Showing 6 of total 6 results (show query)
MJMbamlss:Multivariate Joint Models with 'bamlss'
Multivariate joint models of longitudinal and time-to-event data based on functional principal components implemented with 'bamlss'. Implementation for Volkmann, Umlauf, Greven (2023) <arXiv:2311.06409>.
Maintained by Alexander Volkmann. Last updated 22 days ago.
2 stars 4.08 score 15 scriptsmpff
elastes:Elastic Full Procrustes Means for Sparse and Irregular Planar Curves
Provides functions for the computation of functional elastic shape means over sets of open planar curves. The package is particularly suitable for settings where these curves are only sparsely and irregularly observed. It uses a novel approach for elastic shape mean estimation, where planar curves are treated as complex functions and a full Procrustes mean is estimated from the corresponding smoothed Hermitian covariance surface. This is combined with the methods for elastic mean estimation proposed in Steyer, Stöcker, Greven (2022) <doi:10.1111/biom.13706>. See Stöcker et. al. (2022) <arXiv:2203.10522> for details.
Maintained by Manuel Pfeuffer. Last updated 2 years ago.
1 stars 3.70 score 7 scriptsalexvolkmann
multifamm:Multivariate Functional Additive Mixed Models
An implementation for multivariate functional additive mixed models (multiFAMM), see Volkmann et al. (2021, <arXiv:2103.06606>). It builds on developed methods for univariate sparse functional regression models and multivariate functional principal component analysis. This package contains the function to run a multiFAMM and some convenience functions useful when working with large models. An additional package on GitHub contains more convenience functions to reproduce the analyses of the corresponding paper (alexvolkmann/multifammPaper).
Maintained by Alexander Volkmann. Last updated 4 years ago.
2 stars 3.00 score 10 scriptstianxili
HCD:Hierarchical Community Detection by Recursive Partitioning
Hierarchical community detection on networks by a recursive spectral partitioning strategy, which is shown to be effective and efficient in Li, Lei, Bhattacharyya, Sarkar, Bickel, and Levina (2018) <arXiv:1810.01509>. The package also includes a data generating function for a binary tree stochastic block model, a special case of stochastic block model that admits hierarchy between communities.
Maintained by Tianxi Li. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.00 score 7 scripts