Showing 77 of total 77 results (show query)
pdftools:Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents
Utilities based on 'libpoppler' <> for extracting text, fonts, attachments and metadata from a PDF file. Also supports high quality rendering of PDF documents into PNG, JPEG, TIFF format, or into raw bitmap vectors for further processing in R.
Maintained by Jeroen Ooms. Last updated 26 days ago.
529 stars 13.10 score 3.3k scripts 47 dependentsquanteda
readtext:Import and Handling for Plain and Formatted Text Files
Functions for importing and handling text files and formatted text files with additional meta-data, such including '.csv', '.tab', '.json', '.xml', '.html', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.rtf', '.xls', '.xlsx', and others.
Maintained by Kenneth Benoit. Last updated 4 months ago.
122 stars 10.66 score 1.2k scripts 5 dependentsropensci
tesseract:Open Source OCR Engine
Bindings to 'Tesseract': a powerful optical character recognition (OCR) engine that supports over 100 languages. The engine is highly configurable in order to tune the detection algorithms and obtain the best possible results.
Maintained by Jeroen Ooms. Last updated 6 days ago.
247 stars 10.19 score 482 scriptsterminological
dtrackr:Track your Data Pipelines
Track and document 'dplyr' data pipelines. As you filter, mutate, and join your way through a data set, 'dtrackr' seamlessly keeps track of your data flow and makes publication ready documentation of a data pipeline simple.
Maintained by Robert Challen. Last updated 5 months ago.
69 stars 8.78 score 362 scripts 1 dependentsedubruell
tidyllm:Tidy Integration of Large Language Models
A tidy interface for integrating large language model (LLM) APIs such as 'Claude', 'Openai', 'Gemini','Mistral' and local models via 'Ollama' into R workflows. The package supports text and media-based interactions, interactive message history, batch request APIs, and a tidy, pipeline-oriented interface for streamlined integration into data workflows. Web services are available at <>, <>, <>, <> and <>.
Maintained by Eduard Brüll. Last updated 16 hours ago.
70 stars 7.87 score 26 scriptsvaleriapolicastro
robin:ROBustness in Network
Assesses the robustness of the community structure of a network found by one or more community detection algorithm to give indications about their reliability. It detects if the community structure found by a set of algorithms is statistically significant and compares the different selected detection algorithms on the same network. robin helps to choose among different community detection algorithms the one that better fits the network of interest. Reference in Policastro V., Righelli D., Carissimo A., Cutillo L., De Feis I. (2021) <>.
Maintained by Valeria Policastro. Last updated 7 days ago.
19 stars 7.72 score 8 scriptsmichelenuijten
statcheck:Extract Statistics from Articles and Recompute P-Values
A "spellchecker" for statistics. It checks whether your p-values match their accompanying test statistic and degrees of freedom. statcheck searches for null-hypothesis significance test (NHST) in APA style (e.g., t(28) = 2.2, p < .05). It recalculates the p-value using the reported test statistic and degrees of freedom. If the reported and computed p-values don't match, statcheck will flag the result as an error. If the reported p-value is statistically significant and the recomputed one is not, or vice versa, the result will be flagged as a decision error. You can use statcheck directly on a string of text, but you can also scan a PDF or HTML file, or even a folder of PDF and/or HTML files. Statcheck needs an external program to convert PDF to text: Xpdf. Instructions on where and how to download this program, how to install statcheck, and more details on what statcheck can and cannot do can be found in the online manual: <>. You can find a point-and-click web interface to scan PDF or HTML or DOCX articles on <>.
Maintained by Michele B. Nuijten. Last updated 8 months ago.
178 stars 7.55 score 40 scriptspridiltal
staplr:A Toolkit for PDF Files
Provides functions to manipulate PDF files: fill out PDF forms; merge multiple PDF files into one; remove selected pages from a file; rename multiple files in a directory; rotate entire pdf document; rotate selected pages of a pdf file; Select pages from a file; splits single input PDF document into individual pages; splits single input PDF document into parts from given points.
Maintained by Priyanga Dilini Talagala. Last updated 1 years ago.
267 stars 7.31 score 36 scripts 2 dependentsdaya6489
SmartEDA:Summarize and Explore the Data
Exploratory analysis on any input data describing the structure and the relationships present in the data. The package automatically select the variable and does related descriptive statistics. Analyzing information value, weight of evidence, custom tables, summary statistics, graphical techniques will be performed for both numeric and categorical predictors.
Maintained by Dayanand Ubrangala. Last updated 1 years ago.
42 stars 7.25 score 214 scriptsropensci
mapscanner:Print Maps, Draw on Them, Scan Them Back in
Enables preparation of maps to be printed and drawn on. Modified maps can then be scanned back in, and hand-drawn marks converted to spatial objects.
Maintained by Mark Padgham. Last updated 2 months ago.
90 stars 7.13 score 2 scriptshegghammer
daiR:Interface with Google Cloud Document AI API
R interface for the Google Cloud Services 'Document AI API' <> with additional tools for output file parsing and text reconstruction. 'Document AI' is a powerful server-based OCR service that extracts text and tables from images and PDF files with high accuracy. 'daiR' gives R users programmatic access to this service and additional tools to handle and visualize the output. See the package website <> for more information and examples.
Maintained by Thomas Hegghammer. Last updated 5 months ago.
42 stars 6.77 score 40 scriptsshaunpwilkinson
aphid:Analysis with Profile Hidden Markov Models
Designed for the development and application of hidden Markov models and profile HMMs for biological sequence analysis. Contains functions for multiple and pairwise sequence alignment, model construction and parameter optimization, file import/export, implementation of the forward, backward and Viterbi algorithms for conditional sequence probabilities, tree-based sequence weighting, and sequence simulation. Features a wide variety of potential applications including database searching, gene-finding and annotation, phylogenetic analysis and sequence classification. Based on the models and algorithms described in Durbin et al (1998, ISBN: 9780521629713).
Maintained by Shaun Wilkinson. Last updated 9 months ago.
22 stars 6.58 score 38 scripts 3 dependentsbioc
Moonlight2R:Identify oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes from omics data
The understanding of cancer mechanism requires the identification of genes playing a role in the development of the pathology and the characterization of their role (notably oncogenes and tumor suppressors). We present an updated version of the R/bioconductor package called MoonlightR, namely Moonlight2R, which returns a list of candidate driver genes for specific cancer types on the basis of omics data integration. The Moonlight framework contains a primary layer where gene expression data and information about biological processes are integrated to predict genes called oncogenic mediators, divided into putative tumor suppressors and putative oncogenes. This is done through functional enrichment analyses, gene regulatory networks and upstream regulator analyses to score the importance of well-known biological processes with respect to the studied cancer type. By evaluating the effect of the oncogenic mediators on biological processes or through random forests, the primary layer predicts two putative roles for the oncogenic mediators: i) tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) and ii) oncogenes (OCGs). As gene expression data alone is not enough to explain the deregulation of the genes, a second layer of evidence is needed. We have automated the integration of a secondary mutational layer through new functionalities in Moonlight2R. These functionalities analyze mutations in the cancer cohort and classifies these into driver and passenger mutations using the driver mutation prediction tool, CScape-somatic. Those oncogenic mediators with at least one driver mutation are retained as the driver genes. As a consequence, this methodology does not only identify genes playing a dual role (e.g. TSG in one cancer type and OCG in another) but also helps in elucidating the biological processes underlying their specific roles. In particular, Moonlight2R can be used to discover OCGs and TSGs in the same cancer type. This may for instance help in answering the question whether some genes change role between early stages (I, II) and late stages (III, IV). In the future, this analysis could be useful to determine the causes of different resistances to chemotherapeutic treatments. An additional mechanistic layer evaluates if there are mutations affecting the protein stability of the transcription factors (TFs) of the TSGs and OCGs, as that may have an effect on the expression of the genes.
Maintained by Matteo Tiberti. Last updated 2 months ago.
5 stars 6.41 score 43 scriptsabhi-1u
texor:Converting 'LaTeX' 'R Journal' Articles into 'RJ-web-articles'
Articles in the 'R Journal' were first authored in 'LaTeX', which performs admirably for 'PDF' files but is less than ideal for modern online interfaces. The 'texor' package does all the transitional chores and conversions necessary to move to the online versions.
Maintained by Abhishek Ulayil. Last updated 4 months ago.
7 stars 6.28 score 8 scriptsiheid-library
iheiddown:For Writing Geneva Graduate Institute Documents
A set of tools for writing documents according to Geneva Graduate Institute conventions and regulations. The most common use is for writing and compiling theses or thesis chapters, as drafts or for examination with correct preamble formatting. However, the package also offers users to create HTML presentation slides with 'xaringan', complete problem sets, format posters, and, for course instructors, prepare a syllabus. The package includes additional functions for institutional color palettes, an institutional 'ggplot' theme, a function for counting manuscript words, and a bibliographical analysis toolkit.
Maintained by James Hollway. Last updated 2 years ago.
11 stars 6.14 score 5 scriptswarint
statcanR:Client for Statistics Canada's Open Economic Data
An easy connection with R to Statistics Canada's Web Data Service. Open economic data (formerly known as CANSIM tables, now identified by Product IDs (PID)) are accessible as a data frame, directly in the user's R environment. Warin, Le Duc (2019) <doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.10544735>.
Maintained by Thierry Warin. Last updated 9 months ago.
20 stars 6.06 score 58 scriptsmichalovadek
eurlex:Retrieve Data on European Union Law
Access to data on European Union laws and court decisions made easy with pre-defined 'SPARQL' queries and 'GET' requests. See Ovadek (2021) <doi:10.1080/2474736X.2020.1870150> .
Maintained by Michal Ovadek. Last updated 7 months ago.
36 stars 6.05 score 21 scriptsmunchfab
mlts:Multilevel Latent Time Series Models with 'R' and 'Stan'
Fit multilevel manifest or latent time-series models, including popular Dynamic Structural Equation Models (DSEM). The models can be set up and modified with user-friendly functions and are fit to the data using 'Stan' for Bayesian inference. Path models and formulas for user-defined models can be easily created with functions using 'knitr'. Asparouhov, Hamaker, & Muthen (2018) <doi:10.1080/10705511.2017.1406803>.
Maintained by Kenneth Koslowski. Last updated 8 days ago.
2 stars 5.92 score 9 scriptslebebr01
pdfsearch:Search Tools for PDF Files
Includes functions for keyword search of pdf files. There is also a wrapper that includes searching of all files within a single directory.
Maintained by Brandon LeBeau. Last updated 3 years ago.
40 stars 5.85 score 35 scriptsdnme-minturdep
comunicacion:DNMyE - Comunicación
Herramientas para la comunicación de la Dirección Nacional de Mercados y Estadística de la Subsecretaría de Turismo de Argentina.
Maintained by Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini. Last updated 8 months ago.
4 stars 5.57 score 124 scripts 1 dependentsardata-fr
doconv:Document Conversion to 'PDF' or 'PNG'
It provides the ability to generate images from documents of different types. Three main features are provided: functions for generating document thumbnails, functions for performing visual tests of documents and a function for updating fields and table of contents of a 'Microsoft Word' or 'RTF' document. In order to work, 'LibreOffice' must be installed on the machine and or 'Microsoft Word'. If the latter is available, it can be used to produce PDF documents or images identical to the originals; otherwise, 'LibreOffice' is used and the rendering can be sometimes different from the original documents.
Maintained by David Gohel. Last updated 6 months ago.
16 stars 5.54 score 28 scripts 1 dependentsjj
dogesr:Work with the Doges/Dogaresse Dataset
Work with data on Venetian doges and dogaresse and the noble families of the Republic of Venice, and use it for social network analysis, as used in Merelo (2022) <arXiv:2209.07334>.
Maintained by Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós. Last updated 12 months ago.
5.50 score 35 scriptswjschne
ggdiagram:Object-Oriented Diagram Plots with ggplot2
The ggdiagram package creates path diagrams with an object-oriented approach and plots diagrams with ggplot2.
Maintained by W. Joel Schneider. Last updated 5 days ago.
32 stars 5.43 scorelucasgodeiro
TextForecast:Regression Analysis and Forecasting Using Textual Data from a Time-Varying Dictionary
Provides functionalities based on the paper "Time Varying Dictionary and the Predictive Power of FED Minutes" (Lima, 2018) <doi:10.2139/ssrn.3312483>. It selects the most predictive terms, that we call time-varying dictionary using supervised machine learning techniques as lasso and elastic net.
Maintained by Lucas Godeiro. Last updated 6 years ago.
15 stars 5.18 score 20 scriptsmassimoaria
tall:Text Analysis for All
An R 'shiny' app designed for diverse text analysis tasks, offering a wide range of methodologies tailored to Natural Language Processing (NLP) needs. It is a versatile, general-purpose tool for analyzing textual data. 'tall' features a comprehensive workflow, including data cleaning, preprocessing, statistical analysis, and visualization, all integrated for effective text analysis.
Maintained by Massimo Aria. Last updated 10 days ago.
15 stars 5.15 scoreflavjack
huito:Reproducible and Flexible Label Design
An open-source R package to deploys reproducible and flexible labels using layers. The 'huito' package is part of the 'inkaverse' project for developing different procedures and tools used in plant science and experimental designs. Learn more about the 'inkaverse' project at <>.
Maintained by Flavio Lozano-Isla. Last updated 7 months ago.
1 stars 4.79 score 31 scriptszanidean
xmrr:Generate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series Data
XMRs combine X-Bar control charts and Moving Range control charts. These functions also will recalculate the reference lines when significant change has occurred.
Maintained by Alex Zanidean. Last updated 5 years ago.
7 stars 4.72 score 15 scriptsdavidcarayon
IDEATools:Individual and Group Farm Sustainability Assessments using the IDEA4 Method
Collection of tools to automate the processing of data collected though the IDEA4 method (see Zahm et al. (2018) <doi:10.1051/cagri/2019004> ). Starting from the original data collecting files this packages provides functions to compute IDEA indicators, draw modern and aesthetic plots, and produce a wide range of reporting materials.
Maintained by David Carayon. Last updated 10 months ago.
1 stars 4.59 score 26 scriptsinbo
INBOmd:Markdown Templates for INBO
Several templates to generate reports, presentations and posters.
Maintained by Thierry Onkelinx. Last updated 1 years ago.
12 stars 4.52 score 11 scriptschaoliu-cl
textAnnotatoR:Interactive Text Annotation Tool with 'shiny' GUI
A comprehensive text annotation tool built with 'shiny'. Provides an interactive graphical user interface for coding text documents, managing code hierarchies, creating memos, and analyzing coding patterns. Features include code co-occurrence analysis, visualization of coding patterns, comparison of multiple coding sets, and export capabilities. Supports collaborative qualitative research through standardized annotation formats and analysis tools.
Maintained by Chao Liu. Last updated 4 days ago.
4.48 score 5 scriptskumes
chatAI4R:Chat-Based Interactive Artificial Intelligence for R
The Large Language Model (LLM) represents a groundbreaking advancement in data science and programming, and also allows us to extend the world of R. A seamless interface for integrating the 'OpenAI' Web APIs into R is provided in this package. This package leverages LLM-based AI techniques, enabling efficient knowledge discovery and data analysis (see 'OpenAI' Web APIs details <>). The previous functions such as seamless translation and image generation have been moved to other packages 'deepRstudio' and 'stableDiffusion4R'.
Maintained by Satoshi Kume. Last updated 1 months ago.
14 stars 4.45 score 3 scriptsrfael0cm
RTIGER:HMM-Based Model for Genotyping and Cross-Over Identification
Our method integrates information from all sequenced samples, thus avoiding loss of alleles due to low coverage. Moreover, it increases the statistical power to uncover sequencing or alignment errors <doi:10.1093/plphys/kiad191>.
Maintained by Rafael Campos-Martin. Last updated 1 years ago.
4 stars 4.30 score 5 scriptszumbov2
findR:Find Code Snippets, R Scripts, R Markdown, PDF and Text Files with Pattern Matching
Scans all directories and subdirectories of a path for code snippets, R scripts, R Markdown, PDF or text files containing a specific pattern. Files found can be copied to a new folder.
Maintained by David Zumbach. Last updated 5 years ago.
8 stars 4.28 score 16 scripts 1 dependentsconig
revise:Dynamic Revision Letters for 'Rmarkdown' Manuscripts
Extracts tagged text from markdown manuscripts for inclusion in dynamically generated revision letters. Provides an R markdown template based on papaja::revision_letter_pdf() with comment cross-referencing, a system for managing multiple sections of extracted text, and a way to automatically determine the page number of quoted sections from PDF manuscripts.
Maintained by James Conigrave. Last updated 25 days ago.
3 stars 4.26 scorenicolas-schmidt
speech:Legislative Speeches
Converts the floor speeches of Uruguayan legislators, extracted from the parliamentary minutes, to tidy data.frame where each observation is the intervention of a single legislator.
Maintained by Nicolas Schmidt. Last updated 2 years ago.
7 stars 4.23 score 24 scriptstin900
vvauditor:Creates Assertion Tests
Offers a comprehensive set of assertion tests to help users validate the integrity of their data. These tests can be used to check for specific conditions or properties within a dataset and help ensure that data is accurate and reliable. The package is designed to make it easy to add quality control checks to data analysis workflows and to aid in identifying and correcting any errors or inconsistencies in data.
Maintained by Tomer Iwan. Last updated 2 months ago.
4.03 score 7 scriptsbioc
OMICsPCA:An R package for quantitative integration and analysis of multiple omics assays from heterogeneous samples
OMICsPCA is an analysis pipeline designed to integrate multi OMICs experiments done on various subjects (e.g. Cell lines, individuals), treatments (e.g. disease/control) or time points and to analyse such integrated data from various various angles and perspectives. In it's core OMICsPCA uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to integrate multiomics experiments from various sources and thus has ability to over data insufficiency issues by using the ingegrated data as representatives. OMICsPCA can be used in various application including analysis of overall distribution of OMICs assays across various samples /individuals /time points; grouping assays by user-defined conditions; identification of source of variation, similarity/dissimilarity between assays, variables or individuals.
Maintained by Subhadeep Das. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.00 score 1 scriptsbioc
octad:Open Cancer TherApeutic Discovery (OCTAD)
OCTAD provides a platform for virtually screening compounds targeting precise cancer patient groups. The essential idea is to identify drugs that reverse the gene expression signature of disease by tamping down over-expressed genes and stimulating weakly expressed ones. The package offers deep-learning based reference tissue selection, disease gene expression signature creation, pathway enrichment analysis, drug reversal potency scoring, cancer cell line selection, drug enrichment analysis and in silico hit validation. It currently covers ~20,000 patient tissue samples covering 50 cancer types, and expression profiles for ~12,000 distinct compounds.
Maintained by E. Chekalin. Last updated 5 months ago.
4.00 score 4 scriptsopenvolley
volleyreport:Reports from Volleyball Match Files
Functions for generating reports from volleyball match files.
Maintained by Adrien Ickowicz. Last updated 4 months ago.
3 stars 3.84 score 19 scripts 1 dependentsopenvolley
ovscout2:An R Shiny App for Scouting Volleyball Match Files
Functions for scouting volleyball match files.
Maintained by Ben Raymond. Last updated 11 months ago.
6 stars 3.78 score 8 scriptsyanlesin
SEC13Flist:Functions to Work with Official List of SEC Section 13(f) Securities and Security Identifiers
Extract official list of SEC Section 13(f) securities in data processing friendly format. Extracted data could be used for analysis or export in required format using existing export functionality (in CSV, database connections, or other required format). Official list of SEC Section 13(f) securities published quarterly on SEC website <> in PDF format (500+ pages) and used in mandatory quarterly reporting for financial firms. Also provides function to validate Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures numbers for any security including numbers provided in SEC official list.
Maintained by Yan Lyesin. Last updated 2 months ago.
7 stars 3.35 score 16 scriptspakillo
ANECAtools:Facilitando el proceso de acreditación en la ANECA
Herramientas para facilitar el proceso de solicitud de acreditación de profesorado en la ANECA.
Maintained by Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez. Last updated 1 months ago.
20 stars 3.30 score 3 scriptstrevorld
pnpmisc:Utilities for Print-and-Play Board Games
Utilities for print-and-play board games.
Maintained by Trevor L. Davis. Last updated 25 days ago.
3.02 score 1 dependentsctu-bern
SwissASR:Automated Completion of the SwissEthics Annual Safety Report
Completing the SwissEthics Annual Safety Report can be tiresome. This package eases the pain by providing an automated method to fill it out.
Maintained by Alan G. Haynes. Last updated 3 months ago.
1 stars 2.85 score 4 scriptsterminological
ggrrr:Addressing Annoyances and Irritations
Visualisation hacks, tabular data helpers, fonts, caching, tidy data functions. It is an swiss army knife, jack of all trades.
Maintained by Robert Challen. Last updated 10 months ago.
1 stars 2.74 score 11 scriptsalbgarre
FSK2R:An Interface Between the 'FSKX' Standard and 'R'
Functions for importing, creating, editing and exporting 'FSK' files <> using the 'R' programming environment. Furthermore, it enables users to run simulations contained in the 'FSK' files and visualize the results.
Maintained by Alberto Garre. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.70 score 6 scriptscran
JustifyAlpha:Justifying Alpha Levels for Hypothesis Tests
Functions to justify alpha levels for statistical hypothesis tests by avoiding Lindley's paradox, or by minimizing or balancing error rates. For more information about the package please read the following: Maier & Lakens (2021) <doi:10.31234/>).
Maintained by Maximilian Maier. Last updated 4 years ago.
2.70 scorejameshucklesby
vmeasur:Quantify the contractile nature of vessels monitored under an operating microscope
A variety of tools to allow the quantification of videos of the lymphatic vasculature taken under an operating microscope. Lymphatic vessels that have been injected with a variety of blue dyes can be tracked throughout the video to determine their width over time. Code is optimised for efficient processing of multiple large video files. Functions to calculate physiologically relevant parameters and generate graphs from these values are also included.
Maintained by James Hucklesby. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.70 scorecommoditiesai
bridger:Bridge Hand Generator with Criteria Selector
Produce bridge hands, allowing parameters for hands to offer specific for bidding sequences.
Maintained by Jason Kaplan. Last updated 3 years ago.
1 stars 2.70 score 2 scriptsnenuial
geovizr:Support for Knitr (Quarto/Rmd)
Provide support functions for Quarto and Rmd documents.
Maintained by Pascal Burkhard. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.60 score 3 scriptscran
DBCVindex:Calculates the Density-Based Clustering Validation (DBCV) Index
A metric called 'Density-Based Clustering Validation index' (DBCV) index to evaluate clustering results, following the <> 'R' implementation by Pablo Andretta Jaskowiak. Original 'DBCV' index article: Moulavi, D., Jaskowiak, P. A., Campello, R. J., Zimek, A., and Sander, J. (April 2014), "Density-based clustering validation", Proceedings of SDM 2014 -- the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (pp. 839-847), <doi:10.1137/1.9781611973440.96>.
Maintained by Davide Chicco. Last updated 1 months ago.
2.48 scorebristol-vaccine-centre
avoncap:AvonCap Study Analysis
A WIP set of functions allowing data load, wrangling of the AvonCap data set.
Maintained by Rob Challen. Last updated 4 months ago.
2.34 score 11 scriptstrevorld
sbgjackets:Utilities for Small Box Game Jackets
Utilities for small box game jackets.
Maintained by Trevor L. Davis. Last updated 16 days ago.
2.30 scorebayesstats
jarbes:Just a Rather Bayesian Evidence Synthesis
Provides a new class of Bayesian meta-analysis models that incorporates a model for internal and external validity bias. In this way, it is possible to combine studies of diverse quality and different types. For example, we can combine the results of randomized control trials (RCTs) with the results of observational studies (OS).
Maintained by Pablo Emilio Verde. Last updated 8 hours ago.
1 stars 2.03 score 27 scriptsbarryzee
timeLineGraphics:HTML with Horizontal Strips Symbolizing Events in a Person's Life
Produce an HTML page containing horizontal strips that symbolize events in a person's lsife. Since this is entirely a visualization, the image <> will show the basic use to show a timeline of events. The image <> shows how to correlate two timelines of events. A brief description is available at <>.
Maintained by Barry Zeeberg. Last updated 2 years ago.
2.00 scorecran
anabel:Analysis of Binding Events + l
A free software for a fast and easy analysis of 1:1 molecular interaction studies. This package is suitable for a high-throughput data analysis. Both the online app and the package are completely open source. You provide a table of sensogram, tell 'anabel' which method to use, and it takes care of all fitting details. The first two releases of 'anabel' were created and implemented as in (<doi:10.1177/1177932218821383>, <doi:10.1093/database/baz101>).
Maintained by Stefan Kraemer. Last updated 14 hours ago.
2.00 scorejonasroettger
disclosuR:Text Conversion from Nexis Uni PDFs to R Data Frames
Transform 'newswire' and earnings call transcripts as PDF obtained from 'Nexis Uni' to R data frames. Various 'newswires' and 'FairDisclosure' earnings call formats are supported. Further, users can apply several pre-defined dictionaries on the data based on Graffin et al. (2016)<doi:10.5465/amj.2013.0288> and Gamache et al. (2015)<doi:10.5465/amj.2013.0377>.
Maintained by Jonas Röttger. Last updated 1 years ago.
2.00 scorenobinstat
SpatialPOP:Generation of Spatial Data with Spatially Varying Model Parameter
A spatial population can be generated based on spatially varying regression model under the assumption that observations are collected from a uniform two-dimensional grid consist of (m * m) lattice points with unit distance between any two neighbouring points. For method details see Chao, Liu., Chuanhua, Wei. and Yunan, Su. (2018).<DOI:10.1080/10485252.2018.1499907>. This spatially generated data can be used to test different issues related to the statistical analysis of spatial data. This generated spatial data can be utilized in geographically weighted regression analysis for studying the spatially varying relationships among the variables.
Maintained by Nobin Chandra Paul. Last updated 3 years ago.
2.00 score 2 scriptsdnme-minturdep
d4t4tur:Herramientas para el Trabajo con Datos y Análisis Turístico de Argentina
Manera sencilla de instalar y cargar los paquetes de 'dnme-minturdep'.
Maintained by Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini. Last updated 3 years ago.
1.70 score 6 scriptsdecard-5673
LJexm:Extract, Convert, and Merge 'pdf' Files from 'zip' Files
Extracts 'zip' files, converts 'Word' and 'Excel' documents to 'pdf' files using 'VBScript', and merges 'pdf' files into a single file. This package is only supported on 'Windows' due to 'VBScript' dependencies.
Maintained by Lijin Arakkandathil Thekkathil. Last updated 5 days ago.
1.70 scorecarlosyanez
customthemes:custom theming for ggplot, for personal use
Collection of (ggplot) theming options for personal use.
Maintained by Carlos Yanez Santibanez. Last updated 3 years ago.
1 stars 1.70 score 1 scriptscran
PUPMCR:Image-Based Identification of Color Based on Rayner (1970) Terminology and Known Fungal Pigments
Image-based color matching using the "Mycological Colour Chart" by Rayner (1970, ISBN:9780851980263) and its associated fungal pigments. This package will assist mycologists in identifying color during morphological analysis.
Maintained by Chester Deocaris. Last updated 1 years ago.
1.00 score