Package 'parallel'

Title: Support for Parallel Computation in R
Description: Support for parallel computation, including by forking (taken from package multicore), by sockets (taken from package snow) and random-number generation.
Authors: R Core Team
Maintainer: R Core Team <>
License: Part of R 4.4.1
Version: 4.4.1
Built: 2024-06-15 17:27:47 UTC
Source: base

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Support for Parallel Computation


Support for parallel computation, including random-number generation.


This package was first included with R 2.14.0 in 2011.

There is support for multiple RNG streams with the ‘⁠"L'Ecuyer-CMRG"⁠RNG: see nextRNGStream.

It contains functionality derived from and pretty much equivalent to that contained in packages multicore (formerly on CRAN, with some low-level functions renamed and not exported) and snow (for socket clusters only, but MPI clusters generated by snow are also supported). There have been many enhancements and bug fixes since 2011.

This package also provides makeForkCluster to create socket clusters by forking (not Windows).

For a complete list of exported functions, use library(help = "parallel").


Brian Ripley, Luke Tierney and Simon Urbanek

Maintainer: R Core Team

See Also

Parallel computation involves launching worker processes: functions psnice and pskill in package tools provide means to manage such processes.

Apply Operations using Clusters


These functions provide several ways to parallelize computations using a cluster.


clusterCall(cl = NULL, fun, ...)
clusterApply(cl = NULL, x, fun, ...)
clusterApplyLB(cl = NULL, x, fun, ...)
clusterEvalQ(cl = NULL, expr)
clusterExport(cl = NULL, varlist, envir = .GlobalEnv)
clusterMap(cl = NULL, fun, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, RECYCLE = TRUE,
           .scheduling = c("static", "dynamic"))
clusterSplit(cl = NULL, seq)

parLapply(cl = NULL, X, fun, ..., chunk.size = NULL)
parSapply(cl = NULL, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE,
          USE.NAMES = TRUE, chunk.size = NULL)
parApply(cl = NULL, X, MARGIN, FUN, ..., chunk.size = NULL)
parRapply(cl = NULL, x, FUN, ..., chunk.size = NULL)
parCapply(cl = NULL, x, FUN, ..., chunk.size = NULL)

parLapplyLB(cl = NULL, X, fun, ..., chunk.size = NULL)
parSapplyLB(cl = NULL, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE,
            USE.NAMES = TRUE, chunk.size = NULL)



a cluster object, created by this package or by package snow. If NULL, use the registered default cluster.

fun, FUN

function or character string naming a function.


expression to evaluate.


vector to split.


character vector of names of objects to export.


environment from which to export variables


a vector for clusterApply and clusterApplyLB, a matrix for parRapply and parCapply.


additional arguments to pass to fun or FUN: beware of partial matching to earlier arguments.


additional arguments for fun.


logical; if true shorter arguments are recycled.


A vector (atomic or list) for parLapply and parSapply, an array for parApply.


scalar number; number of invocations of fun or FUN in one chunk; a chunk is a unit for scheduling.


vector specifying the dimensions to use.

simplify, USE.NAMES

logical; see sapply.


logical; see mapply.


should tasks be statically allocated to nodes or dynamic load-balancing used?


clusterCall calls a function fun with identical arguments ... on each node.

clusterEvalQ evaluates a literal expression on each cluster node. It is a parallel version of evalq, and is a convenience function invoking clusterCall.

clusterApply calls fun on the first node with arguments x[[1]] and ..., on the second node with x[[2]] and ..., and so on, recycling nodes as needed.

clusterApplyLB is a load balancing version of clusterApply. If the length n of x is not greater than the number of nodes p, then a job is sent to n nodes. Otherwise the first p jobs are placed in order on the p nodes. When the first job completes, the next job is placed on the node that has become free; this continues until all jobs are complete. Using clusterApplyLB can result in better cluster utilization than using clusterApply, but increased communication can reduce performance. Furthermore, the node that executes a particular job is non-deterministic. This means that simulations that assign RNG streams to nodes will not be reproducible.

clusterMap is a multi-argument version of clusterApply, analogous to mapply and Map. If RECYCLE is true shorter arguments are recycled (and either none or all must be of length zero); otherwise, the result length is the length of the shortest argument. Nodes are recycled if the length of the result is greater than the number of nodes. (mapply always uses RECYCLE = TRUE, and has argument SIMPLIFY = TRUE. Map always uses RECYCLE = TRUE.)

clusterExport assigns the values on the master R process of the variables named in varlist to variables of the same names in the global environment (aka ‘workspace’) of each node. The environment on the master from which variables are exported defaults to the global environment.

clusterSplit splits seq into a consecutive piece for each cluster and returns the result as a list with length equal to the number of nodes. Currently the pieces are chosen to be close to equal in length: the computation is done on the master.

parLapply, parSapply, and parApply are parallel versions of lapply, sapply and apply. Chunks of computation are statically allocated to nodes using clusterApply. By default, the number of chunks is the same as the number of nodes. parLapplyLB, parSapplyLB are load-balancing versions, intended for use when applying FUN to different elements of X takes quite variable amounts of time, and either the function is deterministic or reproducible results are not required. Chunks of computation are allocated dynamically to nodes using clusterApplyLB. From R 3.5.0, the default number of chunks is twice the number of nodes. Before R 3.5.0, the (fixed) number of chunks was the same as the number of nodes. As for clusterApplyLB, with load balancing the node that executes a particular job is non-deterministic and simulations that assign RNG streams to nodes will not be reproducible.

parRapply and parCapply are parallel row and column apply functions for a matrix x; they may be slightly more efficient than parApply but do less post-processing of the result.

A chunk size of 0 with static scheduling uses the default (one chunk per node). With dynamic scheduling, chunk size of 0 has the same effect as 1 (one invocation of FUN/fun per chunk).


For clusterCall, clusterEvalQ and clusterSplit, a list with one element per node.

For clusterApply and clusterApplyLB, a list the same length as x.

clusterMap follows mapply.

clusterExport returns nothing.

parLapply returns a list the length of X.

parSapply and parApply follow sapply and apply respectively.

parRapply and parCapply always return a vector. If FUN always returns a scalar result this will be of length the number of rows or columns: otherwise it will be the concatenation of the returned values.

An error is signalled on the master if any of the workers produces an error.


These functions are almost identical to those in package snow.

Two exceptions: parLapply has argument X not x for consistency with lapply, and parSapply has been updated to match sapply.


Luke Tierney and R Core.

Derived from the snow package.


## Use option cl.cores to choose an appropriate cluster size.
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 2))

clusterApply(cl, 1:2, get("+"), 3)
xx <- 1
clusterExport(cl, "xx")
clusterCall(cl, function(y) xx + y, 2)

## Use clusterMap like an mapply example
clusterMap(cl, function(x, y) seq_len(x) + y,
          c(a =  1, b = 2, c = 3), c(A = 10, B = 0, C = -10))

parSapply(cl, 1:20, get("+"), 3)

## A bootstrapping example, which can be done in many ways:
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
  ## set up each worker.  Could also use clusterExport()
  cd4.rg <- function(data, mle) MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(data), mle$m, mle$v)
  cd4.mle <- list(m = colMeans(cd4), v = var(cd4))
res <- clusterEvalQ(cl, boot(cd4, corr, R = 100,
                    sim = "parametric", ran.gen = cd4.rg, mle = cd4.mle))
cd4.boot <-, res),  type = c("norm", "basic", "perc"),
        conf = 0.9, h = atanh, hinv = tanh)

## or
run1 <- function(...) {
   cd4.rg <- function(data, mle) MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(data), mle$m, mle$v)
   cd4.mle <- list(m = colMeans(cd4), v = var(cd4))
   boot(cd4, corr, R = 500, sim = "parametric",
        ran.gen = cd4.rg, mle = cd4.mle)
cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", 2))
## to make this reproducible
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123)
cd4.boot <-, parLapply(cl, seq_len(mc), run1)),  type = c("norm", "basic", "perc"),
        conf = 0.9, h = atanh, hinv = tanh)

Detect the Number of CPU Cores


Attempt to detect the number of CPU cores on the current host.


detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)



Logical: if true apply all known tests.


Logical: if possible, use the number of physical CPUs/cores (if FALSE) or logical CPUs (if TRUE). Currently this is honoured only on macOS, Solaris and Windows.


This attempts to detect the number of available CPU cores.

It has methods to do so for Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris and Windows. detectCores(TRUE) could be tried on other Unix-alike systems.


An integer, NA if the answer is unknown.

Exactly what this represents is OS-dependent: where possible by default it counts logical (e.g., hyperthreaded) CPUs and not physical cores or packages.

Under macOS there is a further distinction between ‘available in the current power management mode’ and ‘could be available this boot’, and this function returns the first.

On Sparc Solaris logical = FALSE returns the number of physical cores and logical = TRUE returns the number of available hardware threads. (Some Sparc CPUs have multiple cores per CPU, others have multiple threads per core and some have both.) For example, the UltraSparc T2 CPU in the former CRAN check server was a single physical CPU with 8 cores, and each core supports 8 hardware threads. So detectCores(logical = FALSE) returns 8, and detectCores(logical = TRUE) returns 64.

Where virtual machines are in use, one would hope that the result for logical = TRUE represents the number of CPUs available (or potentially available) to that particular VM.


This is not suitable for use directly for the mc.cores argument of mclapply nor specifying the number of cores in makeCluster. First because it may return NA, second because it does not give the number of allowed cores, and third because on Sparc Solaris and some Windows boxes it is not reasonable to try to use all the logical CPUs at once.


Simon Urbanek and Brian Ripley


detectCores(logical = FALSE)

Create a Parallel Socket Cluster


Creates a set of copies of R running in parallel and communicating over sockets.


makeCluster(spec, type, ...)
makePSOCKcluster(names, ...)
makeForkCluster(nnodes = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), ...)

stopCluster(cl = NULL)

setDefaultCluster(cl = NULL)



A specification appropriate to the type of cluster.


Either a character vector of host names on which to run the worker copies of R, or a positive integer (in which case that number of copies is run on ‘⁠localhost⁠’).


The number of nodes to be forked.


One of the supported types: see ‘Details’.


Options to be passed to the function spawning the workers. See ‘Details’.


an object of class "cluster".


makeCluster creates a cluster of one of the supported types. The default type, "PSOCK", calls makePSOCKcluster. Type "FORK" calls makeForkCluster. Other types are passed to package snow.

makePSOCKcluster is an enhanced version of makeSOCKcluster in package snow. It runs Rscript on the specified host(s) to set up a worker process which listens on a socket for expressions to evaluate, and returns the results (as serialized objects).

makeForkCluster is merely a stub on Windows. On Unix-alike platforms it creates the worker process by forking.

The workers are most often running on the same host as the master, when no options need be set.

Several options are supported (mainly for makePSOCKcluster):


The host name of the master, as known to the workers. This may not be the same as it is known to the master, and on private subnets it may be necessary to specify this as a numeric IP address. For example, macOS is likely to detect a machine as ‘⁠somename.local⁠’, a name known only to itself.


The port number for the socket connection, default taken from the environment variable R_PARALLEL_PORT, then a randomly chosen port in the range 11000:11999.


The timeout in seconds for that port. This is the maximum time of zero communication between master and worker before failing. Default is 30 days (and the POSIX standard only requires values up to 31 days to be supported).


The maximum number of seconds a worker attempts to connect to master before failing. Default is 2 minutes. The waiting time before the next attempt starts at 0.1 seconds and is incremented 50% after each retry.


Where to direct the stdout and stderr connection output from the workers. "" indicates no redirection (which may only be useful for workers on the local machine). Defaults to ‘/dev/null’ (‘nul:’ on Windows). The other possibility is a file path on the worker's host. Files will be opened in append mode, as all workers log to the same file.


Logical, default true. See ‘Note’.


See ‘Note’.


Character vector of additional arguments for Rscript such as --no-environ.


A numerical ‘niceness’ to set for the worker processes, e.g. 15 for a low priority. OS-dependent: see psnice for details.


The command to be run on the master to launch a process on another host. Defaults to ssh.


The user name to be used when communicating with another host.


Logical. If true the workers will need to be run manually.


Logical. If true (default) the workers will load the methods package: not loading it saves ca 30% of the startup CPU time of the cluster.


Logical. If true (default) serialization will use XDR: where large amounts of data are to be transferred and all the nodes are little-endian, communication may be substantially faster if this is set to false.


Character. If "parallel" (default) workers will be started in parallel during cluster setup when this is possible, which is now for homogeneous "PSOCK" clusters with all workers started automatically (manual = FALSE) on the local machine. Workers will be started sequentially on other clusters, on all clusters with setup_strategy = "sequential" and on R 3.6.0 and older. This option is for expert use only (e.g. debugging) and may be removed in future versions of R.

Function makeForkCluster creates a socket cluster by forking (and hence is not available on Windows). It supports options port, timeout and outfile, and always uses useXDR = FALSE. It is strongly discouraged to use the "FORK" cluster with GUI front-ends or multi-threaded libraries. See mcfork for details.

It is good practice to shut down the workers by calling stopCluster: however the workers will terminate themselves once the socket on which they are listening for commands becomes unavailable, which it should if the master R session is completed (or its process dies).

Function setDefaultCluster registers a cluster as the default one for the current session. Using setDefaultCluster(NULL) removes the registered cluster, as does stopping that cluster.


For the cluster creators, an object of class c("SOCKcluster", "cluster").

For the default cluster setter and getter, the registered default cluster or NULL if there is no such cluster.


Option homogeneous = TRUE was for years documented as ‘Are all the hosts running identical setups?’, but this was apparently more restrictive than its author intended and not required by the code.

The current interpretation of homogeneous = TRUE is that Rscript can be launched using the same path on each worker. That path is given by the option rscript and defaults to the full path to Rscript on the master. (The workers are not required to be running the same version of R as the master, nor even as each other.)

For homogeneous = FALSE, Rscript on the workers is found on their default shell's path.

For the very common usage of running both master and worker on a single multi-core host, the default settings are the appropriate ones.

A socket connection is used to communicate from the master to each worker so the maximum number of connections (default 128 but some will be in use) may need to be increased when the master process is started.


Luke Tierney and R Core.

Derived from the snow package.

Get or Set CPU Affinity Mask of the Current Process


mcaffinity retrieves or sets the CPU affinity mask of the current process, i.e., the set of CPUs the process is allowed to be run on. (CPU here means logical CPU which can be CPU, core or hyperthread unit.)


mcaffinity(affinity = NULL)



specification of the CPUs to lock this process to (numeric vector) or NULL if no change is requested


mcaffinity can be used to obtain (affinity = NULL) or set the CPU affinity mask of the current process. The affinity mask is a list of integer CPU identifiers (starting from 1) that this process is allowed to run on. Not all systems provide user access to the process CPU affinity, in cases where no support is present at all mcaffinity() will return NULL. Some systems may take into account only the number of CPUs present in the mask.

Typically, it is legal to specify larger set than the number of logical CPUs (but at most as many as the OS can handle) and the system will return back the actually present set.


NULL if CPU affinity is not supported by the system or an integer vector with the set of CPUs in the active affinity mask for this process (this may be different than affinity).


Simon Urbanek.

See Also


Low-level Functions for Management of Forked Processes


These are low-level support functions for the forking approach.

They are not available on Windows, and not exported from the namespace.


readChildren(timeout = 0)
selectChildren(children = NULL, timeout = 0)
sendChildStdin(child, what)
sendMaster(what, raw.asis = TRUE)

mckill(process, signal = 2L)



if omitted, all active children are returned, otherwise select should be a list of processes and only those from the list that are active will be returned.


child process (object of the class "childProcess") or a process ID (pid). See also ‘Details’.


timeout (in seconds, fractions supported) to wait for a response before giving up.


list of child processes or a single child process object or a vector of process IDs or NULL. If NULL behaves as if all currently known children were supplied.


For sendChildStdin:
Character or raw vector. In the former case elements are collapsed using the newline character. (But no trailing newline is added at the end!)

For sendMaster:
Data to send to the master process. If what is not a raw vector, it will be serialized into a raw vector. Do NOT send an empty raw vector – that is reserved for internal use.


logical, if TRUE and what is a raw vector then it is sent directly as-is to the master (default, suitable for arbitrary payload passing), otherwise raw vectors are serialized before sending just as any other objects (suitable for passing evaluation results).


process (object of the class process) or a process ID (pid)


integer: signal to send. Values of 2 (SIGINT), 9 (SIGKILL) and 15 (SIGTERM) are pretty much portable, but for maximal portability use tools::SIGTERM and so on.


children returns currently active children.

readChild reads data (sent by sendMaster) from a given child process.

selectChildren checks children for available data.

readChildren checks all children for available data and reads from the first child that has available data.

sendChildStdin sends a string (or data) to one or more child's standard input. Note that if the master session was interactive, it will also be echoed on the standard output of the master process (unless disabled). The function is vector-compatible, so you can specify child as a list or a vector of process IDs.

sendMaster sends data from the child to the master process.

mckill sends a signal to a child process: it is equivalent to pskill in package tools.


children returns a (possibly empty) list of objects of class "process", the process ID.

readChild and readChildren return a raw vector with a "pid" attribute if data were available, an integer vector of length one with the process ID if a child terminated or NULL if the child no longer exists (no children at all for readChildren).

selectChildren returns TRUE is the timeout was reached, FALSE if an error occurred (e.g., if the master process was interrupted) or an integer vector of process IDs with children that have data available, or NULL if there are no children.

sendChildStdin returns a vector of TRUE values (one for each member of child) or throws an error.

sendMaster returns TRUE or throws an error.

mckill returns TRUE.


This is a very low-level interface for expert use only: it not regarded as part of the R API and subject to change without notice.

sendMaster, readChild and sendChildStdin did not support long vectors prior to R 3.4.0 and so were limited to 23112^{31} - 1 bytes (and still are on 32-bit platforms).


Simon Urbanek and R Core.

Derived from the multicore package formerly on CRAN.

See Also

mcfork, sendMaster, mcparallel


## Not run: 
p  <- mcparallel(scan(n = 1, quiet = TRUE))
sendChildStdin(p, "17.4\n")

## End(Not run)

Fork a Copy of the Current R Process


These are low-level functions, not available on Windows, and not exported from the namespace.

mcfork creates a new child process as a copy of the current R process.

mcexit closes the current child process, informing the master process as necessary.


mcfork(estranged = FALSE)

mcexit(exit.code = 0L, send = NULL)



logical, if TRUE then the new process has no ties to the parent process, will not show in the list of children and will not be killed on exit.


process exit code. By convention 0L signifies a clean exit, 1L an error.


if not NULL send this data before exiting (equivalent to using sendMaster).


The mcfork function provides an interface to the fork system call. In addition it sets up a pipe between the master and child process that can be used to send data from the child process to the master (see sendMaster) and child's ‘stdin’ is re-mapped to another pipe held by the master process (see sendChildStdin).

If you are not familiar with the fork system call, do not use this function directly as it leads to very complex inter-process interactions amongst the R processes involved.

In a nutshell fork spawns a copy (child) of the current process, that can work in parallel to the master (parent) process. At the point of forking both processes share exactly the same state including the workspace, global options, loaded packages etc. Forking is relatively cheap in modern operating systems and no real copy of the used memory is created, instead both processes share the same memory and only modified parts are copied. This makes mcfork an ideal tool for parallel processing since there is no need to setup the parallel working environment, data and code is shared automatically from the start.

mcexit is to be run in the child process. It sends send to the master (unless NULL) and then shuts down the child process. The child can also be shut down by sending it the signal SIGUSR1, as is done by the unexported function parallel:::rmChild.


mcfork returns an object of the class "childProcess" to the master and of class "masterProcess" to the child: both the classes inherit from class "process". If estranged is set to TRUE then the child process will be of the class "estrangedProcess" and cannot communicate with the master process nor will it show up on the list of children. These are lists with components pid (the process id of the other process) and a vector fd of the two file descriptor numbers for ends in the current process of the inter-process pipes.

mcexit never returns.

GUI/embedded environments

It is strongly discouraged to use mcfork and the higher-level functions which rely on it (e.g., mcparallel, mclapply and pvec) in GUI or embedded environments, because it leads to several processes sharing the same GUI which will likely cause chaos (and possibly crashes). Child processes should never use on-screen graphics devices. Some precautions have been taken to make this usable in on macOS, but users of third-party front-ends should consult their documentation.

This can also apply to other connections (e.g., to an X server) created before forking, and to files opened by e.g. graphics devices.

Note that tcltk counts as a GUI for these purposes since Tcl runs an event loop. That event loop is inhibited in a child process but there could still be problems with Tk graphical connections.

It is strongly discouraged to use mcfork and the higher-level functions in any multi-threaded R process (with additional threads created by a third-party library or package). Such use can lead to deadlocks or crashes, because the child process created by mcfork may not be able to access resources locked in the parent or may see an inconsistent version of global data (mcfork runs system call fork without exec).

If in doubt, it is safer to use a non-FORK cluster (see makeCluster, clusterApply).


This is a very low-level API for expert use only.


Simon Urbanek and R Core.

Derived from the multicore package formerly on CRAN.

See Also

mcparallel, sendMaster


## This will work when run as an example, but not when pasted in.
p <- parallel:::mcfork()
if (inherits(p, "masterProcess")) {
    cat("I'm a child! ", Sys.getpid(), "\n")
    parallel:::mcexit(,"I was a child")
cat("I'm the master\n")

Parallel Versions of lapply and mapply using Forking


mclapply is a parallelized version of lapply, it returns a list of the same length as X, each element of which is the result of applying FUN to the corresponding element of X.

It relies on forking and hence is not available on Windows unless mc.cores = 1.

mcmapply is a parallelized version of mapply, and mcMap corresponds to Map.


mclapply(X, FUN, ...,
         mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.set.seed = TRUE,
         mc.silent = FALSE, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
         mc.cleanup = TRUE, mc.allow.recursive = TRUE, affinity.list = NULL)

mcmapply(FUN, ...,
         MoreArgs = NULL, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE,
         mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.set.seed = TRUE,
         mc.silent = FALSE, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
         mc.cleanup = TRUE, affinity.list = NULL)

mcMap(f, ...)



a vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector. Other objects (including classed objects) will be coerced by as.list.


the function to be applied to (mclapply) each element of X or (mcmapply) in parallel to ....


the function to be applied in parallel to ....


For mclapply, optional arguments to FUN. For mcmapply and mcMap, vector or list inputs: see mapply.


see mapply.


if set to TRUE then the computation is first divided to (at most) as many jobs are there are cores and then the jobs are started, each job possibly covering more than one value. If set to FALSE then one job is forked for each value of X. The former is better for short computations or large number of values in X, the latter is better for jobs that have high variance of completion time and not too many values of X compared to mc.cores.


See mcparallel.


if set to TRUE then all output on ‘stdout’ will be suppressed for all parallel processes forked (‘stderr’ is not affected).


The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. The option is initialized from environment variable MC_CORES if set. Must be at least one, and parallelization requires at least two cores.


if set to TRUE then all children that have been forked by this function will be killed (by sending SIGTERM) before this function returns. Under normal circumstances mclapply waits for the children to deliver results, so this option usually has only effect when mclapply is interrupted. If set to FALSE then child processes are collected, but not forcefully terminated. As a special case this argument can be set to the number of the signal that should be used to kill the children instead of SIGTERM.


Unless true, calling mclapply in a child process will use the child and not fork again.


a vector (atomic or list) containing the CPU affinity mask for each element of X. The CPU affinity mask describes on which CPU (core or hyperthread unit) a given item is allowed to run, see mcaffinity. To use this parameter prescheduling has to be deactivated (mc.preschedule = FALSE).


mclapply is a parallelized version of lapply, provided mc.cores > 1: for mc.cores == 1 (and the affinity.list is NULL) it simply calls lapply.

By default (mc.preschedule = TRUE) the input X is split into as many parts as there are cores (currently the values are spread across the cores sequentially, i.e. first value to core 1, second to core 2, ... (core + 1)-th value to core 1 etc.) and then one process is forked to each core and the results are collected.

Without prescheduling, a separate job is forked for each value of X. To ensure that no more than mc.cores jobs are running at once, once that number has been forked the master process waits for a child to complete before the next fork.

Due to the parallel nature of the execution random numbers are not sequential (in the random number sequence) as they would be when using lapply. They are sequential for each forked process, but not all jobs as a whole. See mcparallel or the package's vignette for ways to make the results reproducible with mc.preschedule = TRUE.

Note: the number of file descriptors (and processes) is usually limited by the operating system, so you may have trouble using more than 100 cores or so (see ulimit -n or similar in your OS documentation) unless you raise the limit of permissible open file descriptors (fork will fail with error "unable to create a pipe").

Prior to R 3.4.0 and on a 32-bit platform, the serialized result from each forked process is limited to 23112^{31} - 1 bytes. (Returning very large results via serialization is inefficient and should be avoided.)

affinity.list can be used to run elements of X on specific CPUs. This can be helpful, if elements of X have a high variance of completion time or if the hardware architecture is heterogeneous. It also enables the development of scheduling strategies for optimizing the overall runtime of parallel jobs. If affinity.list is set, the mc.core parameter is replaced with the number of CPU ids used in the affinity masks.


For mclapply, a list of the same length as X and named by X.

For mcmapply, a list, vector or array: see mapply.

For mcMap, a list.

Each forked process runs its job inside try(..., silent = TRUE) so if errors occur they will be stored as class "try-error" objects in the return value and a warning will be given. Note that the job will typically involve more than one value of X and hence a "try-error" object will be returned for all the values involved in the failure, even if not all of them failed. If any forked process is killed or fails to deliver a result for any reason, values involved in the failure will be NULL. To allow detection of such errors, FUN should not return NULL. As of R 4.0, the return value of mcmapply is always a list when it needs to contain "try-error" objects (SIMPLIFY is overridden to FALSE).


It is strongly discouraged to use these functions in GUI or embedded environments, because it leads to several processes sharing the same GUI which will likely cause chaos (and possibly crashes). Child processes should never use on-screen graphics devices.

Some precautions have been taken to make this usable in on macOS, but users of third-party front-ends should consult their documentation.

Note that tcltk counts as a GUI for these purposes since Tcl runs an event loop. That event loop is inhibited in a child process but there could still be problems with Tk graphical connections.

It is strongly discouraged to use these functions with multi-threaded libraries or packages (see mcfork for more details). If in doubt, it is safer to use a non-FORK cluster (see makeCluster, clusterApply).


Simon Urbanek and R Core. The affinity.list feature by Helena Kotthaus and Andreas Lang, TU Dortmund. Derived from the multicore package formerly on CRAN.

See Also

mcparallel, pvec, parLapply, clusterMap.

simplify2array for results like sapply.


simplify2array(mclapply(rep(4, 5), rnorm))
# use the same random numbers for all values
simplify2array(mclapply(rep(4, 5), rnorm, mc.preschedule = FALSE,
                        mc.set.seed = FALSE))

## Contrast this with the examples for clusterCall
cd4.rg <- function(data, mle) MASS::mvrnorm(nrow(data), mle$m, mle$v)
cd4.mle <- list(m = colMeans(cd4), v = var(cd4))
mc <- getOption("mc.cores", 2)
run1 <- function(...) boot(cd4, corr, R = 500, sim = "parametric",
                           ran.gen = cd4.rg, mle = cd4.mle)
## To make this reproducible:
set.seed(123, "L'Ecuyer")
res <- mclapply(seq_len(mc), run1)
cd4.boot <-, res),  type = c("norm", "basic", "perc"),
        conf = 0.9, h = atanh, hinv = tanh)

## Usage of the affinity.list parameter
A <- runif(2500000,0,100)
B <- runif(2500000,0,100)
C <- runif(5000000,0,100)
first <- function(i) head(sort(i), n = 1)

# Restict all elements of X to run on CPU 1 and 2
affL <- list(c(1,2), c(1,2), c(1,2))
mclapply(list(A, A, A), first, mc.preschedule = FALSE, affinity.list = affL)

# Completion times are assumed to have a high variance
# To optimize the overall execution time elements of X are scheduled to suitable CPUs
# Assuming that the runtime for C is as long as the runtime of A plus B
# mapping: A to 1 , B to 1, C to 2
X <- list(A, B, C)
affL <- c(1, 1, 2)
mclapply(X, first, mc.preschedule = FALSE, affinity.list = affL)

Evaluate an R Expression Asynchronously in a Separate Process


These functions are based on forking and so are not available on Windows.

mcparallel starts a parallel R process which evaluates the given expression.

mccollect collects results from one or more parallel processes.


mcparallel(expr, name, mc.set.seed = TRUE, silent = FALSE,
           mc.affinity = NULL, mc.interactive = FALSE,
	   detached = FALSE)

mccollect(jobs, wait = TRUE, timeout = 0, intermediate = FALSE)



expression to evaluate (do not use any on-screen devices or GUI elements in this code, see mcfork for the inadvisability of using mcparallel with GUI front-ends and multi-threaded libraries). Raw vectors are reserved for internal use and cannot be returned, but the expression may evaluate e.g. to a list holding a raw vector. NULL should not be returned because it is used by mccollect to signal an error.


an optional name (character vector of length one) that can be associated with the job.


logical: see section ‘Random numbers’.


if set to TRUE then all output on stdout will be suppressed (stderr is not affected).


either a numeric vector specifying CPUs to restrict the child process to (1-based) or NULL to not modify the CPU affinity


logical, if TRUE or FALSE then the child process will be set as interactive or non-interactive respectively. If NA then the child process will inherit the interactive flag from the parent.


logical, if TRUE then the job is detached from the current session and cannot deliver any results back - it is used for the code side-effect only.


list of jobs (or a single job) to collect results for. Alternatively jobs can also be an integer vector of process IDs. If omitted collect will wait for all currently existing children.


if set to FALSE it checks for any results that are available within timeout seconds from now, otherwise it waits for all specified jobs to finish.


timeout (in seconds) to check for job results – applies only if wait is FALSE.


FALSE or a function which will be called while collect waits for results. The function will be called with one parameter which is the list of results received so far.


mcparallel evaluates the expr expression in parallel to the current R process. Everything is shared read-only (or in fact copy-on-write) between the parallel process and the current process, i.e. no side-effects of the expression affect the main process. The result of the parallel execution can be collected using mccollect function.

mccollect function collects any available results from parallel jobs (or in fact any child process). If wait is TRUE then collect waits for all specified jobs to finish before returning a list containing the last reported result for each job. If wait is FALSE then mccollect merely checks for any results available at the moment and will not wait for jobs to finish. If jobs is specified, jobs not listed there will not be affected or acted upon.

Note: If expr uses low-level multicore functions such as sendMaster a single job can deliver results multiple times and it is the responsibility of the user to interpret them correctly. mccollect will return NULL for a terminating job that has sent its results already after which the job is no longer available.

Jobs are identified by process IDs (even when referred to as job objects), which are reused by the operating system. Detached jobs created by mcparallel can thus never be safely referred to by their process IDs nor job objects. Non-detached jobs are guaranteed to exist until collected by mccollect, even if crashed or terminated by a signal. Once collected by mccollect, a job is regarded as detached, and thus must no longer be referred to by its process ID nor its job object. With wait = TRUE, all jobs passed to mccollect are collected. With wait = FALSE, the collected jobs are given as names of the result vector, and thus in subsequent calls to mccollect these jobs must be excluded. Job objects should be used in preference of process IDs whenever accepted by the API.

The mc.affinity parameter can be used to try to restrict the child process to specific CPUs. The availability and the extent of this feature is system-dependent (e.g., some systems will only consider the CPU count, others will ignore it completely).


mcparallel returns an object of the class "parallelJob" which inherits from "childProcess" (see the ‘Value’ section of the help for mcfork). If argument name was supplied this will have an additional component name.

mccollect returns any results that are available in a list. The results will have the same order as the specified jobs. If there are multiple jobs and a job has a name it will be used to name the result, otherwise its process ID will be used. If none of the specified children are still running, it returns NULL.

Random numbers

If mc.set.seed = FALSE, the child process has the same initial random number generator (RNG) state as the current R session. If the RNG has been used (or .Random.seed was restored from a saved workspace), the child will start drawing random numbers at the same point as the current session. If the RNG has not yet been used, the child will set a seed based on the time and process ID when it first uses the RNG: this is pretty much guaranteed to give a different random-number stream from the current session and any other child process.

The behaviour with mc.set.seed = TRUE is different only if RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") has been selected. Then each time a child is forked it is given the next stream (see nextRNGStream). So if you select that generator, set a seed and call just before the first use of mcparallel the results of simulations will be reproducible provided the same tasks are given to the first, second, ... forked process.


Prior to R 3.4.0 and on a 32-bit platform, the serialized result from each forked process is limited to 23112^{31} - 1 bytes. (Returning very large results via serialization is inefficient and should be avoided.)


Simon Urbanek and R Core.

Derived from the multicore package formerly on CRAN. (but with different handling of the RNG stream).

See Also

pvec, mclapply


p <- mcparallel(1:10)
q <- mcparallel(1:20)
# wait for both jobs to finish and collect all results
res <- mccollect(list(p, q))

p <- mcparallel(1:10)
mccollect(p, wait = FALSE, 10) # will retrieve the result (since it's fast)
mccollect(p, wait = FALSE)     # will signal the job as terminating
mccollect(p, wait = FALSE)     # there is no longer such a job

# a naive parallel lapply can be created using mcparallel alone:
jobs <- lapply(1:10, function(x) mcparallel(rnorm(x), name = x))

Parallelize a Vector Map Function using Forking


pvec parallelizes the execution of a function on vector elements by splitting the vector and submitting each part to one core. The function must be a vectorized map, i.e. it takes a vector input and creates a vector output of exactly the same length as the input which doesn't depend on the partition of the vector.

It relies on forking and hence is not available on Windows unless mc.cores = 1.


pvec(v, FUN, ..., mc.set.seed = TRUE, mc.silent = FALSE,
     mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), mc.cleanup = TRUE)



vector to operate on


function to call on each part of the vector


any further arguments passed to FUN after the vector


See mcparallel.


if set to TRUE then all output on ‘stdout’ will be suppressed for all parallel processes forked (‘stderr’ is not affected).


The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. Must be at least one, and at least two for parallel operation. The option is initialized from environment variable MC_CORES if set.


See the description of this argument in mclapply.


pvec parallelizes FUN(x, ...) where FUN is a function that returns a vector of the same length as x. FUN must also be pure (i.e., without side-effects) since side-effects are not collected from the parallel processes. The vector is split into nearly identically sized subvectors on which FUN is run. Although it is in principle possible to use functions that are not necessarily maps, the interpretation would be case-specific as the splitting is in theory arbitrary (a warning is given in such cases).

The major difference between pvec and mclapply is that mclapply will run FUN on each element separately whereas pvec assumes that c(FUN(x[1]), FUN(x[2])) is equivalent to FUN(x[1:2]) and thus will split into as many calls to FUN as there are cores (or elements, if fewer), each handling a subset vector. This makes it more efficient than mclapply but requires the above assumption on FUN.

If mc.cores == 1 this evaluates FUN(v, ...) in the current process.


The result of the computation – in a successful case it should be of the same length as v. If an error occurred or the function was not a map the result may be shorter or longer, and a warning is given.


Due to the nature of the parallelization, error handling does not follow the usual rules since errors will be returned as strings and results from killed child processes will show up simply as non-existent data. Therefore it is the responsibility of the user to check the length of the result to make sure it is of the correct size. pvec raises a warning if that is the case since it does not know whether such an outcome is intentional or not.

See mcfork for the inadvisability of using this with GUI front-ends and multi-threaded libraries.


Simon Urbanek and R Core.

Derived from the multicore package formerly on CRAN.

See Also

mcparallel, mclapply, parLapply, clusterMap.


x <- pvec(1:1000, sqrt)
stopifnot(all(x == sqrt(1:1000)))

# One use is to convert date strings to unix time in large datasets
# as that is a relatively slow operation.
# So let's get some random dates first
# (A small test only with 2 cores: set options("mc.cores")
# and increase N for a larger-scale test.)
N <- 1e5
dates <- sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', as.integer(2000+rnorm(N)),
                 as.integer(runif(N, 1, 12)), as.integer(runif(N, 1, 28)))

system.time(a <- as.POSIXct(dates))

# But specifying the format is faster
system.time(a <- as.POSIXct(dates, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))

# pvec ought to be faster, but system overhead can be high
system.time(b <- pvec(dates, as.POSIXct, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
stopifnot(all(a == b))

# using mclapply for this would much slower because each value
# will require a separate call to as.POSIXct()
# as lapply(dates, as.POSIXct) does
system.time(c <- unlist(mclapply(dates, as.POSIXct,  format = "%Y-%m-%d")))
stopifnot(all(a == c))

Implementation of Pierre L'Ecuyer's RngStreams


This is an R re-implementation of Pierre L'Ecuyer's ‘RngStreams’ multiple streams of pseudo-random numbers.



clusterSetRNGStream(cl = NULL, iseed)



An integer vector of length 7 as given by .Random.seed when the ‘⁠"L'Ecuyer-CMRG"⁠’ RNG is in use. See RNG for the valid values.


A cluster from this package or package snow, or (if NULL) the registered cluster.


An integer to be supplied to set.seed, or NULL not to set reproducible seeds.


The ‘RngStreams’ interface works with (potentially) multiple streams of pseudo-random numbers: this is particularly suitable for working with parallel computations since each task can be assigned a separate RNG stream.

This uses as its underlying generator RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG"), of L'Ecuyer (1999), which has a seed vector of 6 (signed) integers and a period of around 21912^{191}. Each ‘stream’ is a subsequence of the period of length 21272^{127} which is in turn divided into ‘substreams’ of length 2762^{76}.

The idea of L'Ecuyer et al (2002) is to use a separate stream for each of the parallel computations (which ensures that the random numbers generated never get into to sync) and the parallel computations can themselves use substreams if required. The original interface stores the original seed of the first stream, the original seed of the current stream and the current seed: this could be implemented in R, but it is as easy to work by saving the relevant values of .Random.seed: see the examples.

clusterSetRNGStream selects the "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" RNG and then distributes streams to the members of a cluster, optionally setting the seed of the streams by set.seed(iseed) (otherwise they are set from the current seed of the master process: after selecting the L'Ecuyer generator).

When not on Windows, Calling after setting the L'Ecuyer random number generator and seed makes runs from

mcparallel(mc.set.seed = TRUE) reproducible. This is done internally in mclapply and pvec. (Note that it does not set the seed in the master process, so does not affect the fallback-to-serial versions of these functions.)


For nextRNGStream and nextRNGSubStream, a value which can be assigned to .Random.seed.


Interfaces to L'Ecuyer's C code are available in CRAN packages rlecuyer and rstream.


Brian Ripley


L'Ecuyer, P. (1999). Good parameters and implementations for combined multiple recursive random number generators. Operations Research, 47, 159–164. doi:10.1287/opre.47.1.159.

L'Ecuyer, P., Simard, R., Chen, E. J. and Kelton, W. D. (2002). An object-oriented random-number package with many long streams and substreams. Operations Research, 50, 1073–1075. doi:10.1287/opre.50.6.1073.358.

See Also

RNG for fuller details of R's built-in random number generators.

The vignette for package parallel.


(s <- .Random.seed)
## do some work involving random numbers.

Divide Tasks for Distribution in a Cluster


This divides up 1:nx into ncl lists of approximately equal size, as a way to allocate tasks to nodes in a cluster.

It is mainly for internal use, but some package authors have found it useful.


splitIndices(nx, ncl)



Number of tasks.


Number of cluster nodes.


A list of length ncl, each element being an integer vector.


splitIndices(20, 3)