Showing 5 of total 5 results (show query)
ggdemetra:'ggplot2' Extension for Seasonal and Trading Day Adjustment with 'RJDemetra'
Provides 'ggplot2' functions to return the results of seasonal and trading day adjustment made by 'RJDemetra'. 'RJDemetra' is an 'R' interface around 'JDemetra+' (<>), the seasonal adjustment software officially recommended to the members of the European Statistical System and the European System of Central Banks.
Maintained by Alain Quartier-la-Tente. Last updated 8 months ago.
12 stars 6.06 score 16 scripts 1 dependentsaqlt
rjdmarkdown:'rmarkdown' Extension for Formatted 'RJDemetra' Outputs
Functions to have nice 'rmarkdown' outputs of the seasonal and trading day adjustment models made with 'RJDemetra'.
Maintained by Alain Quartier-la-Tente. Last updated 8 months ago.
4 stars 4.60 score 9 scriptsinseefrlab
rjdworkspace:Manipulate 'JDemetra+' Workspaces
Set of tools to manipulate the 'JDemetra+' workspaces. Based on the 'RJDemetra' package (which interfaces with version 2 of the 'JDemetra+' (<>), the seasonal adjustment software officially recommended to the members of the European Statistical System (ESS) and the European System of Central Banks). This package provides access to additional workspace manipulation functions such as metadata manipulation, raw paths and wrangling of several workspaces simultaneously. These additional functionalities are useful as part of a CVS data production chain.
Maintained by Tanguy Barthelemy. Last updated 2 months ago.
1 stars 3.95 score 2 scriptsaqlt
rjdqa:Quality Assessment for Seasonal Adjustment
Add-in to the 'RJDemetra' package on seasonal adjustments. It allows to produce dashboards to summarise models and quickly check the quality of the seasonal adjustment.
Maintained by Alain Quartier-la-Tente. Last updated 5 months ago.
2 stars 3.85 score 8 scriptsseasadjwg
SAvalidation:Validation checks on seasonally adjusted time series
Functions for running validation checks on a pair of time series, an unadjsuted (NSA) and seasonally adjusted (SA) series.
Maintained by Duncan Elliott. Last updated 5 months ago.
2.60 score 5 scripts