function defines the method to use for any call in which x is of class "track". In the second case, the new methods list object defines the available methods depending on the remaining formal arguments, in this example, y.

Each method corresponds conceptually to a signature; that is a named list of classes, with names corresponding to some or all of the formal arguments. In the previous example, if selecting class "track" for x, finding that the selection was another methods list and then selecting class "numeric" for y would produce a method associated with the signature x = "track", y = "numeric".



Object of class "name". The name of the argument being used for dispatch at this level.


A named list of the methods (and method lists) defined explicitly for this argument. The names are the names of classes, and the corresponding element defines the method or methods to be used if the corresponding argument has that class. See the details below.


A named list, contains all the directly defined methods from the methods slot, plus any inherited methods. Ignored when methods tables are used for dispatch (see Methods_Details).


Class "OptionalMethods", directly.

Class "MethodWithNext"


Class of method definitions set up for callNextMethod

Objects from the Class

Objects from this class are generated as a side-effect of calls to callNextMethod.



Object of class "function"; the actual function definition.


Object of class "PossibleMethod" the method to use in response to a callNextMethod() call.


Object of class "list"; one or more signatures excluded in finding the next method.


Object of class "signature", from class "MethodDefinition"


Object of class "signature", from class "MethodDefinition"


Object of class "character"; the function for which the method was created.


Class "MethodDefinition", directly.
Class "function", from data part.
Class "PossibleMethod", by class "MethodDefinition".
Class "OptionalMethods", by class "MethodDefinition".



signature(method = "MethodWithNext"): used internally by method dispatch.


signature(method = "MethodWithNext"): used internally by method dispatch.


signature(object = "MethodWithNext")

See Also

callNextMethod, and class MethodDefinition.

Generate an Object from a Class


A call to new returns a newly allocated object from the class identified by the first argument. This call in turn calls the method for the generic function initialize corresponding to the specified class, passing the ... arguments to this method. In the default method for initialize(), named arguments provide values for the corresponding slots and unnamed arguments must be objects from superclasses of this class.

A call to a generating function for a class (see setClass) will pass its ... arguments to a corresponding call to new().


new(Class, ...)

initialize(.Object, ...)



either the name of a class, a character string, (the usual case) or the object describing the class (e.g., the value returned by getClass). Note that the character string passed from a generating function includes the package name as an attribute, avoiding ambiguity if two packages have identically named classes.


arguments to specify properties of the new object, to be passed to initialize().


An object: see the “Initialize Methods” section.

Initialize Methods

The generic function initialize is not called directly. A call to new begins by copying the prototype object from the class definition, and then calls intialize() with this object as the first argument, followed by the ... arguments.

The interpretation of the ... arguments in a call to a generator function or to new() can be specialized to particular classes, by defining an appropriate method for "initialize".

In the default method, unnamed arguments in the ... are interpreted as objects from a superclass, and named arguments are interpreted as objects to be assigned into the correspondingly named slots. Explicitly specified slots override inherited information for the same slot, regardless of the order in which the arguments appear.

The initialize methods do not have to have ... as their second argument (see the examples). Initialize methods are often written when the natural parameters describing the new object are not the names of the slots. If you do define such a method, you should include ... as a formal argument, and your method should pass such arguments along via callNextMethod. This helps the definition of future subclasses of your class. If these have additional slots and your method does not have this argument, it will be difficult for these slots to be included in an initializing call.

See initialize-methods for a discussion of some classes with existing methods.

Methods for initialize can be inherited only by simple inheritance, since it is a requirement that the method return an object from the target class. See the simpleInheritanceOnly argument to setGeneric and the discussion in setIs for the general concept.

Note that the basic vector classes, "numeric", etc. are implicitly defined, so one can use new for these classes. The ... arguments are interpreted as objects of this type and are concatenated into the resulting vector.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

Classes_Details for details of class definitions, and setOldClass for the relation to S3 classes.


## using the definition of class "track" from \link{setClass}

## a new object with two slots specified
t1 <- new("track", x = seq_along(ydata), y = ydata)

# a new object including an object from a superclass, plus a slot
t2 <- new("trackCurve", t1, smooth = ysmooth)

### define a method for initialize, to ensure that new objects have
### equal-length x and y slots.  In this version, the slots must still be
### supplied by name.

setMethod("initialize", "track", 
    function(.Object, ...) {
      .Object <- callNextMethod()
      if(length(.Object@x) != length(.Object@y))
      stop("specified x and y of different lengths")

### An alternative version that allows x and y to be supplied
### unnamed.  A still more friendly version would make the default x
### a vector of the same length as y, and vice versa.

setMethod("initialize", "track",
          function(.Object, x = numeric(0), y = numeric(0), ...) {
              .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
              if(length(x) != length(y))
                  stop("specified x and y of different lengths")
              .Object@x <- x
              .Object@y <- y

A non-structure S4 Class for basic types


S4 classes that are defined to extend one of the basic vector classes should contain the class structure if they behave like structures; that is, if they should retain their class behavior under math functions or operators, so long as their length is unchanged. On the other hand, if their class depends on the values in the object, not just its structure, then they should lose that class under any such transformations. In the latter case, they should be defined to contain nonStructure.

If neither of these strategies applies, the class likely needs some methods of its own for Ops, Math, and/or other generic functions. What is not usually a good idea is to allow such computations to drop down to the default, base code. This is inconsistent with most definitions of such classes.


Methods are defined for operators and math functions (groups Ops, Math and Math2). In all cases the result is an ordinary vector of the appropriate type.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer.

See Also



setClass("NumericNotStructure", contains = c("numeric","nonStructure"))
xx <- new("NumericNotStructure", 1:10)
xx + 1 # vector
log(xx) # vector
sample(xx) # vector

A Vector of Object Names, with associated Package Names


This class of objects is used to represent ordinary character string object names, extended with a package slot naming the package associated with each object.

Objects from the Class

The function getGenerics returns an object of this class.



Object of class "character": the object names.


Object of class "character" the package names.


Class "character", from data part.
Class "vector", by class "character".

See Also

Methods for general background.

Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Formal Class


Assembles all relevant slot and method information for a class, with minimal markup for Rd processing; no QC facilities at present.


promptClass(clName, filename = NULL, type = "class",
            keywords = "classes", where = topenv(parent.frame()),
            generatorName = clName)



a character string naming the class to be documented.


usually, a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to a file whose name is the topic name for the class documentation, followed by ".Rd". Can also be NA (see below).


the documentation type to be declared in the output file.


the keywords to include in the shell of the documentation. The keyword "classes" should be one of them.


where to look for the definition of the class and of methods that use it.


the name for a generator function for this class; only required if a generator function was created and saved under a name different from the class name.


The class definition is found on the search list. Using that definition, information about classes extended and slots is determined.

In addition, the currently available generics with methods for this class are found (using getGenerics). Note that these methods need not be in the same environment as the class definition; in particular, this part of the output may depend on which packages are currently in the search list.

As with other prompt-style functions, unless filename is NA, the documentation shell is written to a file, and a message about this is given. The file will need editing to give information about the meaning of the class. The output of promptClass can only contain information from the metadata about the formal definition and how it is used.

If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\n"), where x is the list-style representation.

If a generator function is found assigned under the class name or the optional generatorName, skeleton documentation for that function is added to the file.


If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell. Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly.


VJ Carey and John Chambers


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also

prompt for documentation of functions, promptMethods for documentation of method definitions.

For processing of the edited documentation, either use R CMD Rdconv, or include the edited file in the ‘man’ subdirectory of a package.


## Not run: > promptClass("track")
A shell of class documentation has been written to the
file "track-class.Rd".

## End(Not run)

Generate a Shell for Documentation of Formal Methods


Generates a shell of documentation for the methods of a generic function.


promptMethods(f, filename = NULL, methods)



a character string naming the generic function whose methods are to be documented.


usually, a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to the coded topic name for these methods (currently, f followed by "-methods.Rd"). Can also be FALSE or NA (see below).


optional "listOfMethods" object giving the methods to be documented. By default, the first methods object for this generic is used (for example, if the current global environment has some methods for f, these would be documented).

If this argument is supplied, it is likely to be findMethods(f, where), with where some package containing methods for f.


If filename is FALSE, the text created is returned, presumably to be inserted some other documentation file, such as the documentation of the generic function itself (see prompt).

If filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\n"), where x is the list-style representation.

Otherwise, the documentation shell is written to the file specified by filename.


If filename is FALSE, the text generated; if filename is NA, a list-style representation of the documentation shell. Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also

prompt and promptClass

Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)


The software described here allows packages to define reference classes that behave in the style of “OOP” languages such as Java and C++. This model for OOP differs from the functional model implemented by S4 (and S3) classes and methods, in which methods are defined for generic functions. Methods for reference classes are “encapsulated” in the class definition.

Computations with objects from reference classes invoke methods on them and extract or set their fields, using the `$` operator in R. The field and method computations potentially modify the object. All computations referring to the objects see the modifications, in contrast to the usual functional programming model in R.

A call to setRefClass in the source code for a package defines the class and returns a generator object. Subsequent calls to the $methods() method of the generator will define methods for the class. As with functional classes, if the class is exported from the package, it will be available when the package is loaded.

Methods are R functions. In their usual implementation, they refer to fields and other methods of the class directly by name. See the section on “Writing Reference Methods”.

As with functional classes, reference classes can inherit from other reference classes via a contains= argument to setRefClass. Fields and methods will be inherited, except where the new class overrides method definitions. See the section on “Inheritance”.


setRefClass(Class, fields = , contains = , methods =,
     where =, inheritPackage =, ...)

getRefClass(Class, where =)



character string name for the class.

In the call to getRefClass() this argument can also be any object from the relevant class.


either a character vector of field names or a named list of the fields. The resulting fields will be accessed with reference semantics (see the section on “Reference Objects”). If the argument is a list, each element of the list should usually be the character string name of a class, in which case the object in the field must be from that class or a subclass. An alternative, but not generally recommended, is to supply an accessor function; see the section on “Implementation” for accessor functions and the related internal mechanism.

Note that fields are distinct from slots. Reference classes should not define class-specific slots. See the note on slots in the “Implementation” section.


optional vector of superclasses for this class. If a superclass is also a reference class, the fields and class-based methods will be inherited.


a named list of function definitions that can be invoked on objects from this class. These can also be created by invoking the $methods method on the generator object returned. See the section on “Writing Reference Methods” for details.


for setRefClass, the environment in which to store the class definition. Should be omitted in calls from a package's source code.

For getRefClass, the environment from which to search for the definition. If the package is not loaded or you need to be specific, use asNamespace with the package name.


Should objects from the new class inherit the package environment of a contained superclass? Default FALSE. See the Section “Inter-Package Superclasses and External Methods”.


other arguments to be passed to setClass.


setRefClass() returns a generator function suitable for creating objects from the class, invisibly. A call to this function takes any number of arguments, which will be passed on to the initialize method. If no initialize method is defined for the class or one of its superclasses, the default method expects named arguments with the name of one of the fields and unnamed arguments, if any, that are objects from one of the superclasses of this class (but only superclasses that are themselves reference classes have any effect).

The generator function is similar to the S4 generator function returned by setClass. In addition to being a generator function, however, it is also a reference class generator object, with reference class methods for various utilities. See the section on reference class generator objects below.

getRefClass() also returns the generator function for the class. Note that the package slot in the value is the correct package from the class definition, regardless of the where argument, which is used only to find the class if necessary.

Reference Objects

Normal objects in R are passed as arguments in function calls consistently with functional programming semantics; that is, changes made to an object passed as an argument are local to the function call. The object that supplied the argument is unchanged.

The functional model (sometimes called pass-by-value, although this is inaccurate for R) is suitable for many statistical computations and is implicit, for example, in the basic R software for fitting statistical models. In some other situations, one would like all the code dealing with an object to see the exact same content, so that changes made in any computation would be reflected everywhere. This is often suitable if the object has some “objective” reality, such as a window in a user interface.

In addition, commonly used languages, including Java, C++ and many others, support a version of classes and methods assuming reference semantics. The corresponding programming mechanism is to invoke a method on an object. In the R syntax we use "$" for this operation; one invokes a method, m1 say, on an object x by the expression x$m1(...).

Methods in this paradigm are associated with the object, or more precisely with the class of the object, as opposed to methods in a function-based class/method system, which are fundamentally associated with the function (in R, for example, a generic function in an R session has a table of all its currently known methods). In this document “methods for a class” as opposed to “methods for a function” will make the distinction.

Objects in this paradigm usually have named fields on which the methods operate. In the R implementation, the fields are defined when the class is created. The field itself can optionally have a specified class, meaning that only objects from this class or one of its subclasses can be assigned to the field. By default, fields have class "ANY".

Fields are accessed by reference. In particular, invoking a method may modify the content of the fields.

Programming for such classes involves writing new methods for a particular class. In the R implementation, these methods are R functions, with zero or more formal arguments. For standard reference methods, the object itself is not an explicit argument to the method. Instead, fields and methods for the class can be referred to by name in the method definition. The implementation uses R environments to make fields and other methods available by name within the method. Specifically, the parent environment of the method is the object itself. See the section on “Writing Reference Methods”. This special use of environments is optional. If a method is defined with an initial formal argument .self, that will be passed in as the whole object, and the method follows the standard rules for any function in a package. See the section on “External Methods”

The goal of the software described here is to provide a uniform programming style in R for software dealing with reference classes, whether implemented directly in R or through an interface to one of the OOP languages.

Writing Reference Methods

Reference methods are functions supplied as elements of a named list, either when invoking $methods() on a generator object g or as the argument methods in a call to setRefClass. The two mechanisms have the same effect, but the first makes the code more readable.

Methods are written as ordinary R functions but have some special features and restrictions in their usual form. In contrast to some other languages (e.g., Python), the object itself does not need to be an argument in the method definition. The body of the function can contain calls to any other reference method, including those inherited from other reference classes and may refer to methods and to fields in the object by name.

Alternatively, a method may be an external method. This is signalled by .self being the first formal argument to the method. The body of the method then works like any ordinary function. The methods are called like other methods (without the .self argument, which is supplied internally and always refers to the object itself). Inside the method, fields and other methods are accessed in the form .self$x. External methods exist so that reference classes can inherit the package environment of superclasses in other packages; see the section on “External Methods”.

Fields may be modified in a method by using the non-local assignment operator, <<-, as in the $edit and $undo methods in the example below. Note that non-local assignment is required: a local assignment with the <- operator just creates a local object in the function call, as it would in any R function. When methods are installed, a heuristic check is made for local assignments to field names and a warning issued if any are detected.

Reference methods should be kept simple; if they need to do some specialized R computation, that computation should use a separate R function that is called from the reference method. Specifically, methods can not use special features of the enclosing environment mechanism, since the method's environment is used to access fields and other methods. In particular, methods should not use non-exported entries in the package's namespace, because the methods may be inherited by a reference class in another package.

Two method names are interpreted specially, initialize and finalize. If an initialize method is defined, it will be invoked when an object is generated from the class. See the discussion of method $new(...) in the section “Initialization Methods”.

If a finalize method is defined, a function will be registered to invoke it before the environment in the object is discarded by the garbage collector; finalizers are registered with atexit=TRUE, and so are also run at the end of R sessions. See the matrix viewer example for both initialize and finalize methods.

Reference methods can not themselves be generic functions; if you want additional function-based method dispatch, write a separate generic function and call that from the method.

Two special object names are available. The entire object can be referred to in a method by the reserved name .self. The object .refClassDef contains the definition of the class of the object. These are accessed as fields but are read-only, with one exception. In principal, the .self field can be modified in the $initialize method, because the object is still being created at this stage. This is not recommended, as it can invalidate the object with respect to its class.

The methods available include methods inherited from superclasses, as discussed in the section “Inheritance”.

Only methods actually used will be included in the environment corresponding to an individual object. To declare that a method requires a particular other method, the first method should include a call to $usingMethods() with the name of the other method as an argument. Declaring the methods this way is essential if the other method is used indirectly (e.g., via sapply() or If it is called directly, code analysis will find it. Declaring the method is harmless in any case, however, and may aid readability of the source code.

Documentation for the methods can be obtained by the $help method for the generator object. Methods for classes are not documented in the Rd format used for R functions. Instead, the $help method prints the calling sequence of the method, followed by self-documentation from the method definition, in the style of Python. If the first element of the body of the method is a literal character string (possibly multi-line), that string is interpreted as documentation. See the method definitions in the example.

Initialization Methods

If the class has a method defined for $initialize(), this method will be called once the reference object has been created. You should write such a method for a class that needs to do some special initialization. In particular, a reference method is recommended rather than a method for the S4 generic function initialize(), because some special initialization is required for reference objects before the initialization of fields. As with S4 classes, methods are written for $initialize() and not for $new(), both for the previous reason and also because $new() is invoked on the generator object and would be a method for that class.

The default method for $initialize() is equivalent to invoking the method $initFields(...). Named arguments assign initial values to the corresponding fields. Unnamed arguments must be objects from this class or a reference superclass of this class. Fields will be initialized to the contents of the fields in such objects, but named arguments override the corresponding inherited fields. Note that fields are simply assigned. If the field is itself a reference object, that object is not copied. The new and previous object will share the reference. Also, a field assigned from an unnamed argument counts as an assignment for locked fields. To override an inherited value for a locked field, the new value must be one of the named arguments in the initializing call. A later assignment of the field will result in an error.

Initialization methods need some care in design. The generator for a reference class will be called with no arguments, for example when copying the object. To ensure that these calls do not fail, the method must have defaults for all arguments or check for missing(). The method should include ... as an argument and pass this on via $callSuper() (or $initFields() if you know that your superclasses have no initialization methods). This allows future class definitions that subclass this class, with additional fields.


Reference classes inherit from other reference classes by using the standard R inheritance; that is, by including the superclasses in the contains= argument when creating the new class. The names of the reference superclasses are in slot refSuperClasses of the class definition. Reference classes can inherit from ordinary S4 classes also, but this is usually a bad idea if it mixes reference fields and non-reference slots. See the comments in the section on “Implementation”.

Class fields are inherited. A class definition can override a field of the same name in a superclass only if the overriding class is a subclass of the class of the inherited field. This ensures that a valid object in the field remains valid for the superclass as well.

Inherited methods are installed in the same way as directly specified methods. The code in a method can refer to inherited methods in the same way as directly specified methods.

A method may override a method of the same name in a superclass. The overriding method can call the superclass method by callSuper(...) as described below.

Methods Provided for all Objects

All reference classes inherit from the class "envRefClass". All reference objects can use the following methods.


Calls the method inherited from a reference superclass. The call is meaningful only from within another method, and will be resolved to call the inherited method of the same name. The arguments to $callSuper are passed to the superclass version. See the matrix viewer class in the example.

Note that the intended arguments for the superclass method must be supplied explicitly; there is no convention for supplying the arguments automatically, in contrast to the similar mechanism for functional methods.

$copy(shallow = FALSE)

Creates a copy of the object. With reference classes, unlike ordinary R objects, merely assigning the object with a different name does not create an independent copy. If shallow is FALSE, any field that is itself a reference object will also be copied, and similarly recursively for its fields. Otherwise, while reassigning a field to a new reference object will have no side effect, modifying such a field will still be reflected in both copies of the object. The argument has no effect on non-reference objects in fields. When there are reference objects in some fields but it is asserted that they will not be modified, using shallow = TRUE will save some memory and time.

$field(name, value)

With one argument, returns the field of the object with character string name. With two arguments, the corresponding field is assigned value. Assignment checks that name specifies a valid field, but the single-argument version will attempt to get anything of that name from the object's environment.

The $field() method replaces the direct use of a field name, when the name of the field must be calculated, or for looping over several fields.


Returns the result of coercing the object to Class (typically one of the superclasses of the object's class). Calling the method has no side effect on the object itself.

$getRefClass(); $getClass()

These return respectively the generator object and the formal class definition for the reference class of this object, efficiently.

$import(value, Class = class(value))

Import the object value into the current object, replacing the corresponding fields in the current object. Object value must come from one of the superclasses of the current object's class. If argument Class is supplied, value is first coerced to that class.


Initialize the fields of the object from the supplied arguments. This method is usually only called from a class with a $initialize() method. It corresponds to the default initialization for reference classes. If there are slots and non-reference superclasses, these may be supplied in the ... argument as well.

Typically, a specialized $initialize() method carries out its own computations, then invokes $initFields() to perform standard initialization, as shown in the matrixViewer class in the example below.


This method is called when the object is printed automatically, analogously to the show function. A general method is defined for class "envRefClass". User-defined reference classes will often define their own method: see the Example below.

Note two points in the example. As with any show() method, it is a good idea to print the class explicitly to allow for subclasses using the method. Second, to call the function show() from the method, as opposed to the $show() method itself, refer to methods::show() explicitly.

$trace(what, ...), $untrace(what)

Apply the tracing and debugging facilities of the trace function to the reference method what.

All the arguments of the trace function can be supplied, except for signature, which is not meaningful.

The reference method can be invoked on either an object or the generator for the class. See the section on Debugging below for details.


Reference methods used by this method are named as the arguments either quoted or unquoted. In the code analysis phase of installing the present method, the declared methods will be included. It is essential to declare any methods used in a nonstandard way (e.g., via an apply function). Methods called directly do not need to be declared, but it is harmless to do so. $usingMethods() does nothing at run time.

Objects also inherit two reserved fields:


a reference to the entire object;


the class definition.

The defined fields should not override these, and in general it is unwise to define a field whose name begins with ".", since the implementation may use such names for special purposes.

External Methods; Inter-Package Superclasses

The environment of a method in a reference class is the object itself, as an environment. This allows the method to refer directly to fields and other methods, without using the whole object and the "$" operator. The parent of that environment is the namespace of the package in which the reference class is defined. Computations in the method have access to all the objects in the package's namespace, exported or not.

When defining a class that contains a reference superclass in another package, there is an ambiguity about which package namespace should have that role. The argument inheritPackage to setRefClass() controls whether the environment of new objects should inherit from an inherited class in another package or continue to inherit from the current package's namespace.

If the superclass is “lean”, with few methods, or exists primarily to support a family of subclasses, then it may be better to continue to use the new package's environment. On the other hand, if the superclass was originally written as a standalone, this choice may invalidate existing superclass methods. For the superclass methods to continue to work, they must use only exported functions in their package and the new package must import these.

Either way, some methods may need to be written that do not assume the standard model for reference class methods, but behave essentially as ordinary functions would in dealing with reference class objects.

The mechanism is to recognize external methods. An external method is written as a function in which the first argument, named .self, stands for the reference class object. This function is supplied as the definition for a reference class method. The method will be called, automatically, with the first argument being the current object and the other arguments, if any, passed along from the actual call.

Since an external method is an ordinary function in the source code for its package, it has access to all the objects in the namespace. Fields and methods in the reference class must be referred to in the form .self$name.

If for some reason you do not want to use .self as the first argument, a function f() can be converted explicitly as externalRefMethod(f), which returns an object of class "externalRefMethod" that can be supplied as a method for the class. The first argument will still correspond to the whole object.

External methods can be supplied for any reference class, but there is no obvious advantage unless they are needed. They are more work to write, harder to read and (slightly) slower to execute.

NOTE: If you are the author of a package whose reference classes are likely to be subclassed in other packages, you can avoid these questions entirely by writing methods that only use exported functions from your package, so that all the methods will work from another package that imports yours.

Reference Class Generators

The call to setRefClass defines the specified class and returns a “generator function” object for that class. This object has class "refObjectGenerator"; it inherits from "function" via "classGeneratorFunction" and can be called to generate new objects from the reference class.

The returned object is also a reference class object, although not of the standard construction. It can be used to invoke reference methods and access fields in the usual way, but instead of being implemented directly as an environment it has a subsidiary generator object as a slot, a standard reference object (of class "refGeneratorSlot"). Note that if one wanted to extend the reference class generator capability with a subclass, this should be done by subclassing "refGeneratorSlot", not "refObjectGenerator".

The fields are def, the class definition, and className, the character string name of the class. Methods generate objects from the class, to access help on reference methods, and to define new reference methods for the class. The currently available methods are:


This method is equivalent to calling the generator function returned by setRefClass.


Prints brief help on the topic. The topics recognized are reference method names, quoted or not.

The information printed is the calling sequence for the method, plus self-documentation if any. Reference methods can have an initial character string or vector as the first element in the body of the function defining the method. If so, this string is taken as self-documentation for the method (see the section on “Writing Reference Methods” for details).

If no topic is given or if the topic is not a method name, the definition of the class is printed.


With no arguments, returns the names of the reference methods for this class. With one character string argument, returns the method of that name.

Named arguments are method definitions, which will be installed in the class, as if they had been supplied in the methods argument to setRefClass(). Supplying methods in this way, rather than in the call to setRefClass(), is recommended for the sake of clearer source code. See the section on “Writing Reference Methods” for details.

All methods for a class should be defined in the source code that defines the class, typically as part of a package. In particular, methods can not be redefined in a class in an attached package with a namespace: The class method checks for a locked binding of the class definition.

The new methods can refer to any currently defined method by name (including other methods supplied in this call to $methods()). Note though that previously defined methods are not re-analyzed meaning that they will not call the new method (unless it redefines an existing method of the same name).

To remove a method, supply NULL as its new definition.


Returns a list of the fields, each with its corresponding class. Fields for which an accessor function was supplied in the definition have class "activeBindingFunction".


The fields named in the arguments are locked; specifically, after the lock method is called, the field may be set once. Any further attempt to set it will generate an error.

If called with no arguments, the method returns the names of the locked fields.

Fields that are defined by an explicit accessor function can not be locked (on the other hand, the accessor function can be defined to generate an error if called with an argument).

All code to lock fields should normally be part of the definition of a class; that is, the read-only nature of the fields is meant to be part of the class definition, not a dynamic property added later. In particular, fields can not be locked in a class in an attached package with a namespace: The class method checks for a locked binding of the class definition. Locked fields can not be subsequently unlocked.

$trace(what, ..., classMethod = FALSE)

Establish a traced version of method what for objects generated from this class. The generator object tracing works like the $trace() method for objects from the class, with two differences. Since it changes the method definition in the class object itself, tracing applies to all objects, not just the one on which the trace method is invoked.

Second, the optional argument classMethod = TRUE allows tracing on the methods of the generator object itself. By default, what is interpreted as the name of a method in the class for which this object is the generator.


A number of systems using the OOP programming paradigm recommend or enforce getter and setter methods corresponding to each field, rather than direct access by name. If you like this style and want to extract a field named abc by x$getAbc() and assign it by x$setAbc(value), the $accessors method is a convenience function that creates such getter and setter methods for the specified fields. Otherwise there is no reason to use this mechanism. In particular, it has nothing to do with the general ability to define fields by functions as described in the section on “Reference Objects”.

Implementation; Reference Classes as S4 Classes

Reference classes are implemented as S4 classes with a data part of type "environment". Fields correspond to named objects in the environment. A field associated with a function is implemented as an active binding. In particular, fields with a specified class are implemented as a special form of active binding to enforce valid assignment to the field.

As a related feature, the element in the fields= list supplied to setRefClass can be an accessor function, a function of one argument that returns the field if called with no argument or sets it to the value of the argument otherwise. Accessor functions are used internally and for inter-system interface applications, but not generally recommended as they blur the concept of fields as data within the object.

A field, say data, can be accessed generally by an expression of the form x$data for any object from the relevant class. In an internal method for this class, the field can be accessed by the name data. A field that is not locked can be set by an expression of the form x$data <- value. Inside an internal method, a field can be assigned by an expression of the form x <<- value. Note the non-local assignment operator. The standard R interpretation of this operator works to assign it in the environment of the object. If the field has an accessor function defined, getting and setting will call that function.

When a method is invoked on an object, the function defining the method is installed in the object's environment, with the same environment as the environment of the function.

Reference classes can have validity methods in the same sense as any S4 class (see setValidity). Such methods are often a good idea; they will be called by calling validObject and a validity method, if one is defined, will be called when a reference object is created (from version 3.4 of R on). Just remember that these are S4 methods. The function will be called with the object as its argument. Fields and methods must be accessed using $.

Note: Slots. Because of the implementation, new reference classes can inherit from non-reference S4 classes as well as reference classes, and can include class-specific slots in the definition. This is usually a bad idea, if the slots from the non-reference class are thought of as alternatives to fields. Slots will as always be treated functionally. Therefore, changes to the slots and the fields will behave inconsistently, mixing the functional and reference paradigms for properties of the same object, conceptually unclear and prone to errors. In addition, the initialization method for the class will have to sort out fields from slots, with a good chance of creating anomalous behavior for subclasses of this class.

Inheriting from a class union, however, is a reasonable strategy (with all members of the union likely to be reference classes).


The standard R debugging and tracing facilities can be applied to reference methods. Reference methods can be passed to debug and its relatives from an object to debug further method invocations on that object; for example, debug(xx$edit).

Somewhat more flexible use is available for a reference method version of the trace function. A corresponding $trace() reference method is available for either an object or for the reference class generator (xx$trace() or mEdit$trace() in the example below). Using $trace() on an object sets up a tracing version for future invocations of the specified method for that object. Using $trace() on the generator for the class sets up a tracing version for all future objects from that class (and sometimes for existing objects from the class if the method is not declared or previously invoked).

In either case, all the arguments to the standard trace function are available, except for signature= which is meaningless since reference methods can not be S4 generic functions. This includes the typical style trace(what, browser) for interactive debugging and trace(what, edit = TRUE) to edit the reference method interactively.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 11.)


## a simple editor for matrix objects.  Method  $edit() changes some
## range of values; method $undo() undoes the last edit.
mEdit <- setRefClass("mEdit",
      fields = list( data = "matrix",
        edits = "list"))

## The basic edit, undo methods
     edit = function(i, j, value) {
       ## the following string documents the edit method
       'Replaces the range [i, j] of the
        object by value.
         backup <-
             list(i, j, data[i,j])
         data[i,j] <<- value
         edits <<- c(edits, list(backup))
     undo = function() {
       'Undoes the last edit() operation
        and update the edits field accordingly.
         prev <- edits
         if(length(prev)) prev <- prev[[length(prev)]]
         else stop("No more edits to undo")
         edit(prev[[1]], prev[[2]], prev[[3]])
         ## trim the edits list
         length(edits) <<- length(edits) - 2

## A method to automatically print objects
     show = function() {
       'Method for automatically printing matrix editors'
       cat("Reference matrix editor object of class",
          classLabel(class(.self)), "\n")
       cat("Data: \n")
       cat("Undo list is of length", length(edits), "\n")

xMat <- matrix(1:12,4,3)
xx <- mEdit(data = xMat)
xx$edit(2, 2, 0)
stopifnot(all.equal(xx$data, xMat))

utils::str(xx) # show fields and names of methods

## A method to save the object
     save = function(file) {
       'Save the current object on the file
        in R external object format.
         base::save(.self, file = file)

tf <- tempfile()

## Not run: 
## Inheriting a reference class:  a matrix viewer
mv <- setRefClass("matrixViewer",
    fields = c("viewerDevice", "viewerFile"),
    contains = "mEdit",
    methods = list( view = function() {
        dd <- dev.cur(); dev.set(viewerDevice)
        matplot(data, main = paste("After",length(edits),"edits"))
        edit = # invoke previous method, then replot
          function(i, j, value) {
            callSuper(i, j, value)

## initialize and finalize methods
mv$methods( initialize =
  function(file = "./matrixView.pdf", ...) {
    viewerFile <<- file
    viewerDevice <<- dev.cur()
  finalize = function() {

## debugging an object: call browser() in method $edit()
xx$trace(edit, browser)

## debugging all objects from class mEdit in method $undo()
mEdit$trace(undo, browser)

## End(Not run)

Remove a Method


Remove the method for a given function and signature. Obsolete for ordinary applications: Method definitions in a package should never need to remove methods and it's very bad practice to remove methods that were defined in other packages.


removeMethod(f, signature, where)


f, signature, where

As for setMethod().


TRUE if a method was found to be removed.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a Class Definition


These are old utility functions to construct, respectively a list designed to represent the slots and superclasses and a list of prototype specifications. The representation() function is no longer useful, since the arguments slots and contains to setClass are now recommended.

The prototype() function may still be used for the corresponding argument, but a simple list of the same arguments works as well.





The call to representation takes arguments that are single character strings. Unnamed arguments are classes that a newly defined class extends; named arguments name the explicit slots in the new class, and specify what class each slot should have.

In the call to prototype, if an unnamed argument is supplied, it unconditionally forms the basis for the prototype object. Remaining arguments are taken to correspond to slots of this object. It is an error to supply more than one unnamed argument.


The representation function applies tests for the validity of the arguments. Each must specify the name of a class.

The classes named don't have to exist when representation is called, but if they do, then the function will check for any duplicate slot names introduced by each of the inherited classes.

The arguments to prototype are usually named initial values for slots, plus an optional first argument that gives the object itself. The unnamed argument is typically useful if there is a data part to the definition (see the examples below).


The value of representation is just the list of arguments, after these have been checked for validity.

The value of prototype is the object to be used as the prototype. Slots will have been set consistently with the arguments, but the construction does not use the class definition to test validity of the contents (it hardly can, since the prototype object is usually supplied to create the definition).


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also



## representation for a new class with a directly define slot "smooth"
## which should be a "numeric" object, and extending class "track"
representation("track", smooth ="numeric")

###  >>> This *is* old syntax -- use 'contains=*, slots=*' instead <<<
###                ==========         ----------  ------   ======

ttt <- new("TypedCharacter", "foo", type = "character")

setClass("num1", representation(comment = "character"),
         contains = "numeric",
         prototype = prototype(pi, comment = "Start with pi"))

S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes


A regular (S4) class may contain an S3 class, if that class has been registered (by calling setOldClass). The functions described here provide information about contained S3 classes. See the section ‘Functions’.

In modern R, these functions are not usually needed to program with objects from the S4 class. Standard computations work as expected, including method selection for both S4 and S3. To coerce an object to its contained S3 class, use either of the expressions:

as(object, S3Class); as(object, "S3")

where S3Class evaluates to the name of the contained class. These return slightly different objects, which in rare cases may need to be distinguished. See the section “Contained S3 Objects”.


S3Part(object, strictS3 = FALSE, S3Class)




## the replacement versions of the functions are not recommended
## Create a new object from the class or use the replacement version of as().

S3Part(object, strictS3 = FALSE, needClass = ) <- value

S3Class(object) <-  value



an object from some class that extends a registered S3 class, or a basic vector, matrix or array object type.

For most of the functions, an S3 object can also be supplied, with the interpretation that it is its own S3 part.


If TRUE, the value returned by S3Part will be an S3 object, with all the S4 slots removed. Otherwise, an S4 object will always be returned; for example, from the S4 class created by setOldClass as a proxy for an S3 class, rather than the underlying S3 object.


the character vector to be stored as the S3 class slot in the object. Usually, and by default, retains the slot from object, but an S3 superclass is allowed.


a class definition object, as returned by getClass.

The remaining arguments apply only to the replacement versions, which are not recommended.


Require that the replacement value be this class or a subclass of it.


For S3Part<-, the replacement value for the S3 part of the object.

For S3Class<-, the character vector that will be used as a proxy for class(x) in S3 method dispatch.


S3Part: Returns an object from the S3 class that appeared in the contains= argument to setClass.

If called with strictS3 = TRUE, S3Part() constructs the underlying S3 object by eliminating all the formally defined slots and turning off the S4 bit of the object. With strictS3 = FALSE the object returned is from the corresponding S4 class. For consistency and generality, S3Part() works also for classes that extend the basic vector, matrix and array classes.

A call to is equivalent coercing the object to class "S3" for the strict case, or to whatever the specific S3 class was, for the non-strict case. The as() calls are usually easier for readers to understand.

S3Class: Returns the character vector of S3 class(es) stored in the object, if the class has the corresponding .S3Class slot. Currently, the function defaults to class otherwise.

isXS3Class: Returns TRUE or FALSE according to whether the class defined by ClassDef extends S3 classes (specifically, whether it has the slot for holding the S3 class).

slotsFromS3: returns a list of the relevant slot classes, or an empty list for any other object.

The function slotsFromS3() is a generic function used internally to access the slots associated with the S3 part of the object. Methods for this function are created automatically when setOldClass is called with the S4Class argument. Usually, there is only one S3 slot, containing the S3 class, but the S4Class argument may provide additional slots, in the case that the S3 class has some guaranteed attributes that can be used as formal S4 slots. See the corresponding section in the documentation of setOldClass.

Contained S3 Objects

Registering an S3 class defines an S4 class. Objects from this class are essentially identical in content to an object from the S3 class, except for two differences. The value returned by class() will always be a single string for the S4 object, and isS4() will return TRUE or FALSE in the two cases. See the example below. It is barely possible that some S3 code will not work with the S4 object; if so, use as(x, "S3").

Objects from a class that extends an S3 class will have some basic type and possibly some attributes. For an S3 class that has an equivalent S4 definition (e.g., "data.frame"), an extending S4 class will have a data part and slots. For other S3 classes (e.g., "lm") an object from the extending S4 class will be some sort of basic type, nearly always a vector type (e.g., "list" for "lm"), but the data part will not have a formal definition.

Registering an S3 class by a call to setOldClass creates a class of the same name with a slot ".S3Class" to hold the corresponding S3 vector of class strings. New S4 classes that extend such classes also have the same slot, set to the S3 class of the contained S3 object, which may be an (S3) subclass of the registered class. For example, an S4 class might contain the S3 class "lm", but an object from the class might contain an object from class "mlm", as in the "xlm"example below.

R is somewhat arbitrary about what it treats as an S3 class: "ts" is, but "matrix" and "array" are not. For classes that extend those, assuming they contain an S3 class is incorrect and will cause some confusion—not usually disastrous, but the better strategy is to stick to the explicit “class”. Thus as(x, "matrix") rather than as(x, "S3") or S3Part(x).

S3 and S4 Objects: Conversion Mechanisms

Objects in R have an internal bit that indicates whether or not to treat the object as coming from an S4 class. This bit is tested by isS4 and can be set on or off by asS4. The latter function, however, does no checking or interpretation; you should only use it if you are very certain every detail has been handled correctly.

As a friendlier alternative, methods have been defined for coercing to the virtual classes "S3" and "S4". The expressions as(object, "S3") and as(object, "S4") return S3 and S4 objects, respectively. In addition, they attempt to do conversions in a valid way, and also check validity when coercing to S4.

The expression as(object, "S3") can be used in two ways. For objects from one of the registered S3 classes, the expression will ensure that the class attribute is the full multi-string S3 class implied by class(object). If the registered class has known attribute/slots, these will also be provided.

Another use of as(object, "S3") is to take an S4 object and turn it into an S3 object with corresponding attributes. This is only meaningful with S4 classes that have a data part. If you want to operate on the object without invoking S4 methods, this conversion is usually the safest way.

The expression as(object, "S4") will use the attributes in the object to create an object from the S4 definition of class(object). This is a general mechanism to create partially defined version of S4 objects via S3 computations (not much different from invoking new with corresponding arguments, but usable in this form even if the S4 object has an initialize method with different arguments).


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10, particularly Section 10.8)

See Also



## an "mlm" object, regressing two variables on two others

sepal <- as.matrix(datasets::iris[,c("Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Length")])
fit <- lm(sepal ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species, data = datasets::iris)
class(fit) # S3 class: "mlm", "lm"

## a class that contains "mlm"
myReg <- setClass("myReg", slots = c(title = "character"), contains = "mlm")

fit2 <- myReg(fit, title = "Sepal Regression for iris data")

fit2 # shows the inherited "mlm" object and the title

identical(S3Part(fit2), as(fit2, "mlm"))

class(as(fit2, "mlm")) # the S4 class, "mlm"

class(as(fit2, "S3")) # the S3 class, c("mlm", "lm")

## An object may contain an S3 class from a subclass of that declared:
xlm <- setClass("xlm", slots = c(eps = "numeric"), contains = "lm")

xfit <- xlm(fit, eps = .Machine$double.eps)

xfit@.S3Class # c("mlm", lm")

S4 Group Generic Functions


Methods can be defined for group generic functions. Each group generic function has a number of member generic functions associated with it.

Methods defined for a group generic function cause the same method to be defined for each member of the group, but a method explicitly defined for a member of the group takes precedence over a method defined, with the same signature, for the group generic.

The functions shown in this documentation page all reside in the methods package, but the mechanism is available to any programmer, by calling setGroupGeneric (provided package methods is attached).


## S4 group generics:
Arith(e1, e2)
Compare(e1, e2)
Ops(e1, e2)
Logic(e1, e2)
Math2(x, digits)
Summary(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE)


x, z, e1, e2



number of digits to be used in round or signif.


further arguments passed to or from methods.


logical: should missing values be removed?


Methods can be defined for the group generic functions by calls to setMethod in the usual way. Note that the group generic functions should never be called directly – a suitable error message will result if they are. When metadata for a group generic is loaded, the methods defined become methods for the members of the group, but only if no method has been specified directly for the member function for the same signature. The effect is that group generic definitions are selected before inherited methods but after directly specified methods. For more on method selection, see Methods_Details.

There are also S3 groups Math, Ops, Summary and Complex, see ?S3groupGeneric, with no corresponding R objects, but these are irrelevant for S4 group generic functions.

The members of the group defined by a particular generic can be obtained by calling getGroupMembers. For the group generic functions currently defined in this package the members are as follows:


"+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/"


"==", ">", "<", "!=", "<=", ">="


"&", "|".


"Arith", "Compare", "Logic"


"abs", "sign", "sqrt", "ceiling", "floor", "trunc", "cummax", "cummin", "cumprod", "cumsum", "log", "log10", "log2", "log1p", "acos", "acosh", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atanh", "exp", "expm1", "cos", "cosh", "cospi", "sin", "sinh", "sinpi", "tan", "tanh", "tanpi", "gamma", "lgamma", "digamma", "trigamma"


"round", "signif"


"max", "min", "range", "prod", "sum", "any", "all"


"Arg", "Conj", "Im", "Mod", "Re"

Note that Ops merely consists of three sub groups.

All the functions in these groups (other than the group generics themselves) are basic functions in R. They are not by default S4 generic functions, and many of them are defined as primitives. However, you can still define formal methods for them, both individually and via the group generics. It all works more or less as you might expect, admittedly via a bit of trickery in the background. See Methods_Details for details.

Note that two members of the Math group, log and trunc, have ... as an extra formal argument. Since methods for Math will have only one formal argument, you must set a specific method for these functions in order to call them with the extra argument(s).

For further details about group generic functions see section 10.5 of the second reference.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Section 10.5)

See Also

The function callGeneric is nearly always relevant when writing a method for a group generic. See the examples below and in section 10.5 of Software for Data Analysis.

See S3groupGeneric for S3 group generics.


setClass("testComplex", slots = c(zz = "complex"))
## method for whole group "Complex"
setMethod("Complex", "testComplex",
          function(z) c("groupMethod", callGeneric(z@zz)))
## exception for Arg() :
setMethod("Arg", "testComplex",
          function(z) c("ArgMethod", Arg(z@zz)))
z1 <- 1+2i
z2 <- new("testComplex", zz = z1)
stopifnot(identical(Mod(z2), c("groupMethod", Mod(z1))))
stopifnot(identical(Arg(z2), c("ArgMethod", Arg(z1))))

Class to Represent Inheritance (Extension) Relations


An object from this class represents a single ‘is’ relationship; lists of these objects are used to represent all the extensions (superclasses) and subclasses for a given class. The object contains information about how the relation is defined and methods to coerce, test, and replace correspondingly.

Objects from the Class

Objects from this class are generated by setIs, from direct calls and from the contains= information in a call to setClass, and from class unions created by setClassUnion. In the last case, the information is stored in defining the subclasses of the union class (allowing unions to contain sealed classes).


subClass, superClass:

The classes being extended: corresponding to the from, and to arguments to setIs.


The package to which that class belongs.


A function to carry out the as() computation implied by the relation. Note that these functions should not be used directly. They only deal with the strict=TRUE calls to the as function, with the full method constructed from this mechanically.


The function that would test whether the relation holds. Except for explicitly specified test arguments to setIs, this function is trivial.


The method used to implement as(x, Class) <- value.


A "logical" flag, TRUE if this is a simple relation, either because one class is contained in the definition of another, or because a class has been explicitly stated to extend a virtual class. For simple extensions, the three methods are generated automatically.


If this relation has been constructed transitively, the first intermediate class from the subclass.


A "logical" flag, TRUE if the extended class is in fact the data part of the subclass. In this case the extended class is a basic class (i.e., a type).


The distance between the two classes, 1 for directly contained classes, plus the number of generations between otherwise.


No methods defined with class "SClassExtension" in the signature.

See Also

is, as, and the classRepresentation class.

Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class


Return superclasses of ClassDef, possibly only non-virtual or direct or simple ones.

These functions are designed to be fast, and consequently only work with the contains slot of the corresponding class definitions.


selectSuperClasses(Class, dropVirtual = FALSE, namesOnly = TRUE,
                   directOnly = TRUE, simpleOnly = directOnly,
                   where = topenv(parent.frame()))

.selectSuperClasses(ext, dropVirtual = FALSE, namesOnly = TRUE,
                    directOnly = TRUE, simpleOnly = directOnly)



name of the class or (more efficiently) the class definition object (see getClass).


logical indicating if only non-virtual superclasses should be returned.


logical indicating if only a vector names instead of a named list class-extensions should be returned.


logical indicating if only a direct super classes should be returned.


logical indicating if only simple class extensions should be returned.


(only used when Class is not a class definition) environment where the class definition of Class is found.


for .selectSuperClasses() only, a list of class extensions, typically getClassDef(..)@contains.


a character vector (if namesOnly is true, as per default) or a list of class extensions (as the contains slot in the result of getClass).


The typical user level function is selectSuperClasses() which calls .selectSuperClasses(); i.e., the latter should only be used for efficiency reasons by experienced useRs.

See Also

is, getClass; further, the more technical class classRepresentation documentation.


setClass("Base", contains = "Root", slots = c(length = "integer"))
setClass("A", contains = "Base", slots = c(x = "numeric"))
setClass("B", contains = "Base", slots = c(y = "character"))
setClass("C", contains = c("A", "B"))

extends("C")   #-->  "C"  "A" "B"  "Base" "Root"
selectSuperClasses("C") # "A" "B"
selectSuperClasses("C", directOnly=FALSE) # "A" "B"  "Base"  "Root"
selectSuperClasses("C", dropVirtual=TRUE, directOnly=FALSE)# ditto w/o "Root"

Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class


A call to setAs defines a method for coercing an object of class from to class to. The methods will then be used by calls to as for objects with class from, including calls that replace part of the object.

Methods for this purpose work indirectly, by defining methods for function coerce. The coerce function is not to be called directly, and method selection uses class inheritance only on the first argument.


setAs(from, to, def, replace, where = topenv(parent.frame()))


from, to

The classes between which the coerce methods def and replace perform coercion.


function of one argument. It will get an object from class from and had better return an object of class to. The convention is that the name of the argument is from; if another argument name is used, setAs will attempt to substitute from.


if supplied, the function to use as a replacement method, when as is used on the left of an assignment. Should be a function of two arguments, from, value, although setAs will attempt to substitute if the arguments differ.

The remaining argument will not be used in standard applications.


the position or environment in which to store the resulting methods. Do not use this argument when defining a method in a package. Only the default, the namespace of the package, should be used in normal situations.

Inheritance and Coercion

Objects from one class can turn into objects from another class either automatically or by an explicit call to the as function. Automatic conversion is special, and comes from the designer of one class of objects asserting that this class extends another class. The most common case is that one or more class names are supplied in the contains= argument to setClass, in which case the new class extends each of the earlier classes (in the usual terminology, the earlier classes are superclasses of the new class and it is a subclass of each of them).

This form of inheritance is called simple inheritance in R. See setClass for details. Inheritance can also be defined explicitly by a call to setIs. The two versions have slightly different implications for coerce methods. Simple inheritance implies that inherited slots behave identically in the subclass and the superclass. Whenever two classes are related by simple inheritance, corresponding coerce methods are defined for both direct and replacement use of as. In the case of simple inheritance, these methods do the obvious computation: they extract or replace the slots in the object that correspond to those in the superclass definition.

The implicitly defined coerce methods may be overridden by a call to setAs; note, however, that the implicit methods are defined for each subclass-superclass pair, so that you must override each of these explicitly, not rely on inheritance.

When inheritance is defined by a call to setIs, the coerce methods are provided explicitly, not generated automatically. Inheritance will apply (to the from argument, as described in the section below). You could also supply methods via setAs for non-inherited relationships, and now these also can be inherited.

For further on the distinction between simple and explicit inheritance, see setIs.

How Functions as and setAs Work

The function as turns object into an object of class Class. In doing so, it applies a “coerce method”, using S4 classes and methods, but in a somewhat special way. Coerce methods are methods for the function coerce or, in the replacement case the function `coerce<-`. These functions have two arguments in method signatures, from and to, corresponding to the class of the object and the desired coerce class. These functions must not be called directly, but are used to store tables of methods for the use of as, directly and for replacements. In this section we will describe the direct case, but except where noted the replacement case works the same way, using `coerce<-` and the replace argument to setAs, rather than coerce and the def argument.

Assuming the object is not already of the desired class, as first looks for a method in the table of methods for the function coerce for the signature c(from = class(object), to = Class), in the same way method selection would do its initial lookup. To be precise, this means the table of both direct and inherited methods, but inheritance is used specially in this case (see below).

If no method is found, as looks for one. First, if either Class or class(object) is a superclass of the other, the class definition will contain the information needed to construct a coerce method. In the usual case that the subclass contains the superclass (i.e., has all its slots), the method is constructed either by extracting or replacing the inherited slots. Non-simple extensions (the result of a call to setIs) will usually contain explicit methods, though possibly not for replacement.

If no subclass/superclass relationship provides a method, as looks for an inherited method, but applying, inheritance for the argument from only, not for the argument to (if you think about it, you'll probably agree that you wouldn't want the result to be from some class other than the Class specified). Thus, selectMethod("coerce", sig, useInherited= c(from=TRUE, to= FALSE)) replicates the method selection used by as().

In nearly all cases the method found in this way will be cached in the table of coerce methods (the exception being subclass relationships with a test, which are legal but discouraged). So the detailed calculations should be done only on the first occurrence of a coerce from class(object) to Class.

Note that coerce is not a standard generic function. It is not intended to be called directly. To prevent accidentally caching an invalid inherited method, calls are routed to an equivalent call to as, and a warning is issued. Also, calls to selectMethod for this function may not represent the method that as will choose. You can only trust the result if the corresponding call to as has occurred previously in this session.

With this explanation as background, the function setAs does a fairly obvious computation: It constructs and sets a method for the function coerce with signature c(from, to), using the def argument to define the body of the method. The function supplied as def can have one argument (interpreted as an object to be coerced) or two arguments (the from object and the to class). Either way, setAs constructs a function of two arguments, with the second defaulting to the name of the to class. The method will be called from as with the object as the from argument and no to argument, with the default for this argument being the name of the intended to class, so the method can use this information in messages.

The direct version of the as function also has a strict= argument that defaults to TRUE. Calls during the evaluation of methods for other functions will set this argument to FALSE. The distinction is relevant when the object being coerced is from a simple subclass of the to class; if strict=FALSE in this case, nothing need be done. For most user-written coerce methods, when the two classes have no subclass/superclass, the strict= argument is irrelevant.

The replace argument to setAs provides a method for `coerce<-`. As with all replacement methods, the last argument of the method must have the name value for the object on the right of the assignment. As with the coerce method, the first two arguments are from, to; there is no strict= option for the replace case.

The function coerce exists as a repository for such methods, to be selected as described above by the as function. Actually dispatching the methods using standardGeneric could produce incorrect inherited methods, by using inheritance on the to argument; as mentioned, this is not the logic used for as. To prevent selecting and caching invalid methods, calls to coerce are currently mapped into calls to as, with a warning message.

Basic Coercion Methods

Methods are pre-defined for coercing any object to one of the basic datatypes. For example, as(x, "numeric") uses the existing as.numeric function. These built-in methods can be listed by showMethods("coerce").


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

If you think of using try(as(x, cl)), consider canCoerce(x, cl) instead.


## using the definition of class "track" from \link{setClass}

setAs("track", "numeric", function(from) from@y)

t1 <- new("track", x=1:20, y=(1:20)^2)

as(t1, "numeric")

## The next example shows:
##  1. A virtual class to define setAs for several classes at once.
##  2. as() using inherited information

setClass("ca", slots = c(a = "character", id = "numeric"))

setClass("cb", slots = c(b = "character", id = "numeric"))

setIs("ca", "id")
setIs("cb", "id")

setAs("id", "numeric", function(from) from@id)

CA <- new("ca", a = "A", id = 1)
CB <- new("cb", b = "B", id = 2)

setAs("cb", "ca", function(from, to )new(to, a=from@b, id = from@id))

as(CB, "numeric")

Create a Class Definition


Create a class definition and return a generator function to create objects from the class. Typical usage will be of the style:

myClass <- setClass("myClass", slots= ...., contains =....)

where the first argument is the name of the new class and, if supplied, the arguments slots= and contains= specify the slots in the new class and existing classes from which the new class should inherit. Calls to setClass() are normally found in the source of a package; when the package is loaded the class will be defined in the package's namespace. Assigning the generator function with the name of the class is convenient for users, but not a requirement.


setClass(Class, representation, prototype, contains=character(),
         validity, access, where, version, sealed, package,
         S3methods = FALSE, slots)



character string name for the class.


The names and classes for the slots in the new class. This argument must be supplied by name, slots=, in the call, for back compatibility with other arguments no longer recommended.

The argument must be vector with a names attribute, the names being those of the slots in the new class. Each element of the vector specifies an existing class; the corresponding slot must be from this class or a subclass of it. Usually, this is a character vector naming the classes. It's also legal for the elements of the vector to be class representation objects, as returned by getClass.

As a limiting case, the argument may be an unnamed character vector; the elements are taken as slot names and all slots have the unrestricted class "ANY".


A vector specifying existing classes from which this class should inherit. The new class will have all the slots of the superclasses, with the same requirements on the classes of these slots. This argument must be supplied by name, contains=, in the call, for back compatibility with other arguments no longer recommended.

See the section ‘Virtual Classes’ for the special superclass "VIRTUAL".

prototype, where, validity, sealed, package

These arguments are currently allowed, but either they are unlikely to be useful or there are modern alternatives that are preferred.

prototype: supplies an object with the default data for the slots in this class. A more flexible approach is to write a method for initialize().

where: supplies an environment in which to store the definition. Should not be used: For calls to setClass() appearing in the source code for a package the definition will be stored in the namespace of the package.

validity: supplied a validity-checking method for objects from this class. For clearer code, use a separate call to setValidity().

sealed: if TRUE, the class definition will be sealed, so that another call to setClass will fail on this class name. But the definition is automatically sealed after the namespace is loaded, so explicit sealing it is not needed.

package: supplies an optional package name for the class, but the class attribute should be the package in which the class definition is assigned, as it is by default.

representation, access, version, S3methods

All these arguments are deprecated from version 3.0.0 of R and should be avoided.

representation is an argument inherited from S that included both slots and contains, but the use of the latter two arguments is clearer and recommended.

access and version are included for historical compatibility with S-Plus, but ignored.

S3methods is a flag indicating that old-style methods will be written involving this class; ignored now.


A generator function suitable for creating objects from the class is returned, invisibly. A call to this function generates a call to new for the class. The call takes any number of arguments, which will be passed on to the initialize method. If no initialize method is defined for the class or one of its superclasses, the default method expects named arguments with the name of one of the slots and unnamed arguments that are objects from one of the contained classes.

Typically the generator function is assigned the name of the class, for programming clarity. This is not a requirement and objects from the class can also be generated directly from new. The advantages of the generator function are a slightly simpler and clearer call, and that the call will contain the package name of the class (eliminating any ambiguity if two classes from different packages have the same name).

If the class is virtual, an attempt to generate an object from either the generator or new() will result in an error.

Basic Use: Slots and Inheritance

The two essential arguments other than the class name are slots and contains, defining the explicit slots and the inheritance (superclasses). Together, these arguments define all the information in an object from this class; that is, the names of all the slots and the classes required for each of them.

The name of the class determines which methods apply directly to objects from this class. The superclass information specifies which methods apply indirectly, through inheritance. See Methods_Details for inheritance in method selection.

The slots in a class definition will be the union of all the slots specified directly by slots and all the slots in all the contained classes. There can only be one slot with a given name. A class may override the definition of a slot with a given name, but only if the newly specified class is a subclass of the inherited one. For example, if the contained class had a slot a with class "ANY", then a subclass could specify a with class "numeric", but if the original specification for the slot was class "character", the new call to setClass would generate an error.

Slot names "class" and "Class" are not allowed. There are other slot names with a special meaning; these names start with the "." character. To be safe, you should define all of your own slots with names starting with an alphabetic character.

Some inherited classes will be treated specially—object types, S3 classes and a few special cases—whether inherited directly or indirectly. See the next three sections.

Virtual Classes

Classes exist for which no actual objects can be created, the virtual classes.

The most common and useful form of virtual class is the class union, a virtual class that is defined in a call to setClassUnion() rather than a call to setClass(). This call lists the members of the union—subclasses that extend the new class. Methods that are written with the class union in the signature are eligible for use with objects from any of the member classes. Class unions can include as members classes whose definition is otherwise sealed, including basic R data types.

Calls to setClass() will also create a virtual class, either when only the Class argument is supplied (no slots or superclasses) or when the contains= argument includes the special class name "VIRTUAL".

In the latter case, a virtual class may include slots to provide some common behavior without fully defining the object—see the class traceable for an example. Note that "VIRTUAL" does not carry over to subclasses; a class that contains a virtual class is not itself automatically virtual.

Inheriting from Object Types

In addition to containing other S4 classes, a class definition can contain either an S3 class (see the next section) or a built-in R pseudo-class—one of the R object types or one of the special R pseudo-classes "matrix" and "array". A class can contain at most one of the object types, directly or indirectly. When it does, that contained class determines the “data part” of the class. This appears as a pseudo-slot, ".Data" and can be treated as a slot but actually determines the type of objects from this slot.

Objects from the new class try to inherit the built in behavior of the contained type. In the case of normal R data types, including vectors, functions and expressions, the implementation is relatively straightforward. For any object x from the class, typeof(x) will be the contained basic type; and a special pseudo-slot, .Data, will be shown with the corresponding class. See the "numWithId" example below.

Classes may also inherit from "vector", "matrix" or "array". The data part of these objects can be any vector data type.

For an object from any class that does not contain one of these types or classes, typeof(x) will be "S4".

Some R data types do not behave normally, in the sense that they are non-local references or other objects that are not duplicated. Examples include those corresponding to classes "environment", "externalptr", and "name". These can not be the types for objects with user-defined classes (either S4 or S3) because setting an attribute overwrites the object in all contexts. It is possible to define a class that inherits from such types, through an indirect mechanism that stores the inherited object in a reserved slot, ".xData". See the example for class "stampedEnv" below. An object from such a class does not have a ".Data" pseudo-slot.

For most computations, these classes behave transparently as if they inherited directly from the anomalous type. S3 method dispatch and the relevant as.type() functions should behave correctly, but code that uses the type of the object directly will not. For example, as.environment(e1) would work as expected with the "stampedEnv" class, but typeof(e1) is "S4".

Inheriting from S3 Classes

Old-style S3 classes have no formal definition. Objects are “from” the class when their class attribute contains the character string considered to be the class name.

Using such classes with formal classes and methods is necessarily a risky business, since there are no guarantees about the content of the objects or about consistency of inherited methods. Given that, it is still possible to define a class that inherits from an S3 class, providing that class has been registered as an old class (see setOldClass).

Broadly speaking, both S3 and S4 method dispatch try to behave sensibly with respect to inheritance in either system. Given an S4 object, S3 method dispatch and the inherits function should use the S4 inheritance information. Given an S3 object, an S4 generic function will dispatch S4 methods using the S3 inheritance, provided that inheritance has been declared via setOldClass. For details, see setOldClass and Section 10.8 of the reference.

Classes and Packages

Class definitions normally belong to packages (but can be defined in the global environment as well, by evaluating the expression on the command line or in a file sourced from the command line). The corresponding package name is part of the class definition; that is, part of the classRepresentation object holding that definition. Thus, two classes with the same name can exist in different packages, for most purposes.

When a class name is supplied for a slot or a superclass in a call to setClass, a corresponding class definition will be found, looking from the namespace of the current package, assuming the call in question appears directly in the source for the package, as it should to avoid ambiguity. The class definition must be already defined in this package, in the imports directives of the package's DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files or in the basic classes defined by the methods package. (The ‘methods’ package must be included in the imports directives for any package that uses S4 methods and classes, to satisfy the "CMD check" utility.)

If a package imports two classes of the same name from separate packages, the packageSlot of the name argument needs to be set to the package name of the particular class. This should be a rare occurrence.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

Classes_Details for a general discussion of classes, Methods_Details for an analogous discussion of methods, makeClassRepresentation


## A simple class with two slots
track <- setClass("track", slots = c(x="numeric", y="numeric"))
## an object from the class
t1 <- track(x = 1:10, y = 1:10 + rnorm(10))

## A class extending the previous, adding one more slot
trackCurve <- setClass("trackCurve",
		slots = c(smooth = "numeric"),
		contains = "track")

## an object containing a superclass object
t1s <- trackCurve(t1, smooth = 1:10)

## A class similar to "trackCurve", but with different structure
## allowing matrices for the "y" and "smooth" slots
         slots = c(x="numeric", y="matrix", smooth="matrix"),
         prototype = list(x=numeric(), y=matrix(0,0,0),
                          smooth= matrix(0,0,0)))

## A class that extends the built-in data type "numeric"

numWithId <- setClass("numWithId", slots = c(id = "character"),
         contains = "numeric")

numWithId(1:3, id = "An Example")

## inherit from reference object of type "environment"
stampedEnv <- setClass("stampedEnv", contains = "environment",
                       slots = c(update = "POSIXct"))
setMethod("[[<-", c("stampedEnv", "character", "missing"),
   function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
       ev <- as(x, "environment")
       ev[[i]] <- value  #update the object in the environment
       x@update <- Sys.time() # and the update time

e1 <- stampedEnv(update = Sys.time())

e1[["noise"]] <- rnorm(10)

Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes


A class may be defined as the union of other classes; that is, as a virtual class defined as a superclass of several other classes. Class unions are useful in method signatures or as slots in other classes, when we want to allow one of several classes to be supplied.


setClassUnion(name, members, where)



the name for the new union class.


the names of the classes that should be members of this union.


where to save the new class definition. In calls from a package's source code, should be omitted to save the definition in the package's namespace.


the name or definition of a class.


The classes in members must be defined before creating the union. However, members can be added later on to an existing union, as shown in the example below. Class unions can be members of other class unions.

Class unions are the only way to create a new superclass of a class whose definition is sealed. The namespace of all packages is sealed when the package is loaded, protecting the class and other definitions from being overwritten from another class or from the global environment. A call to setIs that tried to define a new superclass for class "numeric", for example, would cause an error.

Class unions are the exception; the class union "maybeNumber" in the examples defines itself as a new superclass of "numeric". Technically, it does not alter the metadata object in the other package's namespace and, of course, the effect of the class union depends on loading the package it belongs to. But, basically, class unions are sufficiently useful to justify the exemption.

The different behavior for class unions is made possible because the class definition object for class unions has itself a special class, "ClassUnionRepresentation", an extension of class classRepresentation.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)


## a class for either numeric or logical data
setClassUnion("maybeNumber", c("numeric", "logical"))

## use the union as the data part of another class
setClass("withId", contains = "maybeNumber", slots = c(id = "character"))

w1 <- new("withId", 1:10, id = "test 1")
w2 <- new("withId", sqrt(w1)%%1 < .01, id = "Perfect squares")

## add class "complex" to the union "maybeNumber"
setIs("complex", "maybeNumber")

w3 <- new("withId", complex(real = 1:10, imaginary = sqrt(1:10)))

## a class union containing the existing class  union "OptionalFunction"
    c("expression", "language", "OptionalFunction"))

is(quote(sqrt(1:10)), "maybeCode")  ## TRUE

Create a Generic Version of a Function


Create a generic version of the named function so that methods may be defined for it. A call to setMethod will call setGeneric automatically if applied to a non-generic function.

An explicit call to setGeneric is usually not required, but doesn't hurt and makes explicit that methods are being defined for a non-generic function.

Standard calls will be of the form:


where name specifies an existing function, possibly in another package. An alternative when creating a new generic function in this package is:

setGeneric(name, def)

where the function definition def specifies the formal arguments and becomes the default method.


setGeneric(name, def= , group=list(), valueClass=character(),
           where= , package= , signature= , useAsDefault= ,
           genericFunction= , simpleInheritanceOnly = )



The character string name of the generic function.


An optional function object, defining the non-generic version, to become the default method. This is equivalent in effect to assigning def as the function and then using the one-argument call to setGeneric.

The following arguments are specialized, optionally used when creating a new generic function with non-standard features. They should not be used when the non-generic is in another package.


The name of the group generic function to which this function belongs. See Methods_Details for details of group generic functions in method selection and S4groupGeneric for existing groups.


A character vector specifying one or more class names. The value returned by the generic function must have (or extend) this class, or one of the classes; otherwise, an error is generated.


The vector of names from among the formal arguments to the function, that will be allowed in the signature of methods for this function, in calls to setMethod. By default and usually, this will be all formal arguments except ....

A non-standard signature for the generic function may be used to exclude arguments that take advantage of lazy evaluation; in particular, if the argument may not be evaluated then it cannot be part of the signature.

While ... cannot be used as part of a general signature, it is possible to have this as the only element of the signature. Methods will then be selected if their signature matches all the ... arguments. See the documentation for topic dotsMethods for details. It is not possible to mix ... and other arguments in the signature.

It's usually a mistake to omit arguments from the signature in the belief that this improves efficiency. For method selection, the arguments that are used in the signatures for the methods are what counts, and then only seriously on the first call to the function with that combination of classes.


Supply this argument as TRUE to require that methods selected be inherited through simple inheritance only; that is, from superclasses specified in the contains= argument to setClass, or by simple inheritance to a class union or other virtual class. Generic functions should require simple inheritance if they need to be assured that they get the complete original object, not one that has been transformed. Examples of functions requiring simple inheritance are initialize, because by definition it must return an object from the same class as its argument, and show, because it claims to give a full description of the object provided as its argument.


Override the usual default method mechanism. Only relevant when defining a nonstandard generic function. See the section ‘Specialized Local Generics’.

The remaining arguments are obsolete for normal applications.


The name of the package with which this function is associated. Should be determined automatically from the non-generic version.


Where to store the resulting objects as side effects. The default, to store in the package's namespace, is the only safe choice.




The setGeneric function exists for its side effect: saving the generic function to allow methods to be specified later. It returns name.

Basic Use

The setGeneric function is called to initialize a generic function as preparation for defining some methods for that function.

The simplest and most common situation is that name specifies an existing function, usually in another package. You now want to define methods for this function. In this case you should supply only name, for example:


There must be an existing function of this name (in this case in package "base"). The non-generic function can be in the same package as the call, typically the case when you are creating a new function plus methods for it. When the function is in another package, it must be available by name, for example through an importFrom() directive in this package's NAMESPACE file. Not required for functions in "base", which are implicitly imported.

A generic version of the function will be created in the current package. The existing function becomes the default method, and the package slot of the new generic function is set to the location of the original function ("base" in the example).

Two special types of non-generic should be noted. Functions that dispatch S3 methods by calling UseMethod are ordinary functions, not objects from the "genericFunction" class. They are made generic like any other function, but some special considerations apply to ensure that S4 and S3 method dispatch is consistent (see Methods_for_S3).

Primitive functions are handled in C code and don't exist as normal functions. A call to setGeneric is allowed in the simple form, but no actual generic function object is created. Method dispatch will take place in the C code. See the section on Primitive Functions for more details.

It's an important feature that the identical generic function definition is created in every package that uses the same setGeneric() call. When any of these packages is loaded into an R session, this function will be added to a table of generic functions, and will contain a methods table of all the available methods for the function.

Calling setGeneric() is not strictly necessary before calling setMethod(). If the function specified in the call to setMethod is not generic, setMethod will execute the call to setGeneric itself. In the case that the non-generic is in another package, does not dispatch S3 methods and is not a primitive, a message is printed noting the creation of the generic function the first time setMethod is called.

The second common use of setGeneric() is to create a new generic function, unrelated to any existing function. See the asRObject() example below. This case can be handled just like the previous examples, with only the difference that the non-generic function exists in the current package. Again, the non-generic version becomes the default method. For clarity it's best for the assignment to immediately precede the call to setGeneric() in the source code.

Exactly the same result can be obtained by supplying the default as the def argument instead of assigning it. In some applications, there will be no completely general default method. While there is a special mechanism for this (see the ‘Specialized Local Generics’ section), the recommendation is to provide a default method that signals an error, but with a message that explains as clearly as you can why a non-default method is needed.

Specialized Local Generics

The great majority of calls to setGeneric() should either have one argument to ensure that an existing function can have methods, or arguments name and def to create a new generic function and optionally a default method.

It is possible to create generic functions with nonstandard signatures, or functions that do additional computations besides method dispatch or that belong to a group of generic functions.

None of these mechanisms should be used with a non-generic function from a different package, because the result is to create a generic function that may not be consistent from one package to another. When any such options are used, the new generic function will be assigned with a package slot set to the current package, not the one in which the non-generic version of the function is found.

There is a mechanism to define a specialized generic version of a non-generic function, the implicitGeneric construction. This defines the generic version, but then reverts the function to it non-generic form, saving the implicit generic in a table to be activated when methods are defined. However, the mechanism can only legitimately be used either for a non-generic in the same package or by the "methods" package itself. And in the first case, there is no compelling reason not to simply make the function generic, with the non-generic as the default method. See implicitGeneric for details.

The body of a generic function usually does nothing except for dispatching methods by a call to standardGeneric. Under some circumstances you might just want to do some additional computation in the generic function itself. As long as your function eventually calls standardGeneric that is permissible. See the example "authorNames" below.

In this case, the def argument will define the nonstandard generic, not the default method. An existing non-generic of the same name and calling sequence should be pre-assigned. It will become the default method, as usual. (An alternative is the useAsDefault argument.)

By default, the generic function can return any object. If valueClass is supplied, it should be a vector of class names; the value returned by a method is then required to satisfy is(object, Class) for one of the specified classes. An empty (i.e., zero length) vector of classes means anything is allowed. Note that more complicated requirements on the result can be specified explicitly, by defining a non-standard generic function.

If the def argument calls standardGeneric() (with or without additional computations) and there is no existing non-generic version of the function, the generic is created without a default method. This is not usually a good idea: better to have a default method that signals an error with a message explaining why the default case is not defined.

A new generic function can be created belonging to an existing group by including the group argument. The argument list of the new generic must agree with that of the group. See setGroupGeneric for defining a new group generic. For the role of group generics in dispatching methods, see GroupGenericFunctions and section 10.5 of the second reference.

Generic Functions and Primitive Functions

A number of the basic R functions are specially implemented as primitive functions, to be evaluated directly in the underlying C code rather than by evaluating an R language definition. Most have implicit generics (see implicitGeneric), and become generic as soon as methods (including group methods) are defined on them. Others cannot be made generic.

Calling setGeneric() for the primitive functions in the base package differs in that it does not, in fact, generate an explicit generic function. Methods for primitives are selected and dispatched from the internal C code, to satisfy concerns for efficiency. The same is true for a few non-primitive functions that dispatch internally. These include unlist and as.vector.

Note, that the implementation restrict methods for primitive functions to signatures in which at least one of the classes in the signature is a formal S4 class. Otherwise the internal C code will not look for methods. This is a desirable restriction in principle, since optional packages should not be allowed to change the behavior of basic R computations on existing data types.

To see the generic version of a primitive function, use getGeneric(name). The function isGeneric will tell you whether methods are defined for the function in the current session.

Note that S4 methods can only be set on those primitives which are ‘internal generic’, plus %*%.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Section 10.5 for some details.)

See Also

Methods_Details and the links there for a general discussion, dotsMethods for methods that dispatch on ..., and setMethod for method definitions.


## Specify that this package will define methods for plot()

## create a new generic function, with a default method
setGeneric("props", function(object) attributes(object))

###   A non-standard generic function.  It insists that the methods
###   return a non-empty character vector (a stronger requirement than
###    valueClass = "character" in the call to setGeneric)

    function(text) {
      value <- standardGeneric("authorNames")
      if(!(is(value, "character") && any(nchar(value)>0)))
        stop("authorNames methods must return non-empty strings")

## the asRObject generic function, from package XR
## Its default method just returns object
## See the reference, Chapter 12 for methods

setGeneric("asRObject", function(object, evaluator) {

Create a Group Generic Version of a Function


The setGroupGeneric function behaves like setGeneric except that it constructs a group generic function, differing in two ways from an ordinary generic function. First, this function cannot be called directly, and the body of the function created will contain a stop call with this information. Second, the group generic function contains information about the known members of the group, used to keep the members up to date when the group definition changes, through changes in the search list or direct specification of methods, etc.

All members of the group must have the identical argument list.


setGroupGeneric(name, def= , group=list(), valueClass=character(),
                knownMembers=list(), package= , where= )



the character string name of the generic function.


A function object. There isn't likely to be an existing nongeneric of this name, so some function needs to be supplied. Any known member or other function with the same argument list will do, because the group generic cannot be called directly.

group, valueClass

arguments to pass to setGeneric.


the names of functions that are known to be members of this group. This information is used to reset cached definitions of the member generics when information about the group generic is changed.

package, where

passed to setGeneric, but obsolete and to be avoided.


The setGroupGeneric function exists for its side effect: saving the generic function to allow methods to be specified later. It returns name.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R Chapman & Hall

See Also

Methods_Details and the links there for a general discussion, dotsMethods for methods that dispatch on ..., and setMethod for method definitions.


## Not run: 
## the definition of the "Logic" group generic in the methods package
setGroupGeneric("Logic", function(e1, e2) NULL,
    knownMembers = c("&", "|"))

## End(Not run)

Specify a Superclass Explicitly


setIs is an explicit alternative to the contains= argument to setClass. It is only needed to create relations with explicit test or coercion. These have not proved to be of much practical value, so this function should not likely be needed in applications.

Where the programming goal is to define methods for transforming one class of objects to another, it is usually better practice to call setAs(), which requires the transformations to be done explicitly.


setIs(class1, class2, test=NULL, coerce=NULL, replace=NULL,
      by = character(), where = topenv(parent.frame()), classDef =,
      extensionObject = NULL, doComplete = TRUE)


class1, class2

the names of the classes between which is relations are to be examined defined, or (more efficiently) the class definition objects for the classes.

coerce, replace

functions optionally supplied to coerce the object to class2, and to alter the object so that is(object, class2) is identical to value. See the details section below.


a conditional relationship is defined by supplying this function. Conditional relations are discouraged and are not included in selecting methods. See the details section below.

The remaining arguments are for internal use and/or usually omitted.


alternative to the test, coerce, replace, by arguments; an object from class SClassExtension describing the relation. (Used in internal calls.)


when TRUE, the class definitions will be augmented with indirect relations as well. (Used in internal calls.)


In a call to setIs, the name of an intermediary class. Coercion will proceed by first coercing to this class and from there to the target class. (The intermediate coercions have to be valid.)


In a call to setIs, where to store the metadata defining the relationship. Default is the global environment for calls from the top level of the session or a source file evaluated there. When the call occurs in the top level of a file in the source of a package, the default will be the namespace or environment of the package. Other uses are tricky and not usually a good idea, unless you really know what you are doing.


Optional class definition for class , required internally when setIs is called during the initial definition of the class by a call to setClass. Don't use this argument, unless you really know why you're doing so.


Arranging for a class to inherit from another class is a key tool in programming. In R, there are three basic techniques, the first two providing what is called “simple” inheritance, the preferred form:

  1. By the contains= argument in a call to setClass. This is and should be the most common mechanism. It arranges that the new class contains all the structure of the existing class, and in particular all the slots with the same class specified. The resulting class extension is defined to be simple, with important implications for method definition (see the section on this topic below).

  2. Making class1 a subclass of a virtual class either by a call to setClassUnion to make the subclass a member of a new class union, or by a call to setIs to add a class to an existing class union or as a new subclass of an existing virtual class. In either case, the implication should be that methods defined for the class union or other superclass all work correctly for the subclass. This may depend on some similarity in the structure of the subclasses or simply indicate that the superclass methods are defined in terms of generic functions that apply to all the subclasses. These relationships are also generally simple.

  3. Supplying coerce and replace arguments to setAs. R allows arbitrary inheritance relationships, using the same mechanism for defining coerce methods by a call to setAs. The difference between the two is simply that setAs will require a call to as for a conversion to take place, whereas after the call to setIs, objects will be automatically converted to the superclass.

    The automatic feature is the dangerous part, mainly because it results in the subclass potentially inheriting methods that do not work. See the section on inheritance below. If the two classes involved do not actually inherit a large collection of methods, as in the first example below, the danger may be relatively slight.

    If the superclass inherits methods where the subclass has only a default or remotely inherited method, problems are more likely. In this case, a general recommendation is to use the setAs mechanism instead, unless there is a strong counter reason. Otherwise, be prepared to override some of the methods inherited.

With this caution given, the rest of this section describes what happens when coerce= and replace= arguments are supplied to setIs.

The coerce and replace arguments are functions that define how to coerce a class1 object to class2, and how to replace the part of the subclass object that corresponds to class2. The first of these is a function of one argument which should be from, and the second of two arguments (from, value). For details, see the section on coerce functions below .

When by is specified, the coerce process first coerces to this class and then to class2. It's unlikely you would use the by argument directly, but it is used in defining cached information about classes.

The value returned (invisibly) by setIs is the revised class definition of class1.

Coerce, replace, and test functions

The coerce argument is a function that turns a class1 object into a class2 object. The replace argument is a function of two arguments that modifies a class1 object (the first argument) to replace the part of it that corresponds to class2 (supplied as value, the second argument). It then returns the modified object as the value of the call. In other words, it acts as a replacement method to implement the expression as(object, class2) <- value.

The easiest way to think of the coerce and replace functions is by thinking of the case that class1 contains class2 in the usual sense, by including the slots of the second class. (To repeat, in this situation you would not call setIs, but the analogy shows what happens when you do.)

The coerce function in this case would just make a class2 object by extracting the corresponding slots from the class1 object. The replace function would replace in the class1 object the slots corresponding to class2, and return the modified object as its value.

For additional discussion of these functions, see the documentation of the setAs function. (Unfortunately, argument def to that function corresponds to argument coerce here.)

The inheritance relationship can also be conditional, if a function is supplied as the test argument. This should be a function of one argument that returns TRUE or FALSE according to whether the object supplied satisfies the relation is(object, class2). Conditional relations between classes are discouraged in general because they require a per-object calculation to determine their validity. They cannot be applied as efficiently as ordinary relations and tend to make the code that uses them harder to interpret. NOTE: conditional inheritance is not used to dispatch methods. Methods for conditional superclasses will not be inherited. Instead, a method for the subclass should be defined that tests the conditional relationship.

Inherited methods

A method written for a particular signature (classes matched to one or more formal arguments to the function) naturally assumes that the objects corresponding to the arguments can be treated as coming from the corresponding classes. The objects will have all the slots and available methods for the classes.

The code that selects and dispatches the methods ensures that this assumption is correct. If the inheritance was “simple”, that is, defined by one or more uses of the contains= argument in a call to setClass, no extra work is generally needed. Classes are inherited from the superclass, with the same definition.

When inheritance is defined by a general call to setIs, extra computations are required. This form of inheritance implies that the subclass does not just contain the slots of the superclass, but instead requires the explicit call to the coerce and/or replace method. To ensure correct computation, the inherited method is supplemented by calls to as before the body of the method is evaluated.

The calls to as generated in this case have the argument strict = FALSE, meaning that extra information can be left in the converted object, so long as it has all the appropriate slots. (It's this option that allows simple subclass objects to be used without any change.) When you are writing your coerce method, you may want to take advantage of that option.

Methods inherited through non-simple extensions can result in ambiguities or unexpected selections. If class2 is a specialized class with just a few applicable methods, creating the inheritance relation may have little effect on the behavior of class1. But if class2 is a class with many methods, you may find that you now inherit some undesirable methods for class1, in some cases, fail to inherit expected methods. In the second example below, the non-simple inheritance from class "factor" might be assumed to inherit S3 methods via that class. But the S3 class is ambiguous, and in fact is "character" rather than "factor".

For some generic functions, methods inherited by non-simple extensions are either known to be invalid or sufficiently likely to be so that the generic function has been defined to exclude such inheritance. For example initialize methods must return an object of the target class; this is straightforward if the extension is simple, because no change is made to the argument object, but is essentially impossible. For this reason, the generic function insists on only simple extensions for inheritance. See the simpleInheritanceOnly argument to setGeneric for the mechanism. You can use this mechanism when defining new generic functions.

If you get into problems with functions that do allow non-simple inheritance, there are two basic choices. Either back off from the setIs call and settle for explicit coercing defined by a call to setAs; or, define explicit methods involving class1 to override the bad inherited methods. The first choice is the safer, when there are serious problems.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)


## Two examples of setIs() with coerce= and replace= arguments
## The first one works fairly well, because neither class has many
## inherited methods do be disturbed by the new inheritance

## The second example does NOT work well, because the new superclass,
## "factor", causes methods to be inherited that should not be.

## First example:
## a class definition (see \link{setClass} for class "track")
setClass("trackCurve", contains = "track",
         slots = c( smooth = "numeric"))
## A class similar to "trackCurve", but with different structure
## allowing matrices for the "y" and "smooth" slots
         slots = c(x="numeric", y="matrix", smooth="matrix"),
         prototype = structure(list(), x=numeric(), y=matrix(0,0,0),

                               smooth= matrix(0,0,0)))
## Automatically convert an object from class "trackCurve" into
## "trackMultiCurve", by making the y, smooth slots into 1-column matrices
      coerce = function(obj) {
            x = obj@x,
            y = as.matrix(obj@y),
            smooth = as.matrix(obj@smooth))
      replace = function(obj, value) {
        obj@y <- as.matrix(value@y)
        obj@x <- value@x
        obj@smooth <- as.matrix(value@smooth)

## Second Example:
## A class that adds a slot to "character"
setClass("stringsDated", contains = "character",
         slots = c(stamp="POSIXt"))

## Convert automatically to a factor by explicit coerce
setIs("stringsDated", "factor",
      coerce = function(from) factor(from@.Data),
      replace= function(from, value) {
                  from@.Data <- as.character(value); from })

ll <- sample(letters, 10, replace = TRUE)
ld <- new("stringsDated", ll, stamp = Sys.time())

levels(as(ld, "factor"))
levels(ld) # will be NULL--see comment in section on inheritance above.

## In contrast, a class that simply extends "factor"
## has no such ambiguities
setClass("factorDated", contains = "factor",
         slots = c(stamp="POSIXt"))
fd <- new("factorDated", factor(ll), stamp = Sys.time())
identical(levels(fd), levels(as(fd, "factor")))

Set Actions For Package Loading


These functions provide a mechanism for packages to specify computations to be done during the loading of a package namespace. Such actions are a flexible way to provide information only available at load time (such as locations in a dynamically linked library).

A call to setLoadAction() or setLoadActions() specifies one or more functions to be called when the corresponding namespace is loaded, with the ... argument names being used as identifying names for the actions.

getLoadActions reports the currently defined load actions, given a package's namespace as its argument.

hasLoadAction returns TRUE if a load action corresponding to the given name has previously been set for the where namespace.

evalOnLoad() and evalqOnLoad() schedule a specific expression for evaluation at load time.


setLoadAction(action, aname=, where=)

setLoadActions(..., .where=)


hasLoadAction(aname, where=)

evalOnLoad(expr, where=, aname=)

evalqOnLoad(expr, where=, aname=)


action, ...

functions of one or more arguments, to be called when this package is loaded. The functions will be called with one argument (the package namespace) so all following arguments must have default values.

If the elements of ... are named, these names will be used for the corresponding load metadata.

where, .where

the namespace of the package for which the list of load actions are defined. This argument is normally omitted if the call comes from the source code for the package itself, but will be needed if a package supplies load actions for another package.


the name for the action. If an action is set without supplying a name, the default uses the position in the sequence of actions specified (".1", etc.).


an expression to be evaluated in a load action in environment where. In the case of evalqOnLoad(), the expression is interpreted literally, in that of evalOnLoad() it must be precomputed, typically as an object of type "language".


The evalOnLoad() and evalqOnLoad() functions are for convenience. They construct a function to evaluate the expression and call setLoadAction() to schedule a call to that function.

Each of the functions supplied as an argument to setLoadAction() or setLoadActions() is saved as metadata in the namespace, typically that of the package containing the call to setLoadActions(). When this package's namespace is loaded, each of these functions will be called. Action functions are called in the order they are supplied to setLoadActions(). The objects assigned have metadata names constructed from the names supplied in the call; unnamed arguments are taken to be named by their position in the list of actions (".1", etc.).

Multiple calls to setLoadAction() or setLoadActions() can be used in a package's code; the actions will be scheduled after any previously specified, except if the name given to setLoadAction() is that of an existing action. In typical applications, setLoadActions() is more convenient when calling from the package's own code to set several actions. Calls to setLoadAction() are more convenient if the action name is to be constructed, which is more typical when one package constructs load actions for another package.

Actions can be revised by assigning with the same name, actual or constructed, in a subsequent call. The replacement must still be a valid function, but can of course do nothing if the intention was to remove a previously specified action.

The functions must have at least one argument. They will be called with one argument, the namespace of the package. The functions will be called at the end of processing of S4 metadata, after dynamically linking any compiled code, the call to .onLoad(), if any, and caching method and class definitions, but before the namespace is sealed. (Load actions are only called if methods dispatch is on.)

Functions may therefore assign or modify objects in the namespace supplied as the argument in the call. The mechanism allows packages to save information not available until load time, such as values obtained from a dynamically linked library.

Load actions should be contrasted with user load hooks supplied by setHook(). User hooks are generally provided from outside the package and are run after the namespace has been sealed. Load actions are normally part of the package code, and the list of actions is normally established when the package is installed.

Load actions can be supplied directly in the source code for a package. It is also possible and useful to provide facilities in one package to create load actions in another package. The software needs to be careful to assign the action functions in the correct environment, namely the namespace of the target package.


setLoadAction() and setLoadActions() are called for their side effect and return no useful value.

getLoadActions() returns a named list of the actions in the supplied namespace.

hasLoadAction() returns TRUE if the specified action name appears in the actions for this package.

See Also

setHook for safer (since they are run after the namespace is sealed) and more comprehensive versions in the base package.


## Not run: 
## in the code for some package

## ... somewhere else
   cat("Loaded package", sQuote(getNamespaceName(ns)),
       "at", format(Sys.time()), "\n"),
  setCount = function(ns) assign("myCount", 1, envir = ns),
  function(ns) assign("myPointer", getMyExternalPointer(), envir = ns))
  ... somewhere later
  setLoadAction(function(ns) assign("myCount", 0, envir = ns), "setCount")

## End(Not run)

Create and Save a Method


Create a method for a generic function, corresponding to a signature of classes for the arguments. Standard usage will be of the form:

setMethod(f, signature, definition)

where f is the name of the function, signature specifies the argument classes for which the method applies and definition is the function definition for the method.


setMethod(f, signature=character(), definition,
          where = topenv(parent.frame()),
          valueClass = NULL, sealed = FALSE)



The character-string name of the generic function. The unquoted name usually works as well (evaluating to the generic function), except for a few functions in the base package.


The classes required for some of the arguments. Most applications just require one or two character strings matching the first argument(s) in the signature. More complicated cases follow R's rule for argument matching. See the details below; however, if the signature is not trivial, you should use method.skeleton to generate a valid call to setMethod.


A function definition, which will become the method called when the arguments in a call to f match the classes in signature, directly or through inheritance. The definition must be a function with the same formal arguments as the generic; however, setMethod() will handle methods that add arguments, if ... is a formal argument to the generic. See the Details section.

where, valueClass, sealed

These arguments are allowed but either obsolete or rarely appropriate.

where: where to store the definition; should be the default, the namespace for the package.

valueClass: obsolete.

sealed: prevents the method being redefined, but should never be needed when the method is defined in the source code of a package.


The function exists for its side-effect. The definition will be stored in a special metadata object and incorporated in the generic function when the corresponding package is loaded into an R session.

Method Selection: Avoiding Ambiguity

When defining methods, it's important to ensure that methods are selected correctly; in particular, packages should be designed to avoid ambiguous method selection.

To describe method selection, consider first the case where only one formal argument is in the active signature; that is, there is only one argument, x say, for which methods have been defined. The generic function has a table of methods, indexed by the class for the argument in the calls to setMethod. If there is a method in the table for the class of x in the call, this method is selected.

If not, the next best methods would correspond to the direct superclasses of class(x)—those appearing in the contains= argument when that class was defined. If there is no method for any of these, the next best would correspond to the direct superclasses of the first set of superclasses, and so on.

The first possible source of ambiguity arises if the class has several direct superclasses and methods have been defined for more than one of those; R will consider these equally valid and report an ambiguous choice. If your package has the class definition for class(x), then you need to define a method explicitly for this combination of generic function and class.

When more than one formal argument appears in the method signature, R requires the “best” method to be chosen unambiguously for each argument. Ambiguities arise when one method is specific about one argument while another is specific about a different argument. A call that satisfies both requirements is then ambiguous: The two methods look equally valid, which should be chosen? In such cases the package needs to add a third method requiring both arguments to match.

The most common examples arise with binary operators. Methods may be defined for individual operators, for special groups of operators such as Arith or for group Ops.

Exporting Methods

If a package defines methods for generic functions, those methods should be exported if any of the classes involved are exported; in other words, if someone using the package might expect these methods to be called. Methods are exported by including an exportMethods() directive in the NAMESPACE file for the package, with the arguments to the directive being the names of the generic functions for which methods have been defined.

Exporting methods is always desirable in the sense of declaring what you want to happen, in that you do expect users to find such methods. It can be essential in the case that the method was defined for a function that is not originally a generic function in its own package (for example, plot() in the graphics package). In this case it may be that the version of the function in the R session is not generic, and your methods will not be called.

Exporting methods for a function also exports the generic version of the function. Keep in mind that this does not conflict with the function as it was originally defined in another package; on the contrary, it's designed to ensure that the function in the R session dispatches methods correctly for your classes and continues to behave as expected when no specific methods apply. See Methods_Details for the actual mechanism.


The call to setMethod stores the supplied method definition in the metadata table for this generic function in the environment, typically the global environment or the namespace of a package. In the case of a package, the table object becomes part of the namespace or environment of the package. When the package is loaded into a later session, the methods will be merged into the table of methods in the corresponding generic function object.

Generic functions are referenced by the combination of the function name and the package name; for example, the function "show" from the package "methods". Metadata for methods is identified by the two strings; in particular, the generic function object itself has slots containing its name and its package name. The package name of a generic is set according to the package from which it originally comes; in particular, and frequently, the package where a non-generic version of the function originated. For example, generic functions for all the functions in package base will have "base" as the package name, although none of them is an S4 generic on that package. These include most of the base functions that are primitives, rather than true functions; see the section on primitive functions in the documentation for setGeneric for details.

Multiple packages can have methods for the same generic function; that is, for the same combination of generic function name and package name. Even though the methods are stored in separate tables in separate environments, loading the corresponding packages adds the methods to the table in the generic function itself, for the duration of the session.

The class names in the signature can be any formal class, including basic classes such as "numeric", "character", and "matrix". Two additional special class names can appear: "ANY", meaning that this argument can have any class at all; and "missing", meaning that this argument must not appear in the call in order to match this signature. Don't confuse these two: if an argument isn't mentioned in a signature, it corresponds implicitly to class "ANY", not to "missing". See the example below. Old-style (‘S3’) classes can also be used, if you need compatibility with these, but you should definitely declare these classes by calling setOldClass if you want S3-style inheritance to work.

Method definitions can have default expressions for arguments, but only if the generic function must have some default expression for the same argument. (This restriction is imposed by the way R manages formal arguments.) If so, and if the corresponding argument is missing in the call to the generic function, the default expression in the method is used. If the method definition has no default for the argument, then the expression supplied in the definition of the generic function itself is used, but note that this expression will be evaluated using the enclosing environment of the method, not of the generic function. Method selection does not evaluate default expressions. All actual (non-missing) arguments in the signature of the generic function will be evaluated when a method is selected—when the call to standardGeneric(f) occurs. Note that specifying class "missing" in the signature does not require any default expressions.

It is possible to have some differences between the formal arguments to a method supplied to setMethod and those of the generic. Roughly, if the generic has ... as one of its arguments, then the method may have extra formal arguments, which will be matched from the arguments matching ... in the call to f. (What actually happens is that a local function is created inside the method, with the modified formal arguments, and the method is re-defined to call that local function.)

Method dispatch tries to match the class of the actual arguments in a call to the available methods collected for f. If there is a method defined for the exact same classes as in this call, that method is used. Otherwise, all possible signatures are considered corresponding to the actual classes or to superclasses of the actual classes (including "ANY"). The method having the least distance from the actual classes is chosen; if more than one method has minimal distance, one is chosen (the lexicographically first in terms of superclasses) but a warning is issued. All inherited methods chosen are stored in another table, so that the inheritance calculations only need to be done once per session per sequence of actual classes. See Methods_Details and Section 10.7 of the reference for more details.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

Methods_for_Nongenerics discusses method definition for functions that are not generic functions in their original package; Methods_for_S3 discusses the integration of formal methods with the older S3 methods.

method.skeleton, which is the recommended way to generate a skeleton of the call to setMethod, with the correct formal arguments and other details.

Methods_Details and the links there for a general discussion, dotsMethods for methods that dispatch on “...”, and setGeneric for generic functions.


## examples for a simple class with two numeric slots.
## (Run example(setMethod) to see the class and function definitions)

## methods for plotting track objects 
## First, with only one object as argument, plot the two slots
##  y must be included in the signature, it would default to "ANY"
setMethod("plot", signature(x="track", y="missing"),
  function(x,  y, ...) plot(x@x, x@y, ...)

## plot numeric data on either axis against a track object
## (reducing the track object to the cumulative distance along the track)
## Using a short form for the signature, which matches like formal arguments
setMethod("plot", c("track", "numeric"),
 function(x, y, ...) plot(cumdist(x@x, x@y), y,  xlab = "Distance",...)

## and similarly for the other axis
setMethod("plot", c("numeric", "track"),
 function(x, y, ...) plot(x, cumdist(y@x, y@y),  ylab = "Distance",...)

t1 <- new("track", x=1:20, y=(1:20)^2)
plot(qnorm(ppoints(20)), t1)

## Now a class that inherits from "track", with a vector for data at
## the points 
  setClass("trackData", contains = c("numeric", "track"))

tc1 <- new("trackData", t1, rnorm(20))

## a method for plotting the object
## This method has an extra argument, allowed because ... is an
## argument to the generic function.
setMethod("plot", c("trackData", "missing"),
function(x, y, maxRadius = max(par("cin")), ...) {
  plot(x@x, x@y, type = "n", ...)
  symbols(x@x, x@y, circles = abs(x), inches = maxRadius)

## Without other methods for "trackData", methods for "track"
## will be selected by inheritance

plot(qnorm(ppoints(20)), tc1)

## defining methods for primitive function.
## Although "[" and "length" are not ordinary functions
## methods can be defined for them.
setMethod("[", "track",
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
    x@x <- x@x[i]; x@y <- x@y[i]

setMethod("length", "track", function(x)length(x@y))

## Methods for binary operators
## A method for the group generic "Ops" will apply to all operators
## unless a method for a more specific operator has been defined.

## For one trackData argument, go on with just the data part
setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "trackData"),
    function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1@.Data, e2))

setMethod("Ops", signature(e2 = "trackData"),
    function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, e2@.Data))

## At this point, the choice of a method for a call with BOTH
## arguments from "trackData" is ambiguous.  We must define a method.

setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "trackData", e2 = "trackData"),
    function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1@.Data, e2@.Data))
## (well, really we should only do this if the "track" part
## of the two arguments matched)

tc1 +1


all(tc1 == tc1)

Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance


Register an old-style (a.k.a. ‘S3’) class as a formally defined class. Simple usage will be of the form:


where Classes is the character vector that would be the class attribute of the S3 object. Calls to setOldClass() in the code for a package allow the class to be used as a slot in formal (S4) classes and in signatures for methods (see Methods_for_S3). Formal classes can also contain a registered S3 class (see S3Part for details).

If the S3 class has a known set of attributes, an equivalent S4 class can be specified by S4Class= in the call to setOldClass(); see the section “Known Attributes”.


setOldClass(Classes, prototype, where, test = FALSE, S4Class)



A character vector, giving the names for S3 classes, as they would appear on the right side of an assignment of the class attribute in S3 computations.

In addition to S3 classes, an object type or other valid data part can be specified, if the S3 class is known to require its data to be of that form.


optionally, the class definition or the class name of an S4 class. The new class will have all the slots and other properties of this class, plus any S3 inheritance implied by multiple names in the Classes argument. See the section on “S3 classes with known attributes” below.

prototype, where, test

These arguments are currently allowed, but not recommended in typical applications.

prototype: An optional object to use as the prototype. If the S3 class is not to be VIRTUAL (the default), the use of S4Class= is preferred.

where: Where to store the class definitions. Should be the default (the package namespace) for normal use in an application package.

test: flag, if TRUE, arrange to test inheritance explicitly for each object, needed if the S3 class can have a different set of class strings, with the same first string. Such classes are inherently malformed, are rare, and should be avoided.


The name (or each of the names) in Classes will be defined as an S4 class, extending class oldClass, which is the ‘root’ of all old-style classes. S3 classes with multiple names in their class attribute will have a corresponding inheritance as formal classes. See the "mlm" example.

S3 classes have no formal definition, and therefore no formally defined slots. If no S4 class is supplied as a model, the class created will be a virtual class. If a virtual class (any virtual class) is used for a slot in another class, then the initializing method for the class needs to put something legal in that slot; otherwise it will be set to NULL.

See Methods_for_S3 for the details of method dispatch and inheritance with mixed S3 and S4 methods.

Some S3 classes cannot be represented as an ordinary combination of S4 classes and superclasses, because objects with the same initial string in the class attribute can have different strings following. Such classes are fortunately rare. They violate the basic idea of object-oriented programming and should be avoided. If you must deal with them, it is still possible to register such classes as S4 classes, but now the inheritance has to be verified for each object, and you must call setOldClass with argument test=TRUE.

Pre-Defined Old Classes

Many of the widely used S3 classes in the standard R distribution come pre-defined for use with S4. These don't need to be explicitly declared in your package (although it does no harm to do so).

The list .OldClassesList contains the old-style classes that are defined by the methods package. Each element of the list is a character vector, with multiple strings if inheritance is included. Each element of the list was passed to setOldClass when creating the methods package; therefore, these classes can be used in setMethod calls, with the inheritance as implied by the list.

S3 Classes with known attributes

A further specification of an S3 class can be made if the class is guaranteed to have some attributes of known class (where as with slots, “known” means that the attribute is an object of a specified class, or a subclass of that class).

In this case, the call to setOldClass() can supply an S4 class definition representing the known structure. Since S4 slots are implemented as attributes (largely for just this reason), the known attributes can be specified in the representation of the S4 class. The usual technique will be to create an S4 class with the desired structure, and then supply the class name or definition as the argument S4Class= to setOldClass().

See the definition of class "ts" in the examples below and the data.frame example in Section 10.2 of the reference. The call to setClass to create the S4 class can use the same class name, as here, so long as the call to setOldClass follows in the same package. For clarity it should be the next expression in the same file.

In the example, we define "ts" as a vector structure with a numeric slot for "tsp". The validity of this definition relies on an assertion that all the S3 code for this class is consistent with that definition; specifically, that all "ts" objects will behave as vector structures and will have a numeric "tsp" attribute. We believe this to be true of all the base code in R, but as always with S3 classes, no guarantee is possible.

The S4 class definition can have virtual superclasses (as in the "ts" case) if the S3 class is asserted to behave consistently with these (in the example, time-series objects are asserted to be consistent with the structure class).

Failures of the S3 class to live up to its asserted behavior will usually go uncorrected, since S3 classes inherently have no definition, and the resulting invalid S4 objects can cause all sorts of grief. Many S3 classes are not candidates for known slots, either because the presence or class of the attributes are not guaranteed (e.g., dimnames in arrays, although these are not even S3 classes), or because the class uses named components of a list rather than attributes (e.g., "lm"). An attribute that is sometimes missing cannot be represented as a slot, not even by pretending that it is present with class "NULL", because attributes, unlike slots, can not have value NULL.

One irregularity that is usually tolerated, however, is to optionally add other attributes to those guaranteed to exist (for example, "terms" in "data.frame" objects returned by model.frame). Validity checks by validObject ignore extra attributes; even if this check is tightened in the future, classes extending S3 classes would likely be exempted because extra attributes are so common.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10, particularly Section 10.8)

See Also

setClass, setMethod



## "lm" and "mlm" are predefined; if they were not this would do it:
## Not run: 
setOldClass(c("mlm", "lm"))
## End(Not run)

## Define a new generic function to compute the residual degrees of freedom
  function(model) stop(gettextf(
    "This function only works for fitted model objects, not class %s",

setMethod("dfResidual", "lm", function(model)model$df.residual)

## dfResidual will work on mlm objects as well as lm objects
myData <- data.frame(time = 1:10, y = (1:10)^.5)
myLm <- lm(cbind(y, y^3)  ~ time, myData)

## two examples extending S3 class "lm": class "xlm" directly
## and "ylm" indirectly
setClass("xlm", slots = c(eps = "numeric"), contains = "lm")
setClass("ylm", slots = c(header = "character"), contains = "xlm")
ym1 = new("ylm", myLm, header = "Example", eps = 0.)
## for more examples, see ?\link{S3Class}.

## Not run: 
## The code in R that defines "ts" as an S4 class
setClass("ts", contains = "structure", slots = c(tsp = "numeric"),
         prototype(NA, tsp = rep(1,3)))
       # prototype to be a legal S3 time-series
## and now registers it as an S3 class
setOldClass("ts", S4Class = "ts", where = envir)

## End(Not run)

Show an Object


Display the object, by printing, plotting or whatever suits its class. This function exists to be specialized by methods. The default method calls showDefault.

Formal methods for show will usually be invoked for automatic printing (see the details).





Any R object


Objects from an S4 class (a class defined by a call to setClass) will be displayed automatically is if by a call to show. S4 objects that occur as attributes of S3 objects will also be displayed in this form; conversely, S3 objects encountered as slots in S4 objects will be printed using the S3 convention, as if by a call to print.

Methods defined for show will only be inherited by simple inheritance, since otherwise the method would not receive the complete, original object, with misleading results. See the simpleInheritanceOnly argument to setGeneric and the discussion in setIs for the general concept.


show returns an invisible NULL.

See Also

showMethods prints all the methods for one or more functions.


## following the example shown in the setMethod documentation ...
setClass("track", slots = c(x="numeric", y="numeric"))
setClass("trackCurve", contains = "track", slots = c(smooth = "numeric"))

t1 <- new("track", x=1:20, y=(1:20)^2)

tc1 <- new("trackCurve", t1)

setMethod("show", "track",
  function(object)print(rbind(x = object@x, y=object@y))
## The method will now be used for automatic printing of t1


## Not run:   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
x    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12
y    1    4    9   16   25   36   49   64   81   100   121   144
  [,13] [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20]
x    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20
y   169   196   225   256   289   324   361   400

## End(Not run)
## and also for tc1, an object of a class that extends "track"

## Not run:   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
x    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12
y    1    4    9   16   25   36   49   64   81   100   121   144
  [,13] [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20]
x    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20
y   169   196   225   256   289   324   361   400

## End(Not run)

Show all the methods for the specified function(s) or class


Show a summary of the methods for one or more generic functions, possibly restricted to those involving specified classes.


showMethods(f = character(), where = topenv(parent.frame()),
            classes = NULL, includeDefs = FALSE,
            inherited = !includeDefs,
            showEmpty, printTo = stdout(), fdef)
.S4methods(generic.function, class)



one or more function names. If omitted, all functions will be shown that match the other arguments.

The argument can also be an expression that evaluates to a single generic function, in which case argument fdef is ignored. Providing an expression for the function allows examination of hidden or anonymous functions; see the example for isDiagonal().


Where to find the generic function, if not supplied as an argument. When f is missing, or length 0, this also determines which generic functions to examine. If where is supplied, only the generic functions returned by getGenerics(where) are eligible for printing. If where is also missing, all the cached generic functions are considered.


If argument classes is supplied, it is a vector of class names that restricts the displayed results to those methods whose signatures include one or more of those classes.


If includeDefs is TRUE, include the definitions of the individual methods in the printout.


logical indicating if methods that have been found by inheritance, so far in the session, will be included and marked as inherited. Note that an inherited method will not usually appear until it has been used in this session. See selectMethod if you want to know what method would be dispatched for particular classes of arguments.


logical indicating whether methods with no defined methods matching the other criteria should be shown at all. By default, TRUE if and only if argument f is not missing.


The connection on which the information will be shown; by default, on standard output.


Optionally, the generic function definition to use; if missing, one is found, looking in where if that is specified. See also comment in ‘Details’.

generic.function, class

See methods.


See methods for a description of .S4methods.

The name and package of the generic are followed by the list of signatures for which methods are currently defined, according to the criteria determined by the various arguments. Note that the package refers to the source of the generic function. Individual methods for that generic can come from other packages as well.

When more than one generic function is involved, either as specified or because f was missing, the functions are found and showMethods is recalled for each, including the generic as the argument fdef. In complicated situations, this can avoid some anomalous results.


If printTo is FALSE, the character vector that would have been printed is returned; otherwise the value is the connection or filename, via invisible.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also

setMethod, and GenericFunctions for other tools involving methods; selectMethod will show you the method dispatched for a particular function and signature of classes for the arguments.

methods provides method discovery tools for light-weight interactive use.



## Assuming the methods for plot
## are set up as in the example of help(setMethod),
## print (without definitions) the methods that involve class "track":
showMethods("plot", classes = "track")
## Not run: 
# Function "plot":
# x = ANY, y = track
# x = track, y = missing
# x = track, y = ANY

showMethods("%*%")# many!
    methods(class = "Matrix")# nothing
showMethods(class = "Matrix")# everything
showMethods(Matrix:::isDiagonal) # a non-exported generic

## End(Not run)

if(no4 <-"stats4", loadedNamespaces())))
showMethods(classes = "mle") # -> a method for show()
if(no4) unloadNamespace("stats4")

Class "signature" For Method Definitions


This class represents the mapping of some of the formal arguments of a function onto the corresponding classes. It is used for two slots in the MethodDefinition class.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("signature", functionDef, ...). The functionDef argument, if it is supplied as a function object, defines the formal names. The other arguments define the classes. More typically, the objects are created as side effects of defining methods. Either way, note that the classes are expected to be well defined, usually because the corresponding class definitions exist. See the comment on the package slot.



Object of class "character" the class names.


Object of class "character" the corresponding argument names.


Object of class "character" the names of the packages corresponding to the class names. The combination of class name and package uniquely defines the class. In principle, the same class name could appear in more than one package, in which case the package information is required for the signature to be well defined.


Class "character", from data part. Class "vector", by class "character".



signature(object = "signature"): see the discussion of objects from the class, above.

See Also

class MethodDefinition for the use of this class.

The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class


These functions return or set information about the individual slots in an object.


object@name <- value

slot(object, name)
slot(object, name, check = TRUE) <- value
.hasSlot(object, name)




An object from a formally defined class.


The name of the slot. The operator takes a fixed name, which can be unquoted if it is syntactically a name in the language. A slot name can be any non-empty string, but if the name is not made up of letters, numbers, and ., it needs to be quoted (by backticks or single or double quotes).

In the case of the slot function, name can be any expression that evaluates to a valid slot in the class definition. Generally, the only reason to use the functional form rather than the simpler operator is because the slot name has to be computed.


A new value for the named slot. The value must be valid for this slot in this object's class.


In the replacement version of slot, a flag. If TRUE, check the assigned value for validity as the value of this slot. User's code should not set this to FALSE in normal use, since the resulting object can be invalid.


either the name of a class (as character string), or a class definition. If given an argument that is neither a character string nor a class definition, slotNames (only) uses class(x) instead.


The definition of the class specifies all slots directly and indirectly defined for that class. Each slot has a name and an associated class. Extracting a slot returns an object from that class. Setting a slot first coerces the value to the specified slot and then stores it.

Unlike general attributes, slots are not partially matched, and asking for (or trying to set) a slot with an invalid name for that class generates an error.

The @ extraction operator and slot function themselves do no checking against the class definition, simply matching the name in the object itself. The replacement forms do check (except for slot in the case check=FALSE). So long as slots are set without cheating, the extracted slots will be valid.

Be aware that there are two ways to cheat, both to be avoided but with no guarantees. The obvious way is to assign a slot with check=FALSE. Also, slots in R are implemented as attributes, for the sake of some back compatibility. The current implementation does not prevent attributes being assigned, via attr<-, and such assignments are not checked for legitimate slot names.

Note that the "@" operators for extraction and replacement are primitive and actually reside in the base package.

The replacement versions of "@" and slot() differ in the computations done to coerce the right side of the assignment to the declared class of the slot. Both verify that the value provided is from a subclass of the declared slot class. The slot() version will go on to call the coerce method if there is one, in effect doing the computation as(value, slotClass, strict = FALSE). The "@" version just verifies the relation, leaving any coerce to be done later (e.g., when a relevant method is dispatched).

In most uses the result is equivalent, and the "@" version saves an extra function call, but if empirical evidence shows that a conversion is needed, either call as() before the replacement or use the replacement version of slot().


The "@" operator and the slot function extract or replace the formally defined slots for the object.

Functions slotNames and getSlots return respectively the names of the slots and the classes associated with the slots in the specified class definition. Except for its extended interpretation of x (above), slotNames(x) is just names(getSlots(x)).


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

See Also

@, Classes_Details, Methods_Details, getClass, names.


setClass("track", slots = c(x="numeric", y="numeric"))
myTrack <- new("track", x = -4:4, y = exp(-4:4))
slot(myTrack, "x")
slot(myTrack, "y") <- log(slot(myTrack, "y"))

getSlots("track") # or
slotNames(class(myTrack)) # is the same as

## Transform such an S4 object to a list, e.g. to "export" it:
S4toList <- function(obj) {
   sn <- slotNames(obj)
   structure(lapply(sn, slot, object = obj), names = sn)

Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures


The virtual class structure and classes that extend it are formal classes analogous to S language structures such as arrays and time-series.


## The following class names can appear in method signatures,
## as the class in as() and is() expressions, and, except for
## the classes commented as VIRTUAL, in calls to new()


"structure" ## VIRTUAL

Objects from the Classes

Objects can be created by calls of the form new(Class, ...), where Class is the quoted name of the specific class (e.g., "matrix"), and the other arguments, if any, are interpreted as arguments to the corresponding function, e.g., to function matrix(). There is no particular advantage over calling those functions directly, unless you are writing software designed to work for multiple classes, perhaps with the class name and the arguments passed in.

Objects created from the classes "matrix" and "array" are unusual, to put it mildly, and have been for some time. Although they may appear to be objects from these classes, they do not have the internal structure of either an S3 or S4 class object. In particular, they have no "class" attribute and are not recognized as objects with classes (that is, both is.object and isS4 will return FALSE for such objects). However, methods (both S4 and S3) can be defined for these pseudo-classes and new classes (both S4 and S3) can inherit from them.

That the objects still behave as if they came from the corresponding class (most of the time, anyway) results from special code recognizing such objects being built into the base code of R. For most purposes, treating the classes in the usual way will work, fortunately. One consequence of the special treatment is that these two classesmay be used as the data part of an S4 class; for example, you can get away with contains = "matrix" in a call to setGeneric to create an S4 class that is a subclass of "matrix". There is no guarantee that everything will work perfectly, but a number of classes have been written in this form successfully.

Note that a class containing "matrix" or "array" will have a .Data slot with that class. This is the only use of .Data other than as a pseudo-class indicating the type of the object. In this case the type of the object will be the type of the contained matrix or array. See Classes_Details for a general discussion.

The class "ts" is basically an S3 class that has been registered with S4, using the setOldClass mechanism. Versions of R through 2.7.0 treated this class as a pure S4 class, which was in principal a good idea, but in practice did not allow subclasses to be defined and had other intrinsic problems. (For example, setting the "tsp" parameters as a slot often fails because the built-in implementation does not allow the slot to be temporarily inconsistent with the length of the data. Also, the S4 class prevented the correct specification of the S3 inheritance for class "mts".)

Time-series objects, in contrast to matrices and arrays, have a valid S3 class, "ts", registered using an S4-style definition (see the documentation for setOldClass in the examples section for an abbreviated listing of how this is done). The S3 inheritance of "mts" in package stats is also registered. These classes, as well as "matrix" and "array" should be valid in most examples as superclasses for new S4 class definitions.

All of these classes have special S4 methods for initialize that accept the same arguments as the basic generator functions, matrix, array, and ts, in so far as possible. The limitation is that a class that has more than one non-virtual superclass must accept objects from that superclass in the call to new; therefore, a such a class (what is called a “mixin” in some languages) uses the default method for initialize, with no special arguments.


The specific classes all extend class "structure", directly, and class "vector", by class "structure".



Methods are defined to coerce arbitrary objects to these classes, by calling the corresponding basic function, for example, as(x, "matrix") calls as.matrix(x). If strict = TRUE in the call to as(), the method goes on to delete all other slots and attributes other than the dim and dimnames.


Group methods (see, e.g., S4groupGeneric) are defined for combinations of structures and vectors (including special cases for array and matrix), implementing the concept of vector structures as in the reference. Essentially, structures combined with vectors retain the structure as long as the resulting object has the same length. Structures combined with other structures remove the structure, since there is no automatic way to determine what should happen to the slots defining the structure.

Note that these methods will be activated when a package is loaded containing a class that inherits from any of the structure classes or class "vector".


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (For the R version.)

Chambers, John M. (1998) Programming with Data Springer (For the original S4 version.)

Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole (for the original vector structures).

See Also

Class nonStructure, which enforces the alternative model, in which all slots are dropped if any math transformation or operation is applied to an object from a class extending one of the basic classes.



## explore a bit :
(ts0 <- new("ts"))

showMethods("Ops") # six methods from these classes, but maybe many more

Test for and Report about Selection of Inherited Methods


A set of distinct inherited signatures is generated to test inheritance for all the methods of a specified generic function. If method selection is ambiguous for some of these, a summary of the ambiguities is attached to the returned object. This test should be performed by package authors before releasing a package.


testInheritedMethods(f, signatures, test = TRUE, virtual = FALSE,
                     groupMethods = TRUE, where = .GlobalEnv)



a generic function or the character string name of one. By default, all currently defined subclasses of all the method signatures for this generic will be examined. The other arguments are mainly options to modify which inheritance patterns will be examined.


An optional set of subclass signatures to use instead of the relevant subclasses computed by testInheritedMethods. See the Details for how this is done. This argument might be supplied after a call with test = FALSE, to test selection in batches.


optional flag to control whether method selection is actually tested. If FALSE, returns just the list of relevant signatures for subclasses, without calling selectMethod for each signature. If there are a very large number of signatures, you may want to collect the full list and then test them in batches.


should virtual classes be included in the relevant subclasses. Normally not, since only the classes of actual arguments will trigger the inheritance calculation in a call to the generic function. Including virtual classes may be useful if the class has no current non-virtual subclasses but you anticipate your users may define such classes in the future.


should methods for the group generic function be included?


the environment in which to look for class definitions. Nearly always, use the default global environment after attaching all the packages with relevant methods and/or class definitions.


The following description applies when the optional arguments are omitted, the usual case. First, the defining signatures for all methods are computed by calls to findMethodSignatures. From these all the known non-virtual subclasses are found for each class that appears in the signature of some method. These subclasses are split into groups according to which class they inherit from, and only one subclass from each group is retained (for each argument in the generic signature). So if a method was defined with class "vector" for some argument, one actual vector class is chosen arbitrarily. The case of "ANY" is dealt with specially, since all classes extend it. A dummy, nonvirtual class, ".Other", is used to correspond to all classes that have no superclasses among those being tested.

All combinations of retained subclasses for the arguments in the generic signature are then computed. Each row of the resulting matrix is a signature to be tested by a call to selectMethod. To collect information on ambiguous selections, testInheritedMethods establishes a calling handler for the special signal "ambiguousMethodSelection", by setting the corresponding option.


An object of class "methodSelectionReport". The details of this class are currently subject to change. It has slots "target", "selected", "candidates", and "note", all referring to the ambiguous cases (and so of length 0 if there were none). These slots are intended to be examined by the programmer to detect and preferably fix ambiguous method selections. The object contains in addition slots "generic", the name of the generic function, and "allSelections", giving the vector of labels for all the signatures tested.


Chambers, John M. (2008) Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R Springer. (Section 10.6 for basics of method selection.)

Chambers, John M. (2009) Class Inheritance in R


## if no other attached packages have methods for `+` or its group
## generic functions, this returns a 16 by 2 matrix of selection
## patterns (in R 2.9.0)

Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing


The classes described here are used by the R function trace to create versions of functions and methods including browser calls, etc., and also to untrace the same objects.


### Objects from the following classes are generated
### by calling trace() on an object from the corresponding
### class without the "WithTrace" in the name.


### the following is a virtual class extended by each of the
### classes above


Objects from the Class

Objects will be created from these classes by calls to trace. (There is an initialize method for class "traceable", but you are unlikely to need it directly.)



The data part, which will be "function" for class "functionWithTrace", and similarly for the other classes.


Object of the original class; e.g., "function" for class "functionWithTrace".


Each of the classes extends the corresponding untraced class, from the data part; e.g., "functionWithTrace" extends "function". Each of the specific classes extends "traceable", directly, and class "VIRTUAL", by class "traceable".


The point of the specific classes is that objects generated from them, by function trace(), remain callable or dispatchable, in addition to their new trace information.

See Also

function trace

Test the Validity of an Object


validObject() tests the validity of object related to its class definition; specifically, it checks that all slots specified in the class definition are present and that the object in the slot is from the required class or a subclass of that class.

If the object is valid, TRUE is returned; otherwise, an error is generated, reporting all the validity failures encountered. If argument test is TRUE, the errors are returned as a character vector rather than generating an error.

When an object from a class is initialized, the default method for initialize() calls validObject.

A class definition may have a validity method, set by a call to the function setValidity, in the package or environment that defines the class (or via the validity argument to setClass). The method should be a function of one object that returns TRUE or a character-string description of the non-validity. If such a method exists, it will be called from validObject and any strings from failure will be included in the result or the error message. Any validity methods defined for superclasses (from the contains= argument to setClass), will also be called.


validObject(object, test = FALSE, complete = FALSE)

setValidity(Class, method, where = topenv(parent.frame()) )




any object, but not much will happen unless the object's class has a formal definition.


logical; if TRUE and validity fails, the function returns a vector of strings describing the problems. If test is FALSE (the default) validity failure generates an error.


logical; if TRUE, validObject is called recursively for each of the slots. The default is FALSE.


the name or class definition of the class whose validity method is to be set.


a class definition object, as from getClassDef.


a validity method; that is, either NULL or a function of one argument (object). Like validObject, the function should return TRUE if the object is valid, and one or more descriptive strings if any problems are found. Unlike validObject, it should never generate an error.


an environment to store the modified class definition. Should be omitted, specifically for calls from a package that defines the class. The definition will be stored in the namespace of the package.


Validity testing takes place ‘bottom up’, checking the slots, then the superclasses, then the object's own validity method, if there is one.

For each slot and superclass, the existence of the specified class is checked. For each slot, the object in the slot is tested for inheritance from the corresponding class. If complete is TRUE, validObject is called recursively for the object in the slot.

Then, for each of the classes that this class extends (the ‘superclasses’), the explicit validity method of that class is called, if one exists. Finally, the validity method of object's class is called, if there is one.


validObject returns TRUE if the object is valid. Otherwise a vector of strings describing problems found, except that if test is FALSE, validity failure generates an error, with the corresponding strings in the error message.

Validity methods

A validity method must be a function of one argument; formally, that argument should be named object. If the argument has a different name, setValidity makes the substitution but in obscure cases that might fail, so it's wiser to name the argument object.

A good method checks all the possible errors and returns a character vector citing all the exceptions found, rather than returning after the first one. validObject will accumulate these errors in its error message or its return value.

Note that validity methods do not have to check validity of superclasses: validObject calls such methods explicitly.


Chambers, John M. (2016) Extending R, Chapman & Hall. (Chapters 9 and 10.)

See Also

setClass; class classRepresentation.


          slots = c(x="numeric", y = "numeric"))
t1 <- new("track", x=1:10, y=sort(stats::rnorm(10)))
## A valid "track" object has the same number of x, y values
validTrackObject <- function(object) {
    if(length(object@x) == length(object@y)) TRUE
    else paste("Unequal x,y lengths: ", length(object@x), ", ",
               length(object@y), sep="")
## assign the function as the validity method for the class
setValidity("track", validTrackObject)
## t1 should be a valid "track" object
## Now we do something bad
t2 <- t1
t2@x <- 1:20
## This should generate an error
## Not run: try(validObject(t2))

setClass("trackCurve", contains = "track",
         slots = c(smooth = "numeric"))

## all superclass validity methods are used when validObject
## is called from initialize() with arguments, so this fails
## Not run: trynew("trackCurve", t2)

setClass("twoTrack", slots = c(tr1 = "track", tr2 ="track"))

## validity tests are not applied recursively by default,
## so this object is created (invalidly)
tT  <- new("twoTrack", tr2 = t2)

## A stricter test detects the problem
## Not run: try(validObject(tT, complete = TRUE))